HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941 The Shorthorn x**- �r�tyk�r�r* *fir *fir* L'x �1/inid 1 - 1g } It is the desire of each succeeding staff to publish a better annual. We have tried even harder be- cause most of us on the staff are finishing our high school career this year. We have tried in these pages to capture our school as we know it and as we wish to remember it. At the some time we have tried to make this annual reflect our pride in the fact that we are Americans. i MR.T.H.FERCUSON For .his friendship, sense of humor, and guidance, we gratefully dedicate this, the 1941 Shorthorn, to our principal— MR. T. M. FERGUSON. PAUL W. MXM, JR. THOMAS M. FERGUSOTI Superintendent Principal AD m INI ST R A Tj ON Mrs. 13, Libr,- I Itrs . F, Home E, FERGUSOIT 1 J M Burkhart Librarian Mrs. Ferguson Home Economics Mr. Badget Shop Miss Elma Lea Business Training Miss Lily Carll Secretary Mrs. Glazener English x 1 Mrs. Morris .Spanish Miss Mitchell Mathematics t Mr. Park History I. H - rk Y v r t R� n /j sLRY BR: Ilaa A Winn a rea ides th �tor_bik ter sch. te 'ya he V, Western ' soa 4' i8 RDT- "Pug" 6 I friei ►rth hav: Club 10 9 '41__ ( bec irs , ist ode 0 �-- It SHERWOOD ALLEN "Pete" A true athlete has participated in football, bas- ketball, and track since a freshman- - football is his favorite pastime - -his pet hate is girls, causing feainine conster- nation. N 9 JACQUES BEEZLEY "Jack" Handsome, ac- complished and lotE of fun -- Dramatic Club '38, -Press Club '40,'41 - -Bas- ketball team '39, SLEY BRITTOI? 1 41 - -Co- captain •'Ham" football team 1 41 A winning smile -says he dislikes d a real friend- girls with lines. ides that cute for -bike around ter school deli - ring telegrams- - ys he wants to be Western Union Op- ator some day. MNIE RVPH COONER "p A friendship girth having- -Home t. Club 1 38, 1 39, 40, -- collects nuvenirs -- desires o become a radio Xtist. 0 _1�1 GMTEVA ARRINGTON "Genevieve" An example of still waters that run deep- - Homemaking Club '38,'39, - PADLINE BEAL - Dramatic Club "Polly" 1 40, 9 41- -Press Smiling and Club '41-- Assis- capable, Home Ec. taut- editor '41 Club 9 38,'39,'40 9 Shorthorn- -the 1 41. Dramatic Club one in a aillion 1 41, 1 40 -- reading who really en- rates tops - -to be joys studying- - a good typist is wants to teach her initiate goal. school. � tt, y I RAYMOND COBB One of these seldom met bash- ful boys-- atten- ded Bryan before he came here this year. ELLA FRANCES COFER "Tita'• Energy plus - -ed- itor of 1 40 Short- horn, president of Press Club 1 41, se- cretary of Press Club 1 39- -hates being in one place long. a� J CHESTER COOKER Generally on the business end of a flying eraser- - an ardent basket ball lover, plays at every opportun- ity- -likes to tor- ment his teachers - -a typical boy with an engaging grin. RALPH DOERGE A fine person and a loyal friend -- valuable member of football and basketball team -- REMARIZE COOPER "Johnnie - Tall, vivacious, lovely -- member of both Dramatic and Press Club since she hailed from Waco in 1 39- -she can boast having a twin brother- - likes talking and chocolate -olive oundaes. REX COOPER "Spike" Half of one of the twin combina- tions in school- - Press Club 1 40, '41 -- Football -- attended Waco Hign his freshman and sophomore years- - current interest is model air- planes. Dramatic Club - -am- JEAM ELWOOD jition is to be a A chatterbox lawyer. with a heart of gold, from San An- tonio-- Dramatic, Press, and Choral Club member -- typist for "Tiger Rag ". Sq CHAR Z'S DOBROVOUTY "Dee" Everyone's pal -- member of Hi "Y" all dur- ing his high school career-- Science Club 1 4 hopes to be an air pilot. 1 MARY DOBROVOLNY "Rea" Obliging and pleasant - -- reading her hobby -- out -of doors she likes sports - -hopes to' a successful doct some day. JOE FINLEY I'D One of these tall, well dresse boys with a swell personality (has ion of some day a ing a large ranch pres. of Hi °Y",ke er for Press Clut school store,sec, Dra. Club, in foot ball, Basket. and Track. LOC ILLF "Luc 3 Goo( and att Home Ec '40,•47 Club '-, not p1E leybal? CyMi " Cyn A r 1 st_ -C Orches Press ti c 3- Secret class- RLIZAB "Lib Her Is a u, Ilk ac Club a: Club 4 al Clu- g�• 1, Qt of f of Jun. wi� FRANK HOLLINGSHBAD A steady yet easy going sort of person - -Press Club 1 38, 1 39, 1 40, Dra- matic Club 1 39- - enjoys a good game of football and a good argument. MARY JONES "Shorty" An energetic girl with a gener- ous share of per- sonality- -Home Ec. Club 1 38,t39 1 t40 1 1 41 -- another col- lector of poems- - desires to become an air hostess. .rp- md ma- 2- or 'lt FRANCES HMMINGSHSAD "Frankie't Personality, looks, a ready wit and desir- able-- Choral Club and Press Club 3 yrs. Dramatic Club 2, Spanish Club 1, secretary of Junior Class, president of senior class, and editor of 2 41 Shorthorn. ��`!'"` YILD1tED YAHTBBI "Mickey" Honey- colored hair - -one of those infectious .i good humors- - Home Sc. Club 4 years- -Club GARNM McMULLAN treasurer 1 4 4 Choral Club 4 "Granite" yrs. Dramatic Popular newcom - Club 1. Collects er-- definite as- nicknacks. set to the basket- ball team -- misses few picture shows. 1HAROLD HILLER A friendly fel- low with a flare for drawing- -Press ;Club 1 40, '41 Hi "Yn r 40 ., . 41 ;Science Club '40, !r41, Art Club t41, Dramatic Club 1 40, t41, Annual Staff 1 41, Football '40 1 41- -wants to be an architect. J. C. REDHAN The instiga- tor of all mis- chief- always on the go =likes football and picture shows ;ollects ar- rowheads for a hobby. t HORACE PARSON "Tessie" Quiet and fri- endly- -likes football -- collects arrowheads and hunts. MARIE RICHARDS Claims one fourth of the fem- inine red heads- - accomplished Home Eccer. it OLLIE PARSON "O D " The kind of per - son likes Football 1 41- -foot- ball rates first in sports, but hunt- ing fills his spare time. P i E d a T C s b i 5elen Thomas A magnetic ersonalit y- -Press ub & Dramatic j n u b 1 3, 39 140 , 4 1 9 Art Club 1 41, rt e ditor 1 41 ' tj0rthor d ite ,asti rawing ane Ann Williams "Juana Anna" A grand sport!- - Home Ec. Club, Choral Club, Dra- matic Club -likes to daydream and read as a hobby she collects odd Dewey Matson "John" Quiet and ob- liging- dislikes cats -likes bas- ketball and football -says he would like to be an Agri- culture Teacher. Viola Vilson pins. "Twilight" Efficiency plus personality- -Home Ec. Club 13 ^- -- Choral Club 1 30 - Drama- tic Club 1 41 poem col- lecting rates as her hobby -- favorite pa- times are reading and writing. our s * Ceh fPc �fl Dfi P, UJ�s , t f O f ,q ? �a o, ReA4 y f o it,P _r., hs -- yell -- Cvr,E ;V? dcl,rhy Rex k Ola Mae Turek "Oley" A good sense humor- -Home Ec. Club 1 38, - -- Choral Club 1 30 - 1 41- -likes a goo movie r; a bag of Mary Beth Winkler "Itch" Short in height but long on looks and disposition- - Dramatic Club 1 38- 1 41- -Press Club 1 38 - -- favorite pastime is "Just messin' around ". our l- gtr JA ,-X 140b" +I %- FA F-d dov NF'te f6[ h-d^r took +h Ll b �r�ft F'rgyK'i eYe 7 4 R +. 1 � X 3 g- Louise Wright President Ilse Ashburn Vice President 1 Jackie Rollins Secretary Carol lfcFadden Treasurer n� i 4 I Lit llarji Dorothy Allen -01 William Bilsinj 4 Ituth ]3uri;zhalter Kenneth Krenek Gretchen '"° ` Mundhenk Curtis Gray to Jones Betty Higgins t. Ronald McMullan Corabeth Powers r� Joe Orr E. B. Reynolds Josephine Shaw Dillard Spriggs Betty Vezey Mildred Nilson Elaine Warren Bobby Scofield Marvin Smith Duke Thornton f i James Vincent t James wade Mary Yeager S a �� .,� � 13 W IAV, � � 2 1 po �� % \ � � �) i June Allen i L. Arrington Alva Barker b Ola B. R.L. Blazek Jim Bomi Ma I Yabry Cain R. Calendar James Carli H. Criswell Clement D. Gladys German Aline Greer Ralph Flaune Howell Gandy Bettie Hall J. Higgins Truman Hurt " A Freddie Eosh Helen Mosh J. Lancaster ���L&I � - Nora Lloyd Bill Magee Claudia C u renc K VitOr T. Anderson Frances Baton E. Elwood X 4 g Phyl. McCullough LcFadden Ne Reeves Patricia Orr ./W ' l Mich. Renghofer Rosalyn Reynolds Norman Clyde Royder Schafer A 4 , 1 4 Tabor Shelton �I dia MorrI Vitopil Sara Smith R -1vin Walker -a I = 44 or � 1' i/ Jacouie Annie Mae Stevens Turek Peggy Ruth Ailbanks Williams Sylvia Putz Doris Richards Elaine RedKa.n �K Shelia Rhode -.>r Robert Vivian Schwartz Sheffield IA Mart in Vavra a ' l� L. E. James Williams Winn - 1 • Aubrey Parsons Betty Joyce Outlaw President Bobby Arm: F 1 E 0 Bobby Ca3 Vice -Pre: H ik Barbara Paine � Secretary M E Donald Cai i by Armstrong Marcel Barker .,. Dorothy Burkhalter Wilbur Brown f� ld Carroll . 1 Dean Beal I,A Macell Burkhalter Jimmy Cashion John Davis Kildred Crenshaw Inda Eva Free Sara Dyer Philip Grant I" . Dexter Gabbard Jeanette Gandy Kathleen Garrett Audrey Lee Greer I ill Edna Pearl Kahle Mary Leland Mac McCullough i Bart Price Tyleen Jenson r a i , Jim Mary Jane Norwood Clifford Parsons Ruby Mae Carlis �' Patrasek Spiker Winnie Wade ` l _1 Charles Warren Edna. Belle Warren Betty ` White 0 F A 0 1 R� T ES ill CYITMIA LANCASTER LIM rr y Ill iff■l■ IL. 0 O;vw LE OIT SE ELWT ee I* � W m MARY EVELYN ANDERSOIT ERNEST ELWOOD It 100- Ik *, 12 loll 4 0 C T I T� E H 0 m 4t �. m d � .� `�f .� + �- � � � � # _ _ fir) f 1, 1!4 AS "Illyw: m ML �• - _ r r p Y i W itn _ � r Nt. - r� � 3 , �►�. I *MMM , ,r r r �� �* �� �� _ � � � �� M J A � ` S � .,n�� fix, — • — !..�. �.' . r''��` �� � � A __ t • ' � ,c ►j With the speed of Silver and the "bowl 'em over" prowess of John Kimbrough, the A & M Consolidated Tigers brought to Consoli- dated the first football championship after many lean years of competition in that sport. The spirit of the team did much to bring glory to Consolidated and its many followers. The Tigers playing at Dayton fought an inspired game and were held to a 0 -0 tie by that Class A Team who later went on to win her own district. The Consolidated boys first loss came at Crockett. In the third quarter Crockett made a touchdown on a luck s this pass won the game for that Class A Team. Winning their first championship in many years the Tigers bowled over Iola and won the South Zone of District 26, 20 -0. Fighting knee deep in hard luck all the way the Tigers lost the district title in the last two minutes to Marquez, 19 -13. The Tigers won all the rest of their games by scores ranging from 20 to 45 points. Tribute should be paid to Coach Park and his boys for their excellent showing this season. Captains Leon Seeman and Jacques Beezley played great ball to lead their team to the height that it gained. Ralph Doerge, the Tigers starting center, broke his leg Just after the season had opened. George Todd, wing back, was later put on the bench by a broken leg. The loss of these boys was felt strongly. With school spirit at such a peak and many lettermen return- ing the Tigers should have another winning season next year. SOUTH ZONE CHAMPIONS C starting lineups: is . Todd, ai g . ore� d aolidated Normang% ,(►�� ced to a sf inzy ................ ...........� Snor L E 1 $ �! .. Marren L . / v `�� O cer kick / Y e Sc hwartz , * v di • v � ��, Do ti f = fer ` 4 Sh qS of I Here > her :t. Lrs t the ick It 9 was n_ Allen .. T .. ,... Vincent . o f and &'. "N C o ofer Gr IV' a tc� arc °p e C�a�, 'e, e e eyeZ Y _���e1 eOCeee. ¢e S`pc `te c f fie CJ C Pu t tine G� eat era • ahs /`7 y� �-; Ic 9 °per .c•r its • s� c r i mmage d$ - --t- t�onsolidated l ! -� Norm C-0 � 1- Dim wo r A CV i 4 f / enneth; 4V - U t test , e valua, t @� plays,: 4 ,sive game O@ stringers � S SURS �S � �RI~ELY ve a Chan c c )thering the - -- G„ -.fie ozrl_y__time P P}ay_lLn , ,ee Here f d Centerville - Bathes rre l lNext .;Consolidated Eleven d d At Normangee Friday CENTERVILLE. Texas, Oct. 9.— a,* at w will both in For the first time- in two years , . .round, the A. r I School eleven will take the Held a.,E i<<ted T Tigers wat- �c?;the uncle 12& whep j�meets the A. ! undefeated C Cum— Hard luck visited I$ A ' whe :i Ralph ponda�', o n s 1 a e strinK cent��, broke +- the iull ave 'u S �, Pcrinds Tige� Ak South zo pinthA �h7 Fir�E' "•:cm ;'f, . ,, � ire �n 1. DEFEATS IOLA ,, ormanl:c — :�,. KTU CONS O . �'ED COP TIES D ON O - - nce - --- In .' , IN o - ,e In Fours •.,, ;_ -t'•d off, rac- ~~Aggie Co ulldogs to nd Bees de it first Def eats l '.and Lloyd the four. -- -4t. three, . BRYAN. Oc er. Gris- Nance Park's 1y to the Tigers. who ' t. recover- debut in ti 226-B lash nade veven ,with tt�_ nade two their ^en t for a Bedia I ;at� t i e V. went off nondi , co r 11 : •st. Parsons when ey Q ,arl i almost the' goal, and Tine t Norm or win t inc c then m. Hie remaining over Ca at ., STATISTICS ABOUT 1'` ii= c, at'ter «- h Lloyd passed over Cale ind Bedias and OPEN DISTRICT P p a n'"eless 'it' the Dayton ell 1`' +r Hie tra Dint, "mak- T � "Br pros to thej ,edit. Center -, NERT FRIDAYS ' EA T IN ZQHE ii 1 ° -u. aft di e kickoff -in d hill their Fri e. is in. Aistx' ' ..r, t 1, : * The A. & M. Consl dying their second' On the road, battle with the Dw",-n Br( aiBht in Da' :,•n. ONSOLIDATED P llntb Thre LAY S It a -a> an "even- •ith statistics as wc. About even. The Tigi Bronco 10 -yard strip back to their 20 on • +ion. The Br Ill Punt, went to the C A GEE rud stripe j ust be# N 0 M N mod, but the Tie-er; TONIGHT •.,, ;_ -t'•d off, rac- ~~Aggie Co ulldogs to nd Bees de it first Def eats l '.and Lloyd the four. -- -4t. three, . BRYAN. Oc er. Gris- Nance Park's 1y to the Tigers. who ' t. recover- debut in ti 226-B lash nade veven ,with tt�_ nade two their ^en t for a Bedia I ;at� t i e V. went off nondi , co r 11 : •st. Parsons when ey Q ,arl i almost the' goal, and Tine t Norm or win t inc c then m. Hie remaining over Ca at ., STATISTICS ABOUT 1'` ii= c, at'ter «- h Lloyd passed over Cale ind Bedias and OPEN DISTRICT P p a n'"eless 'it' the Dayton ell 1`' +r Hie tra Dint, "mak- T � "Br pros to thej ,edit. Center -, NERT FRIDAYS ' EA T IN ZQHE ii 1 ° -u. aft di e kickoff -in d hill their Fri e. is in. Aistx' ' ..r, t 1, : * The A. & M. Consl dying their second' On the road, battle with the Dw",-n Br( aiBht in Da' :,•n. ONSOLIDATED P llntb Thre LAY S It a -a> an "even- •ith statistics as wc. About even. The Tigi Bronco 10 -yard strip back to their 20 on • +ion. The Br Ill Punt, went to the C A GEE rud stripe j ust be# N 0 M N mod, but the Tie-er; TONIGHT 1 i J d � .,v _ - : 1 i J d � .,v _ x ;mo m Front Row: J. Finley, K. Kinsey, and G. Todd Back Row: K. Krenek, R. Callender, L. Gibney, J. Winn, J. Vincent, Coach Park r �E w p . tit ��� G R A S� M H� A O� bi a t r lift �� °�e. VI' t� � Via► �� �+• � ��� � �� '�'! 6 � �- ' '�>; w -`.eta �� �s �1. �► 7 ' `' � Y} AV . v Ak `' � Y} "'i '41 �� 9 0 Aff El r. .� v ��� AA 440 E� - R � ,� ' ° ��•_ rte' at s -sob Yj*_, Ato Aft. se tk-. i v ".4 Ti ANA - 'A • a„ r gI 4 5 1 VV 11 0 S.F " 7. 4 * 11*0 lwi� I& Is ers: F $. ,aret �- e1d L. C. r ER T� S M E T s ,I.._ M- • • 0 • • APPRECIATION TO THE ADVERTISERS This is the third annual ever to be published by the Press Club of the A. & M. Consolidated High School. We, the staff, have worked hard to make it a good one. Our efforts would have been useless, however, if it had not been for the cooperation and kind- ness of the businessmen whose advertisements appear in this book. To them we wish to express our sincerest gratitude and thanks. 0 000 . Lipscomb Pharmacy North Gate Telephone 4 -1121 lo Headquarters for Consolidated High School Students and Their Parents Call or Visit us —WE DELIVER— YOUR BANK We would have you know that The First National Bank is your bank. We would have you feel at home in your bank. Whatever your problem or need, you are invited to call and discuss it with us any time with the assurance that you will be treated with every courtesy and consideration at your bank. We would have you feel that above everything else in this institution there is a real desire to serve you well. We value, appreciate, and shall ever strive to deserve and maintain your friendship, good will, and business. It shall be our purpose to serve you so acceptably that when opportunity presents itself, you will, as many customers do, bring or send your friends to your bank. Stockholders provide the capital; officials provide the man- agement. In the final analysis customers make the bank. We are grateful for and proud of the loyalty of the customers of The First National Bank during the past sixty -eight years of its history. We want you to feel that you have a real part in this, your bank. Established 1873 The First National Bank of BRYAN BRYAN, TEXAS MEMBER Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation TRAVIS H. BRYAN, IVAN LANGFORD, President Cashier J. WEBS HOWELL, N. F. LOCKERD, Vice - President Assistant Cashier S. L. BOATWRIGHT, M. M. ERSKINE Vice - President Assistant Cashier �i Greetings CONSOLIDATED FACULTY AND STUDENTS PENNEY'S wish you happiness and success in your quest for your place in this great United States of ours. May your sojourn here reflect the true American womanhood and manhood so much admired by right- thinking citizens of high ideals.... J. C. PENNEY COMPANY Inc. Bryan, Texas HOW TO RATE AN "A" ON ANY CAMPUS Here's Ike, Frank, Jack and Dillard who know what they want in smart clothes and where to find them. W. S. D. CLOTHIERS WEAR GRIFFON CLOTHES ... Maybe you're a fellow who wears the more conservative clothes or the wolf type who steals your classmate's best girl five seconds after you've met her. Regardless of your type you'll need smart clothes this spring to bolster up your cause. Suits, Sports Suits, Odd Jackets, Slacks, and a swell assortment of correct furnish- ings for every ensemble. Come in and see for yourself like these other fellows have. J t a CAMP[ S THEATRE . en er HsoD i i I ` I t s. *■* G. S. PARKER LUMBER CO. *0* Cit National Bank Bryan, Texas Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation "Swif' LL � I S f Ir i f �l A. i� too I t� �Ft The Store of Quality — Service — Efficiency • • • • • PARKER ASTIN HARDWARE CO. Congratulations to the S e n i o r Class of '41 upon their graduation, and our best wishes for a happy and prosperous future. We wish to express our sin- cere appreciation to the stu- dents of Consolidated H i g h School, and to their friends, for their patronage of Lester's Smart Shop. The "sports bar" attracts Itch, Johnnie, Titia, Jackie and Gret- chen, assisted in their selections by Mrs. Berly of the sports -wear de- partment. _ X&P5 A? It P .4 smart ��io� Diamonds Watches Silverware — Jewelry of All Kinds — IF IT'S NEW WE HAVE IT! CALDWELL'S JEWELRY STORE Bryan, Texas E. E. YEAGER HARDWARE CO. Appreciate Your Business Bryan, Texas Phone 2 -5550 McCULLOCH- DANSBY Complete Home Furnishers �oC==* 118 Bryan Avenue — Phone 2 -5164 Bryan, Texas HASWELL'S BOOKS — WALLPAPER PAINTS — CHINA Complete Gift Shop Bryan, Texas FOR SERVICE AND DEPENDABILITY CANADY PHARMACY Dial 2 -1511 Main at 26th Free Delivery Bryan, Texas THE COLLEGIATE SHOPPE Distinctive Apparel for Smart Women Bryan, Texas COMPLIMENTS OF A FRIEND VOGUE BEAUTY SHOP At East Gate WILSON'S BEAUTY SALON Phone 371 North Gate, College Station Com * N ot ;tom r • f Ji' I� y _ d LUKE'S GROCERY and MARKET "Everything Good to Eat" Congratulations to the FIGHTING TIGERS ° POPULAR PRICE CASH CLOTHIERS FOR MLPL AND BOYS THE REAL HAT SHOP "Above all the Right Hat" HATS, BAGS, HOSIERY AND OTHER ACCESSORIES 208 North Bryan Dial 2 -6475 Miss Lena Wetter Edge Motor Co. Oldsmobile Sales and Service Let Us Fill Your Next Prescription MADELEY PHARMACY —WE DELIVER — Phone 44144 College Station, Tex. Compliments Aggie Cleaners and Dyers R. C. Rapp, Proprietor b•c==I Correct Dry Cleaning and Pressing SUITS MADE TO ORDER b•c 3 k ' L I 6 Phone 4 -4554 I. Miller & Sons Fine Footwear Congratulations Red Cross Shoes to The Class of 1941 Daniel Green Leisure Footwear Serving Bryan and College Station With Dependable Merchandise for Paradise Shoes Over a Third of a Century Gordon We Appreciate Your Patronage Hosiery and Underwear c� a ca Robertson- Chambers Eugene Edge &Son Shoes and Hosiery Bryan, Texas ON THE CORNER Compliments of COLLEGE HILLS ESTATES J. C. Culpepper and M. L. Antony, Agents RESTRICTIONS THAT PROTECT YOUR HOME College Station Texas T v FLYING 1 COLORS ENSEMBLE IV dtez 4ft MIX Varsity -Town presents their "Flying Colors" for 1941... the four -piece en- semble that keeps you smart wherever you go. Any place is the right place ... any time is the right time... "Flying C o l o r s Ensemble" does twenty -four hour duty . . . keeps you well- dressed the w h o l e day through. For s p o r t s, for amusements, school, business or vacation, "Flying Colors" can be mixed in some new and in- teresting way to serve you effectively and properly. $25 to $35 -FOR DRESS-UP OCCASIONS -FOR SPORTS FORSCHOOL (ffA 1 AL 0 R&-0 0 -1 , O'BRYAN'S LEADING CLOTHIERS "o