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Subdivision Draft
Eagle Staff Writer
College Station planners had
their first look at a preliminary
draft of a proposed subdivision
ordinance Monday.
The ordinance was prepared
by a three -man committee and
presented to the full commission
for their review.
Revision of the ordinance has
taken two ,years. College Station
currently operates under an
ordinance that is 20 years old.
In presenting the draft copy,
Codie Wells, acting chairman,
explained that the parts dealing
with zoning remained in-
complete and that the com-
mittee was waiting on the
zoning committee.
The commissioners decided to
wait until the Jan. 19 meeting
to consider the ordinance in
order to give them time to
study it.
Center since 1919. Adv,
Commissioner Jim Gardner
suggested that the commission
study the proposed ordinance
and be ready to make suggested
changes at that time.
He said he felt some parts
needed strengthening because
some standards were too low
in the draft copy.
"I think we ought to make
a stronger attempt to get
utilities underground, and
consider street tree planting.
There are developments here
several years old that still don't
have trees," he said.
Gardner also proposed that
once the commissioners had
reviewed the suggested or-
dinance that a meeting be held
with developers to get their
views on it.
"This proposed ordinance
deserves serious attention by all
concerned, those directly in-
volved — developers, practicing
civil engineers and city officials
— as well as those indirectly
affected, the public as a whole,"
Gardner said.
lance (6(1
The question of "listening
sessions" or public hearings
came up, and all the com-
missioners agreed the idea was
a good one.
Commissioner Douglas Stone
agreed that since the ordinance
would affect many people they
should have the opportunity to
"It will minimize resistance."
The commissioners were less
willing, however, to give a copy
of the proposed ordinance to the
news media.
Wells first said no then
relented after a discussion with
members of the commission and
the audience.
He said that the proposed
ordinance reflected the views of
only three men not the whole
commission and that it was
very legal and technical.
Commissioner J. D. Lindsay
asked why the proposal should
be published "and aggravate
the people to no avail when
there may be changes made."
Mrs. Ed Miller, 504 Guernsey,
told the commissioners ghat as
a taxpayer and an interested
citizen she wanted to know what
the commission was considering
now, not later.
Commissioners also voted to
send two requests for zoning
changes to the city council with
recommendations for disap-
proval and three for approval.
The first recommended for
disapproval was submitted by
the Dobrovolny family estate
and involved a request to rezone
a 5.728 acre tract from single
family to first business district.
The property is located north
of Holleman Drive, adjacent to
the city's elevated water
storage tank.
Commissioner Gardner said
he would recommend it for
disapproval because the
property had poor access for
general commercial use and
(See CS PLANNERS, Page 2)
Code Mulled
By Planners
Continued From Page 1
state plan for street develop-
Lloyd James, city angmeer,
said it would be fall before sur-
veying is begun on the state
"The reason for this is that
there needs to be a full student
load and the state did not have
time to prepare for the sur-
veying for the spring and
summer sessions," James said.
Gardner brought up
( duplication of street names in
the Bryan- College Station area.
"we looked into the problem
I and there is no way of finding
out all the street names outside
the city limits," Wells said.
Gardner also said he did not
see why the planning and zoning
convnission should become
involved once any final
preliminary plat is approved.
"I think it should be left up
o the city council, the city
manager, or the city engineer,"
Gardner said.
"The laest opinion from the
city attorney is that the com-
mission passes on any con-
sideration of plats including the
subdivision plats because we
are acting for the city council,"
I t "
Wells said.
The commission recom-
mended that a citizen's general
planning committee be ap-
pointed by the city council to
work with the commissioners as
a go- between between the
citizens and the planning and
zoning commission.
The commissioners agreed
that the citizens committee,
should include 20 to 25 persons.
Wells said the next com-
mission meeing will be held for
the subdividers and developers.
He added the meeting will
enable them to express their
views concerning the new
subdivision ordinance.
Sunday, May 3, 177v . THE DAILT EAGLE — bEGTION A Bfyon - College Station, Texas ' Fagy 9
• •
Subdivision o e Studied
The College Station City `may' (require sidewalks) in- sidewalks would drive buyers to The council decided that
,Council reviewed the proposed stead of `must'," Ransdell said, Bryan because they raise the underground utilities should by
draft of the new subdivision "If we say may, we won't price of lots by $500. optional and that Depnisson and
ordinance during a 41/2 hour get them. Dodge City, Kansas, "We are building the city of Wells should resolve the issue
special meeting Friday night. in the time of Marshall Dillon Bryan if we require sidewalks be f ore the ordinance is
After a lengthy discussion had sidewalks," Councilman Joe and we would be in the sidewalk prepared for a public hearing.
concerning sidewalks in new McGraw said. building business," Councilman The council did not complete
Iresidential subdivisions, the council agreed W. D. Fitch, developer, said C. H. Ransdell said. their discussion of the proposed
to recommend that sidewalks owhe talked to many persons in- The council agreed that the ordinance and agreed to meet
and collector streets i terested in buying lots who said problem concerned when the again to finish their review.
would be optional at the they did not want sidewalks, sidewalks were to be built,
recommendation of the city "Sidewalks are for people, before or after the lot is
engineer and would be required and streets are for cars," developed. The developers at
Ion both sides of arterial, park- McGraw said. the meeting said many
sway, and commercial streets. Codie Wells, acting chairman problems arise when they have
The rewording of the sidewalk of the Planning and Zoning to put in the sidewalks before
requirement will be left up to Commission, told the council the lot is developed.
the Planning and Zoning what other major cities in the "The ordinance gives no
Commission. state required concerning leeway for when the sidewalks
Councilman C. H. Ransdell sidewalks. are to be built, before or after
said he did not think it would McGraw said the council the home," a man in the
be right to require sidewalks could waive sidewalks if the audience said.
on cul -de -sacs. He added that subdivider wanted more of a Following the sidewalk issue,
he was afraid that the country atmosphere or if he the council discussed the
requirement would raise the I wanted to establish the atmos- Irequirement of underground
price of lots too high. I phere of the subdivision with- utilities. John Dennisson, city
"The competition for selling out them. lel engineer, discussed
1houses is too keen. Let's say Fitch said the requirement for the issue.