HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarketing of Art 121903 THE ~'AP2[ETING OF UOPd~S OF ART 2o5 THE INSZIRATION OF T~ R. H. C. S~EOIALTY ENT_]Ri~ISES The inspiration H.C. Specialty ~erprises is all tb~t can The fuller intent of ~ts purposes~ ~f procedure are given merit intellect of Ruth Haines I ng this to the by The story is simple enough. ~ombers: or them. s i g~nn ent. 206 But as was to the ~,,e of to bo be thougat off a~ The impl led runmaage what happened Out of of to ~ -to thc arc encountoring ho ART could ialty 2O7 ~ter a going purpose. revealed documents ration. ~zation, the tios~ of organizati distincti Proper- p~r ~ STATE OF THE MAPG(ETING OF WORKS OF AlIT DECLARATiOI~i OF TRUST Dar ed: Deed KNOW ALL 2O8 ume 108, Doin Sta tion bus ines its to wit: name of F.B. C , whose behalf the ~e whom the Texas THE ~ARKBTING OF %~0P2[S OF ART 2O9 STATE OP TEL%S ~ C0bT{TY OP BRAZOS ~ Before me ~ rity~ on to me to be the p foreg instrument and undersigned autho- appeared P. B. Clark~ known tho me that he executed the sac £or the se and consideration therein ssod~ GIVEN UNDERMY H~D ~7~D SEAL OF 19el. ment bet, A. on to :30 o'clock, THE M~ETING OF ~IiJO~H(S OF A[~T OF ~ t(NOW ALL MEN BY THESE C0~TY OF BRAZOS Q Tl~at this indenture made the A. between , Texas, Kaska 210 and '.a~.~e the That o~ va luab le the lodged, released ~ do grs~ut, paid on rem±sod, part the loss) 211 THE M~?~ETI~G OF S OF l~T land herewith referred to has be r subdivi- sion i~_to a pot al residential, park adj g College Park on the southeast. The said pote:atial residet~tial Park is to be k~own as Northwes~ kaskia. called to the £act, however, tha~ out of streets~ alleys~ ~d necessary better to tie the area prospect. A evide by a deed Clark, as o£ record t cultural ~ A tract of land Attention is o£ the lay- become development o£ the ther exis or in lam~d as acres o£ land the his successors 212 THE MARKETING OF Vf0RKS OF ART £ee. upon the trusts, nevertheless~ and to and £or the uses~ interest, and declared - that is to rents~ and p ts the same during the term o£ their otherwise dispose of the To have and described premises, said par~ o£ the forever; i ~ and behal~ off the said either or both c ~ d sa described, upon trust to receive the the said premises~ and apply ies of the first part ifc and to deed or the his assigns and successors ~d separate use~ benefit, each, free from than the ration of of the estate in trust. T~LE NAPJ~-ETING OF UOR2£S OF EXAS BRAZOS a ~klo d~y os.C F, to me to name foregoing ins , and acknowl each executed the the therein sod tho said been examined bY me vity and a and havin~ Ruth Haimes act and deed, and s expressed and his wif es mhd ~ in and for the~y- having from her husband her, she, thc said to be her ~ty tb.o~?ein it. .ay of ERTI on the THE NG OF \JO~'~S OF 2~RT for THE KASKASKIA PROPERTIES to The Public of Texas of Brazes ents: to in the hereby live~ 215 THE MARKETING OP WORKS expr~ of hand and seal of office this 21 day The State County 11 o' 122 , Tex. in Texas 2~6 ~HE ~±~KETI~TG OF ~,fOR~S OF ~RT Sra. me Knoll The of I to my On fo December 28~ 1948 · the plan Clark. 21'? At C! the hope make £ers that in to bi given this I .~JHE i~!~ETii!G OP U/ORKS OP 2RT pr perto rer tit! no t i have The is ~lp. ovcra! ed MPs. t would appo~iP authority already ab o ut found that took .~ by ~ studied CflIl bF done of what I as If a5 grow in~o its Block Brazos oqc~ TeXas January t0, 19zFg. it as in the 2 to that the tire as £ollo~-Fs:t° th~ questions which you nave raised~ ~cuting or the ieve o£ interest Clark indicate property; ed the be- ,~e of mak( different on RVA: b ~ THE ~'IARKE~II,~ O~ ~0~ OF ART The above exhibits complete list - Ka ~terpris A o£ the do But as £ar as they STATE OF COUNTY O~ S s ~ them to been TIlE RUTH HAINES 9 th one ~vith to both co}~pl etio~ ;eS. aP©: ~ oxes ~ v,~h o s O is 221 It is a £orm i~ the before she pl - ~ ,'7 wo, RT THE I~ARKETING OP ;~OR~.~o 0P A ect be was taking CLark shortly ~O oo~e e arts. of Prankiin D will be £ina~ tic in C the to If successzul ;overed ~ilable artis- house with. answer reassur, e South., ;OnO0~i-- Witness my hand and of March, !9~z~. P. B. Clark to me Given March, this clay' of Withe Texas (L. S.) The following little while ago: THE ASKIA THE Bo Syptak , Deputy in that to a Clark, 108, this or date of by THE ~ '~ 21Ar~KETING OF ~VOP2{S O~ ART set as is tho 4th day of February, (Signed) F. B. Clark Clark, fO~2 both office this ~th day of TATE OP T~AS o~TY OF BRAZOS Jr. (z. s.) H. nes Otto THE i~APdqETING OF WORKS OF ART regarding set up pets on done and supp!c- ~ of Pc in under which . to set of The which along working of tO our line, in both oth technical has of that f :in any threat this C o£ in 225 Z might actually be callod do facto In ef£ect this sort of corporation might bo zations the fashions. it will of scope To and within that one or draw up the has TH~ [~AP2<ETING OF %70BKS OF ART organi- that be. under a real test in tho modern woman - co a ~ediments. That is g to have so to speak, kc The R.H.Co performance a sort face, of our ; of purely organi- with OS~ contcm- agency into the out~ entirely however ~ helping whi ch operati on se lis 6 ori tho THE I~RKET~G OF UOPd~S OF UT ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTo of to Texas, for whom the Proprietor~ Shop, some laity ~er ~ad 22? ins are to said tho cred tly of of the said J. bank in of cent a£ of to said that ,at of the reason an)- Specialty Bank, bo ~c c osat ant to ~at erpris es THE ~A~KETZ~G O~ ~©P~Ko O~ ART A~reed Va!uts 228 tO acl With all m~ C otmty, to , for ~LE ~KETING O~ ¥/OiH£S OF ART MVI! 229 the documents concomitants, Tho N.H.O. Specialty thc~~ have however, to j octive~ human r~ tho provided of it which that sat statements import of ~od. tO marie ~ ob- of ility of tiro ~ ocodur o ~rties. topmcnt ng she that ;ics .se and this up mT~. Of the DonUt Shop. e me best ~o close it out hero ng docu- irs of 'thc bus,ness if foua~d or os~y reason. g~ ~ Raymond Charges f In outlays Manager Op~r~tor~ dro,~ ~6~9. OO ?5.ce 65. lO 60 o O0 overhead costs '~' · erring the thing up thc following 30o.oo 2~.oo 30o.o0 0 Note at the ho held the apply till fO~ notes was in tho Dol~ut back to us We the abov entry are to supposed cular time embody in to artists speak THE MAPd4ETING OP WOI-[[{S 0]? ART four month seven SSO0 le serial da:to. ch six mort to Ray of a lies such well truo tha-h as they tho :~5oo t Tho Kno 11. entod in lo ng values is a ,varti- 001%-- Of SUOOOSS ~ to its th ds ~ mid solution and any ~ The the 1. Shop o cnd bad as - dur;h~g S try 2)~2 that THE ~VIA~.~KETING OF ..O~S 0F A .... riod it its way 2, in a cha! the It has, tho storage th way to ti e availab fit to its a com- S according to be two ~c two ~he ~hem t which in of our 233 THE MARKETING OF ~'~'ORi~S OF AI-?.T the last two tO be mentioned. made a reput c r eate purchase in Paris are now mind that caoture artists the ~us artis- needs to the wherein impre s s ire. !.SOS ~d .ch he good is of impr of and of of those to share A in who ~ doing oppor- objects that rtunity appears s tud em t s gOS o dove lopmont Station, o£ Ar of be er, (i9 ~e iaridso 240 were th a time he tho Cell eg,c to groups o2p for arq secured make us o and what other we need to the ~75 wc had ~VO of in th S SLICC~ - "I£ the THs ~!~A~Eg~ II{G Oti tio~ as to o~ves in makiz~ is no bo ~otcnt to above e of ten oen m~o :rod tho b mattor us od THE M~RI(ETING OF WO?~KS Ok' ART in the utility room. Her~ would be inspected by trusted associates s wlsich is put on the market measures up to the high standards meceasary for products o£ this kind. Alth o up o£ di it is £or the display of set aside £or the ings a space wi this to paint two port~ for the house. The expected to cater to one for the hous feels it should be will, und Ent erpris es is being constructed. lient the other will be The e as tt~e artist for the house, H.C. Specialty the memorial of of . It he did the to saying: flattered, as most o Lisas with us". Does object up as sts?' of the husband of the pi , if but leave some 23? T~ ~ ~ ~ORKS OF ART HE MArkETING OF ~ Something ~ e said about floor. On the out and dowm when the the s it buit CO structure. fancy is, may supposed er oor Il0 ~ lil ie to time as a :vator up on the struc- that area the or a mere will au pu a list of for $100 minimum Loui Old the ~01% of of. been such grea of art- or a ~ fact influ 239 posses of di Ye · H~ MA2~ETING OF the ?oxi- he o hang ties in thousand ~ically mil MARKETING OF WORKS OF ART to they id s end O- tho ,~s oif cure tho virus g ~h that THE ~&LPJiETIYG OF in the ' e that e for a chi for of th pedigreed i Some bo a price of a tile case ART be 500 ,.t Jvc ia'be- Ski or t tion of THE ng ART mewhat But not a~ket 2%2 f works of In stratum, to 'the ar $17.50. paid om to to the of Lower by the this, ine attain r coo gni z ed for any to be of the ts work o£ THE MAP~qETING OF OP ART up A stated ho said ce beauty. st ered on th said of se~¢e of s striking in mind 0i] Of ~ ~ ~'~ b ~a creates It of the its ee that Works have not of goods. in singers in to become fm~ctionin P~ brack{ works THE I~AP2~iETING OP UOY~iiS OP It, to s~y thc least~ Sh ems oiVes we have 1 )e ~ts who in the creators type of economic about the which is f A singer thc product s than . Sale ; c]~d s in of has club ~ ~!Oh~b Or Of ~cnd ished ~s artist who whid~ fl %~o ~o in a garret. mus~ tha c artist o to art crit artists n It to places. TH~ ~IAi~{ETING OP JOP~[S O? ART 3d to tRke notice of She RO critic - ks of art hav© culturo But to ~ns to to ignora- one a respected tho creative CRrS~ th o ir THE MARKETING OF .,VORKS OF ART on~ptor PRICING Oz ~0~,~ 0~: ART AT THE SOURCE for if of r© Duveen far made done by strata of whose no possi- or of bo ~.vh er e ~ The art s' Iici. THE i~:~AP~iETII!G OF WORKS OF ART any '~o ing pro( done ' subj ~ £rom that at a price of art ££orcnt The work done by Martin ~owitz pages back at thc hotel are whi ch 1 pride secured price Lowitz ~ without That is to demand £or $ 7.50. only agl o£ paintings intcrio separate as £ancy thc possess work of such at to a £ctv to ~:~ork T].'~.c thus a pa!:~'~;ing ice of az'erred of orioncoo for at~m~ ~tion 2~8 A1 from of should always to is a teas V~o thor we finds an thought problom i sell for the ly up critic opini tho a up as ~asters THE MA~£ETING OP WO~[~] OF ART ho~o S. art to price to pay unless hem e really homes has of v~haD may bo of our should from Apparent- shion thc to our for to bo OVUle]rS in ill THE MARKETING OF WORKS OF ART vet semsat±onat t art~ £eat in o£ off apl s arab i~b 2~9 which may, he o£ art Ch might be which o£ can be torial ompeting 25o THeE ~AR~TING OF ~VORI£S OF ART a £inancially sound expedient. In third p anything o£ ~ work o£ the e~ib i J~and mo may b edly as the intention has to be, to avoid the commorcia lizati on value repeat- complet s work is 25i A!~D HIS not that they swers clone The asked t of the from that they worked out. 252 Miss THE ~[AI~ETING OF UORKS OF ART of Atlanta, as othor of work? t op~zo~t~ It is entirely anizo law, the bas 2 of 253 o£ THE ~RKETING OF WOt~S OF ART d gives thom the ffoeling artist ma~.c th~ public moro AIlsw©r: P~ onc big I doubt h© A mastorPiecos without £oolim~ £or ~yck, lings. II. 25z~. THE ~,~AP~ETI~_~G OF 7OHKS OF ART is Kiu~ PZ April ~lSW©r: along is from I fee the iht w±~ meal It ~of £orth- T~ ~ARK~.'TING OE ?'OPG{S OF in it~ udg- iv6 256 III. THE MARKETING O? UO~IKS OP LRT art arti~ he or of would the. fino~ of ;ivo t t v ! :~:;,0 Lnk of tho old. pro- art IV. Ques ti OF UOP~S OF AitT Texas ~nswer: art you ~n c art. The in of much one art ~ it askod, products how rks of is better are art by creative tap Questions improv On ~ Anmmr: ~o 2 ~ thc scour? s of art, to .ont of dz~tz_~o bo~oro r quality, our my for