HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949 The Shorthorn x.��.w■ . ". . 3j THE SHORTHORN 1949 i mm w THE "NEW LOOK" AT C. H. S. PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF A.& M. CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 6 9- t d The staff has worked especially hard this year to make the 1949 SHORTHORN one you will be proud of. We have tried to record the work and play of C.H.S. in a manner that will please you. if, when you look through this book, you recall the happy times we Tigers have had together, then our efforts will be rewarded. So here it is----- - -your 1949 SHORTHORN. The Editor pOOE`f eon ^o C 6 G `c„ooc ` $e��° °fig ea �\ OnsO`8�a'tNS�Np6Nt GN a ROS oo` 1'' G � � M• .t C�at�or� 1 4 Hw Y� " 1 V I \ V cJG � 0 �t V 0 e o£ aria toe We�fg �bori� ope b e aS pr �� to ' S e e 9 � ax 2 S e�egt is ari o a�� ,tbe V e est * e TO 9 v soroo em` y obU Seg m ,�.� W d v ea a stay ome fSO be s aD 05Cx, GTo 2ra � orX 9 13, a e at b Tierr o zi e5s 0 D yo i4a £ l ea aobe � Y th e iaeey5e foS�ara of m oo vn- S . i �tl ent o£ sobQOL S�peS Present world conditions make the future of the boys and girls of the Class of 1 949 uncertain in some respects; yet the members of the Class are graduating at a time when they have an opportunity to serve their country and humanity in an era which maybe the gre ate st inhuman advancement and happiness the world has ever known. Your faculty has confidence in your integrity and ability, and wish you good fortune in every task you are about to undertake. We know that you will reflectcredit up- on yourselves and your school. As my Junior year came to a close I wanted one honor more than anything else had ever dreamed of in high school. You the student body, gave me thathonor when youelected me as your president. This year any success of your student government can be directly traced to the student body and faculty. The full co- operation of these two groups was a greatasset. The student council, representing the student body, has worked unceasing- ly to promote more and better school activities and better re- lations between the students and the faculty. One big accomplish- ment of the year was the writing of a new constitution. The student government this year has tried to plant the seed of self- government. Some of us can not stay to cultivate that seed. This cultivation we leave to you. Add to that seed your ideas of good government and keep it alive with the "Spirit of C.H.S." Someday it will mature into the dream of every student leader -- complete, efficient student self- government. �i Mr. R. B. Bond Not Pictured V CWOOL I�p Mr, C, B. Godbey Mr. A. M. Whitis lvlr. Charles LaMotte Mr. E. E. Brown Mr. Raymond Nolan Mr. C. A. Bonnen iv1r. J. E. Mosely diotte ze n =, I 7actt /ly --- - °• Lille twee Duncan English Mr. L. S. Richardson is "The Walking Man" of C. H. S. He's Mr. Whitis' right hand man, and "if he can't do it, nobody can" 1Vir Elvis Sla d onoac Science n G Social Music CU Mr. L. S. Richardson Principal L• r urner, Jr. v- `ter kS. N .� ticS ­Z ••• a111 Guthrie Choral ! I� I li What �rSeiMrs c b' eA foe- fof The C ` They Ire even worlKin ) ! - t , rvo wt,. . t P" p vnyP or " All s ect be Strqi3ht. $OC to work e .� s e ll i atJ 4' John Gordon Gay-"A a dollar, a ten o'clock scl 1 -4 -H, basketball -2 -S1 Club, Hobby Club, Roui , -4 - Swimming. s Jane Wilson - "As swee fair as a flower in spi 1- F.H.A. Club, Choral 2- F.H.A. Club, Round -I F.H.A. Club -4- F.H.A. Choral Club, Librarian. Gene Potts `Wit and wisdom are born within a man." 1- baseball, - 2 -Spanish Club basketball, baseball -3- Choral Club, Spanish Club, Round -Up, Shorthorn, baseball, basket- ball - 4 -football, Shorthorn, Round -Up, basketball, base `IN, ball. Patsy Bonne n - "She has great ability in knowing how to con- ceal her ability." 1- Short- horn, orchestra -2- Shorthorn F. H. A. Spanish Club, orchestra -3- Shorthorn, V.P. Spanish Club orchestra,_ band, choral Club, Class treal,4 Round-Up, Shorthorn. i Billy Bates - "Faint heartne N won fair lady. "2 -Came f Decatur, 4 -H Club -3 -footb track, 4 - H- 4- football, basl i�ball, baseball, track. Elsie Gray - "Oh, thou art fa than the evening air, clac the beauty of a thousand star 1- Round -Up, F.H.A. -2 -Roi Up, Spanish Club, trea. F.f 3 -trea. F.H.A., Spanish C. Round -Up, class favorite Round -Up, Yell leader. John Elvin Smith- "He is never alone because he is accomp- anied by noble thoughts." 3 - Came from Bryan, Chor l Club - 4 - Shorthorn, football, baseball, track, Student Council Lucille Richter- "Modesty i her brightest jewel, Kindness is her deepest theme. " 1 -F.H. A. Club -2 -Pres. Spanish Club, Sec. F.H.A. Club -3 -Sec. F.H. A. Club, Class Sec. -4 -Pres. F.H.A., Class reporter, 91 John Richard Birdwell "Know- ledge is better than rubies." 1 - basketball -2 Football, base- ball basketball -3- Shorthorn, Round -Up, football, basket- ball - 4 - football, basketball, baseball, tteas, of class. Joyce Englebrecht- "Rich the Johnny Cooley - From the crown of his head to the sole of his foot, he is all mirth." 1 -C e from Vernon, Texas - 3- o all, track, baseball-4- all, track, baseball. Theresa Renghofe r- "She does little kindnesses which others leave undone." 1 -F. H. t Choral Club -2- Spanish Club, F.H.A. -3 -Sec. Spanish Club, Choral Club, Song Leader F.H.A. -4- Choral Club. } f .1" "$d�ti�J2aQ.uatcu� Glayds Schaefer - "The fairest garden in her looks, and in her mind the wisest books." 1 -F. H.A., Choral Club- 2- F.H.A.- 3- F.H.A. -4- Treas. F.H.A. "Red" Cashion-"A friendly youth, full of fun and fascina- tion." 1- football, basketball, orchestra, 4 -H - 2- football, basketball, baseball, orchestra, class favorite, Spanish Club, citizenship award -3- football, basketball, baseball, Choral Club, orchestra, Shorthorn, V.P. of class- 4 -V.P. of class, football, ba etball, baseball, S rthorn. a W k,__ Anna Jean Godbey - "She r charm and a world of oth blessings attending up( her." 1- orchestra -2 - o chestra, Spanish Club, F. A. -3- orchestra, Round -U Shorthorn Librarian Choral Club, Spanish CL 4- F.H.A., V.P. of Chore Club, Pres. class, Shor horn. Homer La Mott- ` `By the we one tells the workman." 1 H, Spanish Club -3 -Stud. Co Spanish Club, 4- H- 4 -4 -H, f ball. Joyce Patrane Ila- "She's of life, she's full of fun; what she wills to do or say is done withoutdelay." 1 -Si Coun., F.H.A., Pres. orche 2- F. H. A., Sec. orchesi Spanish Club -3- F.H.A., Pr. Choral Club, Spanish Cl Yell leader -4- F.H.A., Pr Choral Club, Yell leader, cl favorite, Sec. class. John Walker - "Wit, with w dom will triumph." 2 -V. Class, football. -3- Manager football team, Choral Cl Round -Up, Shorthorn -4 -Sh, horn, Choral Club. cl aii , 19a-9 Nlarcile Bishop - "Silence iE more musical than song." 3- came from Bedias her Junior year, F. H. A., majorette ir. "Tigerettes, " -4- F.H.A. 1 Bar ara oYoungblood- "Men �' f 1 may come, and men may go, v ..P but I go on forever." 1- Round -Up, F.H.A., Choralk a _ Club -2- F.H.A., Round -Up, 3-Round-Up, F.H.A. , Band, majorette of Tigerettes -4- Round-Up, Rep. of Choral Cltib, F.H.A.. Shorthorn. = turgess - "Most of the ily graces belong to herd' 1 Class favorite, Round - Up-2-Pres. of class, Round - Up, Spanish Club, F.H.A. -3- class rep., Spanish Club Round -Up, Shorthorn, F.H.A. \ Area office r outstanding future homemaker award, V.P. Choral Club -4 -Ed. Shorthorn F.H.A. State officer. Johnny Killough- "His smile P is sweetened by his gravity." •1- 4 -H -2- Spanish Club, 4 -H, football-3 Club, foot- / ball k -4- football, basket- e track, baseball. t ", � James Prewit- Sigh no more ladies, sigh no more. "1 - Stud.: Coun., football, basketball, track -2- football, basketball, track, baseball - 3 - football, baseball, track, basketball, class favorite -4- basketball, football, track, baseball, all school boy, Boy's State. l ALI 'LCG GL�GGI�I k i . ff. Gene Bond- ` ell pt in rewar but in the txength to str the bles inLYlies." 1 -4 -HC AV -4 �i ub-3-football. S _ .1L ve rflc rches Spani nd - z Sho Claij Mrs. A. R. Orr -Mrs. Orr is just as swell as they come and she has seen "ye olde senior class" through four years of high school. Mr. "Boots" Simmons -This is Coach Simmons' first try at teach- ing the Tigers and he has already made a go of it. He's a wonderful sponsor, teacher, and coach. :il A� �-ierry X-Mcls JOnny cek 4 �00 (Y� Qre You ?Oin 9, WorK, wu. 15 nt tha 5 w eet? m ) t, " ;at Lloyd Gay Jean Royder Mrs. Myrl Go Junior Spons Daylon Waltort.A/T' 11�] 1.1. % t Vil % �; M r Y Mrs. C. L. Turner Junior Sponsor Ir ACA Mosely Dobrovolny VOI v Or-, mw Helen Byer James Dudley C LIA-A 1) IL Gilbert Eimann Eddie McCulloch -Eflq ilr itt Ross John Hildebrand Smile forth 7 y'- opp ors bocK gets award. ..., qg USUQ/ It' , got t be ��fect 1 What Kin of a game �s IA-)15 ? a 4amate Roland Jones Helene Boatner FQ M C' n i Dorothy Bates Kenneth Worsham � r� kLI Edward Schwartz Louise Smith Wynell Logan Melvin Crenshaw r I f r e� Betty Milberger Eddie a � Ray Guthrie a A � Jo Ann Zimmerman llp—Q4 —k- re — A- ' af- "-AUZ &40 Royce Rodgers &Aw—1 llbrothy Spri Elizabeth Miller Mr- W. T. Reidel S ophomore Sponsor 1. i � tl I� =-Z.44watt Thomas Wade Nancy Saxon Ruth Nolan Johnny Bomnskie b a §7 Clai-A tx Louise Street �. I:' George Johnston � e Glenda Brown Ethel Mae Elbrich � Gayle Klipple �a d` q 4 j� Martha Arnoldg�`; Jimmy Templin ` r IV Bob Barlow Dorothy Holick y rz 4-- I k ,;', II I I I Celeste Curran Sarah Puddy Mr. L. S. Richardson Freshman Sponsor �l Frank Vaden Gerald Leighton lo -,: C b i 0 RW WIMMUMMI op ?� r� lo -,: C b i 0 RW , Don Burchard" Dorothea Varisco Tommy Adc Tom Barlow Lois Jean Crenshaw Louise Liquez James Johnson IW Pamila Wilson Antone Nemic Barbara Ann Allen Glen Plantt Patsy Ross m ro.13 . 1 v p, , 0 n J ant} Margaret Ann Arnold ;k i e� 1 Mary MarPuerite Keown Diemma Liguez Charles Heaton M ° l o Barbara Jean Greer Bill Swoger Jerry Reeves Homer Franks V I k claij runny what cQ•ne, can d o— o u ch 1 Y Hubba,Hubbo Want to fiyht about '.t � � « ■� . It �a"emakuff The Homemaking departmen headed by Mrs. C. L. Turner, Four Years of high school Home nomics are offered and one yea Eighth Grade Homemaking. Althc these courses are not required, z of the high school girls take Ho making at least one year. The Fu Homemaker work in connection Homemaking, has always been on the most popular activities. N Turner is one of the Junior C sponsors. The language department at Consol- idated High School consists of English and Spanish taught by Mrs. Duncan and Mrs. Gorey respectively. We require four years of English and offer two years of Spanish as an elective course. Besides their duties as teachers, Mrs. Duncan is sponsor of the Eighth Grade Class, and Mrs. Gorey is one of the sponsors of the Junior Class. (:�4auffuaffe < =Scieftce Heading the Science departmf M r. L. S. Richa rd s on. Just one c is required in Natural Science, v is Gene ral Sc ience for Freshmer. A. M. Whitis and Mrs. C. L. Tu assistinthe Science department: ing Biology and Eighth Grade He respectively. Physics and Chen are offered alternately to Junior Seniors. Mr. Richardson is alsc sor of the Freshman Class. Mrs. A. R. Orr is the head of the rnathematics department, which in- cludes Eighth Grade math, Algebra 1 and 11, Plane and Solid Geometry, and Trigonometry. Eighth Grade math and two and a half years of high school rnath are required for graduation. Mrs. Orr is the sponsor of the Senior Class, the "Round Up" , and the "Short Horn". M Reidel assists in the math depart- rnent. A alkemalic,4 is lit' -h Ir.. ar' h, nd Y �3 C apawetcial , f-"tj Mrs. Myrl Gorey manages the mercialArts department. The offered in this department are and shorthand. Although neithe courses is required, most sti at one time or another take a mercial course. Being one c Junior Class sponsors is one o Gorey's extra - curricular acti-, 3m - rses ping A the nts .n- he rs. es. Mr. E. A. Simmons is the head of the History department at Consolidated . One and a half years of history are required for graduation, these courses being American History and Civics. Eighth Grade students are required to take Social Studies. Texas History and Economics, both semester courses, are offered alternately with Civics as electives. Mr. Simmons is also one of the sponsors of the Senior Class. S acia / SItt A�iei =Jttdt1t41t;a1 4tj Mr. W. T. Reidel heads the Ind rial Arts department. Included in department are mechanical dra and shop work. Two years of m, anicaldrawing are offered. The Ei_ Grade Shop course is the Laborat of Industries, and the other cou are metalwork and woodwork. Reidel is assisted in his classes practice teachers fromA & M Col As well as performing duties inhi partment, Mr. Reidel is sponsor the Sophomore Class. Most Co- operative Patricia Bonnen Red Cashion Most Enthusia: Theresa Renghc Floyd McDona Els presentat fay JO hn E. Srn th N ►��" Lucille preWit Jam s Best Culinary Artist Mrs. Riggs Most Likely to Succeed Marge Parker Lamar McNew Most Agreeable Sweeper "Alphonse" Kiwanis Luncheon KIWANIS CLUB The Kiwanis Club has always a great many nice things for solidated. The Boys and Committee, which has planne many gifts for C. H. S., pla prominent part in the work c club. The out -going and in -cc presidents are Mr. S. L. Lo and Mr. R. W. Steen, respect Past President S. L. Love le s s The Community Supper MOTHERS: & DADS: CLUB The President J. G. Gay a ie 1 g The main interest of the Mothers' ss and Dads' Club has always been our 'y' school. They have raised an in- estimable amount of money in recent years for school equipment. With Mr. Gordon Gayas president, the club has added many things to school equipment this year, among them the movie projector and :library equip- ment. Guess who — 1 4in q vent 9 ,, U, Johnn Irene 4 C-a - % r ol p 0, .A� = evciat = uvazatej 17A. t First downs • at m - l onsom • ry,man )IS11 III An gained rushing 19 Yards dopassing iHolds Annual $an quet 1unders Day was of Ards g ?ythian Sisters Tues pct yardage gained ^ 21 were eight of th, •sse Tigers B ID ,ses rict Crown i n Dist pu ntlr own 1 * ' or 15 F t8W Lint • /` t ithV�ctor e � �` ,an Le h ullou8 Le Now Play Winner lobbing pas Billy Der putted a pigskin �'`�v tl Go e ase l ° ss t nd zone. Killou, cSti o t cl !well a `" }�'�r �� %t.be extra point, which �, a - ot Rig ?�'!.`C1 the winning margh 'low Rig The Trojans threatened sei `4] p Jack Bu The ly in this period also. They wc11 r• Ri e oe Johnny ed the ball down to the Conso. :M Killough and End lly Ba dated nine befog " ha ends ` Quiteamed up to give the A &M C n with the Tigers vng,7 ough so d lidated Tigers a 7 -6 vie or_ Cal t ' tally Le over Calvert, in one of the os th' za when J ley R;�thrilling games ever witn se ` a Tiger fun , Ih O �`SV ° 4 a a c Hit on Tiger Field. This ced on game cII 18, and went the remaCr. U�erint Fi ed the district championship f to eon the bruising line b' • °Is Leryde4 r a t s 't`evas c • the Tigers, and gave them t r r Raymond Veles S o t of G a a a r iteler first win over Calvert in o r rroj qk, bucked c; i 1 t o �t` e9 . r 03 off' years. fro foot line for th l� °rl ��t Con� The air - minded Tigers went 81 sco lack Wilbert Di ohsOfid``, t�°ao l� 1 , yards through the dusty air of fail the extra poi d & at,, 1ptba y whe 'rapped three ya dlStr °tS s�s� Tiger Field, to set up and tall ��` j re S�ng9 sS their score, and gain almost half r l et ' s of their total yardage. It was l �, ans run. veers �ti , �a to 4 te s ' j P aY �� �S('a9 arry Stitel Halfback Johnny Killough ancl' P e h of A &M; Quarterback Red C ashi� all the ` qyl � A `na s aati�ss a 1v "Go through th c esker at way roug a v a -41 ps ea U Consolidatenlough ground o� t J c ic $ of Q ° . ets G e s la y t, G Thursday evcriints't the tots, down°1 "O h.o l Sa an a N �� tt'�I '- Y a o6' et s w� a e 4t e suet, which will be he7�, .. ay was 28 , d` e i 4�I )if 1, is under the sponsor.' a .. side pen -p ]ERS WIN Sa tt` ,r of _ College Station Kiw i , t " �� �, its see ,lub. Dr. Ralph S ,f t i� & : , r .r a lly his p nt PQ fa TUESDAY i ba ore o � ry department « d the. C W� h tov it` Jt tt` oQe c "a er of eeremoni� �s�s��4 gg0ar °li " he a c t a th o pe e k t �,e a t e t0 S W. Davis, Kiw ti Y d Y ! ne e tt` at` b e •e member, Leh Sat'a t rd Phe t ° alt t o 8017 .cough they were held to g< " e a s ec , ko <s t gtt the general pu Pa 4 fed f°Uwf0 Qh fh "l ecision by the Marque2Q�e�e tie e S a� S,t r tarty whi h we "' ~iP °hdSpri�d's 0rrafie t�fi Qa3noon, the e Consol datedy Ti after. gers �e $t �o et ye e � l S -- _.........;..e. d° tr a h t '341c" to p e lt kets are on foQr °4! " T ansolidated Tigers Open Season �atQr o�°�e T 4 CK BL A & , ravel and are it four Lions 8— Riesel at 15— Bremond ?2— Chilton at IVD N TOURP � we , �gainsi Madisonville Here Friday s`oo e By Jack Burchard 27 -(1, has a � °th t With nearly five weeks of prac- tangs have a line, ° ° e ` ps n pi !accounting for two tice behind them, A &M Consoli- according to Tiger Coach Boots ��rat`a oall. ° ' dated's Tigers take on the Madis- Simmons, and will t e great deal of yards give Consoli- _ooley is playing hi; onville Mustangs, Friday night at dated plenty of trouble. _ 01k 4ot_, or Consolidated. Tiger Field. Following • • t e a r The Tigers have been showing schedule for ( If>Ter N� Will e st h d$ fine offensive ability in practice, 8 <� i �• . .firh,,, with Johnny Killough and Jamey ery is Si igers Win 46- P1 ys. All- distrrict the r erb a ck r ather ' b 12 th l ay at Marquez Z� Red Cashion, out of practice b the'. jj eat C ver North ,Zulu Fa day n ght and w th b Johnn y g xpe hi ep st etch ts unbeatenwrecord il Cooley added, «� ^' y .h tr s idistrict baseball play Tuesda; have a top -nd • when the Tigers journey to Ma; After starting off fairly slow season, me with the Yel d •'the first half, the Consolidates The line sh,A &M Consol -r �.� a Tigers found their rr.nge short! with lettermer lfter the half -time intermissiorend Gilbert Eir Cage Tournament Next Week ast night in North Zulch anc g Dlck Birdwell t vent on to trample the lou h at Nortl guars inch high school five 46 - 23, center, Bill B The third annual A &M Consolidated Invitation Basket! -heir initial I- -. •, 11 Lamar McNev h.,ll Tnnrr,amant cnnngnpaii by tha Cnllaae Stntion KiW9.nit vx� sratlj 1st row: Johnny Killough, Johnny Cooley, James Prewit, Red Cashion, Dickie Dowell, Gilbert Eimann, Buddy McCullouch, Billy Cooner, Dickie Birdwell, Lamar McNew, Billy Bates; 2nd row: Kermit Schlameus,Gayle Klipple, Buck Ross, Jason Magee, Gene Potts, Frank Vaden, Royce Rodgers, John Elvin Smith, Homer LaMotte, Lloyd Gay, Roland Jones; 3rd row: Coach "Boots" Simmons, Bobby Williams, James Dudley, George Johnston, Kenneth Worsham, Donald Royder, John Hildebrand; Bob Barlow, Manager Floyd McDonald. J r Coach "Boots "Simmons Co- Captains James Prewit and Red Cashion FLOYD McDONALD Manager DONALD ROYDER -Back JOHNNY COOLEY -Back Plaved 1 vear -1 reserve letter Played 2 years - lettered 2 years DICKIE BIRDWELL- Guard HOMER LaMOTTE -Guard Played 3 years lettered 3 years Played 1 year - lettered 1 year GAY LE KLIPPLE -Back Played 1 year - lettered 1 year KERMIT SCHLAMEUS -Back EMMIT ROSS -Back Played 1 year -1 reserve letter Played 2 years -2 reserve letters t � rLn . Y --- - - - - -- JASON MAGEE -Back Played 2 years - lettered 1 year r/ LLOYD GAY - Tackle Played 2 years - lettered 1 year DICKIE DOWELL End Played 3 years - lettered 3 years All district end, `48. ow , w 4` GILBERT EIMANN - Tackle Played 2 years- lettered 2 years BUDDY McCULLOUGH -Guard Played 2 years - lettered 2 years RED CASHION -Back Played 4 years - lettered 3 years All district quarter -back '47 and '48, voted best all -round Bpggy WILLIAMS -Back BILLY BATES -End player in the district '48• Played 2 years - lettered 1 year Played 2 years - lettered 1 year Ylay— - 7____ BILLY COONER - Center Played 2 years - lettered 1 year JOHN HILDEBRAND -End Played 1 year -1 reserve letter 7 7 JOHN SMITH-Center Played 1 year - lettered 1 year z' C� GEORGE JOHNSTON -Back Played 1 year -1 reserve letter FRANK VADEN- Tackle Played 1 year -1 reserve letter BOB BARLOW - Tackle Played 1 year -1 reserve letter GENE POTTS -End Played 1 year - lettered 1 year ROYCE RODGERS -Guard Played Z years - lettered 1 year t s 1 ,,e T Scot I s as v+° Xea 1 le t c R b ey to toy ,( o ar�grt G°rs tee t' a 5 b'° o�ell as a b ra p a ttles 26 tt tb G cl`'e get y c °roe it 4a9 tot" ' re tog V% ,e S leaba b tvi a° t s• ca to 9 Go � a y ttG °o lel vs t D' y a `tea ° �, °rsov to the yens o' 1 , � av' rg t � t e $te b ,t yt r q b S� e r S irg4 °t' Gory' ve qo a e e �r e an vY kbtt'e 3� P t f ' _otn °r tar the the 5 Q ais •r� I i ,, T Th e Cons s Li 46 6'e on tees s th s k'e L ' O tt In ernes ree 9v re a 1 0 k2)1oud'h 119 N C C.?s to r her th Oley 1s0 ta111edd w �e gln h s1 be Hou gh , a nd COn AI�s k19 nee o t e it 1 k the The 26 s• n6' thr r car he se t the y �11e Ti nladis ee extrr31. T asO n, i t 4,- w? 2 hr Z6 the 4 O o nt i11 a A °l 1O ns ee S01 8sea Is, TOhn yD00 1QY hre xt Aer th Ye °ntrjblited he t he y h t. ee t he s ix Pa ss poi 1 r tre °ball $ • to e� 9 is `S �p s t tiP� ayes a p pr c ,0 0 rs blY tr eT aa�l'tto =O "0. ¢ ar ass' 4 is' -5o d t ` 1,, ta ..VN5 , GO UT vo le llie t ° a4 S. 8' e is o a�b t si s aloes ' avoe tr i or' ,Sre as 1'tt ° °T¢ etre G b tre t � Gt°ra b° ° t st Ott ayes f oT G° to a-. ae t�'¢¢ Gis i liouge Gala to aa ore s eau�ea -a9 'rss, scoveao14eT fr c a a pJg 21t to XO\ tea y OT OL tre b JC - X , , to tal a } 111 AN S °l'rr r a 9-re )a at °-02, "es a SoIVTI S �6 yaws ar gates v T tr e a t 4asse °'s't. . 0D ar`c's Ot fos 1 O ¢ V7 t T a 4 asr O JT ' se Y �ls'g , eatr ee I gt h aT t5 q &1 1- -e 4 a l o� io y Gases ,r ra 4' t D �Be rs idk a C ohs hghtnara'�s fhe bi ie 0 A f - pa's Of th ash tri f � o1l f 20 a l' galn e Aaat C o 1 1t , c C egosy2 I" 0 �0 8o blth Sos Co sets Y s �Bka daret t. to ges Iba kF the ea ed t fiA 8 wit, TO So �er� � of ah ij te e d St , aoln r ,C r ss f y Coo166 Ie At k zc ,?2d d Score o guas3 9, dou bl e fhe sa In th Cons Yegv the r Ias nithe 2 a nd 1b ac a -kc (Ise f 53 Ch ilto o hdi st g crs h o n t win for th and th e r a 1.00 0 p all sco ed IeYe k11 o11 esf. he st awe ev. 6'h, C 1A2. 6'ers erYA1 First ash 4 the w er e sayer o h aaro's Lawns St, tistics DOwe Pe1.fe rn retie tea Pas a s s lo st a t thed rus hin g . C ons 00ner. I a nd Q 1 a no 1, sea co tezb Ila�s d +n d 9g t Yard as si g ef ed p nts • s Aass Ba 10 �bl s a `er =hg` . ge ar alties fumbles • . d 0 Aasses to ferAce N ed. 158 15 3 57 83 1 11 9 3 5 14 2 45 9 5 9 2043 2 .,?z 311 43 ., 14 30 23 4s 45 16 33,12 • 3� 9 25 0 g 1 3 29 1 10 3 23 6 O AA 8 1 So ^I ®i I % Top Row: Coach Simmons, Bates, Birdwell, Gay, Potts. Bottom Row: Cashion, Magee, Dowell, Prewit, McDonald. Co- captains Dowell and McDonald Coach "Boots" Simmons James Prewit Played 4 years Lettered 3 years 1 S Floyd McDonald Played 3 years Lettered 1 year Co- captain '49 Gene Potts Played 3 years Red Cashion Played 4 years Lettered 3 years / N% Lloyd Gay Played 2 years Billy Gooner Played 1 year James Dudley Played 1 year Lettered 1 year Billy Bates Played 1 year Jason Magee Played 3 years Lettered 1 year Nam s Dickie Dowell Played 3 years Lettered 3 years Go- captain '49 St of TEAM Kermit Schlameus, George Johnston, Royce Rodgers, Bob Barlow, Gayle Klipple, Billy Blakeley, Dickie Weick. WE THEY Lamar Jr. High 8 27 Navasota B 7 13 Navasota B 13 15 Normangee B 24 14 Centerville B 13 17 Leona B 24 19 Normangee B 19 17 Centerville B 26 21 Leona B 6 19 140 162 Kermit Schlameus, George Johnston, Royce Rodgers, Bob Barlow, Gayle Klipple, Billy Blakeley, Dickie Weick. * *Regional Tournament Consolidated 40- Centerville 34 Consolidated 56 -North Zulch 22 The Tigers gained a tie forfirstplace with Center - bille and Leona by toppling Centerville 40 -34. With every Vian on the squad scoring, the Tigers The Tigers 11 all the way with Prewit racking up had little trouble in winning their second district 11 and Cashi( Yi 10. Gasken pushed in 10 for Cen- contest. Prewit dumped in 14, Cashion 10, and terville. Dowell and McDonald 9 apiece. WE THEY FG FT TP AV Bryan "B" 37 20 Cashion. 80 21 181 11 Navasota 28 21 Navasota 48 28 Prewit 65 26 156 9 *Normangee 24 17 Centerville 38 46 Dowell 57 14 128 8 Richards 42 21 Huntsville 34 36 Magee 26 24 76 4 *North Zulch 56 22 Richards 35 20 McDonald 28 15 71 4 Navasota 27 17 , Madisonville 36 31 Dudley 7 3 17 1 *Leona 35 34 *Normangee 37 35 Potts 3 1 7 *Centerville 40 34 *North Zulch 2 0 (Forfeited) Birdwell 1 2 4 *Leona 46 40 *Jewett 45 40 Gay 2 0 4 *Jewett 46 35 * *Sweeney 31 50 Conner 2 0 4 685 547 * District Games Bates 1 0 2 * *Regional Tournament Consolidated 40- Centerville 34 Consolidated 56 -North Zulch 22 The Tigers gained a tie forfirstplace with Center - bille and Leona by toppling Centerville 40 -34. With every Vian on the squad scoring, the Tigers The Tigers 11 all the way with Prewit racking up had little trouble in winning their second district 11 and Cashi( Yi 10. Gasken pushed in 10 for Cen- contest. Prewit dumped in 14, Cashion 10, and terville. Dowell and McDonald 9 apiece. Condolidated 46 -Leon 40 With the score 40 -40 the Tigers put on a last minute drive to sew up at least atie for the south zone race. Prewit dumped in 13 to pace the Tigers, with Cashion notching 12. Consolidated 46- Jewett 35 The Eagles found the Tiger jynxtoo much for them, going down46 -35 to hand Consolidated the district 61 -B championship. The jynx was that the Tigers hadn't lost a home game during the season. Cashion poured in 18 for his best night of the season, with Prewit swishing in 12. South Zone Standings WON LOST PERCENT Consolidated 7 1 •875 Centerville 5 2 .714 Normangee 4 4 .500 Leona 3 4 .429 North Zulch 0 8 .000 Consolidated 37- Normangee 35 For the fourth time during the season the Tigers gI had to go ahead in the final three minutes, with Magee pushing in the difference on an action shot in the final minute. Cashion led the Tigers 1Z, followed closely by Magee with 11. Track is fast becoming one most popular sports at G.H.S. top flight athletes year. Last year the to the regional me place. participate relay team went t and won first of the Eight 0 this Dickie Dowell Johnny Cooley i Gene Potts Lamar McNew Johnny Killough James Prewit Billy Bates John Elvin Smith Richard Weick, Tom Barlow, Dorothy Spriggs, Patsy Bonnen, Gayle Klipple, Bob Barlow, John Gordon Gay. SWIMMING TEAM m 0 0 0 , BASEBALL SQUAD Top Row: Coach Simmons, James Dudley, Johnny Killough, John E. Smith, James Prewit, Johnny Dooley, Dickie Bird- Row: Gene Potts, well, Billy Cooner, Dickie Dowell. Bottom Roland Jones, Bobby Williams, Floyd McDonald, Jason Magee, John Hildebrand, Lloyd Gay. �L 4 e ON YOUR MARK_ GET SET_ __ WATCH OUT BOY: SADIE HAW KI N S DANCE- NOV. 12 BY JUNIOR CLAS ON WITH THE DAi SPONSORED THE TIGER SPIRIT WEDS THE TIGER TEAM EVERYONE DANCING AFTER THE CALVE RT GAME RELAXING AT THE SENIOR HALLOW E "EN PARTY V w 1' SINGING CAROLS '00� / 'ON s DANCE, DECEMBER 17, SPONSORED BY SENIORS VALENTINE DANCE- FEB.11 SPONSORED BY THE JUNIORS ^7 7 THE TWIRP DANC E -FEB 18 SPONSORED BY THE HIGH SCHOOL THE CAST OF %\ TWELVE O`CLOCK MURDER" SENIOR PLAYS THE CAST OF % A DATE FOR BOBBY SOX// The Juniors make v sale Mr. Richardson and the boss And on the S&OOI 9rou nd too! Swoon4tr4" V- . 1' Snow ;6wer3 v C,�,x Good snow baKl, Billy Remern be r a p ppi t CO\Ile % • '%a o l l l - "� �� o va almiu. oa V'.& ? I�a t " T Jam session r �� � 4 %t HQnd5 W! - -.evw"- lot, 5 0 y -Ij VOcKS Polo - —'ar- rhe C COC6 gets Q kir, oln I - 500?5 � w op �o ,ar 49 star per Vormer The presentation o{ the speaKers Stan lOok S XN .4c- �r� E �'' �v .: �� e a � �',, � i.. �� ,; I'�., i I � �; �� � � �. STUDENT COUNCIL t The Student Council has been more active this year than in any previous years. Among their accomplishments this year is the writing of a constitution. The studentcouncil has had a responsible position in school discipline. Through its members, each class O was well represented. In this way a closer union was fostered be- tween the students and faculty. The Choral Club, directed by Mr. 'f Bill Guthrie, has been a major activity in C.H.S. this year. The club has performed over the radio and for the student body, and will participate in the musical contest in Huntsville. CHORAL CLUB ORCHESTRA We feel that we are very fortunat, to have Col. R. J. Dunn, the forme A. & M. Band Master, as the conducto of our orchestra. The orchestra ha: progressed steadily since its organiz: tion five years ago. The orchestra has performed for the student bod on various occasions and has bee; very well received. BAND The band was organized in Februa 1948 under the able direction of C R. J. Dunn. Although small, the bz makes up in quality what it lacks quantity. We enjoyed hearing the f. music of the band at our fall footb games. Col. Dunn is expecting to hz the band in marching form and in u: form by the `49 football season. ,F � Lou Burgess . . . . . . . . . . . Editor- in -chie: John Hildebrand . . . . . Assistant Edito, Joyce Englebrecht. . .Senior Business Manage, Gemma Dobrolvolny.'.Junior Business Manager John E. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Sports Editor Nancy Reynolds . . . . . . . . . . . . Society Editor Anna Jean Godbey . . . . .Senior Literary Editor Frances Simek. . . . . . .Junior Literary Editor Red Cashion . . . . . . . . . . Photographic Editor Sarah Puddy. . . . Assistant Photographe Lou Ann Smith Marge Parker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typists Joyce Patranella Jane Wilson Barbara Youngblood Anna Jean Godbey Gene Potts . . . . . . . . . . . . . Civic Club Editor Mrs. A. R. Orr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sponsor Lettering SHORTHORN Planning the Layout The work of the Shorthorn staff has been slow and tedious, but every member of the staff has cooperated to the fullest extent to make this a book of pleasant memories for the students. Each staff member has put time into his job, in the hope of pleasing each student. Our reward comes only in your enjoyment. Balancing the Books Finishing the Copy � �Y ROUND -UP Production News, John Walker . . . . . . . . . . . Editor. Society, Liz Miller Sports, Jack Burchard Layout, Homer La Motte Lamar McNew . . . . . . . Ad Procuremen-. Janice Hildebrand Frances Simek . . . . . . . . . . .. Ad L ayout John E. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . Production Patsy Saxon Jerry Leighton . . . . . . . . . . . Front Page Dorothy Bates . . . . . . . . News Reporters Helene Boatner Celeste Curran. . . . . . .Society Reporters Nancy Reynolds Sarah Puddy Ernest Camp . . . . . . . . Sports Reporters Donald Burchard Jane Wilson . . . . . . . . . . .. Layout Typists Barbara Youngblood Joyce Englebrecht Wynell Henderson Joyce Patranella . . . . . Finishing Typists Lucille Richter Marge Parker Elsie Gray 9 V V The Editors N yy s� P �I Art Layout FUTURE HOMEMAKERS The Future Homemakers have been very active in C.H.S. for several years. Everyyear the Future Home- makers of Consolidated take more and more part in area and state business. Our Homemaking classes and club activities have fostered a deeper interest in the home and the pleasure of being a good homemaker. Although this class has been offered for only three years, plans are being made to have four classes nextyear. �4af�MIYT"�_ INTRAMURALS Under the capable leadership of Mrs. Myrl Goreyand Mr. W. T. Reidel, boy's and girl's intramurals has taken a more prominent place in school activities than ever before. Each student in the group looks forward to the period of sports. Our new tennis courts provide an even greater opportunity for advancing this newdepart- ment. ®i! 1 = .r a lk.,; N% 10 f WIT � I � A x, T, CAM PUS THEATER WHITE AUTO STORE HOMER MATHIS OWNER 213 N. MAIN ST BRYAN, TEXAS BICYCLES SEWING MACHINES CHINA RADIOS REFRIGERATORS SILVER STOVES WASHING MACHINES CRYSTAL I HOTARDS 0 H E R -� (i )? R - r a m " XK (y MO n � l\1 is NOT L Os T - 4` � J4 F ER p s R. B. BUTLER, INC. CONTRACTORS H. L. W H I T L E Y J R ENGINEERS BRYAN, TEXAS NEW & USED CARS .is BRYAN, TEXAS arci �x a. s k o C9 v RUF F INO GROCERY TO GO Good` d SERVE -U - FOOD CENTER CAN A DY'S 9 2703 S. COLLEGE PHONE 2 -8730 FOR YOUR SODAS �. FREE DELIVERY A.Aw SINCE 1888 OUR FLOWERS CITY SAY IT FOR YOU NATIONAL PHONE 4 -4122 BANK -WE DELIVER B i -AGGIELAND FLOWER - SHOP - y ° u ro BRYAN, TEXAS MEMBER I i !i!- I ql� CONWAY & -- YOUR CLOTHING STORE - 103 NORTH N PACKARD KAISER- FRAZER MACK TRUCKS PHILP SERVICE ON THE SQUARE SERVICE TO ALL MAKE CARS BRYAN, TEXAS STUDENT CO-OP BOND'S GROCERY & MARKET 901 EAST 29TH STREET BRYAN, TEXAS YOUNG FASHIONS THAT REGULAR FELLOWS WANT! WHAT'S THE YOUNGER GENERATION COMING TO? A BETTER — DRESSED GROUP, THAT'S WHAT! PROOF OF THAT IS OUR LINE OF NEW — STYLED, BETTER QUALITY SUITS AND SPORTSWEAR. FURNISHINGS STYLED FOR THE YOUNG MAN ABOUT TOWN. WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS IN SMART CLOTHES MAY BE, YOU I LL FIND THEM HERE. 7-1 'n WIMBERIEY • STONE • OANSBY CL0Ch.tERS o HALSELL-DONA MOTOR CO. YOUR BUICK DEALER t � PORTRAIT S 2�l , o PHOTO SUPPLIES ® PHONE L 4_8844 A_ & M. PHOTO SHOP 'r tJ rya' SOUTHSIDE FOOD MARKET RAY ODEN SMITTY'S COLLEGE GRILL FAMOUS ICE BOX PIE WITH WHIPPED CREAM PHONE 4-8244 s NORTH GATE I R. L. McCARTY AGGIELAND CLEANERS ROOFING PERRY'S 5 -10 -25 SHEET METAL AIR CONDITIONING STO R E HEATI NG . BARRON BRITTON INC. 1213 S. COLLEGE 7We PA 9 PHONE 2 -1305 FOR BRYAN, TEXAS SCHOOL SUPPLIES MADELEY PHARMACY L :,- El CLOTHIERS HARRY'S ALWAYS BARBER A FRIENDLY WELCOME SHOP SOUTHSIDE PHONE 4 -4144 SOUTHSIDE COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION SINGER SEWING CENTER BIGGER VALUES I THE FABRIC SHOP AT YOUR EXCLUSIVE FABRIC CENT CO R KY 'S CLOTHERS 213 W 26TH ST BRYAN, TEXAS HENRY A. MILLER COMPANY NORTH GATE PHONE 4 -1145 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S `1 J. C. PENNY'S F IRST NATIONAL BANK BRYAN, TEXAS MEMBER F D. 1. C. 6 00�e"newrd- cf BEVERLY BRALEY C L A S S O F 1 16 0 BLACK'S PHARMACY iLoylzl�fg � u 6 �PN TOWN? PHONE 4 -1182 COLLEGE STATION r +r CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SENIOR CLASS OF'49 UPON THEIR GRADUATION AND OUR BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS FUTURE WE WISH TO EXPRESS OUR SINCERE APPRECIATION TO THE STUDENTS OF CONSOL- IDATED HIGH SCHOOL, AND TO THEIR FRIENDS, FOR THEIR PATRONAGE OF LESTER'S SMART SHOP PICTURE ;k� ' er s e sL Smart Shop ART FRAMING SUPPLIES GLASS ''NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE" MIRRORS BRYAN TEXAS PHONE 2 -1318 BRAZOS COUNTY'S OLDEST BENDIX DEALER W I LSON— BEARRIE CO COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS AGG I ELAND STUDIO PORTRAITS OF DISTINCTION ma.mck Q �OTOG/� A xW "� ~ N N v N O 4' KODAKS SUPPLIES TO THE GRADUATING CLASS OF CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL, WHO WILL BE THE MEN AND WOMEN OF TOMORROW, WE EXTEND OUR FELICITATIONS AND WISH FOR EACH OF YOU SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS IN THE YEARS AHEAD - - -- STANLEY EQUIPMENT CO. i. DEALERS AND CONTRACTORS FOR YORK RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL AIR CONDITIONING ROCK WOOL INSULATION PNEUMATICALLY APPLIED BRYANT RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL HEATING COLD STORAGE EQUIPMENT � ab It x �. 4 � a _ a w BURGESS -PUGH BUILDING MATERIALS ACME PAINTS FORMICA DRAIN BOARDS CONTRACTING AND FINANCING ,, CLOTHING AND TOYS FOR GIRLS AND BOYS JOYCE'S TOGS AND TOYS PHONE 2 -2864 608 a COLLEGE S M I T H'S CLEANING & ALTERATIONS NORTH GATE PHONE 4 -4444 1415 N. MAIN I PHONE 2 -1333 JBRYAN, TEXAS BRYAN MOTOR CO J. COULTER SMITH FLORIST PHONE 2 -6725 UNITED APPLIANCES FARM & HOME STORE WASHINGTON & 25TH STREET BRYAN, TEXAS PHONE 2 -1496 AGGIE RADIO SHOP NORTH GATE PHONE 4 -1251 GIBSON'S IGA SUPER MARKET BEWEEN BRYAN AND COLLEGE OPEN 700 TO 9 :00 --7 DAYS A WEEK BRYAIIS LARGEST NEIGHBORHOOD STORE PHONE 4 - 1222 THE SHORTHORN STAFF WISHES TO EXRESS ITS GRATEFUL APPRECIA;-.ON TO THE ADVERTISERS. LET'S SHOW OUR APPRECIATION BY PATRONIZING OUR ADVERTISERS. THE COLLEGE STATION AGENCY OF THE AMERICAN GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY TAKES THIS MEANS OF WISHING THE CLASS OF - -_GOOD HEALTH - - -A WILL TO WORK COLLEGE STATION AGENCY COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS SIDNEY L. LOVELESS, '38, MANAGER ASSOCIATES HARRY HOOKER, '35 H. E. BURGESS, X 29 JOHNNY LONGLEY '43 A. DUANE NIXON M. M. (RIP) ERS KINE WELDON L. MAPLES, '43 JOHN K. CARR, '46 49 (SOMERVILLE) THE AMERICAN GENERAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY - -- HAPPINESS AND HOUSTON, TEXAS FLOP COLSON - GENERAL INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE -A PUBLIC TRUST i i i Your yearbook is a store of treasured memories. The oft repeated thrill of recollection which accompanies each new search through its pages will many times repay you for the care and consideration which has gone into its crea- tion. We are proud of the part we have had in preserving ''treasured memories'' in 1949 Annuals for more than 1100 Colleges and High Schools in seventeen States. �N. \ TAYLOR PUBLISHING COMPANY P. O. Box 597 6320 Denton Dr. DALLAS, TEXAS 17 �1 AAA- -'^ 0 L--" CLA-tl