HomeMy WebLinkAboutCouncil Memo 02.09.1987 for your information to: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL from: KING COLE, CITY MANAGER Z), date: FEBRUARY 9, 1987 subject: COUNCIL MEMO 1. EXPENSES FOR STRAIGHT SHOT 10K RUN As you know the Straight Shot 10K Run took place this past weekend. It is necessary to have a fairly large number of police officers available to control traffic during this race. Last year the expense for services provided by the College Station Police Department totaled $786.27. The bill for these services was sent to the Athletic Federation. Lane Stephenson, representing the Federation, appeared before the Council and requested that the City Council pay for those expenses. The City Council agreed to pay those expenses from the hotel /motel fund and I intend to instruct the accounting staff to do the same thing this year providing you have no difficulty with this decision. This would alleviate the necessity for someone from the Athletic Federation to appear before the City Council. If you have a problem with this approach please let me know and we will handle however you want to handle it. 2. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION UPDATE At the last Council meeting Councilman Haddox indicated he had a couple of ideas to improve our citizen communications. He requested that the staff look into putting a citizen suggestion box in the lobby of City Hall. Mr. Haddox also asked if it would be possible for us to conduct a weekly television program for the City Council. I have referred both of those items to our new Public Information Officer, Peggy Calliham, and she has sent an update on those two matters. To briefly summarize, the citizen suggestion box is now being prepared and will be placed in the lobby within the next couple of weeks. Peggy Calliham has made appointments with representatives from KAMU -TV to discuss the possibility of a weekly television program for the City Council. I will keep you apprised of future updates on those two important programs. 3. INSURANCE INFORMATION At the last Council meeting Councilman Haddox requested that the staff provide him with detailed copies of our premiums and loss history for all categories of insurance. Glenn Schroeder has prepared that schedule and I have included a copy with this memo for your information. You will recall that we are discussing insurance at Wednesday's workshop and we have an item for final OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER COUNCIL MEMO FEBRUARY 9, 1987 PAGE 2 consideration on Thursday's regular Council meeting. 4. COLLEGE STATION STREET WORK When the representatives from Texas A &M, College Station and Bryan appeared before the Highway Commission to request funding for the extension of Highway 21 they were asked what responsibility the two respective cities had accepted with regards to local street work. Jimmy Bond discussed that request with me and asked that we provide information about the dollar value of street work that the City of College Station has conducted on its own in the past five years. He also requested that we provide information on major capital street work planned for the next two years. I have provided that information to Councilman Bond and I am including a copy with this memo for the Council's information. 5. STOP SIGN AT GREENS PRAIRIE ROAD AND HIGHWAY 6 Last week Councilman Haddox received a complaint about the stop sign at Greens Prairie Road and Highway 6. The individual indicated that the stop sign was not readily visible. This resulted in this individual traveling into the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and Highway 6 without stopping. I referred this matter to the traffic engineer and he has taken steps to increase the visibility of this stop sign. A copy of the traffic engineer's memo is included with this memo which tells you precisely what steps were taken to make the stop sign more visible. 6. COUNCIL EXPENSES - TML LEGISLATIVE MEETING During our recent trip to Austin each Council member was advanced thirty -five dollars for per diem meal expenses. To my knowledge we all had meals as a group which were paid for with the City's credit card. As a result, it would be appropriate for each Council member to return the thirty -five dollar check to the Finance Department. 7. SALES TAX REPORT We have received the very important sales tax report for February. This report is important because it includes the Christmas season. We received $503,533 compared to $515,481 in the same reporting period during the previous year. This is an approximate 2% decrease in revenue. It's not good to see sales tax drop but it's not as bad as it might have been. Bryan's drop was about 20 %. 8. INDUSTRIAL PARK CONTRACT SIGNED Eddie Schultz has reported to me that Bill Fitch signed the industrial park contract last Friday. Schultz was quite pleased COUNCIL MEMO FEBRUARY 9, 1987 PAGE 3 with he outcome. Under the terms of the contract Fitch now has 120 days to arrange the financing for his development. If he fails to do that it is my understanding that he has the right to get out of the contract. r • ,'!! t .., t1r,1 `e ,' K ' ` ."' }' -, ‘' -nitrivoirstismi . 0 4 POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 -2499 January 13, 1987 MEMORANDUM TO: A. E. Van Dever, Jr., Assistant City Mana er FROM: Kathy Hubbard, Accounting Supervisor SUBJECT: Police Expenses for Straight Shot 10K Run Per your request, I researched the police expenses for the Straight Shot 10K Run held in February, 1986, and found the following: - Expenses for services provided by the College Station Police Department totaled $786,27. The Treasury Division billed the Eagle for this amount. Since the Athletic Federation was responsible for paying the expenses for the event, the bill was forwarded to them. On February 27, 1986, the Athletic Federation asked Council to waive pays e4nt,of the bill (see et4aehed Council — Irouncii - - .-_ a roved'''te ne pp q lsttt'id' "l'ri: June a'nfil"E`r'iiVep tria`sf'er in the amount of $787.00 was made from the Hotel /Motel Fund to the General Fund to cover the expenses incurred by the Police Department. ., ..'x�.Y:• }r'n %S(r!'e?�.4wWf`t +. , .,4%4 +2 1i' . °w: '• !`.: tie _ ,.,r •4'rfG _ • ie Agenda Item No'. 3 - Consideration of a request from the B /CS_ Athletic Federation to waive city fees for police assistance at the February Straight Shot 10K Run. Lane Stephenson, representative of the Athletic Federation, stated the amount to be reimbursed to police officers is about $780.00. The Federation feels that they bring many people to the area and contribute much to the community with the various activities the Federation supports. He requested approval of using hotel -motel tax monies for this expenditure. Councilman Brown asked what type of assistance was incurred. Mayor Halter replied this was police time to block off streets. Councilman Bond asked if this was overtime pay. City Manager Cole stated that some policemen were on duty and others were brought in off -duty; these people have been paid but this is a direct costs fee of these services, $786.27. Councilman Mcllhaney asked if there is additional money in the hotel -motel tax fund. Councilman Tongco stated that there is $3,000 in the contingency fund. Councilman Bond moved approval to waive city fees to the B /CS Athletic Federation. Councilman Brown seconded the motion which was approved unanimously, 7 -0. Agenda Item No. 4 - Consideration of a proposal to close Lodge Street between Church and Patricia Street on Sunday mornings. , t ;„Ci.ty.. En g l i veer-, 1 :lle.n.,- piresentedt e :: ,.._ He pointed to the church area on the map relative to Patricia Street and Church Street. He stated that Patricia Street is one -way east at this time. City Engineer Pullen stated his concern on the insurance liability and risk involved in closing the street. City Attorney Locke stated that there should be no reason for a high risk if reasonable notice is given before the street is closed. Councilman Bond asked if this risk involved the users of the street or property owners being affected adversely by the public. Mr. Pullen replied that this risk is involved with the users of the street. Councilman Brown asked how much liability does the church have. U. Pullen stated that this is a public right-of-way. . and his‘ understanding is that it is the city's responsibility to setu$he ; - barricades and to take them .:down each „r ^Sunday. Councilman . . o asked if the city would have hire r , bnl or i hes • ., °e$4' ea ' 3 ►dayi 'Mr`s Publ* •t' t •'ty repl that , wou • •rder to reduce- the c°tty's :it ab i�' ty } • x �. ' ,:a, •sc� s •o- e r 'r ih f • t e K ; g * ,�fyt �; 1 ,�^ '' v ' st^ a r _i i '�I 1 44 .C'7 .r ' 3 s+ ♦ ,/ '.' 4!4: r 4 �. Sx c f: ! ' � .r # ' '' -' A - S6r i➢i .�` .k" -' r 1 "L' °e < ` A+' ---:.1:, r ; j t a ,, . ° ; . 2 7,o- . -E'';E . , . ..- � . y v ES C 4-sfi 1 t :* : ? i _ -ddt . 'z ° - ,:r '4 'M -- . ,- O O O O M in O U'1 co ` M tn- tn- O O O O O O O O O O op r- I- CO N d' ap .— tf).cr WW tf) rv. InM tn- ,- -__- - - -- i t z -: ' ;..-_ .,..-0;.. i - E ., .i.., ro S .0,, 1 ....) in \ n a m g v o C Cu . i U f- ;1 olKC co w CO co R m 'd' t0 2 4 1 * � y� m a y'� `` a' - -- ' � '. --' -.F ;L `b v 3 n y tl s f t y pY �v F �+7 � fF t ry r w ' n PF s R �- y. 5. V • � A. t 4 4 5..2'14e7 . h t,' d ■ ' 1 � �^F i �` d 52 :4 � ry :.y, 't+._. r ,.�s4 Y'' : i 4 ta . , ; s c . ` , ... a :',1' i p t1 -t r� , u N.,' ,..,' v .. : . ti 4 :!' T : . : ".. _ y u. ...u4,,•A . .5i:<rft..? v�. ' . p.... � S:#lG c��.tr...'db. ai.. 4i • RE CEIVED FEB .:;a IJ City of College Stati U d POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 -2499 M E M O R A N D U M TO: King Cole, City Manager FROM: Peggy Calliham, Public Information Officer 4� � L " DATE: February 6, 1987 ` RE:. Report on Projects CITIZENS SUGGESTION BOX The suggestion box for citizens should be ready and in the lobby across from the switchboard by Monday or Tuesday of next week. MAYORS TELEVISION PROGRAM I am still in the process of researching this. I am setting up an appointment with Mel Chastain at KAMU to discuss the possibi- lities and will try to get some feedback from other communities who are doing this sort of thing. I hope to have some information to report very soon. CITY MANAGERS AWARD CAPS I have spoken with Bud Nelson at CC Creations and he expects the caps to be ready in approximately another week. At that time, I will schedule the additional awards for work on the Christmas Float. MEETINGS WITH DEPARTMENTS AND DIVISIONS I have a series of meetings set up for the next couple of weeks. I have already met with Fire and Police and we have come up with some ideas about improving our overall communications program. When these are complete I will compile the ideas and meet with you and Ron before setting up a final plan. I hope to be able to put together a handbook for all departments to use regarding communications and public information. `d % fr City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE `/ COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 -2499 M E M O R A N D U M TO: King Cole, City Manager FROM: Glenn Schroeder, Deputy Director of Finance DATE: January 28, 1987 SUBJECT: Premium and Loss History Attached is a schedule of the premium and loss history for the City of College Station for the last five years. This covers all of the major exposures for which insurance has been carried. The loss information was compiled from loss runs provided by insurance carriers and from losses on file with the city. If you or the City Council need further information on this, please let me know. cc: A.E. Van Dever, Assistant City Manager 2 CM O -J la r•J � .. 1 0- n WI - .r l . 1 -. -il 111 M a E (n C3 x 2 0 Ca .-. a_ s J U La- CI W 0- 1 H • J 0 r".4 C. �1 1A _, •r .... .- I ID O . rry 1 1 • 1 1 O 2 1 1 CL rj 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 .--1 ..... 1 1 W G O • 1 .'� 1 1 1 1 1 O O 1 . 1 M 7. - 1 1 1 1 1 0 C. cn S N Q J C> 1 1 O O 11.. O O U7 0 1 ._ 1 ...0 CV U7 G ICI . � - 1 C7 O 1 1 1 � 1 1 0 W N N 0 Y 2 tY = _ = Z W CC O CV 1 IT Y7 1. 01 0 III -. — 1~ �1 1.0-. I U7 1•- S 0 1-- CI1 .-. CI) O J •-• W a W W = J J Q U- Co O S O (11 W C.) = 00 2 2 .... V' U1 CV CA V' CO -C) CO EV 0-1 M N • O W 6¢ M-. 1 .0. 1 1_ [C 1.-- C-.3 Y O.. O H 1- s C.3 41 Cfl 1 Ct W 119 CO -0 1 Y M .—,•. M -01 t 0 L U7 Q C.0 CT n n - .4 O r' -0 � .• . 4 Y t1 - O 41 4 r,> -0 rp I 7 J M .�-... - -.. 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N 4.41 - W y 1 d d d d -.1 -. ^ CD 1 C C C C -+1 - -ca ▪ N of ._ UI •O .O .O 10 .•.I N 7 7 QC -.1 C J C J C J C J J=4I 1- a1 C N N J W Y-1 O 0 0 0 •OI 0 0 ••• 10 N .-1 N 04 N N -1I Z 0 C> C_I ID O 01 + 7 7 ++ 7 7 J 1 N u O C L W 0 0 0 . 0 Ill ..r 0 .--. C L .ate ++ 1— sel W - u I 0 d 0 L. 1 - 1 0 Cl- 0 0. dl 1 - 7 J C_ L. r I- L -. I 01 01 .0 N N C. J .W .-.1 CU 7 d 7 d 7 d 7 .-.1 +. 0 7 0 0 Z S CC J'1 y In +•. CA - C-17 a+ Cf1 •--.1 N •--■ Q. b b Q Q 71 - d C 0 C 0 01 Of d d L C- C= L.) u_ 1 (J1 .-. ..... .-. .-. CL 1 LO 31 CY r••- 1-- CD PE-C72:1 i- 1. S3 4 J37 4 City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE Sk COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840.2499 February 4, 1987 MEMORANDUM TO: William K. Cole, City Manager FROM: Elrey B. Ash, Director of Capital Improvements RE: Response to Councilman Bond's Request Attached you will find a response to Mr. James Bond's request for information as outlined in your letter dated Jan. 29, 1987. You will notice that there are six fiscal year columns on the data sheets. This is to give five complete years as well as fiscal year 86 -87 which is only six months old. Should you have any questions please call. `/ City of College Station P OST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 7 7840 -2 499 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Ron Ragland, Assistant City Manager Van VanDever, Assistant City Manager Elrey Ash, Director of Capital Improvements FROM: King Cole, City Manager U C DATE: January 29, 1987 SUBJECT: Request from Councilman Bond I received a request from Jimmy Bond today indicating that the Highway Department requested some information from the City of College Station. This information is supposed to go to the Highway Department by the end of next week, so we have to get it to Councilman Bond by next Wednesday. The Highway Department has requested a financial /narrative - report on College Station's locally financed road activities for the past five years. In addition they want a report on any road construction activity that we anticipate in the next two years. Following is a listing of the specific information that I think it is being requested. If you have suggestions on altering this list I would certainly welcome them. 1. Narrative description of capital street construction activities by year for the last five years. This would include a description of the road construction activity and a dollar amount for cost. THis would include both contract construction and in- house construction. 2. A complete list of anticipated, locally funded, street construction projects for the next two years. This would include a narrative description of the street plus our best estimate of the dollar cost of the improvements. 3. A complete narrative listing of the amount of local participation in Highway Department projects that have been constructed in College Station in the last five years. This would require a narrative description of the project and an indication of the dollar amount of the activity. 4. A complete listing of the amount of money that the City of College Station has spent in oversize participation projects in the last five years. This would include a narrative description of the project and the dollar amount associated with that project. January 29, 1987 Page 2 This dollar amount should be only the City's participation in the oversize of the project. 5. A complete listing and narrative description of street improvement projects that have been done using Federal Community Development Funds in College Station. This should include a narrative description of the projects and the cost of the project. Councilman Bond would like to see each of these five lists on a separate sheet of paper. They are undecided as to whether or not they will submit some of the information, such as Community Development Street Construction. CAPITAL STREET CONSTRUCTION PROJECT TITLE PROJECT LIMITS FY 81 -82 FY 82 -83 FY 83 -84 FY 84-85 FY 85 -86 FY 86 -87 TOTAL MARION PUGH DRIVE JERSEY- LUTHER 13,400 0 3,077 166,181 0 0 182,658 684 -84 -05 POPLAR & MACARTHUR STS. ENTIRE LENGTH 74,736 5,168 0 0 0 0 79,904 MEADOWLAND ST. ENTIRE LENGTH 0 51,980 0 0 0 0 51,980 HOLLEMAN TEXAS -SH6 7,132 1,578 57,348 36,034 886,345 68,578 1,057,015 681 -81 -11 S.W. PARKWAY TEXAS - WELLBORN 0 0 72,953 333,143 0 0 406,096 681 -81-14 KRENEK RD. TEXAS -SH6 0 0 207 3,280 2,120 1,318 6,925 G81 -81 -15 LINCOLN ST. TEXAS- UNIVERSITY 0 0 6,83B 84,553 214,421 118,949 424,761 681 -81 -16 DARTMOUTH ST. HARVEY-S.W. PARKWAY 0 9,696 54,409 168,648 571,918 56,798 861,469 681 -81 -17 BEE CREEK BRIDGE 0 0 0 1,278 0 448 1,726 G83 -83 -04 GREENS PRAIRIE RD. TEXAS -ROCK PRAIRIE 0 0 0 48,300 926,393 290,588 1,265,281 G85 -84 -01 T O T A L S 95,268 68,422 194,832 841,417 2,601,197 536,679 4,337,815 . 1 TWO YEAR PROGRAM - STREETS PROJECT TITLE PROJECT LIMITS ESTIMATED COST MARION PUGH DRIVE LUTHER - HOLEMAN 507,000 ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD RE-ALIGN 699,000 DARTMOUTH STREET S.W. PARKWAY -SH6 1,612,000 KRENEK ROAD TEXAS -SH6 923,000 MILLER LANE FM 2818 - DARTMOUTH 526,000 T O T A L 4,267,000 2 LOCAL PARTICIPATION IN HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE PROJECT LIMITS FY 81 -82 FY 82 -83 FY 83 -84 FY 84-85 FY 85 -86 FY 86 -6i TOTAL HIGHWAY 30 TEXAS -SH6 0 0 0 0 489635 0 489635 G81 -81 -13 DARTMOUTH OVERPASS 0 40 0 0 0 0 40 681 -81 -19 FM 2818 0 0 4700 149965 13547 950 169162 G81 -81 -21 HOLLEMAN DRIVE FM 2154 - WINDING RD. 1058 139400 0 0 0 0 140458 T 0 T A L S 1058 139440 4700 149965 503182 950 799295 OVERSIZE PARTICIPATION - STREETS - STREET NAME SUBDIVISION NAME FY 81 -82 FY 82 -83 FY 83 -84 FY 84 -85 FY 85 -86 FY 86 -87 TOTAL EMERALD PARKWAY EMERALD FORREST 5 &6 0 0 22793 81439 0 0 104232 EMERALD PARKWAY EMERALD FORREST 7 0 0 0 17080 0 0 17080 ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD PONDEROSA PLACE II 0 91661 0 50348 0 0 142009 ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD & SOUTHWOOD TERRACE 3 103340 0 0 0 0 0 103340 RIO GRANDE RIO GRANDE SOUTHWOOD VALLEY 14 -C 16513 0 0 0 0 0 16513 WELSH SOUTHWOOD VALLEY 30 22385 0 0 0 0 0 22385 SPRING LOOP UNIVERSITY PARK 0 55752 0 0 0 0 55752 SOUTHWEST PARKWAY WOODWAY VILLAGE 2 0 28523 0 0 0 0 28523 EMERALD PARKWAY EMERALD FORREST 1 0 18862 0 0 0 0 18862 RIO GRANDE SOUTHWOOD VALLEY 13 17866 0 0 0 0 0 17866 RIO GRANDE SOUTHWOOD VALLEY 14 -A 42050 0 0 0 0 0 42050 WELSH SOUTHWOOD VALLEY 22 25419 0 0 0 0 0 25419 T O T A L S 227573 194798 22793 148867 0 0 594031. 4 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STREET PROJECTS PROJECT TITLE PRO Ci'LIMITS FY 81 -82 FY 82 -83 FY 83 -84 FY 84 -85 FY 85 -86 FY 86 -87 TOTAL CAROLINA ENITRE LENGTH 46,395 0 0 0 0 0 46,395 NEVADA WELSH- CAROLINA BANKS /CHAPPELL ENTIRE LENGTH 0 58,605 0 0 0 0 58,605 RICHARDS ST. TEXAS - LASSIE 0 0 0 0 148,303 0 148,303 FAIRVIEW HOLLEMAN- LUTHER 0 0 0 0 59,725 78,750 138,475 ELEANOR THOMPSON -END ARIZONA /PHOENIX ENTIRE LENGTH 0 0 0 0 0 119,097 119,097 NEVADA CAROLINA-END T 0 T A L S 46,395 58,605 0 0 208,028 197,847 510,875 5 STREET MAINTENANCE AND RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT TITLE FY 81 -82 FY 82 -83 FY 83 -84 FY 84 -85 FY 85 -86 FY 86 -87 TOTAL MISC. STREET IMPROVEMENTS 20,013 0 0 0 0 0 20,013 STREET REBUILDING 0 0 0 0 171,357 135,492 306,849 683 -84 -06 MISC. CURB AND GUTTER 0 0 0 0 1,440 409 1,849 G83 -84 -08 MISC. INTERSECTIONS 0 0 0 0 1,647 30,273 31,920 883 -84 -09 MISC. RIGHT OF WAY 0 0 65,558 410,968 0 0 476,526 G83 -84 -19 STREET MAINTENANCE 37,438 110,682 132,494 194,206 241,710 67,162 783,692 OPERATING BUDGET T 0 T A L S 57,451 110,682 198,052 605,174 416,154 233,336 1,620,849 PROJECTS COMPLETED IN 1586 REHABILITATION PROGRAM (FY 85 -86 & 86 -87) STREET NAME PROJECT LIMITS FINFEATHER ROAD F &B ROAD -CITY LIMITS KYLE SOUTH DOMINIK- HARVEY ROAD UNIVERSITY OAKS KYLE SOUTH - STALLINGS LINCOLN STREET TEXAS -NUNN STREET FRANCIS STREET FOSTER - WALTON CHURCH STREET UNIVERSITY DR. -FM 2154 6 F O E!VED FEB 2 3987 S City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE Cf d COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840.2499 January 30, 1987 MEMORANDUM TO: William K. Cole, City Manager THROUGH: Ron Ragland, Asst. City Manager of Community Services FROM: Elrey B. Ash, Dir. Capital Improvements Av RE: Council Complaint on Stop Signs on Greens *rairie Road Attached you will find a memorandum from Mr. John Black our Traffic Engineer to myself regarding the above referenced matter. Should you have any further questions pertaining to this after reading Mr. Black's letter please feel free to contact me. EBA /vw City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATIONV, TEXAS 77840 -2499 - M E M O R A N D U M TO: Elrey Ash, Director of Capital Improvements THROUGH: Ron Ragland, Assistant City Manager FROM: King Cole, City Manager (/J kG. DATE: January 23, 1987 SUBJECT: Council Complaint Councilman Dick Haddox has called me and told me that he has received a complaint about the stop sign at the intersection of Greens Prairie Road and Highway 6. Councilman Haddox indicated that a woman complained to him that she was traveling down Greens Prairie Road, west bound towards its intersection with Highway 6, and actually ran out into the middle of Highway 6 because she could not see the stop sign. This took place at night which helps to explain the situation. The woman indicated to Councilman Haddox that the stop sign at Greens Prairie Road and Rock Prairie had numerous reflectors on it made it far more visible at night. Councilman Haddox inquired if there was something we could do to make the stop sign at Greens Prairie Road and Highway 6 more visible at night. ♦�� City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1 101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840 -2499 January 29, 1987 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Elrey B. Ash, Director of Capital Improvements FROM: .j John Black, Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: Signing Changes on Greens Prairie Road In response to the council complaint (attached) our sign crew made the following signing changes on Greens Prairie Road today: 1.) Changed 30 inch stop signs to 36 inch signs at the intersections of Greens Prairie and Rock Prairie Road and SH -6 (west- bound). 2.) Installed a 30 inch STOP AHEAD sign for traffic east -bound on Greens Prairie Road approaching SH -6 because of a crest curve in the vertical alignment of Greens Prairie Road which hinders visibility of the stop sign. 3.) Installed a 40 MPH transition speed sign from the 55 MPH posted speed on the approach to both 36 inch signs discussed in number 1. The visibily of these signs is adequate based on a 40 MPH approach speed and the increased size of the signs. The "numerous reflectors" mentioned in the attached memo are 18 inch square red reflective markers placed by our sign crew at the termination of Greens Prairie Road with Rock Prairie Road (T- intersection). These end of road markers are not applicable to the 4 -way intersection of Greens Prairie Road and SH -6 since Greens Prairie continues past SH -6. We also installed 4 guide signs for Lick Creek Park for the Parks Dept. JB /dg PO '� of Co110 . Station ('Otl.:.. STATION . "Iru \ti?72i41" BUILDING REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY , 19 87 TYPE OF PERMIT NUMBER OF PERMITS NUMBER OF LIVING UNITS_ AMOUNT RESIDENCES 5 5 517,620.00 DUPLEXES APARTMENTS PUBLIC BUILDINGS (city, schools, churches, etc.) COMMERCIAL 1 2,500.00 NON- RESIDENTIAL 1 400.00 COMMERCIAL REMODEL 8 80,600.00 RESIDENTIAL REMODEL 5 91,880.00 SIGNS 9 7,230.00 SWIMMING POOLS 3 52,275.00 TOTALS 32 5 752,505.00 BUILDING REPORT FROM THROUGH RESIDENCES DUPLEXES APARTMENTS PUBLIC BUILDINGS (city, schools, churches, etc.) COMMERCIAL NON- RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL REMODEL RESIDENTIAL REMODEL SIGNS SWIMMING POOLS TOTALS RECEi v cv FEB i98? CI City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COI 1 FGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 -2499 FYI February 2, 1987 MEMORANDUM To: King Cole, City Manager Ron Ragland, Assistant City Manager Elrey Ash, Director of Capital Improvements Dian Jones, City Secretary Cathy Locke, City Attorney From: Jim Callaway, Assistant Director of Planning Subject: Zoning application /action status report. Attached is a report giving the status of all pending zoning actions as of February 2, 1987. Zoning Action Status Report Week Beginning February 2, 1987 City of College Station Planning Division Applications Received: NOTE: No rezoning applications were received on the January 30 application deadline. No rezonings will be scheduled for the February 19 Planning and Zoning Commission meeting or for the March 12 City Council meeting. Applications Pending: Case No.: 87 -100 Applicant: J. E. Winslow Request: Rezone 3 acres from A -O Agricultural Open to C -2 Commercial - Industrial. Location: North side of Graham Road 400 feet west of Texas Ave. P &Z Action: Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval on January 15, 1987. Council Hearing Date(s): February 12, 1987. Staff Position: Staff recommends approval. Problems, Special Considerations: None identified to date. Case No.: 87 -101 Applicant: Donald Jones (for Lacour Investments) Request: Rezone 12.18 acres from R -6 Apartments High Density to C -1 General Commercial. Location: 400 Harvey Road. (south side of Harvey Road 1200 feet east of Texas Ave.) P &Z Hearing Date(s): February 5, 1987. Council Hearing Date(s): February 26, 1987. Staff Position: Staff recommends approval as request is consistent with area zoning patterns and actions. Problems, Special Considerations: None identified to date. A