HomeMy WebLinkAboutUndated News ArticlesBryan Schools to Host Interscholastic League The Bryan Public Schools will host the Region XVIII Class AAA and AAAA University Interscholastic League band concert and sight reading contest Tuesday and Wednesday in the Bryan Civic Auditorium. Among the 2,275 students who will perform during this event are bandsmen from Bryan, A&M Consolidated and Stephen F. Austin High Schools. Contest chairman is Jack Briggs, assisted by William Portis, S.F.A. band director, and Mike Templeton, Bryan High choir director. The A &M Consolidated second band will perform Tuesday morning at 10:30. They will play "Original Suite March" by Jacob, "Fantasy for Band" by Erickson, and "Marriage of Figaro" by Mozart -Slocum. SFA's ninth grade band will perform Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. Their numbers are "Trilogy" by Osterling, "Dance and Inter- mezzo" by Carter, and "Sonus Ventorum" by Smith. SFA's 10th grade band per- forms Tuesday afternoon at 3. They will play "Canzona" by Mennin, "Gallito March" by Lope and "Masque" by Mcbeth. "Free Lance March" by Sousa, "Beatrice and Bendict Overture" by Berlioz - Henning, and "Third Suite" by Jager will be performed by the Bryan High School Viking Band. at 4:30 Tuesday afternoon. The A &M Consolidated first band will perform at 9 a.m. Wednesday. Their numbers are "Commando" by Barber, "Introduction and Fantasia" by Mitchell, and "Capriccio Espanol" by Rimsky Korsakov- Winterbottom. By The l By Phyllis Dozier Way • • A THANK YOU — Some A &M Consolidated Junior High Students made a request. They want to tell their band director, BILL ADKINS, that they ap- preciate his efforts. So, a large THANK YOU, from them to you, Mr. Adkins. H O N O R E D A N D GRADUATING, one or Cother, includes FRED MADDOX, of College Station, recently initiated in Alpha Kappa Delta honor society at Sam Houston State; MARTHA ANN EVANS of Bryan, THOMAS ALAN GINN and LINDA LOUISE LEHR- MANN, both of Brenham and LAWRENCE I. HOLCOMB of College Station are all listed on the fall semester honor roll in the College of Natural Sciences, University of Texas, Austin; AGNES L. GOINS of Bryan, will graduate from Tyler Junior College Friday with an associate of arts degree in sociology. home a trophy and a free en to the Houston Open Chess Tournament in June. Good luck, Stephen. You may want to reserve June 30. That is the first of the two - day First Luckenbach World Fair which started out to be small arts and crafts fair and just grew. Luckenbach ( Fredericksburg is near) has a little known almost claim to fame. Back in 1865, 38 years before the Wright brothers made history, Jack Brodbeck, a Luckenbach school teacher, made an airplane which reportedly flew higher and longer than the Wright's. Unfortunately the vehicle crashed, the inventor broke his leg, lost his financial backing and was lost in history. The World Fair may be Luckenbach's second claim to near fame. Tiger Band Annual Fete Scheduled A &M Consolidated Tiger Band members will be honored at the annual awards banquet May 18, 6:30 p.m. at the Briarcrest Country Club. Awards include the Arion national award, Kiwanis out- standing boy and girl award, Lions Club instrumental award, radio station KORA outstanding bandsman and musicianship awards and the John Philip Sousa award, according to W.C. Lancaster, president of the band boosters. Parents of band members are welcome to attend, Lancaster said. Tickets are $4.25 each and may be purchased until May 12 from Mrs. G.A. Niles, 846 -5110, or Elaine Merrifield, 846 -2360. Tiger Band members will take a trip to Six Flags May 27, using money they have made from working A &M University football games, the golf program and Christmas parade winnings. The seventh and eighth grade bands will hold their annual picnic May 19 from 3:30 to 6 p.m. at Hensel Park, Lancaster added.