HomeMy WebLinkAboutBGA v1-3 Oct-Nov 1979 '/.; t i:' : From: THE BRAZOS GENEAIOGICA], ADVERTISER 740 Garden Acres Bryan, TX 7780L THIRD CLASS o To: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOYEMBER MEET]NG NOTICEI NOTICEI NOTICEI NOTICEI NOTICEI The next regular meeting of the BRAZOS GENEAIOGICAI, ASSOCIATION will be in the Bryan Library, Monday, November L9, L979, 7:00 to 9:00 pm. El-ection of officers for 1980 wil] be held. Records, documents, etc. of our members will be the program. Every member and guest is urged to bring 'the family book' chart, card file, or'shoe box'. We have heard many of our members express the wish to see how others keep their records. If you don't want to bring the family records, bring a treasured document or heirloom to share with us. There will be tables to display the collection. At 7 t)0 we wi]l have the business meeting and brief presentations (3-5 minutes) for explaination or historical background on your 'exhibit'. (Presentation is optionalt ) Then we will have an informal time to go back back to the tables for another 1ook. THIS PROGRAM WILL ONIY BE AS GOOD AS EACH INDIVIDUAI'S CONTRIBUTION. PLEASE BE A PART OF ITI If you dondt care to bring your 'exhibit' come anyway and enjoy seeing the otherst Invite someone else to come, too. See you Monday----- t+6 The BRAZOS CENEAI-,OCICAI AD\T.ERTISER is an inforrnation publication of the Brazos Genealogical Association of Bryan-College Station, Texas. t979 0fficers Prgsidcnt.o...... Vicc-Presidents . . . . . . Secretary . . . . . . . . . Treasurer..'r..r' Iri.brariano.....f. Editor......... . . Mary COOPER Naomi. MeCORMICK . Theresa EARIE .Shirley REDMAN ....NanROSS . . Mary COOPER . Ralph aaaaa ataaa aaaat aaaat +#+++++++++++++++++ CONTENTS Vol. I No. 3 0ctober-November L979 Feature Articlcs Confederate Muster RoLls Brazos County Volunteers Itlay 2J, L862 Muster RoIl, Ty1er, TX June L862 Excerpts from Tbq 4p9@by H.l" !ENCKEfr--Bryan Library Ncw Acquisitions Rescarch Sources & Matcrials Texas Corrnty maps 1840, 19?0's Loca.I Events Mcmbcrship News New Mcmbers Qucries,/Que stions Pedigree Chart Indcx Page KNOW WHAT? WHAT'S NEW? KNOW WHERE? wlmN? WHO? WENT WHERE? WHO'S NEW? VTHO KNOWS? KNOW WHO? W}iERE? L+7 50 (? 5t+ <A 59 6o 50 6L A1 o CONFEDERATE Proving the service of our Confederate Soldier ancestor is a real challenge at times; so we are always delighted to find a muster ro11 of the Peri-od. lVhen it is from our area, it is even more excitingl This issue features two muster rolls that have been offered by our members. The first was found in the Brazos The heading says: MUSTER ROLL, 0F SERVICE AT HEMPSTED UNDER GENERAI MUSTER ROI,LS County Court House by Euline BENBOW. It has nany Brazos County nanes, even though the registrat j-on took place in Hempstead. We are again printing the document so you can do Your own reading and interpretation of the narnes and how they are spelledl BRAZOS COUNTY VOLUNTEERS IN THE CARTER AS CAVAIRY FOR THE WAR. E; (/r,r4-, /ii # //'7'/),,2t, tr,zztz'/7;7"/'"/''' -,4/,.,4o MnTe& !;/(/,/cu,,/fu: t///ah/1V'-,-'-72,-L ),,r^/r-,,/o,4,, /2/.zn; ',',: "rf ho'E//22.'-{4 ,; ,r'2"/-z //rrr./ril,, 'r')i 'ilti*,6::::;: /,'',, $)rzr.tc7 ,,//er?trZ;, 'r/n\, ''? 'r/.4.,< , , :, Y)rrj'to,,,l/en/',ry' 'tn' _(r:U25r-r-,z) ,/-'i,, t/na /.f ''nh/.t-h ' "' -" ( //i, ,1 oloz ?/.2,t Mrrrurrr./lzrd ri o/nzzr-/Qr-.na/4, ' '';'' t/( a/4. ?{rz't /'/8/(rzrn'zzuz' o,,i u',i;4;u*ff**7 irli, #frff-:;:':# /Ji Jtr/ttrl ,t/t{z'{-{-aez-t . i '/"' trr /ti ,/rz/;L, L7', ,.,fo2t--/=-t-,zz fdn/t-rl 47 48Muster Rol1 of Brazos County Volunteers in the Senrice at Hempsted Under General Carter as Caval-ry for the War (Continued) I J /i, ,{ //9)114*D.,o t-,q ,1 J't'b/ttt, t;-/) -?ollnoTrr-i.1-j/1-j J .r//e , fr",h"{rl(*r. [o* :-tu f7 ?6, e/6,fi;/z?.? t:r e ?t, /Z A flrc,; s-2 ,t /': ,/arir,. fren--f J c?u lr/. /fr 6l*A .t /, f," t#rrtor/. Zr: k 3 'J 7 dL. f) q&//e. _--/(//l ,44*n"z'rc/z-a-fi*'- n -T 02 /, /', .4,4.y'n A/-/r' i-.4 4"'{ 1/4--:-/.'-rr' //4 ?r,z"r-f-.f4-tz.rZr -ft'*'< ar, ,(ffirr.r,. .4...-rrr' 4r/r/,-/-, -/t,,'ffi 'rhi-r r, "r., -r,1., 'V, -r4".1 t nf i7 Irt.ol. 4 /fr ffit'.7A ffi.*'*, dr-o'), 4,y ncft)r,|,,, 4/n/44-z'-/y''z ! \^: ,/,rt o r-o /',p;*"t.rt f 57 t-/i, /6 &X*./" htr-//J7 : Jll //ft;".,, @*/r"-z s-IJ42'/4L/,* ,'4/rr:zr7 /) %a/ngn". -/2,-'*c? /u-r-^u . d*rl-/"" ''/" 4'll""z 4'l//,.,'/r,nt/' 4r /H h1/,,, tW ,!,4,hu,,, /rrlr,' /4.*77<) -/ir r.t/rruz . /"rirtt, t //9."( -%tra.-*-h///J % %ao,tnrz-r ,/,/tu( /Z futr,tt'4r44i) (rtt 4I-/t: H &r,+a/z k 7 lh /7/,4 //,,eh-o r /f 4, o./n r,,eo /'/r}',4 0 'F ' .t/f Ft /z* //r-,' { 7 //? &'&t ," //"* i ' 7/I *> Muster RoII of Brazos County Under General Carter as Volunteers in the Senrice at Hempsted Cavalry for the War (Continued) %-eL.-" "> ._-r-z-z_r,* ,4 "/a{ ./.tr/---//.t^ !'7--?/,//z a',, z-,.-{ 42.-l; /, /rl'4 //r ^/.-iU 1;7 b n 42.. 4o', Lge /r4z-, '?mzLa*/-a,,-'ig 4.tz ,r{8-t/-1-'/"7 .\U-.1 a '%r/d-Did you find one of your ancestors listed in that muster ro1l,? We appreciate these people who share old docurnents to be printed. They are giving more people access to the inforrnation. Even if you didn't find an ancestor--even if your forebears fought on the other sidel--it is interesting to read these old papers of more than a century. Picture those men, furnishing their own horses and probably their own guns, volunteering to fight because it was something they believed in deeply enough to fight for it. ?t {--F Ji + # lt.ltJt rtJt.* if jf Jt Jt Jtl$'* *Jf lt Jt JtJf lt Jt-X rt Jf J+J|J$ lt lt r$ * l+ J*'lf it -F Jt Jt ltls'lf ts * lt'lf Jt lt*'-F'r Jt + Jt ltJl lSJt r$ i,4 i* * Eess GATLIN (Theresa EARTE's mother) has subnitted the next muster roLl. This was found in a Journal which Captain Dennis L. R. BUTT had kept. Captain BUTT was Mrs. GAfLIN's Grandfather, anci the Journal had been preserrred by the family, but only recently has the Journal been read again and this list found in it. If you didn't find an ancestor in the Brazos County list, maybe he will be in this one which is from Ty1er, Texas, June 1852. It lt Ji lt lf Jf +Jt ltJt lf Jt.lt.lt Jl l$ Jt Jt Jt'lt The heritage of the Past is the seed that brings forth the ha::rrest of the Future. III 50 MUSfER ROLI, OF COI4PANY IICII U 22nd TEXAS INFANTRY ORGANIZED AT TYLER, TEXAS JUNE !86Z ryz=:4, ,:+, 4 o Muster RoLl of Company ,rC,' ZZnd, Texas, June 1862 /t. t1 kt( 4 ( o Texas Infantry Organized. at Tyler (Continued ) er"///,, --'' /r' o t, /. /4-r-,.a/*-2 4r/r^,%. r#ut:-t-=Z//-.f,Lt/L"4F 4//4"^ e tq-"-,'-74J--//.7..;'Lf t/J* to,* O;*,".-,uz--rt1-< L .-,, -. rt(o^D' d.iu,A.. Jr -" --O >. Muster Roll of Company 'C" Z2nd, Texas Texas, June tB52 *m"%ffi (ErHi/c%,zzy-E -r-t--/64^-.-ct g/f*'--,r^a/L-lfn,L -/6 rf ,--4 ,'fu^ ,f /7-o-"/JY--*-'"o € AL*z-* Infantry Organized at fyler (Continued ) //re'2"* ? /, !6r"^* %"-r-t*u e& o^U C-rnar"oZ-6f.fr/,h Y"-"*o-/4-L-(-/a.*,ro e % //n-.* a fr. ff/99%%/r/-*o'-'t--u -ft.ryf/At-* -Thank you! Bess and Euline, for these two documents. K*0" W"*? -4orrrrt, t Mrs. GATLIN, who shared the Tyler Texas Muster Roll-with us, does a 1ot of reading along with her research, She says that these are some interesting books that may appeaL to some of you. 01d Virginia and Her Neighbors by John FISIG Virginia, the English Herita,ge in America by parke ROUSE Early Southern Towns by Everett B. WILSON The Scotch-Irirqh in tunerica by H. J. FORD Tennessee: a Bicentennial History by Wilma DYICEI/IAN Texas: The Lone Star State by Rupert Norval RICHARDSON Mrs. GATLIN's note: Dr. RICHARDSoN's bibliographies are given at the end of each chapter, and are excellent for students as well as genealogy searchers. The American Language by H. L. MENCKEN Here are some excerpts from The A,merican Lanquage which Mrs. GATLIN thought you rnight be inter6TtreE.-These'quores may make you want to find the book and do some more reading. "One in every eighty-eight Americans is now a SMITH. Half are British, The rest are: German -SCHMIDTS Scandinavian -SIVEDs Czech -KOVARS "Many a JO}{NSON who traces his ancestry will find himself : an lrish McSHANE a Sweedish JO}{ANSSON a Dutch JANSEN" ''ANDERSON ''BROWN ANDERSEN BRAUN ANDRISSEN BRAUNSTEIN'' ANDERSO}i}.I AI\DERSSEN'' "Gen. George A. CUSTER was great-granison of a Hessian soldier K0STER. " "Gerf. John PERSHING, a German: PFOERSCITING." "Gen. James LONGSTREET was a descendant of LANGESTRAET." "Herbert C. HOOVER was the g-g-g-grandson of Andres liUBER." "Abraham LINCOLN was an Anglieized forrn of the Ger:nan LTNKHORN.' "One ESBJORN enrolled in the Federal Army durine the Civil War was mustered out as OSBORN." 54 VT/**'" B*r* fmnonv Nan R0SS, Bryan Library's Reference Librari-an, has a new list of books that are of Genealogical interest. fhis l-ist makes me want to 'run not walk' to the library and see what I can findl You'Il want to do the same thing when you check these titLes and summaries. Nan, you are doing a great jobl TEPPER, Michael. Neyl {or1d Immigrants, 2 v. Emigrants to Pennsylvania, Uew irginia, Georg!.a, Very detailed, including index. B0LTON, Ethel S. Iryqtg4qls to New EnsLand. 1700-L775. -..........._-Gives nane, where fronr, when, other information as avairabie GNL 97 3,2 nf*? GNL 325 lJl\ Lr 325 and source. Indexed. GNL fEPPER, Michael. Imnigrants to tfre Middle Colonieq. 329 Excerpted frorn the Ei@apirical Record. Also Passenger List. Passengers, destinations, bond-masters, notes" Invaluab1e. Index detailed. GNL. BALDWIN, C.C. Ba.Ldwin Genealogy and Supplenent. gzg.t Bald.win and associaE-Iffiffiffi GNL MIDDLEBROOK, Louis F. Register of the Middlebrook Family. 929,L Descend.ants of Joseph Midmefoffi-Tnffi' GNL FURLONG, R. D. Dulg4L.Eurlong and Kinored Families. 929. z Descendants of DeniTffiANJ-ffiiflan@-sylvani a. Index. BODGE, George M. Ssldiers in King Philip's Waf. People, places and events in the New England Indlan Wars of I620-L6??. Naraganset grantees of United Colonies. Indexed. GNL MacLEAN, J. P. An Historical Account of the Settle-g?3.2 ments of Scotch Hiemffrr-t6Tfle-Eace oflT7Et--Eistory; mlgratibn trencis, some biography. Uiftffinately, not indexed GNL CHILD, H. Glzetteer and Business Directory gf St. g?4,? I:awrence Count-ruT@@s, towns , some pe opLe . l\ o Lnoex ' GNL KNIGHT, L. L. Georgia's Roster of the Revolution. g?5.8 Men who 6nlisted ffigia of-€-Tt-ffi-in--@fter the Revolution. Indexed. GNL NOTHINGHAM, C. W. History of Upson County, Georgia. g?5,8 t930. Book with mucn ffio i-ived in area, incl. many who moved to other counties. Index. I WHAT'S NEW? 55 BRYAN LIBRARY GNL orA 1 GNL 976,4 GNL 976.4 ** GNI, 9?6 .4 Lrj\ LJ 976.4 AII T LrL\ ! 9?6.4 GNL 976,4 A1\IT LTIT IJ 976.4 SAUNDERS, Col. J. E. Early Settlers of A1ab . 2 parts. Good for family historieffi HILL, Mrs. Louis C. Be1I County, Texas Records. Vol. 1 Marriage records, oiogrffiiEFEdTffiffiFv records. Last name index only. MARTTN, Mrs. John T. Falls County, Texas Records. VoL. 1 Commissioner' s court, ea@Tenffiracts, Masonic records, marriage records, cemete,ry records. Index by last name only. MILIER, Dorothy S. Czech Pioneers in Texas. DOUBRAVA family and descendants@tffi-pfoneers and their way of life. Invaluable iffiurce by local author. Partial List Robertson County Cemeteries. Some of the maSINKS, Julia Lee. Chronicles of Fayette. Fayette County early history. No ind'il STORY, Lorai.ne D. Ear1y Records of Hunt Counly, Texas. 1850 Census, mortalit s L847-LB5L Index by last name only. TEDFORD, Sandra H. Cemetqry l4qqr4ptlgns of Rockwal-L Coun!y-r6"qq. Known eemeT-erffiffi-dffi coun{coun{iEs where RockwalL County citizens buried, Index by last name on1y. T SUMIVIERS, K. History of Grayson County, Texas, Vo.Lume 1. 976.4 Monumental work conf,aining a county history, town histories, family histories (blacks and whites), church histories, business histori-es, detailed index. **Editor's Note: Did you read that this is a local author? The book sounds interesting whether you have Czech ancestors or notl I'm going to Czech on this onel .F.**;r.*.* Jf .r* Js.r.r J$.r* *Jf :Flr.tt What's in a Nanel Her initiaLs were ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOQRSTUV WXYZP. She was born in Liverpool, England, in 1880, and her name was Anna Bertha Cecilia Diana Enily Fanny Gertrude Hypatia Inez Jane Kate Louise Maud Nora 0phelia Quince Rebecca Starkey Teresa Ulysis Venus Vfinifrcd Xenophonc Yetty Zeno Pepper. !{ith such an assortment of appelations, she was able to select the one she li.ked, and she chose to be known as Annie. (Modern Maturity Magazine, April-May, L9?2) o K*o* W**? Ru*o*rn Sou*.u, Maps are vcry important tools whcn conducting rcsearch. Many times we wish for an o1d one to compare with the prescnt. When someone in our group asked about a map of the prescnt Texas counties, Don and Nell YOUNG brought the one on the facing page. That brought to mind a map of Texas counties in 1840 when Texas was still a Republic. This map is a copy from a book in the Bryan Library, and a very interesting contrast to our prcsent day. NE\A I {I lI xrexrCO Taxas eoumngs !8+t) I.FANNIN A/,r'.\" o !(r-.t." "|L --{{'zf^f" i .i_\r..i.(k6Lf -r\ar \o ;c \ 'l i'a i ' ,|od?oY_ _ ( t.. 'L -.S\. j -?j\* , ,coronaDo {gt utp. \ -r;-^..,rngo '-..... r;,"it"r-t) /--.-. ,>n:'?orroorlrr.(trr_rrr; -y'jl -t^n'l:ro'.*11,'.:h,1,..--,. i'', i r f -' :7-1,,',1Lail,'"1 "z-\ iAffi . .. *, 0..,', 1;1. r-h6t -F.M-j:P "^/LY i+Ynil n fv4 | [ n M '-.--/" _.^. t G U LF f T MEXICO I )'( TEXAS COUNTIES L970',s The General Land Officc aLso has a "PLat Showing the Dcvelopnent sf Texas Countics fron the original Land Districts. " The plat is too detailed to print all of it in one issue of the Advcrtiser, but on page 58 is thc development of Milan land district from which Brazos County emerged. This nap shows the present counties of Texas--all 254 of thcml How many are there that you did not even remenber was the nane of a county? Similar maps are available from thc General Land Office at Austin along with a lot of other good information. I I iE0 it'; qffEs loerwloncr !scunnr zAnol HENDENSOi srrrH FI cxm-i ffEE I iug IL^r*-l\ \ q€lry KERR '1_.-.-\ iEAL ! ssoERA -J-r----.l' KINiEY uuo"o. i t.o,no WEBB iII |t-;l l' !: *Jrnr i\oRq --T k€a€or staii r'-HroAL00 { \) \ TreLL MIIAM TEXAS COUNTIES FROM THE ORIGINAI MIIAM LAND DISTRICT L,amPasas Hamilton Mills Burleson-Lce Calahan Fal1s HaskcLl Conanehc Eastland Erath Harailton Jonc s Palo Pinto Parkcr Shackelford Stephens Throckmorton osquc MCLcnnan orye11 Young Wichita J-Hood onnson-+Somenre]l BRAZOS Dallas Lcon-Madison pFalls I Lj.me st on" --tp"e e stone Mclennan 11is Navarro Hi]1 Johnson McLcnnarr Palo Pinto Parker illiamssn -$s3a16f, Taryant fron Gcneral Land Offiee at Austin, Texas Bob Arrnstrong -Cornmissioner (Brazos County (Created 1-30-1841 (Organized 2-5-L843 Robertson t ;-Brown J-,,C onanche -1 HamiLton oryell-] Eastland Lmitts ILErath 59 I W**? Loro" .E**tt The NO1EMBER meeting is dascribed on the cover of this issue. Sharing record-keepi-ng ideas, skills and errors should help us all. Hope cvery membcr and a guest fFeach is in attendance for this fun and informative session. (Editor) In addition to the interesting program, B.G.A. will be clecting officers for 1980. Here is the report of thc nominating committce:"The nominating cornmittce, with all membcrs present, for the Brazos Gencalogical Association met at 7:30 pm on Oetober 4, L979, for the purposc of selecting nominees for the electivc offices of the Association. Thc following slatc of nominees is presented: Pre sident-------Ralph McCORMICK Vice -Pre sident--Dorothy CLARK Sscrc tary-------Chri stine DULANEY Treasurer-------Shirley REDMAN Librarian-------Marian GRAIIAM "Each nominee was contacted and he or she agreed to accept the office, if eLected, and fulfilL the duties of the office to the best of his ability. H.A. MONCRIEF, Chairman Naomi IvIcCORMICK Don YOUNG We will entertain additional nominations from the floor before the vote. The Association appreciates the work done by this committee--and all the other members who have worked to build an active, interesting and growing organizatiott, We look forward to 1980t I ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#+++ ++++++++++++++++++++++ AN INVITAIION The December meeting will not be a reguJ-ar rneeting, nor will it be on our regular third Monday nightt All-members, guests, anyone interested in genealogical pursuits, are invited to an open house Sunday afternoon, December 15, L979, 3:00 to 5:00 at Mary COOPER's home,740 Garden Acres. Come and go, or come and stay. We are going to visit, swap stories, may even swap ancestorsl I Please mark your calendars now. The day won't be complete without youl OPEN HOUSE December 16, 1,9?9 3 :00 6 :00 /40 Garden Acres, Bryan W"o? 6o Mu*uRSHrP ffu*t The Don YOUNGs recently went to North Carofina to research. Gee, Don and Ne1I, wish we sould have gone, tool +++++ At the October meeting, Mary COOPER reported taklng her two grandsons to the Seottish Games in Waco. The Games in SaLado are November 10 and 11. Did anybody get to that one?? +++++ Franees REASONO\ER is proud of a book recently printed in a linited numbcr. Called Pa.Latin Trail by Johnnie Elwood REASoNolrER, it is the li.neageffiASONOvER who cane to A.nrerj.ca in 1710 with a group of German PaLatines and established New Bern, North Caroli.na. ++#+ Have you heard? We have another author in our midst. Ralph McC0RMfCK is considering publishing a series of stories about his childhood memories. He has alLowed some of us a preview of a few of his stories and anyone can identify with the stories he tells. They are full of every day, fwrny things that bring back memories of your owrt. He thinks it may go to press early next year. with about 1J0 pages. He is going to call it A Prairie Kid Grows Up. Maybe he will give us all a preview ln one oI our meel].ngs nextr year, +++++ Mr. M0NCRIEF is also getting close to publication of his MONCRIEF Genealogy. Our organization is very proud of these people who can 'get it altogether' and into printl Wr,, /Y"*? ^M"* Mu**"*, rde have three new members which we are plcased to welcome. Mr. arrd Mrs. Lec w. BAILEY (.Llice ) 693-63?9 Rt. 3, Bax 552, Btyan, fX 7780t Prescntly searching only BAII'EY. ? Jim Owen JONES 2508 Oak Circle, FREEMAN JONES MADEWEII, SPENCER I Bryan, TX 7780L 779-4553 6L W* f(*ont ? Q**ru " /Q*srroNS QUERfES are ]imited to members and subscribers. Plcase send all qucries !o: Mary COOPER, Editor, Brazos Genealogical Adver-tiser, /40 Garden Acres, Bryan, IX ??80t. # OOg NORWOOD. Has anyone found Richard NORW0OD (7850-t862) in their Brazos or Washington County researching? Shirlcy REDMAN, Box t03, Wellborn TX ?|BBt Phone 6n-4?70 # 0I0 BAILEY. Need infor"mation on grandfather, James Addison (?) BAIIAY. Rasided in Tennessee near Mernphis until about t87O whcn he novcd to East Texas, and lived near a cousin nened HODGE. Was the father of five sons and one daughter, son Eugene bcing thc father of this searcher. Jancs BAIIEY died tn L892 at the age of 79, and is buried on a ranch ncar Whcelock. Searcher has not bcen able to Locate the grave though it was narked by his father. L,ce BAIIiEY, Rt. 3, Box 552, Bryan, TX 778OL # }tt HAMPTON. Need wifa and parents of Thonas HAMPT0N b.Caroline ,So. VA, L?5Q i d. Troy, MO, 1BI+0. Mrs. AlLie WHITIEY, t535 Wolf Run, College Station, TX ??81+0, I'm 0ver 52, Macon, GA. ++++++++++++++++++++ He Answered GravelY (AP) --When Robert I,ee TERRELI needed proof of his he brought in a showed she died in The evidence was age to file an application for Social Security, J0-pound tombstone. The needed evidence, from his mother's grave' LgOt, proving him to be at least 52 years old. acceptable. IERREI,I does not know his actual age. ++++++++++++++++++++ K*o,o W"o? The editor has not received many comments pro or con about the fonnat for pedigree charts. So--here is another one in the same format. Joy BROWN had already typed hers up in a}aost this manner' and the editor took advantage of her preparation. Let's have at least one pedigree chart in each edition. Cart we print yours next? This seems a good spot to urge members to place their charts in the library also. The surna.me cards wiLl be the most used, if we each build then with our own contributions. Remember, it will benefit you if someone searches the surnane cards and calls you about that long lost ancestorl P"or*ou C"oo* t 62 WHERE Chorl,. D.nu B eowv PEDIGREE CHART z+ wHERE ly'li lt>t MARRIED ,a 53 Cc .'T* a BoaN 2t Aeq ,t?rl wHERE trt; laL A. Ti MARRfED So Mor tvqY wHEFE W"' I l; o vtsov$ "Tx9 BoRN:.E, Snlv ttgl wxenqJ|;lqh lllaio'-Por, Lh olED a3 Mti tclSL wHERE 0 r, ^ ht -r' YtosL r.f Hf aoav g ty'ov ,v7l wHERE 'Oo ll vt l{ C., Ty MARRTED tt Tuly tVgri WHERE 1 DIED tg Ocf ,q5€ wHERE Lul;vj, Ci tJ*, ll, Tx BoRN ,z J-ly ,t?{ wnEnePrej ri { L:a,Gro lnl, pe DIED 27 Dca tgzt 'Tl, WHEFTE To n ple, Bc ll,fi 15 DreD Tocf tqtq wHERE'W; U;q; son Co,Tr BoRN ,3 D jo , Vg3 wHERE Unioa Por, Lh MARRTED 7/Dto t?7+. eonN/, Y Fo b tt t) 3 BoRN t.fJxat, t?"!-o WHERE l?a*sell Co, Ala MARRIED t€I$,,2 ttls WHERE BoRN ,f Dra tVg& wHEaE Troup Q. G,+ DrED ,"r frpr tyg L wHERE w; ll; a r-s)-d, T} BoRN gApr tVrf I wHERE 5;4p soa & . ltlS MAFiRTED t f/av t?6f v/HERE T*a wo ett bo €a. lrrls DIED ? fu1". tqt{ v/i-iERE Lx I ;, j,Cn lJ*o I l, T-t T) SPOUSE BoFN ZC Ju a e I7OO wHERE Lu I iy7. Q lt i,s I t, T.x orED Zrt *l? tq?z wHERE B, t ^ Il e *r$a s L L ;-71 xy7 wHEBE Tl.o vor, ba Ca, li s DIED lgQof lEz6 wHERE {u I ; n yt Ca lJ *c ll,Tp DIED ZS Mey I &?3 wHERE Lu l; i, ao p*a ll, Tx eonr.r 2J Ote t wHERE GuVJ a. lupr"C5,5 , T'7, DlEo 7Z l"eb 'tqt3 \,'!.tER€ O ra a7 e, O re " 7e r.Tp I 1A !7. 1P L9. 20. 2!, 22, 23. 2+. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. 30. 3t. 32, 33. 34. 35, AA 37. 38. l3l09.. +t, 42. 43, t+4, 45. 46, 47, 48. PEDIGNEE CHART -MildTed Joy SNODGRASS BRowN AvJa (Continued ) To find the father of any person listed, double the number. Each man's wife is the following number. (Men are even numbers; women are odd nrrrnbers. ) Edmund D. SNODGRASS b 7 Mar 1828 M0 d 7 Oct 1853 TX Martha Elizabeth STONEMAII{ b 10 Dec 1831 TN d 1 Sep 1880 TX Robert R. ROBBINS b 18 Mar 1818 Ark d 72 May 1866 TX Sarah ROBBINS b 19 Jan t825 Ark d 29 Aug 1862 lX George W. TABOR b ca LB34 Ala . m b De,e-t852. LA _d Sep 1852 MS Mary Winnic EDMUNDS b 1 Apr L837 gA, d ZZ Jan t9Z6 tA John J. BRITTON b 5 Aug IB29 GA m ca 1848 cA d after LAjs GA Anarrda BAYS b ca 1835 AL d after 1880 LA James M. TAYI,0R Jr, b ca 1813 GA d a"fter 1870 MS Elizabeth b ea 1815 MS d before 1858 MS John WIItrIAIVIS b 18 Nov 1811 TN m ca L833 Ala? d May 1-85L MS Prudence PATTON b ca 1810 TN d 5 Jan 1884 TX Williaur IERRY b LZ Aug 1809 nC m 2? Jan L839 d t9 Nov 1888 TX Martha F],OWERS b ca 1814 GA or SC d after 1868 .q,la Gcorge Washington S. WRIGHT b L2 Jan 1824 ALa d 30 May 1t00 TX Isophena IvrfERS b 9 Sep 1828 A1a d 19 Apr 1893 TX Joseph SNODGRASS b 1800-1810 M0 n 1 Dec 1825 M0 d ca 1"848/g tttO Sarah HOOSER b ca 1811 M0 d after t850 John H. STONEMAN b TN n 1ll July 1825 TN d after 1840 Phebe MooRE b ea t8o6/? VA d aiter f e5o iuo Richard ROBBINS b ca 1795 KY A 1844 .q,rk Nancy RICHARDS b ca t795 KY Aaron RoBBINS b ca 1804 tt{ d 20 Apr 1856 fX Elizabeth MASSEY b VA or TN d Aug 1854 Elijah TA30R b Z5 Oct 1805 NC m 182/A1a d 20 Mar 1864 r,.q, Susarrrrah SIMS b ca 1,809/13 cA d 1 Mar 1851 LA Jamcs EDMUNDS b ca 1811 GA n 27 Feb 1829 A].,a d 1-Z Mar 1888 LA Grizclla Ann HAY b ca 1813 GA d before 1882 LA Emanuel BRITI0N b 11 Apr 1810 QA m 10 July 1828 cA d 9 Dec 1874 cA Jane L. SMITH b 29 July 1810 eA d after 1860 cA Nathaniel BAYS b 5 Dec t798 aA m 2 Apr 1834 GA d 25 Apr 185? GA Elizabeth GRIZZLE b 8 Dee 1,8t6 cA d 27 Dec 1890 LA Jannes M. TAYI0R Sr. b 1780-90 d after 1840 MS 54, John PATTON b ca 1,79A KY or NC m ca 1810 TN? d ca 1830 Ala or MS 55. Sarah b ca t790 KY or NC d after 1850 MS? 60, Asa WRIGHT b 28 Nov 1?95 CA d I Mar 18?3 Tx 6L. Elizabeth b ca LBQZ cA d before 1,86? IX 62. Jerred MtaERS b 25 June 1802 m 18 Dec 1820 AIa d. before 1B5O 63. Nancy CI,OWER b 2? Mar 1803 cA d after 1B?0 TX 66. Christian HO0SER b ca 1?85 NC m ca 1810 d 1860-51 MO 6?. Elizabeth b ca 1?95 NC d after 1B5O MO 80. william TABOR b 4 Jan !?6t Nc n J July L?8t Nc d 4 June 1844 wis 81. Susannah TUBB b. 11 oct L75t NC d 3L Jan 1852 MS 82, Reddick SIMS b I770-t780 I 84. William EDMUNDS d 1840 eA 54 PEDIGREE CHART -Mildred Joy SNODGRASS BROWN (Continued ) P,A Avl O a XX David HAY b ca L77B SC d ca L852 ALa Winnefred POPE b ca 1785 GA d L85L Ala John B. BRITT0N b 25 June 1768 Vh m 1 Jan L?95 VA d1Oet 1838 cA 89. Mary BAIGR b. 2l Sep t??0 VA d after L842 L24, Eli jah IVIYERS 126, Jonathan CI,OWER b J Dec I?63 PA m 2J Oct 127, I{ary S}IUL,ER b 10 Oct 1774 Hanover, Germany 160. John TABoR m before 1280 NC d 1Bo5 NC t5t, Elizabeth SHARPE d after 1815 NC !62, George TUBB t53. Mary L74, WilLis POPE d ca 1,791 CA 1?6'. Henry BRITTON b ca 7?+0 li GA in LTB9 252. George CIO!{ER b ca 1735 PL m ca t759 PA 253, Elizabeth MORGAI\ 1JA1 PJ d 1O eor.r -| /-1/p"E 1835 AIa d J Sep 1853 Ark d after L765 Wo* ? /''tpn* ADIR 47 ANDERSEN 53 ANDERSoHN 53 ANDERSoN 5t,53 ANDERSSEN 53 ANDRISSEN 53 ARMSTRoNG 5I,52 <R ARNETT 4Z ARNoLD 4r ASHBERRY 5L BAII,EY 50 ,67 BArN 5t BArRD 5t BAKER 6I+ BALDWIN 54 BAII,ARD 5L BARNES 50 BARRETT 47 BAYS 53 BEAVER 5t BET-,I +9 BENBOW 47 BoDGE 54 BoT,ToN 54 BoND 4Z B0WI^ES 50 BoWMAN 47 BoYD 50,52 BoYrs 47 BRAUN 5) BRAUNSTETN 53 BRTTToN 62,63, 64 BRoWN 47,5t,53 6t,62 BUIE 5T BUSSEY 50 BUTT +9,50,5L BYNUM L+? BYRD 5t CANNoN 50 0ARTER 5t CASTIEBERRY 51, 52 cHrrD 54 CLARK 59 c],owER 63,54 cor,E 47 COILINS 4? CONNAI,IY 4Z cooPER 46,47 ,59 50 ,6t coRzINE 50 cox 5L cRArG 48,5L cRoss 5t cusTER 53 daniels 4Z DATENPORT 5L DAVrS 5L DEAN 5L DEBUSK 48 DENToN 5L DOUBRAZA 55 DOWNING 48 DUTANEY 59 DULAITY 54 DUPREE 5L DYKEMAI,I 53 EARLE 46,49 ECTOR 48 EDMUNDS 63 ESBJoRN 53 FTqlIFP <I ! *vrsrl )L FrsKE 53 FI,OWERS 63 FOI,EY 48 FORD 53 FOSTER 48 FRBEMAN 6O FREESTONE 48 FUIIERTON i}8 FURLoNG 54 GALOWAY 5L GATLTN +9,53 GEARY 50 GIT,IIIA}ID 5I GRAITAM 59 GRA1ES 47,48 GREEN I}8 GRIDER 5T GRTZZLE 53 GWIIM?? 5L t WHERE? A< INDEX HAII 48 MacLEAN 54 HAMTSHoN 50 MADEWETT, 50 HAMPTON 6t MARSH I+8 IIANOVER 48 MARf rN 4? ,52, 55 HARDY 48 MASSEY 63 HARRTSoN 51" MASTERSoN 50 HAY 63,64 MeC0],IoCH 48 HENDERSON I}8 MCCORMICK 46,59 ImNRY 48 5o HIl], 55 McD0NAID 47,52 HODGE 6T MCINTOSH 4? Ho].,DER 48 McKrNr,EY 52 HOrT 5L,52 McNUTT 52 HOoSER 63 MeSilANE 53 HootrER 52,53 MENCKEN 46, 53 HO'T'EI,I, 51 MIDDI.EBROOK 54 HUBBARD 50 MTLLER 55 HUBER 53 MIII,S 52 HUDSPETH 4Z MOIOBRA 48 HURT 5t MoNCRTEF 59,60 rAr,rsEN s3 il3ilf*r8fr o, JOHAr'{SS0N 53 J0HNSON 50,5t,^ ifiooRE--'d3'' fiORLlArrr -6+ )) MoRRrsoN 4g JoNES 52,60 roRD^N 5L il?8*f", t12,, KENT 52 NEITE 4g KIEFER 48 KINC 48 N0RW00D 5L rrrri61rr sa NorHrNcHAill KoEr,sHr 48 osBonN 53 KOSTER 53 pAcE 48 KovAR 53 F.q,iiocr 48 rAlroEsTRAEr 53 PARKS 5t rEvA 48 PATTEN 50 rrNcolN 53 PATT0N 53 I,TNKHoRN 53 PAYNE &8 ToNGSTREET 53 PEARCE 50 rorT 50 PENDBRGRASS PEPPER 55 FERSHING 53 PFoERSCHTNc 53 PHEIAI\ 48 PHIIL,IPS 52 POPE 64 POWEI,L 52 PRTSIEY 48 PRISTAJE I+8 READ 52 REASONO1ER 5O REDMAN 46, 59,6i. REED 48,50, 52 RENSHAW 5t RHODES 52 RTcHARDS 6j RICHARDSoN 53 RoBBTNS 62,63 RODDEN 52 RoDGERS 52 Ross 46,54 RousE 53 SAUNDERS 55 SCHMIDT 53 scRuGGS 50 SEATE 48 SHARP 5L SHARPE 6I+ SHEPPARD 52 sHurER 64 SHUITZ 48 SIMM0NS 50 srMS 53 srM(s 55 sr,IDER 52 SMART 52 SMED 53 sMrrH 48,50,53 53 SMIT}IWICK 48 sNoDGn.R,ss 6z ,63 SPEARS 52 SPENCER 6O STAP].ES 50 STEPHENS 5? STEPHENSON 52 SToNEMAN 6j ST0RY 55 sTouT 52 SUMMERS 55 TABoR 62,63,64 TAYIOR 62,63 TEDFORD 55 TEPPER 54 TERREI,I 6! TERRY 62,63 THOMPSON 48 TIDWEI,I, 52 TUBB 63 TURNER 50 URBIN 4Z wAIKER t+Z lvAI,lACE 47 WALfERS 52 WA],TON 52 WEEKS 48 wgtcn t+g !{HrrE 49 WHITI,EY 6t WIIlIASTS 48,62,63 WITI,INGHAM 52 wrtsoN t+7 ,5L,53 wRrcHT 62,63 YoUNG 56,59,6A ZERBIST I+9 zrunmruLN 49 5? o otI ot 1v