HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-3164 - Ordinance - 02/12/2009ORDINANCE NO. 3164 AN ORDINANCE (BUDGET AMENDMENT 2) AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 3114 WHICH WILL AMEND THE BUDGET FOR THE 2008 -2009 FISCAL YEAR AND AUTHORIZING AMENDED EXPENDITURES AS THEREIN PROVIDED. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, approved its Budget Ordinance for the 2008 -2009 Fiscal Year on September 25, 2008; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, desires to amend the approved Budget Ordinance; and WHEREAS, this amendment was prepared and presented to the City Council and a public hearing held thereon as prescribed by law and the Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, after notice of said hearing having been first duly given; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Part 1: That Part 1 of the Budget Ordinance for the 2008 -2009 Fiscal Year is amended to read as follows: "PART 1: That the proposed budget as amended by the City Council of the City of College Station, which is made a part hereof to the same extent as if set forth at length herein, is hereby adopted and approved, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Secretary in College Station Texas. Amended appropriations for fiscal year 2008 -2009 for the General Fund are $61,786,437; for the General Government Capital Improvements Fund are $7,490,704; for the Streets Capital Improvements Fund are $2,399,564; and for the Equipment Replacement Fund are $4,492,593. Amended regular full and part-time positions is 867.5. All other appropriations as originally adopted and amended by the City Council remain in full force and effect." Part 2: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately after passage and approval. PASSED and APPROVED this t 9tt, ATTEST: o City Secretary , �Vz day of February 2009, APPROVED: Mayor APPROVED: City Attorneo Ordinance No. 3164 Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 Budget Amendment #2 Detail Listing The proposed budget amendment is to increase the appropriations for the items listed below by $614,535. In addition, several General Fund contingency transfer items are included below. Contingency transfers do not increase or decrease the overall budget. Rather, the contingency transfers shift resources within a fund. Contingency transfers greater than $15,000 require Council approval and are therefore included as part of this Budget Amendment documentation. Increases to personnel also require Council approval. Scheduling System - Police Department: $71,300 (CO's) This item will appropriate funds in the General Fund for the implementation of the Telestaff Scheduling System by the Police Department. This will provide the Police Department the same type of scheduling used in the Fire Department, and will expedite the creation of work schedules, rosters, back -fill for absentees, and entry of work hours in the payroll system. The expenditure and debt issue to fund this project was projected to be completed in FY10. However, the Police Department and Information Technology have agreed to move this project forward to FY09. This appropriation will be funded by Certificates of Obligation that will be issued in FY09. 2. Police Department Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Employee Additions: 9 FTE employees This item increases the FTE personnel count by 9 FTE employees in the General Fund. These FTE employees will be added to the Police Department budget as a result of the Management Review of the Police Department by Buraker and Associates, combined with Chief Ikner's new Community Policing philosophy. The FTE positions created by this item are: 3 Additional Patrol Officers, 1 Civilian Accreditation Manager, 1 Jail Supervisor, 1 Patrol Lieutenant, 1 Police Assistant, 1 Clerical Assistant, and 1 Secretary/Receptionist. The funding for these positions is included in the FY09 budget as part of the $600,000 Service Level Adjustment (SLA) that was approved for phasing - in the implementation of the Management Review recommendations. Mobile Video Camera Replacement - Police Department - $260,000 (Budget Amendment) This item will appropriate funds in the Equipment Replacement fund to upgrade the existing in- vehicle video systems used in Police Department patrol cars to fully digital systems and add mobile video capabilities to the Department's motorcycle patrol fleet. The funds to replace these systems will come from SLAB that were approved to transfer funds from the Police Department to the Equipment Replacement Fund in the FY 08 ($98,550) and FY09 ($98,550) budgets. The remaining funds ($62,900) will be transferred to the Equipment Replacement fund from the Police Department as part of the $600,000 FY 09 SLA for the implementation of the findings from the Management Review conducted by Buraker and Associates. Once these transfers are complete, the funds for this appropriation will be available in the Fund Balance of the Equipment Replacement Fund. 4. Legal Fees: $182,000 (Budget Amendment) This item is for the appropriation of funds in the amount of $182,000 for the estimated legal expenses associated with the litigation with the City of Bryan pertaining to BVSWMA. These funds will be budgeted in the General Fund and are available in the General Fund balance. S. Roadway Impact Fee Study - $57,000 (Budget Amendment); $30,000 (General Fund Contingency Transfer) This item will appropriate funds for a roadway impact fee study as directed by Council. The goal of the study is for the consultant to lead in the development and implementation of a Roadway Impact Fee policy for the City of College Station. Funding was approved as part of budget amendment #3 in FY08, but was not able to be spent in FY08. Funds for this item were not included in the FY09 Approved Budget. This item will appropriate funds in the amount of $87,000 for the study. $30,000 of this appropriation will come from General Fund contingency and will be appropriated to the Public Works Engineering budget. As contingency transfers greater than $15,000 must be approved by Council, this item will provide for approval of the contingency transfer. The additional $57,000 will be appropriated in the Streets Capital Improvement Projects budget and is available in the Streets Capital Improvement Projects fund balance. 6. Emergency Management Maintenance: $16,268 (General Fund Contingency) These funds are needed to pay for the annual maintenance fee for the maintenance of the UPS battery system, up keep of our portable radio cache of emergency radios, electricity for the AM radio station. WEB EOC security software, communications maintenance and emergency management training at the Community Emergency Ordinance No. 3164 Operations Center. This amount represents our share of the costs for the CEOC operational equipment. Contingency transfers greater than $15,000 must be approved by Council. Therefore this item will provide for approval of the contingency transfer from the General Fund. 7. KBTX Advertising: $18,200 (General / Utility Fund Contingency) This was an opportunity that presented itself after the budget had been approved. Through a City Manager directive, the Public Communications Department has purchased programming time on KBTX. The city's news show "College Station Now" airs every Sunday, at 7:30am. Plus, the city received ad time to promote other programs and services. For example, the current ad that is running is one that promotes the city's parry patrol hotline with Neighborhood Relations. Contingency transfers greater than $15,000 must be approved by Council. Therefore this item will provide for approval of the contingency transfer from the General Fund. 8. Images Magazine: $22,575(General / Utility Fund Contingency) This was an opportunity that presented itself after the budget had been approved. Through a City Manager directive, the Public Communications Department created an 8 -page insert on College Station that appeared in business magazine. The magazine is distributed throughout the Bravos valley, and includes an insert from the City of Bryan. This ad purchase allowed the city to maintain its presence in the business community. Contingency transfers greater than $15,000 must be approved by Council. Therefore this item will provide for approval of the contingency transfer from the General Fund. 9. TAMU Athletics Sponsorship /Signage, $30,000 (General / Utility Fund Contingency) This opportunity has recently been offered to the city. TAMU presented the city the option of prime advertising in Reed Arena at the scoreboard and at Olsen Field below the scoreboard. Both are highly sought after ad locations. The city will be able to change out the messages of the ads. For example, one month it could focus on the city's brand of "home of Texas A &M University ", and the following month it could promote "Wind Watts ". In addition, the city would get to public relations venues. One at the family zone outside of Kyle Field for all home football games and the other outside of Olsen Field for Saturday Big 12 baseball games. These would allow city departments (police, parks, recycling, etc.) more face to face communication with residents. Contingency transfers greater than $15,000 must be approved by Council. Therefore this item will provide for approval of the contingency transfer from the General Fund. 10. Vehicle for new Construction Inspector: $25,000 (Water Fund Contingency Transfer, Budget Amendment) The recent addition of a construction inspector position did not include money for the purchase of a fleet vehicle for this position. This request is to transfer money from Water Fund contingency funds and appropriate the purchase of the vehicle in the Equipment Replacement Fund. This vehicle will be added to the fleet inventory and amends the FY09 Approved New Fleet Purchases portion of the FY09 Approved Annual Budget. All other miscellaneous supplies for this position will be absorbed by the Public Works budget for the remainder of FY09. Funds are available in the Water Fund contingency account for this purchase. Contingency transfers greater than $15,000 must be approved by Council. Therefore this item will provide for approval of the contingency transfer from the General Fund. 11. Office of Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response (OASPR) Grant: $7,000 This 100% federal grant (CFDA #93.889) provided for equipment purchases by the Emergency Management Division of the Fire Department to enhance the response capabilities to terrorist threats or catastrophic events. The disbursement of these funds and the approval of grant participation went to Council January 22, 2009 as Consent item #2q. This $7,000 budget amendment increases the Fire Department's budget for the purchase of the equipment and recognizes the federal grant revenue in the General Fund budget. 12. Governor's Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) FY07 Homeland Security Grant: $12,235: This item is for the re- appropriation of resources for the grant the City of College Station has been awarded through the GDEM. The funds will be used by the Emergency Management division to purchase equipment that will enhance the City's response capabilities to terrorist threats or incidents. The Federal Grant Award Number is 2007 -GE -T7 -0024. The City will be reimbursed 100% of expenses. $5,505 will be appropriated to the Law Enforcement Terror project (GG0805) and $6,730 will be appropriated to the Homeland Security Grant (GG0803). The grant funds will be available in the General Fund balance.