HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 Chamber, Mayor Meet Over MemoTO THE CITIZENS OF
Two cities as closely located as Bryan and College Station
can serve this area most efficiently if they work cooperatively,
It will be most unfortunate for both cities if we can't pull together
for the greater good of our area, and for the continued advance-
ment of Texas A&M University.
However, in the lest few days, a semi- private letter from
our Mayor to a small, but representative group of our citizens,
concerning the possible need of a separate Chamber of Com-
merce for College Station appeared as a front page feature article
in The Daily Eagle, and at about the some time. radio station
KORA came out opposing separate organizations. I feel that this
is strictly a College Station decision, and that it is unfortunate
that Bryan opposition appeared before our citizens knew anything
about the existing problems.
It seems to me that if ever a city needed an active Chamber
of Commerce, it is the City of College Station. The Bryan - College
Station Chamber of Commerce has been very active in matters
of importance to Bryan, and to the University, but has taken
little or no interest in the City of College Station. The result has
been that we get no industries or business at College Station,
this in turn means that our citizens make most of their purchases
in Bryan.
This is terrifically important to you as citizens if you realise
that the lc sales tax that goes to cities amounts at the present
time to $100,000 a year to College Station, and approximately
$600,000 a year to the City of Bryan. Since the population of
Bryan is approximately twice that of College Station, the prob-
able ratio of sales tax intake of the two cities would be far less
than the present ratio of nearly 6 to 1, if we had the types of
businesses this city needs. - r
The citizens of College Station are at this time, spending
more than two times as much money in Bryan as they are in Col-
lege Station. If this is true, and I think it is, the citizens of Col-
lege Station are paying at least $200,000 a year to support the
City of Bryan. We could finance many needed improvements for
College Station for for less than that amount.
This $200,000 paid to the City of Bryan by the citizens of
College Station exceeds the total ad valorem taxes that our city
now collects each year by approximately $60,000.
I feel that for this economic reason, we should have our
own Chamber of Commerce that can publicize the opportunities
and need for certain light industries, and businesses that do not
now exist in College Station. The present joint Chamber of Com-
merce cannot advertise these opportunities because of the opposi-
tion of industries and businesses in Bryan already operating in
these fields.
Remember float lc of every dollar spent (an all items sub-
ject to the sales tax) outside of our city, is a loss to improve-
ments to our city.
Most sincerely,
doe Orr
Bryan - College V ta n Cha mber of Come
president Lynn Stuart said
today he has planned "nothing
definite yet" in answer to
College Station Mayor D. A.
(Andy) Anderson's proposal.
In a memo addressed to a
few citizens the mayor raised
r t Answ
the possit ity that College
Station might better be served
by a separate chamber of com-
Stuart said he thought the
board of direct would
even better by new legal rates
Mayor to Get Reply
er Mayor
"certainly try to talk to the
Mayor Anderson mentioned in
his memo dated March 24 that
if a College Station chamber
were organized it should include
a cross section of the city and
not be allied to old groups.
See MAYOR Page 2
(Continued from page 1) group decided to meet to see
Questioned as to whether the what could be done that no one
C o l l o g e Station Progress else was taken care of, Atkins
Association might be included said.
as one of the "old groups," the "We're not trying to be a high
mayor said yes. powered organization with a big
Bill Atkins, president of the membership," Atkins said. He
Association, told the Eagle added the question raised by
today that forming a separate Anderson would undoubtedly
chamber for College Station had come up, but he didn't know
never been on the agenda. whether it would be an agenda
"We haven't even discussed item or just an informal
it," he said. "Some of the in- discussion.
dividual members got the The other officers of the
mayor's letter, but we haven't organization are Dr. M. R.
taken a stand any more than Callihams, vice president and
any other civic organization." Don Dale, secretary - treasurer.
The goals of the progress Anderson said his memo was
association are simple, Atkins a method of testing the pulse
said. "We want to promote civ of the city to see what the
pride in College Station as a feelings on forming. a separate
separate town. It's just as much chamber were. He was promp.
a part of our living environment ted, he said, by the lack of
as our own homes." official chamber representatives
That is the reason, Atkins at the formal opening of the
said, the association has taken city hall and the ground.
+ an interest in promoting better breaking.
College Station schools. The mayor told the Eagle he
In the past, he noted, they had no "strong feelings against
had sponsored open forums for the B -CS Chamber," but he
political candidates and on the thought a separate chamber
first school bond issue. might do more for College
The group wrote a charter Station.
three years ago, but the group The mayor added that he is
bad been meeting a couple of a member of the B -CS Cham-
years before that, Atkins he r. Friendly competition
recalls. between the two cities is a good
He said the late Rev. Norman t h i n g although he said
Anderson, Presbyterian cooperation, to i s es
minister, had felt a lack of civic
pride in College Station The
hamber, Mayor
[eet Over Mem o,
tatement Issued
Of The Eagle Staff
flege Station Mayor D. A.
y) Anderson and the
n- College Station Chamber
)mmerce apparently settled
differences they may have
in . meeting Monday eight.
e meeting resulted after
!rson had circulated to "a
citizens" a strongly worded
io soliciting opinions on the
for a separate chamber
commerce for College
rson alluded in tha memo
"Promises _and un-
idines not fulfilled" by
has never knowingly been any
favoritism." He noted he and
the mayor had worked together
on industrial prospects and
reported a chamber
representative had attended the
opening of the city hall.
After the Monday night
meeting, Stuart issued a news
release. In full, it said:
"In regard to the recent
publicity given to a letter from
Mayor D. A. Anderson to a
.group of College Station
citizens, thyre was a meeting
with Mayor Anderson, myself
and some members . of the
vWcutive committee of the
Bryan - College Station Cham4W,
of Commerce. Mayor An son
showed us. �e$� another
-%t4rte 't hicc he had written to
the editor of _ - the Daily
Eagle. "This letter in its en-
tirety is clearly stated and
indicates the need for the two
communities to work together
for mutual development -
"It is the responsibility of the
Bryan - College Station Chamber
of Commerce to work for the
See CHAMBER, Page 2
Chamber Execs, CS Mayor
Talk Over Differences
(Continued from page 1) citizens only. I was prompted
role in the renowned space to do so by a number of solid
research of the facility, citizens of College Station, who
development of the Bryan- asked that the `pulse' be
College Station area for the determined. I did so personally.
benefit of all citizens." "2. The College Station
Asked whether College Station Progress Association has dote
w i 11 receive any special much for our city in many
treatment as a result of the areas. I would be the last to
meeting, Stuart told the Eagle: belittle its efforts. I appreciate
"All I'm going to say is what's what the group has ac-
in my statement." complished, and is planning to
Questioned as to whether the do. By inference, it could be
mayor had agreed to drop his deduced that I was negating
survey or whether he intended their efforts. What I implied,
to continue it and act upon it, or intended to imply, was that
Stuart replied, "you'll have to if a new Chamber was formed,
ask him. it should be made up of a cross -
"I think he covers that in his section of the community and
letter," said the chamber business, and not necessarily
president. "I wouldn't presume the Association. Actually, the
to say what the mayor's going Association might well be the
to do." I nucleous (sic) around which it
A secretary at Anderson's is formed, if at all.
office at the Texas Forest < I did not belittle the work
Service told the Eagle the of the B CS Chamber of Com
mayor had left town and would coerce to the extent that close
not return until next week.
The full text of Mayor An- reading and interpretation might
imply. As the Eagle properly
Berson s memo was reported in e stated at one point, I have no
full text
the Sunday Eagle. Here his letter t o th the e strong feelings against the
is o chamber, I am a member of
editor, which he showed to the
chamber executives: such. I will say however, that'
"Regarding your so- called m my opinion, they have not
'scoop' in the Bryan (sic) Daily done as much for College Sta-
Eagle of Sunday March 29, 1970, tion as I feel they could have.
I would like to make a few And, I know of many citizens j .
points clear for t he re puj:,�,, and some businesses that feel
ern `s�sa _.. a copy nr,. Sarm " ;
of the memorandum to the 11 4. I stated in my comments j
press: ra ther, to a number of to the Eagle that I lo,,ked upon
the cities of College Station and!
Bryan, as one community —and].
I do not make this statement
lightly. We can not do other -
wise. We must work together
closely and harmoniously in all
areas. However, this is not to
deny that we can not have
friendly competition in some
aspects to the betterment of our
community as a whole. d might
point out that our two cities,
and the county are working
more harmoniously together
today than ever befote.and this
relationship. T kn iw_ will Prim
my part, nor will there be.
"7. Touched on in the news
story was the need for an ad-
ditional newspaper (a (pm-
petitive, daily) in our com-
munity. I strongly believe that
we need such, and I will expend
efforts toward this end. And,'
I .might add that, in this
thinking, I am not alone, in the
Bryan - College Station Com-
"S. Finally, I wisp to say that
with this letter my public ut-
terance on the issue comes to'
a close. Let peace and harmony,
prevail in our community. Lets
all work together toward this
The letter was dated March