HomeMy WebLinkAboutAllen & Hyman Families 121703 Sally Moore was born into slavery in the state of Tennessee in 1838. After being sold on the auction block at age 13, Sally w as taken to Texas by an unknown party. In 1860, Sally became the wife of James Matthew Allen, a white bookkeeper originally i i from the Georgia, who had settled in Benchley, Texas. Three years later, their first of 1,1111...711111),„,„ five children was born (four of which are pictured below.) James died in 1881, before 4' ''''‘ tt 1, the birth of his and S ally's fifth child. Due to their interracial marriage neither the Black community nor the white community would permit James to be buried in their :. respective cemeteries. He was laid to rest on a hill top a short distance from his and x' a Sally's home. Sally lived to be 98 years old. Source: My Family History: The Allen & Hyman Families, by William W. Hyman j , . ... . , 1 ,,.� ). Pictured Above James Matthew Allen. � 1 i� � 0* -., • • ' Pictured to the Right • , < r'� Back row: Missouri Allen Jones, M,t , Matt Allen, & Dora Allen., , "" y ,. ... , . Seated: Mary Bailey '. . '� ti .,, Y .� , Allen (Matt's Wife) & Gertrude .:'vy . ""....,40`,...., .. ` , a ' Allen Hyman. ~"� It . 1 A , ,�? i Ss w • • • v ~,~ A~ My History Gertrude Allen and William Hyman James 77~e ~llens ~llen Davis 1-85 3 3 3 ~llen, ~obert 98 J'(arve~. Oora Allen Harve~ Sr.. ~ar~e~ .Ydlert. 102-110 103 107 l~rlce. ~ice 157 157 172 .Y, IIen .~(ercer. .Ylrthur 183 t$ book bock 1£ 7:'amela Sally Moore was bom into slavery in 1838 in the state of Tennessee. She was sold on the auction block at the age of 13 along with her mother and half-sister. The auction block stood for the ripping apart of families, for in the selling of human flesh no family ties were recognized. She never saw her mother or half-sister again. After the date of sale, Sally was taken to Texas. It is not known xvhen or with whom she arrived. According to her great granddaughter, Curtis Jane "Jackie" Franklin, after James' death, Sally "lived under cruel and demeaning conditions for many years, however, she adjusted to survive. She was an enthusiastic Christian and a positive role model for her children. She bequeathed to her posterity, her love, her unyielding faith and her obstinate determination". Despite the hard life she must have led, Sally lived to a ripe old age of 98, spanning almost 100 years of American history. The Alien mily Tree Lillie, Charles, Army (Gertrude} Benehley, now most Army" was a nick name until he of James and S~y Allen), her as was born in was the of her her thought Page- 1 in She~ world She the but most love of Franklin Curtis Jane " dackie" LILLIE Lil!ie (the first child of Army C~rm~e), was bom in Benchley Texas in 1878, where she went m Mount Tiver school. She also attended church arid Sunday school with her family. She died in childbirth at a young age, and has no surv/ving child;eh. Charles Davis (the second child of Army Gertrude), was bom in Benchley Texas in 1880. He went to Mount Tiver Schools He did not go to school long bemuse he had to work in the fields. He loved sports, played bali, swam, rode horses and fished. He loved Iris parents and was always ~o ~ to help his family. He worked on the farm. He had two children, but did not kaqow where to find them Robert was the third Child of Army Gertrude. 10,1882 had not Paul and Blvd., #10 July Army driver. Church. on Christopher, Debra was bom School and Debra has OB was bom School. She is 1_ 1976. is James Madison in Business ~ntlv a (5043 (915) 15, fini~ in 1956 in 6 Ella St. lace 76901 lent student [has 75 1989 and Antonio. Tex. ROBBINETTE University. worker. She lives in in San entering and voll¢ Brandy church and school. 1979 all. track in 1993. trips with her San Angelo. and church. gab 20 ished at College, Westbrook. Worth, Walker. Fl Pearl JOe 1963 in in 1981. In to Fort Wilson Flossie of txvo General was in high United Everon White. and well have one Califomia School, Ams JOE JR~ He was School as ~niv,, Carsor;. Blackshear in [es Karen Ar5, California. Sh~ California. Angeles. 10 her bom in Los in He Davis Cae and is very much. Holly bom on tO 19: and has in tv~'o ( 9,1960 has 11 no 2O on October worked at A & M Bessie on San 12 RUBY Ruby Watson is the second Carolyn Watson Pearl and and and and School Dion. Garland, band. TONC~ A. Toncy in the Angeles, Califomia. Elrov and Toncie usic teacher in Los 13 1988. Thomas gac ii1 14 Sr. and Pearl She received her in he beloved away on July 8, and Texas and from in and 77053. and school. and and DONNA Dorma is the ~ond child of C~oph~ Davis~ She was bom on November 15, 1955 in San FranciScx>~ Calk~omia She ated from Compton High SChool and later married ~ Arrp~. The CouPle ~ °rte C~ld; ~a ~. DAY Day is the younge~ of Chri~opher Davis' t~ children, She was bom on June 23, 1964 in ~ She ~ntinuatiOn school h Paramount, is not married and has no C~ldren' ALBE A Alberta ~ the fourth child of Army ~ She ~bom~ B Texas. children before she moved to to ret~xn home to ~ her fam~yl iS am 1o for her children. Dale E He never 1955 in marri, 15, later 23. is 16 J.C., Eddie Lee, James, George, Clarence, J.D., Vernon, Vemie, Eddie Mae and Carl Eddie (Jerry) was the fifth child of Army Gertrude. He was bom on November 27, 1895, in Benchley, Robertson County, Texas. He went to Mount Tiver school, like his sisters and broth~e}s, Although his ~other thought education was very important, he couldn't attend classes like ~he would have wa~ted. He loved base ball, l~ting and fishing. One memory that his brother tells is about the t/me Jerry was shoW/ng off {~n his bike for the gifts and he was thrown off. He had a good personality and worked hard to provide for his family. Jerry lived a full life and died On D~cember 23, I980 at age 84. Jerry was married to Rosetta (Amqie) Chew-Gilmore. She was bom December 20, 1889 and died in 1965 and they had three children. Jimmy, Edd/e Lee and James L. Gilmore. It is known that J.C. and George axe deceased. Eddie Lee and James are living in Tulare, California. JIMMY Jimmy, the first bom of Eddie (Jerry) Gilmore was bom August 6, 1923 in Texas. Jimmy has at least three children, two ~oy~ ~nd one girl. Jimmy di~ No~jember 25, 1993. He was still leaving in Texas. There is no information about tl~e children. 17 August 25, she and rest S Tulare. 1993. 1994. her no 18 June 15, 23, February chii with 22, 1934 1977. In is 21, 1992 and Tracy Nov 18, 1989, Joey McCrae three June '93. 13, has une in has She Sharanda She born on currently a truck He was is bom on in Jermaine age was age 5; and was She gh children: 20 He is currently attending college at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, where he has a football scholarsh/p. Margaret Ann, Leonard, Melinda Lee J. D. Gilmore the 6th ch/Id of Eddie Gilmore, was born in Coolidge, Arizona on December 28, 1936. He went to Yuma Union High School. After school hours he would work on his father's farm He served in _. . the armed forces for tbxee years and made the rank of 1st Sergeant. When he left the service he bought a track and opened up a trucking business. He met and married ~garet Esphnt~za and they have four lovely children who are doing well for themselves. J. D. and Margaret are active in the church. Residence: 7743 Pritchard Avenue, yuma, Arizona 85364. (602)782-0463. Margaret Ann Gilmore is the oldest child of J.D. Gilmore and Margaret Gilmore. She was bom on August 4, 1967 in Yuma, ~zona. She attended Yuma High School and graxtuated in 1985. Margaret attended Christ/an Hehtage College in E1 Cajun, California, then moved back to Yuma. She then moved again to Phoe~ Arizona and attended Phoenix Institute of Technology. She worked for the Continental Circuit Corporation for two and one-half years, and is now tak/ng courses to become a Registered Nurse. Residence: 16040 North 67th Lane, Peoria, Arizona 85382. (602)486- 2220. 2I JAMES James Dee Gilmore is the second ch/Id of J.D. Gilmore and Margaret Gilmore. He was born on August 19, 1968 in Yuma, Arzona. He attended Yuma H/gh School and graduated in 1987. James is now the th/rd generation of a hay business, l~esidence: 7743 Pritchard Avenue, Yuma, Arizona 85364. (602)782-0463. LEONARD Jonathan Leonard Gilmore is the th/rd child of J.D. Gilmore and Margaret Gilmore. He was bom July 13, 1969 in Yuma, Arizona. He attended Yuma H/gh School and graduated in 1987. In h/gh school he played football. Leonard moved to Phoerdx and attended the Phoenix In}titute of Techn~)lOgy where he studied electronics. He has worked for the Motorola Corporation for five years. There he met h/~ fiancee, They have one son: Jonathan Daren , born July 7, 1994, Leonard now attends Scottsdale Community College where he continues to study electronics. Residence: 2121 West Main Street, Apt 1021, Mesa, Arizona 85201. (602)833-3743. Melmda L~ Gilmore is the fo~ child of J.D. Gilmore and Margaret Gilmore. She was bom on January 19, 1971 in Yuma, ~ona. She ted wi~ honors from Crane Suverlwap Sch~l, ~d mduated from Yuma High SChoOl in 1989, In high school she Played softball ~d VOlleyball; which led her PlaY on th© Jun/Or Olympic T_e~! Melinda attended Yma Regional MeScal Center, In 1992 she moved t° Capi~l Heights; bm returned m yuma, Arizona in 1994 and was m~ed in 1995. Residencei 7743 Pfitchard Avenue, Yuma, Arizona 85364. (602)782-0463. 22 T July five Jr. on t Box 23 bom ~ on track ran 24 (619) bom way 1120. on October 17, 945-6564 tWO (619) on in in the 25 3O64 He Yuma~ ill 941- ill ~ he and 1979 in Yuma School. 25, tO books. and bom to loved This The 1948 both of ~ (909) the same [her of Los received ' She 30 92571 He 11. 31 have ~bom was a U Monic~ ~ 32 w~e ye. dose: later wmt to HouStOn tO live w~ehe would lo~e n~e med~ He drom~ h theN~ H~fid~ Isl~ds. Caleb man's truck where he 1924, a~endedMount Abilene Texas. movedl solace of nine She Pastor. She and 1943 they · own of Sr. 104th Street, Los : 1760 E. Nathmel, Johnny, Jacquelyn( is), Mm, in, Brenda, Linda, She , Terry, Jmes Inez Wilma Davis is fac third cMd OfMarg~a Hyman-Davis and George Davis. She was bom on Janu~ 1, 1924 in Mumford, Texas: On June 8, 1940, she married Nathan Gre~, and in July 1943 th~ moved their fa~y to Los Angeles, California. She is a housewife and the mother of nine children She was a memb~ of Union Baptist Church under ~ltOn Marshall, Sr. She is Currently a member of Full Life Baptist Church Long Beach, Milton Marshy Jr. payor. Inez helps to fe~S the hungry and raise funds on able television progrm. She believes that a~Aom, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto y , apPlies to every aspect offi£e. Residence: 1760 E. 104th Street, Los Angeles, CA90002. (213)567,7038. NAT N Sr. (Curtis) Yolanda, Rachelle, LaTanya, Nathmel Jr., Mark Nathan Curtis Green is the olde~ child of Inez W'flma (Davis) Green and Nathan Green. He was bom on May 17, 1941. He was bom in Texas, He and his brother came to C ~ I943 with their pm-ents. He Jordan High School, andhe marriedJoan Hill on March 6, 19581 :They have five children; : 1762 E. 104fh Street, Los Angeles, CA 90002. (213)563~8591. Joan (21 Angeles, ck Cornel children. and He Cornelia Francis Green. 36 Steven born nurse two He a bom on Associ editor and they have 19: was in married ietra 37 He was has one because ~ not we would not be where She 1983 38 He Green. She Green and I~ ~exander Green. He He was 16, 1985. born on ~S WaS had Potter 40 1995. 24, and had office. they Los Bee. 2, 1994. She 821 W. James Greens' nine bom August 15, and Nathan Jr., Jesse Green's the She my mother, . traveling to E and in and the gifts of her have two 1970. Fuller. her spent This Lee Education. Fuller. a Jr. Jackie, He T and Hobbs, bom He' These God's Willim (Bo), PAUL SR. paul jr., Ge de, Joyee Paul was the 7th child bom to Amy and the second child o£ Gertrude and William Hyman~ He was b~..rn Jume I6, 1903 in Benchtey, Roherson County Texas. He went to Mount Tavier like his older b s and sisters. He could not go to school often b~ause he had to work in the fields, he was able to god he woul~ try to learn as much as he could. Most of his earlier days were either in the fields or going to school. When there was no work or school, he and ~ brothers Robert and $~D. would go fishing, swimming or hunting. He met and ~ed Laura orr and they moved to Mumford ~as. At thts t~rne Mu of three stores, a barber shop and place for the Mds to get ice ere~n. ~lliam Go) was bom February 7, t923, from this union. Pa~ later moved to Temple Texas and in 1942 Paul moved to California. He worked at the for a while then decided start a p business. He ma~ed Elizabeth (Libby) and they had c Paul Jr., ~ . Paul worked very hard and lived to see his children adults and have ~ dren. Paul kind of liked the country, so when he ; he moved to Pards C . Paul raised chickens, a cows, some goats and a few dogs. The children in the family loved to play on "Uncle Pauls There is a story that one day Paul was Sho~4ng some of the young children the importance of bm~ thek teeth, so he took out his dentures and showed them to the kids, one of the children "Put them back Uncle Paul ..... Just put them back". In September 1993, Paul died p in his sleep. they m He 14, ~,Air 46 SONVYA Sonya Celeste, the fourth c~d of W~ Hayman Hyman Jr.(Sonny), was bom Novemebr 5, I965. She attended Fort ~ler SChool, Lincol~lement~ School and Edison High School. She is currently attending Fresno City College. E EUGENE (Ed) SR. Edward Eugene Jr., T~a Marie There is no information on Bo's second son, Edward Eugene Sr. We know that he has two ehildren, EdWHd Jr was bom September 3, 1968, in Los Angeles C~fo~a. He attended but we d° not know ~ TINA M~IE Jai DeVote Tina Made the second child of Edward Sr, was bom in Los Angeles Calif. on November 25, 1970. She attended Pomona High School and graduated in June 1988. Tina then attended Mt San Antonio College: Her family later moved to Rancho Cucamonga California. In 1991 she started attending Richard Beauty College and graduated in April of 1992. She is in the process of obtainh~g her license. Tina is an energetic person and is also taking clasps in nursing and fashion. Her goal is to graduate from Chaffe College with a masters in both areas. She has one son Jal De Vonne Brown, bom September 9 1992 he attends ~ndercare Jal and enjoys singing, tflking, paiming and reading, residence: 1374 N 5th ave # 1. Upland Ca, 91766 (909) 946 - 6244 Elizabeth (Libby) tlyman witg and Joyce PAUL Jl~ Paul III, George, Stephanie, Roderick, Katherine, Paula, Pamela Paul Hyman Jr. (Pete) was born on June 16, 1946 in Hartford, California. He attended Ascot Elementary School, George W. Carver Jun/or High and Thomas Jefferson High School. Paul started h/s working life selling newspapers, being a custodian, and managing Johnson Liquor Store, He started his own business in 1971, and called his business Hyman's Custom Draperies. He roamed Annie Grace Goldwair when he was 16 years old. They had three children: Paul (Steven), George, and Stephanie (Precious). He later married Marie Lu Regino in 1982. They now have four children: Roder/ck, Katherine, Paula and Pamela. Residence: 8155 Cedros Avenues Panorama City, CA 91402. Telephone: (818)989-2614 PAUL III (Steven) 2 children Patti Hyman 1II (Steven) is the oldest son of Paul Hyman Jr. and Annie Grace GoldwaJr. He was bom on September 27, 1961 in Louisville, Kenkucky. He attended Menlo Elementary School, John Muir Jun/or H~gh School and graduated from Crenshaw High School. He was a very good student, played basketball, and received many awards and trophies in sports. He attended Junior College for two years and fin/shed the rest of 48 his ~ two children. He is and school. M~e and she was of Marie Lu Regino 49 Jerry, George, L.C., Ventress John Deere (J. D.) Hyman was bom in 1905 in Robertson County, Texas. He grew up in the country. He did not go to school often because he had to work to help the family raise and eom in the field, he was ~le to go to school he loved sports l~e haseb~ fi ard hunting..While he was growing up, he met Pearl Nelson and they married. The couple h~ three children: ~lerry, and L.C. They lived in Temple, Texas, but then moved to Texas, where they bought their first home. While vacationh~ in C~ifomilt, J.D. saw a house that he likeTd so much, that upon returning to Amarillo he had his own house rebuilt to look just like it. $. D. brought running water to the black neighborhood. He loved his three did for aw?file. Being the baby gkl, Ventress would try she did not have to the rest, really the children. I~ D., was l~ed by He helpped lots of to get whites in his until his death. them to stay in school, which they to that union, Ventress was bom. could! She thought ~ at home she was just one of good man. r both blacks and New Dallas He likes 13, in I971 54 Eric. anJattends bom on with 55 ^pall ], voted one management 56 George Hyman and son Michael Suzanne M e, Flora Jean, He weir to to go back. It was five over ~ the man of the ! own, He was a good work and how to save money. He went to Even at~er he was married Angeles, had five children, He did not go to war, George died on July 13, 1987 at age 80. 1907. going to School ~ls and boys I the chance he rook until we ~ make it on our the importance of Reece. toLos Warwr~ the ~ tmtil he retired. We were not able to gather the information on Suzanne Marie, Barb~xa Ann, or at this time. paying hada~~ 1978 She s~ted playing ~ be~. S~ started in 1975 the team 5th in the Bl che Ella, John drew, Frank No.is, Ch Earl Wilma Ruth, Harriet Lee~ the I0th child of Army ,C2~e~mde Md the 5th c~ld bom to William and Gertrude Hyman was bom on June 14, I909 Robertson County, Texas. She and her parents lived in Franklin, Texas until she was about six years old, then they moved to Mumford, Texas She went to school at rd she was good in ~hOOi. In fact, she got along so well in school, that she nmed her otd~ dmghter Btance, ~er one of her teachers. Bl~ee she was baVtized Baptist Church: She was very quiet and olxxlient; she didn't arg~ae or,ss with the other ; She was a very easy going and underst~ding p~son~ She was a very hkable c~d and was devoted to the church at a young age. AS a teenager she sung in the chok at church, and in a lot of aefi~fities. As an adtflt she robed m her beliefS, a minister and doing mission~ work as she traveled through all exert 2 or 3 of the UvJted States, fulfilling her destiny. Harriet Me Hyman John Bums ~ 1924, and the couple had five cHildren: Blanche Ella, John Andrew, Jr., Frank Norris, Chauncy Earl, and Wilma Ruth. holds and currently Nia to 77 Bums. isa 62 Zakayia, Ka~lla, NOdgia Barbara Annette Bums Roper is the oldest daughter of John Andrew Burns and Emily Edwards Bums. She was bom on October 12, 1954 in Los Angeles, California. She attended Gompers Jr. High School and graduated from Locke High School. While in school she was in the Girls Scouts of America for 10 years. After she completed scouting, she was g/yen a tour of 13 foreign countries, including places like Pearl Harbor. She graduated ~th her M.A. in Psychology from California State University at Dominquez Hills. She mamed Donald Roper in 1984 and they have three children: Zakayia Roper, Kam/lla Roper, and Nodgia Roper. She currently has her own Jewelry Manufacturing Business. 513 North Market Street, lnglewood California, 90032 (310) 67I - 9477 Jon Paul, Jotzshua, Jehmiah Johnetta Michelle Bums is the second daughter of Johrl Andrew Bums and Emily Edwards Bums. She was bom on July 30, 1956 in Los Angeles, CahTomia. She attended Gompers Jr. High School and from Locke High School. Like her sister, she was given a tour of 13 foreign countries, and was g/yen films from the tour. She attended San Diego State Urfiversity and majored in science. After graduating, she had three sons: Jon Paul Brooksh/re, Joshua Brookshire and Jerimiah Brookshire. She,,is currently working as an assistant administrator. She is also attending law school. 2834 Hillcrest Los Angeles, California 90016. (213) 737 - 3848. 1984 63 92633. in Mt. works for the now Drive # 1; 4534 Banner 67 ELIM N GA Y Sandra lla "D~ Ella Dee ~ )Hyman-Gay child of William Hyman and Army Benchley, Texas. She system. Her way of life. She obtained a store. Ella D met I Army and the sixt. h 2, 1911 in Texas school for a be{ter ~at a grocery many years, however as if they were thek own. She was an industrious individual, and made most of her own elothes and the clothes of her loved ones. Seeking bro~der unities, Ella D., alone, left Temple bound for California. She arrived in Los Angeles in 1940 and found a lucrative position. She was soon joined by her husband, Fred. They bought a two-bedroom home, and the ~rdgr~ion of h~, to Los ~rrda~ . EHa D.'s home w~s always open m any family member. Her motto was there is always room for another". Ella 1~. a Chrisihu~ and she nurtured her nieces and nephews, not only in Christian values, but in secular matters also. At~er many years of hoping for a ch~d, Ella and Fred were blessed Terry, Joyce, Family Reunion 1991 WILLIAM C audia, Sylvia, Jan h William Warren Hyman Jrt, was the youngest of Army s twelve children. He was bom on November 7, 1913 in Bryan, Texas. Wi~ attended , Old Zion and Moody schools The family moved to Texas where he attended Dunbar High School from 1926 to 1931. favorite was history. His earliest memories of childhood are the family after church for dinner at his Sally's house. The children would all meet in the they played and eat fruit. William read a book about CNcago and London that bel to Ns sister Margaret, and knew he wanted to someday- visit those P~. He ~ One part oftNs dreW, when he moved to Chicago in 1937. ~le in Chicago he worked at jobs but working for the railroad during World War II was the longest and best paying. William married Clementine and from that union three cNldren were born, Claudia (Jean'), Sylvia and William HI (Billy). When his wife became ill he sent his cNldren to live with his family in California so he could work. In 1950, after the death of his ~ he moved to California to care for his children. W'flliam married Pauline Arnold in 1953 and she brought two additional children, Joyce av~ Janyth, to this family. He later met his oldest child Terry and now the number of children has grown to six. He opened Ns own dry cleaning business in 1953, because he wanted to be close to his kids, and still beable to support Ns In 1953, W/Il/am marr/ed Pauline Arnold, ox~d she brought two additional children, Joyce and Janyth, to this family. He later met his oldest child Terry and now the number of children in the family had grown to six. William opened Hyman and Son Cleaners in 1953. He was asked why he chose to open a cleaners and if he liked the work. He answered that he never really liked having a cleaners~ but he was determined to be available to his children and w/th the cleaners he could do that and still support for h/s family. This choice provided stability for h/s family and gave them the foundat/on for commitment. He closed the cleaners 40 years later. He fulfilled both dreams by first going to Ch/cago in 1937 and in I971, going to London, Paris and Rome with Pauline. Paul/ne died May 19, I993. He still loves to travel and visit the people and places of h/s early childhood. The creation of th/s book is also fulfilling a dream. Residence: 607 East 11 lth St., Los Angeles, California 90059. (213)756-2304. TERRY Terry Ronald Alma Willie T. Busby (Hyman) is the oldest child of Will/am Warren Hyman Jr. He was bom on December 27, I93I in Temple, Texas. He attended Dunbar High School in Temple, Texas and Texas Southem UniversitY. He married Carlos Louise ~tay in 1955, also from Temple. They lived in Houston where their two children were bom: Terry Yvonne and Ronald. Then the/r family moved to San Jose, Californ/a where ~ma was bom in 1965. Terry worked for General Motors in Fremont, California and then moved to Oakland, California. After 19 years, Terry retired in 1982. He then started a very successful janitorial service. His w/re Carlos is a ret/red teacher in Oakland Public Schools. Now they are both retired and have moved to LaFayette, Alabama where they 71 motorhome. He on 72 JOYCE Andre', Derrick, Coetta, Cheryl $oyce Irene ~r~, is the second child of ~Hi~ Hyman Jr. She was bom on February 17, 1936 in Chicago, Lois. $oyce married Winford Dorsey, from that there were four children, Andre, Derrick, C~ Cheryl In 1962 she from Jordan Adult Sch~l ~ was president of her class. In IN, she became employed as a keypunch operator for the County of L~s Angeles. Joyce ~ ~sitions ~ is currently an Eligibility Worker. Joyce is the owner of $oyce's Int~or ~signs and Be Blessed Wedding Consul~s. She contirmes to enhance ~ ~owledge by cont~ taking college c~rses. Joyce:~ a nurturing spirit and involved in several OUtreach ~nistfies. She is president of Helping ~s, a C~ ~ that ~ ~ clothes the homeless. S~ animals that are donated to this ~stry, are refutbiS~ by her and given to ~ L, Fdng/C~es R. Drew Medi~ Center and Garden PI~ Convelence Home. She ~lemented the ~Preciation hmcheon Relief receipient assigned to her work site, Thei I so succe~ that was~ after her (~ ff you ~ when ~llit ~ end, she says she has only just ~ to ~ ~ ~!! Re~dence: Lynwood, California 90262 (310)632 5835. 1953. He 1972, BOX 8..35, FPO, 1975 and USS 4'73 (~o) Andrea, Derrick Jr. on March 8, 1954. He successful entrepreneur in available as a~ daily walk. Derrick lived in Japan for the ch/ldren of the milita~ personnel. and spending lots was born ~is a himself in his and is an { Mailing Lynwood, (310) 632~5835. Raquel, Rozelle Charlene, Joe35 Dwight Jr., Dominique Coetta Yolanda Dorsey:James (Londie), the third child of Joyce Hym ey, was bom on September 25, 1955, in Los es. Londie was a very bright student. H~ teachers bigges~ job was keep/ng her q~et. ~ndie enjoyed high school and was involved in many a~t~v/ti~s. She was a ~emb~r of the dram~ ~md F;ench clubs, served on the cheerleading squad and as mascot in her senior year. She graduated from Dominquez 75 1994 was engineer. on the of who is a 76 Pamela, Pamela Claudia Jean Hyman-Axmstead, the third child in the family William Warren Hyman, was born on March 17, 1940 in Chicago, Illinois. Claudia moved to C~fomia with her sister and brother to stay with family when her mother became iH. in 1950. She attended 109th Street School, Gompers Junior High and graduated from Fremont High School in 1961, where she was on the drill team. Claudia was the first black salesclerk at Sears and Roebuck Department Stores. She graduated from California State University at Long Beach in 1965, and majored in both Home Economics and English. When growing Claudia always had time for her sisters Sylvia and Janyth and her brother Billy. On week ends she would take them to the drive in or make special treats for them to eat. She was also the peace maker of Janyth and Billy. Claudia School in Long Beach. She is highly respected in the School District for her knowledge and ability to motivate her students. She has been teaching for 30 years. She is a charter member of the Orange County Chapter of ~s, and has been involved with the black women's organization for over 20 years. In addition to her already busy schedule she is currently pursuing a Master's Degree in with an emphasis in technology at University. Claudia married Willie B. Armstead, a Los Angeles County in 1965. They have one child, Pamela LouAnn Armstead, born January 9, 1969. Residence: 3611 Sunflower Circle., Seal Beach, CA 90740. (310)598-4280 s~ is ~urr~ab' ~ ~ roadus, Syt a L. as a Pre School Teacher and is presently working at the University of California, Riverside as an Administrative Assistant in the Graduate Admissions Office. In 1974 she became a member of Crenshaw Christian Center where she worked in various areas of the ministry. After realizing that God had a calling on her life to teach H/s Word, she moved to Oklahoma to attend the P,_hema Bible Training. Since Sylvia has worked in various areas of the ministry. Sylvia has one son, Michael Broadus. They currently live in Rivers/de, California. MICHAEL M/chael Broadus is the only child of Sylvia Hym~ Broadus and Les Broadus. He was born on August 17, 1984, in DC. He attends Fremont Elementary School in Riverside, California. Mike is in a GATE class (a program for gifted and talented students) and loves to participate in sports, including soccer, baseball, football, and basketball. When he grows up, he wants to have a career as a professional baseball pla~ver and a teacher. WILLIAM III (Billy) Will/am Warren Hyman III, (Billy), the fifth child in the family of William Warren Hyman Jr., was born on December 3, 1946 in Chicago, Illinois. He attended 109th Street School, Gompers Jr. High and graduated from Fremont High School. He later completed an Emergency Medical Technic/an course and became an Ambulance Driver. Billy is remembered with love and joy by Ms family. He would play and dance w/th his nieces 79 ~hde n?~h~e~s~. H.e an? his ¢ou. sin Bobby were runn/ng buddies as kids & young adults. y r>om lncea to dance and party. His favorite sport was to tease his sisters especially Sylvia, & he had nick name for ody. He became ili mqd was unable to work in his profession. Billy never married and ~ ~0 children. Billy passed away in 1990. Klm, Kelly, stal Hyman Jr., was bom on April 22, Los Angeles when Jr. High and Fremont High Janyth married Gompers, Respiratory Therapy in 1978). employees hired to K/m Yvette she started as a staff Respiratory ;partmarS management headaches, ents ~erfonnance · house). Janyth August 1982 became the Direc~0r, Center in Los Angeles. A~r seven the Past 80 the all grown fun of~ one isa, "Big a no has one son up the 81 Dorsey Pathc, Adrian Kim Yvette Childress is the oldest child of Jan_yth Hyman-Bolden. She was born on November 14, 1962. She attended school in Compton until high school. She stayed with her grandparents William and Pauline Hyman and graduated from Locke High School in Los Angeles in 1981. She was a memi~er of the ~ck team and was a star shot putter who placed 2nd ha the State of California. She attended E1 Cam/no Jun/or College and was an contender fbr the 1984 Olympic until a car accident mined her knee. She married Leonard Strozier ( ) and has two children: Patr/c Leonard, bom February 2, 1985; and Adrian Terrence, 5, 1986. Kim is an av/d sports fan. On Satt~day, Sunday and Monday nights you can't get away from the TV and her favorite teams. Residence: San Diego California. Jfllnes olyn R_o?? st ong is the s nd child of Hyman-Bolden. She wu born eeoruary 24, 1964 ~n Los Angeles, CaliforMa. She has always had problems with her timing since she was born three months early. She graduated from Centennial Sen/or High School in 1982. Karolyn later graduated from Southland College of Medical, Dental and Legal Careers with an A average and a degree in Legal secretarial Skills, and from Webster Career College w/th an A average and a degree ha Legal Office Procedures. 82 a variety family and ~ is to KRYSTAL IRENE Harrison, Mykeil, Khrysta Krvstal Irene, the 'youngest child of Janyth Hyman & Jerry Chi&ess. She was bom on May 7, I969. She says that she's a lot 1/Ice her mother. When Krystal was younger she had her ov, xn seat in the car, the back w/ndow of the 1963 Toyota. When the family lived in Riverside, Krystal learned to be a midvofe to a hog, hunt and clean rabbits. She hasn't made up her mind what her life ambition is yet but she's thinking of something between Hair Stylist and Track Dr/ver. She received her GED /n 1992. Krystal married Antoine White in June, 1991, during the Allen Family Reunion., and together they have four children: Antoine White Jr. bom July 26, 1986., Hamson Paul Brown bom December 19, 1988, Mykeil Nathan/el RocKim White bom September 16, 1992 and Khyrsta Unique White bom May 8, 1994. Kktrysta died at 10 months on March 25, I995. Residence: San Diego, California. The other Bolden children in Janyth's blended family are Faye bom in 1960, Lorre bom on February' 3, 1964, has one daughter Devon, Orenzy Jr. February 22, 1966 has no ch/ldren, Monesha bom on June 12, 1983, Monesa bom October 23, 1984 and Brandy bom August 23, 1985. February 1993 Will/am Hymans Girls Robert is the second child of James and Sally Allen. H~s exact age is not known, but we know that he was bom between 1863 and 1875. To our knowledge, he was never married and had no children. He was born and raised in Benchley Roberson County Texas. He was suppose to be 33 years old when he died. His favorite sport was hunting and it seems appropriate that he would die doing when he loved best. There was some contraversy surounding his death, but the family chooses to remember the positive things. His nephew William Hvman has his shotgun. 85¸ in in in her 86 a 1-3879. for 87 Chashaw. as a this 88 He all both Brenda la Jesse He 89 He to they OH home OH 90 was bom of Effie Jones Cashaw and Wesley He 91 Janie, and had known and and 1899 92 ~own address is There is no information on e that he died in June 1979. Their There is no i ation bol~ She Philetus. 95 in in Thelma has 96 Beatrice Ave. Jones 97 to support to has 98 October 30, bom on She was 99 in (806) 1916 Jones. He was bom in 101 yard talking, and I remember the wind blowing through her hair that was white like silk. It was so beaufful to iooi~ at my wife Pauline ~ to get up ~ run her t~d over her hair. Pauline said '7 ~ to just feel your hair", Aunt Dora did not ~ anything, just gave a big smile. It brought back the meomry of when I was a little ~ ~ on Sunday I would go to her house at~ get me a peice qf bread or a peice of cake a~ she would always smile as if she was glad for me to eatat her house. It was in 1962, when she fixed dinner for my family, and was the last time I ~ that beautiful smile. Pauline Hyman is not here to s~ but this is from both of us, we injoyed that evening. William Hyamn, son of Gertrude Allen Davis Hyman. l~ameY M; Harvey BARNEY M. Barney Jr., Joyce, Ronald Barney M. Harvey Sr., the second child of Dora Allen Power. He was bom on August 22, 1912 in BD'an Texas. He went to school at Mount Tiver. He received Christ at an early age ~ was baptized at Mount Tiver Baptist Church. He ~ Berthenia Lewis and they had three children: Barney M. Jr., ~ loyce and Ronald Carl. Barney was Los plant. and ,,6. 0 105 14 He in 107 After E 122 14. ~veling and her and 110 Wiley, Myrtle, Ruby, Woodrow, Jmes III' Effie Mae James Matt Allen It was the fifth child of James and Sally Allen, and was born on December 18,1881, in a community OnCe knom as Kit Sally nil. James never knew his father who died a months before his birth, He did, however, have fond recollections of him through the anecdotes his mother used to tell. In the early 1900's, Matthew married Mary Rai!ey. To this un/on nine children were born. His ~fe Mary and six of his Children preceded him in death. Three of his children died in infancy. His wife departed this Iife in October 1958, daughter Myrtle in February of 1947, son Wiley in September of 1948 and son Woodrow in May 1973. His second wife Eula, whom he married in I960, died in August of 1976. Matt's childhood was the typical childhood of other African American children during that time. He had outdoor chores to do around the house~ He fed the chickens, rounded up and milked the cows, and chopped wood, He also worked in the fields to help provide income for the family. After a hard day's work he, his siblings, and neighborhood kids would play together, using their imaginations to create games that would astonish today's generation. 111 the sons Wiley He porch commentator. out on his tO or bad my~. ~Vhen i 112 the they as they Wiley, the second child of Matthew and Mary, was bom on October 5, 1905. He attended Mt. Tiver School. He enjoyed plaYing basel}~ll just as much as his dad did. His early employment was on the farr~ is a ~oht?d~ worker ~r ash r. Later he was a railroad worker and trucker. His early years were spent/n Benchley, Texas, and the last ten to fifteen years of his life were spent in Hearne, Texas. He married twice. His first marriage was to Johnny Westbrook Walker and his second was to Lucille Peterson. Neither marriage produced children. Wiley died on September 4. 1948. LE AL Myrtle was the third child in this family. She was bom in August of 1907. She attended Mt. Tiver School and Bryan Colored High School. She married Frank Spears in 1927, but they did not have any children. They lived in the Bryan area for eight to ten years after their mamage, making a living as farmers. They moved to Houston, Texas m the late 1930~s. Myrtle lived in Houston until her demise in February of 1947. 113 He 1995. ~e H4 Wylonn, William H. H, Winston, Wychelle, Wendrick, Wandria Will/am Henry Allen was the second of n/ne children born to Rev. Ruby Lee Allen and Ellen Allen. He was bom in Bryan, Texas, on November 3rd, 1932. While he was growing up, h/s family always called him "H". Hav/ng been raised in a strict, Christian environment, he accepted the Lord at the age of sixteen, He was called to the ministry at eighteen years old, and preached his first sermon at that time. As a young man, H studied for many years. He attended Kennedy ~ng College, Moody Bible Institute, Oral Roberts University, and Chicago State Urfiversity. He is a graduate of Governors State University. William married Miss Wylonn Jordan on December 19, 1953. The couple had six children: three and three sons. Will/am continued/n the Lord as a preacher, and was a devoted husband and father. In 1954, he was ordained, and in 1959 he was appointed as the Assistant Pastor of the Faith Temple Church. He served for 25 years under the late Bishop H. W. Goldsherry. Faith Temple Church is one of the largest churches in the state of Illinois; and after Bishop Goldsherry's demise, "H" became Pastor and was warmly accepted by the congregation of 2,000 members. Wylonn is also an active member of the church, and is involved in every facet of her husband's ministry. The couple have a very close relationship and if you ever vis/t their 115 and is one resi~ for 117 currently a 118 Valerie is the , is still living are recently married., Bobbie is the youngest of Ruby Lee's children . She and her husband, Joseph Mouton, currently live/n Houston, Texas, but she d/d live in California for many years. Bobbie is the mother of four children, two boys and two girls. Wt Birdell, Vera, Erie Woodrow Allen was the fourth son of Matthew and Mary Railey Allen. He was born on September 2, 1913, in Brazos County, Texas. He attended Mt. Tiver School Woodrow married Rubbie Came Carr in 193~, and in 1935 Birdell E1/zabeth Allen was b~o~. Late_r, he remarried to Thelma Weakfield and they had two children: Vera Leola AIJen and Er/a Leola Allen. Woodrow died at age 58 in 1972. Wilbert, Arjorie, Gary, Velma, Barry, Patricia Birdell Elizabeth Allen Cooper was the only child bom of Woodrow and Rubbie Carr Allen. She was born on September 27, I935, in Bryan, Brazos Comaty, Texas. She graduated from Dorsey Loughrkige School in Benchley, Texas. In 1948, she moved to Houston, Texas, where she attended George Wash/ C High School. In 195! Birdell met and married Willmer Lee C°0~r~ The c~UPle had six ~h/ldren. She loves going to church and is a wonderful w/fe a~d mother wl~o works hard aromqd her home. Residence: 6690 Allen Road, Bryan, Texas 77807. (409)778-1484. 120 He sons: at at 121 ~e Her on 14, to play College HalTi$ Texas Couilty, He died She has three children: Krystal, born September 17, 1987; Brittany, bom April 21, 1990; and Eric Wade, bom May 23, 1991. ReSidence: 10301 Sandpiper, Apt 29, Houston, Texas 77096. JAMES MATTHEW ALLEN III James IV, Henry (Hank), Effie, Myrtle, Charles Wiley, Willie, HarOld, Jacqueline James Matthew Allen HI, the seventh child of Matt and Mary Allen, was bom on February 21, 1916, in Benchley, Texas~ Atan early age, he united with the Mt. Tiver Baptist Church. The religious doctrines he was taught ~ church became an integral part of his young adult life and remained with him until his death. He was a member of Mt. Olive Baptist Church in Bryan, Texas, where he served as a deacon and trustee~ 125 school In he Engineer for Union Carbide in Houston Texas. Her hobbies are shopping, traveling, and Creole cooking. Residence: 1557 Bonanza St., Houston TX 77062-5903. LaShaunda Jean/ne Allen Allums is the second daughter of James M. Allen IH and Osby J. Smith Allen. She was bom on November 22, lt)69, in Houston Texas. She graduated form Clear Lake High School in 1987 and attended Prairie View A&M Umversity mad Texas Southern Umversity. She is now a Computer Service Expediter for Tenneco Oil Company in Houston Texas. Her hobbies are shopping and cooking. Residence: 1346 Great Dover Circle, Channel View, Texas 77530-4806. HENRY NK) _ He~nry L. Allen(Hank) is the second son of James m and Willie Mae Allen. He was bom October 31, 1942. Ks education Started sflem and FairvieTM Element~ ~ 1960 he graduated valedictorian of his class at EA:. Kemp High schOOl, H~ extended 127 tO He 1971, at 129 In is 131 Oil 132 Effi, EFF~ ~vL~E Effie Mae Allen is the daughter of Matt and Mary Allen. She was born in Benchley Robe~son County, Texas on FebrU~ 3, 1918. She went to Mt. Tiver and Dodson High Schools, where ~ lOved tOPlay basketball. After high school she spent one year working on the farm with her parems: She Imer married her school sweetheart and moved to Childress, Texas. The couple would later move to Oakland, California, where she worked in a cafeteria. In 1947, She moved to HOuston, TeXas where she worked for the River Oaks Country Club until her retirement in 1982. After retirement, she and her huSband moved back to Benchtey, Texas, and lived on the family homestead. Her husband preceded her in death, and She continued to live on the homestead until her death on April 11, 1995. 133 ways. 134 E in Box 100, 1971. 135 ELI Chiles Elijah Davis was the eldest child of Lula Price Flowers. He was bom in Robertson County, Texas. He married Rosie Lee ~d they adopted a son named Charles. Elijah passed away in 1960 in Hearne, Texas. CILARLES Sh~elyn ~eSha Charles, Jr. Ke&ecks Charles Davis is the onJy son of Elijah Davis and Rosie Lee Davis. Hehas four children: Shenelyn, )~esha, Charles, jr. ~d Kedmcks. ReSidence: P. O. Box 100, HeRe, Texas 77837. (409)279-6048 SHENELYN Shenel~ Davis is the oldest child of Charles Davis. She was bom on May 25, 1971. Residence: 11918 QUander, Houston, Texas 77067 (713)583-0056. ALES~ Alesha Davis is the s~ond child of Charles Davis. She was born on February 20, 1974. Residence: 11918 Qu~der, HOUstOn, Texas 77067. (713)583~0056. Lillie Mae, Ruby Missouri Flowers-Cole, (Doolie) was the second child of Lula Price Flowers. She was bom in Robertmn County, Text, in 1906. She married Reuben COle hq 1923. To this union two children were born: Lillie Mae and Ruby. Missouri passed away in 1939 in Fort Worth, Texas. LILLIE Lillie ~ COle-Vincent was the first ¢~d of ~ssouri Price Cole and Reuben Cole. She was bom on Jtfly 9, 1924, Lille Mae married Wilford H, Vincent on Au~st 14, 1951, and they Md one child; Lin~ vincent: Linda says her mother was her best ~iend. Wilford H. died Mamh 17, 1974, Lillie Mae died on Mm-ch 17, 1981 in Los ~geles, C~iforrfia. LINDA Linda Vincent is the daughter of Liltie Mae Cole~Vincent and Wilford H. Vincent. She was born on July 28, I956. In 1974, three months after the death of her father, she graduated from High School in Compton~ In I988 she graduated from California State University at Dorning~ztez Hills in Carson, California, with a BA in Sociology. Linda Coordhaates and Chore°graphers for two modeling agencies. She says she obtained her fasb_ion sence for h~ mother Lillie Mae. She is very active in the church, when the family reurfion committee isn't pulhng her in th other direction. RUBY Luther Ruby Cole-Spencer is the youngest child of~ssouri Price Cole and Reuben Cole. She was born on August 16, 1925. She ~aduated from Dunbar High School in Lubbock, Texas. She attended Pepperdine and from Los gaageles Business College. She retired ~om the Department of Defense and presently works as a Real Estate Associate. Ruby is very active in the church and is a volunteer tutor. She is also very active in the church as well as being a charter member of the Los Angeles Chapter of the Mien Family Rem~fion C ~ Rffoy John Spencer (deceased). Ruby has one child, Luther. Residence: 5127 Parkglen, Los Angeles, CA Smi~. 139 and Clarence 140 some she was in Stales Mollie Calvin I41 Victor R. Lea is the third Son Texas, Flowers Basey. He lives in Lubbock, · Lea is the fifth ehild lives in He lives in Calvin H. Basey, He liVes in the 142 WaS His on bom in was Fl rs. He lives in Johnson the 145 Jr. Howers and Creaster Dunn 77484. at t~s time. He and Smiths L.J.. L.J.. . Smith. and L.J.. Smith. Flowers and 148 Branden, Patina (713~ 12, WaS oft in Joyce Price. 152 died in zexasi 154 Lee Price. She was and is is 155 There is little information on Joanne Hyman. Her nephew, William Hyman otained this picture to enable the family have ~s much possible. 156 Oakland, carl. residing Texas. 158 Texas. she 1028. 1959 in and Texas as a clerk 1984, Maria. Mafia in Ter~, 14, 013 a Beach. He Elzie BeCkett. the city of Long McDonn, George Lanier, Edwin t60 She bom. New and I61 XAVni~ bo~ in at the 162 93041. Deadra Later, moved to ill ~there in the were the I66 167 3, to 168 ~or Texas. on 4 Texas. St. 170 1908 Texas. Residence: He Dallas, was School. 172 (214) Schree is the second child of and James Cooks. 129 in a in are Goodson. union School this 19 1332 177 She She School. She 11244 S. 178 school in I985. with the, 75218. tis a later at pant,; boys William Hyman, J1L 182 and seveH Great 20, No No information