HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-3074 - Ordinance - 05/22/2008ORDINANCE NO. 3074 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty -five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 22 day of May, 2008 APPROVED: MAYOR TTN ST: 1 Se etary APPROVED: City Attorne �� ORDINANCE NO. 3074 EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 2 That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: I. The following property is rezoned from A -O Agricultural -Open to A -OR Agricultural -Open Residential: 31.29 Acres James Erwin Survey, A -119 College Station, Brazos County, Texas Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the James Erwin Survey, A -119, Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the 208.523 acre tract described in the deed from Bandura Corporation to Indivisa Corporation recorded in Volume 3812, Page 320 (O.R.B.C) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as shown in Exhibit `B" and graphically shown in Exhibit "H ". II. The following property is rezoned from A -O Agricultural -Open to A -OR Agricultural -Open Residential: 3.95 Acres James Erwin Survey, A -119 College Station, Brazos County, Texas Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the James Erwin Survey, A -119, Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the 208.523 acre tract described in the deed from Bandura Corporation to Indivisa Corporation recorded in Volume 3812, Page 320 (O.R.B.C) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as shown in Exhibit "C" and graphically shown in Exhibit "H ". III. The following property is rezoned from A -O Agricultural -Open to A -OR Agricultural -Open Residential: 3.49 Acres James Erwin Survey, A -119 College Station, Brazos County, Texas ORDINANCE NO. 3074 PAGE 3 Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the James Erwin Survey, A -119, Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the 208.523 acre tract described in the deed from Bandura Corporation to Indivisa Corporation recorded in Volume 3812, Page 320 (O.R.B.C) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as shown in Exhibit "D" and graphically shown in Exhibit "H ". IV. The following property is rezoned from A -O Agricultural -Open to R -1B Single Family Residential: 18.59 Acres James Erwin Survey, A -119 College Station, Brazos County, Texas Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the James Erwin Survey, A -119, Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the 208.523 acre tract described in the deed from Bandura Corporation to Indivisa Corporation recorded in Volume 3812, Page 320 (O.R.B.C) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as shown in Exhibit "E" and graphically shown in Exhibit "H ". V. The following property is rezoned from A -O Agricultural -Open to R- 1 B Single Family Residential: 5.89 Acres James Erwin Survey, A -119 College Station, Brazos County, Texas Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the James Erwin Survey, A -119, Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the 208.523 acre tract described in the deed from Bandura Corporation to Indivisa Corporation recorded in Volume 3812, Page 320 (O.R.B.C) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as shown in Exhibit "F" and graphically shown in Exhibit "H ". VI. The following property is rezoned from A -O Agricultural -Open to R -113 Single Family Residential: 67.60 Acres James Erwin Survey, A -119 College Station, Brazos County, Texas ORDINA]vCE NO. 3074 PAGE 4 Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the James Erwin Survey, A -119, Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the 208.523 acre tract described in the deed from Bandura Corporation to Indivisa Corporation recorded in Volume 3812, Page 320 (O.R.B.C) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as shown in Exhibit "G" and graphically shown in Exhibit "H ". ORDINANCE NO. 3074 EXHIBIT "B" PAGE 5 FIELD NOTES PROPOSED A -OR ZONING DISTRICT 31.29 ACRES Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the JAMES ERWiN SURVEY, A -119, Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the 208.523 acre tract described in the deed from Bandura Corporation to Indivisa Corporation recorded in Volume 3812, Page 320 (O.R.B.C.) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: 13EGINNiNG: at the west corner of the said 208.523 acre tract, said corner also marking an internal ell - corner in the northeast right -of -way line of a County Road called Walnut Road (based on a 40' width); TI- IENCE: N 41° 14' 07" E along the northwest line olthc belorenlentioned 208.523 acre tract for a distance of 93.34 feet to the east corner of a 0.151 acre Walnut Road right -of -way dedication as shown on the beforementioned QUAIL RUN ESTATES PlIASE i subdivision plat as recorded in Volume 351, Page 565 of the Brazos County Deed Records (B.C.D.R.); TI- IENCE: N 43° 50'43" E C911tlllumg along the said northwest Mlle of flit 208.523 acre tract and the southeast line of said QUAIL RUN ESTATES, PIiASE I for a distance of 826.03 feet for corner, said corner marking the west corner of GREAT OAKS SUBDIVISION, PI -IASE ONE as recorded in Volume 4150, Page 296 (O.R.B.C.); T IENCE: along the southwest line of said GREAT OAKS SUBDIVISION, PI -IASE ONE for the following thirty- three (33) calls: l) S 46° 09' 17" E for a distance of 470.00 feet for corner; 2) N 43° 50' 43" E for a distance ol'70.24 feet for corner; 3) N 88° 44'42" E for a distance ol' 50.00 lecl for corner; 4) S 46° 21' 20" E for a distance of 134.71 feet for corner: 5) S 43 38' 40" W for a distance of 337.82 feet for corner; 6) S 58 31' 24" E fora distance of 153.45 feet for corner; 7) S 31° 01'43" E for a distance of i 19.82 feet for corner; 8) S 21' 30' 33" E for a distance or 125.64 feet for corner; 9) S 08° 46' 25" E for a distance ol'55.68 feet for corner: 10) S 46° 1 T 21" E For a distance of 74.57 feel for corner; 1 1) S 14 48' 13" E fora distance of 213.25 Peet for corner; 12) S 28° 13' 28" W For a distance of 28.96 feet for corner; 13) S 06° 17' 39" E for a distance of 64.93 feet for corner; 14) S 32 33'2 1 " E for a distance of 63.64 leet for corner; 15) S O1° 54' 21" W for a distance ol'49.58 feet for corner; 16) S 33° 36' 28" E for a distance of 98.55 feet for corner; 17) S 15° 18' 52" E for a distance of 87.02 feet for corner; 18) S 61 28' 13" E For a distance of 64.90 feet for corner; 19) S 28° 5 l' 40" E for a distance of 54.88 feet for corner; 20) S 60° 09' 02" E for a distance of 89.23 feet for corner; 21) S 08° 40' 58" E for a distance of 72.84 feet for corner; 22) S 41 06' 16" 1✓ for a distance of 34.36 feel for corner; 23) N 81 42' 09" E for a distance of 66.96 feet for corner; 24) S 17 01' 27" E for a distance of 76.08 feet for corner; 25) S 44 05' 02" E for a distance o156.04 feet for corner; 26) S 74° 38'40" E for a distance of 64.82 feet for corner; 27) S 38° 00' 14" E for a distance ol'52 24 feet for corner; 28) S 05° 29' 11 " E for a distance of 56.96 lcet for corner; 29) S 63 18' 50" E For a distance ol'=47.38 lcet for corner; 30) S 22° 56' 48" E for a distance of 146.15 feet for corner; 31) S 75 35'40" W for a distance of 105.23 feet for corner; 32) Ni 44 43' 14" W for a distance of 1 10.18 feet for corner; 33) S 23° 27' 07" W for a distance of 147.76 feet for corner in the northeast line of the M.S. Kavanaugh 104.92 acre tract described in Volume 437, Page 581 (B.C.D.R.); YA ORDINANCE NO. 3074 PAGE 6 TIIENCE: N 46° 21' 20" W along the common line between the said Kavanaugh land and the southwest line of the said 208.523 acre tract for a distance of 1689.12 feet to the east corner of Lot 9, HOLT HILLS Subdivision as recorded in Volume 261, Page 887 (B.C.D.R.); TIIENCE: N 46° 38'45" W continuing along said southwest line for a distance of 626.69 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 31.29 acres of land, more or less. ORDINANCE NO. 3074 EXHIBIT "C" PAGE 7 FIELD NOTES PROPOSED A -OR ZONING DISTRICT 3.95 ACRES Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the .TAMES ERWIN SURVEY, A -1 19, Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the 208.523 acre tract described in the deed from BandUra Corporation to Indivisa Corporation recorded In VOlUme 3812, Page 320 (O.R.B.C.) and being more particularly described by metes and bOUnds as follows: BEGINNING: at the north corner of Lot of 8, Block 4 GREAT OAKS SUBDIVISION, Pi]ASE ONE as recorded in Volume 4150, Page 296 (O.R.B.C.), said corner also being in the northwest line of the said 208.523 acre tract and marking the common most southerly corner of Lots 9 and 12, Block Two QUAIL RUN ESTATES, PHASE I subdivision plat as recorded in Volume 351, Page 565 of the Brazos County Deed Records (I3.C.D.R.); THENCE: N 43° 50'43" E along the common line of the said 208.523 acre tract and said Block Two QUAIL RUN ESTATES, PHASE I subdivision Ior a distance of 379.95 feet for corner; THENCE: S 40° 50' 06" E into the interior of the said 208.523 acre tract for a distance of 521.70 feet to the north corner of Lot 2, Block 5 of said GREAT OAKS SUBDIVISION; THENCE: along the north line of the beforesaid GREAT OAKS SUBDIVISION for the following six (6) calls: I ) S 43° 38'40" W for a distance of 270.86 feet for corner, 2) 119.05 feet in a counter - clockwise direction along the are of a curve having a central angle of 12° 44' 58 ", a radius of 535.00 feet, a tangent of 59.77 feet and a long chord bearing N 52° 43'49" W at a distance of 118.80 Iect for corner, 3) N 15' 37' 38" W for a distance oi' 50.00 feet for corner, 4) N 60° 48' 51" W for a distance of 70.00 feet for corner, 5) S 29° 11' 09" W for a distance of 56.64 feet Ibr corner and 6) N 46° 09' 17" W for a distance of 305.92 leet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3.95 acres of land, more or less. ORDINANCE NO. 3074 EXHIBIT "D" PAGE 8 FIELD NOTES PROPOSED A -OR ZONING DISTRICT 3.49 ACRES Being all that certain tract or parcel of� land lying and being situated in 1-lie JAMES ERW11\1 SURVEY, A -119, Brazos County, Texas and being a part ol'the 208.523 acre tract described in the deed from Bandura Corporation to Indivisa Corporation recorded in Volume 3812, Page 320 (O.R.B.C.) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING: at the south corner of' Lot 7, Block 5 GREAT OAKS SUBDIVISION, PHASE ONE as recorded in Volume 4150, Page 296 (O.R.B.C.), said corner also being in the east right- of-way line of Great Oaks Drive (based on a 70' width); THENCE: N 62° 20' 46" E along the south line of said Lot 7, Block 5 for a distance of 193.57 feet for corner; THENCE: through the said 208.523 acre tract for the following four (4) calls: 1) S 24° 26'36" E for a distance of 100.00 feet for corner, 2) S 77° 31' S 3" E fora distance of ] 50.00 feet for corder, 3) S 09° 28' 43" E fora distance oi'235.10 feet for corner and 4) S 11 16' 18" W fora distance of 241.97 feet for corner in the north line of Lot 9, Block 3 of said GREAT OAKS SUBDIVISION; Ti-IENCE: N 78° 43' 42" W along the north line of - said Lot 9, Block 3 for a distance of 273.81 feet for corner in the said east right-of-way line of' Great Oaks Drive; THENCE: along the beforesaid east line of Great Oaks Drive for the following three (3) calls: 1) N 11 ° 16' 18" E for a distance of 33.49 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve to the left; 2) 301.20 feet along the are of said curve having a central angle of 35° 34' 59 ", a radius of' 485.00 feet , a tangent of 155.64 feet and a lone chord bearing N 06° 31' l l " W at a distance of 296.39 feet to the Point of Tangency; 3) N 24° 18' 41" W for a distance of 133.81 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 3.49 acres of land, more or less. ORDINANCE NO. 3074 EXHIBIT "E" PAGE 9 FIELD NOTES PROPOSED R -1B ZONING DISTRICT 18.59 ACRES Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the .TAMES ERWIN SURVEY, A -119, Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the 208.523 acre tract described in the deed from Bandura Corporation to Indivisa Corporation recorded in Volume 3812, Page 320 (O.R.B.C.) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING: at the north corner of Lot 2, Block 5 GREAT OAKS SUBDIVISION, PHASE ONE as recorded in Volume 4150, Page 296 (O.R.I3.C.); THENCE: N 40° 50'06" W for a distance of 521.70 feet for corner in the northwest line of the beforesaid 208.523 acre tract, said line also being the southeast line of the Quail Run Estates, Phase I Subdivision as recorded in Volume 351, Page 565 of the Brazos County Deed Records (B.C.D.R.); THENCE: N 43° 50'4 E along said northwest line fora distance of 624.84 feet for corner; THENCE: into the interior ofthe said 208.523 acre tract for the following fifteen (15) calls: 1) S 46° 09' 17" E for a distance of' 180.26 feet for corner, 2) S 34° 12' 14" E for a distance of 82.04 feet for corner, 3) S 47° 57' 36" E for a distance of 279.44 feet for corner, 4) S 44° 53'28" E for a distance ol'243.47 feet for corner, 5) S 23° 53' 12" E for a distance of 238.83 feet for corner, 6) S 32° 09'46" E for a distance of 85.80 feet for corner, 7) S 50° 01' 35" W for a distance of 100.00 feet for corner, 8) 104.71 feet in a clockwise direction along the arc of curve having a central angle of 80° I F 03 ", a radius of 74.82 feet, a tangent of 62.98 feet and a long chord bearing S 09° 04' 22" W at a distance of 96.37 feet to the Point o1'Tangency, 9) S 49° 09' 54" W for a distance of' 105.00 leet for corner, 10) S 40° 50' 06" E for a distance of 312.48 feet for corner, 1 1) S 07° 16' 04" E Ior a distance o1 feet for corner, 12) S 62° 05' 35" W for a distance off 59.97 feet for corner, 1.3) 35.99 feet in a clockwise direction along the arc ol' a curve having a central angle of 06° 51' 25 ", a radius of 300.74 feet, a tangent of 18.02 feet and a long chord bearing N 44° 18' 14" W at a distance of35.97 feet to the Point of Tangency, 14) N 41 20' 34" W for a distance of 36.63 feet for corner and 15) S 49° 09' 54" W for a distance of 139.68 feet for corner in the northeast line of Lot 6, Block 5 of said GREAT OAKS SUBDIVISION; THENCE: N 40° 50'06" W along the northeast line of said Block 5 Ior a distance of 812.49 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 18.59 acres of land, more or less. ORDINANCE NO. 3074 EXHIBIT "F" PAGE 10 FIELD NOTES PROPOSED R -1 B ZONING DISTRICT 5.89 ACRES Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the JAMES ERWIN SURVEY, A -119, Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the 208.523 acre tract described in the deed from Bandura Corporation to Indivisa Coi poration recorded in Volume 3812, Page 320 (O.R.B.C.) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING: at the common most southerly corner of Lots 18 and 22, Block Two of the QUAIL RUN ESTATES, PHASE I subdivision plat as recorded in Volume 351, Page 565 of the Brazos County Deed Records (B.C.D.R.), said corner also being in the northwest line of the said 208.523 acre tract; TIIENCE: N 43° 50' 43" E along the common line of the said 208.523 acre tract and said QUAIL RUN ESTATES, PIIASE I subdivision for a distance of 608.94 feet for corner; TIIENCE: into the interior of the said 208.523 acre tract for the following ten (10) calls: I ) S 50° 0 E for a distance of 130.30 feet for corner, 2) S 10° 27' 59" E for a distance of 126.55 feet for corner, 3) S 52° 27' 58" E for a distance of 104.70 feet for corner, 4) S 25° 29'00" W for a distance of 240.00 feet for corner, 5) S 02° 35' 34" E for a distance of 220.56 meet I'or corner, 6) S 43° 46' 58" W for a distance of 78.78 feet for corner, 7) N 68° 10' 31" W for a distance of 159.48 feet for corner, 8) N 58° 45' 15" W for a distance of 80.39 feet for corner, 9) N 53° 05' 38" W for a distance of 167.06 feet for corner and 10) N 45° 58' 36" W for a distance of 180.22 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 5.89 acres of land, more or less. ORDINANCE NO. 3074 EXHIBIT "G" PAGE 11 FIELD NOTES PROPOSED R -1B ZONING DISTRICT 67.60 ACRES Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the JAMES ERWIN SURVEY. A -1 19, Brazos County, Texas and being a part of the 208.523 acre tract described in the deed from Bandura Corporation to Indivisa Corporation recorded in Volume 3812, Page 320 (O.R.B.C.) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING: at the north corner of the said 208.523 acre tract, the east corner of a county road known as Feather Run [based on a 60 -foot width right -of -way described on the Quail Run Estates, Phase I plat recorded in Volume 351, Page 565 of the Brazos County Deed Records (B.C.D.R.)], said corner also being in the southwest line of the John Kemp et ux 20.305 acre tract described in Volume 2561, Page 86 (O.R.B.C.); THENCE: along the northeast line of the beloresaid 208.523 acre tract for the following four (4) calls: 1) S 45° 31' S7" E fora distance ol' 604.18 feet for corner, 2) S 46° 46' 32" E for a distance of 1139.74 feet for corner, 3) S 45 08' 21" F for a distance of 332.50 feet for corner and 4) S 46° 05' 45" E for a distance of 472.51 feet to the east corner of the said 208.523 acre tract; THENCE: S 43° 46' 58" W along the southeast line of said 208.523 acre tract for a distance of 2379.31 feet for corner: THENCE: into the interior of the said 208.523 acre tract For the following twenty -one (21) calls 1) N 00° 39' 39" W for a distance of 247.42 feet for corner, 2) N 40° 35' 07" E for a distance of 71.09 feet For corner, 3) 133.69 feet in a clockwise direction along the arc of a curve having a central angle of 153° 11' 51 ", a radius of feet, a tangent of 209.86 feet and a long chord bearing N 27° 1 P 02" E at a distance of'97 28 feet [or corner. 4) N 13° 44' 15" W for a distance off 45.10 feet for corner, 5) N 36° 17' 31 " W for a distance of 139.14 feet for corner, 6) N 24° 54' 00" E for a distance o[46.37 feet for corner, 7) N 57° 21' 58" W for a distance of 92.901eet for corner, 8) 162.24 feet in a counter- clockwise direction along the arc of a curve having a central angle of 21 37' 05 ",a radius ol'430.00 feet, a tangent of 82.10 Jcct and a Ion.- chord bearing N 21° 49'29" E at a distance of 161.28 feet to the Point of Tangency, 9) N l 1 ° 00' 56" E for a distance of 271.83 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve to the left, 10) 182.13 feet along the arc of said curve having a central angle of 18° 58' 24 ",a radius of 550.00 feet ,a tangent of 91.91 feet and a long chord bearing N O1 ° 3 P 44" E at a distance of 181.30 feet to the Point of Tangency, 11) N 07° 57' 28" W for a distance of 514.76 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve to the left, 12) 79.47 feet along the arc of said curve having a central angle of 09° 06'24",a radius of 500.00 feet ,a tangent of 39.82 Feet and a Ion.- chord bearing N 12° 30' 40" W at a distance of 79.39 feet to the Point of Tangency, 13) N 17° 03' 52" W for a distance of 383.67 feet to the Point of Curvature of a curve to the right, 14)268.64 feet along the arc of said curve having a central angle of 30° 47' 03 ",a radius of 500.00 feet ,a tangent of 137.65 Feet and a long chord bearing N O1° 40' 21" W at a distance of 265.42 feet to the Point of Tangency, I5)N 13° 43' 11" E for a distance ol'87.63 feet to the Point of Curvature ofa curve to the right, 16) 299.08 feet along the arc of said curve having a central angle of 30° 03' 47,a radius of 570.00 feet ,a tangent of' 153.07 feet and a long chord bearing N 28° 45' 04" E at a distance o[295.66 feet to the Point of Tangency, 17)N 43° 46'58" E for a distance of 70.50 feet for corner, 18) N 46° 13' 02" W for a distance of 129.41 feet for corner, 19) N 72° 48' 16" W for a distance of 179.75 feet for corner, 20) N 09° 27' 15" W for a distance of 142.17 feet for corner and ORDINANCE NO. 3074 PAGE 12 21)N 50° 17' 13" W for a distance of 130.34 feet for corner in the northwest line of the said 208.523 acre tract, said line also being common with the southeast line of the beforementioned QUAIL RUN ESTATES, PHASE 1 Subdivision; THENCE: N 43° 50' 43" E for a distance of 238.51 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 67.60 acres of land, more or less. ORDINANCE NO. 3074 Ww fnv- A+.q-. , -122 L32 0 0 0 A - 1 A1.rw Er.:v Su My. 119 `bn NO Pau Su � �I -0) ro _ pr 1af l Sao 1� / gip , - p0) , sYorwooe cr;rb /W' RO.� jx�Pp em s x m 0 oQ X, FA �J VICINITY MAP I �oo I RE— ZONING MAP GREA T OAKS SUBDIVISION ✓AMES ERW /N SURVEY, A -119 5RAZOS COU✓rY, TE X45 Submitted.' FEBRUARY 25, 2008 Revised.' APRIL 14. 2008 SCYL. I' - 2W' a..—d n Yh. . 'a c— WCYn ! a— Enq.wr:q/S�wwr+q. 2121 q'pr. Suit 19 SE fops w..* —Y ol Su�L f05 1Wu�(pn. Thb 77019 C kV SlO — f" 77845 (717) 874 -1123 (979) 693 -3838