HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 Paper Tiger (Partial)iI0vI1MY GRE ETINGS 000 -- -------- TEN CENTS A &M Consolidated High School College Station, Texas vol. Xi I Issue 5 L.Y T .... N ..�. Construction on Vocational Wing to Begin The reputation formed by the Mighty Band from Tigerland last year was con- firmed and strengthened this year. Durinq football season band members practiced after school every Tuesday and Thursday to work on their Friday night performances and perfecting their CONTENTS Editoni ,ais ........................2 En. tehto ,i.nment ..................... 3 Fea. tune .a ........................4 -5 Sponta ..........................1 -9 Newe ..........................10 -12 marching skills for contest. The bands work paid off as the band won a I divi- sion rating at marching contest at Round Rock on November 15. The band is now on its way to Sweepstakes. by Mike Burke Construction on the vocational wing should begin shortly after the first of the year according to Rodney E.LeBeouf, principal at A &H Consolidated High School. LeBeouf also said the wing should take approximately a year to build. On December 20th, a meeting will be held in the board room with various construction companies submitting bids. These bids will consist of the price a company will build the wing and approx- imately how many working days it will take to complete it. When all the bids have been"submit- ted, the Board of Trustees will decide which is the best bid. The company with the best bid will then be given the go- ahead to start construction. According to LeBeouf, construction should start soon after the December 20 meeting. This is because the later con- struction starts, the greater chance of inflation rising prices, and a greater chance of going over the originally bid price. So far, the only work that has been done on the wing is the lime concen- trate that was injected into the ground to stabilized the soil. LeBeouf says the lime- needs a certain amount of moisture to be effective, and this is why the sprinkler is always in front of the school. Page 2 Paper Tiger December 16, 1577 Hensely Fi Quarter System by Jimmy Hirsch Is the quarter system bad or good? There are various opinions on this a - round the school. Mrs. Hensley, gov- ernment teacher at A &M Consolidated High School, doesn't like the quarter system. She is making plans to see why the system was changed from the semest- er to the quarter system in the first place and if she can do something to change it back. The quarter system was originally designed to keep the school building in use all year around. In a small school like Consol. this would be impossible . More teachers would have to be hired and the total expense would be prohib- itive. Mrs. Hensley plans to make an appointment to talk to B ill Presnal, Texas State Representative, after the Christmas holidays. She plans to out- line her points against the quarter system and try to see exactly who push- ed 6n the systems. It is her oainion that the educators of Texas aren actly in favor and never researched the idea much of the quarter system. Mrs. Hensley has quite a few points against the quarter system. One prob- lem in which she is particularly con- cerned with is oovernment students. Students who take government must have two quarters,and it is impossible for all to take them consecutively. This year some people even took the two quarters of government backwards, tak- ing government B first quarter and tak- ing A second. Mrs. Hensley doesn't see any reason why students should have to go through the frustration and hassle of scheduling three times instead of two. With the quarter system, a person can't graduate halfway through the year and go ahead and start college because semesters don't coincide. BIKE AREA RESTRICTED by Mike Burke A &M Consolidated High School prin- cipal, Rodney LeBoeuf,has asked for co- operation of the students in staying away from the bike rack area. This is due to the injury of a student after the tire on his bicycle had been loo- sened. According to LeBoeuf, the stu- dent suffered a mild concussion when the loosened wheel came off of his bike on his way home. No actual damage has been done to the bikes parked outside, but air has been let out of tires and wheels have been loosened. Mr.LeBoeuf said the area will be observed as often as possible, but asked for the cooperation of the students in staying away from the bike rack area. BEST WISHES FROM THE HAPPY COTTAGE GIFT SHOPPE Specializing in • Musical Bolles & Musical Figurines -Jewelry From all over the World • German & European Imports -Collector Dolls -Unusual Decorative Accessories Across from luby's IE ID 111f u R IL IE S Ip lO �I ID 8 by Mike Burke In the November 17th issue, a letter from Caroline Adkins was printed con- cerning leaving school due to illness. She stated, "A sick person doesn't like the hassle of going into the office and having to get a pass from Mr. Leboeuf just to go home." According to LeBoeuf, if a student is sick during school, they are to re- port to the school nurse. No one is allowed to just leave school, they and anyone doing so will receive an unex- cused absence. Mr. LeBoeuf also said no special pass from him was required for a sick student to go home. "If the school nurse is not in, then the student must see Mr. Barber, Mr. Foreman or myself. STAFF BOX The Paper Tiger is the bi- weekly news publication of A &M Consolidat- ed High School produced by the Journalism II staff. The Paper Tiger holds the Merit of Honor rating from the Interscho- lastic League Press Conference and is a member of Quill And Scroll. Correspondence with the Paper Tiger is to be through: Journalism Department A &M Consolidated High School 701 West Loop South College Station, Texas 77840 Editor- Michael Burke Sports Editor- Robert Ondrasek News Editor- Michael Burke Entertainment Editor- Jill Teer Business Exchange Mgr. -Ricky Watson Features Editor- Sally Donaldson Lay -out Editor- Jimmy Hirsh Reporters- Bridget Benton, Debbie Bowerman, Holly Johnson, Chenea Thomas, Chris Stephenson, Alice Villereal, Lisa Shankles. Editorials reflect the opinions of the publications board and are not necessarily those of the admin- istration. Paqe 11 Culpepper Plaza Texas Avenue Paper Tiger December 16, 1977 LEVI'S BRITANNIA AADAAN KIENNINGTGN SWEET BABY JAMES SAMFRANGISGG SMIRTWGRkS M.I.S. The Place For Your Christmas Shopping MERRY CHRISTMAS! Town and Country Center 29th Street F -- _ Page 1c Paper Tiger December 16, 1977 MGPP Christmas (cont. from page 4) were quoted as saying, "Open campus is a very good benefit ", "It is essential be- cause it shows that the administration thinks that the students are somewhat mature ", and "open campus gives the students a chance to do things he could not normally do in a regular school day such as: homework, business and so forth. One student saw both sides of the story. She remarked, "Kids can skip out without being asked any questions, but also, kids get tired of staying at school all the time: they like to go out at lunch. SENIOR PORTRAITS WITH STYLE Portrait Packages from $33., University Studio 115 College Main - Northgate College Station 8468019 MERRY 1 HRISTMAS: Thank you Tor reaainy -1c Paper Tiger, enjoy your vacation.