HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 Government Is for Kids, too!Government i For,.K tool (3overnmentis for Kids, too. A visit to College Station City Hall. Original Author Angela Doolittle PR & MuKet►ng Intern Original Artist Marianne James Revisions Peggy Calliham Community Programs Coordinator 0+ C COLLEGE STAN IP O $ M. C ...2 History of College Stetson The community of College Station began when the Texas A &M College was founded. This was the first public college in Texas and it was located just south of the city of Bryan in an area of farmland. The A &M campus became the central point in the community. The school officials arranged for everyone working and attending school at A &M to live on the campus. In 1877, the farmland surrounding the school was named College Station by the Postal Service. This name was chosen because there was a train station close to campus. In 1938, when the University grew to the point where students and college workers could no longer live on campus, College Station joined with Texas A &M to form a municipality which means a town or city. I Mayorand City Council The mayor is the top elected person in the city. College Station has six City Council members that help the Mayor make decisions. Voters in College Station elect the Mayor and City Council members. These elected officials represent the people of College Station. They work to make our city a good place to live. Some of their duties include making city laws and seeing that College Station is safe and healthy. The Mayor and City Council are elected every two years. Who elects the mayor? Do your parents vote? City Manager The City Manager has a very big job. The City Council hires the City Manager to help run the city. The City Manager is like the President of a company. He or she makes sure that the orders of the City Council are carried out. The City Manager is the boss of all city employees. College Station has many employees who work for the City Manager. These people help in different areas so the city runs smoothly. Who hires the City Manager? Who reports to the City Manager? Who do you report to? Fire Department Our Fire Department has fire fighters who respond to fires, and medical technicians who provide emergency medical aid. When you have an emergency, you should dial 911. You should NEVER dial 911 unless it is an emergency. What number do you call in an emergency? What are some reasons you would need to call this number? police Police officers work to protect us from criminals and keep us safe by enforcing the laws. College Station has many police officers who help keep our city safe. Police officers, as well as fire fighters and medical workers, respond to 911 calls when people are in danger and need help. o � M 0 9� O t D 0 Has a police officer ever come to your school to talk to you about safety? What are some safety tips your parents, teacher, or a police officer have taught you? ParKsancl Recreation College Station has many parks where you can do fun activities like hiking, swimming, and outdoor sports like soccer, baseball, basketball, and tennis. The city parks department also sponsors an after school activity program called Kids Klub. This program is for students in elementary and middle school. - Do you participate in an after school program? What is your favorite thing to do at the park? Iv a� 0 'M Development services The Development Services department helps plan how the city looks and how buildings are built. They also decide what kind of things can be built where. This is called zoning. Every year, hundreds of new homes are built in College Station. Development Services employees stay very busy because College Station is growing bigger every year. Employees want to make sure it stays safe and attractive. What neighborhood do you live in? Do you play in your neighborhood park? Why does a city use zoning? Tema AN E a W#rp0� �"" ,} X � V� L M FM 2818 to Pol i MM r . Pat 4Cout, COLLEGE STATION o Greens V -atria y . s?- What neighborhood do you live in? Do you play in your neighborhood park? Why does a city use zoning? public WOO<$ The Public Works Department is responsible for garbage services, streets, traffic signals, street signs, and keeping drainage ditches clear of weeds and junk. College Station is a Clean Texas Cities Member. This means that our city has decided to recycle and reduce waste. By recycling, our city uses its natural resources, such as landfill space, more efficiently. Do you recycle? What do you recycle? P ublic Utilities This department provides electric, water, and sewer services. It builds and repairs all utility lines to the customer's home. The City of College Station buys electricity and sends it to your home to keep you comfortable and safe and make things run, like your lights and air conditioner. College Station has water towers where water is stored for residents to use. These towers hold millions of gallons of water. Each person uses water every time they flush, bathe, wash their hands, brush their teeth, or drink a glass of water. It is important to conserve water because it is a precious natural resource. That is why you should never leave the water running while you are not using it. College Station has a large wastewater treatment plant that takes wastewater from our toilets and drains and purifies it before it goes back into the streams and creeks. What items in your house use electricity? Do you try not to waste water? 00.00... • . • . • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • • .. • • • • . Word Puzzle 11 3 4 9 3 Key: 11 =w 3 = e 13 =c 4= u 5= t 1= r 12 =y 10 =v 7 =d 2= a 15 = 1 9= s 6 = i 3 15 3 13 5 1 6 13 6 5 12 3 10 3 1 12 7 2 12 Library College Station has a nice library where you can go to find interesting books and learn new things. The library is located across the street from the High School. Your school also has a library where you can check out books and work on your homework. Do you like to read? What is your favorite book? Do you visit your library often? Financial Services The Fiscal Department takes care of the City's money. It makes sure the employees and all of the City's bills are paid. This is like when your parents pay their bills. This department is also responsible for trying to help save the city's money. Do you have a piggy bank to save your money? What are some choices you have to make about how to spend your money? Do you give some money to your church or other charity? CAE Municipal Court The Municipal Court Judge presides over the court. He makes sure people obey the laws. He sets fines and hears cases when people disobey the law. He can decide what their punishment should be. Why do we have laws and rules? Why is it important to always obey the law? Can You And your wav f e ('ii--v Hall's 4 � O p o CLEAN TEXAS' r .x Originally Publishec! by The City of College 51,at�on %- Public Relations OFF October 1996 dated and Revised b, MR City of College st munity Programs of May 2003