HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 Adamson Retires After Tutoring 34 Swim TeamsCOLLEGE STATION TEXAS MAY 2 IS70
MAY 2, 1970
Don Demming
The Reverend Wesley Seeliger
Mayor Anderson
Don Demming, Walter Penberthy, Norm Ufer
Emil Mamaliga
Marvin Tate
Tom Comstock
Adamson Retires
After Tutoring
34 Swim- --Teams
"In making a living, it's the shers was presented Adamson
getting of things. In making a and his wife Nora by Lt. Col.
life, it's the giving, and Art Tam Comstock, AFROTC in-
Adamson has made himself a structor and former A &M
beautiful life," a close friend Houston businessman and Aggie
of the retiring longest - tenured tanker, emceed the dinner at
Texas A &M coach said. the Ramada Inn. The Adamsons
Adamson, 65, received for a plan to travel.
change Saturday while 300
friends and former swimmers The career of the A &M
saluted the A &M coach of 34 physical education professor
Texas A &M swim teams. who taught 40,000 students
He was called on to stand swimming during his 36 years
seven times at the Art Adamson on the A &M faculty -staff was
Appreciation Dinner for a reviewed in "This Is Your Life"
variety of honors, awards and f a s h i o n through a slide
presentation prepared by
College Station Mayor D. A. Norman Mer, 197 All -SWC,
Anderson gave him a mounter? swimmer who teaches ar -}
copy of the Art Adamson Day chitecture.
proclamation, citing his many
years of teaching the city's Walter Penberthy narratedIl
youngsters to swim. the presentation that started!
Dr. M T. Harrington, A &M with Adamson's joining the staff i
under Coach Homer Norton in I,
administration member whose 1934.
son John made All- America
under Adamson, read and "Art was the ideal p r e s e n t e d n t e d a letter from coach, » credited Penberthy,
1 President A. R. Luedecke.- The known to Adamson as "Bos. "I
College Station Recreation "The thing that sets him apart
Council, which Adamson paved is his large capacity for love.
the way for in 1941; Association He asked for a lot from his
of Former Students and Athletic boys and always got it. Art was
Department presented plaques sentimental, but not demon.
and a large color photograph strative. In these days of em-
of Adamson at Wofford Cain phasis on research, it is un-
Pool. fortunate we don't give awards
Emil Mamaliga, at Adam- for this." Penberthy headed the
son's side since 1947 as assistant Health and Physical Education
swim coach, added a touch of Department during Adamson's
humor with a trophy for the
"world's worst gin rummy early years at A &M.
player." Adamason had a penchant for
A check for more than $3,000 perfection when it came to his
from contributions by well swimmers.