HomeMy WebLinkAboutBGA v16-1 winter 1995 a coMrErillrs Young Searctrers By Beth Walterscheidt & Her young Probate Packets From Brazos Co. TX County Clerk' Courpil-ed by . Peggy Basenf elder & ;trndex to Brazos Co. L870 Agricultural Census Transcribed by Brazos Co. Resid.ents Staying in Galveston Hotels Compiled by Brazos Co. Land Rendered-Moses A. Foster League Transcribed by Index Compiled by QenealogLst Searchers s Office Elsie Wade .Tanis Hunt, 185s -1859 Bill Page No. L5 Ruth Hary 'Janis Hunt PAGE35 15 22 32 34 BRAZOS GENEAI.,OGIST VOLT'ME XVI NTIMBER 1 !f WINTER L995 BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL ASSOCTATTON P.O. BOX 5493 BRYAN TX 77805 OFFICERS L995 PRESIDENT. . " . . PEGGY BASENFELDER VTCE PRES. . . .BETH WALTERSCHETDT SECRETARY... ...MARYVAUGHN TREASURER... RUTHHARY L]BRARIAN POST TO BE FILLED EDITOR JANTS HI]NT PAST PRESIDENT. .BILL PAGE STAFF EDITORS RESEARCH/QUERIES PEGGY BASENFELDER LOCAL HTSTORY RUTH HARY AND .JANIS HUNT CONT]NUTNG SERIES. . . . .B]LL PAGE INDEXTNG/PRINTING CONSULTANT" . . HARRY J. PORTZER MEETINGS Meetings held the third Monday of each month from 7:00 pm to I :45 nym.'. i n l-hc Rrrr:n t,i hr ary. Please arrive early as the Iibrary cfoses at 9:00 pm. Membership is on a calendar year basis, January through December. 515-OO a ve:r . O)<srrarl-arlrr picked up at meeti-ngs. $20.00 a mailed. year. f)rrari-ar'l .t Ysur Checks for dues may be mailed to the abowe address or to Ruth Hary, 2303 Kent, Bryan, TX 77802. QUARTERLY The GENEALOGIST is published as Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall Issues. Each Volume of the GENEALOGIST will correspond with the membership year. -Drr"= cover the cost to members. EXCHANGE The GENEALOGIST is available f or exchange with ot.her organizations or publj_shers who have publications to offer. Send inquiries or samples to P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805. SOLICITATIONS We solicit queries, family charts, copies of Bible records, articl-es and stories with Brazos Valley ties. Family charts shoul_d be 8 1,/2 x 11 and fit a 3 rinq binder. ED]TORIAL POLICY Neither the Brazos Genealogical Association or the staff of the Quarterly will be responsible for error of fact or oninion expressed herein. Every effort is made to publish reliabl_e t_nlormatl_on. The editorial staff reserves the right to accept appropriat.e material with editing privileges on a space available basis. Members are encouraged to submit articles of interest concerning the Brazos Va11ey. Rcge:rch norf .a i n i na t-n rlaaAo t/ur uqf rrrrrY uv uEguD /Bible records, D^^ 1\--.t^I(^J1( ., -L 5^ /nhrrral.rae , s=rrnv rl Othef qfo11ps Of organizations are desired. Research on material before the turn of the century especially welcome. is ra The Association will do limited local-Brazos County research for $10.00 an hour. Write for details and please enclose a SASE. o Srnzos gonoetngLst Volume XVI Number 1 Winter 1995 Bryan/College Station Texas YOUNG SEARCHERS The following family story and introduction to the Young Searchers project is presented as an example of what our young genealogists can do. The project was started last year by our vice-president, Beth WALTERSCHEIDT, in her sixth-grade reading classes at Oakwood School in College Station. Starting its second year the Young Searchers project is in full force. Young Searchers is a sixth grade research program at Willow Branch Intermediate School in College Station. Approximately 130 students in groups numbering between 3 to 5 are assigned a subject person. This person lived in the Bryan/College Station area and helped build the character of the two cities. Research begins in September with a trip to either the Bryan City Cemetery, College Station Cemetery or Wellborn Cemetery to do a gravestone rubbing. The students take notes on vital dates, record information on the gravestones and document other family members. Members of the Brazos Genealogical Association and Research Ramblers help the students complete the rubbings and assist them in their note-taking. Classroom time is spent researching the family name in various county books and records. Taking notes and documenting the information is emphasized. At this point the students begin to feel they know their person and have questions that the books can not provide. A trip to the Texas A&M University Library is scheduled. There the students view census records and newspapers on microfilm. Volunteers from the two local genealogical groups work with each group to guide the students to find the correct information. With the research work completed the students enter the information into the computer using Family Tree Maker to compile genealogical charts. In their Language Arts class they write a historical fiction story about their person using the facts gathered and their imaginations to create a story of interest. They also write a story on what their person contributed to the community. After all the writing is completed and documented the students' work will be published and spiral-bound. Each student receives a copy. Additional copies are given to the Brazos Genealogical Association and Research Ramblers in thanks for their help. This year the groups provided 26 volunteers for the field trips which accounted for over 1 1 0 volunteer hours. Some groups have also met with living descendants of their person and conducted oral history interviews. These interviews are helpful in obtaining factual stories about the person. The value of this program is immense. Students become actively involved in their work and take pride in what they are doing. They are fascinated by the 4information they find and at times emotions run high. They also become critical readers and often find conflicting facts. It is hoped this project will help students relate community activities into their learning. Often the students will come to class asking about a street or sign they saw which had the name of a person that their group or another group is researching. They read about businesses, €tovernment affairs, and the farming communities around the Brazos Valley. Certain groups have learned about soldiers during war times, particularly the Civil War. Another aspect of the project is that it is giving something to the community by recognizing citizens of the past who contributed to making Bryan/College Station what it is today. Finally it is believed that this program will create an interest in some students to continue research into their own family history or it may even generate a desire for the students to search out other important names in the community. Persons researched by the 1993/1994 group were Roger Ouincey ASTIN, Briscoe G. BALDWIN, John lrwin BARRON, Travis B. BRYAN, William pierce BURKHALTER, Ebenezer F. CARTER, Howard R. CAVITT, Hiram T. CoULTER, M.D., John Harrison DOWLING, George T. HASWELL, Williamson Smith HOWELL, Charles Eric JENKINS, John T. McDONALD, George Samuel PARKER, Charles PURyEAR, Thomas Harvey ROYDER, Morris SCHULMAN, John Washington TABOR and Thomas E. WADE. Each group wrote a fact story, a story about the contribution of their subject to the community and a fiction story on their person's retirement. The following story is from the 1 993/1994 book put together by the first group of Young Searchers. lt is presented exactly as it was written by the students. In the interest of space the descendantacy chart generated by Family Tree Maker was left out' John McCALLUM, Paul HAVERLAND, Chad FORTIE, Gene BULLOCK and Joseph MARSICO researched, wrote and present the story on Thomas Harvey ROYDER. FACT STORY OF THOMAS HARVEY ROYDER Thomas H. ROYDER was born on May 21 , 1864 to the loving parents of Adam and Mary ROYDER. He was the youngest of seven children. He grew older and married lda Ellen BURKHALTER. With lda he had five children. The first born child was Douglas ROYDER, then came Annie, followed by Joda, then Thomas, and Fay ROYDER. He then bought 1000 acres of land for his family. Later he opened a cotton gin to help other farmers. He became one of the founders of Wellborn and established the first store. His life ended because of a disease called Chronic Nuphritis, a kidney disease. CONTRIBUTION TO THE COMMUNITY THOMAS HARVEY ROYDER Thomas Harvey ROYDER contributed a ton to the community. Thomas was one of the founders of Wellborn. There he and his brothers controlled the merchantile I 5 trade. He served as post master, an office that his brother Jeff had held before him. He also was associated with his brother, John H., in establishing the first store in Wellborn and creating a cotton gin and establishing a lumber yard. He introduced the red polled cattle. He also introduced the poland china swine to this section of Brazos County. In business he did well in stock raising. He was a stock holder in an Oil Mill at Navasota, a director of the Dallas Dry Goods Company, a stock holder of the Western Casaulty Company, a director of the National Insurance and Trust Company of Waco, and a stock holder in the Hogan All-Noch Dry Goods Company in Houston. In addition, Mr. ROYDER owned a general merchandise store at Cawthon. As you can see Thomas H. ROYDER did may things for our community. THE RETIREMENT OF THOMAS H. ROYDER Thomas H. ROYDER was one of the founders of Wellborn. During his retirement he had a lot of money. Thomas did not let retirement get him down. Instead, he looked at it as an opportunity. Thomas spent time with his family and did fun things with them. He also went out to beautify his town by planting trees, flowers, and shrubs. He owned a farm that was very big. His sons helped him to do all the chores on the farm. Thomas had a cotton gin which he kept open to help other farmers and make a little extra money. He also gave suggestions to the town officials. ln his spare time Thomas would go hunting with his sons quite often because he had two dogs worth $1OO.O0. Thomas ROYDER took a trip to Bavaria, Germany where his father was born so that he could visit all of his relatives. After his visiting he took an extended vacation from working on his farm. REFERENCES OF THOMAS HARVEY ROYDER "Juror". Bryan Eagle. Feb. 20 1890, p.5 col.3. "Married lda BURKHALTER". Bryan Eagle, June 12 189O, p.1 col. 2. "Member of Wedding Party". Bryan Eagle, Feb. 20, 1890, p.1 col.4. "ROYDER's Grew, Prospered with Brazos County Area". Bryan Daily Eagle. July 10, 1962, p.3 col.1 . "Signed a Petition". Bryan Eagle. May 22, 1890. p.1 col.2. "Thomas H. ROYDER Received Final Call Early Today". Bryan Daily Eagle, June 17, 1962. p.3 col.1. "3 Gave a Wedding Present". Bryan Eagle, May 8189O. p.B col.3. Wellborn Cemetery, Wellborn, Texas. Mr. William URBERNOSKY. Contributed by Beth WALTERSCHEIDT and the 1 993/1 994 Young Searchers 6 PROBATE PACKETS FROM BRAZOS CO. TX COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE Original Probate documents are found in packets in the County Clerk's Office in Bryan, TX. These packets have original documents, some of which are marked District Court, Brazos Co. Others are marked as probate or estate documents. Some documents are marked as having been recorded in Estate Record Books, Bond Books and Probate Minute books. Some documents have no record of having been recorded. As can be seen in the following abstracts, many packets are missing and some have been erroneously filed. lt is hoped that by abstracting these packets two goals can be reached: 1. Preservation of the information in the packets. 2. Correctly filing and labeling the packets as well as providing new packet holders when needed. It is with the permission, approval and cooperation of the County Cterk that we have begun this project. Peggy BASENFELDER Elsie WADE I ZERBST, Charles W. No Will Packet No. 2 I Petition for Administration by Henrietta ZERBST (widow): 31 Aug 1868 Recorded Bk. F pg. 1 36 Relinquishment of Administration: 21 Sep i868 by Henrietta ZERBST to Henry CURTIN Bond of Administration: 28 Sep 1868 by Henry CURTIN lnventory and Appraisement: 28 Sep 1868 Petition for Sale: 28 Sep 1 868 Recorded Bk. F pg. 1 54 "of steam grist mill and attached cotton gin" Report of Sale of Steam Grist Mill and Attached Cotton Gin: 17 Oct 1868 Sold to Wm. SHULTZ Petition of Contestant to right of Admr. of Henrietta ZERBST: Sep 1869 Filed by Catherine ZERBST widow of C.W. ZERBST, son of Charles W. and Henrietta ZERBST Bond and affidavit: 15 Mar 1869 Principal: Catherine ZERBST Sureties: Peter KEIFER and Miles PAYNE Administration Letters -Catherine ZERBST Petition for Administration -Catherine ZERBST: 1O Feb 1869 Recorded Bk. F Estate pg. 224 lnventory and Appraisement -Catherine ZERBST, admr.: 29 Mar 1869 Recorded in Bk. F Estate pg. 224-225 Petition for Allowance -Henrietta ZERBST: 1 Jun 1869 Request hogs in inventory. $125.00 per year granted. Recorded Bk. E p9.247 Petition for sale of perishable goods: 28 Jun 1869 Recorded Bk. F pg. 1 54 Order for sale Petition for sale to raise funds for allowance: 30 Jun 1869 Recorded Bk. F pg.254 Account of sale -horses: 9 Jan 1870 Account of sale -cattle: 1 Feb 1870 Petition for Partition of Land: 29 Jan 1874 Citation Partition of Land Anna ZERBST (minor) Citation Partition of Land Ferdinand ZERBST Postings for Courthouse, Wellborn Station and Millican Finaf Account -Henry CURTIN; 4 Feb 1874 Contesting Final Account by Ferdinand ZERBST of Karl W. ZERBST estate (District Court): March 1874 Answer to Petition for Partition filed by Henry CURTIN Adm. -Henry ZERBST et al: March 1874. This contains will of Henrietta ZERBST as Exhibit "4". Heirs: son, Ferdinand ZERBST daughter, Augusta CURTIN, wife of Henry CURTIN daughter, Annie ZERBST ELLINGTON, John No Will Petition for Letters: 13 Mar 1854 Packet No. 3 by Julia Ann ELLINGTON Bond of Administrator: 27 Mar 1854 Principal: Julia Ann ELLINGTON Surety: John ROBINSON lnventory and Appraisement: 24 Apr 1854 Among other possessions -1 negro boy $1,3OO.0O Note "not in possession of amr.--in fact John ELLINGTON did not obtain a Bill of Sale for him" Application for discharge; 25 Jun 1855 Recorded Bk. C of lnventories pg. 177-178 MIDDLETON, Samuel W. No Will Packet No. 4 Petition for Letters: 7 Jul 1849 by Levina LYONS (daughter) Joseph LYONS (her husband) Protest: 30 Jul 1849 by Washington MIDDLETON for Mary MIDDLETON (his mother) in lieu of Levina LYONS and Joseph LYONS. Administrator's Bond: 27 Aug 1859 Principal: Mary M. MIDDLETON Sureties: Samuel BURTON E.M. MILLICAN lnventory: 24 Sep 1849 Recorded in Bk. C pgs. 32-33. $538.50 Petition for Sale: 24 Sep 1849 Sale Bill: 28 Oct 1849 MIDDLETONS, WALKERS, LYONS, HUDSON, SYMES (among buyers) Amended Petition: Jul 1850 "insert lost land certificate for 640 A" Petition for Further Time: 30 Sep 185O Sale Bill of Private Private Sales: 28 Apr 1851 9 Michael SYMES A. PYORIS (?) P. MIDDLETON Annual Exhibit: 28 Apr 1851 Monies paid out Petition to distribute funds 1 steer 1 steer 1 stag Exhibit: Report of Partition: Heirs: Wm. C. BOLTON $ 8.00 Wm. C. BOLTON $ 7.0O G.W. JONES $ 7.OO 25 Nov 1850 Received: James M. PRICE $ 1.75 Washington MIDDLETON $ 18.00 $ 3.13 $ 2.63 $ 64.68 25 Nov 1851 Benedict MIDDLETON Washington MIDDLETON Martha MIDDLETON heirs Mary Ann PRICE Lavinia LYONS Amanda WALKER Lucretia WALKER Rachel SYMES Perry MIDDLETON Citation to Unknown Heirs: 17 Jun 1851 Copy of Printed Publication: 17 Jun 1851 Mary Ann MIDDLETON: Published in "Texas Ranger", Washington Co., TX Petition for Distribution: 15 Jul 1851 "Terese WALKER and Landers WALKER her husband are interested -Limestone Co." Citation to: 11 Sep 1851 Landers WALKER, Lucretia WALKER. (signature) Administrator's Final Account: (no date) Misc. Receipts BOWMAN, Thomas Packet No. 12112 Will dated 12 Aug 1844. Opened by court 24 Feb 1845 10 Children: James l. BOWMAN Elizabeth McFurson YARBOROUGH Mclnny Long JOHNSTON Thomas Calhoun BOWMAN Other: James A. HEAD James l. BowMAN and James A. HEAD named as administrators Bond of Thomas BOWMAN for 1O9 1 12 acres -sold to Cyrus WICKSON. Also mentions Sarah MARTIN and lsiah MARTIN. Signed by T.J. BOWMAN and Dyrun WICKSON: 3 Dec 1842 Administrator's Bond: 24 Feb 1845 Principal: James l. BOWMAN Sureties: James M. HAMM Henry G. HUDSON Grover HIGGS Petition to sell perishable property: 24 Apr 1B4b lnventory: 26 May 1845 Petition for settlement of accounts: 25 Sep 1r84g File of account: 30 Oct 1848 Recorded in Bk. C pg. 1 lnventories Petition for sale of land: 25 Nov 1 850 Petition for executor to make exhibit: 28 Jul 1851 Petition for New Bond: 25 Aug 1851 Petition for Release of Security and New Bond: 25 Aug 1gs1 Citation -James l. BOWMAN: 5 Sep 1851 Exhibit 1 -Condition of the Estate: 29 Sep 1851 Petition of Jonas HALE -"heir of Mclnny JOHNSTON son of Jack and Sarah JOHNSTON:29 Sep 1851 Contesting Petition of Jonas HALE: 20 Nov 18S1 James l. BOWMAN T.C. BOWMAN Elizabeth and G.V. LUSK of Leon Co. 11 Exhibit 3 -Present condition of the Estate: 9 Feb 1852 Petition -Elizabeth and G.V. LUSK: 19 Feb 1852 Recorded Bk. D Inventory pg. 127-129 Petition for Partition of Land: 19 Aug 1854 Recorded in Bk. C of Probate pg. 122-123 Sale Account of Slaves and Personal Property: 19 Aug 1854 Recorded in Probate Bk. C pg. 120-121 Citation to Elizabeth and G.V. LUSK: 19 Aug 1854 Citation to Thomas C. BOWMAN: 19 Aug 1854 Citation to Elizabeth and G.V. LUSK of Leon Co: 31 Aug 1854 Citation to Thomas C. BOWMAN: i Sep 1854 Petition for extension of time -J.l. BOWMAN: 26 Jul 1855 Appointment of commissioner of Partition of land in Comanche Co., TX belonging to Thomas BOWMAN, dec. Order to partition land in Brazos and Coryell Co. TX: 2O Jul 1855 Order to partition land in Brazos, Coryell and Comanche counties TX: 4 Sep 1856 Decree of Partition: 3 Oct 1856 Writ of Partition: 2 Nov 1856 Petition regarding Land: 24 Nov 1856 Recorded Bk. D of Inventory pg. 139-141 Transfer of land; 24 Nov 1 856 Bk. D of Inventory pg. 165-166 Petition for decree of Title to land; 24 Nov 1856 Bk. D of lnventory pg. 134-135 Geo. V. LUSK and Elizabeth McFurson LUSK give Power of Atty. to Thomas C. MOORE: 24 Nov 1856 Bk. D of Inventory pg. 155-156 Thomas C. BOWMAN to J.D. OVERTON Field Notes Bk. D of Inventory pg. 132 Land in Coryell Co. TX: 25 Nov 1856 Title Bond: Thos. C. BOWMAN to J.D. OVERTON Bk. D of Inventory pg. 139-141 OVERTON of Milam Co. TX: 25 Nov 1856 Final Account: 26 Nov 1856 Bk. D of lnventory pg. 157-151 12 BROWN, Tabitha (Minor) et al lnventory: 23 Feb 1876 Packet No. 25 J.W. STALLINGS, administrator Minor children of Ruffin BROWN Petition for Guardianship by J.W. STALLINGS: 12 Jun 1876 Tabitha 17 Rebecca 14 Tempe 11 Hubbard 6 Petition for Guardianship in District Court, Brazos Co. TX: 10 Aug 1876 Citation to Tabitha and Rebecca BROWN District Court 10 Aug 1876 Bond and Oath -J.W. STALLINGS: 17 Nov 1876 MOSLEY, D.D. Died on or about 1 5 Nov 1870 Packet No. 25 Letters of Administration: 17 Nov 1870 Wife -Mary L. MOSLEY requested appointment of "neighbor" J.P. AYRES, attorney as administrator Recorded Bk. F pgs. 369-370 Application for letters of Administration filed in District Court, Brazos Co. TX: 17 Nov 1870 Application notices posted at courthouse, Bryan as well as Millican and Wellborn: 20 Nov 1B7O Administrator's Oath: 7 Dec 1870 Recorded Bk. F pg.372 Appraisers appointed to appraise property. Inventory recorded Bk. F pg. 371: 2 Jun 1871 Report of claims against estate: 1 Jul 1871 Appointment of Administrator: 7 Dec 187O Principal: J.P. AYRES Sureties: Geo. JOHNSTON and C. SMITH 13 Recorded Bk. A pg. 61 Report of sale of personal property: 30 Jun 1871 Recorded Bk. F pg. 439-441 Supplemental claims allowed: 5 Mar 1872 Recorded Bk. F pg. 499 Final Account: 25 Mar 1872 Application for notice of final settlements: 3O Sep 1972 Application by M.L. MOSLEY regarding land settlement -exception to final report: 1 1 Nov 1872 Answer to Mary L. MoSLEY's exception to final report: 23 Nov 1872 Amended answer of Administrator to exception of his final report. (contains additional information about John JOHNSON father of Mary L. MOSLEY: 1 Mar 1873 Mary L. MOSLEY statement: 18 May 1873 BROWN, Ruff Died March 1872 Packet No. 26 112 Petition for Administration by Len HUDSON. "No relatives capable of managing estate." Recorded Bk. F Estates pg. 579: 9 Feb 1874 Citation. Application for Adm.: 20 Feb 1874 Recorded Bk. F pg. 578 Bond of Administrator: 25 Feb 1874 Recorded Bk. F pg. 578 Claim against estate -Wm. McINTOSH: 6 Mar 1874 Claim against estate -J.N. COLE (note): 20 Mar 1874 Claim against estate: 15 Jun 1874 lnventory: 21 Mar 1874 Recorded Bk. F. pg. 581 14 Report of Sale of Personal Property: 31 Oct 1874 ERWIN, L. No packet No. "Died in Bryan 1882" Application for Letters of Administration: 4 Oct 1882 Joe L. HEARNE Sheriff's notice of Probate Application for Letters: 4 Oct 1882 DALE, John B. No Packet No. Administrator's Bond: 31 Jan 1887 Recorded Bk. G pg.443 Principal: Mary M. DALE (wife) Sureties: B.F. HAWKINS and S.M. HUNTER lnventory: 31 Jan 1884 Recorded Bk. G pg.444 HARRISON, Thomas D. No Packet No. Administrator's Bond: 27 Aug 1877 Recorded Bk. G. pg" 373 Principal: Martha HARRISON (wife) Sureties: W.C. HARRISON, J.D. THOMAS and A.C. TRTETZ lnventory: 27 Aug 1877 LEWIS, Texana (minor) No Packet No. Application for Guardian by W.M. McDONALD. "Texana LEWIS is a resident of Leon Co. TX. Estate in Brazos Co. in hands of Administrator of estate of Mary LEWIS decd." 3rd Monday of Nov 1879 15 INDEX TO BRAZOS COUNTY 187O AGRICULTURAL CENSUS Transcribed by Janis Hunt The following is an index to the 1870 Brazos County, Texas Agricultural Census. There are names fisted befow who are not in the regular schedule of the 1870 Brazos County census. Name ABBOTT, Wm. ADAMS, Allen ADAMS, Elias ADAMS, Jack ADAMS, James ADAMS, Nathan ADKINS, Dan ADKINS. Frank ADKINS, Jim ADKINS, Richd. ALDRIDGE. John ALLEN, Jake ALLEN, James M. ALLEN, Toney ALLFORD, Henry ALLRIDGE, Reddan AMONETT, John ANDERSON. Ben ANTHONY, Archy ARMSTRONG, Bob ARMSTRONG, Reily ARMSTRONG. Thos. ARNOLD, Geo. ARNOLD. Nate AVERY, JiM BADEW, Jeff BAKER. Nathan BALL. Absolem BARNETT, Geo. A. BARNETT, Jas. BARNETT, Thornton BARNS, Freeman BATEMAN, Jerry BATEMAN, Jerry BATTS. Tom BEARD. James BEARD, Tom BELL, Munford BELL. Wm. BENSON, Jo, BENSON, Prew BENSON, Robt. L. BENTLY. Tom BERRY, JiM page line Name BERRY, Wm. BICKHAM, Jerome BICKHAM. Jno, BIGBY, Scott BILLINGS, Harry BILLINS, N. BIRD, Alex BLACK. John BLOSS, Jo. BLUNT, lsam BOSTON, Albert BOWDEN, Chas. BOWDEN, Henry BOWDEN, Wm. BOWMAN, Henry BOWMAN, Toni BOYETT, J.C. BOYLES, Wm. BRASHER, Wm. BRAZZEE. Dennis BREWER. BiII BROOK, James BROOKS, Mabry BROWN, Cay BROWN, Dave BROWN, Geo. BROWN, James BROWN, Jno. BROWN. Luke BROWN. Pleasant BROWN. Ruffin BROWN. Thomas BROWN, Wm. BUCHANAN, Wilson BULLOCK. Thomas BUNCH, Silas BURGES, AIf. BURGES, AIf. BURKHALTER, D.D. BURKHALTER, D.D. BURKLEY, John BURTON. Dave BUSBY, Henry BUTLER, Wyatt page line 25 38 11 12 33 14 15 23 9 11 9 16 3 31 17 32 334 15 31 924 11 23 23 22 23 28 25 12 25 11 35 21 6 17 18 13 14 15 10 29 18 920 11 20 13 3 31 7 21 22 9 18 13 5 19 31 25 15 321 21 25 21 28 zt zo 334 934 19 30 't5 14 336 13 39 332 25 34 925 ?? 23 21 31 27 795 23 21 13 29 15 11 15 5tr 19 29 51J 1-7 29 3 13 25 23 23 15 15 11 11 29 31 23 73 25 25 25 39 10 19 10 5 21 20 10 29 38 38 27 24 17 34 408I 17 6 26 5 15 18 34 38 23I 26 14 13 17 9 19 8 37 1 10 10 tt192 28 33 16 BYNUM, Henry CANNON, James CARR, Napp CARREY, John CARSON. John CARSON, Nathan CARTER, Eliza CARTER, Spencer CASEY. John CASSEY, Matt CAVITT, Dave CHEATUM, Ned CHENAULT, Jno" CHERRY, Caleb CHESTER, Geo. CHEW, Dan CHEW, Frisbey CHILDRESS, Martin CLANTON, Anthony CLANTON, B|II CLANTON, Henry CLANTON, Miles CLAREY, Enock CLARK, Thomas CLAY. Thos. C. CLOUD. Elisha CLOUD. James COLCUT, Judge COLE, Boney COLE, Flourney COLE. John COLEMAN, Adams COLEMAN. Danl. COLLINS. James COMSTOCK, Batsford CONNOLLY, HIII CONNOLY. Jones CONSUL, N. CONWAY. Jethro CONWAY, Thos. COOK. Corneilus COOK, Ellen COOPER. James CORGY, H. COX, James COX. William COX, Wm. C. CRAMER. Cesaer CRAMER, Scipro CRAMER. Warren CRANE. L.H. CRAWFORD, Thos. CRAWFORD. Thos. CRAWLEY. Moses CRENSHAW, A. CRENSHAW, Sam CROLIN, Sam CROOK, W.W. CROW, Ecker CROW, Sam CROWDER, Elijah CRUPP, Stephen CUNNINGHAM, Geo. CUNNINGHAM, Joseph CUNNINGHAM, M. CUNNINGHAM. Tom CURD, Dick CURD, Ezekiel CURRY, James CURTIN, Henry CURTIN. Wm. CURTIS, Dick DANSBY, Durant DARWIN, Henderson DARWIN, Ruben DAVIS, A. DAVIS, John DAVIS, Jo. DAVIS" Steptoe DAWSON, Jno. DAWSON. Richd. DeJARNETT, Jno. DILLYSHAW, Lovick DIXON, Humphrey DOUGLAS, Geo. DOWLING. Ben DOZIER, Wm. DUBOIS, Jonas DUHIG, John DUNLAP. Frank DUNLAP. Wm. DUNN. Matthew DUPREE, Henry DURHAM. Bob EASLEY, Jo. EASLY, Geo. EASTER, Peter EATON. Matt EDDINGS, Calvin EDDINGTON, Henry EDWARDS, Hawles EDWARDS, Henry ELLINGTON. Crocket ELLISON. Dock 1 17 31 23 7 21 21 7 11 11 5 15 17 15 17 17 31 13 15 15 13 15 23 13 I 25 25 29 21 21 29 75 33 21 7I 1 37 40 17 25 39 18 29 37 36 2 21 28 33 4 37 40 45 34 16 6 38 39 27 32 30 18 16 o4 25 15 20 21 4 30 -I 30 4 29 20 33 16 14 40 124 11 25 7 13 3 211 19 29 29 7 23 11 11 13 13 2 19 16 928 31 10 29 34 712 7 11 19 23 15 25 i3 18 13 19 11 18 11 28 17 38 17 22 17 26 27 16 27 20 13 35 21 30 23 30 23 29 1 18 9 19 I 15 11 35 11 1 936 31 2 3 19 13 8 19 18 31 27 29 1 325 27 39 19 28 13 20 31 17 335 29 19 19 36 27 14 324 29 13 19 9 29 21 17 11 929 17 40 27 27 17 ELLISON. Martin ELLIOTT. Sam ESTES. Miniver EVATTS, Sam FAROUHAR. Frank FAROUHAR, Jas. FARRISH. W.D. FEERS, Henry FELKA. James FINDLAY. Dave FISHER, James FISHER, John FOLEY, John FOREMAN, Jas. FOSTER. Bob FOSTER. Chas. FOSTER, Emberry FOSTER. Geo. FOSTER. Gibeon FOSTER, Green FOSTER, John FOSTER, Mastin FOSTER. Wm. FOWLER, Chas. FRANK, Bell FRANKLIN, Frank FRANKLIN, James FREEMAN, Miles FULLER, lsaiah FULLERTON, Geo. GARDNER, Alfred GARDNER, Dave GARNETT, SiM GAY, Gus GEORGE, James GERBST, Henrietta GIBSON, Burk GIBSON. Wilson GILES, Geo. GILES, JiM GOODSON, Joshua GOOSBERRY, Harry GORMAN, John GRAVES, Andrew GRAVES, Wm. GREEN, Madison GREEN, Thomas GRIFFIN. lsaac GRIFFIN, lsaac GRIFFIN. Wm. GRIFFITH, Ralph GROSS. Osbourn GUNN, Henry HACK. John HAIRSTON, Moses HALE, Tom HALEY, Tom HALL, lsaiah HALL, Wade HALL, Wm. HALMON, Henry HANOVER. Hiram HARDY, David HARDY, Newell HARRINGTON. Chas. HARRINGTON. Jas. HARRIS, James HARRISON, Thomas HATCHET, H. HAUBERT. Frank HEALEY, W.C. HEARNE, Dudley HEARNE. Mike HEMFLING, Geo. HEMPFLIN. Geo. HENDERSON, JiM HENDRICK, Bluford HENRY, Hugh HENRY. James HENRY, Robt. HENRY, William HENRY, Wm. HENRY. Wm. HERRICK, Wm. HICKS, PhiIIiP HILL, Andy HILL, Doc HILL, Geo. HILL, Mary HILL, Simon HINTON, Dock HOLDEN, Jeff HOLLAND, J.J. HOLLIDAY, AttEIiA HOLLIDAY, BiII HOLLOWAY, Nancy HOLLOWMAN, M. HOLMAN, G|II HOOD. James HOUSE, A.P. HOUSTON, Felix HOUSTON. Fred HUDDLESON, EIi HUDSON, Henry 27 5 27 7 31 13 10 9 15 11 33 7 13 31 ?? 17 23 31 9 29 23 23 11 19 13 o 19 25 5 19 J7 27 1 27 5 19 29 29 31 13 29 27 7 19 15 11 17 23 23 1-/13 20 15 38 35 13 7 27 13 17 8 16 22 39I 27 24 21 37 39 25 27 24 12 12 17 19 19 2 26 27 17 5 17 29 27 174I 20 10 23 8 35 20 24 36 14 31 34 9 326 15 40 31 28 11 11 276 15 1'l 238 27 37 15 20 33 22 11 21 15 7 11 4 94 27 15 23 35 33 31 15 235 3 16 27 23 19 38 17 19 23 32 923 54 734 733 78 298 31 12 930 15 21 17 23 27 17 27 18 17 15 27 30 13 29 333 17 15 1 15 6 1 2-7 140 19 27 25 17 128 537 13 7 23 11 21 24 18 HUDSON, Leonard HUDSPETH, RObt. HUMPHREY, Archer HUMPHREY, Henry HUNTER, Andw. HUNTER, John JACKSON. Griffin JACKSON, Harrison JACKSON, lsaac JACKSON. Jo. JARRETT, Robt. JEFFERSON, Chance JEFFERSON, Elijah JENKINS. Jim JOHNSON, Anderson JOHNSON, Bob JOHNSON, John JOHNSON, Marrion JOHNSON, Stephen JOHNSON, Thos. JOHNSON, Thos. JOHNSON, Wm. JOHNSON. Wm. JONES, Austin JONES. Austin JONES. Colum JONES, Elijah JONES, Emory JONES, Geo. JONES, Henry JONES, Henry JONES, Henry JONES, Henry JONES, lsaac JONES, John JONES, John JONES, Wesley KADE, Col. KANE, Harvey KEIFER, Peter KELLOUGH, James KENNARD, Geo. KENNARD, Geo. KEOLSCH, Matthew KIDD, H.A. KING, John KING, Paul KING, Wm. KIRKHAM, Jas. KIRKLAND, V. KIZER, Ben KNIGHT, Jas. KNIGHT, Richd. KNOX, Ben KNOX. Dick LAUTER?, WM. LAWRENCE, Jas. LAWRENCE, Wm. LEFEVRE, Augustus LEWIS, Harwill LEWIS, J. LEWIS, Tom L|GGlN, Fannie LIGHT, Fred LIMMER, Fred LINDSAY, Harrison LITTLE, Sam LITTLETON, Julia LLOYD, Dave LOMUS, Joseph LOVE, G.H. LOVE, John LOVE, John LOVETT, Richd. LOYD. Jessie LYON, Henry MAGEE, Alex MALLORY, Mays MARR, Saml. MARSHALL, Robt. MARSHALL, Wash MARTIN. John MARTIN, John MARTIN, Martin MARTIN, Thomas MATHENY, Larene MATTHEWS, Ephm. McCOCKADILE, Allen McCOWAN, James McDONALD, John McDONALD. Matt McDONALD. Rich. McDUFFIE, Margt. McFARRAN, Jno. McGOWAN, Dick McGREGGOR, J. McGREGGOR, Jack McGREGGOR, Ned McLENDON, B. McLENDON, Geo. McMICHAIL, Richd. McMILLEN, Geo. McMILLEN. Jas. McMURRAY, Bob 31 25 13 32 13 33 17 25 27 33 339 33 19 13 11 31 15 33 19 5 5 19 17 20 23 15 19 11 724 254 23 20 1 16 110 25 35 77 25 18 531 29 10 1'r 6 27 12 19 3 96 514 714 279 5 15 11 3 33 25 27 26 931 121 123 1 13 23 37 95 19 29 17 13 31 36 17 29 3 11 3 10 935 726 723 523 25 27 13 21 23 5? 29 25 11 13 29 9 13 17 21 29 15 19 15 17 33 29 31 11 21 33 19 23 25 29 315 23 31 31 27 15 15I 11 25 3 5J 13 25 231 23 15 I 11 I 40 33 11 22 29 24 32 36 31 13 27 7 35 35 22 13 22 34 24 12 382I 20 10 40 29 293 39 26 24 36 18 33 7 21 7 23 30 23 26 10 26 30 J 30 't9 McMURRAY, John McOUEEN, John MIDDLETON, Perry MILCHU, August MILLER. Geo. MILLER, Jerry MILLICAN, John MILLICAN, John E. MILLICAN, Mose MILLICAN, Pleasant MILLS. Lee MILLS, Wm. MITCHELL, J.H. MITCHELL, J.P. MITCHELL, James MONTGOMERY, Jas. MONTGOMERY, Sam MOODY. John MOODY, Squire MOORE, John MOORE, Thomas MORTON, Sipp MOSELEY, Ab. MOSELY. Jo. MOTT, Wm. S. MOWBRAY. Ami MURCHESON, Kenneth MURKISON, K.B. MURPHY. Jesse MYERS. Cesear MYERS, D.P. MYERS, R.C. MYERS, Tom NASH, E.W. NASH, J. NASH. J.B. NASH, J.T. NASH, Waits NEEDHAM, Gordon NEELEY, Andw. NELSON, Wm. NEVILLE, Hardin NEWMAN, Jas. NEWTON, Jasper NICHOL, John NICHOLS, Geo. NILES, Andrew NORTON, John NUCEM, Mary NUCEM, Tom NUCUM, Davis O'BRlEN, Darby OGDEN, Matt OLLIVER, Jack ORR, Jack O. OSBORN, Peter OVERSTREET, Clay OWEN, Gilbert OWENS, Anthony PARKER, Andy PARKER. lsaiah PARKER. Jesse PARKER, John PARKER. Rebeccah PATE, Wm. PAYNE, Alvah PAYNE, Jerry PAYNE. Miles PEARSON. John PEtRCE, Phiilip PEIRCE, Theodore PEIRCE, Wiley PERRY, Berry PERRY. John PETERS, Chas. PHELPS, Phelps PHELPS, Taylor PHILLIPS, Henry PHILLIPS. James PHILPOT, H.V. PIERSON, Jas. W. PITTMAN. James PITTS, Campbell POAG, Andy PRATER, Jesse PRESLEY, Dandridge PRICE. Geo. W. PRICE. James PRICE. Wm. PYLE. James RAGSDALE, Sallie RALEY, Marion RANDALL, Clinton RANDALL, Lewis RANDOLPH, John RAWLS, John RAY, Anthony REDDICK. Dave REED, Edwin REED, G.B. REED, Wiley REED. Wilson REED, Wm. REYNOLDS, MiKC 25 7 17 11 25 11 9 11 17 1q 33 15 23 33 25 21 27 25 19 23 13 19 29 27 21 15 15I 17 99 29 1,l 115 21 315 25 156 1tr 19 17 31 q 11 ,l? 5 31 36 39 28 27 J 16 31 25 tl 262o 13 o 33 10 37 21 7 25 2 11 25 15 27 t5 38 3 32 22 28 39 37 12 32 I 32 33 18 33 o1 13 32 14 30 29 38 31 37 524 31 6 29 15 '15 12 914 740 23 36 29 12 25 22 1 19 91 25 13 21 12 18 126 129 522 33 26 21 3 21 4 926 5 10 21 27 11 26 11 25 29 25 736 1 14 23 21 739 31 16 297 23 23 29 40 17 17 19 39 176 27 22 21 2 124 340 23 1 2-7 24 320 31 18 34 29 24 21 13 27 38 27 35 255 33 17 20 REYNOLDS, Lewis REYNOLDS, Wm. RICHARDS, F. ROBERSON, Geo. ROBERTS, Clay ROBERTS, J.M. ROBERTS, Jabez ROBERTSON. Jake ROBINSON. Aaron ROBINSON, Ed. ROBINSON, James ROBINSON, MiKE ROSS, Jo. ROSS, Rob ROSS, Roshell RUCKER, Manuel RUE. John RUSH, Jonathan RYALS, Joseph RYDER. Adam SAMUELS, Ruben SANDERS, JiM SANDERS, J.R. SANDERS, Lee SANDERS, W.L. SANDERS, Wm. SAPP, Alex SASSER, lsaac SCOTT, Alex SCOTT, Andw. SCOTT, Branch SCOTT, John SCOTT, Porter SCROGGINS, John SCROGGINS, Nat SCURRY, Jack SCURRY, Mitchell SEALE, Colum SEALE, Eliza SEALE, Joseph SELLERS. BiII SELLERS, BiII SELMAN. A.J. SEMONES, Ben SHANNON, Moses SHAW, Thomas SHAWS, John SHELBURN, Andw. SHELTON. Chas. SHEPPARD, John SHORT, Robt. SHULTZ, Wm. SIMMONS, Geo. SIMMS, Mitchell SMILEY, Monroe SMILEY, Paul SMITH. Bob SMITH, Charles SMITH, Danl. SMITH, Jesse SMITH, John SPARKS, Wm. SPENCE, Gus SPENCER, Wm. STALLINGS, James STALWORTH, Anthony STEGNER, Andy STEPHEN, Golden STEPTOE, Giles STEPTOE, JiM STEPTOE. Pleasant STEPTOE, Tom STERN, Charley STEWART, Joseph STEWART, Rodney STILES, Henry STINER, Joseph STONEHAM. Bob STOVEALL. John STROTHER, AIf. SURTT?, Henderson TABOR, J.W. TALLEY, Ames TATUM, Richd. TAYLOR, AIf. TAYLOR. David TEIBOUT, Henry TERRY, Tom L. THOMAS, Bart THOMAS, Gregg THOMAS, James THOMAS, Joseph THOMAS, M.A. THOMAS, Peter THOMPSON, Anthony THOMPSON, Elijah THOMPSON, Henry THORNTON, Toney TOWNSEND, Wm. E. TURNER, Bob TURNER, Gabriel TURNER, Gilbert TURNER, Henry TURNER, JiM 33 3 23 '17 27 27 31 21 25 21 25 33 I39 15 97 31 19 19 17 3735t0 31 I 33 11 23 15 19 31 15 13 6 25 27 19 19 1 21 31 15 3 31 11 25 23 27 18 36 I 28 32 31 22 21 36 34 21 24 928 37 2 38 23 40 24 5897 12 29 19 12 29 16 5 32 11 39 6 39 25 4 15 I 31 29 38 36 15 34 38 20 12 28 17 16 178 722 719 737 31 3 33 'r3 21 14 27 19 31 4 33 21 76 25 14 31 32 11 14 97 13 30 11 10 13 28 13 31 732 21 37 25 16 15 35 23 18 17 39 333 728 940 36 295 1',r 22 339 273 27 34 15 3 14 21 19 21 1 135 12 134 19 35 337 19 34 21 36 29 20 29 27 21 31 21 17 729 15 19 21 TURNER. Job VANCE, Joseph VAUGHN, Dick WALKER, Bedford WALKER, Ed WALKER, James WALKER, Stancil WALKER, Wm. WALKER. Wm. WALLACE. Geo. WALLACE, John WALLACE, M. WAMBLE, Kinchen WARD, Harris WARREN, Geo. WATSON. Fed WATTERS, Nate WEBB, Corneilus WEBB, James WEED, Dan WEEKS, Bob WELLS, Thos. B. WEST, Jacob WESTBROOK, Frank WHEELER, Granville WHEELER, Jno. WHISLEY, Wm. C. WHITAKER, Lewis WHITAKER, Milam WHITE, Walter WHITE, Wash WHITELY. Wm. WHITTEN, Wm. WILCOX. Ellis WILCOX, Mark WILKES, Geo. WILKINSON. James WILKINSON, James WILLIAMS, Alex WILLIAMS. Andrew WILLIAMS, David WILLIAMS, Lewis WILLIAMS, Lorenzo WILLIAMS, PhiIIiP WILLIAMS, Thomas WILLIAMS, Toney WILLIAMS, W. WILLIAMS. Wm. WILSON. Ed WILSON, James WILSON, James WILSON, Tom 31 11 17 qtr 55 17 21 51 31 75 2-l 17 17 31 17 19 29 7 13I 3 13 13 27 335? 75 33 3 29 25 19 21 25 11 27 25 1',I 21 19 11 29 29 31 5 12 o 21 30 33 32 10 11 16 11 30 28 13 35 40 21 13 35 22 22 3 16 6 38 15 17 7 26 35 15 38 16 't2 33 311 23 39 34 2 40 33 84 36 25 36 32 WOOLSEY, Thos. WRIGHT, Wm. YOUNG, Albert YOUNG, Jacob ZABBO, Jo. ZIMMERMAN, Jas. **** 13 21 19 37 13 23 31 14 13 25 30 From the Editor's Desk There is not much room in this issue for a note from your editor. ldeas or articles for our coming issues are always welcome. I can be contacted through the BGA post office box if you have ideas or articles to share. At our February meeting, Clara MOUNCE, head librarian for the Bryan Public Library, is going to report on the progress on the Carnegie Library. I will have a fuller report in our next issue. Welcome to our new and old officers. Peggy BASENFELDER agreed to stay on as president and Beth WALTERSCHEIDT is the new vicepresident. Mary VAUGHN is the secretary and Ruth HARY is returning as treasurer. We have two new continuing series starting this issue. Peggy BASENFELDER and Etsie WADE are abstracting the probate packets at the Brazos County Courthouse. Ruth HARY is transcribing the land rendered in different leagues, starting with the Moses Foster League and will be continuing with a different one each issue. The "Celebrate Bryan" (125th anniversary of the granting of the charter) committees are progressing with plans for the celebration to begin in January 1996 with a month long birthday party, continuing each month with a different theme and ending in December with a Christmas parade. Bill PAGE is in charge of June--theme, cemeteries. One of his goals is to mark as many Civil War graves as possible in the Bryan City Cemetery. lf you have a confederate ancestor buried there, please contact Bill. You may send a letter to him in care of the Brazos Genealogical Association at P.O. Box 5493, Bryan, TX 77805. 22 BRAZOS CO. RESIDENTS WHO STAYED IN GALVESTON HOTELS FROM 1865 TO 1869 compiled by Bill PAGE Researching southerners during the late 1860s presents many problems. Gaps in the official records resulted from high mobility and the uncertain government. Thus. genealogists may find almost any list of names from that time to be useful. Newspapers provide an unusual source of information: hotel registers. This article lists Brazos Co. residents who stayed at Galveston hotels, as listed in the Galveston Dailv News. This list is, unfortunately, incomplete. Some issues were not microfilmed; some dates don't include hotel registers; and some entries don't give town or county, just "Texas" or "USA". Researchers should also note that the newspaper entries often misspell names. CH --Crawford House EH --Exchange Hotel FH --Fannin House ICH --lsland City Hotel OC --Ocean House PH --Palmetto House RH --Rusk House WH --Washington Hotel FH: M.J. FULTON, Millican. 10 Nov. 1865, p.2, col.4 RH: W. BENGE, Millican. 14 Nov. 1865, p.3, col.2 FH: Nathan ADLER, Millican; E.J. IGLEHART, Millican. RH: D.B. HAYNES, Millican; Thos. BOONE, Thos. D. SANDERS, Millican. 16 Nov. 1865, p.3, col.2 RH: A.C.L. HILL, Millican; G.W. HARDY, Millican. 21 Nov. 1865, p.3, col.2 FH: H.C. ARAM, Millican; J.L. BARNES, Millican; G.W. HARDY, Millican; A.C. LOUGHRIDGE, Millican. 6 Dec. 1865, p.3, col.2 FFI: C.H. BOSTWICK, Millican. 16 Dec. 1865, p.3, col. 2 WH: Dr. WILSON, W. SAUGHEN, Brazos Co. 24Mar. 1866, p.3, col.1 WH: J.W. FORSGARD, Millican. 25 Mar. 1866, p.3, col. 1 ICH: Moses WINZERHEIMER, Millican. 28 Mar. 1866, p.3, col.1 WH: Dr. TRUEHEART, E. SMITH, Dr. A.H. WILSON, Brazos Co. ICH: A.A. McGAFFEY, Brazos Co. 1 Apr. 1866, p.3, col.1 WH: J.M. WILLIAM, Millican; H. GREEN & lady, Brazos Co.; A.E. LOUGHRIDGE, Brazos Co. 5 Apr. 1866, p.3, col.i WH: D.M. CLOWER, S.P. SAMUEL, Millican. 6 Apr. 1866, p.3, col.1 WH: Wm. KAMSLER, Millican. 11 Apr. 1866, p.3, col.2 ICH: S.P. LOWELL & lady, Mrs. CLOWE, P.P. SAMUEL, Millican. 12 4pr.1866, p.3, col.2 WH: G.W. HARDY, Millican. 17 Apr. 1866, p.3, col.2 IGH: W.R. TEMPLE, Millican. 22 Apr.1866, p.3, col.1 fCH: J.W. FORSGARD & wife, Mrs. ROBERTSON, Mrs. A. CARMON, Millican. 26 23 Apr. i866, p.3, col.1 WH: K. WAMBLE, Brazos Co.; W. BERNARD, Millican. 27 Apr.1866, p.3, col.2 fCH: A.A. McGAFFREY, E.D.L. WICKS, Brazos. 28 Apr. i80O, p.3, col.2 wH: F.w. MUNSON, Brazos. lcH: B.R. FEWGROVE, G.w. McKEE, Brazos. 29 Apr. 1866, p.2, col.6 wH: John RANKIN, Millican; col. LocKETT, Mittican; G.A. wHEAT, Millican. pH: T. BENNETT, Millican. 4 May 1866, p.3, col.1 PH: Thos. BENNETT, Millican. cH: J.w. BRIDGES, Mittican; c.E. vANHoRN, Millican. 6 May 1866, p.2, col.6 cH: D.M. cLowER, Millican. wH: J.D. IMBODEN, w.L. CRENSHAW, Miilican. 8 May 1866, p.2, col.6 wH: E.G. HoDGES, B. PETERSON, G.w. HAYDEN, Brazos co. 1o May 1866, p.3, col.1 WH: Charles SCHWARTZ, Millican. 11 May 1866, p.3, col.1 WH: J. MONROE, J.W. COOK, Millican. 15 May 1866, p.2, col.5 ICH: W.H. WIGGINS, Brazos. 17 May 1866, p.2, col.5 WH: John MONROE, Millican; M.T. PIERCE, Millican. 22 May 1866, p.2, col.5 ICH: W.H. FARMER, Millican. PH: C. JONES, Brazos. 30 May 1860, p.3, col.1 WH: T. SANGER, Millican. 5 June 1866, p.3, col.1 WH: J.J.B. STAGNER, Millican. 8 June 1866, p.3, col.2 PH: T.J. SCOTT, Brazos Co.; J.H. BALB, Brazos Co. 13 June 1866, p.3, col.1 PH: C.W. MATHIS, Millican. 16 June 1866, p.2, col.6 PH: T.L. LOUGHRIDGE, Jr., Brazos Co. 4 July 1866, p.3, col.2 wH: G.A. wHEAT, Millican; Dr. J. FoLLAM & family, Millican. 1 1 July 1866, p.3, col.1 WH: M.P. CLANTON, Brazos Co.; G.W. HARDY, Brazos Co.; H. HARDY & son, Brazos Co. 12 July 1866, p.3, col.1 WH: Mr. COLLETT, Millican. 13 July 1866, p.3, col.1 WH: W.C. WRIGLEY, Bryan. 14 July 1866, p.3, col.1 WH: W. McINTOSH, Boonville. 17 July 1866, p.3, col.1 WH: Z.S. ANDERSON, Millican. 19 July 1866, p.3, col. 2 WH: S. SCHAEFER, Millican. 21 July 1866, p.3, col.1 WH: Mrs. HASWELL & child, Millican. 21 Nov. 1867, p.3, col.2 WH: Robt. SMITH, Bryan City. 28 Nov. 1867, p.3, col.2 WH: J. SAWYER, Bryan. 29 Nov. 1867, p.2, col.5 WH: J.A. CASTWELL, Millican. 30 Nov. 1867, p.2, col.S WH: James MAGRUDER, Millican. 4 Dec. 1867, p.3, col.2 WH: W.H. DEDRICK, J.W. FINNEY, Bryan City; C. McCAMMELL, Bryan. 6 Dec. 1867, p.2, col.5 WH: S.L. LOVE, Millican. 12Dec. 1867, p.3, col.1 WH: M. PRICE, Millican. 13 Dec. 1867, p.3, col.2 WH: A. BOHMES, Bryan. 14 Dec. 1867, p.3, col.2 WH: G. SPIELDS, Bryan City. 18 Dec. 1867, p.3, col.2 WH: W.T. DONOVAN, Bryan. 19 Dec. 1867 , p.3, col.2 WH: W.H. NEWSUM, Bryan City. 20 Dec. 1867, p.3, col.1 24 WH: John TALBOT, Brazos. 22 Dec. 1867, p.3, col.2 wH: Thos. GRIFFIN, Bryan; John G. ROBERTSON, Bryan; M. AUSTIN, Bryan; Milton PARKER, Bryan. 24 Dec. 1867, p.2, col.6 WH: M. HONSTON, Bryan; 31 Dec. 1867, p.3, col.2 WH: W.C. MOSELEY, Bryan. 15 Mar. 1868, p.3, col.2 WH: A. lRWlN, Bryan. 21 Mar.1868, p.3, col.2 WH: J.S. HERNIA, Bryan; S. HOFFMAN, Bryan. 24Mar.1868, p.3, col.2 WH: S.M. WILLIAMS, Bryan. 25 Mar. 1868, p.2, col.5 WH: Maj. TABOR, Bryan. PH: H.C. BRIGHT, Bryan. 2G Mar. 1868, p.3, col.1 ICH: W.H. FUPPEN IFLIPPEN ?1, Bryan. 27 Mar. 1868, p.3, col.1 WH: W.S. MOORE, Bryan. 28 Mar. 1868, p.3, col.1 PH: J.M. NASH, Bryan. 29 Mar. 1868, p.3, col.2 ICH: A.G. SAVAGE, Bryan. 3 Apr. 1868, p.2, col.6 WH: C. BRUGULERES, Millican. 8 Apr. 1868, p.3, cot.3 WH: R.J. SHELTON, Millican. 9 Apr. 1868, p.3, col-2 WH: O.B. WELCH, Bryan. 10 Apr. 1868, p.3, col.2 WH: G.M. BRYAN, Jr., Bryan. 12 Apr.1868, p.3, col.2 wH: N.w. RECTOR, Bryan; Moran PRlcE, Millican; s.B. BENNETT, Bryan. 15 Apr. 1868, p.3, col.2 WH: Wm. McINTOSH, Bryan; M.M. STANSEL, Bryan. 16 Apr. 1868, p.3, col.2 ICH: F.C. MORISON, Bryan. 17 Apr.1868, p.3, col.2 PH: E. WILSON, Bryan. 19 Apr. 1868, p.3, col.2 fCH: Thos. G. CONDRAY, Bryan City. 21 Apr.18O8, p.3, col.3 wH: F.M. LAW, Bryan. PH: G.w. HARDY, Millican; c.M. PEASE, Bryan . 22 Apr. 1868, p.3, col.3 wH: P.A. swANN, Millican; G.M. BRYAN, Jr., Bryan. PH: c.F. pATToN, Bryan. 23 Apr. 1868, p.3, col.3 wH: o.P. BowLS, Bryan city; H.T. DoNNovER, Bryan city. 24 Apr. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: B. ADOUE, Bryan; Mrs. G.T. HASWELL, Bryan. 29 Apr. 1808, p.3, col.3 WH: C.M. GAHAN, Bryan. 30 Apr. 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: G.F. BERDER, Bryan . 2 May 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: R. FRILDER, Bryan. 8 May 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: Batt PETERSON, Brazos Co. 9 May 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: C.H. RANDOLPH, Bryan. 19 May 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: J. STEINER, Bryan; E.G. HODGES, Brazos Co. 20 May 1808, p.3, col.3 WH: J.W. PARKER, Bryan. PH: T.H. CRAWFORD, Bryan; H.B. TWITZ, Bryan. 21 May 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: W.E. FLETCHER, Bryan. 22 May 1868, p.2, col.3 WH: R.C. MEYERS, Millican; B. BOLDRIDGE, Millican; G.A. WHEAT, Millican; G.L. HASWELL, Bryan; A. PARKER, Bryan. PH: M. JOHNSTON, Millican. 23 May 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: A. KIRWOOOD, Bryan; Guy M. BRYAN, Jr., Bryan. 26 May 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: J.H. JOHNSON, Bryan. 2 June 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: W.D. HERRICK, B. COURTADE, Millican; R.E. CARTER, Bryan. 3 June 1868, 25 I p.3, col.3 WH: J. LALLY, Bryan Station; P.S. WREN, Bryan; E.G. HODGES, Brazos Co. 4 June 1868, p.3, col.4 PH: C.G. BAXTER, Bryan. 5 June 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: Eugene BLOCK, Bryan City. PH: Dr. J. BEALL, lady & servant; Capt. T.J. BEALL, Bryan. 6 June 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: M. LEAKER, Bryan; C.H-RANDOLPH, Bryan. PH: M.A. HAMON, Bryan. 9 June 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: C.W. GARDNER, Bryan. 1 1 June 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: A.D. MORRISON, C. DAVIS, A.F.WILSON, Bryan. 13 June 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: Geo. HASWELL, E. WILSON, Bryan; H. WILLIAMS, Bryan City. 14 June 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: J. DENESIN, Bryan; W.A. McMICHAEL, Millican. 17 June 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: J.T. BURTON, Bryan; H.T. DUNNAVAN, Bryan. EH: A.H. MAYES, Bryan. 22 Sept. 1868, p.3, col.3 PH: A. PARKER, Bryan. 23 Sept. 1868, p.3, col.3 PH: Chas. MARTIN, Bryan; J.L. McLENDON, Bryan; Dr. John McLENDON, Bryan. 24 Sept. 1868, p.3, col.3 PH: J.R. WHITE, Bryan. 25 Sept. 1868, p.3, col.3 EH: Rev. Robt. POPE & 3 daughters, Bryan. WH: C.W. GARDNER, Bryan. 26 Sept. 1868, p.3,3,cols. 3-4 WH: H. LEVINSON, Bryan; J.T. TORNEY, Bryan. 27 Sept. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: J.W. BEARD, Bryan. 29 Sept. 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: R. FIELDER, Bryan; J.C. DuBOSE, Bryan. 30 Sept. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: P.W. REILY, Bryan. 1 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: A.G. ALLEN, Bryan. 2Oct.1868, p.3, col.4 EH: Mrs. TAYLOR, Bryan; Mrs. WONfZ, Bryan; R.C. MEYERS, Millican. 3 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: T.W. REILEY, Bryan. 4 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.2 EH: E. KEIFFER & lady, Bryan City. PH: Guy M. BRYAN, Bryan. WH: Cencrete T. BALFOUR, Bryan; Peyton BALFOUR, Bryan. 6 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: William HALLIDAY, Millican; J.T. TOMEY, Bryan. EH: Adolph ZACH, Bryan; R.C. MYERS, Millican. PH: R.W. BROWN, Bryan; V.C. THOMAS, Bryan. 7 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: W.B. FORMAN, Bryan; T.W. REILY, Bryan. 8 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.3 PH: G.B. BOYD, Bryan; M.S. BOATNER, Bryan. 9 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: B. STANGER, Bryan; W.B.FORMAN, Bryan. 10 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: J.T. TOOMEY, Bryan; T.M. REILLY, Bryan. 11 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.4 PH: J-W. McGUIRE, Bryan; H.J. HOWELL, Bryan; Mr. J.H. TRASK, Bryan; B.W. BROWN, Bryan. EH: A. FAULKNER, Bryan; J. PURDY, Bryan; H.E. MAYOR, Bryan. 13 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.4 ' PH: T.M. TURNER, Bryan. 14 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.4 PH: J. HUGHEY, Bryan; D.B. LOWE, Bryan. WH: L.K. PRESTON, J.B. DALE, A.B. BOWMAN, Bryan; G.W. REILEY, Bryan. 15 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.3 EH: J.T. FORNEY, Bryan. 1 6 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.4 26 EH: A.H. MAYER, Bryan, WH: W.A. TAYLOR, Bryan. PH: E. PARR, Bryan. 17 Oct. 1868, p-3, col.3 WH: T.W. RIDER, Bryan. 18 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.2 EH: Chas. LEWIS, Bryan. 20 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: Geo. JOHNSTON, Bryan. EH: W. ENNIN, Bryan. 21 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: M. PREAR, J.FAGAN, Millican; H.T. DOWNARD, Bryan. 22 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.3 PH: J.S. McLENDON, Bryan. 23 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: N. GRANKEL, Bryan; W.P.FORMAN, Bryan. 24Oct. 1868, p.3, col.3 EH: J.T. TOMMEY, Bryan. WH: J.M. CHISUM, Bryan. 25 Oct. 1868, p.3, cols.4-5 WH: R.C. MYERS, Millican. 27 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: John LLOYD, Bryan. 28 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: H. RANDLETT, wife, aunt & 3 children, Bryan. EH: Capt. BODMAN & lady, Bryan. 29 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.4 PH: J.A. POLK, Bryan. 3O Oct. 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: W.B. FORMAN, Bryan. 31 Oct. 1868, p.3, col.3 EH: L. PURDY & wife, Brazos; S.J. ADAMS, Bryan. 1 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: M. WYATT, Bryan; W.B. FORMAN, Bryan. EH J.T. WHITENIDE, Bryan. 3 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.4 PH: John D. SHRIBER, wife & 3 children, Bryan; Col. POLK, Bryan; G.B. BYRD, Bryan City. WH: Nat WILSON, Bryan. EH: W.T. FORD, Bryan. 4 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: W.B. FARMER, Bryan. 5 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: W.B. BOWMAN, Bryan. 7 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: G.A. WHEAT, R.C. MEYERS, Millican; Dr. WILSON & lady, Bryan. 1O Nov. 1868, p.3, col.4 PH: J.H. SAUNDERS, Geo. PENDLETON, Bryan. 1 1 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: D.R. WELCH, Bryan; W.B. FORMAN, Bryan. 12 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.3 PH: J.S. HANNA, J. FITCHETT, Bryan; Thos. HOYETTE TBOYETTE ?1, Bryan; C.R. SESTAJETTE, Bryan. 13 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.4 EH: A. BRITTON, Bryan. WH: W.B. FORMAN, Bryan. 17 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: lsaac FULKERSON, Bryan; H. PHILLIPS, T.R. CLARKE, Bryan. 18 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: R.A. GORDON, Bryan; L.T. FOWLER, Bryan; W.B. FORMAN, Bryan. 21 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.2 EH: J.S. MONTGOMERY, Bryan. WH: Jas. D. HILL, Bryan. 22 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: G. MYERS, Bryan. 24 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.3 PH: J.H. TRASK, Bryan. 25 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: W.B. FORMAN, Bryan. EH: Capt. HENDERSON & Lady, Bryan. 28 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: Ben BROWN, Bryan. PH: Guy M. BRYAN, Jr., Bryan. 29 Nov. 1868, p.3, col.4 PH: M. PARKER, Bryan. EH: A. FAULKNER, Bryan. 2 Dec. 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: W.B. FORMAN, Bryan. 3 Dec. 1868, p.3, col.4 WH: C.F. MOORE, Bryan. PH: G.J. GOODWIN, Bryan. 4 Dec. 1868, p.3, col.4 PH: L.C. FREEMAN, Bryan. 5 Dec. 1868, p.3, col.3 27 PH: S. FORD, Bryan. 6 Dec. 1868, p.3, col.3 WH: W.B. FORMAN, Bryan. PH: C.B. BYRD, Bryan. 8 Dec. 1869, p.3, col.3 EH: John ORR & wife, Bryan; F. NEALE, Bryan. 12 Dec. 1868, p.3, col.3 PH: M.M. MoRRlsoN, Bryan city; A. PARKER, Bryan city. 27 Dec. 1g6g, p.3, cot.3 PH: G.M. BRYAN, Jr., Bryan. 31 Dec. 1869, p.3, col.3 PH: A. DREYFUS, Bryan; A. PARKER, Bryan city. EH: A.H. MAYER, Bryan; w.R.H. ANDREWS, Bryan; G.T. HASWELL, Bryan; Mrs. E. FoRREST, Bryan. 5 Jan. 1969, p.3, col.3 PH: Wm. McINTOSH, Bryan. 7 Jan. 1869, p.3, col.3 PH: E. PARR, Bryan; G.B. BYRD, Bryan. 8 Jan. 1809, p.3, col. 3 PH: D. CRUTCHER, Bryan . 17 Jan. 1869, p.3, col. 4 EH: S.J. ADAMS, Bryan. 19 Jan. 1869, p.3, col.3 PH: E.E. MlX, Bryan; D.J. SHEPHERD, Bryan. 28 Jan. 1BOg, p.3, col.3 WH: G-A. SAMKEN, Bryan. 31 Jan. 1869, p.3, col. 2 WH: G.M. PHILLIPS, Bryan. 2Feb. 1869, p.3, col.3 PH: J.H. FITCH, Bryan; A.H. FILES, Bryan; A.H. WILSON, Bryan; G.B. BYRD & Sam HOFFMON, Bryan. 3 Feb. 1869, p.3, col.2 PH: G.W. PARKER, Bryan. 5 Feb. 1869, p.3, col.2 EH: C.C. HEARNE, W.H. READ, Bryan. 6 Feb. 1869, p.3, col.2 EH: c. TURNER & lady, Bryan. PH: J.J. scorr, Bryan. 8 Feb. 1869, p.3, col.3 EH: B. PATTERSON, Millican. 1O Feb. 1869, p.3, col.3 wH: J. HARDESTY, Bryan; c.M. BoxLEY, Bryan. PH: A.c. NEILL, Bryan. 12Feb. 1869, p.3, cols.2-3 wH: H.D. MoRRELL, Bryan; R.A. GoRDoN, Bryan. PH: c.L. LESTAYETTE, Bryan; A.D. MORRISON, Bryan. 16 Feb. 1869, p.3, col.3 PH: J.S. McLENDON, J.G. McLENDON, Bryan. 18 Feb. 1869, p.3, col.3 PH: A. PARKER, John TlNNlN, Bryan; Milton PARKER, Bryan. 2o Feb. 1869, p.3, col.2 PH: D. PURDY, Bryan. 21 Feb. 1869, p.3, col.3 PH: J.H. LITTLEFIELD, L. PURDY, Bryan. 23 Feb. 1869, p.3, col.3 PH: J.R. GOODING, Bryan. 28 Feb. 1869, p.3, col.3 EH: w.B. WYATT, Bryan. wH: J.B. MIDDLETON, Bryan. PH: G.w. PARKER, Bryan. 4 Mar. 1869, p.3, col.3 WH: J. PURDY, Bryan. 6 Mar. 1869, p.3, col.2 EH: W.H. FLIPPEN, Bryan; G.T. HASWELL, Bryan. 26Mar.1869, p.3, col. 3 PH: B. PETERSON, Millican. 31 Mar. 1869, p.3, col.4 PH: J.S. FOWLKES, Bryan. EH: S.J. ADAMS, Bryan. 1 Apr. 1BOg, p.3, col.4 PH: A. PARKER, Bryan. 2 Apr.1869, p.3, col.4 PH: B.B. BYRD, Bryan. 7 Apr.1869, p.3, col.4 PH: R.A. FLACK, Bryan. 9 Apr. 1869, p.3, col.3 PH: J.S. FOWLKES, Bryan. 1O Apr. 1869, p.3, col.3 PH: G.M. BRYAN, Jr., H.W. WALDROP, Dr. R.N. MILLS, Mrs. A. SMITH, Mrs. S. DILLON, Bryan. EH: G.F. HASWELL, Bryan. 13 Apr. 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: A. FAULKNER, Bryan. 16 Apr. 1869, p.3, col.4 PH: Wm. H. SAUNDERS, Bryan; S.S. PERRY, J. DAVIS, Brazos Co. 21 Apr.1869, 28 p.3, col.4 PH: R.B. TEMPLETON, Bryan. 23 Apr.1869, p.3, col.4 EH: Chas. LEWIS, Bryan. 28 Apr. 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: Major TABOR. 29 Apr. 1869, p.3, col.5 PH: C.G. BAXTER, W.S.C. BONNER, Bryan. EH: Mrs. DALTON, Bryan. 4 May 1869, p.3, col.4 PH: B.M. OUINCY, Bryan. 5 May 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: C.W. GARDNER, W.A. SAYLOR, G.A. OUINION, Bryan. 11 May 1869, p.3, col.4 PH: P.R. TODD, Bryan. 12May 1869, p.3, col.4 PH: W.B. WYATT, Bryan. WH: A.C. KIEN, Bryan. 14 May 1869, p.3, col.4 PH: G.B. BYRD, Bryan. WH: W.A. ADAMS, Bryan. 15 May 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: Mrs. DEAN, Bryan; S.H. HUNTER, J. SHELBORN, Bryan. 16 May 1869, p.3, col.3 PH: D.S. HUFFSTICKER, Brazos. EH: Miss Fannie LEWIS, S.J. ADAMS, C.C. ALLEN, Bryan. 19 May 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: W.A. ADAMS, E.D. HURN, Robt. N. MILLS, Bryan; M.D. HUMBELL, Millican. 20 May 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: Geo. B. HOLLAND, J.O. CORMAN, Bryan. 21 May 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: N. ROSS, Bryan" PH: T"M. WATTS & family, Bryan. 22May 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: L.L. BEEKHAM, Bryan. 23 May 1869, p.3, col. 5 5 EH: Carl HIGHLAND, Bryan. WH: W.B. FORMAN, Bryan. 26 May 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: Mrs. MARSHAL & child; N.A. ADAMS, Bryan; Rev. A.J. YATES, Millican. 27 May 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: Thos. B. WRIGHT, Bryan. 28 May 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: G.M. BRYAN, Jr., Bryan. WH: Jas. McCULLOUGH, Bryan. 29 May 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: Mrs. MORRISON, Bryan. WH: P.A. SWANN, Millican; J. DAVIS, Millican. 2 June 1869, p.3, col.5 PH: O.P. BOWLES, Bryan. WH: W.A. ADAMS, Bryan. 3 June 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: Lhos PODGITT tPADGITT ?1, Bryan. 6 June 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: R.M. JONES & lady, J.B. McLANE, W.A. ADAMS, Bryan. EH: C. BARNETT, H. MORDECAI, Bryan. 8 June i 869, p.3, col. 5 WH; W. GILLEM, Bryan. EH: Mrs. A.A. HOLLIDAY, Millican. 9 June 1869, p.3, col. 4EH: W.A. SAYLOR, Bryan. WH: W.F. BREATH, Bryan; W.B. FORMAN, Bryan. 1O June 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: L. PURDY & wife, W.T. ROBINSON, Bryan. 11 June 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: W.M. WREN, Bryan. 13 June 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: Col. T.D. WILSON, A.C. READ, D.W. BEESON, E. MlX, Bryan. 16June 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: W.C. YOUNG, W.A. ADAMS, Jas. McCULLOUGH, Bryan. 17 June 1869, p.3, col.3 EH: Miss CROSS, Mrs. MEAD, Bryan. PH: T"L. McCARTY, Bryan. WH: Gen. PHILLIPS, J.C. YARBRO, Bryan. 18 June 1869, p.3, col.3 EH: L. MORRIS, Bryan. WH: Dr. J. BEALL, wife & 2 children, Bryan. 19 June 1869, 29 p.3, col.3 PH: T.D. HOFFMAN, J. HAMILTON, Bryan. WH: Wm. ORR, Gen. H. PHILLIPS, J.M. POLK, T.J. BEALL, J. PURDY, Bryan. 20 June 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: T.J. HAILLE, Millican. WH: W.L. SANDERS, G.W. JOHNSON, Bryan. 22 June 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: W.W. McMICHAEL, Millican; John S. MOORE, Millican. 23 June 1869, p.3, col.3 EH: D.A. ORISS, Bryan. WH: W.T. BROATH, Bryan. 25 June 1869, p.3, col.3 WH: D. DOOSLY, Bryan. 26 June 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: B.P. DAVISS, Bryan. 27 June 1869, p.5, col.6 EH: C. BARRETT, Bryan. WH: J.T. CYRCY TCYRUS or SEARCY ?1, Geo. JOHNSTON, J. GROSSMYRE, Bryan. 29 June 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: A.F. WILSON, Bryan. WH: Thos. B. WRIGHT, F. DOUGLASS, Bryan. 30 June 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: Dr. J.E. TULLIS & son, Bryan. 1 July 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: L. GROSSMYRE, J.M. POLK, Bryan. 2 July 1869, p.3, col.3 WH: Jas. McCULLOUGH, Bryan. 3 July 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: J.E. TULLIS, J. GARRETT, C.T. MOORE, W.A. ADAMS, Bryan. 6 July 1869, p.3, col.6 EH: T.S. MADDOC, Bryan. 8 July 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: Wilson A. ADAMS, Bryan. PH: Wm. H. McALLISTER, Bryan. EH: Mrs. Geo. D. HASWELL, Bryan. 11 July 1869, p.5, col.5 EH: E. MIX & son, J.M. CHILDES, Bryan. 14 July 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: Jas. McCULLOUGH, Bryan. 15 July i 869, p.3, col.4 WH: W.A. ADAMS, C.G. CAVENS, Bryan. EH: Mrs. FOOTE, 1 child & servant, Bryan. 17 July 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: A. FAULKNER, Jas. McCULLOUGH, Bryan. 22 July 1869, p.3, col.4 PH: J.H. COOK, Brazos Co.; M.A. COLLINS, Bryan. WH: J. PURDY, Bryan. 23 July '1869, p.3, col.4 WH: J.M. TABOR, C.E. GUNMAN, D. ARNETT, A.F. ROBBINS, Jas. McCULLOUGH, Bryan. PH: M.A. COLLINS, W.R. INGRAM, Bryan. 24 July 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: A.B. CUNNINGHAM, Dr. A.H. WILSON, Jas. McCULLOUGH, W.A. ADAMS, J. PURDY, Bryan. PH: Chas. T. MANSON, Bryan. 27 July 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: J. PURDY & wife, Jas. McCULLOUGH, W.A. ADAMS, Bryan. 29 July 1869, p.3, col.5 EH: Mrs. C.B. SESTERGETT & son, Bryan. 30 July 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: W.F. BROATH, Bryan. 31 July 1869, p.3, col.4 PH: T.C. MOURNY, Bryan. 3 Aug. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: Morgan PRICE, Millican. Millican. 4 Aug. 1869, p.3, col.5 PH: G.B. BYRD, Bryan. WH: Harry ANDERSON, Frank FISHER, Bryan. 5 Aug" 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: J. PURDY, Bryan. 6 Aug. 1869, p.3, col4 WH: Mr. LAWRENCE, Jas. McCULLOUGH, W.F. BREATH, Bryan. 7 Aug. 1869, p.3, col.4 PH: G.B. BYRD, Bryan. 8 Aug. 1869, p.5, col.5 30 WH: P.B. MULLINS, Bryan; W.B. CUNNINGHAM, Bryan; J. McCULLOUGH, J. pURDy, Bryan. 1O Aug. 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: J.J. BECKAN, H.T. DOWNARD, Bryan. 11 Aug. 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: w.H. FLIPPIN, Milton H. PARKER, Frank CLARK, Bryan. wH: Mrs. Judge THURMAN & daughter, R.N. MILLS, J. pURDy, Bryan. 13 Aug. 1969, p.3, col.4 WH: T.C. BURKE, Millican. 14 Aug. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: Jas. McCULLOUGH, J.B. GREEN, Bryan. 15 Aug. 1869, p.5, col.5 WH: J. PURDY, Geo. W. DURANT, Bryan. 17 Aug. 1809, p.3, col.4 WH: J.S. LEONARD, Bryan. 19 Aug. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: H.M. MOORE, J. PURDY, Bryan. 20 Aug. 1869, p.3, col.4 PH: F.M. HALL, Bryan. 22 Aug. 1869, p.5, col.6 wH: T.J. DAVTS, Millican. 24 Aug. 1869, p.3, col.5 PH: Wm. McINTOSH, Bryan. WH: Henry ASH, Bryan. 25 Aug. 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: T.M. HOLLINGSWORTH, E.S. WARD, Bryan. 27 Aug. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: W.A. ADAMS, Bryan. 28 Aug. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: Jas. McCULLOUGH, Bryan. 31 Aug. 1869. p.3, col.4 wH: J.B. HURBURT, J.s. FowLKES, Bryan. oH: col. T.D. wlLSoN, wife & family" Mrs. SMITH, Bryan" 1 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: J. PURDY, Bryan. 2 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: W.D. HENRICK, W.M. WHEAT, Millican; B.W. BROWN, A.A. HARRIS, J. MIDDLETON, Bryan. 3 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: E.L. ANDREWS & wife, Bryan. wH: H.D. MARCHBANKS, R.N. M|LLS, wife & child, Bryan. S. CANNEEN, Millican. 4 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: W.L. SANDERS, J.M. TUCKER, J. PURDY, Bryan. 5 Sept. 1869, p.5, col.5 PH: G.B. BYRD, Bryan. wH: E.L. WARD, J. FULKERSON, James MEDDLE, Bryan. 7 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.5 oc: H. MAYMAN, Bryan; Mrs. A. KNIGHT, D.o. HALLFMAN, Bryan. g Sept. 1869, p.3, col.5 EH: L.w. HALFMANN, Bryan. wH: w.L. LAMBDIN, Bryan. 1o sept. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: Jas. MIDDLETON, J. PURDY, Bryan. 11 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: John c. HAEZLETT, Bryan. wH: N.R. wtlsoN, J.s. FOWLKES, p.o. RAGSDALE, Bryan. 14 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.4 PH: Mrs. F.E. MANN & 2 children, Bryan. wH: T.c. wESTBRooK, Bryan; M.L. WESTBROOK, Bryan. 17 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: H.S. NEWLAND, Bryan. 18 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: J. MILBY, Bryan. 19 Sept. 1869, p.5, col.5 WH: W. LAMBDIN, Chas. JACOBS, J.S. McLANDON, Bryan. 21 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: W.A. McMICHIEL, Millican. 23 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: C. MARSTRAND, R. GRANDOLFO, Bryan. 24 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.5 EH: J. REILLY, Major B. SBISA, Bryan. WH: A. MANS, Chas. FREEMAN, W. HASWELL, D.M. DANSBY, Bryan. 25 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: W.D. HERRICK, Millican. 27 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: A.J. NELSON, Bryan. 29 Sept. 1869, p.3, col.5 3'1 wH: v. sAYLoR, Bryan; N. MlrcHEL, w. coLLouGH, Bryan. 30 sept. 1969, p.3, col.4 WH: C.M. BOXLEY & lady, Bryan. 5 Oct. 1869, p.3, col.6 WH: John T. BULCH, P. PARKER, Bryan. 6 Oct. 1809, p.3, col.3 WH: J.W. NANCE, H. HARDEY & daughter, J.W. TABOR, Bryan; James McCULLOUGH, Bryan. 7 Oct. 1869, p.3, col.6 wH: James FAGAN, E.J. DAVIS, Millican; B.F. BALDRIDGE, Bryan. 1o oct. 1969, p.5, col.5 PH: Luke SMYTHE, Bryan. wH: B.E. BALDRIDGE, J.H. BUCK, Bryan. EH: R.c. MYERS, Millican. 12 Oct. 1869, p.3, cols.3-4 EH: Chas. W. GARDNER, Bryan. 13 Oct. 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: J. Dick SAUNDERS, Bryan. 14 Oct. 1869, p.3, col.3 PH: wm. ERWIN, Bryan. wH: P.o. RAGSDALE, Bryan. 15 oct. 1869, p.3, cor.4 PH: John O'HARE, Bryan. 17 Oct. 1869, p.8, col.2 wH: sam HAUFFMAN, N.B. wlLSoN & son, Bryan. PH: D.c. JACOBS, Bryan. EH: W.J. LEWIS, Millican. 20 Oct. 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: J.H. ADDISON, Bryan. 21 Oct. 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: Jas. McCULLOUGH, Bryan-22 Oct. 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: W.A. TAYLOR, Bryan. 26 Oct. 1869, p.3, col.5 EH: col. F.D. D. wlLSoN, Bryan. wH: Geo. JoHNSoN, J.H. HARDy, Milton pARKER, D. HARN, John ILLO & lady, Bryan. 27 Oct. 1869, p.3, col.5 EH: Dr. w.F. FARNER, Bryan. wH: J.s. MooRE, Millican. 28 oct. 1869, p.3, col.5 EH: Miss M.E. GALLAGHER, Brazos Co. 30 Oct. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: J.H. IGLEHART, Bryan; A.H. ADGER, Bryan. 2 Nov. 1809, p.3, col.6 EH: W.A. SAYLOR, Bryan. WH: H. COOK, Bryan. 4 Nov. 1BOg, p.3, col4 WH: H. MITCHELL, J.P. MITCHELL, Jr., Bryan. 5 Nov. 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: G.M. BRYAN, Jr., Bryan. WH: W. LAMBDIN, Bryan. 7 Nov. 1BOg, p.b, cols.5-6 PH: J.N. BLouNT, Millican. wH: P.A. swANN, Mittican. EH: G.w. ALEXANDER, J. ALEXANDER, Bryan; B.H. PEVERLEY, Mrs. HAMILTON, Millican. 9 Nov. 1869, p.5, cols.5-6 WH: W.L. SAUNDERS, Bryan. 1O Nov. 1869, p.3, col.5 EH: w.A. sAYLoR, Bryan. wH: w.N. GLAZE, M.J. KENEDY, T.P. wlLLtAMS, Bryan. 1 1 Nov. 1869, p.3, col.6 WH: J.C. HIRBERT, Bryan; A.J. NEATER, Millican. 16 Nov. 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: A.H. MILLER, M.B. BALL, J.W. BICKHAM, A.B. COLE & lady, M.N. GWINN, Bryan. 18 Nov. 1869, 1869, p.3, col. 4 WH: J.M. HOBBARD, A.A. ALEXANDER, B.F. ALEXANDER, Geo. W. MARTIN, S. SCALLON, J.J. GAINER & servt., Miss GAINER, Bryan. 20 Nov. 1869, p.3, col.3 WH: W.J. LEWIS, Millican . 23 Nov. 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: J.M. ROBINSON, E.L. WARD, Bryan. 24 Nov. 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: T.J. BEACE, C. MARSTAND, Bryan. 26 Nov. 1869, p.3, col.4 PH: Sam LAWSON, Bryan. 28 Nov. 1869, p.5, col.7 WH: J. McDONALD, Millican. 30 Nov. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: Mrs. GATES, T.J. BEALL & lady, Bryan. 4 Dec. 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: W.A. SAYLOR, G.W. GARDNER, Bryan; P.O. RAGSDALE, Bryan. WH: G.W. 32 McKEE, Bryan. 9 Dec. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: D. DANSBY, J. WALLIS, R. WILKS, Bryan. 10 Dec. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: W.H. FARNER, Bryan. 11 Dec. 1869, p.3, col.4 WH: Wm. W. WILLIAMS, Jno. HONSTATT, Bryan. 12 Dec. 1869, p.5, col.6 WH: J.W. HUNTER, Bryan. 14 Dec. 1869, p.3, col.6 WH: T.A. JOHNSON, Miss HALLEY, Bryan. 16 Dec. 1869, p.3, col.4 EH: W.L. SAUNDERS, Miss Kate SAUNDERS, Miss Sue SAUNDERS, MTs. J.J. ADAMS, Bryan. 18 Dec. 1869, p.3, col.2 WH: J.J. GARNER & servant, bryan. 23 Dec. 1869, p.3, col.5 WH: J. JENKS, Bryan; Mrs. GODEY, Bryan. 29 Dec. 1869, p.3, col.6 WH: S. RIGHT IWRIGHT ?l & family, Brazos Co.; W.R. KING, Bryan. EH: P.O. RAGSDALE, Bryan. 31 Dec. 1869, p.3, col.4 *.t(*** BRAZOS COITNTY TEXAS LAND RENDERED -MOSES A. FOSTER LEAGUE NO. 15 -4,428 ACRES Transcribed by Ruth ,J. I{ARY Followi-ng is a transcribed record of land in Brazos County, Texas, rendered for taxation for the years indicated. I have started with the Moses A. Foster League No. 1-6, and plan to continue with other Leagues in future issues. I have chosen this particular time frame because iL covers the years around the missing 1890 census. These records should not be confused with the actual tax rolls since the tax rol}s contained real property, personal property, pol}s, horses, caLt.Ie, etc. The information below was the basis of the tax rol-1 for acreage of land and the value. I have omitted the value in order to cover more years. The County Tax Assessor-Collector told me in mosL cases the land owner rendered his land. On undivided estates, the l-and could have been rendered by an interested familv member. BY WHOM RENDERED 18 86 166 /vFlap /ar-ptrs 1888 1889 1890 1891 1 A9). BEAL, .1 . B. BEAL, ,f . DBELL, .f . B. BIGGS, ,J. T. BIGGS, J. W. BOND, BOND, BOND, 83 83 J'J.. S. M. M. Est. . A. Mrs. . 85 85 200 L70 1:l u 1:l'u 100 190 OU ;;; 290 113 6f, iii u 190 OU ;;; 113 85 i:: -L56 1:: .LYU -:: ;;; 113 83 85 195 ':1-' 100 t;;OU ;;; 1l_3 BOWDEN, Mary BRUNDITT, I. BRUNDITT,.J. iJRYI{N, Vr_rglL-L BI,]RTON, D. S. CARTTEDGE, J. T. CI{ANCEY, M. A. aT.f\e e .T 'I' .Tr coBB, J. H. W COLE Bros. CRENSIAW, H. DARW]N, T. H. DELOCA, Chas. A. N. I\. 45L.. 100 100 OU OU 138 290 113 113I 138 290 BRAZOS COUNTY TEXAS LAND RENDERED 33 MOSES A. FOSTER LEAGUE NO. 15 -4,428 ACRES BY WHOM RENDERED YEAR/ACRES 1885 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 l-892 J. D. Est. TA],IAFERRO '_?_u '_?-t I' 138 26L.5 26L.5 zol z6L J-.u J-.r T' 13 i;; ;;; ;; ;; 50 50 20 20 -LJ 5 l-^1 f 10 55 100 100 .; Ll5 'J.02 53 -,-? 6Z 100 -:: l_u L73 :o? ;; 118 ;;; 26L .5 80 ;; fU 20 i:: ;;; I6 i;; 3Z .3 -;; 100 B2 LZ) ;;; 200 69 J-fJ ::: -;; f,b 65 136 "? l AA 4428 =a .:: 6U cn zv i:: of, i;; 18 ;;; L02 53 ,-o o-6Z ;;; .-: : LZ> 5U 200 69 rf5;; i:: OU :-. 450 ;; 50 i:: of, ;; Lt3 ro2 ?? _u 100 B2 LZ569 100 153 .Jb ??? -:: OU _:; oz aJo 26L 63 & I. ,f. F. Est. Mr Es (EDWARDS) q ---tr. IJ5 _14 Lt5 ?'-u ;; LZJ ;;; 200 69 153 ,; 55 ?u? _;; OU -;; 20 i:: of, ;;; 18 ;;, L02 :: 100 ;;a30 HICKS, Jotrn (minor) IrTarTfq .Tnl.rn n1!!, guy T'FTCE'D D 11 I'T TETD D KIRKIIAM, ,J.' S. M.;.' . : (r(.r-zE;K, Mrs. (KERKAM) 100 55 KOPPE, Wm. KRVESINESKI, AnLone (KREZENSKI) MARIOTT, E. E. MATHIS, ,f . W. MATHIS, J. W. MCGEE, L. D. MCGEE, L. D. MCINTOSH, David MOODY, W. L. MOUSEN, G. T. PEIRSON, (PEARSON) E. PEARSON, (PERSON),J, a. 'lt4rs . w. PEARSON, ,f . W. PIERSON, (PEARSoN) Li11ie & Homer REDDICK, Wm. EsT. REGISTER, M. (Maxwell) ROBINSON, A. E. Mrs, SCOTT, Mrs. E. E. SLAUGHTER, J. M. STINER, J. T. TALLIAFERRO & COLLINS TAIIAFERRO & CO. TALLIAFFERO. COLLINS & BUTLER UPRIGHT, JeTTy WAIKER, W. J. WASHINGTON, ,fosh WHITE. ,John H. WHITE, M. A. MTs. WHITTEN, J. D. WILCOX, Walter 135 B2 ;;; ;;; 200 200 59 153 -;; .a: 6Z i:: 452 501 1126 1126 t23 L23 30 30 60 L29 L29 30 30 200 200 69 59 153 153 55 35 35 250 230 153 15 100 100 :: :: 82 IJO AJO ---i; 99 81 554.5 4428 4428 4428 UNKNOWN UNRENDERED 450.5 TOTAL 4428 34 INDEX OF SURNAMES ABBOTT 1 5 ADAMS 15,26-30,32 ADDISON 31 ADGER 31 ADKINS 15 ADLER 22 ADOUE 24 ALDRIDGE 15 ALEXANDER 31 ALLEN 15,25,28 ALLFORD 15 ALLRIDGE 15 AMONETT 15 ANDERSON 15,23,29 ANDREWS 27,3O ANTHONY 1 5 ARAM 22 ARMSTRONG 1 5 ARNETT 29 ARNOLD 1 5 ASH 30 ASTIN 4 AUSTIN 24 AVERY 1 5 AYRES 1 2 BADEW 15 BAKER 1 5 BALB 23 BALDRIDGE 31 BALDWIN 4 BALFOUR 25 BALL 15,31 BARNES 22 BARNETT 15,28 BARNS 1 5 BARRETT 29 BARRON 4 BASENFELDER 6,21 BATEMAN 1 5 BATTS 1 5 BAXTER 25,28 BEACE 31 BEALL 25,28,29,31 BEARD 15,25 BECKAN 30 BEEKHAM 28 BEESON 28 BEAL 32 BELL 15,32 BENGE 22 BENNETT 23,24 BENSON 1 5 BENTLY 1 5 BERDER 24 BERNARD 23 BERRY 1 5 BICKHAM 15.31 BIGBY 15 BIGGS 32 BILLINGS 1 5 BILLINS 1 5 BIRD 15 BLACK 15 BLOCK 25 BLOSS 1 5 BLOUNT 31 BLUNT 1 5 BOATNER 25 BODMAN 26 BOHMES 23 BOLDRIDGE 24 BOLTON 9 BOND 32 BONNER 28 BOONE 22 BOSTON 1 5 BOSTWICK 22 BOWDEN 'I5,32 BOWLES 28 BOWLS 24 BOWMAN 9-1 ,I,15, 25,26 BOXLEY 27,31 BOYD 25 BOYETT 1 5 BOYLES 1 5 BRASHER 1 5 BRAZZEE 1 5 BREATH 28,29 BREWER 15 BRIDGES 23 BRIGHT 24 BRITTON 26 BROATH 29 BROOK ,I5 BROOKS 1 5 BROWN 12,"t3,15,25, 26,30 BRUDULERES 24 BRUNDITT 32 BRYAN 7,24-28,31,32 BUCHANAN 1 5 BUCK 31 BULCH 31 BULLOCK 4,15 BUNCH 1 5 BURGES 1 5 BURKE 30 BURKHALTER 4,5,15 BURKLEY 1 5 BURTON 8,'t5,25,32 BUSBY 1 5 BUTLER 1 5.33 BYNUM 16 BYRD 26-30 CANNEEN 30 CANNON 16 CARMON 22 CARR 16 CARREY 16 CARSON 1 6 CARTER 4,16,24 CARTTEDGE 32 CASEY 1 6 CASSEY 1 6 CASTWELL 23 CAVENS 29 CAVITT 4,16 CHANCEY 32 CHEATUM 1 6 CHENAULT 1 6 CHERRY 1 6 CHESTER 1 6 CHEW 16 CHILDES 29 CHILDRESS 16 CHISUM 26 CLANTON 16,23 CLAREY 16 CLARK 16,30 CLARKE 26 CLAY 16 CLOSS 32 CLOUD 16 CLOWE 22 CLOWER 22,23 coBB 32 colcuT 1 6 coLE 13,16,31,32 COLEMAN 16 COLLETT 23 coLLrNS 1 6,29,33 COLLOUGH 31 COMSTOCK 16 CONDRAY 24 CONNOLLY 1 6 CONSUL 1 6 CONWAY 16 cooK 16,23,29,31 35 cooPER 1 6 CORGY 16 CORMAN 28 COULTER 4 COURTADE 24 cox 16 CRAMER 16 CRANE 1 6 CRAWFORD 16,24 CRAWLEY 16 CRENSHAW 16,23,32 cRoLrN 16 cRooK 1 6 CROSS 28 cRow 16 CROWDER 16 CRUPP 1 6 CRUTCHER 27 CUNNINGHAM 16,29,30 CURD 1 6 CURRY 1 6 cuRTtN 6,7,16 CURTIN 16 CYRCY 29 DALE 14,25 DALTON 28 DANSBY 16,30,32 DARWIN 16,32 DAV|S 16,25,27,28,30 DAVISS 29 DAWSON 16 DEAN 28 DEDRICK 23 DeJARNETT 1 6 DELOCA 32 DENESIN 25 DERDEN 33 DILLON 27 DILLYSHAW 16 DISERNS 33 DIXON 16 DONNOVER 24 DONOVAN 23 DOOSLY 29 DORDEN 33 DOUGLASS 29 DOWLING 4,16 DOWNARD 26,30 DOZTER 16 DREYFUS 27 DUBOIS 16 DUBOSE 25 DUHIG 16 DUNLAP 16 DUNN 1 6 DUNNAVAN 25 DUPREE 1 6 DURANT 30 DURHAM 16 EASLEY 16 EASLY 16 EATON 1 6 EDDINGS 16 EDDINGTON 16 EDRINGTON 33 EDWARDS 16,33 ELLINGTON 7,8,16 ELLIOTT 17 ELLISON 16,17 ENNIN 26 ERWIN 31,33 ESTES 17 EVATTS 1 7 FAGAN 26,31 FARMER 23,26 FARNER 31,32 FAROUHAR 17 FARRISH 17 FAULKNER 25.27,29 FEERS 1 7 FELKA 1 7 FEWGROVE 23 FIELDER 25 FILES 27 FINDLAY 17 FINNEY 23 FISHER 17.29 FfiCH 27 FITCHETT 26 FLACK 27 FLETCHER 24 FLIPPEN 27 FLIPPIN 30 FOLEY 17 FOLLAM 23 FOOTE 29 FORD 26,27 FOREMAN 25.28 FORNEY 25 FORREST 27 FORSGARD 22 FORTIE 4 FOSTER 17,33 FOWLER 17,26 FOWLKES 27,30 FRANK 1 7 FRANKLIN 17 FREEMAN 17,26,3O,33 FRILDER 24 FULKERSON 26,30 FULLER 1 7 FULLERTON 1 7 FULTON 22 FUPPEN 24 GAHAN 24 GAINER 31 GALLAGHER 31 GARDNER 17,25,28,31 GARNER 32 GARNETT 1 7 GARRETT 29 GATES 31 GAY 17 GEORGE 17 GERBST 17 GIBSON 17 GILES 17 GILLEM 28 GLAZE 31 GODEY 32 GOODING 27 GOODSON 17 GOODWIN 26 GOOSBERRY 1 7 GORDON 26.27 GORMAN 17 GRANDOLFO 30 GRANKEL 26 GRAVES 1 7 GREEN 17,22,30 GRIFFIN 17,24 GROSS 1 7 GROSSMYRE 29 GUNMAN 29 GUNN 17 GWINN 31 HACK 17 HAEZLETT 30 HAILLE 29 HAIRSTON 17 HALE 1O,17 HALEY 17 HALFMANN 30 HALL 17,30 HALLEY 32 HALLFMAN 30 HALLIDAY 25 HALMON 17 HAMILTON 29,31 HAMM 10 HAMON 25 HANNA 26 HANOVER 17 HARDESTY 27 HARDEY 31 HARDY 17,22-24,31 HARN 31 HARRINGTON 17 36 HARRIS 17.3O HARRISON 17.'I7 HARY 21 ,32 HASWELL 4,23-25, 27,29,30 HATCHET 1 7 HAUBERT 1 7 HAUFFMAN 31 HAVERLAND 4 HAWKINS 14 HAYDEN 23 HAYNES 22 HEAD 10 HEALEY 17 HEARNE 14,17,27 HEMFLING 17 HEMPFLIN 17 HENDERSON 17.26 HENDRICK 30 HENRY 17 HERNIA 24 HERRICK 17,24,30 HESTER 33 HtcKS 17,33 HIGGS 10 HIGHLAND 28 HILL 17 ,22,26,33 HINTON 17 HIRBERT 31 HOBBARD 31 HODGES 23-25 HOFFMAN 24,29 HOFFMON 27 HOLDEN 17 HOLLAND 17,28 HOLLIDAY 17.28 HOLLINGSWORTH 30 HOLLOWAY 17 HOLLOWMAN 17 HOLMAN 17 HONSTATT 32 HONSTON 24 HOOD 17 HOUSE 17 HOUSTON 17 HOWELL 4,25 HOYETTE 26 HUDDLESON 17 HUDSON 8,10,1 3,17 ,1a HUDSPETH 1 8 HUFFSTICKER 28 HUGHEY 25 HUMBELL 28 HUMPHREY 18 HUNTER 14,18,28,32 HURBURT 30 HURN 28 IGLEHART 22,31 |LLO 31 IMBODEN 23 INGRAM 29 JACKSON 1 8 JACOBS 3O,31 JARRETT 1 8 JEFFERSON 1 8 JENKINS 4,1 8 JENKS 31 JOHNSON 13,18,24,29, 31,32 JOHNSTON 1O,12,24, 26,29 JONES 9,18,23,28 KADE 1 8 KAMSLER 22 KANE 1 8 KEIFER 7.18 KEIFFER 25 KEISER 33 KELLOUGH 18 KENEDY 31 KENNARD 18 KOELSCH 18 KIDD 18 KIEN 28 K|NG 18,32 KIRKHAM 18,33 KIRKLAND 18 KIRWOOD 24 KrzER 18,33 KNIGHT 18,20 KNOX i8 KOPPE 33 KRVESINESKI 33 LALLY 25 LAMBDIN 3O-31 LAUTER 18 LAW 24 LAWRENCE 18.29 LAWSON 31 LEAKER 25 LEFEVRE 1 8 LEONARD 30 LESTAYETTE 27 LEVINSON 25 LEWIS 14,18,26, 28,31 LIGGIN 18 LIGHT 18 LIMMER 18 LINDSAY 18 LITTLE 1 8 LITTLEFIELD 27 LITTLETON 18 LLOYD 18,26 LOCKETT 23 LOMUS 18 LOUGHRIDGE 22,23 LOVE 18,23 LOVETT 18 LOWE 25 LOWELL 22 LOYD 'I8 LUSK 10,1 1 LYON 18 LYONS 8,9 MADDOC 29 MAGEE 18 MAGRUDER 23 MALLORY 18 MANN 30 MANS 30 MANSON 29 MARCHBANKS 30 MARIOTT 33 MARR 18 MARSHAL 28 MARSHALL 18 MARSICO 4 MARSTAND 3'I MARSTRAND 30 MARTTN 1 0.1 8,2 5,31 MATHENY 18 MATHIS 23,33 MATTHEWS 18 MAYER 26,27 MAYMAN 30 MAYOR 25 McALLISTER 29 McCALLUM 4 McCAMMELL 23 McCARTY 28 McCOCKADILE 18 McCOWAN 18 McCULLOUGH 28-31 McDONALD 7,14,18,31 McDUFFIE 18 McFARRAN 18 McGAFFEY 22 McGAFFREY 23 McGEE 33 McGOWAN 18 McGREGGOR 18 McGUIRE 25 McINTOSH 13,23,24, 27,30,33 McKEE 23,32 McLANDON 30 McLANE 28 I 37 McLENDON 18,25-27 McMICHAEL 25,29 McMICHAIL 18 McMICHIEL 30 McMILLEN 18 McMURRAY 18,19 McQUEEN 19 MEAD 28 MEDDLE 30 MEYERS 24.26 MIDDLETON 8,9,19, 27,30 MILBY 30 MILCHU 19 MILLER 19,31 MILLICAN 8,1 9 MfLLS, 19,27,28,30 MITCHEL 31 MITCHELL,19.31 Mtx 27-29 MONROE 23 MONTGOMERY 19,26 MOODY 19,33 MOORE 11,19,24,26, 29-31 MORDECAI 28 MORISON 24 MORRELL 27 MORRIS 28 MORRISON 25,27,28 MORTON 29 MOSELEY 19,24 MOSELY 19 MOSLEY 12,1 3 MOTT 19 MOUNCE 21 MOURNY 29 MOUSEN 33 MOWBRAY 19 MULLINS 30 MUNSON 23 MURCHESON ,I9 MURKISON 19 MURPHY 19 MYERS 19,25,26,31 NANCE 31 NASH 19,24 NEALE 27 NEATER 31 NEEDHAM 1 9 NEELEY 1 9 NEILL 27 NELSON 19,30 NEVILLE 19 NEWLAND 30 NEWMAN 19 NEWTON 19 NtcHoL 19 NICHOLS 19 NILES 19 NORTON 1 9 NUCEM 19 NUCUM 19 O'BRIEN 'I9 O'HARE 31 OGDEN 1 9 OLLIVER 19 ORISS 29 oRR 1 9,27 ,29 OSBORN 1 9 OVERSTREET 1 9 OVERTON 1'I OWEN 19 OWENS 19 PAGE 21,22 PARKER 4,19,24-27, 30,31 PARR 26,27 PATE 1 9 PATTERSON 27 PATTON 24 PAYNE 7,19 PEARSON 19,33 PEASE 24 PEIRCE 19 PEIRSON 33 PENDLETON 26 PERRY 1 9,27 9,27 PETERS X 9 PETERSON 23,24,27 PEVERLEY 31 PHELPS 1 9 PHILLtPS 19,26-29 PHILPOT ,I9 PIERCE 23 PIERSON 19,33 PITTMAN 19 PITTS 19 POAG 19 PODGITT 28 POLK 26 POPE 25 PRATER 1 9 PREAR 26 PRESLEY 1 9 PRESTON 25 PRrCE 9.19,23, 24,29 PURDY 25.30 PURYEAR 4 PYLE ,I9 PYORIS 9 outNcY 28 oulNroN 28 RAGSDALE 19,30-32 RALEY 19 RANDALL 1 9 RANDLETT 26 RANDOLPH 19,24,25 RANKIN 23 RAWLS 19 RAY 19 READ 27,28 RECTOR 24 REDDICK 19,33 REED 1 9 REGISTER 33 REILEY 25 REILLY 25.30 REILY 25 REYNOLDS 19,2O RICHARDS 20 RIDER 26 RIGHT 32 ROBBINS 29 ROBERSON 20 ROBERTS 20 ROBERTSON 20,22,24 ROBTNSON 8,20,28,31,33 ROSS 20.28 ROYDER 4,5 RUCKER 20 RUE 20 RUSH 20 RYALS 20 RYDER 20 SAMKEN 27 SAMUEL 22 SAMUELS 20 SANDERS 20,22,29,3O SANGER 23 SAPP 20 SASSER 20 SAUGHEN 22 SAUNDERS 26,27,31,32 SAVAGE 24 SAWYER 23 SAYLOR 28,31 SBISA 30 SCALLON 3,I 5LtrAtrI-EI{ ZJ SCHULMAN 4 SCHWARTZ 23 scoTT 20,23,27,33 SCROGGINS 20 SCURRY 20 SEALE 20 SELLERS 20 38 SELMAN 20 SEMONES 20 SESTAJETTE 26 SESTERGETT 29 SHANNON 20 SHAW 20 SHAWS 20 SHELBORN 28 SHELBURN 20 SHELTON 20,24 SHEPHERD 27 SHEPPARD 20 SHORT 20 SHRIBER 26 SHULTZ 6,20 SIMMONS 20 SIMMS 20 SLAUGHTER 33 SMILEY 20 sMtTH 12,20,22,23, 27,30 SMYTHE 31 SPARKS 20 SPENCE 20 SPENCER 20 SPIELDS 23 STAGNER 23 STALLINGS 12,20 STALWORTH 20 STANGER 25 STANSEL 24 STEGNER 20 STEINER 24 STEPHEN 20 STEPTOE 20 STERN 20 STEWART 20 STILES 20 STINER 29,33 STONEHAM 20 STOVEALL 29 STROTHER 20 SURTT 20 SWANN 24,28,31 SYMES 8,9 TABOR 4,20,24,28, 29,31 TALBOT 24 TALIAFERRO 33 TALLEY 20 TATUM 20 TAYLOR 20,25,26,31 TEIBOUT 20 TEMPLE 22 TEMPLETON 28 TERRY 20 THOMAS 17,20,25 THOMPSON 20 THORNTON 20 THURMAN 20 TINNIN 27 TODD 28 TOMEY 25 TOMMEY 26 TOOMEY 25 TORNEY 25 TOWNSEND 20 TRASK 25,26 TRIETZ 14 TRUEHEART 22 TUCKER 30 TULLIS 29 TURNER 20,21,25,27 rwffz 24 UPRIGHT 33 URBERNOSKY 5 VANCE 21 VANHORN 23 VAUGHN 21 WADE 4,6,21 WALDROP 27 WALKER 9,2'1,33 WALLACE 21 WALLIS 32 WALTERSCHEIDT 3,5,21 WAMBEL 21,23 WARD 21,3O,31 WARREN 21 WASHINGTON 33 WATSON 21 WATTERS 21 WATTS 28 WEBB 21 WEED 21 WEEKS 21 WELCH 24,26 WELLS 21 WEST 21 WESTBROOK 21,30 wHEAT 23,24,26,30 WHEELER 21 WHISLEY 21 WHITAKER 2'I WHITE 21,25,33 WHITELY 21 WHITENIDE 26 WHITTEN 21,33 WICKS 23 WICKSON 1O WIGGINS 23 wllcox 21,33 WILKES 21 WILLIAM 22 WILLIAMS 21,24,25, 31,32 wtLSoN 21,22,24-3',1 WINZERHEIMER 22 WONTZ 25 WOOLSEY 21 WREN 25,28 WRIGHT 21,24,29 WRIGLEY 23 WYATT 26.28 YARBOROUGH 1O YARBRO 28 YATES 28 YOUNG 21,28 ZABBO 21 ZACH 25 ZERBST 6,7 ZIMMERMAN 21 BRAZOS GENEALOG ICAL ASSOCIATION PUBLICATIONS BY MEMBERS Persons interested in any of the following publications should contact the author at the listed address. Any charge for the publication will be between the person interested in the publication and the author. When inquiring please enclose a SASE. Title: "Recorded Births in Brazos County, Texas 1850-191O." Content: Recorded births in Brazos County plus some births in Madison and Grimes Counties. Alphabetical by surname plus maiden name index. 328 pages. Author: Nadine Billingsley, 7O6 Pershing, College Station, TX 7784O. Title: "Descendants of Joshua JONES of Alabama and Solomon KING of North Carolina, 177 1-1994" Content: Story of Joshua JONES of Alabama and Solomon KING of North Carolina and their descendants, 1771-1994. Over SOOO names, indexed. Author: Nadine Billingsley. Title: "A Brief History of George W. WING and his Wife" Mary (MARTIN) WING and Their Descendants Down to the Present Day" Content: Story of George W. Wing (1766-1823) of Duchess County, NY and all of his descendants whom we could identify, including the author's wife and collaborator, Jane C. Portzer. 105 pages. Author: Harry J. Portzer,25O1 Sumter Dr., College Station, rx 77845. Title: "A Genealogical History of Abraham EBERSOLE of Dauphin County, PA and His Wife, Eva STAUFFER." Content: Partial release -Introduction plus 8 major chapters of proposed 12 chapters. 488 pages. Author: Harry J. Portzer. Title: "The PORTSER/PORTZER families of America and Their Genealogies" lncludes an attempt to trace all relationships. Content: All identifiable descendants of the two (all that are known) ancestral lines leading to Americans bearing the name "PORTSER or PORTZER". Biographies of these people and all their known descendants, of whatever name. 187 pages. Author: Harry J. Portzer. Title: Index to Birth, Marriage and Death Records, 1876-1909, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Content: Indexed, intended to assist the researcher in locating records at this church. 96 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski,4131 Bethel, Houston, TX 77092. Titfe: Marriage and Death Records, 1877-1909, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. Content: A complete transcript of these records. Deaths start in 1894, with a few recorded before that date. Includes a list of places of birth. 83 pages. Compiler: Joanne Dominik Glowski. Title: "ltalians of Steele's Store, Texas." Content: Historical account of the ltalian settlement at Steele's Store, Brazos County, Texas. Author: Rosemary DePasquale Boykin, 1506 Laura Lane, College Station, TX 77840. )-1 /Ltl L/8 page Once/year $5.00 x/year $18.00 BRAZOS GENEALOGICAL P.O. Box 5493 Bryan, TX 77805 Vol. XVI No.1 a/4 page Once/year $12.00 x/year $37.00 4-I/2n 4-I/2n IJ:l f nada. t/s: v . Whole page: ASSOCIATION Once/year S26.00 Onr-e /ttear S52.00 vrtvv/YJ' 4x/year $78.00 4x/year $157. 00