HomeMy WebLinkAbout1941 The Tiger Ragt / 1 l �- -�-� -- Volume IV February 7. 194 IS TINS GOOD CITIZENSHIP? This may seem like "the same old story" to you, but none of the others hod any effect, so the only thing to do is to ko p on trying. Pupils who carve on desks with pocket k -mives hurt not only several but also the people who have to write on the desks after them. 1 7riting on a scarred desk is not only several times r:s hard as writing on a smooth one, but also the paper receives a lower grc -de because no teacher onjoys greding a hard- to -avead paper. There is a time and a place for evorythinr, but the time and place for whittling' is not during, school hours on the desks. Then there are the porions who insist on "doodling" or scrAchin-.- on the desl_s. Surely the: e is ;,10W7h scratch paper around this sc'v f<:r them to write on while they attonilt to think. And when they w-, to spell a word they shouldn't write it first on the desk to see if it" "looks ri :ht ", but should use paper. Paper can be thrown away but the scratches on a desk have to stay there. If you had a desk of your own at home and had to write your homawork on it every night, you would refrain from injuring it because it would be your own.. Lot's treat the school fur- niture the same wc.y bm-use , after all as citizens of the ccrasuntity, , m. are responsible for its conaition. P o A Iti es One of e most ou s an ing -,ir s in the freshmen year 16 Betty Joyce Outlaw. At one time this y:,c,r she h1%d the highest gr. -dos of any girl in the class. Betty Joyce has not only hiCh scholastical marks, but she was also valcdicteri€� :a ...f .brat: clr.ss when she graduc.ted froaa grammar school. Her hobby, which is keepin` a scrapbook of. her; freslu -Yun year: , v;1ll? be worth her tir. -c inu ener for it will surely be filled z:•rith rcmombr.moos of the many occasions which occur during, the first y;:ar in hi Ch school. Betty differs from most hith school students since she does not have foot- ball ll on her list of f .vorite sports, but instead she h 's baseball and swirrninL. Betty has all the charac- teristics of a parson who will achieve the best thing of life. Y Number 6 L. E. Winder hails fror.i Nacogdoches Although he has only been here four years, many of the students have for - fotten that he has not alwrys lived here. Not only does he like to be a spectator of football and baseball, but he likes to take part in these sports. Although he says his pct hate is school, a little inquiry shows that he is a very conscientious student. This conscientiousness does not only ripply to his school work but to every - thing he undert, - &os. His friends do not consist of sophomores only but of every member in hii school. That tall, attractive brunette you've seen riding around in a I940 r-ro -on DodZe or meandering; around hero at hi`-h school is liary Frances Ya! °er. _v is not only attractive, but she ' t'ie cxcepti, Ti al abilities to C from being serious and sophi- tie:.aod to beincc witty and friendly. 11or fav_ sports arc the sane as mc;st hi +•h school students. If you are lookir_7 for a good friend look no farther. 1.4ary is a person who has all the characteristics of a food friend; loyalty, h :)Testy, sincerity, and all the others. She has been active in almost all club activities c.nd espoc- ially in the Home Ec Club. Not only is the junior class proud of Lary but so is every person in hi7h school. ConCrLatulations arc bcinC extend- ed to Ralph Doorge. Ralph, as you 'L. -ow, has just started wclki_.0 s�­ ain without his crutches. He was one of the best plc.ysra on the football toan last year ,..nd did fine work this year until he broke his log. The past few months huvo at least tc.u -ht Talph lesson in patience. He not only ex- cels in sports but in his sophomore yc:.r was elected the most popular boy in his class--an honor he tirell desorvcd. Ralph has a personality that makes him friend of all he meets. We know he .rill succeed in irhatover he undcrtc;kos -. we will all be rooting for him. Although Miss Lea has just start - od tcl she is one of the most popular tc -chers here at Consolidated. Miss Lea has lived L11 her life in East Texas with the exception of one year which w. spent in Mississip,A. ( continued on next pa` °e ) (continued from front pL.C(?) (Could ta.is be whore she -aeou red hk.r southorn accent ?) She has no special favorite in r�;� rd - to spoits oxcopt horseb-ack ridin and d:•nYlci3 . hiss Loy, majored ix► Dusiwes Aclminiatm4ticn _t Texas U. ...i cl is l,:.i inr °. to €o to •Colo.rado this sumno to work on her :natter' s Do -roo. She has • all the 'quc.lities which not only tc:.cher but also rklce hur populc.r with tho ;studeatv*r Sbo i:s �_ood -n,.- tured -.nd has a personality th^-.t is yell -liked by the othc,r - "tet c.s we I, ;ts by the studonts. If you don't have 11iss Lou for one of your subjects, we think you aro nis-sinR out on sc.Ye- thin .. _ 1. "Too Bauch Love" - - - -- - ---- - - - - -- - Neal to Patricia 2. "You ,balk By" Claudia Faye Morris 3. "I'd Know You Anywhere" Clifford to.Edr_a Peal �L T "Wo Three" Richard, Frt. cos Eaton, & Curtis - 5. "Y storthoue;hts" Iffid -tern excns 6. "Hello Beat I Dono It A,- -Un" Duke's rooting to his mother just after he has failed an cxan. 7. "I 'T?ever Felt This 'Nay Boforo'! Roiaarizo, 1 catir -g five ehoe- 610.te - s -radios in cne day. 8. "I Could 11ake You Care" Philip to Claudia Faye 9. "I Gotta Sea a Dream about - Girl" Mae M. to Ir-da Evc I0. "Isn't That Just Mke Love" Helen T. and Earb Price II. "It All Cones Bach tp ,"io Now" The first term's work I2. "Indian Love Cc.11'�` Sarah D.. to John. T_3. "Tell Pte" Ruby Mac Petrasok to E. S. 14, "Frenes i" (Love Only %.ie ) Joe Orr to all the Cirls I5. "Our Love Affair" Dexter to I'dary I6. "It HNd to be You" Dorothy.Nell to Dcn1d.C. I7. "One Look at Y u" Carlisle to Botty Joyco 18. "I Can't Rub You Out of ny Eyes" Many a student lookin[; at his ;- rc.dcs I9. "You're the One (for me) Bobby to Barbary 20. "Stars in l Eyes". Pipsque;� _.nd Lib 2I. "Saect Stranger" HlarE ret Modbory 2 "I Hear a Rhapsody" Orchostre practice 23. "There'll Be Some Changes Dade - today" Kathryn to James I 2i. "Two Hearts in Three Quarter Tiiaci' Botty Hall and Jrlas rinn I. Why does everyone ca 11 Itch, "Circle "? 2. Why was Jeanne Elwood so ombarrassod in En;lis h class .tae other day when Mrs.1-Glazener mantioned "dates "? It wouldn't have anythinL, thin,- to do WLth that boy Rex is c1irc.ys teasing, you about, would it, Jeanne? 3. Has anyene noticed the unhappy expressions on the faces of Jane Ann and Jacques lately? Could be 'cause Jacques told her ho is roving to Louis -; 4. Perfect couple- - Arnie Ruth tund Wilbur-- Wilbur-of the "Hamburf-er Grill ". - 5. Titia - and Joe F. vrcro doing all riCht on the bray bgok from North Zulch ,,ft- the basketball 'Cane. Of course, the suprvision of the fr ant sect. Did caiyono seo who s��t by Pete Allen t the "Bry :.n - Consolidated basketball ...r..o? A pr otty Bryan' girl- -and Pete 1 - s rrirnir - fral ear to ear. 7. Betty Hi C.- ins thinks it fun to sit across the aisle from J. C. Redn;.n in Ent lish. 8. Chester Caon4r finally admits some Girl has had his rind all the time and he never really lost it on the football field. Chester, aren't you ash ^nod doceivir:g your friends like that? 9. ie's football s cater was Jeannette Gandy wcarinE Tuesday? Gcor 'intorests sure to vary fron day to day --at jast from ;gaper to paper. I0. Barbara Paine says thorc - is another rlian in her life. .71hat's thu natter, Bobby? II. Z'touldn't Pat a:nd Charlie W. make a cute couple? ` I2. Sonetino look ,.t Helen's hearts -- t -m os2ecially pretty one from soneono "special " - -we bet. 13. Do you want to be a jitterbug? If so, see Ike Ashburn and he will toach you the la.tcst steps. Especially the Cc,i -a Iz Jacques Beozley and the Bryan irls - -�hcy chase him all around tvron j ii the r.ft:rnoons L he chas:;s there _11 around tho dance floor at night. I5. Katherine, ha s a picture of a cort: rr b <_, in her notebook. C uld it.bo the samo, Itch and Frances yore fi;^htir.- over? I6. Ralph Doerre soens.to..bo. having troib le - with all his r..irl friends, accordini to one- -one in North Zulch, olio in Temple, etc. t I ?.. Tabor Shelton has r.ovcQ to Houston. Bo brt:vo, Ruth, r, ybo he will c nc back to visit so�aetimc. 20. What vrcnt on at the Elwood's house Saturday night, :.xid who tiv ore thu' ten pou,7.Lo riding :round in Oscar? I9. 1'Prr 116dbery, a sophor:ioro fron"Houston, is the latest _dditiDn to Consolidated's pretty girls. 20. Jdt�nne Stevens, Jacquic's sister, is not so b -:d of ^her. We cre sorry bu. Yohoddi stole tho rest of the s•ossip SEOR S - -Jis.i Gabb::.rd In their 1;vme w °n th N, Zilch, the Tigers sought reveni_�e for their earlier defeat but a fourth o,Uar1;, sfurt..lcf'E.. them short of tlie:i.r �-.orii_ LI-T 01.e - ?oilti;. The first quar'aor g« rc tll :D 3ulldo .s tr. early lead to - Anich they elvn„ out the game. 77inv.'s two bcws cts i the second and his basket artd froe thrux in the third brou ht the seoro u.; 8 -I0. The fourth quarter saw both teams playimg desperate ball, the Tip- - erc tryi_zg to climb above the early Tead gained by their opponents and the Bulldogs to stop the fast closing gap between the scores. ZfflZon the final whistle blow the Tigers lacked one point, the score; boint I4 -I5. The first game which the Tigers played of the Nonaangee Tournament eras with Leo na and resulted in a 22 -II do- feat for the Tigers. The first half 17as comparatively even, with Easter - ling, ace Leona forward, responsiblo for most of their points. Beozloy and Finlcy kept the Tiger points up during tho third, but Leona broke loose ift. the fourth and pullod far ahead, solidcted, to score ut x.11. The game ended 22 -II. A terrific first qucxter, fea- turing James Winn, brc! glit tho Tif_;ors far ahead ii: tho early stc. ^es of tl:air r amo with Centerville for the Co--Iso- lation Prize at T:orr ang The Ccn- torville squad pulled up a little in the second quarter but failed to score; at c_ll in the third, leaving Consol- id_,ted smell c.head. Even a Centerville dominated final quarter failed to bring them close to the Tiger score and when all was over the Tigers had the game, 20 -I4. The dame for the Consolation Title Wit Richr.rds also started with a strong Tiger quarter but they drew a blank for the second period and Morris lod the Grimes county boys to an II -5 lead by the half. The Rich- ards squad gained in both of the 1&4- ter qu..rt.rs, a.` _in led by Morris, and closed the tilt, I9 -I0. The Tigers displayed their best form so far this season when they met the Bryan Broncos ir: the first _ono of the County Championship s�,rics. fA1- I though their shots were not as succossy ful as their opponents, they displaycd a, strong defense and their floor game was good. The Broncos had control of the score from the first but James Winn, shooting from al.aost any posi- tion on the court, showred amazing accurracy in his shots. He was high point man for the game and responsible for half of the Tiger score. The Broncos dominated the third quarter but a terrific onslaught by the Tigers chalking up I3 points, brought the score to 37 -28 by the end of the final quarter. Jack Beozloy led thc; Tip ors in their second Camp with Richc.rds. The visitors held an e:.rly lead for the ontiro g =:mo - closed it 28 -I9. For Consolidated, Boezloy stood out -and '-orris, Goodin., and Bay led the Rich - 1­s t,.m. �T,KS UP TWO !MTS AND A LOSS '_'.'.., Ti -or B Squad dcfo:; ted Sme- t:._ a .nd. the Allen Acadc.ny B Squad to brine, their average to a bc.lancc. They have lost to Snotcna - and North Zulch B; Sllen B and Smetana have fallen to them. ALLEN B FALLS L; OVL? -TI= .E In their second Came of the season, the B Squad defeated Allen B in an exciting, overtime gome. The first half was slow and even; Allen having a slight edge in both performance and scoring. After a disastorous third quarter, the Tigers suddently "let out" and managed to keep possession of the ball for al- most all of the final quarter, bring- ing the score to a tiw. They played in the some spirited manner during the over -time, closir_J the game with c. 25 -23 '.victory. Mayor was outstand- in- f'ur the Cadets while Spriggs, fie , fi..!ld, and Cashion shone for the CA6 PACES TIGERS TO SMETANA VICTORY The defeat which the B Squad handed Smet�.na in their third game was sweet revonge for the I949 loss which they suffered at the first of the season. Both teams played slow ball in the first half but by the third it beecaae more spirited. Con - solidatud pulled out from under the early lead gained by Smetana and tied the game up at the end of the fourth period. The over- timo'was Consolidated all the way; the Came ending I6 -I3. Cashion played his best game so far this season and wuz high point mc.n with ten points. Krc and Siegert starred for Smetana. N. ZULCH RESERVES DEFEAT B SQUAD The B Squad lost their tilt with the North Zulch Reserves, play - od ;oforc the A Squad g .me at North Zulc:1, 7 -5. The Tigers controlled tile) .first h,,lf but two baskets by C010 -Lan, who was responsible for all but one of the North Zulch points, and the failure of Consolidated to score put the B Squad behind in the ` third quartc;r. They, managed to tie' up the score by the end of the fourth but Coleman's field Zeal in the over- time gave the gamo to the North Zulch boys.