HomeMy WebLinkAboutOur Agriculturette - Karen Thompson r i TEXAS A&M AGRICULTURIST Our Agriculturette . . . page . . . 12 (Dances to Western Music) F I : r I Aussies Will Try Anything . . . see page . . . 5 n: WINTER 1967 A bird in the hand is worth added years to your life . . page 8 OUR AGRICULTURETTE: Our Most Lengdty Fecuture Our Agriculturette for this issue is a 19-year-old College k Station resident who is at- Wipp lair tending Sam Houston State I l' College. Karen Thompson is a home economics major who loves to �a dance—and is partial to West- " ern music. She makes all of . her own clothes and teaches swimming during the sum- mer at Wo f f ord Cain to the F younger Aggies, (three to twelve years old). �• , She has grown up around �j A&M and has been an avid j fan of the Aggies for as long �s as she can remember. ,. One picture is worth a j thousand words—here's a 3000 e 1 word essay on two pages. . . . ill Photos by Winston Green and Penny Scalone Hr Vitatz- " * • s • 1 - Wsag �a r N � -' 606OW l I ,g sf .� p 7 13 r ,