HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed Record Research on College Park MIKE LUTHER DRAWER CA * COLLEGE STATION, TX. 77841 April 24, 2000 City of College Station GIS Operations Box 9960 College Station, TX 77840 1 Gentlemen: I was doing research at the Brazos County Courthouse in the Deed Records, on the old Southside Addition to College Station. Some things that are in there might be useful to you folks in the old Southside Area. I am aware you have superimposed the current aerial photograph runs of the homes and buildings in the area on top of the map work. Thus, you have homes and homesites depicted upon which you really have little clean data on the date these homes and properties were developed. The following may or may not be of use to you. It's furnished for whatever good may come of it, and, as well, sort of in an plea to get you folks to furnish some map data that may help in the historic analysis of this oldest of College Station's development. e It would be extremely helpful if I could get both a map of the entire College Park Area, including what you know is the current parcelization of it and the now as -built homes in it. I've attached a simple map of what I think it is College Park. The best possible deal would be to get both a map of it, as well as an Autocad or similar excerpt file from the database. I think you are currently in the process of attempting to put that sort of thing up on the City's web site so all can do this, but if you have an early beta run at this, maybe I and or those I am close to in this research can be sort of guinea pigs at this deal. Maybe what we have furnished here and can furnish in the future will be a fair two -way street at what we each need. It's common knowledge that the old Southside Development Company took over this 'subdivision' from the Hrdlicka family in 1923. It appears that it was originally thought that the College Station Housing Corporation would be a driving force in populating it with homes, but that never materialized as I can find. Oakwood Realty operation succeeded Southside, but, curiously, there is an interlap in their operation operations between 1941 and 1948 that really deserves some attention to details in the Deed Records of Brazos County. The objectives of the Oakwood outfit as part of the Deed Records of Brazos County, just simply didn't synchronize with what I remember was on the ground, even as late as the mid -40's when I grew up in the neighborhood. So I went digging. 1 In ferreting out these details, I was able to do some research based upon early aerial photography of the area. I have copies of two photos graciously supplied by the Cling surveying operation. One, a copy of their 1929 archive photograph, is reported to have been taken on the day of the Thanksgiving football game here at the A&M College of Texas that day. Unfortunately, it is clipped off right where I need data. It shows only a priceless few homes in the Southside Addition of College Station, renamed to College Park as part of the Southside Development Company acquisition of the land from the Hrdlickas in 1923. However, the other is from a major overflight run dated in 1932 that Cling furnished me directly. It shows the entire then well -know name of College Park, actually really a subdivision as such. I was quite surprised when I examined the 1932 photograph in detail with a magnifying glass, and attempted to overlay transparencies of later engineering map details that Cling furnished also. There are a substantial number of homes which can be seen in the aerial photo that do not correspond to the current homes on a number of lots in what is now the Guernsey, Fidelity Fairview, Welsh and Hereford street area. As well, there is one major home that does not appear to check at all with the claims for the historic home site plaque information on the #10 Historic Home plaque application data. Either the data on that application is grossly wrong, or what is in the photograph is gone, to be replaced with the home that is there, as specified in the application documents. Slowly, the memories I have is focusing. I personally recall seeing homes in this area as a kid when I grew up in the early 1940's in this area. Now that I think about it, they are not here today. In particular, I think I personally can recall seeing the house that was sawed in half over behind where our Luther family homestead is now. I am sure my first sort of understanding of what the word divorce meant when I asked about it and was told the story of it was focused by the sight. Now, importantly, I actually have a picture of that house that can be seen on the photo from 1932. I've also now taken tape recorded testimony on where it was from an older black woman, who knew the Curtis Cheek family that was involved in that split. More important, I now know, from her recall, all of the names of the black families who owned ( ?) and lived in these homes that are not the current homes. I chose that explanation ( ?) quite carefully and with purpose. It is now focusing more clearly to me now, that all these homes were either demolished or moved away from these lots as the College Park Area was taken over from the black folks by the push of more 'elite' folks through the period of the 1918 -1949 era. My culture is laced with curiosity. It is deeply ingrained into us by now. So, I want to know more about this whole paradigm shift in College Park. Part of my research is attached for you below. It is as complete a record of the by -date activity of the old Southside Development Company deed records transactions in the Deed Records of Brazos County. Although it does not indicate the actual construction of any home on the parcels, it does present a date before which there could have been no construction on these lots .. except for... The cadre of black homes that were already there .. .. which are now gone! 2 To me, history should, if correctly written, recall these few black families, should rightfully note them .. and .. note their homesites. Although I can't quite get there yet on this historic 'train ride', in a fully documented form, I'm making a bet with myself on the real reason that Hrdlicka platted and mapped out that first rendition of the Southside Addition to College Station, the way he did, that really wasn't officially there yet for about 20 years! My bet with myself, is that this was homesteaded property for these folks, taken in by the plans to make it a future city, rolling over them. That black church at what was then the end of Fairview, where it turned Eastward to what was then a Hereford Street that went all the way down to the old park and lake, together with the Cheek, Chew, Morris, Williams, Davis, Barlow, Wallace and other black community homes, was really the foundation of College Park. I hit this all in attempting to find out why there was so much confusion over the deed restrictions in this entire College Park Area. As well, I couldn't originally figure out how and why the whole platting of the blocks was shuffled from numeric to letter designations. That led me to research the complete title flow in the area, as best I could, including deed restrictions that were superimposed one on top of the other and how they actually were supposed to have been. Based on only the examination of the deed records below, and the applicable deed records I've noted, it is very clear that the later form of deed restrictions that were 'emplaced' by the old Oakwood Development Company, actually were imposed, in at least a significant number of cases, against property which Oakwood, as best I can tell, simply did not own. As well, Oakwood was, and I have found the document in which they did that, finally, apparently, forced to embrace the earlier restrictions in their re -named blocks, with what should be a continuing ten -year now proper legal format for protecting all of the land, including the adjacent College Park parcels in College Park that can't fairly be left out of what was intended. Attached is the current title citation run I have for you. I will keep you fully informed on the interview that are on- going. Eventually, I will turn over the complete work to the College Station Historic Preservation Committee for whatever they and the City of College Station wish to do with the data. In the attached data run, the "res" header indicates where the property was addressed by both the old Southside and the Oakwood overlay attempts. If it has a "1" and a "2" in it, it is, as one would think, covered by both the old, now recurring and the current, recurring covenants. Sincerelys, / 4. ■ Mike Luther HAL0226.wst cc: College Station Historic Preservation Committee 3 SDC - Southside Development Company. CSHC - College Station Housing Corporation OAK - Oakwood Realty DATE Sell To Vol Pge+ Description Res Corrupt 17- Feb -1922 SDC R R Lancaster 57 519 Lot 6 B21 None 17- Feb -1922 SDC M M Duaghtery 57 590 Lot 5 B21 None 18- Feb -1922 SDC D Scoates 57 591 Lot 8 B21 None 18- Feb -1922 SDC C W Burchard 57 592 Lot 2,3,4 B21 None 04= May -1922 SDC D Scoates 58 229 Lot 12 B12 1 No 13-May -1922 Sdc F B Clark 58 275 Lot 7 B21 None 13- May -1922 SDC L Burnon 58 260 Lot 5, B9 1,2 No 13- May -1922 SDC M D Davis 58 261 All Bk- Church B16 1,2 No 22 -Jul -1922 SDC P Scopinto 58 527 In blank 1 No 18- Dec -1922 SDC J A Peterson 59 561 Lot 2,3,4 B20 1 No 19- Sep -1922 SDC A. V. Smith 59 566 Lot 1 B20 1 No 01 -Dec -1922 SDC C. Cheek 59 546 Lot 4 B15 1,2 No 04- Jan -1923 SDC F A Burt 60 230 Lot 12,1/211 B21 1 No • 06-Oct -1922 SDC 0 W Silvey 60 244 Lot 1 B21 1 No 08 -Jan -1923 SDC G W Adriance 60 288 Lot 1, B12 1 No 02- Feb -1923 SDC D Scoates 60 402 Lot 7,8 B13 1,2 No 02- Feb -1923 SDC C Hinton 60 407 Lot 2 B15 1,2 No 02- Feb -1923 SDC E L Myers 60 426 Lot 4 B12 1 No 03-May -1923 SDC F B Clark 61 329 Lot 10 B21 1 No 04- Apr -1923 SDC A Finley 61 379 Lot 1,2 B13 1,2 No 16- Jun -1923 SDC D F Irving 61 387 Lot 2 B22 1 No 08- Jun -1923 SDC D Scoates 61 415 Lot 9 B21 1 No 07 -Jul -1923 SDC F R Jones 61 449 Lot 1,2 B7 1 No 23 -Jul -1923 SDC J Camp 61 509 Lot 9 B1 1,2 No 23 -Jul -1923 SDC J Camp 61 511 Lot 10 B1 1,2 No 23 -Jan -1923 SDC A A Lenert 61 590 Lot 4,5 B7 1 No 14- Sep -1922 SDC C A Medberry 61 601 Lot 13 +Add B21 1,2 No 02- Feb -1923 SDC W J Davis 62 435 Lot 10,11 B14 1,2 No 10- Dec -1923 SDC G L Dickey 62 619 Lot 11.12 B1 1,2 No 12- Feb -1924 SDC C W Burchard 63 95 Lot 6 B13 1,2 No 19- Feb -1924 SDC M L Hugh 63 214 Lot 1 B21 1 No 02- May -1924 SDC CS Housing 64 77 Lot 1 +Add B11 1,2 No 15 -Jul -1924 SDC CS Housing 64 613 Lot 8 B12 1 No 15- Jul -1924 SDC CS Housing 64 613 Lot 5 B11 1,2 No 15 -Jul -1924 SDC CS Housing 64 613 Lot 1,3 B5 1,2 No 28- Aug -1924 SDC W H Mathews 65 96 Lot 'reserved' B21 1 No 24- Aug -1924 SDC H C Tidwell 65 107 Lot 5 B8 1 No 02- Feb -1922 SDC C Cheeks 65 489 Lot 3 B15 1,2 No 05-Oct -1922 SDC L L Davidson 66 152 Lot 3 B22 1 No 14- Apr -1927 SDC I B Baccos 70 156 Lot 3 B7 1 No 24- Jun -1927 SDC J Camp 71 421 Lot 8 B1 1,2 No 24- Jun -1927 SDC J Camp 71 421 Lot 8 B4 1 No 21- Feb -1928 SDC J Williams 71 458 Lot 8 B14 1,2 No 08- May -1928 SDC E Regner 72 70 Lot 1,2 B4 1 No 20- Jun -1928 SDC J P McKee 72 172 Lot 1,2,3,4,5 B1 1,2 No 31- Aug -1928 SDC T Harry 73 344 Lot 8 B2 1 No 26- Apr -1929 SDC R Fletcher 74 327 Lot 1,Prt2 B8 1 No 01- Sep -1929 SDC C J Finney 75 406 Reserved B22 1 No 14-Oct -1929 SCC J Wallace 75 604 Lot 1,2,3,4,5,6 B14 1,2 No 4 11- Jun -1929 SDC A A Blumberg 76 358 Lotll +Add B2A 1 No 17- Mar -1930 SDC C W Burchard 77 50 Lot 2,3,4 B21 1 No 23-Oct -1928 SDC F Brison 77 457 Lot 5 B22 1 No 17- May -1930 SDC J E Rabel 77 441 Lot 6 B11 1,2 No 11- Jul -1930 SDC C W Burchard 77 627 Lot 1,2 B11 1,2 No 20- Sep -1930 SDC A B Ford 78 150 Lot 1,2 +Add B23 1 No 01-Oct -1930 SDC J D Mogford 78 229 Lot 5,6 +Add B8 1 No 26- Mar -1931 SDC I G Adams 79 408 Lot 'unnumbered'B8A 1 No 03- May -1931 SDC J E Babel 79 516 Lot 6 +Add B1 1,2 No 04-May -1931 SDC J H Knox 75 561 Lot 10 B2A 1 No 25- May -1931 SDC J G Bensen 80 1 Lot 8 +Add B2A 1 No 16- May -1931 SDC W E Young 80 83 Lot 2,3 +Add B2 1 No 16 -Jul -1931 SDC E 0 Sieoke 80 229 Lot From Bounds B8 1 No 17- Aug -1931 SDC J E Reierson }O 300 Lot 5 B2 1 No 22-Oct -1931 SDC A Woolkit 81 20 Lot 9,1/2 -10 B10 1,2 No 26- Aug -1929 SDC R M Fletcher 81 66 Add Clarify B8A 1 No 15 -Jul -1932 SDC L Patranella 82 182 Lot 9 B2A 1 No 18- Apr -1929 SDC J Bechlinger 81 583 Corrupt /indexed 07- Jun -1932 SDC J 0 Peebles 82 103 Lot 7 B2A 1 No 24- Jun -1932 SDC E 0 Sieoke 82 352 Lot 7 B7A 1 No 02-Oct -1931 SDC J Camp 82 435 Add Part Lot 7 B1 1,2 No 01-Oct -1932 SDC C C Todd 82 505 Meets & Bounds 1 No 03- Mar -1933 SDC C J Finney 84 124 Lot 7,8 B22 1 No 06- Jun -1933 SDC J E Marsh 89 30 Meets & Bounds B8A 1 No 17- Jan -1936 SDC D Fleming 90 550 Resale Lot 1,2 B2A 1 No 22- Apr -1936 SDC C Spriggs 91 109 Lot 1,2,3,4 B4 1 No 13- May -1936 SDC J E Reirson 91 201 Lot 1,4 B2 1 No 13- May -1936 SDC J E Reirson 91 203 Lot 6 B2 1 No 16- May -1936 SDC M Morgan 91 216 Lot 11,12 B23 1 No 28- May -1936 SDC R L Elkins 91 258 Lot 3,1/2 -4 B23 1 No 30- May -1936 SDC C W Wilkerson 91 267 Lot 7 +Add B22 1 No 31- Aug -1936 SDC C Hohn 91 560 Lot 13,13 B1 1,2 No 11 -Nov -1936 SDC R W Steen 92 231 Lot 10,11 B19 1,2 No 10- Dec -1936 SDC R R Lancaster 92 340 Lot 2 B21A 1 No 15- Mar -1937 SDC J S Kopper 93 216 Lot 4 B2 1 No 23- Mar -1937 SDC E Lancaster 93 365 Lot 6 B21 1 No 28- Apr -1937 SDC K E Elmquist 93 386 Lot 8 B11 1,2 No 04- Aug -1937 SDC J 0 Peebles 94 183 Lot 6 B2A 1 No 10- Aug -1937 SDC S S Morgan 94 204 Lot 1 +Add B2 1 No 21- Aug -1937 SDC J S McGuire 94 243 Lot 4 B2A 1 No 07- Sep -1937 SDC J Orr 94 308 Lot 1 +Add B8 1 No 09-Oct -1937 SDC J Sikes 94 551 Lot 2 +Add B21 1 No 14-Oct -1937 SDC C W Burchard 94 569 Lot 5,6 B6 1 No 13 -Dec -1937 SDC J 0 Peebles 95 155 Lot 5 +Add B2A 1 No 04- Jan -1938 SDC J L Hollow 95 245 Area B12 1 No 09- Mar -1938 SDC R R Lyle 95 580 Lot 6 B22 1 No 11 -Mar -1938 SDC T Edde 95 588 Lot 7,8,Part6 B8 1 Yes 12- Mar -1938 SDC J T L McNew 95 590 Lot 9,10 B2 1 No 27-Mar -1938 SDC E C Klipple 96 169 Lot 5,6 B4 1 No 03-May -1938 SDC M L Gibson 96 227 Lot 2,3 B11 1,2 No 09- Jun -1938 SDC M C Hughs 96 366 Corrupt /Index 10- Jun -1938 SDC G B Adriance 96 378 Lot 1,2 B12 1 No 18- Jun -1938 SDC M Campbell 96 106 Lot 5,6 B23 1 No 01- Aug -1938 SDC E W Glenn 96 567 Lot 1,2,3 B2 1 No 05- Aug -1938 SDC J Camp 96 587 Lot 7 B4 1 No 5 10- Aug -1938 SDC M E Culberson 96 603 Lot 2,3 B2A 1 No 10-Aug -1938 SDC W F Gibson 96 607 Lot 4,5,6 B6 1 No 08- Sep -1938 SDC P W Edge 97 67 Lot 4 B21A 1 No 10 -Nov -1938 SDC S R Wright 97 399 Lot 6,7,8 B19 1,2 No 10 -Jan -1939 SDC R Fletcher 98 579 Metes & Bounds B8 1 No 23- Jun -1939 SDC C Padgett 100 319 Lot 4,Part B2 1 No 22- Dec -1939 SDC D W Fleming 102 1 Lot 2 B2A 1 No 30- Jan -1939 SDC W P St Clari 102 283 Lot 7 B2 1 No 19- Feb -1939 SDC C W Burchard 102 378 Metes & Bounds 1 No 22- Apr -1940 SDC L G Jones 103 239 Lot 5,6 B3 1,2 No 31- May -1940 SDC W F Gibson 103 425 Lot 4 B6 1 No 28- Sep -1940 SDC E W Steel 104 487 Lot 10,11 B21A 1 No 09-Oct -1940 SDC E C Klipple 105 309 Lot 6,Part7 B4 1 No 13- Feb -1941 SDC I H Jones 105 554 Lot 8,9 B19 1,2 No 05- Apr -1941 SDC Oakwood Realty 106 230 Various None 13- May -1941 SDC R R Lancaster 106 485 Lot 1,Part3 B21A 1 No 09- Jun -1941 SDC G Schlesselman 106 547 Lot 2 B19 1,2 No 02- Aug -1941 SDC R K Fletcher 107 181 Metes & Bounds 1 No 01-Oct -1941 SDC G E Potter 107 530 Lot 3,4,5 B19 1,2 No 14-Oct -1941 SDC C W Burchard 107 627 Metes & Bounds B21 1 No 14-Oct -1941 SDC C W Burchard 107 629 Lot 4 B21 1 No 14-Oct -1941 SDC C W Burchard 107 631 Metes & Bounds B21 1 No 01 -Nov -1941 SDC F B Clark 108 98 Lot 7 B21 1 No 05- Nov -1941 SDC E M Taubenhaus 108 444 Lot 8,Part B23 1 No 10- Apr -1942 SDC G J Samuleson 109 631 Lot 7 B22 1 No 22- Oct -1942 CSHC L G Varham 111 183 Lot 1 B5 1,2 No 22-Oct -1942 CSHC J S Rogers 111 185 Lot 3 B3 1,2 No 22-Oct -1942 CHSC M C Hughs 111 187 Lot 5 B11 1,2 No 10 -Nov -1942 CSHC C D Trall 111 271 Lot 8 B12 1 No 17 -Nov -1942 CSHC N R Rode 111 298 Correction 1 No 09 -Jan -1943 SDC R 0 Berry 111 559 Lot 7,8 B21A 1 No 17- Apr -1943 CSHC M C Hughs ? 516 Lot 5 Corrected B5 1,2 No 10- Aug -1943 SDC G B Wilcox 113 542 Lot 5 B21 1 No 29- Dec -1943 SDC J Miller 114 601 Lot Unplatted B22 1 No 19- Jan -1944 SDC E Langford 115 91 Lot 8,Part7 B22 1 No 16- May -1944 SDC St Matt Bapt 116 85 Lot 1/2 Acre 1 No 26 -Jul -1946 SDC E E Vezey 116 464 Lot 11 B12 1,2 No 07- Jan -1946 SDC A A Holbrook 122 49 Lot 9 B21A 1 No 04- Jun -1946 SDC G L Outlaw 124 306 Lot 10,11 B9 1,2 No 10 -Jul -1946 SDC R Rogers 125 66 Lot Unplatted B23 1 No 03- Apr -1947 SDC S R Wright 129 366 Lot 6,Part B19 1,2 No 14 -Jul -1947 SDC R K Fletcher 130 613 .0376 Acre 1 No 17- Jul -1947 SDC City of CS 130 589 Brison Park No 21 -Jul -1947 SDC F R Brison 130 630 Part +Add B22 1 No I 25- Aug -1947 SDC F B Clark C W Burchard 131 272 Articles Dissolution & distribution to these four with undivided share E. L Scoates of all lots, streets, alleys R R Lancaster & park sites. Right to waive or remove any & all restrictions for as well as to enforce same which may have been heretofore imposed against any of the properties henceforth or now. 06- Jan -1948 SDC G H Johnson 133 340 .10 Acre 1 No 6 z, IJHln1 J >Iiw - Aanls JaisHlnos at ge s g 6 mEi a io u / ca . / \ O ff ♦ . • O .C 4■ ' ). 0 0 • lb ..0 0 / ‹.(j < -, ,(3, Id ii :' , ' c° .> 0 4 t C 3 • 'C. 0. C . 4 ,, , 44. , 3 OC:><\P le „4...; 4=3' � 4 F a N� o a / 4 - 0 % # • 4 . 4, MMII O Q 4 dr ! °O 0 • 44 It ... 0 ■ .ti), di .. 0 , ,I it 0 4 " O 0 • e'-4,, N ' - s /a /7 A." <> • 4 0 4 it • C. / 4 4.i , :. fA, v , 0 9 4 , ) ,N.- ,„ c, e ..._,./ 4 43 4 ■ . d am , /ti � �� r ,,,-,...c2 ti,� a.• ‘e6'4, • 4 � �� O tv,,,\> 0 • 4/11* t 0 1 .. . O � (•♦ 'NtiV ,. is-:: \ V dot ( 3 < K% . it 4 . 4t> . S 4 4) • N/ • 4. , . . .44 • dr ii. • �•,► . 0 ), , .4 • •., s • • :,� w t V .. • ♦ ., 'w . 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