HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-3166 - Ordinance - 02/12/2009ORDINANCE NO. 3166 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE ", SECTION 4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP ", OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance ", Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map ", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 12th day of February, 2009. APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: e ,&� 4, City Secretary APPROVED: City Attorney ��i ORDINANCE NO. 3166 PAGE 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance ", Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map ", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: I. The following property is rezoned from A -O, Agricultural Open to R -1, Single - Family Residential: BEING A 10.44 ACRE TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN THE ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY — ABSTRACT NO. 54, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN 14.28 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN THE DEED FROM FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, BRYAN, TEXAS, TO K.S. MOSS CAPITAL CORP, RECORDED IN VOLUME 2763, PAGES 147 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS SHOWN IN EXHIBIT "A ", AND GRAPHICALLY SHOWN IN EXHIBIT "B ". ORDINANCE NO. 3166 EXHIBIT A: .... ...... K. S. Moss Capital Corp- . 1. 1 0.44 Acre Trazt - Rezorang! RequW to R-1 Robert SlevenSon Survey, A,54 College stauon amws County, Texas FloW noles of a 10-44 acre tractor ParcLftl of land; ". ard being situated in the Robert Stewnson StWiey, Abstract W, 54, Coltege Stalkyn *'. Buwos CoLinty, - 4 -acre ee from f=irst Federal F Texas., and..WmV part.of -a 1 -26 . traddLaseribedinihed t d SavinosBofik, Sryan,.Texas. to It. S. Moss Capital Corp, recorded In Volume2PM Page 147., of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas, and said 1 acli. track holpq rnore particularly described as f6flows: COMMENCING at a 34 b= r0d set at the comwen cerrw behVewen the belboomentioned 1428 Uact and the 3 acre - Tract No. 34eOwbed.in the dOed to Coffegu Station Mark.e Piece. recorded in Volvme G"7, Page 207, of the Official Recardsof 8M=s0Dw Texes, 5aMffbefnq in. &ei5cujhwe��t 64hi­of-way. Me of SW40 :Kqt)Way No, 6 (qW 00"f-way); THENCE S 406 46 31" W along the tprtwhOn Une between tt;e beforerhenuoned U.28. =0 Wtctandf Utetbtlawin.9 Wtracls. 3.836 acre tract,. ap4 t",- remainder -of a 14,0679 acre tract. -in the -deed #q-Spring Crei* CS Devel1opment. Ltd., recorded in Vaume 5.583 120, ofthe OfFolal Rewrdaof Brazos County, Texas, rod f6und at -p Z* iron pipe ien-ce post, c.ordinue ark, 1br a tbtiA dista of 620.76 , feet W a.w Iran rod % THENCE S 43* 46 31" W Wang the Common line batV h the beforementioned 14.2U arise, tract and the foljOWing khree ti. the.semW.nder of a 14.0679 acre tracl,:descfted in 1hp, deed to Callege Station 00Y.W.Opment Ltd. recorded in Volume 5583, Page'120, of the.Offtial Recoirdsof Brazos County, Texas. SprftV Creek. Gardens Subdivision - Pha-se 2, according io - ft ptat re riled in V . -01 me 74:00 P- ate 11 of the- Qffi R cial e o cords f Brazos Cow'Ay, Texas Creek. Gamens.Su.bilivision. - Phase 1� ocPording:Ibthe plat recorded in VofUrrra.6663rP'-oge. 31. of the 01ftiW Records of Brazos County, Toxas. at a distance of 12.72 feet, pass the north corner of Common Area "E' -, SpdrTg; Greek Gardens. = Pha*e.2 continue on., Pta d6tancoof 513.7.4 -fastpS th . e Pqrth corner of CommonArea'V abre ' the I PlI F432inq Craek Gwdt�m o.se 1. conflnqp on - IdW 40p4r4 of 1363-28 fiaet;vp W . er ,". , for a r4. M norlheast line of a proposed 5' right of wWdedicatrlon: Decatur Drive, a W iron rid found roarkilig the south to mm er of the said 14.28 asp tract, and lia the present no rmeast fight of way -Nne of Decatur orwe 70 right of wav; TiAeNCL- W 46 42' V-V along the noTtheast fine of a prop<psed'5'rj0ht_0f- way dedicatfor; - Decatur Dfta The a distance of 3.07-60 feet to a %, iron - rod "m "in thocommon finebetween beforemeationed 14-28 acre t1actand-an 10.448 8 c;re #wtdesimlbedin the dead to KT.H. 1-n-ye! Page 309., of the Cif dal, Records of Br6zas County, Texas; 'THENCIZ N 4,V 4W 6V E along Me 00mmon llniB� beftebh. lh& beftMMenfloned 14-2$. _UCre Uttt:anrj jh.e1bIIo6NirQ two tractw. U remainder the beforenwationed 1&849 acre trect—and Lot 1, Block I - K.T.K'Cornmerdroi Addidan. oft6rding. to 11b.c. Pitt worded in Volume 4377, Page 206. crf'th6 offirael Records of Brazos County, Taxat�, �a a distance of 8S0,T1 feet, pass the south corner of Lot I - 3.935 a=xes - KTH. Com'meridal Addition, continue om , K 4 f*r a total distance of 1662,62 feet to -a ' iron rod set on U%_0 - cast bank of a tributary ta Spring Creek (currant irlibutary now. a pond 10-15'dimeo), asfalaw $ 52' Or E for e dkftnce of 2a26 fit, S 07 1.0 22- E fer a durance of 2K99 feet, 6-02 15'W fiat e: distance 6f-27-67 feet, S 34 52 - W for a d1*(*nC6 ol: 38.27 feel, S14 to feet, - r a dfutance of W,.,59 PAGE 3 Ant 4LVwewffQ ORDINANCE NO. 3166 EXHIBIT A CONTINUED: K S, mess capidal COM 10-44-Acm Tract - RaMnidgr ReqUest to R-1 RobeA Sitevemary Sumey- A-64 E CoW" Sta5m, Brozoa County, Toxas Confirmed.- Page 2 5 55° 12' 40' E 614? W 14". s 06 3.;Y 2W , E S 1 1W 354rm" W S 20P 21 4T" W S 27 44! 4 W S Or M3* WE "WOW53"E s Sao IV 33 E for a distance of 98,07 feet for a dL:vMnre of 30.56 feet. for a tffstame of 40,45 feet, ibr.8 diMr*40 of26_45 feet, for a d7rSW. nee of 26 feet for a disltmome* of 1927 feet, for a -dislancer *f 13.25 feet. f6r aWQame of 17.34 feet, fora distameol UlGfeettaa %" iron rod'se-it at the POIXT OF BEGINNWO wntaining '10-44 dares. of - land more or less- Su"yed Aprif 2008 By S'. M. KEng PAGE 4 XUMr, ENGWEERING AtOV SUMMYMS Ordinance N0. 3166 £XIMI a: Page $ § �! - #$ )» 2 ! 1 62 0 ( $i\ }/ b )f2ƒ;!3 C? c \ZZZHi G � k\ ! h 13 E i(�\ �- klRq k \ /32E£, .I. \ \�32��� R � � o I _ � - - ) m ma. ` , \ ■|/ � 2kfk) \\ > 7.22 %T2 � =m = <oC > ƒI Z] LU I! ■ �] , - - o; )2; L e aa� >) 7£f= i} C3 o : §I2 =�. $ )Ccja ) � .Nl