HomeMy WebLinkAbout1947 The Shorthorn.. ._.,�MM_; I J J G OkA ,��`� s s � ;tom o� s P a THIS YEAR THE "SHORTHORN" STAFF HAS CHOSEN FOR THEIR THEME "THE TEEN -AGERS OF AMERICA." THE REASON FOR THIS IS APPAR- ENT -YOU ARE THE PEOPLE WE HAVE CREATED THIS ANNUAL FOR "SO IT IS ABOUT YOU AND FOR YOU. ALL YEAR THE STAFF WORKED HARD ON THIS ANNUAL AND WE HOPE IT MEETS WITH YOUR APPROVAL. IT WAS OURS, BUT NOW IT IS YOURS. THE EDITOR FEW OF US REALIZE HOW MUCH EFFORT IS PUT FORTH BY OUR TEACHERS AND OTHER FACULTY MEMBERS FOR OUR BENEFIT. DURING OUR HIGH SCHOOL CAREER, WE ARE WITH THEM AS MUCH AS WE ARE WITH OUR OWN PARENTS, AND FROM THEM, MANY OF OUR INSPIRATIONS AND IDEALS ARE FORMED AS A RESULT OF CLOSE ASSOCIATIONS. THEREFORE, WE, THE ANNUAL STAFF OF THE A. & M. CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL, DEDICATE THE 1947 SHORT- HORN TO THE FACULTY WITH THE HOPE THAT IN THIS SMALL WAY, WE MAY SHOW OUR APPRECIATION FOR THEIR HELP AND GUIDANCE. s Consolidated School ESUPEPJ11 7 OFFICE OF TH Texas College Station, �aroh 1S, 1947 D SO$OOL A N COV'SOL ou iTS OF I hope Y TAE STUD of this bpOks we had, and TO As Y °u turn the leasant nss�p6d L durinet ry mute retell �ttable and hg aB Y you. thg ° en ds�t s 1 hemory de .1946-4 1 s . a. ins• an Y a n an apex in of my m our s' a lways s and girl of I woul among y °u' ail what a fTe more aPa oS t 18 s den t To tell Y ou Would re9 c terist ics all, y our ou are a O h a ra firs of Men d is 1 ,3" ody thtomehe sah Olsis unQ e geaond y' n Y urework alty to emery acti °n' end happy s are high, fested in You erget , c lean, �d aT° 'dth yrhom y °u el and pay. Third is o tagjou t eaery°n our yea our grlend, &r4 1 case in contaO Alway Y / i r N'kiis, SuP e rinte ndent ti fs ;I A Mrs. H. L. Smith Commercial Department tol---- Mr. L. S. Richardson Vocational Department Mrs. A. R. Orr Mrs. E. H. Harris athematics Department Mrs. J. M. Stout Language Department Mrs. Science Department 1 E. E. Brown President Ray Hickman Secretary C. B. Godbey J. E. Mosley Charles Allen (Absent when pictures were taken) C. A. Bonnen J. T. Carrol Rol OFFICERS Mr. Ray Perryman L President Mrs. A. D. Adamson Secretary- Treasurer _ QUIET , _ PLEB 5E Billy Cooner Frances Simek Eddie McCulloch Jean Royder Sam German Jason Magee .'R Edward Schwartz Helen Byer John Hildebrande James Wright Joanne Nowotny Lloyd Gay r Gemma Dobrovolny Glen Greer Patsy Saxon Louise Mauldin Margie Lenz Sloan Williams Daylon Walton Gilbert Eiman Joan Lanicek Lillian Ruth Jutson Reba Joyce Marquart I F4A I ��i Lou Burgess President John Walker Vice President Suzanne Moore Treasurer Bill Munnerlyn Secretary Johnny %illough Nancy Reynolds Bill Meloy Gretchen %essel Patsy Bonnen Dickie Birdwell Anna Jean Godbey Lamar McNew 11&J oyd McDonald Sapchinskie Ray Parker v Gladys Schaeffer .v• I� Black J es Prewit VVV Margie Parker Joyce Englebrecht Homer LaMotte Lou Ann Smith Mason Lee Cashion Joyce Patranella Elsie Gray Johnny Cooley Barbara Youngblood John Gay Jane Wilson Gene Potts Lucille Richter Claude Stasney Billy Bates Theresa Renghofer Ray Ward Blanche Arnold Joe Nolan Ganell German Billy Chenault Maisie Ross Glennis Price ": 7V Clifford LaMotte President Dempsey Guthrie Vice President Clara Worsham Treasurer Harry Snapp Secretary Wally Anderson Betty Potter Van Adamson Billie Outlaw k si JL Mary Arnold Joe Thomas Rosalind Beene Henry Davis Gene Bond Betty West Ward Tishler Betty Copeland Mary Elbrich Charles Gillespie Mary Lou Schaffer Harold Williams Mary Cobb Clifton Hotard Norma Gibson Douglass Chenault Elvin Street Mildred Pool Fletcher German Lillian Greer Carla McMullan Pat Darrow Barbara Courim Aden Magee Johnny Hickson Nina Mearle Allen Duward Parsons Barbara Holden Raymond Dockrey JL r Charles Orr Class favorite '46 -'47; Football '46 -'47; Intramur representative '44 -45. "Charley" — good sportsman — his friendlines- and frankness has made him popular with teaclx. as well as fellow students. rr Barbara McMullan 7 Class secretary '44 -'45; Secretary of Student Council '45 -'47; Spanish Club '44 -'46; Social Chair- man '45 -'46. Barbara --one of the quiet efficient girls— sh' really gets things done very popular in C. H. S. Mary Ann Parker Yell leader '47; Homemakers Club '44 -'47; Presi- dent in '47; Press Club '45 &'47; Student Council '46; Sr. Class president '47. Mary —dark -eyed brunette, has lot of spirit —has helped to spur our teams on to many victories. Calloway Burkhalter 4 -H club '44 -'45; Football manager '44 -'45; Foot- ball '45 -'47; lettered '46. "Billy " — very popular boy — seen most every- where —small but active. Earl McDonald "Red" — came from Yoe High School Cameron this year — his friendliness and willingness has helpeKhhh' make many friends. _ IV IC Alice arie Young Secretary of Senior class '47. " Aliie"— arrived this fall from Moscow Idaho — already well- known — member of Round -Up staff. nny Lancaster President of Student Body '47; football '44 -'47; isketball '45 -'47; 4 -H Club '44 -'45; Latin Club '44- ); ss Favorite '45; All School Favorite '47. Jo,_. iy — tall, good - looking senior, leader of '47 .ident Body —known to all as "Bee" —grand asset any school. dy McQuillen Editor '47 SHORTHORN; President Girls' Forum 3; President Press Club '47; Jr. Class Secretary '46; President Junior Class '46; Class Favorite '46. Judy — versatile brunette with personality— active all school activities —one of the most popular girls school. ances Bapchinskie ?come Eco. Club '44 -'47; Sec. in '44; Spanish Club , 1 2 47; V. Pres. in '44; SHORTHORN and Round -Up pist '47; Intramural Rep. '44 and '46; Press Club 7. "ran —tall, cheerful blonde— always has a ready vile— ardent sports fan; plenty of "Tiger Spirit." Tilton Nolan "Turk" --one of the rather quiet Senior boys — ever in a big hurry— well - liked. 0 atone Dobrovolny Football '44, '45, '47; Co -Copt. in '47; basketball 5 and '47; 4 -H Club '43, '44; President in '44. "Dee " —as well -liked as they come "eats, sleeps id dreams" football rand personality. J atricia Hensel Bus. Mgr. '47 SHORTHORN; Photographer '47 HORTHORN; Spanish Club '44 -'47; Pres. in '44; 'loss Reporter '46; Round -Up typist '47; Press Club 7; Home Eco. '44 -'47. "Pat" — attractive blonde — interested in sports nd photography —two admirable traits are person - lity plus and dependability. 6� _epj A, L/ Oi 47 ak 1 Class favorite '43 -'44; &Js resident '44 -'45; Foot- ball '46 -'47; Basketball '45 -'47. "Andy" —the fellow with the friendly smile has very cheerful disposition. Paula Beth Woodard Class treasurer '46 -'47; Student Council '45; Science Club '45; Press Club '47; Spanish Club '44- '46; President in '46. "P.B. "—a pretty girl known to everyone in C. H. S. — famous for her "pixie" glasses — she's very talented in music. Bernyce Jensen Latin Club '45 -'46; Spanish Club '45; Assistant Editor of the Round -Up '47; Homemakers' Club '44. Bernyce — girl with scientific mind — talented singer —likes music —her hobby is photography. Gladys Holick Future Homemakers Club '43 -'47; Choral Club '43 -'44. Gladys — quiet and studious — her sweet and charming manner has won many friends. Shirley Barron Homemakers Club '44 -'47; Choral Club '46; Press Club '46 -'47; Round -Up staff '46 -'47. Shirley — one of the ambitious students who is finishing school in three years. Martha Jane Bonnen Yell leader '47; Latin Club '45 -'46; Vice - President of class '44 & '46; Press Club '44 -'47; Annual staff '47. "Marty" — owner of one of the most vivacious personalities in C. H. S. excellent manager —loves to have fun. . Emma Mae Freiberger Home Eco. Club '44 -'47; Parlimentarian in '47; ,)anish Club '45 -'46 Press Club '47; "SHORT- HORN" and Round -Up typist '47. Emma — efficient 'office manager — has ready smile many friends —good disposition. Mamie Lee Jackson Spanish Club '45 -'46; Reporter in '46; Latin Club '45 -'46; Press Club '46 -'47; Intramural Captain '46. "Lee " — another "glamazon" —her vim, vigor, and vitality makes her a popular girl at Consolidated —good in sports. Evelyn Dowling Future Homemaker's Club '43 -'46 Choral Club '43-'45. Evelyn —girl with lovely red hair —quiet pleasing personality —hard willing worker. Lois Wilson Home Eco. Club '43 -'47; Choral Club '43 -'45; Dramatics Club '43 -'44. Lois — active intramural captain— sweet — pretty— ways ready for a good time — always has pleasing expression. Bertha Redman Spanish Club '44 -'47; Choral Club '43 -'45; Future Homemaker's Club '43 -'47, Secretary in '47. "Bert" —owner of one of the cutest smiles at Con- solidated-- dancing is her favorite pastime. Louise Jutson Future Homemaker's Club '46 -'47. Louise- transferred from Navasota High to Con- solidated —has already made many friends. 47 Betty Smith Class secretary '44 -'45; Future Homemaker's Club '43 '46 Editor of '46 Round -Up; Vice- presi- dent Press Club '46 -'47. "Smitty "— talented artist — journalist and actress —very popular among the student body. Luther Jones "Jonesy" — new addition to class — decided to graduate in '47 instead of '48— active member of '46 Student Council —known for brains and red hair. Shirley Hampton Spanish Club '44 -'46; Future Homemaker's Club '43 -'44 & '46 -'47; Science Club '44 -'45; Choral Club 43 -'45. Shirley —that girl that is always buzzing around with camera & big grin —liked by one and all. Virginia Prewit Class president '45 -'46; Vice - president '46 -'47; Class favorite '43 -'44, '45 -'46; All School Favorite '46 -'47; Home Eco. Club '43 -'45; President in '45. "Virgie " —one of the prettiest Senior girls —very popular -- always willing to lend a helping hand. Billye Price Future Homemaker's Club '46 - "47. Billye — back after several years in Navasota High —her quiet charming ways carry her far. Aubrey Arnold 4 -H Club '43. Aubrey — "five year" man —has friendly nature — interested in agriculture Fletcher Pool Fletcher —came from Navasota High this year — ,,is quiet dignity has won many friends —we con- sider ourselves lucky to have him in our 1947.class. Elsie Marie Smith Home Eco. Club "44 -'47; Parlimentarian in '45; Spanish Club "44 -'46; Junior Home Room Treasurer. Elsie — another attractive blonde — willing and helpful in planning socials--a real "friend in deed" to everyone. ON r >� a a Mr. Richardson, our remaining Senior Our sincerest thanks go to Mrs. Earl Class sponsor, has done much to foster Harris for her fine work in sponsoring Senior Class activities. He has given this annual. Much of the success of time and effort toward making our it goes to her. The Annual Staff wishes Senior year a memorable one. to express its gratitude. ' m I , e y J e. 1 I rIr,� TQ4 k _ •. (:; r f WAeels ,f I1 0 P-P.90PPOW I0 0 �c< =a I WA F-,, 0 n � V APA z we- J4 �o I i• 10 __� g E g r , I op-� J ll , n erSar;, t �c j r 14 I op-� J ll , n erSar;, L s' i pp- 1 ;w% � I ANDY - MARTY Most Representative Senors PAT- ANTONE Most Versatile Seniors BETTY - CHARLII Seniors Most L (KclY to Succeec 4 . e.� Student Council Pres.— Johnny Lancaster Vice Pres.— Margie Parker Sec. — Barbara McMullan Spanish Club Pres.— Lucille Richter Vice Pres. —Betty Potter '` ♦: � �t t a 2 �. n UOUa i Spanish Club Pres.— Lucille Richter Vice Pres. —Betty Potter '` ♦: � �t t Round -Up Staff Shorthorn Staff Editor —Betty Smith Editor —Judy McQuillen Ass't Ed. —Lou Burgess Sr. Bus. Mgr. —Patsy Hensel Feature Ed. —Allie Young Ass't Ed.— Clifford LaMotte Sports Ed. —Aden Magee Jr. Bus. Mgr. Aden Magee T. m F� f r ■ 10 10 � � 2 » � . � �� � a �.. \/ 1 :� \� ` � � \ \\ � Oil i Future Homemakers of America Pres. —Mary Parker Secretary — Bertha Redman Treasurer — Frances Rapchinskie `A A �r 4 -H Club Pres. —Ralph Smith Vice Pres. —Homer LaMotte Sec. - Treas.— Clifton Hotard 6 9%)- �e w Q N e 'I rra6ber5 i ���\ (� I In 1 l I � I I °I l ti 0 1st Row: Ross, Guthrie, Parker, Burkhalter, McCulloch, Bond, Munnerlyn, Cooner, Dowell. 2nd Row: Davis, German, Magee, Anderson, Walker, Tishler, Anderson, A., Ward, Birdwell, Parsons. 3rd Row: Coach Richardson, Schwartz, Cashion, Williams, Dockery, Orr, Prewit, Dobrovolny, Lancaster, Killough, Street, Gillespie, Mgr. Jones. STATISTICS Consolidated Opponents 65 1st Downs 54 1171 Yards Gained Rushing 874 142 Yards Lost Rushing 221 40 of 78 Passes Completed 22 of 86 336 13 for 251 Yards Gained Passing Passes 311 yds. Intercepted By 5 for 42 yds. 45 for 1279 yds. Punts 45 for 1072 yds. 28 for 245 yds., Penalties 18 for 125 yds. 7 Fumbles Lost 7 5 Punts Blocked By 3 89 Total Points 74 ` Consolidated 12 Grapeland 0 The Tigers opened their 1946 season defeating the class A Grapeland Sandies. Orr made the 1st Tiger touchdown on a pass from Williams. Williams scored the 2nd touchdown on a pass interception. Orr —E+ Dobrovolny—B+ Consolidated 0 Elgin 25 The Tigers met their first defeat against the Wildcats of Elgin. The Tigers couldn't seem to get rolling, and although ` out- played, they were never outfought. 111 r , r7,,, _N Consolidated 0 Thomdale 12 Another game away from home proved disaster to the Tigers as they met defeat from the Thordale Bulldogs. The Bulldogs had to fight all the way for the victory as the Tigers never for a moment gave up scrapping. Consolidated 6 Calvert 13 Lancaster —C+ Anderson —B+ Consolidated met the Calvert Trojans in their first district game. Although the Tigers out - gained and out - played the Trojans, they could not seem to make the necessary touch- downs to win the game. The lone Tiger touchdown was made by Williams early in the first half. Consolidated 27 Sommerville 12 Breaking back into the winning column, the Tigers won their 2nd victory of the season at the expense of the Sommer- ville Redskins. Dobrovolny scored one touchdown and made three conversions good. Wally Anderson added another, and Prewit accounted for 2 -more. Anderson —B+ Street —T+ .,* V . g Parsons —E+ Cashion —B+ Consolidated 14 1 Buffalo 6 Overcoming a 6 -0 lead, the fighting Tigers made 2 touch -` downs in the second half to down the Buffalo Bisons in a district game. Williams made the 1st Tiger touchdown. Dobrovolny added the 2nd touchdown and booted both extra points. Prewit —B+ Consolidated 6 Bryan "B" 0 A touchdown late in the fourth quarter gave the Tigers a 6 -0 victory over the Bryan "B" Colts. It was a hard fought battle all the way. Dobrovolny made the lone touchdown. f Consolidated 26 Centerville 6 Davis —G+ The Tigers ended their football season with a 26 -6 victory over the Centerville Tigers. The game started off with a bang as the Tigers took the ball on the opening kick -off and drove for a quick touchdown, with Dobrovolny going over. Before the quarter was over, Dobrovolny had added another 6 , points to the scoreboard. Norman Anderson made the 3rd Tiger touchdown, and Dobrovolny ended the scoring with a 4th talley. Street kicked one conversion and Dobrovolny ,? ran another one over. r The new Tiger Coach, L. S. Richardson, issued football equipment to a, squad of 29 boys on September 2. Of these 29, only 6 were lettermen and 4 were squadmen, while the rest of the boys were mostly inexperienced. Although the team was a little slow in sfarting, it soon hit its stride and finished the season with a record of 6 wins and 3 defeats. One of the wins was a forfeit by Marquez, while only one game was a district loss. The Tiger first string averaged around 156 lbs. per man. The Tigers did most of their running and passing from the T- formation, although the single wing was used some. unner yn— - 1 Gfflespie —T Band —B t S Schwartz -G Guthrie =T+ Dowell E+ McCulloch --G+ Ross —B Williams —B+ 0 German —T+ Cooner —C Parker --G Dockery —G+ Sillough —C+ Birdwell —G Walker --G Ward —E+ K'A P/ Ar '00" X -w -"j W _• , ®.r M M ''A M = Individual Scoring Lettermen F FG F FT T TP ` ` Cashion 8 89 3 33 2 211 McDonald, E. 5 52 1 12 1 116 1 Anderson, N. 3 37 2 29 1 103 2 1st Row: Munnerlyn, Smith, McDonald, Anderson, McNew. Prewit 4 41 1 19 1 101 g 2nd Row: Coach Richardson, Cashion, Prewit, Lancaster, Street, and Mgr. P A GAMES" We Opponents They 45 Milano 26 30 Normangee 60 y 36 Leona 41 52 Centerville 28 48 Concord 21 17 Normangee 29 27 Leona 29 51 Centerville 25 11 St. James 22 26 Hearne (overtime) 38 1 4 Bryan "B" 20 .7 Normangee 34', 29 Hearne 19 32 Somerville 25 27 Centerville 44 23 Klein 26 37 Buffalo 30 35 Lovelady 47 31 Concord 23 ' f 598 Total 587 1st Row- McDonald, F., Magee, J., Birdwell, Potts. 2nd Row Magee, A., DobrovoIny, and Williams. B Games We Opponents They 20 ----- --------------------- -- Normangee --- ------ 7 15 ------------------------------------ Hearne --- ----------- - - -------- ----- 19 19 ------------------------- ---------- Snook 11 15 ---- --------------------------- Ndrmangee -------------------------------- 36 13 ------------------------------------ Hearne ------------------------------------ 14 82 ------------- ------------------------ Total -------- ---------------------------- 87 Cr all 0�I11� ,fit t �Oh the �i 0 L ws -- 4% %6 v - ti r � yes � �Ma M�cti Grs rO UCNDD(A)N .�� A * , 4' "..,.. - R` 6 �t get s pwl �e ,Do ,W -� W"C A - - -VUed I f ^% 4 Teet -I'va s, S vlatvv o vjs 4^orn X-pc ts: eaoTmA Compliments J. C. Cu lpepper - R ealtor Let us help you plan that Post - War Home PHONE 4 -1101 KRAFT FURNITURE CO. BRYAN Exclusive Westinghouse Dealers C. W. VARNER JEWELER Bryan College I I Wallace Printing Co. McCULLOCH - DANSBY I j Job .Printing j COMPANY I I ! Complete Home Furnishers j I I � I RENTAL LIBRARY — BOOKSHOP j 118 Bryan Avenue Phone 2 - 5164 I I I I Bryan, Texas I I I � STUDENT CO-OP Diamonds Watches Silverware — Jewelry of All Kinds — IF IT'S NEW WE HAVE IT! CALDWELL'S JEWELRY STORE Bryan, Texas For the SWANKY IN JEWELRY See SANKEY PARK JEWELERS CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF '46 CAMPUS VARIETY STORE Bryan, Texas ! "The Store That Has Everything" l j i I HASWELL'S Books - - Wall Paper - - Paints - - China COMPLETE GIFT SHOP i STORE FOR SERVICE AND DEPENDABILITY CANARY PHARMACY Dial 2 -1511 Main at 26th Free Delivery Bryan, Texas I Bryan, Texas EUGENE EDGE BEAUTY SHOP At North Gate A & M GRILL, Good Food Friendly Service WILSON'S BEAUTY SALON Phone 4 -4314 North Gate, College Station CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 1947 SENIORS THE AGGIELAND PHARMACY North Gate 0 • THE CASEY'S CONFECTIONERY in the ki 1.. u - IL 1 with these style details that click eo rr� Long and Broad low roll lapels. Broader Sboulders, longer locket. Tapered, pleated zippered trousers. Exclusive, Colorful, Under -Grad fabrics. Yeah, feller, you'll really "send" ... your looks will generate a radio- activity that will be definitely atomic ... when you wear an Under -Grad suit that combines all the elements of the above style formula. WALDROP & CO. "Two Convenient Stores" College Station Bryan Compliments i FOR REAL FOOD AGGIE_- i COME TO C LEAN ERS &- DYERS CURTIS EDEN Inn Cafe � Col � i CORRECT DRY CLEANING j AND PRESSING eo-a PICK -UP At North Gate DELIVERY SERVICE j I SEE I CENTRAL TEXAS CHARLIE'S AUTO FOOD MARKET AND I H ARDWARE Groc eries — Meats FOR HARDWARE AND EXPERT AUTO REPAIRS Featuring Quality Groceries at Lower Prices City National Bank Bryan, Texas Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation THE REAL HAT SHOP "Above all the Right Hat" HATS, BAGS, HOSIERY AND OTHER ACCESSORIES 209 South Bryan Dial 2 -6475 I E Congratulations to the FIGHTING TIGERS Miss Lena Wetter BULLOCK -S IMS HEADQUARTERS FOR SMART WEARING APPAREL FOR SMART DRESSES BRYAN J. C. PENNEY COMPANY, INC. BRYAN, TEXAS PARKER -ASTIN HARDWARE COMPANY THE HOME OF ADMIRAL RAMS 9. ELECTRIC ICE BOXES BRYAN THJ I i BLACK'S PHARMACY Congratulations to The Senior Class of 4 7 c=* • c� I I - MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED E Campus Bigwigs who corral most of the extra - curricular honors without half trying, are usually the guys that I are pretty well dressed. So, fellows, i off to a flying start with the best -" j I get looking clothes — Griffon Collegiate Clothes. So, again we say, "Smart men" are _ j "smart clothes" addicts. If you haven't I seen our new spring collection of these j fine Suits and Sport Clothes, come on over and have a -look. ARROW SHIRTS and TIES` ARROW HANDKERCHIEFS ARROW UNDERWEAR HICKOK BELTS and JEWELRY INTERWOVEN and PHOENIX SOCKS I B. V. D. PAJAMAS and UNDERWEAR I GANTNER SWIM SUITS j BUXTON LEATHER GOODS I SMART LUGGAGE S . D . I I STETSON HATS j j BOSTONIAN and CROSBY SQUARE CLOTHIERS SHOES I College Station and Bryan E I I 1 - _I 1 I 1 1 BLACK'S PHARMACY Congratulations to The Senior Class of 4 7 c=* • c� ROBERTSON GROCERY Meats and Staples College Station, Texas LESTEA Smart Sl CONGRAT ULz the CLASS OF '47 Bryan, Texas Beverly Braley Wishes to Extend CONGRATULATIONS to the 1947 SENIORS of CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL The Collegiate Shoppe DISTINCTIVE APPAREL for SMART WOMEN Bryan, Texas t � i CARSON- HEYMAN PRESCRIPTIONS & DRUGS FOUNTAIN GUY H. DEATON TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 116 S. Main Phone 2 -5254 I f FREE DELIVERY Dial 2 -8215 I I E I I I GOLDEN RULE SMITH'S i ! POULTRY FARM Cleaning & Alterations j NORTH GATE Phone 4 -4444 LAWRENCE Grocery Company WHOLESALE GROCERS Bryan, Texas BETTER HOMES APPLIANCE CENTER RECORDS 314 N. Main Phone 2 -7300 V. J. BORISKIE, Prop. Telephone College 501F4 BRYAN, TEXAS Aggieland Service Station John J. Bravenee, Owner GENERAL REPAIRING We Call For and Deliver East Gate College Phone 4 -1148 Bryan Building Loan Association IVAN LANGFORD, Pres. Bryan Texas i t o,� � e h h 'A / 908" v; T4;4& s 4 A* Juhiov Caso�h- b �' T�,c Mays 90� �- �����..• e S I D PV-%s t 5e»ioy,S -- CL4 o-Y1 - Up t w 4 Seh;o,r So Suppe T V tiv a l d L& I I CLAYTON BETSY ROSS DRESS SHOP EAST GATE FURNITURE COMPANY U. A. FERRERI J. E. CLAYTON 203 N. Main — Phone 2 - 1587 BRYAN ,TEXAS VAN DYKE STUDIO FOR PORTRAITS Dial 2 -2715 205 S. Main BRYAN, TEXAS ' I I I � I I I I I KELLEY'S FOOD MARKET FREE DELIVERY Phone 2 -6189 BRYAN COLLEGE STATION FRANKS - VINCENT INSURANCE SERVICE INSURANCE COUNSELORS 207 S. Main Bryan Phone 2 -1265 COLLEGE HILLS BEAUTY SHOP R. T. DENNIS FURNITURE BRYAN COMPLIMENTS OF MANNING SMITH FINE FOODS "At the Entrance to Aggieland" I M Cup# ofto A D R N K Ae; m 1 - m - V vsr Wig, ran►' A6,Z n /Dior 9) uSr WOW TANS �•�s The Real Hat Shop "Above All the Rigbt Hat" HATS, BAGS, HOSIERY, AND OTHER ACCESSORIES 208 North Bryan Dial 2-6475 MISS LENA WETTER College Book Store ! i ! I COMPLETE LINE OF I STATIONERY AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES ! I College Station, Texas THE WELL INFORMED PEOPLE OF THIS AREA READ The Bryan News REGULARLY Robertson - Chambers Shoes and Hosiery Bryan, Texas i 1 I I I j I i I j I j I SMITH- TURNER Hardware Store NORTH GATE College Station, Texas LOUIS MAIS MEATS, FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES DIAL 4 -8514 College Station, Texas COLSON'S CORNER CONFECTIONERY I 108 West 26th St. Phone 2 -1571 ' I BRYAN, TEXAS I FOR HEALTH'S SAKE EAT HALSELL MOTOR CO. Dodge — Plymouth Phone 2 -1551 Main at 23rd BRYAN Doris Ann Hays School of Dancing I Tap — Ballet — Toe Ballroom Member of Dancing Masters of America ICE CREAM 10 WA 1* hew;) To `de - N N- .Dk ' }or 4 ou, .r7A J lk's Devils ! The American General Life Insurance Company of Houston, Texas "Life Insurance — A Public Trust" CENTRAL TEXAS DIVISION - COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS FORD MUNNEUYN, '26, District Manager ASSOCIATES Sidney L. Loveless, '38 Harry Hooker, '35 M. M. (Rip) Erskine H. E. Burgess, '29 W. L. Maples, '43 Ray Smith