HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 BCCC/RSVP Minutes and NotesC,A
The Brazos County Community Council Board met at noon January 10, 1977
at the RSVP office. Mr. Jim Thompson presided. Others in attendance
were: Mr. D.A. Anderson, Mr. Robert Bossler, Mrs. Lucile Gould,
Mrs. Topaz Hughes, Dr. R.D. Lewis, Dr. J.D. Lindsay, Mr. Knox Parr,
Mrs. Judy Phillips, Mrs. Shirley Plapp, Mrs. Louise Rivers, Mr. Harley
Roath, and Mrs. Aline Snyder.
Mr. Thompson introduced new staff member Mrs. Louise Rivers replacing
Mrs. Lindquist who has changed employment.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as mailed out.
Mr. Thompson reported the Nominating Committee had met twice.
Mr. Bossler consented to be Treasurer. Mr. Eldon Calloway agreed
to serve as Vice President and to be President the next fiscal year.
Mr. Thompson will serve as President until .hat time.
Mr. Bossler gave the Treasurer's Report. Balance on hand December 1
was $587.87 and January 1 was $1,022.06. A copy is attached to the
original of these minutes. He said IRS Form 941 due January 31 is
completed and ready to mail.
Mrs. Rivers passed out copies of the Revised Budget for the year
ending March 31, 1977• A copy is attached to the original of these
Mrs. Hughes reported an inventory list is being made. A letter from
A &M United Methodist Church revealed that furniture loaned to BCCC
some time ago had been returned to the Church. Mrs. Plapp said
another file is to be purchased later and the table on which the
mimeograph machine had stood can be returned to the BCCC office.
Mr. Bossler pointed out the VFW had made a permanent loan of that
Since there are provisions in the Bylaws for quarterly meetings, the
problem was referred to the Bylaws Committee for a report at the
next board meeting.
Mr. Thompson and Mrs. Frances Allen plan to meet soon to get out
membership letters. During discussion the following suggestions
were made: More money is needed for operating. Contributions could
be requested from members. A Post Office permit can be used if
200 letters are sent at one time. Organizations should be charged
no more than $5 for membership, although it was pointed out the
BCCC does take some load off the churches. An article should appear
In newspapers encouraging membership. The letter should tell ghat
I&RO does. Mr. Roath MOVED, seconded by Mrs. Hughes, the matter
be turned over to Membership for discretion, keeping in mind this
discussion. MOTION PASSED.
Mrs. Rivers made the Transportation and I&RO reports for November
and December, attached to the original of these minutes.
Mrs. Plapp reported for RSVP: In October there were 224 volunteers
with 2,270 hours; in November there were a few more volunteers and
hours. The end of the fourth year was August 31, 1976 and there were
4w ,
RPA?OS Cr)'TNTY C0YM '7 _ - Y
Brazos Valley Development
Bryan United Way
Colleme Station United Elrod
Mem5ers1,ip and Donations
Bnlance June 30, 1P76
In -kind
, 2,407.00
Salary (personnel � FICA)
Communicntions (telenh one,
postage, advertising,
Building space (rPnt)
4RO.0n 1,380
Printing and supplies
Carry over
82,927.00 51,580
Proposed equipTr- t expenditures:
The Brazos County Community Council board met at noon February 14, 1977
in the RSVP office. Mr. Jim Thompson presided. Others in attendance
were: Airs. Frances Allen, Mr. D.A. Anderson, Mr. Robert Bossler,
Mr. Eldon Calloway, Mrs. Topaz Hughes, Dr. R.D. Lewis, Dr. J.D. Lindsay,
Mr. Knox Parr, Mrs. Judy Phillips, Mrs. Shirley Plapp, Mrs. Louise
Rivers, Mr. Harley Roath, and Mrs. Aline Snyder.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as' failed out.
Mr. Bossler reported a balance of $997.40 as of February 14. He said
good bookkeeping recores have been set up, and federal and matching
funds are in separate bank accounts.
Mr. Thompson introduced new board,-member Mr. Eldon Calloway.
Mrs. Rivers announced a letter from BVDC saying a meeting of Texas
Commission for the Dear and Agency on Aging will be held March 1. She
will be attending that meeting.
Dr. Lewis announced a Conference on the Minority Elderly will be held
In Houston February 25.
Mrs. Allen distributed a proposed letter concerning membership. .Dr.
Lewis suggested using the wording from present Bylaws pertaining to
objectives and purposes. �-
Mr. Anderson MOVED, seconded by Mrs. Snyder, life -time memberships be
deposited in a special account and only the interest be used for
operating funds. MOTION PASSED with 5 for and 4 against.
Dr. Lewis MOVED, seconded by Mr. Parr, increasing individual memberships
Mrs. Allen asked for suggestions as to the mailing list for the member-
ship letter. Each board member is asked to submit ten names to her
by February 21. She uses last year's membership list, the phone book
at random, and Chamber of Commerce. The letter will be mailed out as
soon as possible. She will out a stencil and mimeograph the letters.
She suggested programs be presented to service Clubs and publicity be
given to the membership drive. (Mr. Roath said someone from BCCC is
needed to talk to the May meeting of AARP.)
Mr. Thompson announced Ms. Marianna Bond has resigned and a new publicity
chairman is needed.
Mrs. Rivers gave the January report for IRO and Transportation.
IRO: Requests from those over 65: 64 (29 for first time); Outreach 14;
19 volunteers working with the program, including Roadrunners.
Transportation: 210 (38 for first time). There were 182 taken to
medical facilities, 10 to governmental agencies, and 30 to other places.
Miles driven: 2,003. There is now a radio to contact the driver. He
is staffed by ACTION. The second van has not been made available dur
to insurance problems.
Mrs. Plapp reported for RSVP for December: 229 volunteers in 36 stations
with a total of 2,154' hours. The financial report is being prepared
for the first four months of the fiscal year.
It was decided a Bylaws amendment pertaining to quarterly meetings
will be voted on at the Annual Meeting in April.
Mrs. Hughes read a letter from'Mr. Sam Walker, Grants Officer of ACTION
Region VI, pertaining to the auditing of RSVP by Dodd, Jefferson Co.,
In which $3,079 of federal fund use was questioned. Items questioned
applied to paying fringe benefits directly to RgVP <,employees and
paying mileage on a set monthly basis. Mr. Walkaer' - s letter also
requested certification from a CPA that BCCC's accounting capability
Is adequate to� administer the ACTION grant properly. Deadline for
responding was February 14 but an extension was requested by letter
from Mrs. Hughes because the board was not meeting unti-1 that date.
Mrs. Plapp reported an assistant in the ACTION office said saw no
reason why that extension could rmt be granted.
Mrs. Hughes distributed copies of proposed justifications for the
items in question and asked board members to call her with their
reactions. (A copy is attached to the original of these minutes.)
Mrs. Hughes MOVED, seconded by Mr. Anderson, staff travel for RSVP
be put on the basis of mileage @15¢ per mile. MOTION PASSED.
Mr. Roath MOVED, seconded, by Mr. Anderson, the matter of Mr. Walker's
letter be referred to the Budget Committee and it be authorized - to
act on behalf of the board. MOTION PASSED. Those meeting *111,be
Mr. Thompson, Mr. Bossler, Mrs. Hughes, Dr. Lewis, and Mrs. Plapp.
Next meeting is March 14.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Phillips, Secretary
The Brazos County Community Council board met at noon March 14, 1977
In t'ie 33VP office. Mr. Jim Phompson presided. Also present were:
Mr. Robert Bossler, Mr. Eldon Calloway, Mrs. Lucile Gould, Dr. R.D.
Lewis, Dr. J.D. Lindsay, Mrs. Judy Phillips, Mrs. Shirley Plapp,
and :sirs. Louise Rivers.
Minutes of the previous meeting were corrected to show instead of
federal and matching funds being set up in separate bank accounts
they are separated within the BCC books of account. The minutes
were approved as corrected.
Mr. Bossler gave the Treasurer Report, a copy of which is attached
to the original of these minutes. Balance on hand March 1 was
A letter dated March 7 was received from Mr. Sam Walker, Grants
Officer of ACTION Region VI, in response to Mr. Thompson's letter
of February 18 replying to Mr. Walker's letter of January 26. (See
minutes of February 14 meeting of BCCC board.) Mr. Walker said the
corrective action concerning RSVP personnel fringe benefits and
travel costs are fine and the reasons given for expending the pre-
viously questioned costs are satisfactory.
Mr. Walker asked to be informed about what has been done to correct
organizational procedures for in -kind contributions and for reports.
Mrs. Plapp has documentations for in -kind contributions and she
gave the Information to the original auditor and assumed that infor-
mation_ was passed on to the final auditor. Mrs. Plapp will prepare
a letter for Mr. Thompson's signature in response to this matter.
(Copies of this correspondence are attached to the original of
these ainutes.)
A membership payment from the Campus Study Club was received
indicating payment for 1977 dues. The board decided payments as
a result of the membership letter being sent will be applied to
1977 -78 since the fiscal year ends June 30.
Mrs. Rivers gave her report for February: IRO contacts 89 (47 for
111 "sL i2ic), VuX reuuh visits van :L ° SJ'.nspwJ:idl.lVZ1 4):1 %4- 1"Dr
first :ime), 8 Roadrunner trips. There are 19 Roadrunners.
Mrs. Plapp announced a meeting of the 3VDC land resources committee
to be held Parch 16, which she plans to attend. The BVDC housing
committee will meet March 14.
Mrs. _lapp reviewed the proposed RSVP budget. Dr. Lewis MOVED
approval of that budget as submitted by the RSVP Advisory Council,
second--4 by .ors. Gould. MOTION PASSED. Income sources are not
Included. A copy of the proposed budget is attached to the original
of these minutes. Mr. Calloway will check on the maximum amount
of workmen's compensation chargeable and report his findings to
Mrs. Plapp. If a change downward needs to be made, she will do so.
Mrs. Plapp reported there is a bill in the Legislature which
would provide 201 of non- federal funds for RSVPs. A rcinimum of
30% of the totsl budget must be non - federal funds.
Mrs. Plapp will prepare the grant request to ACTION for Mr.
Thompson's sjS- nature. This request must be submitted about April 1.
Mr. Bossler MOVED presenting the following proposed bylaws change
to the BCCC Arsual Meeting: Article VIII, Section 2, "Additional
meetings of the Council may be called by the Board of Directors
with due written notice." MOTION PASSED.
Mrs. Rivers announced that for medical, legal, oR economic situa-
tions an interpreter can be provided at no cost for a totally deaf
person. The Texas Commission for the Deaf in Austin provides
this service.
Dr. Lewis announced Senator Church's Committee on Aging is now
a permanent oommittee.
Next meeting Is April 11.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Phillips, Secretary
The Brazos County Community Council board met at noon, April 11, 1977
in the I & H Office. Mr. Eldon Calloway presided. Others in
attendance were: Mr. D.A. Anderson, Mr. Robert Bossler, Mrs. Agnes
Bowen, Mrs. Lucile Gould, Mrs. Topaz Hughes, Dr. R.D. Lewis,
Dr. J.D. Lindsay, Mr. Knox Parr, Mrs. Judy Phillips, Mrs. Shirley
Plapp, and Mrs. Aline Snyder.
Mr. Anderson MOVED, seconded by Mrs. Snyder, the minutes of the
previous meeting be approved as read. MOTION PASSED.
Mr. Bossler gave the Treasurer's report, a copy of which is attached
to the original of these minutes. Balance on hand April 1 was
$1,143.99. He said Form 941 is ready to be typed. Mr. Anderson
MOVED, seconded by Mrs. Hughes, accepting the financial statement.
Mr. Bossler reported on a call from Mr. Joe Robinson, Treasurer of
BVDC, who said their check to BCCC for July 1976 in the amount of
$785.67 had not yet cleared their bank account. Mr. Dossier said
there is no record of its having been received by BCCC. Mrs. Hughes
MOVED, seconded by Mr. Parr, Mr. Bossler request the BVDC put a
"stop payment" on the check and issue a new one. MOTION PASSED.
Mrs. Hughes read a letter dated March 21, 1977 from Mr. Sam Walker,
ACTION Region VI Grants Officer, in which he stated the RSVP
Financial Status Report for the period 9/1/76 - 12/31/76 is fine and
so is the certification concerning in -kind credits. Mr. Walker
said the Audit Report is considered closed.
Mr. Calloway reported the maximum basis for workmen's compensation
is $10,400 per individual.
Mrs. Agnes Bowen was introduced as the new staff member replacing
Mrs. Rivers.
Mrs. Hughes reported she recently spent some time at the BVDC office
regarding next year's grant. SAlaries were raised last year to
$7,621.20 at the direction of BVDC. However, the grant is to be
only $6,900. Mrs. Hughes will request more than the $6,900. She
presented a proposed budget which she and Mr. Thompson prepared and
which must be presented to BVDC by April 28. The budget is for
$12,080 including in -kind payments. Mrs. Hughes MOVED, seconded
by Mr. Anderson, adoption of the proposed budget as presented to
be submitted to the BVDC and to the United Funds. MOTION PASSED.
Copies of that budget will be made available to BCCC board members.
Mrs. Snyder pointed out United Fund appropriations for youth are
out of propostion to those for older people. Mrs. Hughes will make
this point when requesting appropriations from the United Funds.
Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Thompson are to make a formal request to the
Brazos County Commissioners Court for some funding. The Court
formerly contributed but has not done so recently.
Mrs. Hughes requested board members approach organizations they
belong to about making contributions to BCCC.
Mrs. Plapp announced Mr. Max Vigil, ACTION State Program Officer,
will be here May 4 and 5 and may want to meet with some of the BCCC
board members. She reported there were 240 enrolled volunteers in
February with 2,511 hours, the most ever reported.
Mrs. Bowen gave the IRO .report for March: 107 served who were
60 and over; transportation 489 individuals of all ages; roadrunners
13; and 3,047 miles traveled by the van.
Dr. Lewis announced the annual recognition for senior citizens will
be May 12, 3P-m-, at First Presbyterian Church.
He also announced the Extension Service is starting a publication
called "Tips and Topics for Golden Years," which anyone can receive
by calling the Extension office to get on the mailing list.
Dr. Lewis reported he and Mrs. Plapp had met with Senator Moore
regarding several pieces of pending legislation older people are
concerned with. Dr. Lewis has also spoken with Representative
Presnal's local aide about this legislation.
Next meeting of the board will be May 9.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Phillips, Secretary
July 1 9 1977 - June 30, 1978
Approved April 11, 1977
Brazos Valley Dev. Council Brazos County Community Council
INCOME 90% Match 10%
BVDC Grant 6900.
Bryan United Fund 400.00 1600.00
" C/S Un. Chest 366.67 1133.33
Memberships 100.00
In Kind 1580100
$69oo. 766.67 4413.33 X12,0,80.00
Personnel 6900.00
Printing & Supplies
300.00 200.00
420.00 5.00
46.67 603.33
18 60.00
$69oo.00 +
$766.67 + $4413.33 $12,080.00
6o6 Oakwood
Bryan, Texas
May 17, 1977
Dear "Andy ",
Your letter was a pleasant surprise. Thank you for writing.
Since you have the experience you have gained through service on
the BCCC I would welcome the opportunity to have lunch with you
when you have a free lunch period. I could then gain some insight
into the operation of the Council since its inception.
When Jim Thompson asked whether I would serve on the Council I had
very little idea as to its purpose and the scope of its activities.
I told him I would be glad to help if I could. I am still willing
to do that in any capacity where I am wanted. I question whether
I should be president with my limited experience on this particular
Council, but if that is where the members of the Council want me I
will be glad to give it a try. I appreciate your words of praise
and support, and I would hope to have your continued presence on
the Council.
In my experience in a number of different organizations I am used
to having written authority for actions taken; directives which spell
out the purpose of the organization and its limitations. I also
am used to having operating funds provided through more specific
means than it appears the BCCC has. I do not like to operate on
'hearsay' from some member of the Council. I want to know to whom
we are responsible and from whom we receive our 'charter'. Frankly,
so far, it has been a bit confusing to me. I would hope I would not
alienate any members by insisting that we have more facts upon which
to make decisions.
If you have the time, and wish
either 846 -0702 (residence) or
lunch together. I am sure you
operation of the BCCC.
Thank you again for writing.
to do so, please, give
693-4141 (office), and
could help my thinking
me a call at
we can have
in regard to
Sincerely yours,
George E. Calloway
The Brazos County Community Council board met at noon 1
in the I &R office. Mr. Eldon Calloway and Mr. Jim Thomp ed.
Others in attendance were: Mr. D.A. Anderson, Mrs. Agnes Bowen,
Mr. Robert Bossler, Mrs. Topaz Hughes, Dr. R.D. Lewis, Dr. J.D.
Lindsay, Mr. Knox Parr, Mrs. Judy Phillips, Mrs. Shirley Plapp, and
Mrs. Aline Snyder.
Mrs. Snyder MOVED suspending the reading of the minutes of the
Previous meeting and approval of same as mailed out, seconded by
Mr. Anderson. MOTION PASSED.
Mr. Bossler gave the Treasurer's Report for April. As of May 1
the balance on hand was $2,382.32. A copy is attached to the
original of these minutes. He announced receipt of a check from
BVDC for last July in the amount of $785.67. This item appears
In "Local Donations" in the Treasurer's books. In August 1976
$3,200 was returned to BVDC, some of which came from "Local Sources."
Currey ;t L B "v LC simply reimburses sic 00 for actual expendtui7 es.
Mr. Anderson MOVED, seconded by Dr. Lewis, Mrs. Hughes be authorized
to buy a typewriter and calculator using the $200 budgeted for this
Purpose and if necessary some of the $350 budgeted for Miscellaneous.
Mrs. Hughes distributed copies of the budget for July 1, 1977 -
June 30, 1978 which had been approved by the BCCC board at its
April 11 meeting and which has been submitted to the BVDC. A copy
is attached to the original of these minutes.
It was pointed out the Senior Citizens of Brazos County has applied
for the same $6,900 from BVDC. Dr. Lewis suggested the board be
prepared to attend the BVDC's public hearing on the matter. Mean-
time, Mrs. Plapp will contact the Director of the Area Agency on
Aging to discuss the findings of the Brazos County group which met
recently as a subcommittee of the Advisory Committee of Area Agency
on Aging to consider the two Brazos County Information and Referral
applications. At a meeting which she and Dr. Lewis had attended
(he as an interested person and she as a member of the committee),
the Advisory Committee of Area Agency on Aging approve;; applications
for every county except Brazos. It was noted when the applications
are app by BVDC a nnrtrar+t Is made with the or gan i zaticn
gaining approval. It was pointed out if BCCC does not receive the
funding it will return to being a strictly volunteer organization.
Membership letters have not yet been mailed out. They are to
include information about the Annual Meeting.
Mr. Thompson said MH -MR is applying for a grant for the 7- county
area and hopes to contract with BCCC for Information and Referrals.
Mrs. Boren gave the IRO report for April: Transportation, 248
medical (Turned down 33 who called for medical appointments, becasue
there was not enough space on the day of the ar�ointment.)and drove
2 .33 4 miles; Roadrunners, 6; Outreach, 141. T! second van is
being used for Years for Profit to such an extent it is not avail-
able to IRO.
Mrs. Plapp gave the RSVP report for March: 245 volunteers with
2,573 hours. The total since September is 16,170 hours in 42
volunteer stations.
She reported the Program Officer from Austin was here recently.
Dr. Lewis talked with him about the difficulties of providing
transportation *for volunteers working out of their stations.
It is hoped to broaden the source of funds that might be used
for transportation.
The new budget year for RSVP will be November 1- October 31.
Mr. Anderson MOVED, seconded by Mr. Bossler, Mr. Thompson be
authorized to sign the budget extension of two months. MOTION
Mrs. Gould sent a report the Regional Holas'ns, Committee h
become a permanent committee with Mr. Gus Lamps as chairman and
Mr. John Emerson of the BVDC as secretary.
Mr. Thompson appointed the Nominating Committee: Mr. Parr,
Chairman, and Mrs. Snyder and Mr. Anderson.
Mr. Anderson MOVED to hold the Annual Meeting June 7 at ? :30 p.m.,
seconded by Mr. Calloway. MOTION PASSED. Mr. Thompson is to
arrange for the meeting to be at the Public Library. Dr. Lewis
agreed to present the program, "Why Survive ?"
The regular June board meeting was suspended because of the
Annual Meeting.
Respectrully submitted,
Judy Phillips, Secretary
Texas Employpent Service
800 E. 29th, Bryan ..............
779 -3743
Manpower- Comprehensive Emp.
822 -2013
3003 E. 29th, Bryan .............
822 -7421
Texas Rehabilitation Commission
846 -8886
1706 E. 29th, Bryan .............
779 -9526
Motivation Education Training
823 -3007
Kraft Bldg. 307 S Main............
Jobs Unlimited -
822 -7421
Referral Service, Over 55 ..........
822 -1790
309 Varisco Bldg ................ 823 -5226
Services available for 60 +, Handicapped, Medicad
Christopher Village, Bryan ...........
779 -0051
Bryan Housing Authority ............
822 -2013
Southgate Village C /S ...............
846 -3702
College Station Community Dev. City Hall
846 -8886
Bryan Community Development
Old Library Bldg ................
823 -3007
Housing Assistance, BVDC
John Emerson ..................
822 -7421
Alcoholics Annonymous ............. 779 -0933
Boys Club, 900 W 25 ............. 822 -7516
Girls Club, 306 W 24 ............. 822 -6312
The services listed in this brochure are either free of
charge or based on a sliding scale according to the
clients ability to pay.
BRAZOS COUNTY SHERRIF......... 822 -7373
Fire ........................ 822 -1213
Police ....................... 822 -9411
Ambulance .................... 822 -2522
Fire ............................911
Police ...........................911
Ambulance ........................ 911
POISON CONTROL Brackenridge Hospital, Austin
1 -512- 418- 4490,Ext. 220 or 240
RUNAWAYS ................ 1- 800 - 392 -3352
CHILD ABUSE. ................ 823-0921
1- 800 - 252 -5400
309 Varisco Bldg ................ 823 -5226
Keeps current list of available resources and
Bluebonnet Psychiatric Center....... 822 -7320
TAMU Students ................ 845.1511
after 5 ....................... 845 -4427
308 W. 28th, Bryan .............. 822 -6873
219 N. Main Street
309 Varisco Building
Bryan, Texas 77801
202 E. 27th B. 822 -7373, ext. 241
Well Baby Clinic - -Birth to 5 years
By appt. only, 3rd Wed. - 4th Thurs.
Immunization Clinic -- Mon -Fri.
10:00 - 4:00
Diabetic Screening
Blood Pressure Screening - Thurs. -Fri.
Venereal Disease Clinic
Diagnosis & Treatment
Tues.+Thurs. 8:00 -9:00 A.M.
302 Varisco Bldg. 822 -1302
Birth control, cancer screening,
Pregnancy testing. 8:00 -4:30
303 - B College Main, C/S 846 -1744
Birth Control, cancer screening,
Pregnancy testing. Appt. only.
3300 East 29th ................. 822 -0193
Physical, Occupational, Speech
Therapy, Hearing Testing.
Crippled Children's Clinic,
Social services, medical equip.
2112 Villa Maria ................ 779 -1880
Call for appointment
1706 -C East 29th ............... 822 -7535
Services for children and adults with
severe vision problems.
chool nurse screens children ages 3 -18
and assists family in obtaining examina-
tion and glasses if necessary.
405 W. 28th, Bryan ................ 822 -7326
Counseling, In- patient, Out - patient,
Mon -Fri . .....................8:00 -5:OC
202 East 27th, Bryan ............. 779 -2000
Alcohol & Drug Abuse Services
Outreach - Education
Association of Retarded Citizen
Farm - Training Center
1st Steps Forward
202 E. 27th ................... 779 -2000
Programs for developmently retarded children,
ages 0 -3 years.
Brazos County Probation Dept
John Godfrey ........
Legal Aid - Brazos County
Neeley Lewis ........
Lawyer Referral ........
Juvenile Officer- Police Dept.
Bryan .............
College Station .......
.......... 822 -7373
.......... 822 -7477
...... 1- 800 - 252 -9690
..........822 -9411
Dept. Human Resources
302 E. 24th, Bryan ..............
823 -0921
Child Abuse services, financial assistance
needy families and children.
Mon -Fri.
Medical Assistance ...............
779 -2657
SSI- Supplemental Security Income
779 -4400
1300 Texas, Bryan ...............
822 -1371
Eligibility: Over 65, Disabled, Blind
Salvation Army
For referral ...................
823 -5226
American Red Cross
207 W. 29th, Bryan .............. 822.2157
Service for Military families, assistance to disaster
victims. Monthly Blood Drives.
Twin City Mission
SOO N. Main B ........... • . • ... 822 -7511
Family emergency services. Short time help with
meals and lodging. Furniture and clothing.
Headstart -Child Development
Bryan ........................ 822 -1302
College Station ........... • . • • • • • 846 -8893
Pre School Program For handicapped and low income
Children. Neal School -703W. 20th Bryan
822 -6330 Mon -Fri. 7:30 - 5:30
Years For Profit- Meals for Senior Citizens over 60
30th and Bryan B .............. •
822 -0591
Lincoln Center C/S • • • • • • • . • • •
846 -1033
10:00 - 2:00 • • ..................
Mon -Fri.
Meals on Wheels • • • .... • • • • • • • . • • . •
822 -1302
Food Stamp Office ..................
779 -4400
Sunnyland Shopping Center ........
Mon -Fri.
9 - 5 By appointment
Women Infants & Children (WIC)
307 Varisco Bldg. . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • •
822 -1302
Vouchers provided to eligible families to purchase
Nutritional foods. Nutrition Classes.
8:00 - 6:00 .................... Mon - Thurs.
Retired Senior Volunteer Programs
310 Varisco Bldg B ........ ..... 822 -2712
Volunteer placement for over 60
General Education Development GED
Bryan Schools .................. 779 -5441
College Station Schools ............ 846 -8893
Education programs for those citizens who did not
finish high school who wish to complete their
education. Certificate given.
f v�
Established 1968
Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be the 3razos County Community Council.
Article II - Objectives & Purposes
The Brazos County Community Council seeks to involve groups and indi-
viduals in the identification of needs of the community, to recommend, aid,
abet and at times sponsor development or strengthening of agencies rendering
critical services to the community, and when it becomes desirable to enter
Into agreements with governmental or private agencies for the establishment
of such services, to assist individuals and families in contacting available
services, to assist in the coordination of activities among agencies, and to
discourage unnecessary and expensive duplication.
Article III - Membership
Section I - Membership in the Council shall be open to : (a) non - profit
organizations operating locally in the areas of communications, community
development, health, recreation, character - building, and /or welfare; (b) non-
profit and non - political organizations which have concern for the social
well -being of Brazos County; (c) interested individual citizens. Organiza-
tional and individual memberships may be approved by the Boarl of Directors.
Section 2 - Organizations shall remain members unless they voluntarily
withdraw or until membership is terminated by a two - thirds vote of the members
present as a regular meeting or at a special Board meeting called for that
purpose. Failure to oay the annual dues shall be cause for termination of
Article IV - Officers
The officers of the Community Council shall be elected by the Board of
Directors. Officers shall serve for a period of one ,year, or until their
successors are elected. Officers shall take office at the June meeting of the
Board of Directors following their election in April.
Article V - Board of Directors
Section 1 - A Board of Directors, consisting of at least fourteen members
of the Brazos County Community Council, shall be responsible for the formula-
tion of policies between meetings of the Council membership and the conduct
of all business of the Community Council. Duties and responsibilities may be
delegated by the Board of Directors to regular or special committees, appointed
by and responsible to the Board of Directors. Members of such committees need
not be members of the Board. The Board of Directors shall include the following
Vice - President
Chairperson for Membership
Chairperson for Publicity and Promotion
Eight General Members
Reads of action groups sponsored by or cooperating with the Brazos
County Community Council may be invited to sit with the Board for purposes
of planning, reporting, etc.
Section 2 - Members of the Board shall serve for a term of two years,
or until their successors are elected. One half of the membership of the
Board shall be elected each ,year, to replace those whose term is expiring.
Members who have served a term may be re- elected.
Section 3 - Vacancies on the Board caused by death or resignation of
a member may he filled by the Board to serve the unexpired term.
Section 4 - The immediate Past President of the Council shall be a
member of the Roard and shall be the Parliamentarian for the year after .
his term expires.
Section 5 - The Board of Directors shall meet at least quarterly.
Special meetings of the Roard may be called by the President or by five
members of the Board.
Section 6 - Members of the Roard shall be nominated and elected with-
out discrimination.
Article VI - Elections
Section 1 - Nominating Committee: The President shall appoint a nomina-
ting committee of three members of the Council at least 60 days before the
annual meeting. The Chairman of this committee shall be appointed by the
Section 2 - A slate of nominees for election to the Board of Directors
shall be presented at the annual meeting. It is desirable that nominees be
sought from among, but not limited to, members active in community affairs
as described in Article III, Section 1. Additional nominations may be made
from the floor during the meeting, provided that the member so nominated shall
have been consulted in advance and his willingness to serve indicated. A
member of the Board whose term has expired may be re- elected.
Article VII - Duties of the Officers and Chairpersons
President, duties of:
1. The President, or in his absence the Vice - President, shall preside
over all meetings of the Council and the Board of Directors. In the
absence of both, a temporary presiding officer shall be elected from
among the members present.
2. The President shall appoint all committees of the Council and the
Board of Directors.
3. The President shall exercise a general supervision over all the
affairs of the Council.
4. Following approval by the Board, the President will sign agreements
with other agencies as provided in the objectives, Article II, and
may obligate the Council for payment for services by regular or part -
time employees.
5. The President shall be a member ex- officio of all committees, but he
shall not be counted in determining a quorum. In the absence of the
President, the 171ce- President shall serve in his stead.
The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all proceedings of the
Council and Board of Directors and shall have responsibility for all official
papers and records pertaining to the office. At the annual meeting in April
of each ,year, the Secretary shall submit a written report covering the activities
of the office. At the expiration of the term of office, the Secretary shall
turn over to the successor all books, records, and other property of the Council
in the Secretary's custody. The Secretary shall attend to such correspondence
as may be necessary or desirable in connection with the office, and shall mail
notices of the annual and Board meetings to all members of the Council and /or
the Roard.
The Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all monies of the Council,
which records shall be kept in the Treasurer's possession and shall deposit
all monies received in one or more banks and /or savings institutions as
directed by the Board to the credit of the Brazos County Community Council,
and shall make investments only in such securities as are approved by the
Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be . responsible for the payment of all
just bills incurred by the Council, and shall deliver the account books of
the Council for an independent audit at the end of the fiscal ,year, and shall
submit a written report of his office at the annual meeting of the Council.
Vice- President
In the absence of the President, or in the event of his inability or
refusal to act, the Vice- President shall perform the duties of the President,
and when so doing shall have all the powers of the President. In addition,
the Vice - President shall be Chairperson for Programs and Planning. The Vice -
President shall be concerned with the over -all objectives of the Council, and
how these objectives are to be attained and shall also be responsible for
providing programs of worth and interest to the objectives of the Council at
the quarterly and annual meetings of the Council.
Other Chairpersons
The Chairperson for Membership shall be responsible for the solicita-
tion of memberships in the Council among organizations and individuals. The
Chairperson for Membership may conduct membership drives, produce and dis-
tribute-brochures, seek publicity through television, radio and the press
In efforts to secure memberships. The Chairperson shall keep an accurate
record of membership, by classes, end shall report to the President, and to
the Council at the quarterly and annual meetings. Reasonable and legitimate
expenses incurred in line of these activities shall be paid by the Council,
subject only to prior approval of the President.
The Chairperson for Publicity and Promotion shall inform the public, by
television, radio, press or other means, concerning the aims, objectives,
programs and accomplishments of the Council and /or its operating divisions.
Any and all methods such as brochures, exhibits, public meetings, prepared
talks, etc., to keep the Council before the public are included in the duties.
Reasonable and legitimate expenses incurred in line of these activities shall
be paid by the Council, subject to prior approval of the President.
Article VIII - Meetings
Section 1 - An annual meeting of the Community Council membership and
guests shall be held in April of each year at which meeting annual reports
shall be given and directors elected. Notice to the membership shall contain
the slate of directors to be presented by the nominating committee and shall
be mailed 15 days before the meeting date.
Section 2 - Additional meetings of the Council shall be held at least
quarterly with due written notice.
Section 3 - Upon petition by ten members of the Council, the Board of
Directors shall call a general meeting within thirty days.
Section 4 - A quorum at any meeting of the Council shall be 20% of the
membership. A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be 50/ of the members
of the Board.
Article IX - Finance
Section 1 - Dues for individual membership and for organizations shall
be set by the Board.
Section 2 - The Board of Directors shall be responsible for all financial
matters. They may seek and accept assistance as they deem appropriate.
Article X - Tax Exempt Status
The Brazos County Community Council is organized exclusively for chari-
table, religious, educational and scientific purposes, including, for such
purposes, the making of distributions to organizations'that qualify as exempt
organizations under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1964
(or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall inure to the benefit
of, or be distributable to its members, directors, officers, or other private
persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay
reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distri-
butions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the preceding paragraph.
No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying
on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the
organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the pub-
lishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of
any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these
bylaws, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted
to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from Federal income tax under
Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 ( or the corresponding
provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by an or-
ganization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2)
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any
future United States Internal Revenue Law).
Article XI - Disposition of Assets Upon Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the organization, the Roard of Directors shall,
after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities
of the organization, dispose of all of the assets of the organization ex-
clusively for the purposes of the organization in such manner, or to such
organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for chari-
table, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time
qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under Section 501 (o) (3)
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any
future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Board of Directors shall
determine. Any of such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the
Court of Common Pleas of the County in which the principal office of the
organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such or-
ganization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized
and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Article XII - Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Council shall run from July 1 through June 30
of each ,year.
.Article XIII - Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by an affirmative vote of two- thirds of the
members present at a meetinK of the Council, provided that the proposed amend-
ment shall have been submitted in writing to each member prior to the meeting
and notice of the pending vote is announced in the call of the meeting at which
action is to be taken.
Article RN - Date of Enactment
These bylaws, having* been adopted by the membership of the Brazos County
Community Council at a meeting held on , concerning
which meeting notice and the agenda were duly given to the membership prior to
the meeting, they are hereby declared to be the By-Laws of the Brazos County
Community Council as of
Brazos County Community Council
309 Varisco Building • Bryan, Texas • Telephone 823 -5226
Mav 1 F , 1976
The annual meeting of the Brazos County Community Cnuncil will be
held June 3, 1976, at 7 :30 D. m.,in the Bryan Public Library. The
program topic for the evening will be Early Childhood Education and
will be riven by Ina Kopus of the Brazos Valley Association for the
Fducation of Young Children. The public is invited to attend.
Also, at this meetine,, the new Aoard of Directors will be voted on.
The nominating committee's slate is as follows:
President - John Leonard
V.Pres. - Jim Thompson
Secretary - Gloria Taylor
Treasurer - E. S. Packenham
Members - Frences Allen
D. A. Anderson
Robert Rossler
J. D. Lindsay
Judge W. R. Vance
R. D. Lewis
Rita Keneirp
Topaz Hughes
Knox Parr
Aline Snyder
Harley Roath
Judy Phillips
Marianna Bond
W. D. Dunn
Helen Wilborn
Nominations may also be made from the floor.
The enclosed By -laws have been revised and will be voted on.
The Brazos County Community Council board met at noon July 11, '77
the RSVP office. Mr. Eldon Calloway presided. Others in at idance
.re: Mr. Robert Bossler, Mrs. .Agnes Bowen, Mrs. Irene Bunetill.),
M.es. Lucile Gould, Mrs. Topaz Hughes, Dr. R.D. Lewis, Mr. Pat Newton,
Mr. Knox Parr, Mrs. Judy Phillips, Mrs. Harley Roath, Mrs. Barbara
Schoermiann, Mrs. Aline Snyder, and Mr. Jim Thompson and Mrs. Shirley
Mrs. Snyder MOVED, seconded '-y Mrs. Gould, the minutes of the Annual
Meeting be approved as read. MOTION PASSED.
Mr. Bossler gave the Treasurer's report for the month of June. Balance
on hand June 30, 1977 was ,2,518.68. A copy of the report is attached
to the original of these minutes. Dr. Lewis MOVED, seconded by Mr.
Thompson, the report be accepted. MOTION PASSED. Mr. Bossler reported
$530.00 has been received in membership and donations and this amount
will be carried over for 1977 -78. In response to the membership letter,
there are 33 members to date.
Mrs. Hughes reported appearing before the College Station and Bryan
United Funds and requesting $1,500 and $2,000 respectively.
Mr. Calloway signed a contract with BVDC on June 28 and it was indicated
next year's funds will be halved so an increase in donations and memberships
will be necessary to maintain BCCC programs. However, Mrs. Hughes
attended a meeting of Area Agency on Aging and there is hope the amount
Of support will remain the same as at present.
The Information_ and Referral office is now open 9 -1, as there must be
15 hours per week spent with Outreach. Paperwork will be done from 1 p.m.
til 2 p.m. 'rs. Bowen reported on Outreach. She goes into rural areas,
seeks out key persons, and finds out who needs help. The cities are
divided into areas and the same procedure followed. She helps in
filling out governmental forms, making medical appointments, refers to
Meals on Wheels, and explains Years for Profit.
Mrs. Bowen gave the following report for June: Information and Referral 58;
Outreach 46; Transportation 515 (unable to serve 28 of these requests);
Roadrunners 7; Project Independence 832 driven to the site; 4,970 miles
traveled by van. BCCC sub - contract is only for scheduling the van which
Is not owned by BCCC.
,x. Thompson volunteered to 1jelp train people in helping riders to get
off and on the van, in an effort to prevent accidents.
Mrs. Plapp gave the TSVP report for April. There were 248 volunteers
serving 2,139 hours in 42 volunteer stations. Requests for support have
been made from College Station City Council 2,000), C.S. United Fund
($2,000), Bryan United Way ( #1,900), and City of Bryan 02,000). RSVP's
first fund - raising event was held on July 4 for 080.95 at a rodeo. Some
State funding will be done for RSVP programs and can be used for matching
funds. A federally funded contact worker will be in comprehensive
training for one year thru the Brazos Valley Development Council.
Mr. Thompson MOVED, seconded by Dr. Lewis, Mr. Calloway be authorized
to sign the RSVP application for grant request to be submitted before
the next board meeting. MOTION PASSED. It was agreed Mrs. Plapp
will present the next year's budget before November 1 for approval
by the board. I
Mr. Calloway asked each board member to consider possible chairmen
for publicity and membership. Mrs. Gould volunteered to help with
either committee.
Next board meeting will be August 8.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Phillips, Secretary
The Annual Meeting of the Brazos County Cr ;unity Council was held at
the Bryan Public Library on June 6, 1977 a. 7 :30 p.m. Mr. Jim Thompson
presided and welcomed guests. A quorum of the Board was present.
Mr. Robert Bossler gave the Treasurerts Report for the year ending
June 30, 1977 with the month of June estimated. A copy of that report
Is attached to the original of these minutes. Balance on hand was $333030.
Mr. Knox Parr gave the Nominating Committee report. Other members of
this Committee were Mrs. Aline Snyder and Mr. D.A. Anderson. A copy of
this report is attached to the original of these minutes. Nominated for
a two -year term were: Mr. Pat Newton, Mr. Jim Thompson, Mr. D.A. Anderson,
Mr. Robert Bossler, Judge W.R. Vance, Dr. R.D. Lewis, Mrs. Barbara
Schoenmann, and Mrs. Lila Lane. Nominated to fill unexpired terms for
one year were Mrs. Harley Roath and Mrs. Irene Buentillo. Carry -over
directors to serve out the remaining year of their two -year terms were:
Mrs. Topaz Hughes, Mrs. Aline Snyder, Mrs. Judy Phillips, Mr. Eldon
Calloway, Mr. Knox Parr, and Mrs. Lucile Gould. 111 . Calloway MO;►'ED
nominations cease. Mr. Anderson seconded. MOTION PASSED. Mr. Bossler
MOVED the slate be elected. Mr. Anderson seconded. MOTION PASSED.
Mr. Anderson MOVED Mr. Calloway be elected President. Seconded by
Mr. Bossler. MOTION PASSED. Mr. PaTr MOVED Mr. Thompson be elected
Vice President, Mr. Bossler be elected Treasurer, and Mrs. Phillips be
elected Secretary. Mr. Anderson seconded. MOTION PASSED.
It was decided to wait on the elections for Membership and also Publicity
The Board will meet the second Monday in July.
Mr. Thompson introduced Dr. R.D. Lewis who gave a very interesting
talk on "Why Survive -- Growing Old in America." A copy of his notes is
attached to the original of these minutes.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Phillips, Secretary
Report of Nominati::g Committee
Brazes County Community Council
For 1977 -78
Two Year Term
'Pat, T
Jim 2'hcns�:r
?torert 'lone'. =)r
Barb8 Scbo manln
Lila 1 ere
To t'i11 un- emsrirrd t�rr year`,
Mrs KarFLc=,z Roiitii
Irene ,uentill"
Carry -over directrr;, fnr ]. ;scar- alrq.iIy servi..g
Tc. ^ `I ;gores
9 Ery - der
3ud 'r ' ll.ins
loon Callc;_y
Rf- ,srect i vel 8'lltuji_ G ted,,
%ox Tarr- Chairmar
Aline Snyder
V ?A . k.� erson
,.W ^. -,
B2aZD4 CoWl t4 Commcur i ti, CoUnc it
The &RML(,an noon lfieAt i w of the Boated o.f j)j&eGto&4 Op the B2Q3A Coun,+,jl.
,CoMm"PA-tu_ CounzAt wa4 hedd ir ionda -; , 7 human-` 7 077 at th.e. P,. S. U. ,z. o P.i i_ce.
Ilk- F.(.dnn. Ca44.0 Ur_, a&en.i_den t, CtdA d the aee in-a. fnPnen t gene d-�iec torsi
a. h. hndeA40 -, koheht B0441-e,--. ?nesie Bune^1.i.t.Lo. L.u.C,Uz �ou,Cd, To =7. ffUahen.
Lila Lane. P. a. L". Xnnx Pa&&. RLi.ne SruLdeh and Zinn 7hnmo4on: Acnm Botirer_.
B. C. C. C. a rfi.ce and Sh,i)CP c
i �4nUx en o.f -the nneuaa un m x c c toe&e. ari non ved w i , the f o )J-o&i nr ca ec t in r
The P.SUT hmd Aa4A ine7 even,+ (.Law >:_ uaA=,. f'.urn� nwe) � he cv the
Bter,an 'odes A1rPna tnr fors. ¢ 2icn ic: and the Und"-4cnnted nh�towo ,in Z ded 4-r
the- Cans men tesice_: , R 7e-, funded Contact wo&,Ep, ta,J'j_ h
i . S. 17. P . in camnnejieri.� ive t�rn,+n.inc.... Rotinrz- made hr, Aru eA4on. oeconde lr
Lanee.. mot in 2a 44ed .
i:✓i. B044 J.e,L au4ented .the fAna-7cia) &Peon t. cone of wh,i.ch .rn at,�tached tP the
o of there rriniLten. S41ce the"- wa4 at one tum o.f the Men a haJa ^ce.
01 40 Me_ ,x'3.300. with .the consent o•f the_ me.4-iden:_ -the 4 UM- o.f "2.00(, wa4 deao4.ited
.in an, in t ent -heap inq. (5 7145,) damn" account at' the Comnu ra-tu_ Sauuw,4 f Loar-
&U,l'hdAaUn)4 Mai, he. made at ak, 6&zp dri,. the tneawuAe& on anew-en,—' Srurden moued
ann�rnua!^ o-f thin actton. Lri,. the Boated, 4econded, in, And,-A4oa, rrot inn Qa44ed
Baianc.e in .the the - nn_ account aw o.f thin date .L4 S 588; . 2c .
Total income .fors. , -h e ae�r iod I al Lb, to 8 QtWUn 4 r04-.2 tD �,a/, exeend i�tU�r ew
(inn f tedincr. S2, 00(i denn4-i t -in 4au cnnw) : , n - The4e f t ounen . .ueo inn,in
thin Month. ZgciUde the-'.in, kind' .i te�'t4. O uch a4 -Dace nenta, _ Lane moved,
Lewin 4PcondPd rzat i on t&en4cure&.'4 nenont he accented. laot i.o ca�ui i ec'
h4 acLthoA i aed m the o&,ejrc ouw ml
incate4. the. ;�. S. U. F. hudP.et owed ir. a
aJ�D.1�t_Ca��in!' LX7n Q.7.1]lL[SLled h.' the QlLew✓.d?^.:1..
Oe�r (�un�r.en4: r�14. HvaJ nnena&cd a ,fudnet fnh nnei+Pn,tcz,' eP� �o she �ta?n4
^, -'� rn cw4tone�tn .f-on Cnnw i.deAM;,,ton .fin CoUn tu, undo. jr, e,44 ice. the 4a L
an the Cour)c U annuaC hUdae t., 2evi,:a Lo . wrlw nccen4anr, to b2eah door^ "
cat. cn4 (r800) ;n to T P� I7nr s 411�� • r� r ^ , Commtln -
Po4 --CPP . tGUL�tL! e -/ . = % • ;n G,C - c
4CLl?PIrJ •14oh1 ! thB1 �P. f�ro1 IgGQ � /C►nQOU4 to f e,74nnn p, � :
CCLI P� r+,PD,t- n4?•_e_ar1 n! thr Ji4cr.r
4Pn 4e_con ^—
cQJrh.i �d .
r iv'7i; ' 1 eltil
da ed E. �_. `. C. uRT tcL
#h 4fLe�r ire nAovided d i�teznrn.
.f th
the mrr i ii ri rr oere m end t ew .
Le i4 Moued. Thomnwon .eeconded a mot i.on to anonnere MAchane of a denk • p, the.
office_. 22t Ft 4P_Cn -hand de.4k wau!rr 1,p
� mc. , �.i ri Pr! a4 a no44 t lzi,f i t:: .
rte. { {rrrltPif hr.. hp A' �IPCn ^n i z RLI !• SfP.YO ohf72r2� znt in^ n.r 2 %�'4 „� -
aged TO 4aeak. ar .tnPi�r_ Cn nve z. ;in to hp hetd d Sa. hntoair OCxn)re- 2 %.
(.�. Fsnl,ro.n inp, the nn ^;' mnn;�h.
Uan. urged ink rn R. ;�nnon'i -cn! aa.no %rtmf�
G (1 i cn r!.er� n�rn�rd r nr. tAnna ryn�i,ta t,in
Pgcnnt%�r r+.i��.nn� (PnadrL ^nP�t��
' .
n,11 nQgAPI rnQJl4 . Pnr.f ec lmdenender ce. Ofied iza)- r.- Uea V,6 Pan. Pan P i me1Ll� )
M ; S n2l�enrelvJ. l/eplr� inh Pn_n.F.i ""
she. med ical a_rd npaI4 band
10 (
`10 Jr`nhrn -' Pofohlin.!. enhnnP P- c t)4 yn n.FJ rp
She fe. the 4.oia". num,he� corraAed to qir.e and -try 75 1 -a of .lam% r,ea�. arm dtr.P.
"nmari.l, to the head Shp. limn i4 nn.t orA_- condb - , nnpd. nRAdA
rrobint " -fon det4v lur 3e n 4.u4 -. ?.Thnr,7n&n at.Ut_ offeAd to xha%n dJr�lllPJlr�
-ir -th..e handi,inn of �U ! and aped ne,�4on4. i
P' P.in_nn Ap- na& ted , P ori Mm -4-he", weAp 2A 4 a -t j ue R. S. l7. P. l �n l�r�ee�i� .in 41
fro bin to 4tjmtion4. She maid marl, aAe becom inrr acAtue Z U Aa td JoA i'nn f i.± .
that aJ.) the o.".e_ce cter t-,ed 4-r the &UMn U.enA4 -fO4 No.0 -il had djeen ac .Lue-
bi the R. S. U P. a4oaAam. a` one t irze_ 02 another. -7,P, mh.er S, a, A fvjui4 arse.
deAeAmAn ed. and nece i reed. .the&e ate 4uhn.L w . -w to be ca4,t,i� fz t
att Of the
uean, R.S. U. P. ononn4e4 tn oaer, an int-eA"t- , &ea�inn account a4 rk- ha4
dor 4one,fwU) . ; ,' there ca- be `undid cmvr i ed overt to the next. uerrn, it ma,
be ao4lo.ib -c to nai another nPA4o 4 n.ce the n11AbeA o.f n-w D4A be fu 4enve -d i4
becnm,4nr7 iWwelr. -than_ two nwD)P. car, adencra teb,, 4e tue. Irrd. P.Lanr, nerxviked.
An irwitzt,t inn wa4 n eceived to an Oaen No uj e c e i.ebnn t inn the cnan ae- o.f_ name
Z&om. Cen t&� BW7,04 OcUJ eu. /, keatth Cen -ter to Bdiehonnet PovctuzAA c
Ce.n te-t. Znnm 70 to 72 TiuuA4dcL:.. 'I Ruolr4 . Poh "3n.thnd c t lnrL of dhon,i t ,i eii
and &e_c za-inn- "
tree in,a 'ad.4nwrned. at ' a. m. ilex- me J-,Ul , tri,U. Ire SentenLlJe.2
.' ReoQ.ectfiL(.(��. �u,(rni�ted.
Lic-i Le Co u (d, acting_ aec to to u:
January 1, 1978 - December 31, 1978
INC0 M -
Brazos Valley Development 6000.00
Bryan United Way 1200.00
C/S United Chest 1200.00
Memberships & Donations 100.00
In Kind 1880.00
Brazos County 1700.00
$ 7700.00
Printing (Booklet)
Printing &: Supplies
x,12, 080.00
Br Valley Development Council
Area Agency on Aging
Barbara Bowerman
P.O. Drawer 4128 3006 East 29th Street
Bryan, TX 77801 (713) 822 -7421 or 823 -7105
Brazos County Community Council
Information and Referral Office
309 Varisco Building
Main Street at 24th, Bryan
Phone: 823 -5226
Fact Sheet
The Brazos Valley Development Council functions as a multi - purpose organ-
ization which seeks to provide a means by which local governments can
coordinate their activities in achieving balanced regional growth and
development. The Area Agency on Aging is but one component of these
planning organization.
I. Purpose of AAA To develop a comprehensive system of appropriate
supportive services which will result in the main-
tenance of independence and dignity for Older
Americans in their own homes.
II. Funding Area Agencies on Aging are funded under Title III
of the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended.
The funding agency on the Brazos Valley Area Agency
on Aging is the Texas Governor's Committee on Aging.
III. Staffing The staffing of the BVAAA includes the Project Director,
Program Specialist, Secretary, and three half -time
Senior Field Advocates.
IV. Functions
0 1 P y, A
The AAA is responsible for the planning, coordinating
of existing services, and pooling of available but
untapped resources. In line with these three functions,
the AAA will develop an area plan for a comprehensive
and coordinated service delivery system. It will survey
the needs in terms of existing resources, and coor-
dinate services to meet identified needs. The AAA is
also responsible for the development processing and
administration of grants for supportive and linkage
services in keeping with the priority of needs in
the area. It will be the grantee for all Title III
projects in the region and will subcontract for the
delivery of services with existing agencies whenever
A. Sub - Contracts:
a. Highest priority has been given to information
and referral activities. Other high priority
linkage services include outreach, and trans-
portation to enable older persons to take
advantage of available resources. Sub - Contracts
have been developed by the BVAAA for the
provision of each of these services. Infor-
mation and referral, outreach, and trans-
portation scheduling and dispatching are
being provided by the following contractors:
Brazos County - Brazos County Community Council
Burleson County - "Years for Profit ", Nutrition
Program for the Elderly
Grimes County - Bluebonnet Psychiatric Center
Leon County - "Years for Profit ", Nutrition
Program for the Elderly
Madison County -
Bluebonnet Psychiatric Center
Robertson County - "Years for Profit ", Nutrition
Program for the Elderly
Washington County - Services for Handicapped
and Aged Persons
A transportation system has been developed by
the Brazos Valley Community Action Agency in
coordination with the AAA, DPW, and other
funding sources. This system involves the
use of (13) vans in the seven (7) county
region and will be coordinated with the Infor-
mation and Referral Centers for scheduling
and dispatching.
b. Title III also funds Senior Activity Centers:
The centers provide a place where elderly indi-
viduals can congregate for a variety of social
and educational activities and other services
which alleviate the loneliness of isolated
existance. The centers are now operated by
the following contractors:
Brazos County - Brazos County Senior Citizens
Grimes County - Central Grimes County Volunteer
Fire Association; Anderson
Madison County - Madison County Health and
Recreation Center
Washington County - Services for Handicapped and
Aged Persons
Grimes County - Grimes County Progressive Asso-
ciation; Navasota
B. Advocacy
The AAA serves as a community leader in representing
the needs of Older Americans. Efforts are directed
at (1) securing those rights and services for the
elderly that are mandated under existing law or
policy but denied them in actual practice and at
(2) expanding the service provisions available to
older people or to segments of the older popu-
lation with specific unmet needs.
V. Nutrition Projects for the Elderly Title VII of the Older Americans
Act of 1965, as amended, provides for the development
of Nutrition projects for the elderly. In Brazos
Valley, this program is a part of the Brazos Valley
Community Action Agency and is called "Years for
Profit ". The "Years for Profit" program operates
in four high priority counties in the region:
Burleson, Leon, Robertson, and Brazos. The Title
VII Nutrition Project is a part of the compre-
hensive and coordinated service system in the
of the Brazos County Community Council
Room 310 Varisco Building - Bryan, Texas 77801
713 - 822 - 2712
August 1977
Altrusa Club of Bryan— College Station
American Association of Retired Persons
American Red Cross
Better Business Bureau
Bluebonnet Psychiatric Center
Brazos County
Brazos Valley Community Action Agency
Brazos Valley Development Council
Brazos Valley Family Planning
Brazos Valley Museum of Natural Science
Citizens for Historic Preservation
Crestview Retirement Community
Department of Public Welfare
Fisancial Counseling Service
Friendly Folks
Friends of the Library
Girl Scouts
Information and Referral Office
Leisure Lodge
Maroon and White Corps
New Light for the Blind
RSVP Office and Advisory Council
Reading Material Distribution
St. Joseph's Hospital Pink Ladies
Senior Citizens' Cheer Up Club
Senior Citizens' Center at Faith United
Sherwood Volunteers
Sweetbriar Nursing Home
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Telephone Reassurance Service
Telephone Contactors
Years for Profit
The Brazos County Community Council was organised in 1968
to inform the area of the social welfare needs in Brazos County.
Membership, then and now, is open to organizations, civic groups,
church groups, agencies and individuals. Annual meetings are
held in April at which the directors and officers are elected.
Other meetings will be held as the need arises for public meetings.
An Information and Referral Office was opened in 1969 and
was operated by volunteers with Robert Bossler as volunteer Director.
In May 1.972 the Council applied for and received a federal grant for
the operation of a Retired Senior Volunteer Program. In 1975 a
grant was applied for received from the Area Agency on Aging for
a,y- information and referral office with a target area of people
over 60 in Brazos County. In 1976 more money was received for
an outreach worker to visit the elderly.
This office is open 5 days a week from 9 :00 to 1:00. Pairs.
Agnes Bowen is the Director. This office serves the community
with no limitations as to age and the* - e is no charge for the
service. We seek also to inform individuals and the community
of the unmet needd in Brazos County; we refer to other organizations
when possible; we seek aid from churches and individuals within
the limitations of this group. We have prepared a Directory of
Community Services, a Directory of Social Services, and a "6'ihere
to Call" directory. We served approximately 400 families last
OUTREACH SERVICES The Director makes visits to the homes
of persons over 60 each afternoon from 1 :00 to 5:00. This service
is trying to reach all the elderly in Brazos County to inform them
of the services available to them; many social security, food stamp,
and other forms are filled out= other needs are met if possible.
Housing is a big problem of many older citizens. Approximately
200 visits were mare into the homes last year.
TRANSPORTATION This service schedules and dispatches vans
for transportation of the elderly and those on Medicaid for medical
treatment, drugs, food stamps, and related places. There is also
a van for Years for Profit meal program that serves the elderly.
There has been 750 individuals ride 'the van last year.
ROAD RUNNERS We have a list of volunteers who give
their time to take some of the handicapped for medical service;
70 people used this service last year.
ArdSWERING SERVICE We take the calls for the local
Cancer Society directing people to the current chairmen of
each service and send their mail to the memorial chairman.
1977 -78
The B7.nzos County Community Council was organized in 1968 to inform the area
of the social welfare needs in Brazos County. Membership, then and now, is open
to organiza civic clubs, church groups, agencies working with people, and
indi: idw,lo. Annual meetings are held in June at which Directors and officers
are elected. Other meetings will be held as the need arizes for public information.
INPORIY.AT.LON c� REFERRAL OFFICE, 309 Varicco Building.
=s office is open five days a week, Mrs. Agnes Bowen serves as Director. This
office was opened in 1969 with Robert Bossler as Volunteer Director. The office was
maixned by volunteers for 2 day until 1975; at that time a grant was received fox
the ,Yew Agency fo3 Aging which allowed us to hire a Director for - day 5 days a
week. La.'!ar we asked to add a second person to do outreach in the homes of the
elder.3.f, With this grant we were to focus on the needs of the elderly in our
com arLity; however, we do seek to help each person who calls or visits the office
rega.rclless of age. We seek to inform individuals and the co of the unmet
needs n Brazos County; we refer to other agencies when possible; and we try to
help in every way possible all those who seek our aid. We prepare a- Directory of
CoDamini-'7f Serviceo, a Directory of Social_ Services, and a "Where to Call Directozy".
CH S EH,110ES is a vi "sit into the home in the afternoons of persons over 60
s2 e'.= 4 - r� 2-n.form aril help in every way possible to meet the needs of these senior
ci i zer.s .
T L 3 P0 -T is scheduling and dispatching vans for elderly citizens and those
on meth:L a,. d We are limite to serving only' the trips relating to medical. or
government ag nciec at this time. The van transported 252 people in March 1977.
R O.&D R'j - Xki R. SERVICE i s still used as ve have some handicapped persons who cannot get in
the -ia_n, lri?� '. tc the 14 vol_unterrs we have, we are able to furnish this need.
Ri TIPJ D SE N-.LO_ 1 1O LU? -"�;ER PROGRAM 310 Varisco Building, is open all day, five days
a�wcel- IiCs. Shirley Plapp is Director. This program is to enlist volunteers over
60 to fill the neeclr of non - profit agencies in our community. RSVP seeks and trains
these vol to use their skills, talents, and energies for the betterment of
themsolves and our communities. In March 245 volunteers gave 2, hours to 42
AZT TU M�lT'_GS ace held to elect directors and officers. We need representatives
f.com all tLe' ag&enc ies, clubs and individuals so that we may be aware of all the
vr.TM -et needs in our area. Please send your membership and donations to our office:
309 Va.- :a_s Building that you too may become an active participating part of this
oY an_izatio;? which seeks to serve so many in Brazos County.
The Brazos County Community Council board met at noon September 12,
1977 in the RSVr office. Mr. Eldon Calloway presided. Present were:
Mr. A.D. Anderson, Mr. Robert Bossler, Mrs. Agnes Bowen, Mrs. Lucile
Gould, Mrs. Topaz Hughes, Mrs. Lila Lane, Dr. R.D. Lewis, Mr. Pat
Newton, Mr. Knox Parr, Mrs. Judy Phillips, Mrs. Shirley Plapp, Mrs.
Barbara Schoenmann, and Mr. Jim Thompson. Also present were Mrs.
Barbara Bowerman, Director of BVDC's Area Agency Aging, and Mrs.
Roberta Lindquist from the same office.
Minutes of the meeting of August 8 were approved as received, on
MOTION by Mr. Anderson., seconded by Mr. Thompson.
The Treasurer's report was submitted by Mr. Bossler and accepted on
MOTION by Mrs. Gould, seconded by Mrs. Lane. The report is attached
to the original of these minutes. Balance on hand September 12 was
Mrs. Bowerman was present to clarify the relationship between BCCC
and the Area Agency on Aging. She distributed and discussed a Fact
Sheet on that agency, which is attached. There is an adv4sory
committee for the Agency. Mrs. Bowerman: stressed community support
is very important to keeping the services already in existence. She
pointed out the Agency does not provide direct services, but sub-
contracts and one aim is to avoid duplication of services.
Mrs. Bowerman explained the Senior Texans Employment Program which
falls under Title IX of the Older Americans Act. This STEP is
funded by the Governor's Committee on Aging and is set up to provide
employment opportunities for people over 55, for 50 weeks at 16 hours
Per week. Income is a factor. The Area Agency on Aging is seeking
sponsors for STEP. There are eleven spots for Brazos County. It
was pointed out if BCCC became a sponsor the enrollee could work on
scheduling of transportation, dispatching, and some paper work,
leaving more time for Outreach by IRO personnel. A project proposal
is needed and application must be made annually. The local sponsor-
ing agency is responsible for supervision and for submitting forms.
The support percentage is 80 -20 (part of which can be in -kind but
not the same in -kind used for other purposes).
Dr. Lewis MOVED, seconded by Mr. Anderson, the BCCC make an appli-
cation for a person to work in the IRC under STLP, including clerical
work and scheduling transportation. MOTION PASSED.
Mxs. Plapp said she hopes to have the federally funded worker in
eomnrehensive training in the RSVP office by November 1.
A desk located by Mr. Parr has been purchased for $95 for the IRO.
i1rs. :7u's :es reported she has submitted the BCCC budget and Fact
Sheet (attached) to Judge Vance for the County Commissioners Court,
requesting $1700 from the County for 1978. Also attached to these
minutes is a Fact Sheet presented to the United Funds.
Mr. Calloway reported he had received a letter dated August 18
from the BVDC stating application for RSVP funds were approved.
Letter is attached.
Mrs. Plapp submitted the following RSVP report for July: 264 vol-
unteers (223 active) in 31 active stations for a total of 3,851
hours. Attached to the original of these minutes is a list of the
active RSVP volunteer stations for July 1977 as well as a copy of
the ACTION quarterly program report from RSVP.'
Mrs. Bowen submitted the IRO report for August. Transportation:
215 medical, 821 Years For Profit, for a total of 4,554 miles;
calls concerning transportation 394; Outreach 66; Information
and Referral 49; Roadrunners 5.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Phillips, Secretary
September 26, 1977
Dear Fellow Director:
I believe the following matters should receive Council consideration;
o thus, they are brought t your attention for thought:
Topaz Hughes serves as Chairman, Supervisory Committee, for the I & R
^ �c Office, through appointment by a previous Council President. Her
function is a necessary one. The Supervisory Committee is, according
to my understanding, a committee of one. We appreciate the efforts
d� and interest of Topaz, and we do not look forward to losing her for
any reason. However, it seems to me we should officially establish
a full Supervisory CommitteQin support of Topaz as Chairman and to
provide for continuity in the event of her absence or loss. We do
have responsibilities delineated for the Supervisory Committee -a copy
is attached. The committee responsibilities should be officially
approved by the Council.
Presently approved Personnel Policies provide RSVP Staff Salaries
and fringe benefits shall be approved at the beginning of each project
year by the BCCC Executive Board. I find no policy guidanc % th rA_
s eat to establi,sh�.n th�e alaries and,/o ' each � t occurs
0 e we need to es a sh a salary bracket for each position - an
r entry level and a maximum salary. We need to provide for 'merit'
increases and perhaps for "cost of living" increases. In meeting our
obligation to our fund sources we must assure our administrative
costs are reasonable; thus, the need for a sound policy. Salary for
the I & R Office is "established by the Supervisory Committee and
approved by the Executive Board of BCCC at beginning of each fiscal
year." Again, we need a realistic salary policy.
Holidays for RSVP and the I & R Office personnel are not the same.
It appears the schedules should be the same for each activity. As
now provided:
New Year's Day Jan. 1st)
Washington's Bir. (3d Mon. -Feb)
Good Friday or Yom Kippur
Memorial Day ( 4th Mon.-May)
Independence (July 4th)
LBJ's Birthday(Aug. 27th)
Labor Day (1st Monday - Sept.)
Columbus Day (2d Mon. -Oct.)
Veteran's Day(4th Mon. -Oct.)
Thanksgiving(4th Thur.& Friday)
Christmas(Dec.25th & day before
or after)*
*At discretion of Director
New Years
President's Day- February
Good Friday
Memorial .Day
July 4th
Labor Day (1st Monday- Sept.)'
Christmas (Dec.25th & Day
before or after)
The contract signed with BV DC contains a "Hold Harmle 'use.
Since we have no insurance program, this needs to discussed,
If you have matters which need to be considered by Council members
before the regular meeting, please, call me at 846 -0702 after 6:00-P M
Thank you
i .cam
G g e E.
for your interest and attendance. Your suggestions are
C ii #V
1. R.S.V.P. Check to see that monthly IRS & FICA checks
have been disposited.
Check to be sure quarterly report and check has
been sent to IkS FICA.
Check monthly financial reports and make suggestions
�. for chanare if indicated.
Work with treasurer.
2. Information & Referral Office.
I Same as above. :.
Help prepare budgets for BVDC and United Funds.
Determine need for other funds.
Work closely with treasurer to see that books reflect
our contract with BVDC and that "in kind" and matching
funds are shown.
Oversee budget expenditures.
Communicate irregular hours of employees.
Keep record of vacation time.
Keep record of leave of absences.
Oversee work of all employees, and offer suggestions for
Encourage attendance at meetings for personal growth.
Evualate work of all employees.
Work with personnel on job descriptions.
Keep record of speeches and other contacts with groups.
Oversee function and operation of both offices.
Encourage publicity and public awareness of function of
Be aware of community needs and enlist aid of BCCC Tor
expansion of our facilities as needed.
Keep BCCC informed of needs and what is being done.
WORK with BVDC to be sure IRO is doing a satisfactory job.
Check evualation of workers by BVDC.
Spe that annual evualtions are dome on the work and
ti- T ,,, r, ri- 1 i 11 c'C1 o r r t'4 .
{t - uy i (Ic ; r't -cs1 h it 1,o A4 - 1.1 uii ii,i i i t� t- itt - y.
4o&, 2, � 5— (Xik g
e. t.*,
,000 each person, $1,000,000 each acci-
bodily injury, and $50,000 each accident
perty damage. This insurance is in ex-
the insurance you carry on your own
bile or the limits of your state's financial
Jbility law, whichever is higher.
ins to Excess Automobile
:fusions or restrictions are those included
idard forms. See policy on file with
director for specific provisions.
lave an accident which results in per -
ijury to yourself you can obtain a claim
om your project director. Follow the
ions carefully. When the form has been
led return it to your project director with
�mized bills. The director will then sign
n and submit it to CIMA, 5513 Connec-
renue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20015.
event of a liability claim, you should im-
fly contact your project director and
'hone (202) 244 -5678, 5513 Connecticut
, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20015. If pos-
end written notice containing the time,
and circumstances thereof, with the
and addresses of witnesses and the
Designed & Administered by:
/��� /,-1� 5513 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
( � \"�� Washington, D.C. 20015
Phone (202) 244 -5678
Accident Insurance Plan
Underwritten by:
World Headquarters
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Personal Liability Underwritten by:
World Headquarters
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Excess Automobile Liability Underwritten by:
PM -3338
Hartford, Connecticut
3 -75 Printed in U.S.A.
and Liability
To Volunteers:
Each Volunteer enrolled in a Retired Senior
Volunteer Program, Foster Grandparent Pro-
gram or Senior Companion Program is eligible
for three kinds of insurance plans. These plans
provide coverage for you while participating in
community service as a volunteer.
The Administrator of the plans is Corporate
Insurance Management. All questions and
claims should be directed to the Administrator.
The insurance policies are held by the sponsors
of the Older Americans Volunteer Programs.
This is not a substitute for any insurance you
may now carry and only applies while you are
performing your assignment as a volunteer in
the program.
It is highly appropriate that the satisfaction
and appreciation you experience as a volunteer
be supported by the comfort of knowing you
have some help in the event of an accident.
This leaflet describes the insurance coverage
provided you as a volunteer. The coverage
becomes effective at the time of your formal
enrollment in the Volunteer Program.
Complete information regarding the insurance
coverages is available from your project director
at the local program office where the policies
are on file.
All three plans described herein are offered
to sponsors of the Older American Volunteer
Programs. However not all sponsors elect to
cover their volunteers under all of our plans.
Please check with your project director to see
which coverages your organization is providing
for you.
I. Accident Insurance Plan
This covers you, the volunteer, for a personal
injury arising from your volunteer activities. The
insurance applies while you are traveling directly
to and from, and participating in an activity
sponsored by RSVP, FGP, or SCP. (You will be
covered during any meal period while you are
serving as a volunteer.)
Medical Indemnity —Pays you up to $10,000
If within 60 days after a covered accident your
injuries require medical or surgical treatment,
such expenses incurred within one year after
the accident are covered up to $10,000. The
$10,000 maximum includes a benefit of $500 for
treatment of injury to natural teeth, including
replacement but excluding X -rays. Also included
is a benefit up to $250.00 for repair of dentures
damaged in the accident.
If you are enrolled in Medicare, this benefit
applies only to expenses incurred in excess of
the benefits provided under the Medicare
Loss of Life, or Sight —Pays you up to $1,000
If within one year after an accident injuries
result in death or loss of limb or sight, one of
the following benefits (the largest loss incurred)
is payable in addition to the above medical
For loss of:
Life (caused by an accident) ...........$1,000
Both hands, feet or eyes, or any combina-
tion of two such members ........... 1,000
Hand, foot, or sight of one eye ......... 500
Thumb and index finger of either hand .. 250
Exclusions to Accident Insurance
This insurance does not cover (a) the
medical or surgical treatment or nursing
rendered by any person employed or r
by the local organization sponsoring the
Americans Volunteer Program; (b) ar
caused by (1) abdominal hernia however c
(2) act of war, (3) bacterial infections
an infection caused by a wound), or (4)
ease; or (c) expense incurred for eyegla
prescriptions therefor.
H. Personal Liability Plan
This coverage protects you for a p
injury or property damage liability claii
ing out of your performance as an e
volunteer. The amount of protection is $1,1
for each occurrence and is in excess
other valid and collectible insurance.
Exclusions to Personal Liability
Some of the exclusions are: injury or c
arising out of the use of an automobile
or damage arising while traveling to or fi
place of volunteer service; errors or orr
in connection with professional service; r
malpractice; and personal injury resultir
assault and battery. For other exclusioi
tact the project director who has the cc
policy on file.
III. Excess Automobile Liability
This protects you for a bodily injury o
erty damage claim arising out of using yo
automobile in connection with your prog
lated volunteer work. The amount of prc
of the Brazos County Community Council
Room 310 Varisco Building - Bryan, Texas 77801
713 - 822 - 2712
August 1977
Altrusa Club of Bryan - College Station
American Association of Retired Persons
American Red Cross
Better Business Bureau
Bluebonnet Psychiatric Center
Brazos County
Brazos Valley Community Action Agency
Brazos Valley Development Council
Brazos Valley Family Planning
Brazos Valley Museum of Natural Science
Citizens for Historic Preservation
Crestview Retirement Community
Department of Ppblic Welfare
Financial Counseling Service
Friendly Folks
Friends of the Library
Girl Scouts
Information and Referral Office
Leisure Lodge
Maroon and White Corps
New Light for the Blind
RSVP Office and Advisory Council
Reading Material Distribution
St. Joseph's Hospital Pink Ladies
Senior Citizens' Cheer Up Club
Senior Citizens' Center at Faith United
Sherwood Volunteers
Sweetbriar Nursing Home
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station
Telephone Reassurance Service
Telephone Contactors
Years for Profit
of the Brazos County Community Council
Room 310 Varisco Building - Bryan, Texas 77801
713 - 822 - 2712
Under present regulations allowance for transportation is pro-
vided RSVP Volunteers at 150 per mile only from home to Volunteer
Station location. No provision is made for mileage allowance if
performance of service involves additional mileage from Station
to points of action.
Volunteers who have autos have encountered serverely rising
costs -- gasoline, service, maintenance, repairs, insurance, etc.
In addition, those living on fixed incomes during inflationary
periods, experience severe restrictions. Some would -be volunteers
cannot serve because of lack of or costs of transportation. Sen-
ior Volunteers who can and will transport other volunteers to as-
signments are increasingly difficult to enlist because of these
Often the staff of RSVP has been called upon to provide trans-
portation, including pick -ups and returns for groups of 2 -5 volun-
teers. This involves time and effort away from essential organizat-
ional and operational functions.
Of volunteers currently receiving the 150 per mile reimburse-
ment, about 2/3 drive cars containing 2 -5 riders traveling to their
assignments and 1/3 are occupied by the driver only. A monthly
average of 16 volunteers each drive 62 miles per month and receive
an average monthly reimbursement of $9.30.
In the first 10 months of the 76 -77 year, volunteers receiving
the 150 per mile reimbursement have traveled 9,966 total miles.
During the 12 months of the 75 -76 year reimbursements were expend-
ed for a total of 8,966 miles traveled.
On May 4 RSVP Director Shirley Plapp and R.D. Lewis discussed
travel allowance regulations and situations with Joe Bruch, ACTION
State Program Officer. He recognized the seriousness of the sit-
uation and expressed hopes that some present restrictions might be
modified, especially with regard to travel to the point of the vol-
unteer service activity.
Following the discussion at the RSVP Advisory Council meeting ,
on August 16, and further checking of mileage allowances authorized
by the state appropriation acts for the biennium of 1977 -79, Lewis
and Plapp submit the following to the RSVP Advisory Council:
1. The allowance rates for travel by staff members, and volunteers
be set at the amount authorized in appropriations to state
agencies; 16¢ per mile, is indicated for the current biennium
2. We recommend that suggestions be made to State and National
levels of ACTION that mileage allowances to volunteers be
authorized to the actual points of accomplishing the recogniz-
ed service activities.
3. We recommend that these recommendations be transmitted
to the RSVP sponsor, the Brazos County Community Council, at
its next regularly scheduled meeting.
Approved by Advisory Council on September 20, 1977
6C )�. �a't'v
Dr. R.D. Lewis Shirley Pie/ p
RSVP Advisory Council - Finance Sub - Committee RSVP Director
Freddie Wolters, Chairman
RSVP Advisory Council
The Brazos Courty Community Council board met at noon October 10, 1977
in the RSVP office. Mr. Eldon Calloway presided. Others present were:
Mr. D.A. Anderson, Mr. Robert Bossler, Mrs. Agnes Bower_, Mrs. Lucile
Gould, Mrs. Topaz Hughes, Mrs. Lila Lane, Dr. R.D. Lewis, Mr. Knox Parr,
Mrs. Judy Phillips, Mrs. Shirley Plapp, Mr. Pat newton, Mrs. Barbara
Schoenmann, and Mr. Jim Thompson.
Mr. Anderson MOVED dispensing with the reading of the minutes of the
previous meeting. Seconded by Mrs. Lane. MOTION PASSED. Minutes were
approved as mailed out.
Mr. Bossler gave the Treasurer's report which is attached to the original
of these minutes. Balance on hand October 10 was $217.41. Mr. Anderson
MOVED approving that report. Seconded by Dr. Lewis. MOTION PASSED.
Mrs. Hughes reported the application for an employee to work under
STEP as discussed at the previous meeting has been approved and $2,067
was applied for the salary including FIC -?. Only the STEP office in
Waco c an ;ii omi ss the employee. BCCC's crl; au would be to
recommend dismissal. STEP must also approve of the hired. 'Ihe
guidelines are very implicit. An ad is to appear in today's Eagle
I rs. Hughes recommended having the employee work mornings as the IRO
activities in the afternoon are not as heavy.
Mrs. Plapp reported three or four persons eligible to work under com-
preher_sive training are to be sent from the BVDC Manpower program for
interviews around the middle of October, and the person hired will start
work November 1. The salary including FICA is to be non federal in-
kind and will be reimbursed by BVDC. RSVP will pay the insurance.
Mrs. Hughes reported $1,200 had been approved for BGCC from Bryan
United Way (asked 2,000) and $1,000 from College Station United
Fund (asked $2,000 .
Mrs. Plapp reported $2,000 had been approved for RSVP from the City of
College Station (asked $2,000), $750 from the City of Bryan (asked
X2,000), $1,900 from College Station United Fund ($2,000 asked), ar..d
41,4'75 from Bryan United Way (asked $1,900).
Mrs. Bowen has resigned as of November 1 because of family needs. An
ad for her replacement is to appear in today's Eagle Mrs. Hughes has
alrc�Rdy rPcPived two applications. It was suggested listing with the
Texas Employment office. It is hoped Mrs. Bowen can particularly help
with training for Outreach.
Mrs, Hughes said she learned about the "Experier_ce Unlimited" program
while attending meetings recently in Austin, and recommended the board
be thinking about the possibilities of running such a program. It acts
as an employment bureau for persons over 60 on limited income and is
similar to the STEP program. There is no funding. Announcements could
be made at senior citizens' meetings.
Dr. Lewis reported on the RSVP transportation situation and recommenda-
tions made by the RSVP Advisory Council. A copy of this report with
the recortimenda.tions is attached. He MOVED the recommendations be
approved. Mrs. Gould seconded. MOTION PASSED. The !Hain effect is to
Increase the allowance rate for travel by staff members and volunteers
to 16¢ per mile. Further recommended was that suggestions be made to
State and National levels of ACTION that mileage allowances to vol-
unteers be authorized to the actual points of accomplishing the recog-
nized service activities.
Mrs. �Plppp reported beginning November 1 automobile accident and
liability insurance for volunteers will be with ANCO and excess auto
liability will be with Corporate Insurance Management, Washington,D.C.
Up to this time all the auto insurance programs for volunteers were
With the latter. (A copy of their brochure is attached.) But it was
found ANCO would handle the accident and liability programs cheaper.
This year $783 was spent for the insurance programs and it is projected
to be $816 for next year with more volunteers covered.
The question of whether the IRO and RSVP Supervisory Committee is
functioning as a committee was discussed. It was pointed out it is
difficult for the Committee to function as such, Those Presently on
the Committee are Mrs. Hughes (Chairman), Mr. Freddie Wolters, Mrs.
Helen Hawkins, and Mr. Bossler (ex- officio). Mrs. Hughes recommended
an elected supervisor with a supervisory committee. She agreed to
contact Mrs. Hawkins to see if she can be an active member. Mr. Anderson
MOVED Mrs. Agnes Bowen be a member of the Supervisory Committee.
Mr. Bossler seconded. MOTION PASSED.
Mr. Calloway asked members of the board to be considering the items
listed in his letter of September 26, 1977 for discussion at the next
board meeting.
Mr. Bossler MOVED the RSVP budget be extended two months to November 1
and Mr. L.L. Womack be the fiscal agent for that two -month period.
Seconded by Mr. Anderson. MOTION PASSED. The RSVP fiscal year had
been changed from beginning September 1 to November 1. Salary increases
will begin November 1.
Mrs. Plapp submitted the RSVP report for August with a list of the
active volunteer stations (attached to the original of these minutes):
272 volunteers in34 volunteer stations for a total of 4,338 hours.
Mrs. Bowen submitted the IRO report for September: 118 served for
medical transportation, 52 Outreach, and 64 Infoymation and Referrals.
Next meeting will be November 14.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Phillipd, Secretary
The Brazos County Community Council board met at noon February 13,
1978 in the regular meeting room. Mrs. Topaz Hughes presided.
Others present were Mr. D.A. Anderson, Mr. Robert Bossler, Mrs. Lila
Lane, Mrs. Irene Buentillo, Mrs. Lucile Gould, Ms. Johnelle
Kineannon, Dr. R.D. Lewis, Mr. Pat Newton, Mr. Knox Parr, Mrs. Judy
Phillips, Mrs. Shirley Plapp, Mrs. Val Roath, Mrs. Barbara
Schoenemann, and Mrs. Aline Snyder.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as mailed out.
Mr. Bossler gave the Treasurer's Report for the month of January.
'Balance on hand February 1 was $508.76. He also presented a
report for the year ending December 31, 1977• Both reports are
attached to the original of these minutes.
A letter from Mr. Gary Griffin of ANCO concerning liability insurance
coverage costing X76 and workmen's compensation coverage costing
$76 was discussed. Mrs. Lane MOVED BCCC enroll in this insurance
program. Seconded by Mrs. Gould. MOTION PASSED.
Mrs. Hughes read the letter of January 27 to Mr. Marsico regarding
van transportation. She also read his reply. Mr. Cliff McCauly
has been assigned to work with those in the seven - county area con-
cerned with transportation. The I &R office will be doing the
scheduling for Brazos County, but not for Years for Profit.
Mrs. Plapp reported she met with Mr. Marsico, Ms. LaRay Kerbow,
Ms. Myrtle Garrett, and Mrs. Hughes about counting volunteers' hours.
She will county only those hours recognized by Community Action.
Mrs. Hughes reported the Supervisory Committee requests BCCC
participate in Experience Unlimited and that another STEP employee
be applied for to work 1 -4. Mrs. Snyder MOVED this request be
followed. Mrs. Lane seconded. MOTION PASSED. The ad hoc committee
set up at the Luve.,ioer 14 meeting will work on setting up the pro-
gram including publicity. The committee consists of Mrs. Hughes,
Mrs. Plapp, Ms. Kincannon, Mrs. Gould, and Mrs. Lane. Mrs. Hughes
pointed out forms will have to be printed for keepin$ records of
those who want to work under Experience Unlimited. (T�iey have to
be over 55.) BCCC acts merely as a clearing house. She expects
it to take several months to put into effect.
Mrs. Hughes had gotten estimates for the brochures on I &R (two -fold,
$79 for 5000 copies) and on senior citizens (three -fold, $ for
5000). She would like to include Experience Unlimited in the I &R
brochure, and said $150 is allowed in the budget for this printing.
Mrs. Gould suggested having a place on the front of the brochure
for telephone numbers of ambulance sep ce, doctor, and I &R.
Mr. Anderson MOVED getting the I &R brochure printed. Seconded by
Dr. Lewis reported only three out of some twenty bills on aging
had passed the last legislative session. One of these three was
State support of RSVP. AARP is making a survey on 24,proposals.
Dr. Lewis and Mr. John Quisenberry are in process of s4mmarizing
the report. Dr. Lewis has received a report from the Senate
Committee on Aging regarding national legislation and there is a
proposal to eliminate some RSVP funds.
Mrs. Hughes plans to write Central Texas Health Systems Agency
protesting their including students in the county's total popula-
tion for taking percentage of elderly, as students are transient.
Ms. Kincannon gave the January report. Individuals served 74,
unable to help 4, I &R 44, Outreach 30, Roadrunners 5, incoming
calls 512, outgoing calls 345. Transportation: 128 individuals,
759 passenger trips (122 medical, 530 Years for Profit, 42 gov-
ernmtne and social services, 65 others), 4004 miles, and unable
to provide rides for 114.
Mrs. Plapp announced Years for Profit is seeking a STEP employee
to deliver food to Madisonville and to Navasota and Brenham. The
erson must be a Brazos County resident and will be paid about
31 per day.
Mrs. Plapp submitted the RSVP report for November: 281 volunteers
in 38 stations for a total of 3573 hours; and for December:
281 volunteers in 38 stations for a total of 2933 hours.
Next meeting: March 13.
Respectfully submitted,
Judy Phillips, Secretary
Tne Brazos County Community Council board met at noon. November 14, 1977
in the regular meeting room. Mr. Eldon Calloway presided. Others
In attendance were Mr. Robert Bossler, Mrs Agnes Bower, Mrs. Irene
Buentillo, Mrs. Lucile Gould, Nis. Johnelle Kincannon, Mrs. Lila Lane,
Dr. R.D. Lewis, Mr. Knox Parr, Mrs. Judy Phillips, Mrs. Shirley Plapp,
and Mr. Jim Thompson.
Mr. Calloway introduced Nis. Kincannon who is the new IRO Director.
Dr. Lewis MOVED, seconded by Mr. Parr, the minutes of the previous
meeting be approved as mailed out. MOTION PASSED.
Mr. Bossler gave the Treasurer's Report, copy attached to the original
of these minutes. Balance on hand November 14 was $429.03.
Mrs. Plapp announced she will have the RSVP end -of -year financial
r prepared for the next meeting, and the Comprehensive employee
was hired as of November 1. She is Ms. Conna Duren.
Mrs. Bowen reported the STEP employee started November 1. She is
Nis. Frances Pilger who works 9 -12 five days per week. Mr. Bossler
MOVED, seconded by Mrs. Lane, action be taken to determine whether
the STEP salary can be used as non - federal matching funds. MOTION
Mr. Parr MOVED, seconded by Mrs. Buentillo, that Mrs. Hughes, Mrs.
Plapp, Ms. Kincannon, Mrs. Gould, and Mrs. Lane explore the possibility
of setting up an Experience Unlimited program. MOTION PASSED.
Salary policies were discussed and after discussion it was decided
the board seems satisfied with existing policies.
Mr. Thompson MOVED, seconded by Mr. Parr, the BCCC Supervisory Committee
(composed of Mrs. Hughes, chairman, Mrs. 30wen, Mrs. Heler: Hawkins,
Mr. Freddie Wolters, and Mr. Bossler, ex- officio) review personnel
policies of IRO taking into account the recommendations of RSVP Advisory
Council, to bring IRO policies in line with those of RSVP, and report
back to the BCCC board. Consideration is to be made to vacations,
holidays, and overtime. NOTION PASSED. A copy of the RSVP Staff
Personnel policies for 1976 -77 is attached.
Mr. Calloway was asked to talk with BVDC concerning liability insurance
and what BVDC does with other organizations it contracts with. He
agreed to report to next meeting of BCCC.
Mrs. Phillips agreed to mail out minutes a week before the next meeting
and to include items to be brou up at that meeting.
Mrs. Bowen reported the Project Independence Director requested the van
be scheduled for service to College Station clients on Tuesdays and
Thursdays and on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for Bryan clients. The
board felt the obligation is to serve the maximum number of clients and
this could best be done by not limiting the days to certain areas.
Mr. Calloway read a letter from Bowen expressin` apnreciation for
her association. with BCCC. '^Nie marl thanked Mrs. Bower, for her
valuable service.
r-,* cc1 j °�, iF IPCt?r"hpr 1?. T pr'Dent -, 1,1%,
of the Brazos County Community Council
Room 310 Varisco Building - Bryan, Texas 77801
713 - 822 - 2712
September. 1, 1975 - August 31, 1976
1. ala , :y and in e
a. RSVP staff salaries and fringe benefits shall be approved at the begin-
ning of each project year by the BCCC Executive Board and the amounts
shall appear in the minutes of this Board.
2. Co m)nsator.�r Time in lieu of overtime pay shall be authorized by the RSVP
Director when a staff member has worked more than 4.0 hours in any work
wee!-.. 4 hour worked in excess of the 40 hours shall be granted as one
and one -half hours of compensatory time and must be claimed within the
ray period earned. Compensatory time for holidays wo ^Iced must be claimed
within the pay period of date earned using the schedule of one and one-
half hours of compensater_y time for each holiday worked. This provision
shall apply only to employees who are covered by the Fair Labor Standards
3. staff Leave
a. Annual leave shall number 10 regular working days per project year and
shall be allowed to accrue from year to year. The staff shall stagger
annual leave with a notification of such planned leave to the BCCC
P- esident (or his /her designee) and the aSVP Advisory Council Chair-
man. A monthly work .record shall be kept by the IiSVP staff.
b. Sick leave shall number one day per month and may be advanced or ac-
crued up to 12 days for each project year with no maximum.
c. Holidays shall number 13 days per year for each project year and shall
include federal and bank holidays plus other days as designated:
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veteran's Day
New Year's Day
Washington's B'day
Good Pr_iday or
Yom Kippur
(11 )
Memorial Day
Independence Day
LBJ's B'day
1st Mon. in Sept.
2nd Mon. in Oct.
4th Mon. in Oct.
4th Thurs. in Nov.
and following Fri.
Dec. 25 and either day before
or day after, staggered and at
discretion of Director
3rd Mon. in Feb.
4th Mon. in May
July 4•
Aug. 27
VP Personnel Policies Page 2
d. If a holiday falls on Saturday it shall be taken on preceeding Friday;
if on Sunday, taken on following; Monday.
e. Leave without pay shall be limited to 30 calendar days per project year
and shall be approved by the BCCC Executive Hoard.
f. Leave with pay shall include stated holidays, annual leave, court and
jury duty, doctor's and dentist's appointrnentrc,, funerals, and votint-;
leave. Leave for voting shall not exceed one hour taken at the begin -
ning or close of regular working day.
��. '
rice Hours will be from 8:30 to 5:00 on regular workdays.
5. eta Job DescrLptLgns shall be available and reviewed and revised as ne-
cessary through the cooperative efforts of the RSVP staff, Advisory Coun-
cil, and the BCCC G,xBcutive Board. The ?SVP staff shall include two full
time employees -- a Director and an 1,dmiriistrative jecretary.
6. __3V_PS_taf_f _Fer_s_on_n_el Policies are effective Cor duration of each project
yea These policies shall be reviewed and or revised aanua.11y by the RSVP
staf,° and the Advisory Council. The BCCC Executive Board shall annually
approve these policies.
7. These uolic shall be in accordance with A polic and the annual
administration of the grant as approved by the BCCC Executive Board and au-
tho by ACTION.
`3. Amendments to these policies may be approved by the BCCC Executive hoard
at any time during each project year.
Submitted to and approved by the Brazos County Community Council Executive
Board on 'February 9, 1976.
,John Leonard, Jr_ ita Keneipp
, esident, BCCC !�,xecutive Board RSVP Advisory Council Chairman
The Brazos County Community Council board met at noon December 12, 1977
In the regular meeting room. her. Eldon Calloway presided. Others present
were Mr. D.A. Anderson, Mrs. Lucile Gould, Mrs. Topaz Hughes, Ms. Johnelle
Kincannon, Mrs. Lila Lane, Dr. R.D. Lewis, Mr. Pat Newton, Mrs. Judy
Phillips, Mrs. Shirley Plapp, Mrs. Barbara. Schoenemann, and Mrs. Aline Snyder.
Mr. Anderson MOVED, seconded by Mrs. Snyder, minutes of the previous
meeting be approved as mailed out. MOTION PASSED.
Mrs. Hughes pointed out the STEP employee's salary is paid directly to the
employee. It is federal money and cannot be used as matching funds.
It was decided the Supervisory Committee should decide whether to go into
the Experience Unlimited program. They will then meet with the ad hoc
committee set up by the BCCC board at its November 14 meeting.
Mr. Calloway reported BVDC said other co?inri l G having ,contracts with BIT-DC have their own liability insurance. Mr. Anderson �YOVED Mrs. Hughes, Mrs.
Plapp, and Mr. Calloway be authorized to talk with ANCO Insurance Co. and
report back to the board. Seconded by Mrs. Lane. MOTION PASSED. Mr. Newton
suggested getting a letter from ANCO concerning possible policies. Mrs.
Plapp requested fire and theft insurance for the RSVP office be explored
at the same time.
Mrs. Hughes said a meeting is to be scheduled probably in January with BVDC
and Community Action concerning van service.
Mrs. Gould reported the ad hoc Housin; Committee of BVDC has been disbanded.
The committee set :ip goals. A citizen's advisory committee is being formed
to survey and make recommendations pertaining to housing and rural development.
Ms. Kincannon gave the IRO report for November. Transportation: individuals
served 166; passenger rides provided 895; passenger trips 985 (medical 157,
Years for Profit 734, government and social services 23, others 71); total
mileage 2,799; and 112 people not able to ride. IRO: individuals 104;
served through I.R 48; Outreach 56; Roadrunners 13.
Mrs. Plapp reported on successful caroling at St. Joseph's Dec. 7 with a
party afterwards at St. Paul's Methodist Church.
Mrs. nu ; s Brazos Coiil b
ty udg t n nn f � , CC
e report Lra[..:s ...� a:...y .� e i nn l oc+ �l 7 r R C CC .
She also reported on an organizational meeting of IRO's throughout the State,
held in Austin in October. Mrs. Gould MOVED individual membership of $15
be paid for Mrs. Hughes representing BCCC. Seconded by Mrs. Schoenemann.
The subject of paying expenses of $42.60 for the RSVP administrative secre-
tary to attend a regional meeting in Austin in January was discussed.
Mrs. Plapp said expenses could come from the contingency fund. It was
decided Mrs. Plapp should act on RSVP Advisory Council recommendations in
the matter.
Next meeting: January 9.
Respectfully submitted
Judy Phillips, Secretary