HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-3239 - Ordinance - 04/08/2010ORDINANCE NO, 20103239 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF A SERVICE PLAN AND SETTING DATES AND TIME' AND PLACE FGR PI]BLIC HEARINGS ON THE PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS; PART l: That the City Council hereby directs its Planning ~ Development Services Department and other appropriate departments to prepare a service plan providing for the extension of municipal services to the areas targeted for annexation. PART 2: That the City Council hereby calls and sets public hearings by and before the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas on May 17t", ZD 14 at 7:DD p,m, and May 18th, 2D 1 D at 6;D4 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the City Hall at l 1 D 1 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The public hearings will give al! interested persons the right to appear and be heard on the proposed annexation by the City of College Station, Texas. PART 3; That the areas proposed for annexation are specifically described in Exhibit "A" by metes and bounds and shown graphically by the maps in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 4; That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 8th day of April, ZD 1 D. APPROVED: Mayor TEST; t .f i. f Secretary APPROVED; City Attorn ORDINANCE No. 2020-3239 Page 2 Exhibit A Annexation Area 1 Proposed Annexation - 3,58 Acres Remainder of Edna Goodman Tract Peter Norton Survey A-186 Brazos County, Texas February 22, 2010 All of that certain tract of land lying and being situated in the Peter Norton Survey, Abstract no. 186, in Brazos County, Texas, being a part of that 8,000 acre tract conveyed to Edna Faye Goodman by deed recorded in Volume 6525, Page 148 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows; Commencing at the intersection of the northeast line of the said Goodman tract and the southeast right-of way line of Rock Prairie Road West, at a corner of the existing City Limits as described in City of College Station ordinance no. 3049, from where the City of College Station 1994 GPS monument no, 1 l 7 bears N 58° 25' S9" E - 2148.9 feet. Thence S 41 ° 46' 38" W - 206,83 feet, along said southeast right-of way line, also being along a line of the said City Limits, to the west corner of that 3.43 acre tract conveyed by deed from Edna Goodman to Chad Jackson and recorded in Volume 95D6, Page 99 of the official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being the Point of Beginning of this tract; Thence S 48° 13' 22" E - 723.95 feet, through the said Goodman tract, along the southwest line of the said Jackson tract, to another line of the said City Limits; Thence S 43° 09' D6" W - 278.17 feet, along said City Limits line, to the south corner of the said B.DDD acre Goodman tract; Thence N 47° 49' 48" W - 290.D0 feet, along an existing City Limits line and southwest line of the said 8.D00 acre tract, to the south corner of that l ,D00 acre tract conveyed by deed from Edna Goodman to Monique Goodman and recorded in Volume 7678, Page 264 of the official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas; Thence N 42° 10' 12" E - 1 DD.OD feet, along an existing City Limits line, to the east corner of the said Monique Goodman tract; Thence N 47° 49 48" W - 427.98 feet, along an existing City Limits line and northeast line of the said l ,000 acre tract, to the southeast right-of way line of Rock Prairie Road West; Thence N 41 ° 46' 38" E --173.17 feet, along the southeast right-of way line of Rock Prairie Road West, also being a line of the existing City Limits, to the Point of Beginning and containing 3.58 acres of land more or less. ORDrNA]vCE N0. 2010-3239 Page 3 Bearings are Texas State Plane, NAD-83 datum, based on City of College Station 1994 GPS control points and GPS observations, This document was prepared under 22 TAC §663.21 does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared. See survey plat dated February 2010, ~R.DINANCE N4. 2010-3239 Page 4 Annexation Area 2 Proposed Annexation - 3 ,43 Acres Chad Jackson Tract Peter Norton Survey A-18b Brazos County, Texas February 22, 2D 1 D All of that certain tract of land lying and being situated in the Peter Norton Survey, Abstract no. 18b, in Brazos County, Texas, being a 3.43 acre tract conveyed to Chad Jackson by deed recorded in Volume 95Db, Page 99 of the official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, which is a part of that B.DDD acre tract conveyed to Edna Faye Goodman by deed recorded in Volume b525, Page 148 of the official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northeast line of the said Goodman tract and the southeast right-of way line of Rock Prairie Road West, at a corner of the existing City Limits as described in City of College Station ordinance no, 3D49, from where the City of College Station 1994 GPS monument no. 117 bears N 58° 25' 59" E 2148.9 feet. Thence S 48° DD' D2" E - 728.85 feet, along a line of the said City Limits, to the east corner of the said Goodman B.DDD acre tract; Thence S 43° D9' Db" W - 2D4,Db feet, along another line of the said City Limits, being the southeast line of the said Goodman tract, to the most southerly corner of this tract; Thence N 48° l 3' 22" W - 723.95 feet, along the southwest line of the said Jackson 3,43 acre tract, to the southeast right~of way line of Rock Prairie Road West; Thence N 41 ° 4b' 38" E - 2Db.83 feet, along the southeast line of Rock Prairie Road West, being a line of the said existing City Limits, to the Point of Beginning and containing 3.43 acres of land more or less. Bearings are Texas State Plane, NAIL-83 datum, based on City of College Station 1994 GPS control points and GPS observations. This document was prepared under 22 TAC §563.21 does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared. See survey plat dated February 2D 1 D. ORDINANCE N0, 201~~ Page 5 Annexation Area 3 Proposed Annexation Area - 52.73 Acres CSISD Tract Samuel Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 13, Brazos County, Texas 16 February 2010 All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Samuel Davidson Survey, Abstract No, 13, in Brazos County, Texas, being bounded on the northeast by Creek Meadows Section 5, Phase 1, described by plat recorded in Volume 8989, Page 39 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, on the northwest by the northwest right-of way line of Greens Prairie Trail as described in Volume 1243, Page 274 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, on the southwest by Crossroad Woods as described by plat recorded in Volume 1697, Page 219 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, and that 42.214 acre tract conveyed to Sohn M, Duncum and wife, Diane Duncum by deed recorded in Volume 2724, Page 215 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, on the southeast by that 0.515 acre tract conveyed to Sohn M. Duncum and wife, Diane Duncum by deed recorded in Volume 5819, Page 227 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, and that 35.39 acre tract conveyed to Travis E. Nelson by deed recorded in Volume 7178, Page 80 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the common corner of the said Creek Meadows Section 5, Phase 1 and the Southside Ranch, LLC 50 acre tract described in Volume 8993, Page 20 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, being a south corner of the current City Limits of College Station as defined by Ordinance no. 3056, from where the City of College Station 1994 GPS monument no, 134 bears N 42° 43' 12" W - 6504,1feet. Thence along the southwest boundary line of the said Creek Meadows Section 5, Phase 1, also being the current City Limits boundary, as follows: N 49° 54' 34" W -162.76 feet; N 53° 20' O l" W - 231,81 feet; N 54° 27' 23" W -149.54 feet; N 5 ] ° 59' 25" W - 261.98 feet; N 38° 39' S3' W - 139,16 feet, across Greens Prairie Trail, to the south corner of that 171.043 acre Tract One conveyed to Creek Meadows Partners, L.P. and described in Volume 7068, Page 220 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas; Thence S 42° 17' 28" W -128.79 feet, crossing Royder Road and departing from the current City Limits boundary, to a radius point in the northwest right-of way line of Greens Prairie Trail, and the southeast line of Estates of Royder Ridge Phase One as described by plat recorded in Volume 4119, Page 120 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas; ORDINA]~CE N0. 2010-3239 Page 6 Thence S 42° 21' 34" W - 22~~.47 feet, along the northwest line of Greens Prairie Trail to the beginning of a tangent curve to the right ~R-94,93'), also being in the southeast line of Estates of Royder Ridge Phase Two as described by plat recorded in and Volume 4377, Page 2~5 of the Gfficial Public Records of Brazos County, Texas; Thence along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 7° 4b' 53" to the east corner of Lot 1 in Block Gne of the said Crossroad'~Voods addition; Thence S 47° 5b' ~3" E 1 ~ 1,12 feet across Greens Prairie Trail, to west corner of that 4~.~27 tract conveyed to College Station Independent School District by deed recorded in Volume 825, Page 42 of the Gfficial Public Records of Brazos County, Texas Thence S 48° ~2' ~8" E - 54.17 feet along the line between the said C.S,I.S.D, tract and Lot 1 in Block 2 of the said Crossroad Woods addition; Thence S 41° 41' 43" W - 41.35 feet along the southeast line of the said Crossroad Woods addition, to a common corner of the said 42,214 acre Duncum tract and the said C.S.7.S.D. 4b.~27 acre tract; Thence S 47° 25' 2~" E - 314,44 feet along the common line between the said Duncum 42,214 acre tract and the C.S.1,S.D. tract, to the common corner of the said Duncum x.515 acre tract and the said C.S.1,S.D, tract; Thence N 43° 17" E 2483.5 feet along the line between the said C,S,I,S.D, tract and the said Duncum x.515 acre and Nelson 35.39 acre tract, to the common corner of the said Nelson and C.S.1,S.D, tracts in the southwest line of Royder Road; Thence N 42° 49' 25" E - 58.78 feet across Royder Road, to the Point of Beginning and containing 52.73 acres of land more or less. Bearings are Texas State Plane, NAD-83 datum, based on City of College Station 1994 GPS control points and GPS observations, This document was prepared under 22 TAC §~b3,21 does not reflect the results of an on the ground survey and is not to be used to convey or establish interests in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or reconfiguration of the boundary of the political subdivision for which it was prepared. See survey plat dated February 2~ 1 N ' L ~p~ as O ~ i o0 pb0~ N Say'°~ ~ c ~ aci r I L~;'~ R ~ ~ '~~'o ~ o~ .ate ~ ~ ~ U ~ D ' ~ n}o cr~~~~~ ro aU Q E ~ .r rt ~ ~ t.1ry roC9 U~Cp[ C ~C .N.... ~ y ,q,a ran r vo ° ~ppCO ,:~I.. r''►~ o~ NomEra°i ~a X NUr t a D ~C dfar~"~0 ~tl ~a W s~'•r by ~ e ~ fi' Q 'a T} y ~ ~ ~ a N ~ a Q n, o~ N nq roc~°~°~ Lm QE D f:, ,~r v mooEaa ma ~I~' L , r.s ~~a ~ 4C~~~~ ~jL m=E ~w~~ {!7 y rti~ tU fl a C to R C N O ~ t~ ~ ~ p E°> 0 w~ +~r'no.~''~ ya oav ~ ° m o c E ~ D ~r ar~~yc~ magi ~ mh ~ av ~L ~~'a o ao a w a,_ ~mkr~ o~. ~x._. ~ ,u~ir mu ~L,aa~~m ~a ra~o p I a N ~ r c~j ~V I' y c ~0 roE N ° ~ tn ~ t ~ 0 % N U a a rl ~A E ~ 'D ~ ; N ,°~~~rn ~ r ~ ~ ~'ao OOD'~ }~°d} ~ ai tv O1 ~ w ~ I 66 '6d '9058 'ion ~ u►'~ ~ o uas~{aa~ po40 w `a ~I ~ . • 'n rto L ~ d d w c ~ v °crn ~ ~A;~ • a•a~.~+ •uo~i~px•au:u~+• ~ ~o.a • ~ ~ nay N ~r R~ ' ~ ~ Os Ana _,'~,=na ~ ~ ~ 0~ DoQ ~ aQi ~ ~3 0 C anti ~pL 0► ~'ao 000'B ~Q }aad) z Z v i N E ~ ~ aN • ti9Z '6d 'BL9L 'Eon w ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ o V ~ ~ uowpoog An~~uoy~ u ~ E m~~ - - - 61~{~~ '4U BauDlllpJp o ; o c "k ~ ~ ~ ~ sau~~ s~iwi~ r<~ia 6ui~saxa ' W~- p y N C • y~ ~ ~ N~~ ~ ~ 3 d °xao ~ ~ W~~ry~ = a ny ~ ~ °Eu~, ~ od ' 7 mow' p a ~ ~ry~ ~ ~ro,c ° L9q '6d 'tigfi 'I°~ ~ ~ ~ ti s}~~{~ ~augy ~ o v._m a i ~aa~ uo~~~xauud S ~Igi[~X~ ~ a~~d ~~z~-oioz ~o~ ~~~~~a~o I s i U? . 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C!. ~ ,p ~ ip ill ~ 0 ~~M Q 8 .o DQ q3~o~ i oaa~ uoi~oxauu~ ~ a~ , o '~'i N~ nasodo.~ oM~~ ~N r6 L Q v N ,~fi'~~C MN~~~~lo~~ N r ~ . ~ a~ U 0 ~ d ~ ~ ~ v~d 9~~ '6d 'SZ~9 'lay ~'c ~ L N.. sriJad 040'9 tl° 'ulaJ} o a N ~ ~ uowpoo0 adq~ oup~ $ a„ ~ x c ~ rn m~~ ='33oa i ono ~q...... . ('aa 440'9 ~a ayod~ ~ P ; c ° -°n, tr9Z '6d '9L9L 'ia~ ~ ~ E v L I ~ ~ o r ~ ~ ~ aJao p{~p` ~ ° a ~ ~ V ~ ugwpoa~ en~~uoyy i i ,n w _ Tom...... . _ .a ~ ~ p d ~ ~I ~ V~ ~ , c ~ SAlll~ S~~U.II~ ~~I~ ~IUI~SIx~ y ; ~ d t ~ No~~ ~+uu ~cdp ~ Oy W~ ~ a°~Y ~ d ~~u ~ a ~a out j F.y b ~w ~ a A ~ ~ ~ p ~ SaJaq C,'6B ~ jd '11laJ} 'a s m •n B~iyM Jeugy o 0 Yu ~iLV " a ~ Z ~a~b uo~~~xauu~ g a~~d 6~z~-a~az ~R.DINANCE N0. ~oio~-339 Page 9 Annexation Area 3 y ; / Jahn M. DuncEirn and Crassraad 'Naads m wife, Diane Quncum n v Vol. 1691, F' 219 ~ ~ 4?..214 acres 9' ~ a ~ ~ Vol. 2724, Pg. 215 ~ ~ p o ~1~ 5 S7'~5'25'E,- 3l4,4i'~ a~ ` ~ ` ~ ~ r r•• ` Q ' FI~9stone Cnurt c a ~ ' ~ ~ ~l\ t i r ~ 1 \ , r ~ \ ' r ,r rt N ©rn rn ~ 1A ti N r7 p 7 X r {a ~ ~ ~~o ~ ~ ~~a I ~ $ ; `C r (D ~ ~ a ~ f 4 ~ i ~ 1? ~ ~ ~ rn y ~ n cn ~ r ~ _ ci t rJ ~ (,rl ~ N N ~ O \ ~ N fi ~ry ❑ ~ ~ ~ k~ rhV~~••~~I~~ ~O D $ o ~ rn w ~i 7 ° c r Tx a'~.~ nn r ~ ~ 1 \ N mn ° v~ ~ ~ \ht ~ cA tp ~7 N ~ v ~ i '0 a y ~ [l] In iC] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~v 7O Nq~ u.~ 6 pO a n ~~usn~ ~A U ° N' ~rtN d ` , O - » 7 Al ° ~ w , ~ ~sY S ref ,N iia0.~ ~W y W ~ ~,,.r, 77p 7 N A t 5 ~ ~ ,,r ~ ~ a\v t~ ~ w _ xt~. I l~ayder R d ~ • M. LPL 1~ •Ifi~ ~.~eL e ~ \ ~~,~ta,oa:i5 ~ r+ UQ N•• S G Rvyder Raad +~tir,~;;.rt~ ~ _ ,se~icz, • 5talfo~ Cp$ canj~W.l' to Co~hpe . Dn,. no. 1J1 , 'existing .city limits • . ' ~ardingr~ce no, ~[15f _ . 5outh~ide Ranch, L,L,C rureek McOdows w~_ ~ Creek. Mieadows ~'pf~ner~, L.P, r r•' r (rerri, nf) 171.043 ac.- Tract Dne ~o acres Sect+on Phnse 1 Val, a9~3, Pq• 20 : V.al. ~.i9t39, pg. 39 Val, 70fi8, Pg. 7.7,.0