HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 Planner Set-Up Approved in CSPrope Ownership Required
Pla n " ner : / in -U
o p
A n ove CS
.Eagle Staff Writer
The College Station City
Council has adopted an or-
d'nance establishing a seven -
member Planning and Zoning
Commission and requiring it be
composed of "eligible voters
and real property owners."
The council adopted the or-
d'.,ance and appointed seven
commissioners during a special
meeting Friday night.
Commissioner Jim Gardner
offered his resignation to the
council. He said his main
purpose in submitting his
resignation was to try to in-
fluence the council's vote on the
proposed Planning and Zoning
Commission ordinance. In his
written resignation, Gardner
"While I feel I have made,
and can continue to make, at
least a modest contribution to
the official planning process in
my community, I realize that,
under the present composition
and mood of the majority of
the council, this isn't in the
cards. This would be the case
irrespective of whether or not
an ordinance is passed which
would make. me, and many
others, including, I have heard,
the acting president of TAMU
and, ironically, the dean of the
College of Architecture and
Environmental Design,
See PLANNER, Page 8A
Planner Set -Up
Organized in CS
(Continued From Page 1) 1 commission makes binding,
decisions on property owners.
ineligible to participate of- j "This seems strange to Mel
ficially. 'that this is not required of other+
"As you know, the present commissions. I don't think your
set -up -will permit my removal line of argument • is valid in
from the Planning and Zoning this aspect,'' McGraw said.
Commission. As a resident (but Dozier said his objection to
apparently not `solid citizen') of the ordinance had nothing to do
this community which myl, with Gardner. added that
family and I call home, I have I it was a matter of right and
a vested interest in the planning wrong.
of its future," Gardner said. I "There will be lots of people)
He added that "any interested living in apartments around
citizen should have the op here; I don't think they are
portunity to participate in its irresponsible or second class
present development and the on personality," Dozier
plans for its future, regardless said.
of whether or not he owns real McGraw said if only real
property." ! property owners v6ere appointed
Gardner added that his to the commission it would not
principal concern is the be representative of all College
precedent the ordinance sets I Station citizens. He added that
concerning other areas of the ordinance was beginning to
citizen involvement. ! sound like empty rhetoric.
Councilman Joe McGraw The council appointed Joe
made a motion to delete the Orr, George Boyett and Bob
req of property . Evans to serve on the com-
oivnership and to change the mission until April, 1972. Carl
requirement of being a Landiss, Carl Tishler, and
"qualified" voter to "eligible "; Douglas Stone were reappointed
voter. His motion died for lack Ito serve on the commission until
of a second. !April, 1971.
"Quite a few people who are R, R. Rhodes also resigned
considered sound, permanent from the commission, saying
residents of this area would not that he "had run out of time."
be considered qualified voters. "I have too many other things
This requirement is not legal i to do. I couldn't take care of
according to court decisions it like I thought it should be
across the land," Councilman taken care of; let a younger
James H. Dozier said. fellow with more time do it,"
Councilman C. H. Ransdell Rhodes told the Eagle Saturday.
said that no other committee Codie Wells was named
requires property ownership, I chairman of the commission.
but that the commission deals Dozier and McGraw voted
with zoning of property. He i against Wells.
added that a person who owns "I am not opposed to Mr.
real property would be directly Wells serving on the Planning
involved with zoning, directly and Zoning Commission, but I
opposed to a person who does
not own real .property. ,have to vote `no' for his
"I hate for us to say that' domination as chairman due to
this commission is more im- the fact I have received com-
portant than the others. I hate plaints by citizens directed to
to think we are not capable of me and I must take this
appointing people on an postion," Dozier said.
pp g p p y "My `no' vote is more or less .
commission whether they are cast along the same lines," said
property owners or not, Dozier McGraw. "I attend more than
said. ; my share of commission
He added that he did not think meetings and the conduct of the
a person has to own property dsired, especially in he
to be concerned about the city. presentation of material. The
McGraw said the council i conduct of the meetings is the
zones property, not the com- � responsibility of the chairman
mission. He added that no of that group."