HomeMy WebLinkAboutItalian Symposium Program 1984C O:e4� 9 I Z-- 00004 . 0 ,. So . Vto O ds 509 J;Q, S .� �. '� C �- *~ ITALIAN SYMPOSIUM September 7-9, 1984 ACkn0wledoements Song Leader . . . . , , . . . , , . , . . Mrs' Larry Ruffin0 (Marianne) Song Books , . , . , . . ' . ' , , , . . . ' Mrs. Luke RuffiOO (J0bey) Cover Art and Calligraphy , . , . . . , , , , . . , , , Frances DeGelia Inside Art . . . . . . . . . ' . , . . ' , . . . , ' . . . Allen Dodson Music Makers and Helpers. , , ' ' . . , . , Miss Lena Mae C8nave3pi MrS, Sam J. Cangel0se (Janie) Miss Camilla [drrdbbd Frances DSGe]ia Mary Degelia Mrs. Don FdzZin0 (Mary Mrs. Johnny LdmpO (Bonnie) Mrs. Mike LumpO (Sally Mrs. Johnny R9stin0 (Adeline Mrs. Mike Ruffin0 (Lucille Mrs, J.M. 5aladiner (Mary) Janie Mauro Watson Player Piano and Q.R.S. Rolls . , , . , ' . . Mr, and Mrs, Luke Ruffino Special Effects and Conductor , . . . . . . ' ' . . , Joe Johnny Ruffin0 Christopher L8mpO P.J. Catalina Performing the "TarDntella" , . . , , , , . ' , . . . Cheryl M0ntalbonn Special Guest , . . . . . . , . , , . . Rose Benedetto (Dallas-New York) SPECIAL THANKS TO: Allen Dodson, U-Rent-'M, Lila and Coleman Palmer, Mrs, Margaret Wainerdi, Mrs. Raymond Sis, Mrs. Will C. Scnrmard0, Mrs. D.B. Mauro ,i_o/kperv*ia� Nora Lee NDSSOn, Emilio 8iODdO, Janet KubaCak, 3t, Anthony Catholic Church and to the many others who have so graciously given Of their time and energies. 't 4ft- .� Ae S on5,& in "S iaLian 5 ng 41 lei La' tango Bella (e. o/itla 11,vLi.v Roma Be.Llu Ra yne. DaLle 3,tecce B.i.vnde C ia, Cia, Bamb ina Cin 4 i j i� 4A �h Comrxi. e v' o w RaLian Mede4 l�ki�..cu l�iici • Sv.Lee �1.w .uun.ib un cc� Z. 41- 3unica ltt SL (v ivic e dv La l icc in. i.na A, on l7imenii.cai Nun l)emeni icaiL Le l /i<.e l c e OA A"' ie 0, So le 9io ?ae Z / ,Tpn.l in Di io ai Rcmp,lanio (70aaeLLi) Santa Lucia Se ITve, i ll n &. ncviinu Sul % on Di BaAAanv Joluw a SoA 30ae/w Jonnu l i_cc ina un jiutizv Ji viAO Vieni Su V ieni Sul die iv eAe violn.o Jiu9un0 Vv ,la.Le WORDS TO CELLA LUNA WRITTEN PHONETICALLY FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT verse one: CHE - LA - LUNA / MENSA - MODEE / MAMA - MIA / ME - MODEE - TAA - DEE / FIG - YA - MIA / CU - TY - DOTY / MAMA - MIA / PIN - SAA - CHE - T00 / SEE - T - DUNE - YA / LU - MA - TUDY / EEDU - VA / EEDU - VANY / LU - COT - SO - LA / MA - NO - TANY / SEE - CHA - KEE - OPP - ALLA / FONTA - SEE - AH / GOT - SO - LEA / LA - FIG - YA - MIA chorus: OH / MA / MA / LA / LA / LA / LA / LA / LA / LA / 11 11 II II II It II 11 11 11 li li 11 tl it II 11 11 II 11 1/ 11 11 11 11 tt tl tl 11 II verse two: CHE - LA - LUNA / MENSA - MODEE / MAMA - MIA / ME - MODEE - TAA - DEE / FIG - YA - MIA / CU - TY - DOTY / MAMA - MIA / PIN - SAA - CHE - T00 / SEE - T - DUNE - YA / LU - VA - VERDY / EEDU - VA / EEDU - VANY / LU - ROT - SO - LA / MA - NO - TANY / SEE - CHA - KEE - OPP - ALLA / FONTA - SEE - AH / ROT - SO - LEA / LA - FIG - YA - MIA repeat chorus: verse three: MAMA DEAR COME OVER HERE .AND SEE WHO'S LOOKING IN MY WINDOW IT'S THE BAKER BOY, AND LOOK HE'S GOT A CANNOLI IN HIS HAND. IF YOU MARRY THE.BAKER BOY, HE WILL COME, .AND HE WILL GO, TO MIX THE FT.OWF.R TN THE PAN. • SO PLEASE DON'T MARRY THE BAKER BOY WITH THE CANNOLI IN HIS HAND. repeat chorus: verse four: CHE - LA - LUNA / MENSA - MODEE / MAMA - MIA / ME - MODEE - TAA - DEE / FIG - YA - MIA / CU - TY - DOTY / MAMA - MIA / PIN - SAA - CHE ­TOO / SEE - T - DUNE - YA / LU - MA - TUDY / EEDU -,VA / EEDU - VANY / LU - COT - SO - LA / MA - NO - TANY / SEE - CHA - KEE - OPP - ALLA / FONTA - SEE - AH GOT - SO - LEA / LA - FIG - YA - MIA repeat chorus: ,- o C Lo jne z:� engs in ITALIAN siNG-ALONC SIDE ONE VOLARE Italian Text by D. Modugno•f, Migliacci Music by Domenico Modugno Volare, oh, oh! Cantare, oh, oh, oil, oh! Nel blu, dipinto di blu, Felice di stare lass,. E volavo, volavo felice piu In alto del sole ed ancora piu S11, Mentre it mondo pian piano spariva lontano lag-* Una musica dolce suonava soltanto per me. Volare, oh, oh! Cantare, oh, oh, oh, oh! Nel blu, dipinto di b1L1, Felice di stare lasso. Penso the un sogno cosi non ritorni mai pia: Mi dipingevo le mani a la faccia di blu, Poi d'improvviso venivo dal vento rapito, E incominciavo a volare nel cielo infinito. Copyright 1958 Edizioni Curci, Milan. Italy Rights for U.S. and Canada controlled by Robbins Music Corporation, N. Y. Used by Permission TORNA A SORRENTO Guarda it mare com "e bello, Spira tanto sentimento, Come it tuo soave accento, Che me, desto, fa sognar. Senti come lieve sale Dai giardini odor d'aranci: Un profumo non v'ha a guale, Per chi palpita d'amor! E to dici, "Io parto, addio!" T'allontani dal mio core Questa terra dell' amore, Hai la forza de lasciar? Vedi it mare di Sorrento Che tesori ce la in fondo, Chi ha girato tutto it mondo Noll la sa dimenticar. Vedi come le Sirene Or ti Duardano in cantate. Par the voglia no a to sola. Dolci cove Inormorar! E to dici, ' panto, addio!" T'allontani dal inio core Questa terra dell' anlo.,� Hai la forza di lasci ir? Printed in U -S.A. Ala non mi fuggir, Non darmi pia tormento, Torna a Sorrento, Non farmi morir. LA PICCININA Italian Text by M. Panzeri Music by Eldo DiLazzaro Col visino mezzo ineipriato, E it pia bel sorriso spensierato, Giri per it Corso pia afEollato, Col tuo scatolone di novita. 0 bella piccinina, Che passi ogni mattina, Sgambettando lieta tra la gente, Cantichiando sempre allegramente. 0 Bella piccinina, Sei tanto biricchina, Che di venti rossa, Rossa se qualcuno la per la: Dolce, una frase ti bisbialia, Ti fa l'occhiolin di triglia, Ti saluta a se na va. Quando to sei sola al magazzino, E allo specchio provi tin cappellino, Pensi sempre a gLlel giovanottino, Che ogni sera fuori t'aspettera. Copyright 1939 S. A. Melodi, Milan, Italy Copyright assigned 1940 to Robbins Music Corporation, N. Y., N. Y. for North America and entire British Empire. Used by Permission 0 SOLE M10 Che Bella cosa 'na iurnata 'e sole, N' aria serena doppo 'na tempesta! Pe' 11' aria fresca pare gia na' festa, Che bella cosa 'na ilar ata 'e sole. Ma n' atu sole Cchia Bello, c; ne', 0 sole tnio Sta 'nfronte a te! 0 sole, o -;ole mio Sta 'nfronte a te! Lcene 'e llast d' 'a fenesta toia. 'Na lavanna canta e se na vanttt. E pe' tranv me torce e spatille v callta. Lucene 'e llastre d'a fene,ta toia. Ala n atu SOIL. 1 Cchiu hello, of tie' 0 sole mio Sta 'nfronte a te! 0 sole, o sole mio Sta 'nfronte a te! TORERO Italian Lyrics by Nisa Music by Renato Carosone Tu pierde 'o suonno 'ncopp' 'e giurnalette E mammete minaccia E patete s'arraggia. Te fanno gira 'a capa sti "fumette," Guadtannote 'int' 'o specchio Vuoi fare it toreador Comme fanno a Santaf& Comme fanno ad "011ivud," E cu' sta scusa, of ni, nun studie cchia ! Oh! Torero! Te si' piazzato 'neapo stu sombrero, Dice the si' spa muolo a nun a overo, Che nacchere int' 'a sacca vai a balls 1lescolando bolero a "cis -cis," chi vuo 'mbrug Torero! Cu' Sti basette a' sud americano, Cu' 'nu sicario avana a 'a cammesella 'e pitch&! Torero! Torero! Ole! Te fatto 'a giacchettella corta, corta, '0 eazunciello astritto E 'o ricciulillo 'nfronte. Te ride 'a genie areto a nun to 'mporta, Ti senti un Nlarlon Brando Che a spasso se ne va Per le vie di Santafe, Per le strade di "011ivud," E 'a 'unammurata toia nun to vu cchia! La la la la etc. Che nacchere int' 'a sacca vai a balls llescolando bolero a "cis cis." chi vuo 'nlbl'llgl ! Torero! Cu' �ti basette a' .ud anlerirano. Cu "nu sicario avana e'a canunesella'e pitch&! Tut'ero! Torero! OIt-! Oh! Torero! E levatillo'a capo stu z1olt1brero. SIDE ONE (cont.) Nun si' spagnttolo a luui si' caballero, Sti nacchere to nun 'e saie suns E sti nacchere to the ne'a fa? Bello'e mamma! Torero! Cu' sti basette a' sud americano, Cu' 'nu sicario avana a 'a cammesella 'e piccIiie! Torero! Torero! Ole! Copyright MCMLVIII by Edizioni Musicali Edir, Milan, Italy LEEDS MUSIC CORPORATION, 322 west 48th St., N. Y. 36, N. Y. Sole Selling Agent in U.S.A, and Canada. Reprinted by Permission All Rights Reserved Medley MATTINATA L'aurora di Bianco vestita, Gia l'uscio dischiude al gran sol, Di gia con le rose a sue dita Carezza de' fiori to stuol ! Commosso da un fremito arcano, Intorno it creato gia par, E to non ti desti, ed in vano Mi sto qui dolente a cantor. Menti anche to la veste Bianca, E schiudi l'uscio al tuo cantor! Ove non sei la lute manta, Ove to sei nasce 1'amor. VIENI SU Vieni su, vieni su Nen&! Anche tu, anche to con me! Ti faro veder le stelle, Da vicin come son belle. Vieni, vien, vieni, vien, I1 venir ti fara ben. CIRIBIRIBIN Ciribiribin the bel faccin, Clle sguardo dolce assassin, Ciribiribin, the bel nasin, _. Che bei dentin, the bel bocchin. Ciribiribin cite bel faccin, Che gguar dolce assassin. Ciribiribin, ciribiribin. C 11 the bel faccin. CIAO, CIAO, BAMBINA "nflUano. Verde —.�.. r: odueno halltbina. till bacio ancora, SIDE TWO E poi per _empre ti perdero. Conle una fiaba 1'amore passa. C'era llna volta poi noel c'e pia. Cos' e the trenla _ul t110 ViSi110, E piogaia o pianto. dinlmi cos' e. Vorrei trovare parole nuove, Nfa piove, piove Sul nostro amor. Copyright 1959 Ediziont Curct. Milan, rtaly Rights for U.S. and Canada controlled by Leo Feist Inc., N. Y., II. Y. Used by Permission SANTA LUCIA Sul mare luccica L'astro d'argento, Placida e l'onda, Prospero a it vento; Venite all' agile Barchetta mia Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia! OH MARIE Oj Mari, of Mari! Qua►1to suonno the perdo pe' to Far n1'addurmi, •Abbracciato nu poco cu te! Oj Mari, of Marl! Quanto suonno the perdo pe' te! Far m'addurmi Oj Mari, of Mari! Arapete, fenesta, Famm' affaccia a Maria, Castongo mmiez ''avia Speruto p'a vede. Nun trovo n'ora e pace, 'A nott' 'a faccio giorno Sempe pe stacca attuornt Speranno' e ce parla. NON DIMENTICAR Italian Words by Michele Galdtert Musk by P. G. Redt Non dimenticar the t'ho voluto tanto bene, T'ho _aputo amar non dinlenticar. Or di quest' anlor un sol ricordo t'appartiene, Non gettarlo ancor fuori dal tuo cuor. Se ci sepal se ci allontarlo I'ala ticl destino. Non ne ho colpa, no. a mi sentiro sempre a to vicino. Non dimenticar the t'ho voluto tanto be11e, Forse net mio cuor puoi trovare ancor Tanto e tanto amor. T'ho saputo amar non dimenticar. Non gettarlo ancor fuori dal tuo cuor. Se ci separo, se ci allontano Pala del destino. Non ne ho colpa, no, a mi sentiro sempre a to Vlcilio. \on dinlenticar the t'ho voluto tanto bene, Forse nel 11110 cuor puoi trovare ancor Tanto e tanto amor. Copyright 1952 Redi-Ponti-De laurentiis. Milan, Italy Copyright assigned 1953 Hollis Music. Inc., N. Y., N. Y. VIENI SUL MAR Vieni sul near, vieni a vogar. Sentirai 1'ebbrezza del tuo marinar! Deli! ti desta, fanciulla, la tuna Spande un raggio si' chiaro Sul mar, Vieni nleco t'aspetta la bruna, Fida barca del tuo marinar. eta to dormi. e non pensi at tuo fido, AIa non dornle chi vive d'amor! Io la notte a to volo Sul lido, Ed it giorno a to volo col cor! ARRIVEDERCi, ROMA Italian Text by Gannei•Giovannini Music by R. Rascel Arrivederci, Roma, good -bye and au revoir, Si ritrova a pranzo a Squarciarelli, Fettucine e vino dei Castelli, Conte ai tempi belli the Pinelli immortalo! Arrivederci, Roma, Non so scordarti piu; Si rivede a spasso in carrozzella E ripensa a quella "ciumachella," Ch'era canto Bella e the gli ha detto sempre "no!" Arrivederci, Rona, good -bye and au revoir, Voglio ritornare a Via Mar.0, WOW rivedere la soffitta Dove n1'hal te►ulta stretta, stretta accanto a te! Arrivederci, Roma, Non so scordarti piu Porto in Inghilterra i hloi tramonti, Porto a Londra Triuita uri llonti, Porto nel nlio cuore 1 oiur'tnlenti, --I love vou." Copyright 1954 by Edizioni Kramer, Milan a Cnnt�mrorar Paps 2 TCTITA PICCINAI .. , Nella mia vita triste a sanza amore, tutto svanisce e nulla mi sorride piu'. Ho una speranza ancora in rondo al cuore, questa speran za mia sei solo tul.... .....aitornallo Torna, piccina mia, torna dal tuo papa'... egli t'aspetta sempre con ansieta'. Fra le sue braccia, amore, egli ti stringer-a'.... la ninna nanna ancora ti cantera'. Sei tutta la mia vita, tutto to sei per me, certo, Sara' finites se resto senza to mio benel.... Torna, piccina mia. torna, the it tuo papa' la ninna nanna ancora ti cantera' AL DI LA' Al di 1a' del bene piu' przioso, ci sei tu Al di la' del sogno piu' ambizioso, ci sei tu. Al di la' delle cose piu' belle, al di la' delle stelle ci sei tu al di la' ci sei to per me, per me, soltanto per me. Al di la' del mare piu' Frofondo, ci sei tu Al di 3A dei limiti del mondo, ci sei to Al di la' dells volta infini:�a,al di la' d3lla vita ci sei to al di l.a' ci sei to per me Al di la', la, la, la Ia, la, la, la la, la. R IVED..0 I . RCI Arrivederci, Roma, good -bye and au revoir, Si ritrova a pran zo a Squarciarelli, Fettuccine a vino dei Castelli, Come ai tempi belli the Pinelli immortalo'. Arrivederci , Roma Non so scordarti piu'; Si rivede a spasso in earrozzella 3 f'ipensa a quella "ciumachella ", ch'era tanto Bella a the gli ha detto sempre "nol" Arrivaderci, Roma, good -bye and au revoir,_ Voglio ritorna:. e a Via Margutto, Voglio rivedere 1- soffitta dove m'hai tenuta stretta, stretta accanto a tel.. Arrivederci, Roma, '_Jon so scordarti niu' ; Porto in Inghilterra i tuoi tramonti, Porto a :ondra Trinita' dei Monti, Porto rel mlo cuore i giuramenti, "I love you" VODU - 7 volare, Gh, Oh! Cantare, Ch, oh, oh, ohl Nel blu dipinto di blu, £elite di stare lassu', e volavo, volavo fslice piu' in alto del sole ed ancora piu' su, Mentre it mondo pian piano spariva lontano laggiu'. Una musica dolce suonava soltanto per me. Volare, oh, ohl Cantare, oh, oh, oh, ohl Nel blu dipinto di blu, felice di tare lassu'. Penso the un sogno cosi' non ritorni mai piu' Mi dipingevo le mani e la faccia di blu, poi d'imFxovviso venivo dal vento rapito, e incominciavo a volare nel cielo infinito... SE .tip %sS, I U:' 0 notte silente fra mi? 1e baglior lontano si sente un canto dtamor Io pure nel core ho tanta passion per dire al mio amore la piut dolce canzon. .-Ritornello Se avessi un mandolino, un bengio od un violino, mia bel]a innamorata io vorrei farti la serenata. Ma senza uno strumento questa notte, o 211?1I, fischiando............ . . . . ... . .... ... . • .... . te la faccio cosit. II Un lume s'e' acceso s'e' aperto un balcon.. e' lei the ha compreso la stnana canzon. Un cuore the ama d'un semplice amor r_on chiede, non bramaa un'orchestra o un tenor... ....Ritornello Se avessi un rrandoliro ecc.ecc.... V .-: Z. E l Oggi the magnifica giornata, chs giornata di felicitat. la mia bells donna se n'e' andata m'ha lasciato alfine in libertat. Son padrone ancor delta mia vita e goder ].a voglio sempre piu'. Ella mtha giurato nal partir the non sarebbe ritornata Tai piu' ...Iitornello i ivere, senza malinconia.... Vivere, senza piut ge losia... senza rimpianti, senza mai piu' conoscere cosset lt� more.. cogliere it piu' bel fiore, goder la vita e far t:tcere it cuore. Ridere, sempre cosh giocondo. Ridere, delle follie dal mondo.. Vivere, finche' c'e t gio-rentut perche t la vita at be''_l.a e la voglio vivere sempre piu':l. UN GIORNO TI DMOI Baci, carezze, smarrimenti sosn_iri e giuramenti non cerco da te, ma to mi senti tremar in questa notte sul mar. Vola, sull'onda profumata, la dolce serenata the scede nel cuor come le frasi dell'amor the non conosci tu. II Canto, ed it canto mio ti dic3 the it cuor non e' folic, lontano da te. Vorrei parlarti d'amor ma non so' esprimermi ancor. Forse nell'anima sognante la voce mia tremante parlare potra' Ma la tristezza mia non s costa' felicita' ......Ritornello Un giorno ti Biro' Amoral Amoral... Per to io cantero' con it mio cuore. Ti parlera' per me la mia can zone, the ti dira' cosh: Amoral Amorel...... ....r inalino Per to io can taro' con it mio cuore. Un giorno ti dirot Amoral Amoral NON DDIENTICA.R LE MIS; PAROLE, Bimba io ttho seinr e amata come amar nor_ So di piu' to pero' sei tanta ingrata forse non mi sai capire, tu... .... RitorneLo Non dimenticar le mie parole bimba to non sai coste' 1'amor. El una cosy bell.a piu' del sole, pint del sole dal calor. Scende lentamente nelle vene, e pian piano givange fino al cor nascono cosh le prime pene con i primi sogni d'or. O:ini cuore innamorato, si tormenta sempre piu' to the ancor non hai amato, forse non mi sai capire..tu Non dimenticar le mie parole, bimba t'amo tanto da morir to per ma sei forse piu' del sole non mi fare mai soffrir. T ORNA A SORRENTO Vide 'o mare quant'e bello! Spira tanto sentimento, Comme to chi tiene a me me Ca scetato 'o f aie sunna! Guarda, gua'chistu giardino: Siente, sie, sti sciure arance, Nu profumo accusi fino, Dinto 'o core se ne va.... E to dice: "Io parto, addio!" T'alluntane da stu core, Da sta ti =rra d' e i' ammore Tiene 'o core 'e nun torna! Ma nun me lassa!! Nun damme stu tormiento! Turna 'a Surriento, Famme campa'! Vide 'o mare cue Surriemt , Che tesoro tene 'nfunno! Chi ha girato tutt'o munno, Nun 1 visto comma'ca. Guarda atturno sti sirene Ca to guardanno 'ncantate E to vonno tanto bbene, Te vulessero vasa! E to dice...ecc. ecc., VIOLINO TZIGANO 0 SOLE MIO ! ! Oh, Tzigano dall'aria triste e appassionata, Che fai piangere it tuo violino tra le dita, Suona ancora come una dolce se Che Bella cosa 'na iurnata 'e sole, N'aria serena duoppo 'na tempesta! Pe 11'aria fresca, pare gia 'na festa, Che bella cosa 'na iurnata 'e sole. Ma ' natu ' u Cchiu bello, 0 sole, mio Sta 'nfronte 0, sole, 0 s Sta 'nfronte sole of ne, a to Die, mio ! a to ! EPreAl) Lucene 'e llastre d'a fenesta toia, 'Na lavannara canta a se ne vanta, E pe tremante torce 'e spanne e canta, Lucene 'e lastra d'a fenesta toia. Ma 'natu 'u sole, ecc...ecc... LA PICCININA Col visino mezzo incipriato, E it piu bel sorris6 Giri per it corso pi.0 affollato Col tuo scatolone di novita' 0, bella piccinina, Che passi ogni mattina' Sgambettando lieta tra la gente Canticchiando sempre allegramente 0, bella piccinina, ,$Pi tanto birichina `Che diventi rossa, rossa, Se qualc'uno la per la, Dolce, una frase ti bisbiglia, Ti fa 1'occhiolin di triglia, Ti saluta a se ne va. Mentre pallido nel silascoyteror Quando to sei sola in magazzino, Questo tango cheprofumataotte E allo specchio provi un cappellino, I1 mio cuore ad un'alt o inaa - Pensi sempre a quel giovanottino eno: Che ogni sera, fuori, t1aspettera. Suona solo per me. Oh, violino Tzigano.... Forse pensi anche to A un amore laggiu Sotto un cielo lontAn.... Se un seg.� eto dolor Fa tr��mar la tua mano, Qliesto tango , d' i ;io f Fa tremare it mio cuor, Oh, violino Tzigano. 0, bella piccinina, ecc....ecc... e .r &di ional raga FIL:t D'CRO Quando Rosa torna dal villaggio sola sola e mesta in volto Io la seguo, ma non ho coraagio di greaarla e darmi ascolto, Dolce e' la sera - ben lunga e'la via.. A farla insieme men lungo saria. Ritornello............ Son fili d'oro i suoi capelli biondi e la boccuccia odors, gli occhi suoi belli sono neri o fondi... • e non mi guarda ancoral. Ho parlato al nostro b uon curato, e m'ha detto: "Figliol mio, "se Tamar in to non e' peccato, "sara' pago it tuo desio ". Arde it mio cuora, ma pura e' la fiaia. Amo lei sofa, la Casa, la m m_a Son fill....... E 1 vista uscir dalla chiesotta con un aria di mistero, Io le ho porso 1 benedetta... m'ha sor e non par vero..... "Cho buon curatol..mtha dotto passando, ed io le ho chiosto; ma quando, ma quando? S on fill...... B LLA R AGAZZA DAVE TRECCEH B IONDE Bells raaazza dalle trecce bionde per nome vi chiamato Veneranda Li giovani per voi fanno la ronda Babbo non vuole '�ia nemmeno Come faramo a fare all'amor ( Repeat) Se voi venir volets in Faradiso Vi troverete o bslla u n girasole the sembra facto per baciarvi it viso Babbo non vuole, ecc. S,'�,NiTA LUCIA Sul mare luccica 1'astro d'argento placida e' 1'onda Prospero it vento: Venite all' agile bArchetta mia: Santa Lucia, Santa Lucial.... Ch, dolce Napoli, Suclo boato Ct;e a to sorridere Volle it croatc; Tu sei 1'impero Dell'allegria Santa Iucia,Santa Lucia. Mare si pl:icido,vento si caro Al narinaro scordar fa i triboli EI Snn d t3 Iucia. Santa CL'_1E3TZ IBIN Su finiscila coi baci bel moruccio birichin, ma non vedi to la luna the dal ciol fa capolin? La s c is pur la luna s pii not lasciamola spi.ar anzi, it pallido suo raggio not c'invita a seguitar; Ma poi chissa' Cosa diva'.... E....via dira' quel the vorra' Dira' .... dira' Ciribiribin,Ciribiribin Ciribiribin Ci_ribiribin the bel faccin, the sguardo dolce ed assassin, Ciribiribin, the bel visin the bel bocchin, the bel nasin. Ciribiribin the begli occhin the sguardo dolce edrasassin.... Ciribiribin, Ciribiribin, --, Ciribiribin the bel r'accin. Se la mesa poi sapesse the io son qui nel giardin, non to sai the le s,;ridzte nnn avrebbero piu' fin? Isis @ia rur la mama: sgridi not I.ascia-nola sgridar cha, pcnsando ai tempi suoi, ci vorra' ben perdonar Ma poi chissa, Cosa dira' Eh... via dira' qual the vorra' Ciribiribin ecc. ecc. V EII SUL "AR Vieni sill mar, vieni a vogar. Sentirai 1'abrezza del tuo rarinarl Dehl ti desta, fanciulla, la lung Spande un raggio si' chiaro sul mar, vieni moco t'aspetta la bruna fida barca del tuo marinar Ma to dorrai a non pensi al tuo fido ma non dorme chi vive d'amorl Io la notte a to volo sul lido, ed it giorno a to volo col corl Viani sul mar ecc, ecc. r - _7 -:l Ui LOIIA —L +4rG 4 TL ",W DE LJ A GE'LOSJA Quando negli occhi tuoi balli io le It -more Santo balza_re nel petto, di gioia, it mio cuorel Ma poi ripenso the tu, libera ormai non sei piu'. Penso al "signore" it tuo sposo the .aspetta laggiut Not non at la gelosia..... Ma e' la passion@ min. Quando ti guardono gl'altri Io f remo, perche t Ia tua bellezza la voglio soltanto per me. No! non at la gelosia.... so the to sei sempre min.... riot the mi strugge non so io neppure ccste' Ma non temere, non sono geloso di tel. Folk Sonas and Military SUL PONTE DI BASSANO Sul ponte di Bassano la ci darem la nano, la ci darem la nano ed un bacin d ad un bacin d(amor ad un bacin d' amor. P er un bacin d'amore Successe tr•lti guai ( Repeat) Non to croaevo Mai doverti abbandonar doverti abbandonar doverti abbandonar Doverti abbandor_are Volersi tnnto bane (= repeat) Rompere le cateno Cho Mtincatenan it core the mlincat3na it ccr the ntincatena it cor =Cho mtincatena i3 core the m'incatena in Pianto Non posso far di manco the piangere e sospirar the pianger e sospirar _cha pianger e sospirar IL CORREDO (cont'd) L E le giberne cha :l oi portiamo son portacicche di not soldat(repeat) Bella biondina, ecc. ecc. La penna nera the not portiamo at la bandiera di not soldat (repoat) Bella biondina ecc. ecc. Il Cappello the not portiamo quell t e t l t ombre llo (Repeat) quelltet 1'ombrollo, di not soldat Bolin biondina, capricciosa Gsribaldina, trull. Tu sei la stslla, 2a stella Cara biondina,capricciosa Garibaldina,trullala Tu sei la Stella di not soldat E la focaccia the not portiamo (reFrat) etla cantina, e'la cantina di not soldat Bella biondina ecc. ecc. E le scarpetto the not portiamo son le barchette, son le barchette di noi(so at) Bella biondina ecc. ecc. RIAIPLINTO ( Toselli) Come un so d'or, scolpito et nel cuore Il ricordo anccr di quel amor the non esiste piut Fu la sua vision, qua 1 dolce sorriso Cho piu' licta fa col suo brillar la nostra gioventut Ma fu molto breve, in rte Ia dolcozza di quel ben Svanit quel bel sogno dtor lasciando in no it dolorl Cupo e' l t avvsnir, sempre piu' tristi i dit La gioventut passata Sara' rimpianto mi resta nol, Oh, raggio di sole, Sul sio cammino ahim9' non brilla piu' Mai piutl Mai piu'. QUEL K ZZ=T DI FIORI Qu31 mazzolin di fiori the vien dally montagna (r ©peat) Ehl bada ban the non si bab-a (repeat) the to voglio regalar Lo voglio regaanre, parch@' 1'e' un bel mazzetto (repeat) Lo voglio d are al mio amor9tto qu9sta sera quando vian repeat) Stasera quando viens, gli fc' una br Cora ( repoat) Ed e' parchet a' Sabato sera e non et vonuto a Tna (repeat) Non d t vanuta a ma IAe' andat data Rosina (repeat] E percher mi son poverina Mi fa piangere e sospirar (repeat) tai fa piangere e sosrirare nel letto dei lanenti (repeat) E Cosa mai dirat la gerte, Cosa mai diran di mel..(ropeat) IL CORtiEDO D L SOLDATO (AL.PDII) C -Compa&e C umPaae, t vo avnane, ce ci avna u �Ae - -co -Le tts ,Eh comp ai avna , u U,h Ain e.. whiAtLe, UAi4t.Le, whcAtle, u � eaco Le -to _7i npi ti tippi ti, ta. E ( pa -j,e, c%e vv 40-na -ate, ce a.- avn-a LL aax- i - Abona fh com ai aona lu aax i phvn - a to - tu - tu to lu aax - i nhvn - a lVk iA tLe I wh to Le wh Ail e, wl b ide, u &e- co Let - to typpi ti t. pi ti & E CunPYaAe, the vo Aonu -2e, c 4i u man- do - Li-nv �h cvm) ai Iona u man-do-Lino a pLing, a pLing u man -do -Line to to to to u iax- a- phvn -a (w h' sr L e ) wh.iAt,te wh«tLe wh.c iA u .fae4- co- .te -tv ti.ppi ti iippi ti to rum- pa - ze. the vo av- na -Ae, ce ai av -na u v i -v- Li -nv a a s stn u v t -o -Gene ` tu� u -p vnalwn u j �t te whiA Le j whiAtLe j wh.iAiA j a f ze&- co- .Let -ie tippi ti. tippi ;ti. #rc C um- pa -ze, the vv /ivna -ne, ce ai_ ao -na a la tiuun- pet -ta 1. coma ai aona a La iwun- pet -#a pa pa pu pa a La to m- Pet -ta a �inq a � nq u vi -Line a pLing, a pLing. u man.- do -Line to to to to u aax a - Phvna (L""''' wAiA Le w hcn.de�wh<atrLe;wh.cWe` u ficea co .Let - te t.cppi ti tippi ti to C. Cam - e., t v ao — na -ice, ce Ai, aon-a a & t Lom -6o -na At coma ai aona a .la .iAom -6p-na a � m a .um a to ;bwm -bone Pa. pa pa pa a la i u m -Pet -ta a pijig a tnn u vi- o- Li. -na a pLing. a p 1. u man- d L.i.ne sr4 to to to lu u aax- a- phoneL e) r,.f: iat.Ce wf in.t le whcatLe whiatLe u �icea- cv Let - ie tippi ti_ iippi ti to 7ippi ti t r pPi ti Jippi tj tip,ai ti 7a. rf 01 For your sing -along pleasure, the lyrics to 40 of the songs in your Stardust album, arranged in the order of their appearance in the album On your smile so sweet, so tender, When at first my kiss you decline, On the light in your eyes, When you surrender And once again our arms intertwine. And so when wise men say to me That love's young dream never comes true, To prove that even wise men can be wrong, I concentrate on you. I concentrate, and concentrate on you. 01939 Chappell & Co.. Inc. Copyright renewed * * * * * * * * * * * ** THE ISLE OF CAPRI Jimmy Kennedy —Will Grosz • • STAR DUST Mitchell Parish —Hoagy Carmichael Sometimes I wonder why I spend the lonely night Dreaming of a song? The melody haunts my reverie, And I am once again with you, When our love was new, And each kiss an inspiration, But that was long ago: Now my consolation is in the star dust of a song. Beside a garden wall, when stars are bright, You are in my arms, The nightingale tells his fairy tale Of paradise, where roses grew. Tho' I dream in vain, In my heart it will remain: My star dust melody, The memory of love's refrain. 01929 Mills Music Inc. Copyright renewed I CONCENTRATE ON YOU Cole Porter Whenever skies look grey to me And trouble begins to brew, Whenever the winterwinds become too strong, I concentrate on you. When fortune cries "nay, nay!" to me And people declare "You're through," Whenever the Blues become My only song, I concentrate on you. 'Twas on the Isle of Capri that I found her Beneath the shade of an old walnut tree. Oh, I can still see the flow'rs blooming'round her Where we met on the Isle of Capri. She was as sweet as a rose at the dawning, But somehow fate hadn't meant her for me. And tho' I sailed with the tide in the morning, Still my heart's on the Isle of Capri. Summertime was nearly over, Blue Italian sky above. I said, "Lady I'm a rover, Can you spare a sweet word of love ?" She whispered softly, "It's best not to linger" And then as I kissed her hand, I could see She wore a plain golden ring on her finger; 'Twas goodbye on the Isle of Capri. e: L`t.t ' - he Peter Maurice \limmc Co., Ltd. Copyright renewed LOVER Loren: Hart— Richard Rodgers Lover, when I'm near you And I hear you speak my name Softly in my ear you breathe a flame. Lover, when we're dancing Keep on glancing in my eyes, Till Love's own entrancing music dies. All of my future is in you. Your ev'ry plan I design. Promise you'll always continue to be mine. Lover, please be tender, When you're tender fears depart, Lover, I surrender to my heart. 01932 and 1933 Famous Music Corp. Copyright renewed ! O MY FUNNY VALENTINE Lorenz Hart — Richard Rodgers My funny Valentine, Sweet comic Valentine, You make me smile with my heart. Your looks are laughable, Unphotographable, Yet, you're my fav'rite work of art. Is your figure less than Greek; Is your mouth a little weak, when you open it to speak, Are you smart? But don't change a hair for me, Not if you care for me, Stay little Valentine, stay! Each day is Valentine's day. ©1937 Chappell & Co., Inc. Copyright renewed THE NEARNESS OF YOU Ned Washington —Hoagy Carmichael It's not the pale moon that excites me, That thrills and delights me. Oh, no It's just the nearness of you. It isn't your sweet conversation That brings this sensation. Oh, no It's just the nearness of you. When you're in my arms And I feel you so close to me. All my wildest dreams come true. I need no soft lights to enchant me If you'll only grant me the right To hold you ever so tight And to feel in the night The nearness of you. • '?1937 and e0 Famous Music Corp. Copyright t renewed * * * * * * * * * * * ** SEPTEMBER SONG Maxwell Anderson —Kurt Weill Oh, it's a long, long while From May to December, But the days grow short When you reach September. When the autumn weather turns the leaves to flame, One hasn't got time for the waiting game. Oh, the days dwindle down to a precious few, September, November! .i And these few precious days I'll spend with you, These precious days I'll spend with you. 01938 DeSylva, Brown & Henderson Inc. Copyright renewed, assigned to Chappell & Co., Inc. * * * * * * * * * * * ** WHERE OR WHEN Lorenz Hart — Richard Rodgers * * * * * * * * * * * ** STORMY WEATHER Ted Koehler— Harold Arlen • Don't know why there's no sun up in the sky, Stormy weather, Since my man and I ain't together, Keeps rainin' all the time. Life is bare, gloom and mis'ry ev'rywhere, Stormy weather, Just can't get my poor self together, I'm weary all the time, the time, So weary all the time. When he went away the blues walked in and met me. If he stays away old rockin' chair will get me. All I do is pray the Lord above will let me Walk in the sun once more. Can't go on, ev'rything I had is gone, Stormy weather, Since my man and I ain't together, Keeps rainin' all the time, Keeps rainin' all the time. 01933 Mills Music Inc. Copyright renewed and assigned: Arko Music Corp. * * * * * * * * * * * ** COME RAIN OR COME SHINE Johnny Mercer — Harold Arlen I'm gonna love you • Like nobody's loved you, Come rain or come shine. High as a mountain And deep as a river, Come rain or come shine. I guess when you met me It was just one of those things, But don't ever bet me, 'Cause I'm gonna be true if you let me. You're gonna love me Like nobody's loved me, Come rain or come shine. Happy together, Unhappy together And won't it be fine. Days may be cloudy Or sunny, We're in or we're out of the money, But I'm with you always, I'm with you rain or shine! 01946 A -M Music Corporation It seems we stood and talked like this before. We looked at each other in the same way then, But I can't remember where or when. The clothes you're wearing are the clothes you wore. The smile you are smiling you were smiling then, But I can't remember where or when. Some things that happen for the first time, Seem to be happening again. And so it seems that we have met before, And laughed before, and loved before, But who knows where or when! 01937 Chappell & Co., Inc. Copyright renewed * * * * * * * * * * * ** HOW HIGH THE MOON Nancy Hamilton— Morgan Lewis Somewhere there's music, How faint the tune! Somewhere there's heaven, How high the moon! There is no moon above When love is far away too, Till it comes true That you love me as I love you. Somewhere there's music, It's where you are, Somewhere there's heaven, How near, how far! The darkest night would shine If you would come to me soon, Until you will, How still my heart, How high the moon! 01940 Chappell & Co., Inc. Copyright renewed * * * * * * * * * * * ** DINAH Sam 111. Lewis & Joe Young —Harry Ahst Dinah is there anyone finer in the state of Carolina? If there is and you know'er show'er to me. Dinah with her Dixie eyes blazin', How I love to sit and gaze in to the eyes of Dinah Lee Ev'ry night, why do I, shake with fright, Because my Dinah might change her mind about me. Dinah if she wandered to China, I would hop an ocean liner, Just to be with Dinah Lee! 01925 Mills Music Inc. Copyright renewed and assigned: Mills Music Inc. and Edwin H. Morris & Co. inc. / FOR ME AND MY GAL In that small cafe, Edgar Leslie —E. Ray Goetz— George IV. Meyer The park across the way, The bells are ringing for me and my gal, The children's carousel, The birds are singing for me and my gal. The chestnut trees, the wishing well. Ev'rybody's been knowing I'll be seeing you To a wedding they're going In ev'ry lovely summer's day, And for weeks they've been sewing, In ev'rything that's light and gay; Ev'ry Susie and Sal. I'll always think of you that way. They're congregating for me and my gal, I'll find you in the morning sun; The Parson's waiting for me and my gal. And when the night is new, And sometime I'll be looking at the moon I'm goin' to build a little home for two, But I'll be seeing you! For three or four or more, ©1938 Williamson Music Co. Copyright renewed In Loveland for me and my gal. 01917 Mills Music Inc. Copyright renewed * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES Otto Harbach— Jerome Kern I WONDER WHO'S KISSING HER NOW They asked me how I knew Joseph E. Howard — Harold Orlob —Hough & Adams My true love was true, I wonder who's kissing her now, I of course replied, Wonder who's teaching her how, Something here inside, Wonder who's looking into her eyes Cannot be denied. Breathing sighs, telling lies. They said someday you'll find, I wonder who's buying the wine All who love are blind, For lips that I used to call mine, When your heart's on fire, Wonder if she ever tells him of me, You must realize I wonder who's kissing her now. Smoke gets in your eyes. C Copy rd B. a Music Corp. Copyright renewed 1936 ewe d I So I chaffed them em an g ayly la g Y Y g To think they could doubt my love. * * * * * * * * * * * ** Yet today My love has flown away I am without my love. AMONG MY SOUVENIRS Now laughing friends deride Edgar Leslie— Horatio Nicholls Tears I cannot hide, There's nothing left for me, So I smile and say, Of days that used to be, "When a lovely flame dies, I live in memory among my souvenirs. Smoke gets in your eyes." Some letters tied with blue, ©1933 T. Harms Co. A photograph or two, I see a rose from you among my souvenirs. • A few more tokens rest within my treasure chest, * * * * * * * * * * * ** And tho' they do their best To give me consolation, I count them all apart, YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE And as the tear drops start, Oscar Hammerstein II— Richard Rodgers I find a broken heart among my souvenirs. When you walk through a storm 01927 DeSylva. Brown &Henderson, Inc. Copyright renewed. assigned to Chappell & Co.. Inc. Hold your head up high _ And don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of the storm is a golden sky And the sweet silver song of a lark. Walk on through the wind, Walk on through the rain, I'LL BE SEEING YOU Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown, !ruing Kahal— Sammy Fain Walk on, Walk on, With hope in your heart I'll be seeing you And you'll never walk alone, In all the old familiar places You'll never Walk alone! That this heart of mine embraces all day thru: ©1945 William -0 -" ""c t'° 13 One magic moment and my heart seemed to know * * * * * * * * * * * ** That love said "Hello," Though not a word was spoken. One look and I forgot the gloom of the past; TENDERLY One look and I had found my future at last. Jack Lawrence — Walter Gross One look and I had found a world completely new, The evening breeze caressed the trees When love walked in with you. Tenderly 01938 Gershwin Publishing Corporation Copyright renewed The trembling trees embraced the breeze Tenderly. Then you and I came wandering by * * * * * * * ** * * ** And lost in a sigh were we. The shore was kissed by sea and mist Tenderly. SOME ENCHANTED EVENING I can' forget how two hearts met breathlessly Oscar Hammerstein II— Richard Rodgers Your arms opened wide and closed me inside; Some enchanted evening You took my lips, you took my love so You may see a stranger, Tenderly. You may see a stranger ®1946,1947 Edwin H. Morris & Co. Inc. Across a crowded room And somehow you know, You know even then * * * * * * * * * * * ** That somewhere you'll see her again and again. Some enchanted evening Someone may be laughing, THANKS FOR THE MEMORY You may hear her laughing Leo Robin —Ralph Rainger Across a crowded room Thanks for the memory And night after night, Of candle light and wine, As strange as it seems Castles on the Rhine, The sound of her laughter will sing in your dreams. The Parthenon and moments Who can explain it? On the Hudson River Line. Who can tell you why? How lovely it was! Fools give you reasons, Thanks for the memory Wise men never try. Some enchanted evening Of rainy afternoons, When you find your true love, Swingy Harlem tunes, When you feel her call you And motor trips and burning lips Across a crowded room, And burning toast and prunes. Then fly to her side How lovely it was! And make her your own, Many's the time that we feasted Or all through your life you may dream all alone. And many's the time that we fasted. • Once you have found her, Oh, well, it was swell while it lasted; Never let her go. We did have fun and no harm done. Once you have found her, And thanks for the memory Never let her go. Of sunburns at the shore, 01949 Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II Nights in Singapore. You might have been a headache But you never were a bore, * * * * * * * * * * * ** So thank you so much. 01937 Paramount Music Corp. Copyright renewed LET ME CALL YOU SWEETHEART Beth Slater Whitson —Leo Friedman Let me call you sweetheart, * * * * * * * * * * * ** I'm in love with you; Let me hear you whisper that you love me too. Keep the lovelight glowing in your eyes so true; LOVE WALKED IN Let me call you sweetheart, Ira and George Cershwin , I m in love with you. Love walked right in and drove the shadows away 01910 Leo Friedman Copyright re ne wed Shawne Press, Inc. Love walked right in and brought my sunniest day. sh�pi ernstein & Con Inc- ALL THE THINGS YOU ARE ` = Oscar Hammerstein II— Jerome Kern You are the promised kiss of springtime That makes the lonely winter seem long. You are the breathless hush of evening That trembles on the brink of a lovely song. You are the angel glow that lights a star, The dearest things I know are what you are. Some day my happy arms will hold you, And some day I'll know that moment divine, When all the things you are, are mine! ©1939, 1940 T. B. Harms Co. Copyright renewed * * * * * * * * * * * ** ON THE SUNNY SIDE OF THE STREET Dorothy Fields —Jimmy McHugh Grab your coat, and get your hat, Leave your worry on the doorstep, • Just direct your feet To the sunny side of the street. Can't you hear a pitter pat? And that happy tune is your step, Life can be so sweet On the sunny side of the street. I used to walk in the shade With those blues on parade, But I'm not afraid This Rover crossed over. If I never have a cent I'll be rich as Rockefeller; Gold dust at my feet On the sunny side of the street. 01930 Shapiro-Bernstein & Co. Inc. Copyright renewed * * * * * * * * * * * ** BEWITCHED Lorenz Hart— Richard Rodgers • I'm wild again, Beguiled again, A simpering, whimpering child again, Bewitched, bothered and bewildered am I. Couldn't sleep, And wouldn't sleep, When love came and told me I shouldn't sleep, Bewitched, bothered and bewildered am I. Lost my heart, but what of it? He is cold I agree, He can laugh, but I love it, Although the laugh's on me. I'll sing to him, Each spring to him, And long for the day when I'll cling to him, Bewitched, bothered and bewildered am I. '01941 Chappell & Co., Inc. Copyright renewed * * * * * * * * * * * ** I CAN'T GIVE YOU ANYTHING BUT LOVE Dorothy Fields —Jimmy McHugh I can't give you anything but love, Baby, That's the only thing I've plenty of, Baby, Dream awhile, scheme awhile, We're sure to find, Happiness and I guess All those things you've always pined for, Gee I'd like to see you looking swell, Baby, Diamond bracelets Woolworth doesn't sell, Baby, Till that lucky day, you know darned well, Baby, I can't give you anything but love. ©1928 Mills Music In Copyright renewed * * * * * * * * * * * ** BALLIN' THE JACK Jim Burris —Chris Smith First you put your two knees close up tight, Then you sway'em to the left, Then you sway 'em to the right, Step around the floor kind of nice and light, Then you twis' around and twis' around with all your might, Stretch your lovin' arms straight out in space. Then you do the Eagle Rock with style and grace, Swing your foot way'round then bring it back, Now that's what I call "Ballin' the Jack." .^Edward B. Marks Music Corp. Copyright renewed 1941 * * * * * * * * * * * ** THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC Johnny Mercer— Harold Arlen That old black magic has me in its spell. That old black magic that you weave so well. Those icy fingers up and down my spine. The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine. The same old tingle that I feel inside, And then that elevator starts its ride. And down and down I go, 'Round and 'round I go, Like a leaf that's caught in the tide. I should stay away But what can I do? I hear your name And I'm aflame, Aflame with such a burning desire That only your kiss Can put out the fire. For you're the lover I have waited for. lb The mate that fate had me created for And ev'ry time your lips meet mine Darling down and down I go, 'Round and'round I go In a spin, Loving that spin I'm in, Under that old black magic called love! ©1942 Famous Music Corp. * * * * * * * * * * * ** SUMMERTIME Du Bose Heyward— George Gershwin Summertime an' the livin' is easy, Fish are jumpin', an' the cotton is high. Oh yo' daddy's rich, an' yo' ma is good lookin', So hush, little baby, don' yo' cry. One of these mornin's You goin' to rise up singin', Then you'll spread yo' wings an' you'll take the sky. But till that mornin' there's a nothin' can harm you With Daddy an' Mammy standin' by. 01935 Gershwin Publishing Corporation Copyright renewed * * * * * * * * * * * ** AUTUMN LEAVES Johnny Afercer & Jacques Preuert —Jos. Kozma The falling leaves drift by the window, The autumn leaves of red and gold. I see your lips, the summer kisses, The sunburned hands I used to hold. Since you went away the days grow long, And soon I'll hear old winter's song. But I miss you most of all my darling, When autumn leaves start to fall. ©1947 & 1950 Enoch et Cie U.S. & Canada: Morley Music Co. Inc. * * * * * * * * * * * ** I'VE GOT YOU UNDER MY SKIN Cole Porter I've got you under my skin, I've got you deep in the heart of me, So deep in my heart, You're really a part of me. I've got you under my skin. I tried so not to give in, I said to myself, "This affair never will go so well." But why should I try to resist when, darling, I know so well I've got you under my skin. I'd sacrifice anything, Come what might, for the sake of having you nea In spite of a warning voice that comes in the nigh And repeats and repeats in my ear; "Don't you know, little fool, you never can win, Use your mentality, Wake up to reality." But each time I do, just the thought of you makes me stop, Before I begin, 'Cause I've got you under my skin. ©1936 Chappell & Co., Inc. Copyright renewed * * * * * * * * * * * ** BEYOND THE BLUE HORIZON Leo Robin — Richard A. Whiting —W. Franke Harling Beyond the blue horizon waits a beautiful day. Goodbye to things that bore me, Joy is waiting for me. I see a new horizon, My life has only begun. Beyond the blue horizon lies a rising sun. ©1930 Famous Music Corp. Copyright renewed * * * * * * *** * *** WHAT A DIFF'RENCE A DAY MADE Stanley Adams— Alaria Greuer What a diff'rence a day made, Twenty -four little hours, Brought the sun and the flowers, Where there used to be rain. My yesterday was blue dear, Today I'm part of you dear, My lonely nights are thru dear, Since you said you were mine. What a diff'rence a day makes, There's a rainbow before me, Skies above can't be stormy Since that moment of bliss; That thrilling kiss. It's heaven when you, Find romance on your menu. What a diff'rence a day made, And the diff'rence is you. ©Edward B. Marks Music Corp. Copyright renewed 1961 * * * * * * * * * * * ** I'VE GOT THE WORLD ON A STRING Ted Koehler — Harold Arlen I`ve got the world on a string, Sittin' on a rainbow, Got the string around my finger, - %% *hat a world. what a life, She meant me for someone I'm in love! Exactly like you. I'r'e ;;ot a song that I sing ©1930 Shapiro-Bernstein & Co. Inc. Copyright renewed I can m ake t he rain go, Am• time I move my finger, Lucky me, can't you see, I'm in love. Life is a beautiful thing, BUT'T'ON UP YOUR OVERCOAT As Ion.- I hold the string B. G. DeSylva — Lew Brown — Ray Henderson I'd be a silly so and so, Button up your overcoat If I should ever let go. When the wind is free, I've got the world on a string, Take good care of yourself you belong to me! Sittin' on a rainbow, Eat an apple ev'ry day; Got the string around my finger, Get to bed by three, What a world, what a life, Take good care of yourself you belong to me! I'm in love. Be careful crossing streets 00 -oo! 1932 Mills NluLLsic Inc. Copyright renewed Don't eat meats 00 -oo! Cut out sweets 00 -oo! ** * * * * * * * * * ** You'll get a pain and ruin your turn turn. Keep away from bootleg hootch �r When you're on a spree, AFTER YOU'VE GONE Take good care of yourself you belong to me. Lavton Turner & Henry Creamer X1928 DeSvlva. Brown & Henderson. Inc. After you've gone and left me crying; Copyright renewed, assigned to Chappell & Co., In After you've gone, There's no denying; * * * * * * * * * * * ** You'll feel blue, You'll feel sad, WAIT TILL THE SUN SHINES NELLIE You'll miss the dearest pal you've ever had Andrew B. Sterling —Harry Von Tilzer There'll come a time, now don't forget it, Wait till the sun shines, Nellie There'll come a time, when you'll regret it; And the grey skies turn to blue, Some day, when you grow lonely, You know I love you, Nellie, Your heart will break like mine 'Deed I do. And } ou'll want me only, We'll face the years together After yoil ve gone, Sweethearts you and I; After you' e gone a« ay' So, won't you wait till the sun shines, Nellie, X1918 Morley Music Co. Inc. Copynght renewed Bye and bye. 01952 Harry Von Tilzer Music Publishing Co. • EXACTLY LIKE YOU Dorothy Fields —Jimmy McHugh BY THE BEAUTIFUL SEA I know why I've waited, Harold R. Atteridge —Harry Carroll Know why I've been blue, By the sea, by the sea, Prayed each night for someone By the beautiful sea, Exactly like you. You and I, you and I Why should we spend money Oh! how happy we'll be. On a show or two, When each wave comes arolling in No one does those love scenes We will duck or swim Exactly like you. And we'll float and fool around the water. You make me feel so grand Over and under and then up for air, I want to hand the world to you. Pa is rich, Ma is rich, You seem to understand So now what do we care. Each foolish little scheme I'm scheming, I love to be beside your side, Dream I m dreaming. Beside the sea, beside the seaside Now I know why mother B y the beautiful sea. Taught me to be true, ©.1914 Shapiro - Bernstein & Co. Inc. Copyright renewed w THE OLD PIANO ROL BLUE WEISPERING HOPE I wonna hear it again, Soft as the voice of an angel bre ?thing I wonna hear it again a lesson unheard. The old piano roll blues Hone with a gentle persuasion whispers We're sittin 'at an upright, her comforting word My €weette and me, Pushin' on the Wait till the darkness is over F making sweet harmony, Wait till the tempest is done When we hear rinkity tink Hope for the sun -shine to- morrow, Af -ter and we hear plenkity plink, the shower is Fone and while we kiss, kiss, kiss Whispering Hqpe, Oh how wel -come thy away all our cares, the player voice, mak -ing my heart in its sor -row piano's pla,yin' Razz- a- ma -tnzz rejoice. I wonna hear it again Whispering Hope, Oh how welcome thy voice, I wanna hear it again mak -ing my heart in its sor -row r- joke. The Old piano roll blues. GOODNIGF T IR E NE TINY BUBBLES Tiny bubbles in the wine make me Irene Goodnight, Irene Goodnight hap -py. Goodnight Irene Goodnight Irene I'll see me feel fine, Tiny bubbles you in my dreams. # ke ke me warm all o -ver Ath a Last Saturdav night I got married eelin that I'm gon -na love you 1 and my wife settled down, now me and till. the end of time. So, here's to the gold -en moon, and my wife are parted, I'm gonna take another stroll down town. and here's to the silver sea; and Irene Goodnight, Irene Goodnight, Good - mostly, here's a toast to you and me. Night Irene,Goodnight Irene, I'll see (Repeat above) you in my dreams. Stop rnmblin, stop your gemblin, stop BECAUSE OF YOU staying out late at night. Go hone to Because of you, there' a song in your wife and your family sit down by my heart. the fireside bright. Irene Goodnight, Because of you, my romance had its Irene Goodnight, Goodnight Irene, Good - start. night, Goodnight, I'll see you in my Because of you the sun will shine, dreams. the moon, the s+ars will say, ,you're HARBOR LIGHT mine forever and never to part, I I saw the harbor lights only live for your love and your kiss. They only told me we were parting It'g paradise to be near you like this. The same old Harbor lights, that once Because of you my life is now worth while, brought you to me. and I can smile. I watched the Harbor lights, how could * cause of you all my days were lonely ones, I help if tears were starting. Good -bye 11 ,you came along. Nqw my are happy ones. to tender nights beside the silvery sea. Yqu filled my life with song. I longed to hold you near and kiss y-)u Because of you, there' a song in my heart. just once more. But you were on the ship HELLO DOLLY and I was on the shore. N I know lonely Hello Dolly well, hello Dolly nights, for all the while my heart is It's so nice to have you back where you be- whispering some other harbor lights will long. You looking swell, Do'1y, we can tell steal your love from me. One evening long Dolly, you're still. glowjng;.you!re still crow- ago a big ship was leaving. O evening ing, you're still going strong, we feel the room long ago two lovers were grieving a crim- swayi6', for the bands playin' one of your old son sun went down. T�,e lights begin to favorite songs from way back when. So, take glow across the Harbor, one eveming long her wrap fellos, find her an empty lof, fellos, ago' (Repeat) I the Harbor Dolly, never Co away again. saw lights, they only told me we were parting, t,:e same old Harbor Light that once brought you to M P. My He art Cries For You If you're in Arizona, I'll follow you. If you're in Minnesota I'll be there too. You'll have a million chances to start anew Because my love is endless for you. My heart cries for youo Sighs for you. Dies for you and my arms long for you, Please come back to me,, The bloom has left the roses since you left me, The birds have left my window since you left me, I'm lonely as a sailboat that's lost at sea. I'm lonely as a human can be. My heart cries for ,you, sighs for you • dies for you and my arms long for you Please come back to me. An unimportant quarrel was what we had, We have to learn to live with tne good d bad, Together we were happy o P ar This lonliness is driving me mad. Repeat second verse. HARVEST MOON Oh, Shine on, Shine on Harvest Moon Up in the sky, I ain't had no lovin since April, January, June or July. Show time ain't no time to stay out - doors and spoon so - Shine on Shine on harvest moon for me and my gal (Repeat top verse) The night was mighty dark, so you could hardly see, for the moon re- fused to shine, couple sitting under - reath a willow tree for love they pine. Little maid was kind -a -fraid of darkness so she said, "I guess I'll go Boy began to sigh, Looked up at the sky - Told the moon his little tale of woe (Repeat top verse) 1_� ONCE I. A WEILE Once in a while, wil' you try to give one little thought to me— though someone else may be nearer your heart, once in a while will you dream of the moments I shared with ,you, moments before we two drifted apart. In love's smoldering ember — one spark may remain — if love still can remember, the spark may burn again. I know that I'll be content with yesterday's memory, knowing you think of me— once in a whil Good bye means our affair is ended Good bye means that there's some one new. Tho' my heart break can not be mended dear I ask only this of you — once in a while ® etc. FOR Me, °c MY GAL The bells are ringing for me and my gal The birds are singing for me and m gal Everybody's been knowing to a wedding they're going and for weeks they've been sewing. Every Susie and Snl. They're congregatin' for me and my gal The parson' waiting, For me end my gal And sometime I'm going to build a little home for two for three or four or more in Lgveland F me and my gal. What a beautiful day for a wedding in May See the people all stare at the loveable pair. She's a vision of joy He's the luckiest boy in his wedding array, H him sinilingly sat (Repeat the bells are ringing etc) DE P PURPLE When the deep purple falls over sleepy garden walls, and the stars begin to f Lick —er in the sky, thru the *fist of a mem —o —ry you wander back to me, breathing my name with a sigh. In the still of the night once again I hold you ti -ht, tho' you're gone, your love lives on when moonlight beams, and as long as my heart, will 'eat, lov —er we'll al —ways meet here in my de. purple dreams. The sun is sinkk—ing low be —hind the hill., I loved you long a —go, I love rou still, across the ,years you come to me at twi— light, to bring me love s, old thrill. (R alove) RUA He's making eyes at me) Ma, he's making eyes at me! Ma, he's awful nice to me! Ma, he's almost breaking my heart. I'm beside him IAFiCY; Let his conscience guide him Ma, he wants to marry me, Be my honev bee. Every minute he gets bolder, now help leaning on my shoulder. 1.4 .9 he's kissing me. Little Lilly was oh!so silly and sly. And all the fellows knew she w)uldn't mill and coo Every sin� night some sm^rt fel loi. try to cuddle up to her, but s,.e wornld cry. Ma, he' making Pyes et me; Me, he's awful nice to me Ma, he's almost breaking my hear± If you peek in, can'tyo see I'm go; ng to weaken Ma, he wants to marry me, be my hone;i bee. NIB, I'm melting with resistance I shall holler for assistance Ma, he's kissing me. SUNRISE SERENADE Good morning — Good morning You sleepy H It's dawnin stop ,yawnin Get out of that bed Say the air is soft as silk It's time to get the mornin milk Come on - -Wake up - -Get up Look at the grass silver in the sun heavy with dew. Look at the buds you can almost see how they're breaking thru Look at the birds feedin all their ,young in the sy —ca —mores But you better get on with your mornin chores. Just take a breath of that new mown hay and the sugar cane looks like tonight there should be a moon down in lover's 1=n . There you go day dreaming when it's time that you obeyed that SunRise ser —e —node. (Repeat the ebove) IN In The Mood Mister what cha- call -um what cha do -in tonight? Hope you're in the mood because I'm feelin just right How's about a corner with a table for two Where the music's mellow in some gay rendezvous? There's no chance romancing with a blue attitude You've got to do some dancing to get in the mood Sister what cha- call -um that's a timely idea Something swing- a- dil -la would be good to my ear Everybody must agree that dancin has charms When you have that certain one you love in your arms Stepin out with you will be a sweet interlude Abuilder upper that will put me in the mood In the mood - that's it I've got it - in the mood • Your ear will spot it - in the mood Oh what a hot hit. Be a live and get the jive you've got to learn how. Hep - hep - hep. Hep like a hepper pep pep pep. Hot as a pepper step step step. Step like a stepper. We're muggin and huggin. We're in the mood. Repeat first verse. Repeat second verse. Josephine There never was a. gal I could love like I love my Josephine. She's a flirt she's a scamp she's the vampiest vamp I've ever seen. It seems to me she's always flirting with the fellows passing by. But when I say she winks then she tells me she thinks there's a cinder in her eye. I believe it would be better if I'd leave her and forget her. Everybody says it would be wise. But each time that I go out to dance with somebody else I find myself dancing with tears in my eyes. For there's nob ,,dy quite so nice who can be quite so mean as my gal. What a gal. Josephine. Oh the love bug bit and bit me good. I'm doing things I never should since I met my Josephine. Cutest gal I've ever seen. She can be so bad or be so nice. Can be so warm or cold as ice but my life won't be serene Till I get my Josephine. Repeat first verse. �_I Make Someone Happy Make someone happy. Make just one someone happy. Make just one heart the heart you sing to. One smile that cheers you. One face that lights when it nears One man you're every thing to. Fame, if you win it, comes and goes in a minute. Where's the real stuff in life to cling Love is the answer - someone to love is the answer. Once you've found him, build your world around him, Make someone happy. Make just one someone happy And you will be happy too. Repeat first verse. to Love Is - A Many- Splendored Thing Love is a many splendored thing. It's the April rose that only grows in the early spring. Love is natures way of giving a reason to be living. The golden crown that makes a man a king. Once on a high and windy hill, in the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still. Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing. Yes, true love's a many splendored thing. Repeat first verse. Bill Bailey Won't You Please Come Home (Won't you come home Bill Bailey, won't you come home? She moans de whole day long, I'll do the cooking darling, I'll pay de rent. I knows I've done you wrong. Member dat rainy eve dat I drove you out wid nothing but a fine tooth comb. I knows I'se to blame well ain't dat (a shame. Bill Bailey on't y you please come home.) On one summer's Uay, sun was shining fine, the lady love of old Bill Bailey was hanging clothes on de linein her backyard. And weeping hard. She married a band o brakeman, dat took and throw'd her down. Bellering like a prune fed calf wid a big gang hanging round and to dat crowd she yell'd out loud. Repeat first six lines above in parenthesis. you. to? I'll Be Seei You I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places that this heart of mine embraces all day thru,, In that small cafe, the park across the way,, The childrens carousel, the chestnut trees, the wishing well. I'll be seeing you in every lovely summer's day, in everything that's light and gay, I'll always think of you that way. I'll find you in the moaning sun, and when the night is new, I'll be looking at the moon, but - I'll be seeing you. (Pause for piano.) I'll find you in the morning sun, and when the night is new - I'll be looking at the moon, but I'll be seeing you,, Till The End of Time Till the end of time, long as stars are in the blue, long as there's a spring a bird to sing, I'll go on loving you. Till the end of time, long as roses bloom in May, my love for you will grow, deeper with every passing day. Till the wells run dry, and each mountain disappears, I'll be there for you to care for you through laughter and through tears,, So take my heart in sweet surrender, and tenderly say Vat I'm the one you love and live for till the end of time. I wished upon a star-to share what each day would bring and you my darling are that someone meant for me to cling to.Till the end of time, long as stars are in the blue, long as there's a spring a bird to sing I'll go on loving you. Till the end of time, long as roses bloom in May my love for you will grow deeper with every passing day. Till the wells run dry and each mountain disappears I'll be there for you to care for you through laughter and through tears. So take my heart in sweet surender and tenderly say that I'm the one you'll love and live for till the end of time' I Can't Begin T T - 11 You I can't begin to tell you, how much you mean to me, my world would end if ever we were through. I can't begin to tell you how happy I would be, if I could speak my mind like others do,, I make such pretty speeches, whenever we're apart, but when you're near the words I choose, refuse to leave my heart. So take the sweetest phrases the world has ever known and make believe I've said them all to you. I never have a dream that I don't see you in it. You never leave my thoughts no, not even for a minute and if you should ask me how deeply I adore you, I would simply reply I can't begin to tell you how much you mean to me. My world would end if ever we were through. I can't begin to tell you how happy I would be, if I could speak my mind like others do. I make such pretty speeches whenever we're apart, but when you're near the words I choose refuse to leave my heart. So take the sweetest phrases the world has ever known and make believe I've said them all to you,, (Repeat first verse.) �3 Easter Parade In your Easter Bonnet with all the frills upon it You'll be the grandest lady in the Easter Parade. I'll be all in clover, and when they look you over, I'll be the proudest fellow in the Easter Parade. On the avenue, Fifth Avenue, the photographers will snap us and you'll find that youre in the Ro- to- gravire. Oh, I could write a sonnet about your Easter Bonnet and of the girl I'm taking to the Easter Parade. Never saw you look quite so pretty before Never saw you dressed quite so lovely whats more I could hardly wait to keep our date this lovely Easter 4 morning and my heart beat fast as I come through the door For in your Easter Bonnet with all the frills upon it You'll be the grandest lady in the Easter Parade I'll be all in clover and when they look you over I'll be the proudest fellow in the Easter Parade. On the avenue, Fifth Avenue, the photographers will snap us and you'll fj;d that youre in the Ro- to- gravire. Oh, I could write a sonnet about your Easter Bonnet and of the girl I'm taking to the Easter Parade. Honey I'm in love with you, honey. Say you love me too, honey. No one else will do honey. Seems funny, but its true. Loved you from the start, honey. Bless your little heart honey. Every day would be so sunny honey with you. Scene is a June night. Flooded with moonlight. Fragrant roses in bloom. Garden bench with just room for two. You are the she -ro. I am the he -ro. Love is prompting the play. Here's the cue where I say, to you (Repeat I'm in love -- -etc.) I'll Get By I'll get by as long as I have you. Tho, there be rain and darkness too, I'll not complain, I'l]_ see it through. Tho, I may be far away it's true. Say what care I dear. I'll get by, as long as I have you. I've neither wealth nor power, but now that you said youre mine. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I'll be doing fine, for - I'll get by as long as I have you. Tho there may be rain and darkness too, I'll not complain, I'll see it through. Tho you may be far away it's true, Say what care I, dear, I'll get by, as long as I have you. 14, Misty Look at me, I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree and I feel like I'm clinging to a. cloud I can't understand I get misty just holding your hand Walk my way and a thousand violins begin to play or it might be the sound of your hello, that music I hear I get misty the moment youre near. You can say that you're leading me on. But it's just what I want you to do. Don't you notice how hopelessly I'm lost, That's why I'm following you. On my own would I wander through this wonderland alone. Never knowing my right foot from my left, my hat from my glove I'm too misty and too much in love. C h (Repeat above verse twice.) The Nearness of You It's not the pale moon that excites me. That thrills and delights me. Oh no it's just the nearness of you. It is not your sweet conversation that brings this sensation. Oh no it's just the nearness of you. When you're in my arms and I feel you so close to me, all my wildest dreams come true. I need no soft lights to enchant me if you'll only grant me the right to hold you ever so tight and to feel in the night the nearness of you. Why do I just wither and forget all resistance when you and your majic pass by? My heart in a dither dear when you're at a distance but when you are near, oh my: (Repeat first verse.) Oh What A Beautiful Mornin' There's a bright golden haze on the meadow There's a bright golden haze on the meadow The corn is as high as an elephants eye An it looks like it's climbin' clear up to the sky (Oh what a beautiful mornin' (Oh what a beautiful day. �I got a beautiful feelin' Everything's going my way All the cattle are standing like statues All the cattle are standing like statues They don't turn their heads as they see me ride by ( But a little brown mavrick is her eye! A n sg�Ri g �? �gF like music All the sounds of the earth are like music The breeze is so busy it don't miss a tree And an of weeping willow is laughin' at me.' (Refrain above in parenthesis.) ' 7ho.4e 'UeAe The BE Once uPvn a time - - th ere maA a taVpA&- VAeA -, we a4 io eta i4e a ?e�nem6e2 w how e Lau)hed array the h xut4 and dr e am ed v� CLU the at 14 - -; WOUu d CIO---- � we 7hv4e ueAe th dam. my �zienl ue thought Viey'd neve. end, Ve'd 4<n g and d f'o,teven and a d We' Ji the J-ife ue cho 'Ye / d /4- and neven.lo4ej -7o L ue were young and 4v to tv have vun uac�. . La la �cz la arc la La lu . a lu la .la 7ho4e ue2e the da yA, Oh q -e4 th When .the hu4� tYeaA. went �t i AAin 6 uA �� , v weice t du <� g e lv4e vru� 4twu not ion4 on 9 f he urcg. 4a y, 9h I„/ chance 'd 4ee , vet i 'he taveicn, we Id 4mi.Ce at one another and we Id 0 7hv4e ue/ze the dag4, �� �iciend, 'Ue thought they'd neve,& end, Ve'd ling, and dance fvn even and a d acY; l ye I d . ive the . i. e we c ho4e, Ve i h ' and never. lv4e, 1 04 we we4e - Young and 4u_ae i-o have ou uag. La , c .la ,la & �a )a At ,la .1a 7414e U"e the day4, Oh ge4, thv4e um e the da A Y u4i tvnigke 9 4to 6e lolce th tav An /Vvth.cng 4eemed the wy i t u4 ed tv 6e. 9n the (r 9 �- 4aw a 4tnange &elY- e.ctiv Wa4 that . one /ejWw neaZ,(u me.� 7hv4e uene the day, my Ce thought they'd nevea.end, We'd 4i.n, and dccnca /vicevea. and a daces Ue'd ,live th Zit e ue ch04e, We'd jht and neve t.lv4e, 3o�c, we use young and 4 Ae to have vua uag. La .la .la .la Za .la .La & Za Za ,la . a 7h04e we4e the drec 4, Oh cye4. thv4e uene the da 7hA.vuo,h the doves the4e came la.m.i.Ctaic .laughter. 9 flaw gvu�c. Face and heaa.d u ca.LL my name.0h , my Iiiiend4, ue ' ice o . de-A but no w.i. e2 , 3oa in our haazt4 the d�ceam4 ace 4 ' � th e flame, 74o4e ue4e the dayA, mg, liciend, V th ou ght there'd never, end„ We'd 4ln and dance o4 3v4eve4 and a day. 'Ue'd live t . i. he le we chv4e, !ee'd NAt and neveA Zo i 3v4 � we ueze young ano' 4u2e tv have ouA uacy. , La , a Za .la Ca ,la Za la 7h04e ueAe the �i 0 , ye4, thole ue�ce the kyA. MIA/ Smilea Aete ate &%L&A tA:, t make uA happy 7Ae-&e ane amile4 that make u4 ! lae 7hete ate AnL&A tAat ,&teat avay the iaat dtopa AS the aun beam24tea.L a.uay the de." 7hete ate a m iLe._that have a tender. meeaning That the e.,iea of Zve alone can aee And the amilft that fill ry Aean.t with au t&Aine. ate 7A e a :rite,& you gave to me. -- Dec ade now —0 know y "t w hat make me .Lo ryv u,& v ® Yu wt what Ao me and enlo.Lda me in ita n.o.lden glow deon..ie now 9 aee tia eacA ,& m ile ao 64ight and ' tAee Sot Li e'a aadneaa &,vu to gLadneaa when you ami.Le on me.... 7hene are &nilea that make u-. happy-- - - - - -- Repeat Pnvm beginning P 0' My heaat Peg 0' fly lleaat 9 ,love you, Don't .Let ua pa .4 5 Love you 9 aZLaya knew 9t would be you. Since 9 heard your .CilJ-.ing &ug.Aten, 9t y our. 9n.ia.h A e aAi 9 'm a '4 ten, Peg O'my fleatt, You.4 p..Lancea,make my heaat ,&ay, flow',& cAanced? Come be my own, Come make your Rome in my Aea 4 w iiAadof a 4onq if it .Lin. eA& too .lo And n.vaea 9ve p.lucked and i-AAown away, But at iLL 5 neveic. cAange my time when we'Ae atAvR ng neaih tAe moon - - -- 1 iret;ty Peg, can't you aee, f/eaven aent Mott to me. .4 nee you mucA mote than 9 can iay, 9 know 9r 'm aiming A4A but a dteamet can tAy , av why ca.n'.i --YUAt dAec-7z and ii an mrj L) aong - -- - - -Peg 0' My fl e azt. a 01 ...... , e"irg to Know you �etling tv know you, ,eiting to kno a.LL about you -- getting to .Lifze you--- �e#ting to hope you Jike me..... �etting, to know you, P I'g9 X my uay, but nice.Lh you ate pteci4e y, my cup o4 tea----- Cetti►rg to know you, �eiting to 4ee.L �Aee and ea-4y--- Wen 9 am with you--- yefting t know wAat to aay ---- Haven't you noticed I 5uddenLh 5'm ' and b4ee�y-- Becau2e of a.LL the beauti &Z and new 6i%4 9'm .Lealvung Da by & y ----------- Repeat O'l The V ery 7Aought of you The veAq tA oa ght o ryou, . - 9 Iotg to do, The little o r d ,'YIAy th<nqA that everyone o ught to do.-9'm Living in a kin o4 day dteamm 9'm happy as a k.cng, and footiAh tho' it may aeem, to me that'a evenyth<ng. The me,-,e idea o� you, The .Longing, bete .Ion you, you',U never, know how 4Zow the moment& go t.i.0 9 neat y ou. 9 aee gout &ce in ev ery jZower ; your eye& in ata.ra above, 9t'a juAl- the It thought of you, the veto th,)ught of you, my Zove. (9j'ly�AT) Side B y S ide Oh, we. air t ,got a barrel- o.l money. &y6e we're sagged anc An n,14 But up-',U trave along , & ng.in' a Gong --Side by Side. Don't know what'& com.cn' tomorrow, maybe ct'a 6tvu6 Le and avrrow, But we' U traveZ the road, ahaa n' out Zoad- -Side By Side. 7/,tough a kcndA o� weather, What i� the aky ahou. d /4LZ, aunt ar ,Long, a i we're together, 9t doean't matter at a.LL. When they've had #heir gLzanreLt and pa&ted -Ve'a be the aame as we 4&A&d, (,quAt tau n' a- .Long, �ingtn' a aong --Side By Side. See that aun in the ^wrning, Peeking over the hiI4 9'.LL bet you're 4uAeA. !aI&aU.4 has and 4uAe it a.L my4 wi.LL. 7hat'a how 9 �eeL about aomeOne , flow iome6ody �eelA about me. auAe rue .love eac other, 7hat'a the wl we' a.Lwy,. be. WIty Do 9 Love you? Ay do 9 Love Y w WAy do you .Love me? Vhy ahould there be two happy as we. C an you .lee the why on where �or, 9 44ou. d be the one you care 16r. you're a .Luck boy, (gial), 9 am Iucky too. /Itt out dt eama o� Jo .teem to come true. A ay6r) that'& becuuae you .Love me, &y6e that'& why 9 .Love you. When day ca Done When day <a done and .t h adow4 /4L4 9 diteam o� you, VAen Day i�t done, 9 think o aU the jo yA we knew -7hat yearn.inq, returning, to ho. d you in my army won't go .Love, 9 know Zp Without you n ight has . 04t i& charnvt. , day is done, and gratis .c4 wei with twi Li r h tit dew, my . on.Le y heart is acng- g with the AUn. N.Lthough 9 miA4 your tender kiaa, the who&-day through, 9 min. you moat o f as when day .ca done. Since you've gone away one thing is c - Lea,% to me, you were dearer than deal to an 15 om the moment you came. 6veningA by your ride, 9 Learned to .Love the night, but the IovLine ,i of the night is no ,Longer the name. Wen du. .ea done and 4hacdow4 /4L4 S dream of you. (f&-- ?veat) 24 .. " yod B" Ameic.ic Wile i /e &tvicm cloud& gathea, fan, ac)w44 the iea, Leta& .wean allegiance tv a land that '4 1/tee. Let u4 all 6e gAate/uL a u.nd 40 �a A& we nai4e vuA voic_ea in a &olemn pAageA: yvd 6le&4 America Land that 9 .Cove Stand 6e4ide he and guide. het 7AAu the n ight with a .L&ht PLom above. Aom the mounta.cnA 7o the pna. 7v the oceans -uAi to with foam yod 6&&4 Ame %ica Mg home met home ?f peat: 7A iA LI !fi Count 2g 3&A iA m t counttcg, land o'I mg 6 i2th 3RA i4 mg cvunt&.t4 gA,,ndeat on emit 9 pledge thee mg allegiance, 4meAica the bold, 3vn, Aj_4 u mg cvun&W to /lave and io /lold . Repeat: f veep in the /leant o 7 exa& 7heae it a &nd, a wms :icn land, Aightey twnAA. to see, 9t i.& the land 9 undeaA-t r.nd and 6e,.e 9 long to 6e: The 4tanA a Night, are 64 and 6night ---- Deep in th /leant of 7exat(Clap clap clap clap) The pAaAie &s tl .cam. - ide and high -Deep in the //east of 7e=-'(C&p clrcp clap clap The cane in bloom 94 .Like % ezlunn - -- -veep in the #east of 7exa4 " "" ern rrrrrr J ?emirLdA me of the one 9 love - -- -veep in th /lean.t of 7exa4 ?e% eat Ame- ca MY countaey, 'ti& o4 thee, Suet Land o4 .Cives;bh O� tAe.e S sing. Land where mg &iAeAA died; Land o� the piLglc im'a paicd ,, 3n.om euag mounia.in aide Let �Aee- dom /Ling. Ifw native coan&.yy thee, Land o� the noble ,icee, Ay name 9 .Cove. 9 .Love L Lo hg /ch/, and ti,L.Lf, 7hg woods and templed A,L4 Ay heaat with /a ptwce dm". Like that above. Le m .&ic awe.0 the baee�e, And zing �Iwnz a ll tie taeea, Sweet jAeedom'a aong; Let moatal tongu.ea at,,ake, Let alZ that 6teathe pa&&ke, Let wchf their ti Lence baeak, 7lze found. pavlong.. Out lathe/f', Soo Lo thee, Authoa oe Libeat , 7o 7hee me sing; Long may ou& . a nd be ba.ight 'llaA, &eedo 4 hold light, Notect ua b y 74g migAt, yaeat �od, our King,. Battle. llc�yn of ;Ye ?epu6Lc Mine ecyea have teen the gloag o� the coming or the Lo/d, ll e i& taampL,ing, out the vin, wheAe the gee& or uowth ate atoAe4Il . hash .Looted the Late&J- dining of #iA teAAiLle Auk a twv/d. #ii tauth .cam. m ching on. yCo/g gloA* #allelu pj� SIong �lDerry IIa.UeL ja. .y.Co/g gJ-oAy, #aUeLu ja. #i4 t/uth .cam maAch.ing on. 9 have teen flim i the uatch fi&ei of i hund&ec' cinc.L.ing, camper; iYep have hui.Lded #im aft. a l&A in the evening dews and damper; 9 9 can /ead //i4 r,.i.c�hteou.4 ieni-ence by the dim and flaAing &mfr; Pia oLy .ti man -A ng on. Motu- - - -eiL .S have Lead a ti&ey gvapeL was in bu/ne&hed touvl of steel; Aa ye deal with mg contemn , n. fo with YOU mg g/ace aka. l deal; " let the lle/v born o� woman c ucfh the &e/pent with Aia heel, Since , od i/. maach<ng vrz.... �loac�, �loag- -etc lle has founded fo/ih the tiuunpet Vat &hall nevea ca LC aet&eat; lle i4 &i.ft.ing out the heant'4 o� men bep.&e hi& jac�ment feat; Oh, be awi &, my foul to anaw -4 h.im. Be P46 i l nt, mg Ocuc yo d c4 marching on. S loAy, yloag --- etc 9n #lie 6 eatutg o4 the Lil i eA C"t uaa 6o/n ac coax the tea; W i fA a g. o/g in // i,, 60 40M that t/w of - UAZf You and me; Aa # e died to make men ho.Lg Let u4 die to make men 4ee, Ai.Le yod id nv c 4 L ng on.... ,S A y. o/ , etc Stag Spangled Banta Oh, - /Lag can you tee, by the dawn& ea&, li iVhaL to p/ouc!4 we hailed at the twiCighta laAt gleaming, Whoae b"ad /tic ipea and 6/,4ht ata/a Lhiwugh the peti.Lvu,& tZt9 t, O'e/. Lhe /ampa t& ue uatch'd fo ga'Llan y ttaeam<ng? And the aoeketa iced gZa ze, the 6omba bu/fLing. in aca, ,gave plw,f f th/o'the nigh#, that out �Lg a" at� there. Oh, lacy doe/ that Stair Spang.&d Bannea yet uave O'ea the .Land o� the �Aze and the home o4 the 6 /ave..... 3-6 4me ica Th Beauti. 0, b eautiful ton &pacioua a ie& 3oz amber. nave& oll gAain, 3oa puapled mountain majettiet, Rbove the 4iucitad p &in. Ame&i a, 4me&ica, �od &hed Ai4 grace on thee, and crown thy good with bAothen- hood, 3n.om tea to th<niag tea. 0, 6eau,t4aZ fo,& pi.Cg4im fee W ho&e &teen, impae. -coned itne", A thoa.ough- &Ae Lo& l e edom beat, Rc.,w A th wildeA- nett. Ame-ccca, t1men,ica- -etc Oh, 6eauti&Z 'lot rxct&iot da e am, That tee& beyond the cyea L&, .7h.cn.e a&ba.&te c cai.et c. e= undo m ed by lu mn teunu. tune.& c_a, �me&tca. - - -�tc hod B" 4me2itu �oe 6" 4meAica Land that 9 .Lave, Stand betide he& and guide hen 7hnu Lhe night u.i th a .fight t"m above. 31wm 6,e mountain,&, to the pAa i/Li a i, to the ocean& white loam, �od 6" 4me&ira, Ay home tweet home. Repeat. Dixie Laced 9 wi ah S uat in de .Card ob cotton, Ud Dime& daA am not foagoiten. Loofa auacy, Look a way Loop auay, D ixie Lanes 9n Dixie Land wha-c 9 uat 6onn in, �a on one Iiw&ty moanin', Look a aa g, D ixie Land. Den 9 witJh S uxct in II en 9 wiah S uat .cn D ixie, #ooaag, #ooAag, in Dixie Land 9'.LC take my hand to Lib and die- in Dixie, Auay, Ruag 4aacy down tou_Lj in Dixie. A -way, '4 -way, A -u,au doran toui l in Dixie. The Red WAi to and & u e 0, Co.Cumbca, the gem o4 the ocean, The home o4 the 6 iuz ve and the Aee. The &/mine o� each pa•6Ci.ot',1 devotion, r7 unn.Ld 0444& homage to thee, 74 marcda.tet make hence& a &em6.Le, When Libe cue& 4o lm &tandi .in view; 7luy bare.&4 make tApanny tse,%6A, !When 6oAn by the Aed, white, and Uue.. When 6o me b & red, white & 64ze. Yhen boAne b the Ae4 white, and 6. ue. 7h 6a»nen,1 nuke bjA" ;Ue7,- 6Le, When 6o4ne b the iced, white and 6.Cue. 3l M Ylay And now the end iA neat and &o 9 �a.ce the 4<nal cunta..ur, my &lend, 9 &ay it clean, 9'.0 estate my ca re o� which 9'm certain, 9've .Lived a Zile Lhat'& &L4 9 t2a.veGed each and every h4h =y and more , ff uch more than thii 9 did ii My Way. ?egzeta, 9've had a �ew to mention. 9 did what 9 had to do and &ay it Lhru wi thout exemt i on. 9 planned each av4 chartered cou44e each ca- &tep along, the b y Ua y, y" and moiue than thin 9 did it Ay Way, ye&, thence weAe time 9'm &une you knew w hen 9 ba o44 more than 9 could chew Aut. threw a all when there uaA doubt 9 ate & up and &Pa it out 9 aced a a tL and 9 &food &LL and did it IV w a y. 9 ve .Loved, 9've Laughed and cA iced and 9 ve had my li,LL, my &.haAe v,f .Co &lting, and now a& teat& &ub&ide, 9 'eind a aL1 mL &v aaing fo 6inh9 did all that and my 9 .say not in a &hy ua y, Oh, Nv, no t. me 9 dial it My Way. .,oa what .c& a man what hs. he got i4 not h.un&ea tAen he ha& not to &ay the tAing& he true& 1ee and not the wood& o4 one who known the &ecoAcd &howl, 9 Look Lha Uou,& and did it My Za y0 . — . Note„ (#ey nude contincead- 4wm n.igAt &ice) /ley Yude, don't make it bad take a &ad &ong and make ct better, remember. to Get he.& undeA yvuA &kilt.. Then you geginq to make it better.-betfer.- better- be;Ue -&- betieA- better. -bet ,ter. -Oh Da Y lei; BA I Aq D4 D4 ley�ude !)°1?ADfi17A Ai X bq vAX nay Yude-- -- ------ 9'm Neve % gonna 3a LL 9R Love Again _ 9've been 47 ve & many thought 9 kn the &.core, But now you've taeated me &o uzong., 9 can't Labe a anymvre and a Loo" Zdee 9'm neven going to �a.1L in Love again. 9'm neven. going to O.1L in ove aca.in.. .71w-&e thing. 9've heard aboc' * you 9 thought were vn4 Lire&, but when. 9 caught you in Ai&. arm&, 9 yuAt broke down and caiea: An a .L00h&..1ihe -9 neve& gonna in love �aL&n Love 011 in .Cove again. 9 give my healct &o ea izl y, 9 ca&t aide my pAi de, but when you 4e.1L 4o t &&neon a lire 9 61oke up a.L1 .ina.ide and it Lovfu like 9 m never Bona 4all- in .Love again. Jall in Love, 9'm neven gonna /a-U in love Love again....... #e ude #ey, Dude, don't make it bsd , 7ake a , ad &or# and nuke a better. Remembea to .Let hen, in you& heaA. Then you can &tart to nuke a better.. #ey dude, don't be maid you were made to go and get hen. The minute you Let he& under. you.& &kin. Then you begin to mike it 6etten, rind anytime you eel &,e pain. /ley , ade &e4aain, don ca&&y the uan.Ld up on you &hoal der& 7v,% now you know Sts. a PoL who p Lay& it cool by making hi& wor,Ld a .Citt.Le cv.lder, d a da da da da des des. /ley Yude go and get hen. Remem6eA to E ,lei hen into youic heart then you can i &tart to make .i t 6ette, &o .Let it out and Let it in /ley �u 6eging your. f ua.iting &A &omeon.e to per.Prm with and don't you know it4 ju4t you. #ey Yude you'.11 do the movement you need i& on des des your &hvu Gd" vf1 vri G1;' �1 vri !q LX Sm Looking. O a 3oun Le C.LoveA S'm , ookucu oven a lour. Lea .f cloven, that S ovel,looked belfoice. One . ea4 .us 4.un,,hin.e the &econd i4 Aain, 7hind .cam the AoAea that snow in f he ,Lane. No n.ee4exn&incn.r the one aemain.in- .ice. .somebody S advr-e. S'm l oven a 4 .Leaf cloven, that S oveA .Looked be .lote, Sane ueV eve-&v o. d tarn. lo-a face a',i time to t?o. St'a time to go 6ACA cAd and backuand to the Lit. -,Le place S .Le.,t behind ao .Long, ago "Va&A /kilter CO-4 donee. Cam iliA 4,�y bone& S ahould aAAive in a da only waa till S comm- unicate hen e',i ju&t what S'LL aa Pm Look. ing ovea a 4 Lea-f clove. & that S OV 4 iAJoo G e. !one. One Lea -' Z4 &u�hime the 2nd .cal rain, tf cr�a' i4 tha nva.ea an continue f'iwm ton veiAe) ?ainc'.nopl, Keen I'aLLia� O n l"y lead ?ain6wpa keen &Mi on my head and �tuwt Like the say wf:oae feet ate too b4 10z hip. bed 4'oth.cng -&eemil tv fit. 7hvae Rain c'w,o-1 arse I on my head, Jhey keep falling, ao S just dial me dome &J- into the A.un ana' S aai.d S didn't Like the uxL he got thing& done. S.Leepcng on iJe fob, 7hvae Aaindnvpa ate &Jlinc my hea4 They keep IaLLing; But L, e2e'a one ibinr S kzvw the b.Luea theu fiend to meet me won't de .leaf me, St Lon't be .Lon.c till ha,nninetil .ltepA un to 4Aeet me. 0a<icdz keep L'aU ng on my head Fut that coe&n't mean my ey e& will moon by funning te4 Cizy.c zA not �vr, me, cause S i m neve2 gonna litvp the ccmn_ /o ining. 6ecau %e S "m !Aee, ?'othi.ru'� uorrwin hie.. SoltBOVy Love is Pr Somebody .love.4 me, S tvonden. who, S wondea who. &he can be. So . vve. me, S wi&A S knew, Wto can ahe be av& me, .40A eves ginL pa iaea me , S mah out, "lley, maybe you e.2e meant to be mylovin' Somebody .Love. me, S wonders wlw, S uon who, maybe ii-',i you. Wen thi4 uvAld began, ii uaA /le ave n& p. an these .shou.Ld be a gia.L ' 4o.& eveAy airuy.Le man, 7o my gaea.t c,.c neei , &omebae hai upaet Neaven4 pAetZy pwgA m �on, weve never met/ I nk c Lutch cng at 4tAa_.w.A jt b e cau,. e S mach meet he c yet. Somebody .Love./ me. S wvnAA who, Ylonden who &he can b e (Cont,inae, ficom beginning YOU fine Ay Sun4hine The otefc nig d e az, aa S .Lay .l.leepcnc :S dAeOh;, S he.Ld you in my arm --. Vhen S awoke ceaA, S a" irzi& &k en, and S hang' my head and c- ied; you aAe my Aunii.Aine, AY ono =n&A ne , you make me happy when . &Aiei arse g2ey, you'LL neve2 know deal how t7uch S .Love you, l.lea&e don't take my aun&A ne juay. S'll a. avp .Love you and make you happy, S� yuu will only aay the .lame, But 4 you .Leave me to .Love another, you'LL teg tet it a.0 some day. you arse my Aurv�h.en.e, my on.Ly Aun&kine, you make me happy when akie -. a&e clay, you'll never know dean how 7UCf S .Love y ,: u, p lec�e aon take my awn iltne away.. you aze my 4un h.tne my ono /,uruhiae , you make me happy when &Ai,e& awe gA e y, yuu l lave t kno deaa how mach S .Love you, P.Le:,4e don't take my /Lun4hine away......... YOU WERE MEANT FOR ME I was meant for you, Nature patterned and when she was done you were all the sweet things rolled up in one, You're like a plaintive melody that never lets me free for I'm content the angels must have sent you and they meant you just for me. Life was a song you came along - I've laid awake the whole night through - If I but dared Nature patterned you and when she was done, you were all the sweet things rolled up in one You're like a plaintive melody that never lets me free for I'm content the angels must have sent you and they meant you for me. LOVE ME WITH ALL LOUR HEART Love me with all your heart That's all I want Love Love me with all your heart or not at all Just promise me this that you'll give me all your kisses, every winter, every summer, every fall When we are for apart or when you're near me, Love me with all your heart as I love you Give me vour love for a moment or an hour, Love me always as you loved me from the start with every beat of vour heart. to think you cared this is what Id say to you You were meant for me - I was meant for you - Nature patterned you and when she was done, you were all the sweet things rolled up in one You're like a plaintive melody that never lets me free for I'm content the angels must have sent you and they meant you for me. LOVE ME WITH ALL LOUR HEART Love me with all your heart That's all I want Love Love me with all your heart or not at all Just promise me this that you'll give me all your kisses, every winter, every summer, every fall When we are for apart or when you're near me, Love me with all your heart as I love you Give me vour love for a moment or an hour, Love me always as you loved me from the start with every beat of vour heart. NEAR YOU There's just one place for me, near you It's jsut heaven to be near you Time when we're apart, I can't face my heart - Say you'll never stray more than just two lips away If my hours could be spent, near you I'd be more than content near you Make my life worth while by telling me that I'll spend the rest of my days near you. Y OU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE When you walk through a storm hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark at the end of the storm is a golden sky and the sweet silver song of a lark walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain, though your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on walk on hope in your heart and you never walk alone. You'll never walk alone! When you walk through a storm hold your head up hioh and don't be afraid of the dark at the end of the storm is a golden sky and the sweet silver song of a lark - walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain through your dreams be tossed and blown walk on walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone. You'll never walk alone! 35 EVERYBODY LOVES SOMEBODY SOMETIMES Everybody loves somebody sometimes - Everybody falls in love some how. Something your kiss just told me. My sometime is now. Everybody finds somebody some place. There is no telling where love may appear. Something in my heart keep saying my some place is here. If I had it in my power. I'd arrange for every girl to have your charms. Then every minute, every hour. Everybody would find, what I found in your arms. Everybody loves somebody sometime and although dreams are over due Your love made it well worth waiting for someone like you. Everybody loves some- body sometimes. Everybody falls in love some how. Something in your kiss just told me. My some time is now. Everybody finds somebody some place. There's no telling where love may appear. Something in my heart keep saying my some place is here. If I had it in my power I'd arrange for every girl to have your charms. Then every minute every hour every body would find what I found in your arms. Everybody loves somebody sometimes and although my dream is over due, your love made it well worth waiting for some one like you. LOVE IS A MANY SPLENDORED THING Love is a many Splendored thing. It's the April rose that only grows in the early Spring. Love is natures way of giving a reason to be living the golden crown that makes a man a king. Once on a high windy hill in the morning mist two lovers kissed and the world stood still. Then your fingers touched my silent heart, and taught it now to sing - Yes, true love is a many splendored thing. Love is a many splendored thing. It's the April rose that only grows in the early spring. Love is nature's way of giving a reason to be living. The golden crown that makes a man a king. Once on a hiqh and windy hill in the morning mist two lover's kissed and the world stood still then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sinq. Yes, true love is a many splendored thing. Tie A Yellow Ribbon I'm comin' home I've done my time, Now I've got to know what is and isn't mine. If you received my letter telling you I'd soon be free, Then you'll know just what to do if you still want me. Tie a yellow ribbon round the ole' oak tree. It's been three long years - do you still want me? If I don't see a ribbon round the ole' oak tree, I'll stay on the bus, forget about us, put the blame on me If I don't see a yellow ribbon round the ole' oak tree. Bus driver please look for me, cause I couldn't bear to see, What I might see, I'm really still in prison and my love She holds the key - a simple yellow ribbons' what I need To set me free. I wrote and told her please . . . Tie a yellow ribbon round the ole' oak tree, It's been three long years - do you still want me? If I don't see a ribbon round the ole' oak tree, I'll stay on the bus - forget about us, Put the blame on me, If I don't see a yellow ribbon round the ole'oak tree. Now the whole damn bus is cheering. . . And I can't believe I see. . . A hundred yellow ribbons round the ole' oak tree! Beer Barrel Polka There's a garden, what a garden, only happy faces bloom there, And there's never any room there for a worry or a gloom there. Oh, there's music and dancing and a lot of sweet romancin' When they play a polka they,all get in the swing Everytime they hear that oompa -pa. Everybody feels so tra -la -la They want to throw their cares a way. They all go lah- de -ah, de -ay, Then they hear a rumble on the floor, It's the big surprise they're waiting for. And all the couples form a ring, For miles around you'll hear them sing. Roll out the barrel, we'll have a barrel of fun. Roll out the barrel, we've got the blues on the run. Zing! Boom! Ta rar -rel, ring out a song of good cheer, Now's the time to roll out the barrel, For the gang's all here. (Repeat all verses) Because of You Because of you, there is a song in my heart. Because of you, my romance had a start. Because of you, the sun will shine, The moon, the stars will say ,you're mine Forever and never to part. I long for your love and your kiss. It's paradise to be near you like this. Because of you my life is now worth while, And I can smile, because of you. All my days were lonely one's till you came along. Now my days are happy ones, you filled my life with song. (Repeat first two verses) All The Things You Are You are the promised kiss of springtime That makes the lonely winter seem long. You are the breathless hush of evening That trembles on the brink of a lovely song. You're all the .angel glow that lights a star. The dearest things I know are what you are. Someday my happy arms will hold you And someday I'll know that moment divine. When all the things you are - are mine. Time and again I've longed for adventure, Something to make my heart beat the faster. What did I long for I never really knew, But finding your love, I found my adventure. (Repeat verses) Mo re More than the greatest love the world has known, This is the love I'll give to you alone. More than the simple words I try to say I only live to love you more each day. More than you'll ever know My arms long to hold you so, My life will be in your keeping, Walking, sleeping, laughing, weeping. Longer than always is a long, long time, But far beyond forever you'll be mine. I know I never lived before and My heart is very sure, No one else could love you more. I Can't Begin To Tell You I can't begin to tell you how much you mean to me. My world would end if ever we were through. I can't begin to tell you how happy I would be If I could speak my mind like others do. I make such pretty speeches whenever we're apart, But when you are near, the words I choose Refuse to leave my heart. Take the sweetest phrases the world has ever known, And make believe I've said them all to you. I never have a dream that I don't see you in it. You never leave my thoughts, No, not even for a minute. And if you should ask me how deeply I adore you I would simply reply.... (Repeat first and second verses) Little Green Apples And I wake up in the morning with my hair down .In my eyes, and she says "Hi". And I stumble to the breakfast table while the Kids are going off to school - goodbye. And she reaches out and takes my hand, Squeezes it and says "how you feeling 'hon" And I look across at smiling lips that warm my heart And see my morning sun. And if that's not lovin' me, then all I've got to say, Is God didn't make little green apples , And it don't rain in Indianapolis in the summertime. There's no such thing as Dr. Seuss, Disneyland and Mother Goose is no nursery rhyme. God didn't make little green apples and it don't rain In Indianapolis in the summertime, and when myself is Feeling low, I think about her face aglow to ease my mind. Sometimes I call her up at home, knowing she's busy And ask if she could get away and meet me and grab A bite to eat. And she drops what she's doing And hurries down to meet me and I'm always late. But she's waiting patiently and smiles when she First sees me cause she's made that way. And if that's not loving me, then all I got to say is God didn't make little green apples and it don't snow In Minneapolis when the winter comes. There's no such thing as make believe, puppy dogs And autumn leaves and B.B. guns. God didn't make little green apples and it don't rain In Indianapolis in the summertime, and when myself is Feeling low, I think about her face aglow to ease my mind. And when myself is feeling low, I think about her face Aglow to ease my mind. Night & Day Like the beat, beat, beat of the Tom Tom, When the jungle shadows fall, Like the tick, tick tock of the stately clock, As it against the wall. Like the drip, drip, drip of the rain drops, When the summer shower is through, So a voice within me keeps repeating, You, you, you. f Night and day you are the one. Only you beneath the moon and under.the sun Whether near to me or far, It's no matter darling where you are I think of you Night and day, Night and day, Why is it so, That this longing for you follows Wherever I go? In the roaring traffic's boom, In the silence of my lonely room, I think of you night and day, Night and day. Under the hide of me there's oh, such a hungry yearning, Burning side of me: And it's torment won't be through Till you let me spend my life making love to you. Night and day, night and day. I Love How You Love Bye I know how your eyes close whenever you kiss me, And when I'm away from you I love how you miss me. I love the way you always treat me tenderly But darling most of , all, I love how you love me. I love how ypur heart beats, whenever I hold you. I love how you think of me, without being told to. I love the way your touch is always heavenly, But, darling most of all, I love how you love me. I love how you hug me, I love how you squeeze me, Tease me, please me, love how you love me. I love how you love me. I love how your eyes close whenever you kiss me, And when I'm away from you, I love how you miss me. I love the way you always treat me tenderly, But darling most of all, I love how you love me. ILI GOING OUT OF MY HEAD Well I think I'm going out of my head - Yes I think I'm going out of my head Over You - Over you - I want you to want me I need you so badly I can't think of anything but you - And I think I am goinq out of my head cause I can't explain the tears that I shed over you - over you - I see you each morning but you just walk past me, you don't even know that I exist. Going out of my head over you - out of my head over you - out of my head day and night, night and day, wrong or right. I must think of a way into your heart there is no reason why my beinq shy should keep us apart, and I think I'm going out of my head cause I can't explain the tears that I shed over you - over you. I see you each morning but you just walk past me, you don't even know that I exist. Well I think I am going out of my head - yes I think I am goinq out of my head over you - over you. I want you to want me - I need you so badly I can't think of anything but you. I am going out of my head over you - out of my head over you. Out of my head day and night, night and day - day and night wrong or right. I must think of a way into your heart. There is no reason why my being shy should keep us apart and I think I'm goinq out of my head. Yes I think I'm going out of my head. A VE MARIA Ave maria riamaiden mild Ah!. Listen to a maiden's prayer. For thou canst hear amid the wild tis thou tis thou cans't save amide spair. We slumber safely tell the morrow tho even by men out cast rwild oh maden see a maidens sorrow oh mother hear a suppliant child ava maria Riai. Like A Br dwee Troubled when you're weary, feelin' small, When tears are in your eyes I'll dry them all. I'm on your side, oh, when times get And friends just can't be found Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down. When you're down and out, When you're on the street When evening falls so hard I will comfort you. I'll take your hand, Oh, when darkness comes, And fear is all around Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down. Like a bridge over troubled water �,taii l l lay me down. SL i on silver girl. Sail on by. Your time has come to shine All your dreams are on their way, See how they shine. Oh, if you need a friend I'm sailing right behind Like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind. Like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind. Like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind. ?e. ease /ale Neale "aae me, .Let me go, fOA 9 don't .Love you anymo te. 7o write out Live i wou U be a tin. 2e eaae ale and .Let me ,Love again. 9 Aave .found a new .Covey , dear. and 9 wi,L_L a. uayt want hen nea.&; //e,& ZL o i ate un itm wAi.Le you A4 ace cold, ReZeate me, my &ud in.g iet me go Neaae ?e .L e &, can't you tee, you'd be a too.L io c lin g to me, 7o Li ve a Lie woald bning, uA pain, So te.Leate Me and .Let me .Love again. The Duiu�town R/uttea&' Ba.CL 9',U be dow to get y ou in a tax4 Noney You 6e&en be aeady about haL� pant eight, Now dea2<.e., don't be .late, 9 uanf to be theice when the band i&A14 p&ying. ?emem6et when we get tA,?Ae, Boney, the two ttept, S'm g4 Ln to have em a.L!, ya in' to dance out both my shoe i, when they *y thole yeayJ ?oa B.Lue d, 7omo.vww night at the The ba Mown Stusitt -&&' Ba.l,L. Love Me 7onig.At I know that it's late And I really must leave you alone, But you're good to hold And I feel such a long way from home. Yes, I know that our love is still new But I promise its gonna be true. Please let me stay, Don't you send me away Oh, no, no. Oh, tell me babe that you need me, Say you will never leave me. Love me tonight. Hold me now my heart is aching, And until the dawn is breaking Love me tonight. Something is burning inside, Something that can't be denied. I can't let you out of my sight, Darling love me tonight. I waited so long for the girl of my dreams To appear and now I can hardly believe That you really are here. Here in my arms where you belong, How can this feeling be wrong, Darling be kind for I'm out of my mind over you. Oh, tell me baby that you need me, Say you'll never leave me. Love me tonight, Baby, now the pain is stronger, I can't wait a moment longer. Love me tonight. Something is burning inside, Something that can't be denied. I can't let you out of my sight, Darling love me tonight. Let me love you baby, Let me love you tonight. Inun mn +nnink+ Like A Br�d�e Troubled When you're weary, feelin' small, When tears are in your eyes I'll dry them all. I'm on your side, oh, when times And friends just can't be found Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down. When you're down and out, When you're on the street When evening falls so hard I will comfort you. I'll take your hand, Oh, when darkness comes, And fear is all around Like a bridge over troubled I will lay me down. Like a bridge over troubled will lay me down. Sail on silver girl. Sail on by. Your time has come to shine All your dreams are on their See how they shine. Oh, if-you need a friend I'm sailing right behind Like a bridge over troubled I will ease your mind. Like a bridge over troubled I will ease your mind. Like a bridge over troubled I will ease your mind. Something is burning inside, Something that can't be denied. I can't let you out of my sight, Darling love me tonight. I waited so long for the girl of my dreams To appear and now I can hardly believe That you really are here. Here in my arms where you belong, How can this feeling be wrong, Darling be kind for I'm out of my mind over you. Oh, tell me baby that you need me, Say you'll never leave me. Love me tonight, Baby, now the pain is stronger, I can't wait a moment longer. Love me tonight. Something is burning inside, Something that can't be denied. I can't let you out of my sight, Darling love me tonight. Let me love you baby, Let me love you tonight. 41, Love me tonight. Wate get water water Love Me Tonight I know that it's late way, And I really must leave you alone, But you're good to hold i And I feel such a long way from home. Yes, I know that our love is still new water j But I promise its gonna be true. Please let me stay, water ! Don't you send me away Oh, no, no. wa ter Oh, tell me babe that you need me, Say you will never leave me. Love me tonight. Hold me now my heart is aching, And until the dawn is breaking Love me tonight. It Had To Be You It had to be you, it had to be you, I wandered around and finally found The somebody who could make me be true - Could make me be blue, and even be glad Just to be sad thinking of you. Some others I've seen, might never be mean, Might never be cross or try to be boss, But they wouldn't do. For noboby else gave me a thrill, With all your faults I love you still. It had to be you, wonderful you. It had to be you. You'll never You'll never And if I trii You ought to A million or You'll Never Know know just how much I miss you. know just how much I care, ad I still couldn't hide my love for you. know, for haven't I told you so more times? You went away and my heart went with you. I speak your name in my every prayer. If there is some other way to prove that I love you I swear I don't know how. You'll never know how much I love you, If you don't know now. Bye Bye Blackbird Pack up all my care and woe, here I go, singing low, Bye, bye blackbird. Where somebody waits for me, sugars sweet, so is she, Bye, bye blackbird. No one here can love and understand me, Oh, what hard luck stories they all hand me. Make my bed and light the light, I'll arrive late tonight, Blackbird, bye bye. Blackbird, blackbird, singing the blues all day Right outside of my door, Blackbird, blackbird gotta be on my way, Where there's sunshine galore. Pack up all my cares and woes, Here I go, singin' low, • Bye, bye blackbird... (Repeat chorus) 0 Till The End Of Time Till the end of time, long as stars are in the blue, Long as there's a spring, a bird to sing, I'll go on loving you, till the end of time. Long as roses bloom in May, my love for you will grow, Deeper with every passing day. Till the wells run dry and each mountain disappears, I'll be there for you to care for you Through laughter and through tears. So, take my heart in sweet surrender And tenderly say that I'm the one you love and live for, Till the end of time. I wished upon a star for someone to share What each day would bring, And you my darling are that someone, Meant for me to cling to, Till the end of time. Pretty Baby You ask me why I'm always teasing you You hate to have me call you Pretty Baby. I really thought that I was pleasing you, For you're just a baby to me. Your cunning little dimples and your baby talk And baby walk, and curly hair - your baby smile Makes life worthwhile. You're just as sweet as you can be. Everybody loves a baby, that's why I'm in love with you. Pretty baby - - -- pretty baby - -- -And I'd like to be your sister, Brother, dad and mother, pretty baby--- - Won't you come and let me rock you in my cradle of love, And we'll cuddle all the time. I want a lovin' baby and it might as well be you. Pretty baby of mine. It's a Sin to Tell a Lie Be sure it's true, when you say, I love you. It's a sin to tell a lie. Millions of hearts have been broken Just because these words were spoken, I love you, yes I do, I love you. If you break my heart, I'll die, so be sure It's true, when you say, I love you. It's a sin to tell a lie. If You Knew Susie Like I Know Susie If you knew Susie, like I know Susie, Oh, oh, what a girl. There's none so classy as this fair lassie Oh, oh, Holy Moses! What a chassis! We went riding, she didn't walk back from Yonkers, I'm the one that had to walk. If you knew Susie, like I know Susie, Oh, oh, What a girl! I've got a sweetie known as Susie, In the words of Shakespeare, she's a wow! Though all of you may know her too. I'd like to shout right now, If you knew Susie, like I know Susie, Oh, oh, oh, what a girl. She wears long tresses, and Nice tight dresses. Oh, oh, what a future she possesses. But in public, how she can yawn. In a parlor you would think the war was on. If you knew Susie, like I know Susie, Oh, oh, what a girl! Don't Let The Stars Get In Your Eyes Don't let the stars get in your eyes, Don't let the moon break your heart. Love blooms at night, in day light it dies, Don't let the stars get in your eyes. Oh, keep your heart for me, For someday I'll return, And you know you're the only one I'll ever love. Too many nights, Too many stars, Too many moons could change your mind. If I'm gone too long, don't forget where you belong. When the stars come out, remember, you are mine. (Repeat first 8 lines) Too many miles, too many days, Too many nights to be alone. Oh, please keep your heart while we're apart, Don't linger in the moonlight while I'm gone. Don't let the stars get in your eyes, don't let the moon Break your heart. Tennessee Waltz I was waltzing with my darlin' to the Tennessee Waltz, When an old friend I happened to see Introduced him to my loved one and while they were waltzing, My friend stole my sweetheart from me. I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz Now I know just how much I have lost. Yes, lost my little darlin' the night they were playin' The beautiful Tennessee Waltz. (Sing two more times) Somewhere My Love Somewhere my love, there will be songs to sing. Although the snow covers the hope of spring. Somewhere a hill blossoms in green and gold, And there are dreams all that your heart can hold. Someday, we'll meet again my love, Someday whenever the spring breaks through. Where are the beautiful days? Where are the sleigh rides till dawn? Where are the tender moments of splendor? Where have they gone? Where have they gone? You'll come to me, out of the long ago, Warm as the wind, soft as the kiss of snow. Till then my sweet, think of me now and then, God speed my love till you are mine again. Till you are mine again. Blueberry Hill I found my thrill, on Blueberry Hill. On Blueberry Hill, when I found you. The moon stood still on Blueberry Hill, And lingered until my dreams came true. The wind in the willow played loves' sweet melody, But all of those vows we made were never to be. Tho' we're apart, you're part of me still, For you were my thrill on Blueberry Hill. Do you recall a year ago tonight? We stood and watched the golden sun descending. When love had just begun, why did there have to be an ending? Do you recall a year ago tonight, I found my thrill on Blueberry Hill. On Blueberry Hill - when I found you. 4� ` Le t 9t Be li 9 61e4A the ray 9 P und' you, 9 ux,nt to a&y an.ound you, and ao 9 beg ,ou, Let i t be me. don tape thin. heaven �wm aae, S� you aunt cling to aomeone, Now and loireve,, Let i t be me. &c-A time we meet Love, 9 4ind complete love, V"ut you'. •meet Love, !Aat would .0 4,e 6e. So, never. Leave me Loner, to U me you'll Love me only and #hat you' a4x yA Let it be Ple. S� 4oA each bit o� gLadne ate, aomeone mint o 4 aaddnea.a, 9'.0 b eak the &o.ciww, Let 9t 6 e Ae. No ira -tt what the pAt-ce 4-4 9'l make the aac.&giced, thaough each tomoniww, Let it be me. 7o you 9'm pAay- ing, #ear what 9'm aacying, l Leave Let you hea�ct beat AA me, j"t me. And never, leave me Lonely, te.LL me you'll Love me only, and that you'll aZ4oAy4, Let Zt be me. �fae the l�,w& �v A y Do you amber when y ou Loved meBepire the wv, too me a4;t a ?S� you do then 4oAgi.ve me and make the uvAA d go away. &he the rtvA.. d go away, and get a o�4 my, a.houlde&i, Say the things you uae to day and l7Jrche the woald go asay9'm aoAny i 9 hunt you, 9'Ll mane a up day by day. aay you love me " you "e toand make the woald go away . M2Ae the w A L go away and get it o �4 my aay the th ng s you uAe to day and mane the w A� d go away. " ;Omebody Love& /ale Some body Loves me, 9 wonde,% who ..9 wondea who &.fie c_an. 6 e. So me 6o4 Loves me 9 wish 9 kw - urwlo can .she be woAAi.ea me me. Ton every giAl who paaae&, me 9 afwut, #ey,1 you were meant to be my L oving baby. Some6o4 Lovei me, 9 wonder who 11 Oe a' youWAen this. woA, d began. Zt waA heaven,4 plan then.e ahould be a giA,L 4 ot ever y aingle a" 7o nV a. e.ai- ceyAz4 a.omeone ham u paet, heaven'.& pn.etty pn.og, am 4on. wJve never met, 9' cLu&Aing at itwaa kuAt ; �Acauae 9 may meet AeA yet. Somebody Love& me , 9 wondeA wlw, 9 wondeic, who ahe can be �nd tepeat —a7ea 4ot 7uo Pi.c4v -1 e. you on my A nee, ju it. tea PA two and two 4u t tea, Yuat. me 4ut you and you PAL nee alone. Nobody neaa u1, to a.ee a& on heez u.&, No Ai.endi opt Ae&tioa a. on weehend vacation. W e won't Rave a know dean that we own a teleplwne. dean Day will 6.i.eak and you' ,U auafze and a.ia zt to 6 ahe &uga,t cake PA me to tape. /on all the bo ya to iee. We will Aa4-&e a Awti�y a boy 4o,2 you and a gi l PA me. Oh, cant you .iee how happy we could be. l icune you upon my knee, Ya/lt tea 4on two and two lo,% tea, and ae above ....... J 7hene 9've Said 9t again 9 Love you, 4A te'a nothing to hide, ii'.1 6et4et than 6uAning inside, 9 Love you, no uA to pae.tend, 7 hen e 9v'e aaid it again, 9v'e &aid a, what moire. can 9 aay, beli me theae'a no other uay, 9 .Love you, 9 will to the end, 7he/ce 9v'.& eiai.d ii again, 9v'e tti.ed to dAum up a phica<ae that would aum up aLL that 9 eel PA you, but what good ate pALaAeA, the thought that am¢ i& you Love me and i't i heaven.Ly, }oAp - 've me �on. uA nt.i 19 you a.o, but one thing 9 acnt you to lznow, 9ve Loved you &Luce heaven knoua when, 7hene 9ve &aid it again, / /J 74at'a 4,w Le 9n Napo. i, when.e .Love is Piing, when boy meet.& giA4 ll eze'a what they a<n.�.: When the moon hi -4 ryou z eye, Line a 6ia p��p pie-, 7hat'4 Amore. - -4Aen the uavALd u+eema to ah.cne " you've had too mach wine, 7ha t',a Amon.e.. BeLL.& wi.l kLng ting a Zing a .L�, ting a � a �-ing and you'.l 4tRs "Vee & Be.L ". #eaAti wi.L_L p.Lay b-ppa tippy tayi 44 ppy ttppy &. 4 Like a gay taAante . Luck }e Ua, When the 4taz4 maize you dW0 �u.&t Like pa&& A ;oo.L, 7hat'4 Amore. Vhen you dance down the .ataeet with a c.Cou at youa �eet, yo4uc'n.e * Love. When you ua. k in a d�ceam, but you fznvw yvuhe not dzeami.n�, &igiwte., Acu ;,zp me, but you aee, Bach <n oLd Napo4 7hat'4 Amoice...... llaZ4 hail, The. Sa 14 iQ( // e./Le ll ia.L , hai.L the g, 'a a.L.L /le ze WAa;t the heck do we ca/ e/ What the heck do we care., llai.L, hail, the yang'.& a.LL heae, WAa..t the heck do we caste noun �ai4y Be.I &V4& &,,-U 4o, 7 u, "y, Dac4y, give me your, anAaea do, 9' haZL caa,�y, all �on the .Love o4 you, Si- w n& ae a .ayliAh ma/LLtacge, 9 cant apozd a cruvc.t.age, But you'll ,Loop .iaee4 on .the aeat, 64 a *yc.Le bai.0 �&n two, . C .Lement 9n a gAveAn, in a canyon, excavating boa a mine, dwe.L a mineA, �v�t fr�nenen, and hip& daughtez C lementine. Oh my ` , Oh Oh, g y d'an,Cing � .Lementine You aAe. .Lo.&t and gone 4on,even., araedpL IOJL � (Lementi., e. M B.Lue /leaven When wAh opoo,cw" ca_L and evn.L'aa in nigh, Blue /leaven, A tug to the .t.ig a Lu`.t.Le white Zigh , wiZL . ead you to ley B.Lue /leaven. y ou '.LL aee a &mie Ace, a 4iitep, ace, a co y n.00m, A Litt.Le. ne.&t that'.& ne.&tled wA&eite the /w4e4 bloom. Yuat AoZLie and /fie and bab mahe�& thaee, Ve'ne happ in Ic B.l1,/.e /leaven. /le'.1 got the V/ zo. e .Vo Ajd in llu& /land.& H e'.s go the who.Le ux.)A ld in ll i.i hand,&, /rrrr/ / //r"nrr//rr /III rrrr %urrrrrurr, rrrrrrrrrrrrru rr" " rr u r � ///rr/ rrr/ rr /r rr r rrr // //rrrr rr rr //a rrrr"// rrrr ar/ r /rr rrrr rrrr rr n rr"rrnn"rrrrrrrrrrrr ruu"rr"rrrr rrrrrrrrrurrrarrrr"rrr /rrrr" // 7iluj Baby Sun and a&at r Oh ll e' a p. - you and me in hill hand.& lle'.& aot the whole uo tLd cn him& panda., `, Q You cue Ay Suruhine She other nigh night dean a.. 9 lay aleepcng., 9 dreamed 9 held you in my aiv&. Wen 9 awoke deal, 9 waa mi itraken and 9 hung, my head and cAied. you ruse my Aun- ahine, my only &m&Ain.e, you make me happy when aki.e�s aa.e grey, yo'lL never. know dean how mush 9 ,Love you, l le.a ie don't .take my .uuvih.ine away. 9'll al ayA .Cove you and make you happy, 9� you wi..0 only aay the - luvae, But i.4 you Le ave me to .Cove anoth you'll negnet it all &ome day. Repeat T he Band Play 0 C (Zi - ey wou ld wa with a&L%aw6 envy blonde, and the band played on, flea glide c.,wv- the ,Coon with the giAl he adon'd and the Band played on, But hia 6Aa<n ua4 Aso .Loaded a neatly exploded, the poop g a would ahaAe with a L -vn. #'cl - ne'e - ,t leave the giAl with the .,L awb envy cuAJ and theBL�O, 9 Write he S� 9've been aLi.ve fo teven, and 9 wavte the vety 4iAji .iong..9 put the wvn.da and the melv d<eJs ; 9 am music, and 9 uAae the .songs. that meke the w hole woAld •s 9 wvc<.te the gongs o4 love and a e.cial things 9 write t,4 aongA that make the young g.u-L cAcy, 9 wni& the &ong a, 9 waite .the a.orug u Ay home Zi.e i deep within you and 9've got my own place in your &oul, Now whin 9 look oat tivwugh noun eye-&, Pp young again even though 9'm very old, 9 unite the &onp that make the whole woAld .sing . . Si-'.s a Small, lVonld St'& a woAld o4 laughter, a woo) -d o4 teams, 9t'a a world o4 hope& and a wvn,LrL o4 4ea t&, 7hene' a .ao auch that we &hare, 7hrct i,t'.i tune we're awrure -91'4 av=r Z woAld a4. all. 9t'a a AmL.L wolLld a4ten. as 9t'.s a 4ma.LC , &mall YOA, d, 9.tal ian (9t'a a 4mall World) C '� Sp en - An - Z a ov - onque C % au -Ra A -.Con C' 7ni.s- 7e,�-A, C �� A C' 0 d i.o 6 A - mot l en- Sua- von- Ci. do6 -Bitcn C hen U n mon Do V- V crrm C he % ir.-C- No % en Oav- Ven 9' Lo S.t,i&- So Ov- Un Que S, -Am Ste c- S A} - Tan - N'6 Ci. -Ote. 46 -3inm Que s - lion -9 CaI14 Vi,- V&m 6. -' Pic Cin Oav- V en....... 7uni. -Cal i..Iuni.cu Some think the mo,zld i i made 4on �un and �wl.i.c anc' ao do 9, and ao do 9 and & do 9.... Some think ii- well to do all melancJwZ4r to pine and a.igh, to pine and nigh tU pine and But 9, 9 Love to apend q$c time in .sut 4-ng, come joyous. gong, .some fo you s gong; 7o .set .the � aiA with mimic 6,a.ceLy nuz g.�ng tom. � I' j� "_m azaang, u 4/L �Awm wvuwng.. flank en NaAA en l74cc sound i a 4& 7Aa La La La taa. La La La Ina la. La la. goy ins eeenywhene, Ina La La la Ina La la la llaAken, flanken, A" i.c a.oundA a -AA fla.nke.n harken, Aj-4 i.c aounds a4an. 7nu la La la 7Aa La La La Ina la la. La 7 , a La La la. soy 9S �V61yYV#1 K Ina la la 1a- Iaa,'Ia la la. I" 9 VAi.te t Song ( Coat trued) 9 ua-i to the &ong i, o4 Love and ipec4aL thin, 9 uvu to the .s.ong. that mane the young giA.L c/Ly, 9 uK,i to the .song. 9 uv<cte the &ongA.. Oh. my mu i.i•c make j you dance, and gives you .spZ4i,t t take a charage and 9 uvwte some lwclz ..n " ,W. j 4•o you can move. AL&i.c �" your. hea.A.4 WeLL that'.¢ a. AeaL 4ine place. to Amt. 9t 'a 4 wm me, 9t'a 40n. you 9t'1 40 me , 9t'a a av4J -d wide aymphony. 9 uici.te the .aonp that melee the whole u A� d ling,, 9 wulte the &ong i o4 Love and 4p &,Ln p , 9 uvu to the .song4 that anke the young, gi, , cry; 9 uvu te. the &ongA, 9 w -tt.te the •song u 9 am mu ic, and 9 uvu to the ionp. 9 wkt to the aonga that maize the whole avAA d aing. 9 w ite the &o ngA 04 Love and .special things , 9 uvL to the longs that mane the young gcvt_/A cRy, 9aA. to the long,¢., 9 rut az the long¢.......... A Lexnmden'4 Ragtime Band C ome on an heat, Come. on an hear,, A Lexrznd�R'.s Rggt ime 6an.4 Come on an ' heat, come on an' hero, 9t'4 the. 6e4t band in the Land, They can play a 6ug ca_U Li/ze you never. heund 6e/o te, So natuAal that you ' aajzt. t go to 7hat'4 � the 6 e..t e.at band what am, my honey Lamb -Come on along,, come on ¢Long, Let me take you 6 the hand, Up to the man Up to the man, who is the Leaden o4 the band And q you care to heat that S aanee Rivet played, in Aa9t me, come on an' heaic, come on an' heat 4 eet ragtime banal. Oh, my #oney, Oh, my 11oney, Betters hu, (C oa4inu.ed next coLamn) ig(exande-&'4 Ragtime Band (Coat -uuea) And Leta meunde 4in't you join I , A<.n't you gain' to the Leaden. man , Ragged me&-, man, Oh, my honey, Oh, my Honey, Let me take you to A•Lexrcnde,L'a gAand a.tand Brass band, A<n't you comin' a�ortg? Repeat 6eg.inning) A Sood M2A us //a4d to 7ind Pod man i i haAd to 4inu4 , you aLaa.yA get the o ther Bind, Gust ehen you tAinh he .us you2 pal, you . oofz P4 him and .o 4ind him 40 ing 'nund .some otheA gal. 7h-en you stave, then you even c/avi to lee Laying in hcs g/tave. So i.4 youit• man 4A nice, lak my advice, and Aug him in the moAncng , Ki u him evevuy n4ght, � i_ve him plenty Loving, 7,ieat him Right, So,t a good man aow a day& u havtd to 4in / lily #er-,ti _ .sad and 9 am all �On,Lv car, AY man 'A taeating me mean, 9 negAe t. the day 9 uA 6oitn, and that man o� mine o4 mine 9've even lee. Ay happii � it. neve,t La , a day, Ay heart .ins a.Lrwat 6neah,tng while 9 4ay, A .rood man 4-4 hand to �ind, you aLaaya 4nd the. oth - hind Yu t. when .l you think he you2 pal - go to the third Line o� the 6ejinning) RuLd Lana Sane Should auLd aquainta.nce 6e P1w 4 and never. 61cought to mind Should a z. d ar_- uacntance 6e 4ongot and da o� aald Lang iyne. }o auLd Lang Tyne, my decuc, 4 0R auLd Land ayne, V faire a cup v� Aindne.i4 yet, 4/L au.Ld Lang ayne.