HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-3292 - Ordinance - 10/14/2010ORDINANCE NO. 20- 3292 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 14th day of October, 2010 APPROVED: 66V'~ MAYOR ATTEST: J~e etqo APPROVED: 4~~. A City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 201 O - 32 q2. EXMBIT "A" Page 2 That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby-amended as follows: The following property is rezoned from A-O Agricultural Open and R-1 Single-Family Residential to PDD Planned Development District, with the restrictions listed in Exhibit "B" and in accordance with the Concept Plan shown in Exhibit "C" and Exhibit "D" and the Concept Plan Notes listed in Exhibit "E", and as shown graphically in Exhibit "F": N[ETES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A 19.74 ACRE TRACT ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, A-54 BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Being a tract of land containing 19.74 acres, out of the Robert Stevenson Survey, A-54, Brazos County, Texas, also being part of the 20.4821 acres tract of land owned by Green Prairie Investors LTD, as recorded in Volume 7366, Page 294 of the Brazos County Official Records (B.C.O.R.), the 19.74 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows, with all control referred to the 1983 Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Lambert Projection, Central Zone: BEGINNING at a 518" iron rod found for the west corner of this tract, also being the south corner of the called 153,22 acres tract of land owned by Gary Seaback as recorded in Volume 2957, Page 186 of the B.C.O.R., also being a point along the north right-of-way line of State Highway 40, a variable width right-of-way, said 518" iron rod having Texas State Plane Coordinate Value of X= 3572044.93, Y = 10188135.83; THENCE along the common line between this tract and the said called 153.22 acres Seaback tract the following tails and distances: North 42°49'39" East, a distance of 235.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for an angle point of this tract; North 42°40' 05" East, a distance of 801.11 feet to a 518" iron rod found for an angle point of this tract; North 42°21'39" East, a distance of 45998 feet to a 518" iron rod found for an angle point of this tract; North 42°37'32" East, a distance of 232.18 feet to a 5I8" iron rod found for an angle point of this tract, also being a point along the southeast boundary line of the said called 153.22 acres Seaback tract; ORDINANCE NO. 261 D 3ZR 2 Page 3 THENCE along the common line between this tract and the said called 153.22 acres Seaback tract, passing the said called 153.22 acres Seaback tract and continuing along the remainder of the called 50 acres tract of land now or formerly owned by Anna Ferguson as recorded in Volume 304, Page 182 of the Brazos County Deed Records (B.C.D.R.), North 43'11'17" East, a distance of 212.61 feet to a 518" iron rod found for a northwest corner of this tract, also being a point along the southeast boundary line of the said remainder of the called 50 acres Ferguson tract, also being the west corner of the called 60.153 acres tract of land owned by the City of College Station, as recorded in Volume 6974, Page 241 of the &C.O.R.; THENCE along the common line between this tract and the said called 60.153 acres City of College Station tract the following calls and distances:. South 84°17'08" East, a distance of 258.24 feet to a 518" iron rod found for a northwest corner of this tract; North 61°41'00" East, a distance of 63.26 feet to a 518" iron rod found for a northwest corner of this tract; North 39°32'28" East, a distance of 127.86 feet to a 518" iron rod found for the north corner of this tract; South 22°15'36" East, a distance of 231.42 feet to a 518" iron rod found for a northeast coiner of this tract; South 64°46'47" West, a distance of 30.60 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for a northeast corner of this tract; South=37127'28" West, a distance of 297.25 feet to a 51$" iron rod found for a northeast corner of this tract; North 75°46'04" East, a distance of 104.52 feet to a 518" iron rod set for a northeast corner of this tract, also being the a point along the south boundary line of the said called 60.153 acres City of College Station tract; THENCE severing the said 20.4821 acres Greens Prairie investors tract, South 09°37'02" East, a distance of 80.28 feet to a 518" iron rod set for the east corner of this tract, also being a point along the north boundary line of the called 10.416 acres tract of land owned by the City of College Station, as recorded in Volume 6974, Page 241 of the B.C.O.R.; THENCE along the common line between this tract and the said called 10.416 acres City of College Station tract the following calls and distances: ORDINANCE NO. 20) D - 3282 South 75°45'41" West; a distance of 199.67 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for a southeast corner of this tract; South 37°27'28" West, a distance of 383.68 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for a southeast comer of this tract; South 24°08'07." West, a distance of 143.13 feet to a 578" iron rod found for a southeast corner of this tract; South 73127'09" West, a distance of 317.77 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found fax a southeast corner of this tract; South 47°17'22" West, a distance of 108.60 feet to a 518" iron rod found for a southeast corner of this tract; South 05°28'07" West, a distance of 100.09 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for a southeast corner of this tract; Page 4 South 39°39'40" West, a distance of 290.73 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found for the south corner of this tract, also being the west corner of the said called 10.416 acres City of College Station tract, also being a point along the said north right-of-way of State Highway 40; THENCE along the said north right-of-way of State Highway 40 the following calls and distances: S 85°1'7`35" W, a distance of 1.07 feet to a concrete monument with a brass cap found for a southwest corner of this tract; S 86°16'50" W, a distance of 638.99 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING containing 19.74 acres, 111~1__ pp~ O f S 4S9Aq 7 ~V Dante Carlomagno Texas Registered Profess Land Surveyor No. 1562 2010-07-07-rezone-19ac.doc 07/07/2010 ORDINANCE NO. 2D! 0 - 3292 Page 5 EXHIBIT "B" Purpose & Intent: "The proposed development will provide a mix of uses necessary to support the demands for such uses resulting from the single-family residential developments in the vicinity of this development. Also, the multi-family component will provide an alternative to the single-family residential options available in this area. The development is anticipated to have a mix of uses with adequate pedestrian and vehicular accessibility and connectivity." Permitted Uses: Commercial Office Multi-Family C-1 General Commercial, R-4 Multi-Family, and A-P Administrative Professional are the base, underlying zoning districts, as applicable. At the time of site plan and plat, the project will need to meet all applicable standards required by the Unified Development Ordinance, unless specified below. *Additional Restrictions/Requirements are listed in Exhibit "E" - Concept Plan Notes Height: The range of future building heights is from 15 feet to 55 feet. Meritorious Modifications Granted: Streets and Alleys, Table V, BCS Design Guidelines _ The right-of-way width for the "Commercial Street" shown on the Concept Plan is 71 feet. Generally an 85-foot right-of-way is required for a collector in an urban context. Design requirements will be in accordance with the UDO and BCS Unified Design Guidelines. A bike lane that prohibits parking is required to be included on the "Commercial Street" to support the reduction of right-of-way width. • Section 5.2 "Residential Dimensional Standards" and Section 5.4 "Non-Residential Dimensional Standards" A reduction of building setbacks along the "Commercial Street" to 10 feet for all uses. All parking and landscaping requirements will be in accordance with the UDO. + Section "Single Family Protection" of the Unified Development Ordinance Although the adjacent City-owned property is zoned R-i Single-Family Residential, it is not considered as a single-family use for the purpose of limiting height or increasing the setback for multi-family or non-residential buildings adjacent to the City-owned property. • Section 7.6 "Buffer Requirements" of the Unified Development Ordinance There are no buffers required where development is adjacent to the City-owned property. All other buffers are proposed to be in compliance with the UDO. ORDINANCE NO. 2w o - 3M Page 6 Section 8.2.A.10 "Blocks" of the Unified Development Ordinance Variation from the 800-foot.maximum block length requirement. No public streets are proposed to connect to Castle Rock Parkway within this development. The block length along the southern right-of-way of Castle Rock Parkway is 850 feet within this development and 1,310 feet to the first intersecting street in the Castle Rock Subdivision. The block length along the northern right-of-way of Castle Rock Parkway is 760 feet within this development and 1,540 feet to the first intersecting street in the Castle Rock Subdivision. The Concept Plan includes a "Private Driveway and Cross Access Easement" through the property that will meet minor collector standards for access and driveway spacing and lane width. This private drive reduces the block length by approximately 200 feet on the north side of Castle Rock Parkway and approximately 300 feet on the south side of Castle Rock Parkway. o Section 8.2.A.13 "Sidewalks" of the Unified Development Ordinance In the section of street where the multi-use path parallels the "Commercial Street," an additional sidewalk will not be required along that side of the street. Traffic / Transportation: The proposed phasing of the development is such that no more than 420 vehicle trips maybe generated by the proposed development before the connection to William D. Fitch or Victoria Avenue must be made. The additional 420 trips on Castle Rock Parkway (in addition to the existing 827 trips from the homes in the Castle Rock subdivision) would retain the current Level of Service of "B." The estimated trip generation of Castle Rock Subdivision (at full build out) along Castle Rock Parkway is 2,621 vehicle trips. With the additional maximum trips proposed by the PDD zoning (420 trips before alternate access must be provided) the vehicle trips per day on Castle Rock Parkway would be approximately 3,041, well below the maximum capacity of 5,000 trips. Though additional trips will be generated, the proposed development provides alternate vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian circulation routes as well as additional commercial opportunities that are not currently available in the immediate area. Greenways / Floodplain: The Concept Plan is proposing to designate approximately 1.1 acres (0.89 acres of FEMA floodplain) as a "no disturbance" area. This area was determined by using a 75-, 50-, or 25-foot setback from the stream conveyance area, as noted (and shown graphically) on the Concept Plan. The project/ property is required to comply with the No Adverse Impacts (NAB ordinance. The more restrictive of the two shall apply. Additional Conditions: A bike lane be provided on the "Commercial Street." A right-turn deceleration lane be provided at the intersection of "Commercial Street" and State Highway 40. Right-turn lanes be provided at each intersection of the "Private Drive" with the "Commercial Street" and Castle Rock Parkway. ORDINANCE NO. 2010 - 3292 Ah 6 a 'h 1 a N 1~ # 1 1 I ~x Jug! ¢ 5gg Q 8i v 3 gs. ~ s.~~tGq ~gB__ S ~ax {k~e ~~ps jK 10.4 E $ see . lip yy gi g £ qqqppP~ ~,gg ka ¢EvFl ~ ~ dopy _ 5~ p€ ~I](ggkaEv~ ~ tl~2kea J,- EXHIBI'T' "C" g$1 i v :dvegg $g gS$ $ / ~v E z g~ M~~> j$8a lit ie 1 ! Q n F log k9 El a~i g~Etl ; 'ra 111!74! w ~aa F E v ~ B~€~. e i i ~ Cc e a { fix =~r€{ g,E~9~ ~ 9~■ ~ 6~ ~x ~ ~3~ ~ ~ see€~ ~ ~ 3 ~ .a V e33~e a;3al~ civil lie S~ 8 €i ink°ek 4~ ~ y~Q$g ~ 1 1.4 s ~ 5 3 figfiggg a k 1 3 3 G Vii.. l ~f r` ~l Page 7 ORDINANCE NO. 2DI D - 3:.9l EXHIBIT "D" Page S a~S 1 ) a~ J 6 O N11 _f All: { l I r/ I m' t. 4 I ~ =use-~- ~ g t . as 1 J Pi~ yy t ~j ~ \ ~ \ K s l C .2 4 1{g ~g IN& URI 01. 4)2s t~ ~e Yt ! 1 ~ ORDINANCE NO. 201 0 - 3.2'7,9- R..0pS.su89rhn9p& Yi+E: 1.4P=::LVGrM 'fiC Zt+E:NUR'M,. MHS' 4F :w,tS :aF SttE':ROUC:?A_R r:0 760-F Wimili TWS .0F.vEL6A4W ~6 i.SWTQ 1HE, f'omr, t aic SF k r iN: 1ME-`G~SAE -ROCK SL%mm F 11 15'ai4T R4CL9DED,bt:: fE ►i~!{Ji1FSfE6,:1~!RV.'~OkS ~Mit'FM'1iH ;PLC R1LL.i1EET NS.3CE4UIkE467 t '6F. BE VD6 ~~'raE';5?rE;s rS S29 .i~±LU~ar;b r~roc. Pt~r~rc cnu~cE,srtr~, _hus FLM4P19111i:.[3WM .PF3t. W:PUOM LMR'; ~PREPA f'b;W MA1. M P; `UWKA A550 ATC--00, ~1F04Y1+~Y_1;+5.:0~at' Lsoamop ;Pt Tm Awk ':3. C&SFLE-fWX PFROAY'MA2-1WEE L! W.R Op1 OR WX:SCWFSFri-toffrXT).0wTptt.)"oRALnWAn. PLA& - ~YiGINIf'YNII~ Page 9 ORDINANCE NO. x2010 - 3292, EXHIBIT "F" Ii Page 10 a V' N y' U d p H m QZ st Y o .r > L1JN Ur. m.w0O .n- r! a az~a9~m rv M U 1 I 'I c ~C7i7 (7.7op ~azzOa~ M N O m= c o tp 'Rig = x v'WLa 9.5 U_ '¢2 m v c c c =vaap_ w ..I. I I 15 on .0 a CJ (Yj 0.. J J_ "aE~ 4° > E c ~ U 's t _:d- c ~ w E G -cr mn CL i I I I I.I , LU LLI c ay - Z LU C C w 3 9 W - -w T .00. ~ N ~?.Tv m m fl $ rW OO~mrv e o N d.S ~ ~L IY