HomeMy WebLinkAboutLincoln High School 123103DEC -11 -2003 01 :47 PM MONROE Ms. Katie Elrod Project HOLD Neighborhood Services City of College Station. 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 979 823 5417 P.02 Thabiti 0. Ngozi P.O. Box 2803 College Station, Texas 77841 -2803 December 11, 2003 Dear Katie, As per our telephone conversation earlier today, please find documents that you requested respecting additional information on the history of integration between A &M Consolidated High School and Lincoln High School during the 1965-1966 school year. The point to 'be made here is 1) A destructive lire at Lincoln. Nigh School on January 2, 1966 - as legend has preserved the past thirty -seven years - was not the impetus for or means by which the A &M Consolidated Independent School. District became integrated; 2) A Board of Trustee "special meeting" vote to integrate the A &M Consolidated Independent School District on an incremental basis beginning with elementary grades one and two was not the plan implemented to bring about the integration of the A &M Consolidated Independent School'District; and, more importantly 3) The A &M Consolidated Independent School District became integrated August 1965 as a result of a Board of Trustees decision August 16, 1965, which decision was precipitated by a letter (June 1965) to Superintendent W. T. Riedel and the Board from a sixteen year old junior - level student attending Lincoln High School requesting enrollment at A &M Consolidated High School effective August 1965. The documentation herein, and submitted in support of the observations above, includes: excerpts from official proceedings of the Board of "Trustees of the A &M Consolidated Independent School District, dated August 26, August 16, July 20 and June 28; a personal letter from a student of the initial integrated graduating class in the history of the A&tM Consolidated independent School District; and, a two -page excerpt from material submitted recently as part of a Project HOLD account on the history of Lincoln High School. The June 28 documentation will indicate that this date was the historical point at which on -going discussions began by the Board of Trustees of the A &M Consolidated Independent School District to integrate Black and White students from the communities served by the district. Additional information on this matter was given in a two -hour interview I had with Joni Short (Texas A &M University architect student) on October 31, 2003. Lastly, the Board of Trustees' agenda item No. 10, June 28, 1965, regarding "Operation rl'eadstart" addresses the federal government's new Project Headstart Program that my mother was selected to implement on behalf of our community. DEC -11 -2003 01:47 PM MONROE 979 823 5417 Please let me know about any questions you may have or how r may be of further assistance. Thank you again for your attention given to this matter of great historical significance. Thabiti 0. Ngozi P.03 DEC -11 -2003 01:48 PM MONROE July 11, 2002 Shirley J. Payton 5290 Sandy Point Rd, Bryan, Texas 77807 To Whom It May Concern: I am a 1966 graduate of A & M Consolidated High School. I enrolled at Consolidated my senior year beginning September 1965. Prior to that, I attended Lincoln High School from 1st grade to the ll grade. At the beginning of the school year, September 1965 students from Lincoln High School were given the opportunity to attend Consolidated partly due to the commitment and persistency for equality in education. One of those persons involved was a student by the name of Paul Stewart Garvin. I was one of those students that made the decision to enroll at that time. It was not until January 1966, the beginning of the second semester that all students from Lincoln were at Consolidated due to the unfortunate burning of the school. I am hoping that this will assist in a more accurate record of the integration coming from a former student and a graduate of the first integrated class of 1966, Sincerely, Shirley J, Payto 979 823 5417 P.04 DEC -11 -2003 01:48 PM MONROE 9. integration - Discussion of plans for the woming yea: s 10. Report on Operation Headstatt MA Loris Sir Dtred_4( If there are other items to be added to this age., , ase call me. Sincerely yours, W. T. Riedel 5 iApeamitefik-A 979 823 5417 P.05 DEC -11 -2003 01:48 PM MONROE 979 823 5417 IX. Superintendent's ;ruses is XL School Lawyers - Mr. Baker, Botts & Assoc. Consolidated E►chool Di Dr. Wooten seconded th .4 - 1. Budget Control - TI,e Board reviewed the Budget Control for the month ending rude 30, 1965. A committee composed of Mr. Longlay, Dr. Wooten, and Dr. Isbell was appointed to work with the Superintendent on budget for 1965 -66 and to prepare amended budget for 1964-65, 2. Tax Report W- The Tax Report for the month of rune was reviewed by the Board. 3. Cafeteria Report -- The Board reviewed the Cafeteria Report for the month of June. 4. Student Activity Report - The Board reviewed the Student Activity Report for the month of June. 5. Bills Paid - Mr. Hensarling moved that the Board approve the payment of July bills of the Operating Fund and Student Activity Fund. Dr. Wooten seconded the motion. Motion parried unanimously. X. August Meeting - The B and of Trustees set August 16 for the regular meeting in August rather than egular meeting time which would have been August 23. arling moved that Mr. Frank Harmon of . W. Davis be employed to represent the A t. M in the suit regarding taxes and sale of bonds. n. Motion carried unanimously. XI. Dr. Wooten moved that the first five grades be integrated on a voluntary basis for the school year 1966 -66. Dr. Isbell seconded the motion. Mr. Hensarling moved that the decision on the above motion be "tabled' until August 16. Mr. Alexander seconded the motion. Motion carried. Dr. Wooten voted "No" . MI. Mr. Hensarling moved that the Superintendent make a survey regarding pupil enrollment for grades four and five for the 1965 -66 school year. Dr. Isbell seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. .. y u t_:+ WJ":,'. :AC:.::x ^.Y.:_•'.6::�eF'IM�Yk'. �:._x ....; P.06 DEC - 11 -2003 01:49 PM MONROE r . EIGctic :.- Aid /3'rC:•:1 ho Zovz6 cZ Trustees approve. - the rf?com.I7iF2'1dat on �7X the employ Linda ? aiTy for - the school year 1965-66 as 1 r Woot0n seccrided the motion. tilction Mr. Alexznc r n'ioveC. .ihat rho 21oa!"d approve the recommendation of the 3upariAai:enc'., r. and employ Li /lie Ann. Slovak as a P. B. teacher for the 1965 --66 : secc>:1cic ?ci the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. A .o,:a: d r moved that the Bca:~c approve the recommendation of the Superintendent and er:raloy Jim Linni3taectter as a coach and teacher at A & M Consolidated High Scrod:, for the ih65 -845 schoo" y ear. 1Dx. Isbell seconded the motion. Motion carried Unanirnoursly Mr. S'arsar?.ing rsiovad that. the Board of Tntstees approve the recommendation of the Superintendent and employ A. W. VanDyke as Industrial Arts teacher. Sir. olen'e.n er seconded the motion. Motion_ carried unanimously. Dr. INOoten moved that the Bold a;a:arova the recommendation of the Superintendent and employ Mrs. lui .Tian Smith as an English teacher at A & M Consolidated High Saiioc3 for the x.98 5 -S(6 school year. Dr. Isbell seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously, Mr. He sarling moved that CI?. Board of Trustees approve the recommendation of the, Supetintenclent and employ Robert Sean as a teacher of sixth grade Math for the school year 1.965 -66. Mr. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Dr. 'Wooten moved that the Boa and employ Hattie Mae Lets= year. Dr. Isbell seconded the mo III. Dr. Isbell moved that the Board of Trust •ve the desegregation of all of the tY.velve grades on a free choice basis for 0 1965-66 school yeas'. Mr. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. k.X. Dr. Isbell moved that the Board of Trustees accept the Gymnasium. Mr. Palmer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. rove the recommendation of the Superintendent er at Lincoln for the 1965 -66 school ion carried unanimously. 979 823 5417 P.07 IWN°t N 7o9Ma '.arf.0 P . g c John B. Langley, President A. P Isbell, Secretary DEC -11 -2003 01:49 PM MONROE 979 823 5417 P.08 A & M CONSOLIDATED INI)E ?ElV EN'T SCHOOL DISTRICT College Station, Texas iG .1i1 nleetAil 'r" °A' its ci ;4 k ..195 . ,Y 7100 Via•+ m ... r . Arlernber: Present: Wooten, AIQ:rar.dur, Thompson, Longley, Isbell. Hansa rlinq H. Members Alisent: Palmer HI. School Officials Present: W. T. Riedel, Superintendent Arrildridge Barker, Secretary E. P. Ovnent, High School Principal Horace Schaffer, Jr, High School Principal eats Present: None V legations Present: gone Eli. . Isbell moved th the first and second grades at Lincoln be completely i tegrated into Col Elementary and A & M Consolidated Elementary. Dr. Wooten secon Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Alexander moved that stu grades three through twelve be allowed freedom of ohoioe in selection of school to attend in so far as space and class sizes permit. Mr. Hensariir_g seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. VII, Dr. Wooten moved that the three bills presented for payment be approved. Dr. Isbell seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. VIII. Mr. Hensarling moved that the bread bid be awarded to Mrs. Saird's, the same company that furnished bred during the 1964-65 school year. Dr. Wooten seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. John B. Langley, President .�i. P. Isbell, Secretary 1 ':"'a.'j +;1:';.�i�.t ! F . m' Y :: Y 1 ��.., wow nwt '.•C.4.i�� DEC-11-2003 01:50 PM MONROE educating seemed to reflect the sentiments of the insjority of the community in 1971. Bryan was ready to put the issue ofintegration behind and move on to the enorMous challenge of making the new system work. A&M Consolidated Independent School District The desegregation process tor the Mad Consolidated School District &Hewed much the same process as it had in Bryan. By court 0/04 'all tho-12 gradet in the A&M Consolidated Schooi District were thrown open to integration in 1965 under the filmdom of choice plan. Only 13 students enrolled in the first and second grades at the Lincoln school for the start date 1904966 school year. Maresca, the A&M Consolidated school board met in August 1965 and decided to dose those grades and integrate the students. First and second grade teacherswhe wanted tlik,stay with the distdnt. went ,, . Ap.e. • ' • • • :4' 7 .7' 979 823 5417 P.09 placed in othercqeolties at A&M Consolidated,. sonte:ostontye pidtWilne basik. 'i. - .When .., ..• • • ,„,,,,,,......,. •• ......, ..;..„,...,,0.-...,,.4:.„-.......,..„0„...„.....„.,..., ••. . • • asked iftineoht wOuld 'be shut dovvn entirely beestise•otdetitsrellatiOit, sdhocirdkaird tnistee G. B. Hensarrn* Oommented that the board wanted to keep the school. alien in ,,:i . ../... • ',,',:•?. t , ,.., .:,', :••••; • ''' :.,y1,';?...... , . ,.., ,‘ . , , .) • 011ie sonic black •atcdcats Atiaated.tc retuni:„. , . ..'44 ' '' ' • ••••:,:',...'.;•:../...•••••• ::,•.......::., • ,:••.• •..6 r..:. .::: . • •• ... . . . - " " ..• ' ' ' :•,•:;'..,;... 7, ,. • •. ::: : .::... • . ..,.,;...:.,..,,,,,,, .. ... . ., . • . . ' - ; 44' !'"1; • ' • to4 DEC-11-2003 01:51 PM MONROE alerted her class to the danger. Before the flames were extinguished, 10 classrooms, the principal's office, a teacher's lounge, and the high school library were destroyed. All student records were lost in the fire. The burned classrooms contained grades six through twelve. Though over 22 volunteer firefighters from College Station and five from Bryan responded, only two classrooms were able to be saved: Damage to the &dilly was day following the fire. Lincoln students were given Friday off while firefighters and other workers picked through the debris and the school board and administration decided how to educate the displaced students. Average daily attendance figures reported to the state indicated th black students in attendance at the Mc114 Consolidated school district during this time.' Superintendent Riedel v 138 ended Lincoln at the time it burned. The two classrooms that remained at Lincoln were to be used for 38 children. The remaining 100 students were to be integrated into other campuses throughout the district. In a telling statement, Board member George Hensarling pointed out the burned buildings had reaching a state of condemnation and wopki have beentinfit in two to time years." 11‘ • ! ",•■;,!. • , I " • . • ." • ‘.' MOM lifinCOhl 1.44fri.‘1 • •• „,, 4 , • ••• • • .• • , . 4 • „ „• 7 7, ted to be about $65,000. An insurance claim for $57,000 wa$ paid the 979 823 5417 . . . • 041r$0.S40 125 P. 10