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College Hills Deed Restricting Committee 1938 - 1963
0 T t5 LAO C4z- - Z0 N S CZ� W PP�Lcw t'�ot� s �Q� QA 'I CAF COQ LC- -Es C— 0 `5 Z v O F Q-- 1 C\ 1 9 �C llege Sills Estates Comp W The Public 4 MNUO US RICTIONS, VXW September 15th, 1938 Filed September 20, 1938 Recorded in Volume 98, page 128 Deed Records, Brazos County, Texas THE STATE OF TEXAS COUIM OF BRASOS MUMS., July v, 1936, College Sills Estates Company acting by its President, J. C. Culpepper, by instrument recorded in Volume 96, page 500, of the Brazos County Deed Records, res- tricted the uses of all property conveyed by College Hills Es- tates Company to others and reference is hereby made to said instrument for full particulars; and WHEREAS in said restrictions there was an error made by 1=w rting paragraph ii which provided that a breach by any pvrehaser of his assigns of any of the conditions and covenants, set out in aid restrictions within twenty five years from this 1st day of March, 1938, would cause the title to the pre - mises to revert to grantors their successors and assigns, and VNIREAS, it is the desire of College Hills Estates CONOW to correct said error by striking; out said paragraph 8, of aid restrictions; NOW, TH&REFORE, MW ALL ISM BY TW= PR=PI'S : That The College Hills Utat" lfoapW acting herein by its Presi- dent, J. C. Culpepper, sN. pursuant to an order of the Board of Directors of said Como W, and for the purpose of correcting the restrictions previously filed, does hereby impose and place the following restrictions upon the Subdivision ;mown as C©TJ SILLS ESTATES, in lieu of the restrictions above referred to: FIRST: There shall not be erected on any one lot or estate, as such lot or estate may be proscribed or described or desig- nated, more than one private dwelling house and the necessary outhouses, except that on Foster Avenue, a milti- family dwel- ling may be erected, and said premises shall be used for private dwelling purposes only. And no race or nationality other than those for whoa the premises are intended, shall use or occupy any dwelling on any lot, except that this covenant shall not prevent occupancy by domestic servants of a different race or nationality, employed by an owner or tenant. SFCOM: No dwelling house or out 'building shall be erected on said lots or estate, excepting in accordance with plans and specifications which have been approved in writing by a committee of three, which committee shall be composed of the agent of the College Hills Estates Company, their successors or assigns, acting as chairman, and two property owners elected by the majority votes of the owners of lots in said subdivision. Said committee shall be appointed when ten lots are sold in said Subdivision. However, in the event that said committee is not in existence or fails to approve or disapprove such design or location within fifteen days after said plans and specifica- tions have been submitted to them, then such approval will not be required, provided the design and the location on the lot conform to and are in harmony with existing structures in said tract. Copy of said plans and specifications shall be filed with the chairman of said committee. THIRD: On all estates fronting on Highway 6, no dwellizk shall be erected unless it is a full two stor36s in height, and shall contain not less than eighteen hundred square feet of floor space, exclusive of purchases terraces and out buildings, whether attached or detached; on all other estates shown as subdivided on the map of dedication, either one story, story and one -half, or two story dwelline.s may be erected. Al all ol"ronting on Walton D:L ive, nod dwellings shall be erected which contain less than 1600 square feet of floor space, exclusive of uncovered porches, terraces, detached garages and out buildings; on all estates fronting, on Puryear Drive and James Parkway, no dwelling shall be erected w1kich contains less than 14M square feet of floor space, exclusive of uncovered pordftWterraces, detached garages and outbuild- ings; on all estates fronting Ha ringtor. Avenue and Francis Avenue no dwelling shall be ere ed which contains less than 1200 square feet of floor space, exclusive of uncovered porches, terraces, detached garages and out buildings; on all estates fronting on Foster Avenue and Milner Drive, no dwelling shall be erected which contains less than 1000 square feet of floor space, exclusive of uncovered porches, 'terraces, detached garages and out buildings. With the exception of roomfs, all improvements of frame constructions or trimmings shall be painted with at least two coats of good house paint. No structure shall ve moved onto any estate in this addition, unless it conforms to and be in harmony with similar structures in the addition, and is approved by aforesaid eoamtittee. FOURTH: the dwelling house as distinguished from the outhouses and eftly=ts quarters, shall face the street upon which the lots front, and no part thereof shall be nearer the front of the property than the buildings line designated on the plot of said Addition, unglazed porches excepted. All other structures shall be to the near of the main dwelling except attacaed and semi- attached garages, and no structures shall be nearer than ten feet to the side line. FIFTH: No garage, trailer, barn or other out houses, erected in this Addition s hall be occupied by the owner, tenant, or any one prioe to the erection of the main dwelling. STMT=: When improvements are amtructed on any lot or estate, the owner shall at the same UM Construct a sanitary septic tank or approved chars cter, a tiaAg sow into the sewer mains as provided and maintain � in first class condition. Ste: No noxious or offensive trrad+e shah]. be carried on, upon said lot or estate, or shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an ammeranc+e or nui sense to the neighborhood. If the parties hereto or am of them or any of their heirs or assigns shall violate or atUWt to violate cagy of the covenants or restrictions herein before Warch 1, i963, it sha11 be lawfull for auy other ,person or persons owning any other tract in said Addition to prosecute &W yotroreeedi s at law or in equity against the person or pw*=s vivdatir or attemptift to violate any such covenants and resUpoations and eithw ant dues for such violation. EICM; Doh and every condition and aovwAsat herein contained., shall termdmte and be of no further effect after 25 years from the 1st day of March, 1933, provided: That at wW time within one year bedsore the expirstiaa of said period, the then owners of a majority of the square foot area of said Addition, may by written declaration signed and acxnw1ad4aa by them,, and recorded in the Deed Records of Br&sos e Ilia, extend or amend skid restrictions, conditions and cow. = = C4LTM BIW WTAI= CCWANY, hse 4woo this iistrmmmt to be signed by its president, J. C CUIPOppiar and its Corporate Seal hereto af'f iaa on this the 15tH day of Septemiber, 1936. ATTEST: CCLLEfiii MM MMS CC7t+IP'ANY, N. E. Boughton, BY: J. G. Culpepper, President Secretary (SEAL) �r � � ``" � (�;k � - � I RPM, 1, .5r 7�i V J l � � SOU 607 6 Y-6 3gr .. .. - L.. ALMA ' �r �41�1 'W� ffle�M 1 1 --- - M1 � 6 �4 / 1 , � �. , i ,i I i ►/ �� r I, a6 37/ I 1 ?ay»e p� ow"ietr- a-"oC xcZdi-esS orl'oe-atiop, o ro ,a 7*r , FNP,# cruet Lc�t j!5S7 lvl /0/ Mr% 4L Sc*�4 CAF47 .— --- - I - - - - f) I A I 1<7. 40 0 '71 c 0 - I A 4 v /S L �� �. _ :per► .�-,.. ��,,., �� �a• $uspycsS MEEri►V6- Opp.( J. Pu*p.,Oa�� Z / / 1 ' / / ✓ / / //. / 1 , 1 I / / r ► �' / i / 7 . ✓/ , f / i , • / i A Service of r � •r / / r 1 wo I 2 . < OA- -t. /' / / // /[ '' � ' � / � / , i Vj+C 2. /1 /i i 40 // & / j /4 je i ' f i/ M ' / / I 1 / / y / , .01� .may A VMW ip j NW IV* dwWww osew"IIi " soft to ow wa 40 V""Ve to us dim" at �A► of Rio 3 moo to so as as 4*00's 11�0 t ""m to saftm ro a* 00 mwuft Is me U MU46 ftr htft Zt "w * to fte loftUM& of A* � **$a* t ilk Mow" "a emboax to we me im" a�' oeri Vii ' 't 69#0 oft ► U. Aid Is I me " ro podo"o a or OW Nowm ym we fir► $e be ;go mint PUMM ooh • I *a N wmwetv** V ito as S" U doe O U^oo to vwIft o vm oM o"Now oet Ua +o e . vt ""W "a" to ftwo am I M on" r ow at my &A" 11 4 A~ sw ""r 3. 0 +A I o I mpqr IV A *r* J* Co ="*We lam 40 *6uwt on to vw Oueum off' wo ( ) set - 4000 at 04100 =� , Its to eamaiftsw w Iw as art tte i0r awr Wool' WI a SOIJAW *us am" plansed to &"Mai 1 a""" t US** 1 ogle % 40 w Water or gsgiv& N ftw st rites Ofto vwo ooh r of Mop AS o+trtrltfr�ttlotttN� + '(11111,11,1W imam SOON" d" "Waft %ta Asters or i "U9 to #fit► i1 #�ditooE +rMr► Ift l'twr�w mil► qtr rt tat 1w. +Fit avoo ova t o sou a 3 4t* ft t t YON6 0s #0 StAftsm se UO sonatilaf y" .-A a to ,i a tva #a"* "a ltos' a *0 bell *0 t 00 0100940 40 to to 410* +MAC ' aft err► tour saft"" so to the at draw in OLUO Mills ats"* So As Andooft No 204ia Ah" n� ft #�. e _ i s 4LA- ftw Massm"I*" c/o Texas Forest Service Campus May 3, 1957 Editor, The Battalion Campus Dear Sir: It would be appreciated if you will place the following notice in the Battalion and bill me for same at the address given above. Please run notice in the May 7, 1957 (Tuesday) issue. The notice follows: NOTICE A meeting of all lot owners of College Hills Estate (not Woodland. Acres or College Hills Woodlands) is being called for Friday. May 10, 1957 at 7:00 p.m., in the cafateria of A. & M. Consolidated School for the purpose of electing rep- resentatives to the restrictions committee as called for by the Deed Restrictions of said addition. Very truly yours, D. A. Anderson AO I Application For Use Of School Building Submit original and one copy 1. Application on behalf of _0 1.1.13- - (Name of rganization) an association having - - -- - -- members, for use of (state members) '7 �-- ` � of the A & M Consolidated School System. (specify portion of budding or grounds) 2. Purpose of use b a Cd C l i I F-�, e 4'► S m e e f un�I� l 1 i y (describe fully) 1 /�i 1 >• 3. a. For single meetings : On ` — the - -1 day of (day o week) (date) b. 0 V I �(morkth) For series meetings: Days Beginning Hours: (date of first of series) endi to (date of last of series) 4. Permission to bring into buildings or onto grounds (equipment or apparatus) I 5. Admission charge of --°-° for adults, and for children to be made, the proceeds to be devoted to 6. Rental charge (if any) will be made in accordance with the schedule printed in "Rules Governing use of School Plant ". 7. The undersigned who is to be in charge of the exercises is twenty -one years of age or over. He agrees that he will be responsible to the Board of Trustees for the use and care of the school property. He further agrees that the character of the program will conform with that stated in ap lication. Real Signature Address Telephone Hours : Z - 0 10 to M Rules Governing The Use of Rooms in School Buildings In The A &M Consolidated Schools 1. The school auditoriums, gymnasiums and other rooms are designed primarily for school purposes and may be so used without charge for meetings of pupils, meetings for the benefit of teachers, meetings and entertainments by teach- ers' clubs, alumni associations, Mothers and Dads Club groups and other organizations affiliated directly with the schools and entertainments for the benefit of the schools given by student organizations recognized by the school authorities. Such meetings shall have precedence over all others, and may be held by arrangement with the principal of the build- ing, who shall assume responsibility therefore and either be present in person or represented by responsible teachers. 2. The wse of school rooms by the public is permitted and encouraged for meetings of an educational, patriotic, civic, Philanthropic, musical or social nature, intended to promote the public welfare and not conflicting with the aforemen- tioned school uses or the regular work of the school. For "closed meetings" (not open to thel general public), the following base and hourly rates shall prevail for the use of school buildings, and shall be paid in full at the superinten- dent's office on the first regular school day following the program. Non school groups having "open meetings" (open to the general public) shall pay only the hourly charge. 5. The application will be signed by a responsible citizen, who shall agree thereby to be personally responsible for any damage to property other than ordinary wear and tear due to such occupancy, and for the strict observance of these rules and regulations. 6. Application shall be acted upon by the superiatendent of schools, or his representative, who may require any in- formation of applicants, may reject any application and may cancel any permit previously issued. 7. When permission is granted, the director of buildings and grounds shall bet notified by the superintendent, and he shall see that the room is prepared for occupancy and that a school custodian is present throughout the time of the meeting and for at least one -half hour before the meeting is scheduled to begin; said custodian to open and close the building, have charge of heating, lighting and ventilating the parts used and assist as he may be able in preserving order on the school premises and preventing damage to school property. S. The school buildings may not be used for private or in- dividual gain. BUILDING BASE CHARGE HOURLY CHARGE Auditorium $25.00 ............................. $5.00 Cafeteria............................... 10.00 ........ .. .... ................. 5.00 Classrooms ... ............................... 5.00 each ....................... 1.00 Gymnasiums............................ 10.00 ................................ 1.00 Patranella Memorial Slab ........ 5.00 ......... .................... 0.50 Rates shall be the same for daytime or evening use. The minimum hourly charge is for one hour. All evening pro- grams must end by 11:30 P.M. Proper supervision, satis- factory to the superintendent of schools, or his representa- tive, shall be provided at their own expense by those engag- ing the facilities. In the event of damage the cost of necess- ary repairs shall be paid to the A &M Consolidated Indepen- dent Schools. 3. The rate for use of school facilities for practice pur- poses preceding programs to be held on school property may be set at a reduced rate at the discretion and judgment ..of the superintendent of schools. 4. Application for public use of school accommodations shall be made in duplicate on regular forms secured at the office of the superintendent of schools and filed at least three days before the proposed date of the meeting. 9. Smoking in the auditorium is strictly prohibited. 10, No beverages or foods shall be distributed or consum- ed in the auditorium. 11. The use of alcoholic beverages upon school premises is strictly prohibited. 12. Whenever an auditorium or other room is used, suffi- cient supervision, including police attendance, if necessary, shall be provided by those to whom the accommodation is granted to insure good order, the protection of property, the observance of these rules and regulations, and the preven- tion of people wandering over the building or being on the school premises elsewhere than in the rooms engaged and their direct approaches. Gymnasiums and rooms other than auditoriums may be used by the general public only under the direct management of persons qualified to use and care for any equipment or apparatus contained therein; if the auditoriums are engaged and stage scenery is used, compe- tent help to handle same shall be provided by those to whom the accommodation is granted. $5.00 for first and second hours and $2.00 per subsequent hour. W AN / � I 0 � � _ �. ..LL uI .� •ice aa. .... �. _ r' 1 i .rf . P AO' IR'40 p"w" � �.' L W_ � ��.Pv �_ "A i r 4 - K'GfrA<, V A ' , r A IAMB& A AU' 1 00-1 f r �y� a rAl W--- �' I'VeEriNGG r i � � M I i r / c(?l 40:�� r ; 1 The lot owners of Collage Hills Estates met n the Cafeteria of the A. & M. Consolidated Schools at 7 p. m. on May 10 1957, for the purpose of electing members of the Restrictions Committee s provided for in the Deed Contracts of the addition. The meeting was. called to order by Mr. D. A. Ar�darson, who appointed Mrs. C. A. Greer secretary to keep the minutes of the meeting. a,,,r3"1,/ys7 Mr. Anderson said that he and Dr. Clayton A. Gree had called on Mr. J,(2, 'Culpep the developer of the College Hills Estates Ad tion,�and asked him as ex- officio chairman of the Restrictions Committee call a meeting for the purpose of electing two lot owners of the addition tO the said committee. But since he did not wish to do this himself, he uthori zed Mr. Anderson to call the meeting at the time and place of his oos,ing and to elect the two desired representatives and said he would be�glad to serve with these two representatives on the committee and to act as chair- man. He further suggested that san alternate committeeman be elected to serve in case one of the regular committeeman could not serve. '' 7Ku Mr. Anderson pointed out the duties of t Commit Restri ons Committee sad4 said that the City Council had recen ly,,aqpointMN1VA inspector to see to it that building permits were being carried out as approved by the City, W,&-nd expressed a belief that this would greatly help us in maintaining our own restrictions. He next suggested that the lot owners determine the length of time the elected members should serve and that a third member should b.e elected to serve in the absence of one of the other two regular members so that there would always be two members acting on the committee. Dr. Boney moved that the term of office be two years, but since that would leave no experienced member on the t committee, pc it was not seconded. Mr. T. J. Vattern moved that the members be elects or f two ears bu that the alternate member become a regular member at the next election and that a new regular and a new alternate be elected at that time. This motion was seconded and was carried unanimously. Mr. Anderson, prior to the meeting, had appointed a nominating com- mittee consisting of Dr. Grady Parker, chairman, Dr. William Boney,7Tad Noses, and'�Idolph Slova cek Jr.; and Dr. Parker presented the f ollovVing names selected by the committee: Clayton A. Greer and Charles,Richardson as regular members and Omer Sperry as alternate. Nominations from the floor, however, were asked for but none were made and the nominees of the committee wera duly al-acted cted Thereupon the meeting was adjourned. ns COLLME MTIOD 2a" OW ZD, 1957 The .Lot v4ners of College 211 Is Estates meet in the Cafeteria, of the A. & M. Consolidated Schools at 7 p.m. on May 10, 1957, for the purpose of electing members of the Restrictions Committee && ,provided for In the Deed Contracts of the Addition. Sm meeting was called to order by W. D. A. Anderson, who appointed Mrs. C. A. Grow secretory to beep the minutes of the meeting. W. Anderson =lad that he and Dr. 01*Wtae A. Grow had called on Mr. J. C. Culpepper, the developer of the Coll%pe $ill* Estates Addition, on April 12, 1957, and asked him as ex- officio chairman of the Restrictions Committee to call a meeting for the purpose of electing two lot owns of the addition to the said committee - Dint since his did tact wish to do this himself, he authorized Mr. Anderson to .call the meeting at the time end place of his choosing and to elect the two desired representatives and said he would be glad to serve with these two representatives on the committes and to act as chairman. He further suggested that an alternate committeemen be elected to serve in terse one of the regular committeemen could not serve. Mr. Anderson pointed out the duties of the Restrictions Committee, stating that their primary functi.ous were to pass on building permits, and to see that restriatioas are enforced as writtenn in the Deed Contracts. Mr. Anderson also said that the City Council had recently taken action towards the appointment of an inspector to see to it that building pavilts were being carried out as approved by the City. He expressed a belief that this would greatly help vs.. in maintaining our own restrictions. Be next suggested that the lot owners detwmiz a the length of time the elected members should serve and that a third member should be elected to serve in the absence of one of the other two regular members so that there would always be two members acting on the committee. Dr. Bonny moved that the term of of'lice be two years, but since that would leave no exl?,erienoed member on the committee for the following two year period, it was not seconded. W. T. J. Jkttern moved tbat the members be elected for two years but that the alternate member become a regular member at the next election and that a new regular and s, new altermte be erected at that time. This motion was seconded and was carried unanimously. W. Anderson, prior to the meeting,, bad appointed a nominating committee consisting of Dr. Grady Parker, cbeirman, Dr. William Boney, Hr. 'Dad Moses, and W. Adolph Slovwnk, Jr.; and Dr. Parker presented the following news selected by the committee: Clayton A. Greer and Charles Y. Richardson as regular webers and Omer Sperry as alternate. Nominations from the floor, however,, were asked for but none were made and the nominees of the committee were duly elected by uneenimous vote. Thereupon the meetixrg was adjourned. s. d . A. Freer CAC' s ,3p a, completely furnished apart - i blocks from post office. Small inably priced. Ideal for some boy .ally wants to study, Call VI 6 -7248. 102tfn Bedroom with kitchen privileges. VI 6- 334. 62tfn Sewing machines. Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tiu SPECIAL NOTICE NOTICE A meeting of alt lot owners of College Hills Estate (not Woodland Acres or Col- lege Hills Woodlandsh is being called for SATURDAY MAY 2377 1959 at 4:00 p. m. in A &M SCHOOL CAFETERIA for pur- pose of electing representatives to restric- tions committee as called for by Deed Restrictions. 118t1 Mother, with child -care experience, will babysit by the hour, day or week. Come by 505 Angus or call VI 6 -7100. 114A1tTTh 8UL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, A.F. & A.hL College Station, Texas Stated meeting Thursday. May 14 at 7:00 p.m. Official visit of District Deputy Grand Master will be made All Master Masons s urged to attend. C. H. Ran -' Joe Word,' 1202 Foster Avenue College Station, Texas , Nky 12, 1959 Editor The Battalion Came Dear Sir: It vould be appreciated it you rill place the fa3layimg mUce in the Battalion and gill ma for saw, apt tht ad&*" gir►ea above. Please run notice on Thursday J y 14, 1959 Tae notice follows: A meeting of all lot armers of College Hills Fatate ( not Wood- load Acres or College Hills Woodlands) is being called for Saturday MjW 23, 1959 at 4:00 a.m. in A & M School Cafeteria for purpose of representatives to restrictions conwittee as called for by Restrictions, Place in usual s mall type. Very truly yours, D. A. Anderson DAA:pap 1202 Foster Avenue College Station, Texas Asy 12 1959 Taylor Riedel, Supt. A. & M. Consolidated school College Station, Tex" Dear Taylors Per our telephone conversation of last night (May 11) I send this reminder note. We would like the use of the cafeteria for about an hour on Saturday afternoon ANU, 23, beginning at 4:00 p.m. T am, of course, speaking on bobs] of the people of College Hills, as the purpose of the meeting is to elect new members to the restrictions committee of said addition. About 30 to 40 people is expected. Your cooperation in furnishing the school facilities gratis is appreciated. Sincerely, D. A. Anderson I == . . 1202 Foster Avenue College Station, Texas may 18, 1959 The selection is up to the cm dttee but two men ( other than Spearry who is automatically a member) who you my vish to consider are: T. J. Iattern, 340 Kyle as Regular) Clayton Career (Alternate Greg really works hard on tkda matter and takes his task seriously. Mattern would., I know, (if he would accept) work Bard in our behalf. On the other hand, this order could be reversed. Sincerely, D. A. Anderson DAA: papp 1202 Fr. &W Avenue Collars $ration, Texas 1Ay , 1959 Deer Grady: Yq suggestion, if you will permit me to be bold enough to suggest, would be: T. J. Mattern, 300 I-rle (Regular ) Clayton Greer (Alternate) Or perhaps it would be best to reverse this order. Sincerely, D. A. Anderson DAA : peep 0 W ,m,em m i 1 IV w- Fr, I M M - / %� t MINUTES OF THE RESTRICT IONS -C O' 1.ITTEE- ELECTION I:IEETING Fen COLLEGE HIIyLS ESTATES, MAY 23, 1959 A ree ing was held bar the r owners. of Collee _ Hills Est`..tes in the Cafeteria of the .1. & Zvi. Consolidated Schools at 4.�.m. on Nhy 2 3, 1959, for the dur,?ose of electing members to fill the ex?irinr terms on the corrrittee of Clayton .I. Greer c.nd Charles Rich_lydson. Omar S )erry l-.d r9An el(:ctpd b- the ?ro�)erty owners in Colle -e Hills Estates in 1957 as an alternate member of the restrictions committee to serve in the absence of either of the two reCular members and to become a re[-ular member for a )eriod of two years to insure an ex,)erienced member on the coir?rittee at the next election. Therefore he became a ref;ular m..ember of the co:i:irittee at this tire. The meeting was called to order b,1 D. A. Anderson, acting chairman, who was elected chairman by acclamation. He in turn asked I14rs. C. A.. Greer to act as recording secretary of the meeting. To ex.)edite the election and also to make a wise selection of _)rosl)ect- ive candidates to fill the va=ncies, a nor.,ina tin- cormittee comy)osed of R. R. Rhodes, chairman, Troy D. 1lc�lro , � _1d Gr-ady Parker luad been appointed before the election. After due deliberation, at a meeting held on 1vbLy 21, 1959, the nor inatinC co!- :iLittee selected T. J. Mattern as a regular member for 2 years and C. A. Greer as the the 4 -year member to serve the first two gears as the alternate member and the next two years as a rer7alar r:ember. The memorandum of the nominating committee meetin'- was read by the chairman, R. R. Rhodes, and was ?resented to D. A. Anderson, the chairri.n of the meetinr This memorandu : is attached to these ::jinutes. Ivr. Anderson asked for nominations fror. the floor but t$gre were none. It was ,roved and seconded that the slate of dandida tes. made b-- the nominations committee be a cce)ted, and T. J. i,lattern and C. A. Greer• were elected b -- acclarntion. Mr. D. A. Anderson commended those who had served for the Oast two years on the restrictions committee for their conscientious and excellent work. The other ;ro)erty owners )resent also exy)ressed their , •,)reciation to the members of the restrictions cormittee for their work durine- the .) st two years. The meeting, was then adjourned. The College ?ills Estates )roDerty owners ;resent, whose si, n� ^tares will be found attached to these minutes, are as follows: D. A. Anderson Amy Anderson Iv.rs. �tug.rt Br own I C. 1. Greer Ers. Fred E. Elkfelt C1a;- -ton L. Greer Gra F. P rl.er R. R. Rhodes A. H. Alex 0. E. S ?err•IT Ch- rles F. Richardson SifTned: Janie Iv. Greer(T;"rs. C. A.) fmmp� . I TDz D. As Andwsom, ftalxwu ftstrutio" mitt" as sma"atins ammaitt" of th* x"tris"Ons ammaitt" eft""d of It IR, 16"es e%aimmea Troy D* McElroy and ft&Ay 90*W a* at 1lsI5 AX, Tbarsday, My 21, 1959 in W. 101roy's WS" 09 dk* VASAMW ►Ometian BIU4 Co. for the poVeee of nouluatUe a candidate for nowbWoUp at a gmdj"te for alWasto airship aa the NmWietims Committee #W GPU*p Hills A"itim ft O&II&V Station„ 161000* Des Parkat Vowed end tbo esomitUai approved the nominstiva of Is Js Niattern, 300 IWI* St. How Hadws 4, A. **w 500 rrancis St. Alternate Member Namlmtims wwo arie subjoat to the stipulatiou that Ow ammisses *Sm with the present restrictions in principle and favW" theft enforce- 11410t. Ibis Seeifteso wore subsequently -kntarviowed by Dr, Par kw dad ap*" to assume responsibilities pewukning to the Restrictions Ccx-ma ftbee Uwhwwsbip if elected. sig"At t. 1. Wood" *AUUM 'CIA-1 aridFid,xiour 2 3 9`6 10 d. - � 6,�. - 55 �(&g, r ' 1202 Foster Avenue College Station, Texas may 18, 1959 R. R. Rhodes, Chairman 413 Walton Drive College Station, Texas Troy D. McElroy 1206 Foster Avenue College Station, Texas Grady Parker 1007 Walton Drive College Station, Texas Dear Bob, Troy and Grady: I would appreciate it very much if you accept wedbership on a nom- inating committee to come forth with a Slate of two men to serve on the Restrictions Committee for the College Mills area proper. Current membership is made up of Clayton Greer, Charles Richardson, and Omer Spearry alternate). The terms of Greer and Richardson expire this month. Per agreement adopted at the My 10, 1957 meeting Sperry will serve for the next two year period. Your job will be to norLdnatc one full time member to committe plus one alternate who mould serve the following year. Yet, the alternate would serve the next two year period if the other regular member is absent, r '�Ihile Richardson and Greer will leave the committee, I believe one or 4 both u ay be induced to serve again if needed. It may be desirable to get 1%� at least some near blood on the comUttee however. �° The individuals to be nominated should be willing to serve and spend the necessary time as may be required in flafillmtent of task. It will re- quire "no" answers, at times, on builciiiV, plans, when they are in �rtolation of deed restrictions. The job requires a person who will work for our area. I am hopeful you can get the necessary slate for our meeting to be held 4:00 p.m., May 23, in the A & 1.1 School Cafateria. The meeting will be brief and I hope you will be present. T have asked Bob Rhodes to serve as Chairman of this committee. erson, rma Meeting for Restrictions Committee MA Pap MEMORANDUM TO: D. A. Anderson Chairman Meeting for Restrictions Committee The Nominating Committee of the Restrictions Committee composed of R. R. Rhodes, chairman, Troy D. McElroy and Grady Parker met at 11 :15 A.M. Thursday, May 21, 1959 in Mr. McElroy's office of the McElroy Venetian Blind Co. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for membership and a candidate for alternate membership on the Restrictions Committee for College Hills Addition to College Station, Texas. Dr. Parker moved and the committee approved the nomination of T. J. Mattern, 300 Kyle St., New Member C. A. Greer, 500 Francis St., Alternate Member Nominations were made subject to the stipulation that the nominees agree with the present restrictions in principle and favored their enforce- ment. The nominees were subsequently interviewed by Dr. Parker and agreed to assume responsibilities pertaining to the Restrictions Committee Membership if elected. Signed: Y' kit,60-14- R. R. Rhodes, Chairman v Troy Elroy ' Grady—Parker 12_©2 Poster College Station, 4exas Mr. Ran Boswell City Manager June 1, 1959 City of College Station College Station, Texas Dear M:r . Boswell, At 4:00 p.m,, on ftiday, May 23, 1959 a meeting was held of lot owners of College Hills Estate at the A & M Consolidated School for the purpose of electing one full member and one alternate to the restrictions committee of said addition. I ae:rved as ch- ai-man of the group. Elected to serve for the next two year period were: T. J. Matter,n, and C. A. Greer (Alternate). A carry -over from the previous two year period, and a, full. time MMber of the committee for, the next two year peri cA, is: Caner E. Sperry Thus, further restrictions matters and building permit approvals should be taken up with I.1 ttern and Sperry, or n the absence of one of these with Dr. C. A. Greer as yell. A copy of this letter is going forward to Ix. Culpepper also, for his information. As you know, an announcement of the restrictions meeting was in the Battalion. I would appreciate your forwarding to Dr. Sperry and Mr. Mstttern ordinances of the City with reference to restrictions. Please wend a copy of the City Charter aa a pert thereof. The cooperation of the City with these gentlemen will be appreciated. Very truly youre,, %, - a 1 1" At ' j - Chairman, Citizens. Restrictions Group f(.-,r College Hilla DAA:jp cc: J. C. Culpepper Restrictions Committee: Charles Richardson Grady Parker R. R3 Rhodes Mattern.. Sperry, and Greer P.S. J. C., Culpepper: your splendid cooperation through W. Anthony, the past two years is appreciated, your continued cooperation with D.t% Sperry and 11r. Mattern will be appreciated. 1202 Foster Avenue College Station, Texas Editor The Battalion Campus Dear Sir: Please place the following notice in the forthcoming issue of The Battalion and bill me for same, at the address given above. Run notice in next issue of Battalion The notice follows: NOTICIPE' A meeting of all lot owners of College Hills Estates (not Woodland Acres or College Hills Woodlands) is being called for Saturday, June 10, 1961, at 4 :00 PM, in the College Station City Hall for purpose of electing representatives to restrictions com- mittee as called for by Deed RestrictsC45' Place in usual type as other ads. Very truly yours. D. A. Anderson DAA vc i& SPECIAL NOTICE A meeting of all lot owners of CON. Flls 1 tates (not Woodland Acres or Col- JA l e Hills Woodlands) is being called for bedroom Saturday, June 10, 1961, at 4:00 P. m., in tasonable the College Station City Hall for purpoce -5, VI 6- of electing representatives to restrictions 12012 committee as called for by Deed Restricts. ! 120t2 eed with .O p C -17 -D Hilltop Lake, loeated on Hwy. 6 South, 118t4 91/2 miles from College. Sould be good fishing soon. Clean picnic grounds. 76tfa 80 by 145, Electrolux Sales and Service. G. 9 ollege. Call Williams. TA 3 - 6690. 90tt1 100tfn �Ra id - $i -Fi Service & Repair GIL - my i 1�'M40RANTDUM TO: D. A. Anderson, Chairman SUBJECT: Recommendations of the Nominating Committee for the College Hills building Restrictions Committee The Nominating Committee for candidates for the building Restrictions Committee for the College Hills Addition of College Station, Texas, composed of Charles F. Rich;:: A. H. Alex and Robert R. Rhodes, all residents of said addition, met at r. Alex's home Sunday afternoon, June 4, 1961 for the purpose of nominating a candidate for membership and a candidate for alternate membership on the building Restrictions Committee. Two nominees were unanimously agreed upon. The chairman contacted the nominees by telephone Monday evening;, June 5. Each agreed to serve in their respective capacities, if elected and to uphold. the restrictions presently in force and to work diligently to effect their enforcement. The nominees agreed upon were as follows: Grady Parker, 1007 Walton, Member T. J. 1 ttern, 300 kyle Street, Alternate Member The Nominating Committee respectfully submits the above slate of candidates for the respective positions on the College Hills Addition Restrictions Committee for the approval of the College Hills Addition property owners. Signed Robert R. Rhodes, Chairman Date Charles F. Richardson Date A. H. �d ex Date �:' , 1 MEKORANDUM TOs D. A. knderson, Chairman SUBJECT: 4ecomiendations of the Nominating Committee for the College Hills buildinE Restrictions Committee The Nominatinx-, Committee for candidates for the building Restrictions Com for the College Hills Addition of College Statioxi Texas, composed of Charies F. Rich&rdson, A. H. �aex and Robert R. Rhodes,, all residents of said addition $ met at Mr. Alex's home Sunday afternoon ! June 4, 1961 for the purpose of nominatinL° a candidate for membership and a candidate for alternate membership on the building Restrictions Committee. Alo nominees we-. unanimously agreed upon. The chairman contacted the nominees by Monday evening June 5. Each agreed to serve in their respective capacitiesp if elected and to uphold the restrictions presently; in force and to work diligently to effect their enforcement. The nominees agreed upon were as follows: Grady Parker., 1007 '64alton Member T. J. Nattern, 300 Kyle Street Alternate Xember The i0minating Committee respectfully submits the above slate of candidates for the respective positions on the College Hills Addition Restrictions Committee for the approval of the College Hills Addition property owners. Signed IGBert R. Rhodes, Chairman gate Uihaarles Richardson Data it. H. Ilex a Lta i s ry� 9 a ' P. °_INLTTES OF TIM RE3TRICTIOVS- COMMIT TEE- ELECT ION I`_;ETING FOR COLLEGE HILLS ESUITES, JUNE 10, 1961 A meetin- was held by the lot - owners of Collel�e Hills Estates in the Co Lncil Room of the Colle -e Station City Hall at 4 P. P,r. on June 10, 1961, for the purpose of elect ink one re�;:ilar member and one alternate member on the Restrictions Commmittee to fill the ax,?irinC terms of office of Dr. Omer S,)erry and P;:r. T. J. DtLttorn. It was determined by unanimous vote of the f ar ot- oowneps .of the College 'e, rd CeE tit. r Hills Estates I ddition in 1957 to elect/,' elect/,' r�uu •. ember '� o'� a t��ro -year I Deriod and an alternate .':ember for a fo ,)eriod who servos the first two years only in the absence of one of the other two elected members on the Cor. ^.mittee and the next two ears as a reo.,lar member thiis assurinc an experienced member on the Committee at each succeedinE election; therefore Vr. Clayton A. Greer, who had been elected an alternate member of the Committee in 1959, became a regular member at t'_zis election. The .'?eetinz was called to order by the temp ?orary chair- -.n, Mr. D. A. Anderson, who ,qa,.s elocted chair..:.an unanimousli* by accla.. He in turn asked P:rs. C. A. Greer to serve as recording secretry. To ex,)edite the election and also to 7,ake a wise selection of ,)ros.)ective candidates, a no Antia.tin- comr.rAttee composed of :'.r. Robert Rhodes, Chairi -,.n, Mr. k. H. Alex, and Lr. Charles Richardson was a ,)?ointod. This committee met in the home of Dvr. �'L. I.. Alex on the evening; of Jung C and selected Dr. Grady P. Parker as the nominee for the two -year position of re ular member and >`.-Tr. T. J. 1 as the nominee for the 4 -year position of alternate member. lv1r. Robert I hodes )resented the memorandum of the Nominations Com- mittee to P.r. Anderson who read it to those assembled. This memorandum is attached to these minutes. Yx, Anderson then asked for nomirL- _tions fr"ithe floor but there were none. It was then moved and seconded that the slate of candidates selected by the Nominations Comn. be elected by acclamation and Dr. Grady Parker and Yr. T. J. P: °attern were unaniriouslv elected. "Ir. Anderson thanked the members who had served the ,oast two Nears for their conscientious and excellent work and was joined by the others present in ex;,ressing their appreciation. The meetin- was. then ad journed. The Colle`e Hills Estates lot - owners who were _)rosent and whose siC atures will be found att?ched to these minutes are as follows: A. L. Kennett 1:rs. '.. L. Bennett I'Jrs. T. H. Pfd cDorald Jane L. Fuller Lola F, Thompson n D. A. Anderson C. A. Greer P C. A. Greer C'har1es F. Iichardson i:irs. D. A. - , knderson John W. Hill Robert R. Rhodes A. E. Alex Grady P. Parker CiCned: f %P4 Z% G?v , a, j [0.7 a, 12 02 Foster Avenue College Station, Texas J . une 12 1961 Mr, Ran Boswell, City Manager City Of GO Station College Station, Texas Dear Mr. Boswel At 4:00 p.m. , Saturday, June jO, 1961, a zaiecting was held of lot owners of E2 Hills Estate for the purpose of electing one full member and one alternate to the restrictioniTommittee Of said addition. g Said meeting was held in the City Council room of the City Of College Station. It was held in accordance with legal advice and due notice of r►eeting appeared in The Battalion. I served (electedl as chairman of the group meeting. Elected to the deed restrictions committee thomeowners) to serve for the next two year period, effective June . _. 10 1961, were: Grady P. Parker T. J. Mattern, Alternate A carry member frorn the previous turo year period, and a full member of the Carnmittee fo the i)ext two year :period is Clayton Greer., Thus, further restrictions. matters and building permit approvals should be taken up with Greer and Parker, or in the absence of one of these, with T. J_ Mattern. A copy of this letter is going forward to Mr,, Culpepper for his information. I would appreciate your forwarding to Dr� Parker ordinances of the City with reference to restrictions; also, a copy Of the. City Charter. The cooperation of the City Officials with the above-mentioned gentlemen will be appreciated. I ask please that you call ] Dulaney's attention. to this letter so he will be v erse d as to its content, .1 assume, based on a.. previous conversation, that Mr. Dulaney has a copy of the deed restrictions for the area represented by this committee, Very truly yours, D. A. Anderson, Chairman DAA vc Citizens Restrictions Group cc. J. C. Culpepper of College Hills Estate Restrictions Committ Parker, Gre , r and )VIattern R. R. Rhodes C. F. Richardson A,, 1-1. Alex P S. J. C, Culpepper: Your cooperation with our local committee the past two years is appreciated. Your continued cooperation wit.a Dr. Parker and Dr. 1VLattern will be appreciated. D- AA RESTR IC T 1(R5, G 0LJ..p, HII.i S • T!`!are can be only On -e dlkrel ltu." house or, a iot. 2# All dwell r~ houses raxast r)a si=mile- flagly wits oxce;9t the t *ulti- fAr^11Y {grit" or n -�rt- „erta r-rY be erented an Poste Avenue betw Lincoln !!ver Drivo- i � b , Fi rst Instillment Only; all drelLiny' On F0, ter tr Vie c *,.d qrµ Pao a +rtt In,nfs0 1 - rents, 1°io;revar, -ir® 3.iqoiLeci T.v ore- flamily uri.t. Tro kito era, inc1der_ +,1l1y, are a sur® sign of €a ttt?1ti- f'smily unit or sMrtment. '`• ^ ^o Co!*aittes tra s i d �s to foss on pla.Y1a au0llitted It is ood C ' T ue� � O ,`)& ^1r 'h ? a . Sofa ",t9 � 1 . Ncc�sc or. Ft7hrr.y 6 Test h v® t, ler+ ). Boo sq f t., exe;Jt�eiye of c►hed or una tt;.1 shed, and alaSt t]e Re ldences on Talton Drive in the First Installment, or u r) to Frc�a x: t Drive, gist have n t lea -t !600 cq . ft. sx^ !t? S 9.ve of t?. ° ^covar od --3orchas, term c ^s, tetach0d Mr-. ~ as, and Ou tbatic inrw, and ;� t lea-St MOO tq. ft. in Third Inst�.11rrsrt, `e ^inni rrith Frar.cis Drive. T'e ict ^ices on P;.�rya^r Drive end J��!e:s !?t-y in Se0011d In S Ux I lm- ell t les st 1400 eq. ft. Rovidances on Harrington and Fro- xust at last lgoo sq. ft. Feaidencc•s on Fo ster and Milaer rr ?.st :t lw- st 1000 s( ft. Rex i der, eas on I:�. le �wtrE:i °. e in Third 11,sta ll -ent nest lea at 11' 1Ca on . ft. Rovidcr oes On G il.chriwt, Brooks, Bolton, PLtry a� r, Francis, jar. cs ftrkv.r^y In ThirC lrFstsxllmox:t mist h.ve at l.o< =.,;t 1200 sq, ft. 5. Dit '1°u,t face the street the lot f6,ces. 6. 1,, o i rte of rain buil.dinC or 0ii0 = ilding can be closer tlmn 10 ft, from We and beck liras. Oul ;aepper r s at endure -nt to p ermit lass t1 10 ft. for' exit ttj.ldir3rs to the rear of t- ir. b{t:.lctir5f' is 1.1.:10€ al null and void. Erpocit-1 lly look out for f �.ra L .itnd ci�r- .)orts i�: his res pe ct. Front , off -sot; oho ld be as f ,)ll{,waa ly,:;y v, 50 ft.{ Poster, 30 ft.; Milner, 30 ft.; G11c :risV, 2d and U Ins'1R ilmenta, 40 ft.; Francis, 40 ft. on .jj.sS , Side, 3o ft. oi ” "es Side 80ut'h of 'Rurya: Holton, 40 ft.; 31.00%x, 40 ft...; Talton., in 3d .tnstall'ner_t, 40 ft. on S. S:i.Ca'e3, 50 ft. on N. `3:! rQ ►le, , i2n 3d IT�s 11went, 40 ft. on . S�dy, 50 ft,. , ')I! H. id© for streets in let and 4th Inat u rill.Wentz maesre the offset S�1ovn on � Off i.oi��tl t;a~ pe or plate of - osa 3aiota 11e vs; k ot.oa ; �»i.T03`, and i rs irCtun in 1st Installment howevor, I Lave already measured to be 30 ft. 8. Or-10y a � ; aLn he closer to t'i!o frl)n )i clart;� line off-ne 9. A-11 5 m mea wh ich it cluLie s cujr- )Ort,s of course, aust; be to th the rear of the dwellin4, unl eas a t'ca nhed to tl,e dwel.linC. u t the side and ireet:Lllu the minimum Side-offset of 10 ft. Be es1)0e l;ally oa reful to see tiv,i +,, no yrrt of a vm or co.r- ;)�. juts closer to 1 ;ale frt Property line t1'x;n does the dwelling. 2 Oar procedure so fhtr has b as P1*119 to r. to s tp t ntai _ 4 ,11 r vv inform- t1coa 13 c% iioiIJi " olo t-14im I mt, SLo lviT17 W J(j•tjan of Liao do. 04 its' lie tO 11a the 1 Tt ti j -lo; lie phcaaa o'. *r . ,.j , �j. ( V ja t to j In a rcz�.gombla tiwa and oloii than a r . � �..k pUi� the � mPm.b orf th - kJ u (pi 1yj9jU N 1a 6L-,j L. ecd - &4 64 6 : .0.64 'J tha t memner I s. on them ane # 6 - - l; tit;* down eis iwtc&l is 4id Lr',jiiiit w4 w A It J -. ii i to OaaeU14 t j, illewoerti 4isoo Wj )rovent the of ce)rriry # ad - not t na -, aooe on 9 1. , jna., - An,.Aicanz s t- or tmt ti U ity 4irdiYauoe `f+a].4 requires the " rit t the C Orm� ittoe 3 A 0 of sJkur,,s `.-,afore JS k3'1 of (31j1' j�tJA4 44L a1A v ""t +,1? hts 116M.5 to the ( 'Wev vVill il too lf tell aastu t U 1A A je to u n d ni t in r ri Yn j f j C) or jut c.!*L LA taia ii d r Yrx of It. Tj- ". t vvtr be a viola" iuL, C ity T 1. ,)oj.jcev, lns"at5i for %?at, w c ;ao thtt S ane one Is convartin-TO raraodoltyW_ or emag.inff a tau .lcii „i ' _ () 7 , -�) v , ot - c with thfs %'At:i and 3au if he .he h�-%m -�ribmittcd no p2.zr-, o U in t o If I %j - adla bg�,s Cotten a per,,-.it,, t j Life a city will ba It can and find - var - Y I VUY- o bl,: it or mvxot lowerp or t. vvv� from dd t Y, DATE DESCRIPTION RATE CHARGES CREDITS BALANCE Nov. BN Classifieds 1 50 1 50 d 4® l l "WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS" A &M COLLEGE STUDENT PUBLICATIONS AG Agriculturist RE Review AN Aggieland (Annual) EN Engineer BN Battalion SD Student Directory SV Southwestern Veterinarian AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS a� P hr.e Y� Hruska COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1961 Deed Restrictions Extended At Polls College Hills Estate, lot owners extended deed restrictions on the College Station addition for an- other 25 years, and passed all 12 proposals to modify the restric- tions "overwhelmingly" in a deed restrictions committee election held Saturday at City Hall. Deed Restrictions Committee member Clayton A. Greer said the committee had just completed tab- ulating the votes on the compli- cated four -page ballot, and that all the proposals had passed. Greer said 57 lot owners voted in the election. There are about 350 property owners in the addi- tion east of Highway 6. The elec- tion was not an official city election, but concerned only the property owners in the College Hills Estates addition. The vote extended property re- strictions for the area for 25 years past Mar. 1, 1963, the date the original 25 -year restriction period expires. The "early" vote was necessary because outcome of the election must be filed with the county clerk a full year before the existing restrictions expire. Members of the College Hills Estates Deed Restrictions Com- mittee responsible for the election were Greer, Grady P. Parker, T. J. Mattern and ex- officio member, Developer J. C. Culpepper. •r Pro posals fo r Election on Restr in t C.)Ue a Hil ls Es ?tea Addition Veto on the propom:Alu below by wr{ t►ir:f For or ^,�_i:.;; ':�la Bg� c� r r.•c i .4 e . __ T. Tbat. the D*ctl Rostri ;tiona of +,h-- C ollog —W_ Hall a Cs$ "'t. es �. ! 't, n nw i ,t na 1 '..ed in t .'.. 5 , 1 .. i .. 7 .a �. �.. -: �.t��, 'r,y y n, � ,1 �3 ,._,. • -s.° 500-1-7,02 hri »�a3 t�t�c� 10() !P.!78 180; Vol me 104, r).a 7es 240 -144) be extended. With to:c► !vadifIcation$, for arvat e:» ;avr od of :Fa.. rs, Mx rp,k 1 l7� ^i4.in of q 7 „ • i n ( � y i y t�Yl y s t `1 a .�(�'!1 W,2 { 1 { - �, T'S ..�� rr ♦L .' i . � y 7 PO pt.l ±' i) il ont Y'.JJ H�i a . tsnt�e i� any` � tlraci? u le be wes3n Lincoln YI venu9 and FMnv1; nrive. ` t ^ `z'�t' +�'f'�2� Two + f the Or 1 , ,T i r ,:I t''..; °..:` "'' ^ 1� r � ; � . wed. t� a be T, .'Y? s r) �. C; .r!? a71 ~. E� �� . �i 1 ti�i fJ'i AJ.:r ..]i.R. �.� �a i�N � Y�'.�` rrl'tra bT! � ttit jortt; vote .if .i c,1 !*ittoo of throe lot- 3"_ors t:34 &dditian to hrl e. er %tod b� t'_,q T .!cs r t.ty vote cr tho lot- ornors in the kddi.tion th . t, there r. thrner n i) _ mtinbara :f the Go-lnJ :too P,nd ones etltern' s .to T,Wier rhn ni serve :ghin on of tho rogl.;lar meribt rs 'w.nn1 I serve; ttvtt the membors of the Commit,ee sores for a tame o_*' two years; that tho 4 iternate memhar hocomea a rs7,ulnr �. r n�.t the next germ go tlr.t thel.r. a will alwaays 130 "t lelst one memb cif the Cnn- mitt@e wilo will bo ex,)erten -ndl tint in tho first term t?:l' °ae "ov r mi - mbers �.nd and one plternr.t..o -unbar ho le -ted und in e,;.r�; } , , � e�s�33n� Zion` two nrTv _rem a4 .0-ar n ,- Lo.nd ^1_le n _ . r a` a . I .Auerrrite 018'3'3d; and tit' N the (.rranln.ittee 1rakve a r xin"Im of 15 days to jass on a sot Uf „)'1.'ana and R f? e Ci2' ie';� t.-tons, . '" 1r t. Restr' itlo 2 Three of t i ',ri. inal %F39 *. r ctions c be �aan �ec1 o t.I t, the �? oY,s or eQtt� tea fror.t,,in; on HigWir -:1 d bot deem i,ho ex t„* ir` >; orsas .nd G l ^,? rlst Drive, and originally deyiginterd for d t.7rc] err rf' i tdoncegj !,in' I l., In uhF; nor, pw'' if r'ostrlctio ±7», hQ ctee tnr:- t.eld for nl.-�. of busin # r rovided tha t.iQ said silt+. cen of b- siness runt., be of the following kinds vni nh sre ,)r d1ra.ri1 . found in u tyPifn. r o--terr. rsher > ngr 4 19 t r 1 .t, of a restricted resldi . -ritia aroa: step -e or shod ? for tho pklo of pI: 'd _ r9ta l .l. only, i7tl.Elinoas r)r ;prof 1Sfil+a:l� l E�,ffic ®, c f'e or c iotrer;q, gti {dies, c�otel, hotel, filling, atetion, lalindro- mat, rovernMent 7ff =.ce( Olit;r, ct_-' It =, Federal) fire E w* C totnligrl an pres3In. so_o b ;)m, t,y sh.oaa, barber shop, :'adiv and television s'iata, grocery sl ore, drug store, hardware store, and dry-goods stores; provided thq.t fiRctorios. vhisp3 �1£ Deus;: .3, lumber ywul'd , junk gards, wn.r'!i i:ousocs it lots., and 3to:C`os for the Salo Of '%a3.0t)h0lic bSAT&M ,ns., wvo:isst .ile) F)r retail, ars a,.focif3 -,ally `azohibiGod provided that any place of businr?zs necessarily of a no r, dirty,, or unsirthi,s.1 na.tune :era a�eoZi'- tally prohibited; c )royidisd WIA- t a.ay place of busind3f; enlist 11% %vo-on o In witl9 the other gl- cus of buslnes3 in the ,area; 1)r:)vidrvd tlxit the lrinivum front ©.f±`sat fir t -ho plsl of '3u3laess 6a 50 feet; that the off :)f lra = lain -s an corner l ots to Francis Drive and Gilchrist Drive, trust obgervs the off 3vt rc od Of bull - dia ors on t,r,oso atreats; 9rc)vILcled t Ait the R,3+ 1tMict,lons Co�r zc ®a6ritir;; tale Addition shall #eve final discretion ry v)ower in rejecting sa kind or pla c5 of business as undesirable for some reason not vxdlicitly stated herein; and ;i)ra7t.dad th:zt tie bjitic?1x1.; ?cc3ftc��t�:,ri;a t�l t he ai ,es, _%)..aria. 3 of c ons trlctianq , ?.z id offs©ts fnc the sL)l)roved olacea of 2 Imo i maut o to those 101 1211 L'."* roquired,, :r nrY i)o roqi-* �rc_d, by the MY Of Colle, Station for a tyP'Ical- 4* That Restriction Four V U ortriftl Rqgtrjctj - 7je rte rondcd To or S -he rc.�r i d a a n d r drat 1 fho ori I 1.0 .f the ., ;r 1 i= L t c — ti7 I r (3 n'.)rt, be f rat the NqW t V- t--r, f.m. tft, r ivza or'� ne�jtrntjon 3 � _ oh !hr to In the Fev or Arnard?.d 7. Tlt !?ntr, 5, 1.. ? 8, 1 1 of , 3 8 nfi t, Cu tting eu eh t7, i *do oro 'trc �tt a 90t: 'Co � a ports It _10'"t street to umtr re'Ar. bet.nDgn tmcOln "TI-Tas "tn! YM '.I!-ia Drivs to n 7 f ront Ing mr the new 9treet 1&n"0j an the new 4nd to i*rtrnit -mo-fa r93 q 10tal qrorldod twbvtt arr-Mrementis for the n ©w street can be m-do with. the Property owners in s not her odditiOn t the rear 'If f the pre.mint. pro- vlee4 tbet there my be % twglTs-fOot allay or iittlit!03 all'Smement b tP's old and new lots If t►!► ;Ity if Collec Station so Je-4-nc* PrIvidrd What the ore-famill, regidencq8 nn tbi new lots �.Vq a minimum f I oar arm -f 1400 salxg,re feet, ex0l If llnmr•red Porcl ter. "E1�3a3, d�ats died M. VAP'es ound nthcr xitb�AtIdIvigs,, P_A4 hxvi fr-)�r., 4. 1, . _rp s t ,% t ) ,f :5n e , Provided th Vile subdiirleing be subjeet to tji.e raiority vot,,2 of the lot-owners !nv0-1vqd 1rd yrrfidmd th2A the Lnying-mat surveying 9.nd fM PP1mP_ of the subd1tvidtntr T)e t by the City of Coll 0 St-, in Cordanen witl the restricti(mu 3 forth. 1 I* 13, Rrd 14f") I d J_ 3 4 5 6 7 9 Of Block 17 m Drir3 may be au!)dividei axjroo along a Ityie from lot t,% Lot mttln.- eich side .2ropartY, lino a*,, a balf-way paint to parmit rep -lotl to theIr rum and fronting Or mr- slroak!-creuted street but :!ks yet unnomed,, , knd to pe►-rit On the to s-olad raw lots; grovided tkmt th,,ro my be a 11 -f *0t.. alla7 or utilities Rags- went betToer tho new ,, .krd Wd lote If the City of ^ojjpja S �,tj:jj . doeires) provided t.'rp.L the realdeiicaz on the n .10ta k%-_Ve a mirAcum floor area of 1400 eqaara feet,, 0701USIVO Of uncoverad jorch-se terraces, oiot, .eh ►. ither njtbuildlri!�S a.nd bave a mini!: f,c-e)YjL Offeeit of 30 fool#; grqvid-od this m be subject to the -, rot-e of the iot-ovy.n►rs Involved; and qr th�j.t th murveyinf,,, i�.nd i% �pijnp- )f fho 5 be done by the City of 0 s in e0cordance vitz" T'he restrictions herela E:..et fnirth. a That Lots 3 tand 4 Of Bl( 3 On Fait= Driva m3r ba line fz'Om 10t to 19t each side property line at a lelf-we.- to m i,,*,t- -tr a-d fr it!. ��-Z. , t L: , �,) I r r e� on Lii are-, tc) fGY romid cn th'd' ru-2v Iota; mil: that there My be a 13-fo()t alley or utilitir-As easonant bel",Wean %. L.) Provided tile new and Old 1 "s if the CUtY Of C011e Station ae desire&; Prov t Iu t the c% n a - f _ r, 2 1 1 r a S i 'd G :!_ - c •'e. 3 L> t 1. a n a V I otz ?Xlve u mininulV ! aroa 3 of 1400 s(Iiiaro feat.., excluLnivs. Of uncoverad. t r " , ^ ^ s, rn-ra,Lwi and wlter, out13U1c!,tnZ;3 e..11d 1p-ve a minlynim 4 jPrWded that this aubdividing he SUbJeet to the nnjorl.- :r lot7, �)rf)trtdcd tiv.t the P. fie, -n of Vc vibdividin ?)- a done by the 1 7ity of Cnj1e; St in 71 c a or (A rv!a with t.he rostrIctions heroin sot Forth. ��f the Ad" lid t t h �i - , . *%r t &0 rd j d O"n' -19 -ts Of the Org. leads of the Addtti*n bol*M 7 to the lot-Ornort,3 'If Vic AOditicn vnd wiv_ot onj ;ised fee any : Other t'. �, r * t. of " - rats. 11. T3 F(!-_triction - n-e(t U ;4! cif -in d aver ).or" It 43 n te tr a tv !'I t (F 1� r! ?.r , ts n.rrc be of no furthc ^r nffo -' �.ftnr !.,0' ;cars from t-be first &o.7' of, P"xiveh rrivtded tv-mt v.t !t2w. t17.0 within ore year beare the ex:�Aivvt�ar of sztd, porind the *?*_en lnt-ovynorq of the it ; by "Jortty jyt�in? Or reit"IctArun-t e. 0 �T Pllnvi n t i The then oxisftjn.E-7 Restrictione S"',?,)J be c'm-gor-ired J to f. for ?n mlsttinn or, the 'R 'Z1t,rtCtt')1,M!Tv to !?')!d the elostlon, to fvnvass tne res'01to O-T' V!e -and t(3 praser.t and cortify than to fJ-,s Ocvvitv Clerk or BrRvns_ Ovurty Ti7n.s. fer rgeordinf- in tt.o noado C the said ccvv Sirroture of Voting Let - owner Rosleonce Bloclr_ pne. T.")t 011M . be's 'A' Pro�? Q3 94 Swern and to 136r cove irre t s tyte. - 0 W "'T dea - — , UA ry c of %) d 1' TI;-a 7, c '101-Int"r Texis !R+kiJ� Pro,)oss la for Election on Restrictions in the College Hills Estates Ad- dition, City of Colle re Station, Brazos County, Texas, Saturday, Do comber u, 1961 Vote on the y)ro-)osals bolow by writing For or in the s.z, ce ,srovidod before o^ ch ,)ro,)osal. I. That the Deed Restrictions of the Collo�,o Hills Estates Ldditi , n as originally st�� tod in the Deed Records: of Dra zos County ( Volumo 96, yea ges 500 -50N ; Volume 97, �a gos 128-130; Volumo 99, �),tigos 158 --159; Volume 100, io.go 160; Volumo 104, pagos 2 -244), ho oxtondod, wits: the following modifications, for another poriod of 5 years, boCinni_.g D/Iarch 1, 1963, and ending march 1, 1988: 1. That tho part of Restriction Ono of tho Original Restrictions dealing, with multi -- family dwollings bo restated as laor- mitting multi - family dwellings, one por lot, only on Fostor Avonuo in Installmont Ono botwocn Lincoln Alvonuo and Francis Drive, and that tho CulpepDor or Collogo Hills Estatos Com, amendment rnado in 1940 (Brazos County, Toxas, Docds, Vol. 103, ,D ). 142-143) which would per- mit a multi -- family dwelling to be built on Lot 1, Block 9 on Foster Avonuo in In sta m en wo, o r ose n o U. That Rostriction Two of the Original Restrictions be chanced so that tho designee of the oriTirr l dovolo )mont company., ,the Collogo Hi 11s Estates Company, uric., be no on�or ox- officio m or and ch: irman .s ric lops Committee; bui ng ,glans and specifications s a e ap�)rovo n wr ng y a majority veto of a committec of throe lot - owners of the Addition, such committoo members to be oloctcd by the majority Moto of the lot ownors_ in the .Lddition actually votin, ; that thoro be throo ro Ular members of the Committee and one alternate member who will serve when one of the regulaar members cannot serve; th the members of the Committee serve for a term of two years; that the alternate mombor autor_l tically become a regular member at the next term so that there will always be at least one member of the Committee who will be experienced; that in the first terra three regular members and one alternate member be elected and then in each succeeding term two new regular members and one new alternate be elected; and that the Committee have a maxim -um of 15 days to pass on a set of Dlans and specifications. 3. That Restriction Three of the Original Restric- tions be changed so that the lots or estates frontin- on Hi way 6 between the existing shop,)ing r e a Trncr - d e r rive, znd originally desi= d for dwelli.n s or res c es, s, a , in the now ,)ariod of ,rictions�_ be designated�`or ,� a cos O u s ness; provided that sa ld 'p la ces of business must 5 - of - th o ow ng kinds which are ordinarily found in a typical modern shopping district of a restrict- ed residential area: store or shot for the sale of products at retail only, business or l)rofessioml office, cafo or cafeteria, studio, motel, hotel, filling sta tion, laundrom,at, Covernment office ( city, state.. Federal), fire station, cleaning and ,)ressing shop, beauty shop, barber shop, radio and television shop, grocery store, drug store, hardwaro store, and dry -goods store; provided that factories, wholesale houses, garages, r_�a chino sho,)s, lumbor yards, junk yards, warehouses:, stor houses or lots, and stores for the sc-lo of alco- holic beverages, wholesale or retail, are s,,ecificc.11y ,).rohibitod; c� ,provided that any place of business necessarily of a noisy, dirty, or unsightly nature is specif ically prohibited; provided tlk^ t any l)la ce Of business, must- harmonize in apL7earance with the other pla ces of bus iness in the area; providod that the minimum front offset for the places. of business✓ do 50 feet; provided that the offset of buildings on corner lots to Francis Drive and Gilchrist Drive must observe the offset required of buildings on those streets; provided that the Restrictions Committee representing the !addition shall have final discretionary power in rejecting a kind or plade of business as un- desirable for some reason not explicitly stated herein; and ;irovided that the buildin silecifications as to the size, materials of con- struction, and offsets: for the a,) places of business must con- form to those which are required, or may be required, by the City of College Station for a tyliical shopping district of a restricted residential area. 4. That the CulLiepper or Colle -e Hills Estates Company amendment to Restriction Four of the Ori -final Restrictions - an amendment which 1 made in 1939, did a,vay with that part of Restriction Four of the Original Restrictions requiring all outhouses. or structures to the rear of the i'1ain dwelling, to be a minimum dis- tance of 10 feet from side and rear property lines, and did not specify any definite distance from side and rear property lines, for such outhouses or structures (Brazos County, Texas, Deeds, Vol. 99, P. 499) - be rescinded, and that the minimum distance of such out- houses or structures from side and rear property lines be either a or B below( Indicate your choice with a check in the pro s,). cc ) A. 10 feet as required in the Origi- ml Restrictions. B. 5 f eet . it ✓ 5. That Restriction Six of the Original Restric- tions, the se,Dtic-tank requirement, be dro,),)ed from the New or Amended Restrictions.. 6. That the termination date, "March 1, 1963," in if Restriction Seven of the Original estrictlons be chtanged to " �hrch 1, 198" in the New or Lmended Restrictions. 7. That Lots 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 of Block 8 on Walton Dr iv may be subdivz ed one ©, a ong a no from lot to lot cu ng each ch side ,)ro�)ert -,T lne a a �� excess of the half -way point from Walton Drive, to hermit a new street to their rear between Lincoln LLvenue and Francis Drive, to permit new lots; fronting on the new street, to permit each new lot in turn that would have a fronta „e of 12110 feet or more on the new street to bo suh- divided into two lots along, a line from the midway point of the front and rear proporty lines of the lot, and to hermit one- family resi- dences on the new lots; provided that arra.n"ements for the new street can be made with the pro,Derty owners in another addition to the rear of the present lots; lrovided that there may be a twelve -foot alley or utilities. easement between the old and new lots, if the City of College Station so desires.; provided that the one- fami117 residences, on the new lots have a minimum floor area of 1400 square feet, ex- clusive of uncovered porches., terraces, detached gages and other M outbuildings, and have a minimum front offset of 30 feet; )rovided that thia subdividing be subject to the majority vote of the lot - owners involved; and provided that the laying -out, surveying, and ma1iping of the subdividin` be done in accordance with the restrictions herein set forth and with the requirements of the City of College Stoation. 8. T hat Lots 12 and 13 and the Lot de i� it "J. P. Hays Property" of Block 8 and Lots 1, U, 3, 4, 5, 6, �7, 8 of oc on a on Drive ma be subdivided once, a ong a i1no from T at- to lot cutting eacl; side property line a a , oint 10 feet in ex- cess of the half -way Lioint from Walton Drive, to hermit new lots to their rear and fronting on Williams Street, to permit each new lot in turn that would have a frontage of 1'e feet or more on Williams Street to be subdivided into two lots along, a line from the midway point of the front and rear property lines of the lot, and to permit one - family residences on the said new lots; provided teat there may be a 12-foot alley or utilities easement between the new and old lots if the City of College Station so desires; provided that the one -- family residences on the new lots have ? minimum floor area of 1400 square feet, exclusive of uncovered porches, terraces, detached garages and other outbuildings, and have a minimum front offset of 30 feet; pro- vided that this subdividing be subject to the majority vote of the lot- owners involved; and provided tT the laying -out, surveying, and mapping of the subcividing be done in acc-ordance with the restrictions herein set forth and with the requirements of the City of College Station. 9. That Lots. 3 and 4 of Bloc 8 on ;Talton Driv may be subdivided once, a ong a ine from t_ _to lot cuttinz ea c h / side mate at - a—rit eet in excess of the half -way ioint from Walton Drive, to hermit new lots to their rear and fronting on Lincoln hivenue, to permit each new lot in turn that would have a fronta.ge of 110 feet or more on Lincoln 'sLvenue to be subdivided into two lots along a line from the midway point of the front and rear property lines of the lot, and to permit one- family residences on the said new lots; provided that there may be a 1� -foot alley or utilities easement between the new and old lots if the City of C olle -e Station so desires; provided that the one - family residences, on the new lots have a mininium floor area of 1400 square feet, exclusive of uncovered porches, terraces., deto ched Ga rakes and other outbuildings, and have a minimum front offset of 30 feet; provided that this subdivi be subject to the majority vote of th� ers nvolved; an ;provided that the y ng -ou , surveying, and mapping of the subdividing be dome in accordance with the restrictions herein set forth and with the requirements of the City of College Station. 10. Treat the parks of the .' as provided j) and designated in the plats of the origirnl deeds of the "addition, N belong, to the lot - owners of the 'addition and cannot be designated znd used for any purpose other than that of "Parks. " 11. Th4 Restriction Eight of the Original Reutric- tions he changed to the f oZlowing: Ea eh and every condition and cove- nant herein contained may be modified at any time by the majority vote of the then lot - owners of the _',ddition actually voting, and the then existing Restrictions Committee shall be empowered to call for an 21 election on th Restrictions, to hol„ t1le election, to camn.se tho results of the election, to ,)resent and certify them to the County Clerk of Brazos County, Texas, for recor0in- in the Dee,'s of the s^ id county, anC. to ;aresant, a co,iy of the amea ;ed restrictions to the City Council aml the City j'Lk'lm er of the City of College Station. 12. TIat. the Restri.ctio 5*4f�Ahe : "_ddition, u their ex,)iration crate of Meirch 1, 1988, will be automatically extenuecl for successive �)eriods of twenty -five years thereafter. S inn. Lure of VotinC Lot -Owner 1202 Foster Avenue ^ollege Station, Texas Mr. Fran Boswell. City Manager City of College Station College Station, Texas Dear Ran: Please post the following notice in the city hall. It concerns an election relative to deed restrictions in College Hills Estates Addition. I NOTICE OF ELECTION An election on the extension of Deed Restrictions for the College Hills Estates Addition, College Station, Texas, will be held on Saturday, December 2, 1961 from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the City vouncil Room, City Hall, College Station, 'Texas. Only lot owners of the said addition can vote in this election. Restrictions Committee College Hills Estate Addition z Please bill me for such costs involved. Very truly yours, .xvvi� • v •Z) :03 la IV -CI uo s j 4pu -V • (I ' 9JUO t dln-4 AZOA ' 9 q=S .zoj eux TT Tq **weld m uotaTPP`v OP193 sTTTH 929 11 0 0 'aalaTulujoc) suoTaaiz;sau •uotaovle sTga uT OZOA uVo uoTJJPPT PTVS Oql ;o s.zsuaso 101 AjUo •sVxo,L 'uOT3VjS o8alloo 'IIvH AaT:) 'uxooU ltounoy AzTo aq1 uT •uz •d 00.9 of 00 :1 'LucJJ 1961 'Z zoquz0aaQ 'ArpanlYS uo PTaq •q TTp+► s *pxay 'uanvis ovenoo 'ualrzypp a' sale isa sllTH 0 $ 0 11 0 0 agl .xo j suotioTa3se d pav(i jo uotsusixo eql uo uotl:)alo u v NOLL031a .11© aDIJLQ N .6Z aaq •u:sAON PUV ' S l .Z *gUISAOM 'it zagolap uo uotT - El3T8 oua UT Adoo Sut.aolloj oql uni not ButA'eq o3eTossddv pinoAk Z :sTS IwaQ suduzvo uotlelagg =o1Tpa srxay 'uoll - ell 029110D enueAd asasoa ZOZI s Pr. G /°. P ree0 A tT4-7 .4e.1// , &l�imq*7 R Mr. R. R. R es, Chairman 413 W4 Drive C g Texas Mr. Charl . Richardson 1013 f cis CoRtis Station. Texans 1202 Foster wenue ?'A'P College Station, Texas ' � A. H. Al 1008 ryear C ego Station. Texas . Dear E'ellows: � � -,;If 1 I would appreciate it v y much if you w uld acce t membership on a nominating committee to come f rth with a slate ofeo serve on the Restrictions Com- mittee for the Coll ge Hills area proper - -the one in which we reside. Current mom shi p is made up of ��Qyfsn 6reer� G. P. P'r� o�d T. d. A1ii �4/�i��tJ perry. y The terWb040mo f expire sm oft �4ssex. �r» as alternate ^ w �� a member as per agreement we previously adopted. Zn A fA;A� 'tlz J LO- a�+.dl Your tas will be to nominate full time memberand one alternate to the com- mittee serve the following two years period Q,r ,{�w./r .Ser yea Q he wzIl v Qs 4/y�• 'rp Z JJO4rr 400'!01// 04'A f // ,Sec* .Wt Q The dividuals nominite should be willing to serve and spend the necessary time as y be required in fulfillment of responsibilities. They should be individuals AeFjA w o will work for our area and believe in the Deed Restrictions. A l I have discussed this matter with you in person and I do hope you will accept this assignment. 4:00 piq Fleas* get the necessary slate for our meeting to be held at 4. , Saturday, y 4kwoa4k in the Council poem of the C ity Hall. The meeting will be very brief and I hope you will be present. I have asked ado*, to '' serve as Chairman of this committee. Sincsrel S D. A. Berson. Chairman DAA vc Meeting for Restrictions Committee A, 1202 Foster Avenue k,ollege Station, Texas May 3. 1963 Mr. John Hill. Chairman 1301 E. Foster Avenue Coollege Station, Texas Dr. G. P. Parker 1007 Walton Drive College Station, Texas Mr. R. R. Rhodes 413 Vialton drive College Station, Texas Dear Fellows; I v, , ould appreciate it very much if you would accept membership on a nominating committee to come forth with a slate of three p6rsons to serve on the restrictions Committee for the College Hills area proper - -tho one in which we reside. Current membership is made up of Clayton Greer, G. P. Parker, and T. J. Mattern (alternate). The terms of Mattem , Greer and Parker expire this month. Mattern, as alternate, could best become a member as per agreement v,e previously adopted in view of his experience this past year, and it is reeommende?' -- &1 -6 'e so considered as a member. Your task will be to nominate two full-time members and one alternate to the committee to serve the following two years period. The alternate will automatically serve four years as he will, henceforth, serve as alternate two years and will automatically become a member the next two years. The individuals nominated should be willing to serve and spend the necessary time as may be required in fulfillment of responsibilities. They should be individuals who will work for our area and believe in the Deed restrictions. Among those whom I think are qualified to serve (but whom I have not contacted) are A. H. Alex, Reed W ipprecht, Mrs. T. H. MacDonald, and Miss Jane L. Fuller. There are. of course, others. The decision, however, is ,yours to mane for our group. These are but suggestions on my part. I do not. of course, wish to overlook Mattern. _2- I have discussed this matter with you in person and I do hope you will accept this assignment. Please get the necessary slate for our meeting to be held at 4:00 p.m. Saturday, May 25, in the Council Room of the City Hall. The meeting will be very brief and I hope you will be present. I have asked John Hill to serve as Chairman of this committee. Sincerely, D. A. Anderson, Chairman Meeting for Restrictions Committee s i Editor The Battalion Campus Dear Sir: 1202 Foster Avenue College Station. Texas May 8, 1963 Please place the following notice in the forthcoming issue of the Battalion and bill me for same. at the address given above. Run notice in next issue of Battalion. The notice follows: NOTICE A meeting of all lot owners of :,ollege Hills Estates (not Woodland Acres or College Hills Woodlands), is being called for May 23. 1963, at 4:00 p.m. . in the College Station City Hall for purpose of electing representatives to restrictions committee as called for by Deed Restrictions. Place in usual type as other ads. Very truly yours, D. A. Anderson DAA/ r cc: C. A. Greer R. R. Rhodes 6 ,So, 4 m t� roun, 2, 1 at or bef, the day pre of Student Publica- A meeting of all lot owners of College or Hills Estates (not Woodland being cal College Hills Woodlands), for May 26, 1963, at 4:00 P. m., in the College Station City Hall for purpose of electing representatives to restrictions committee as called for by Deed Restric- tions. - 2ww ArAXi01 i i / or i v / 7J nsu- a��Gr� �u5s/o 4 &W�►re 9 s� sy amt? Ems` �y Sd � 1�*ut�1 1 's 0 ti V The lot owners of 0olle`e Hills B.stat s :::ot in the C lit-' C o;:_>>cil �R'ooi of the City "1)l"_ of Collo-e -Station, ^.t 4 p.„':. on "'P.; 25, 1963, for the purpose of alectinz three revular members and one alternate r:embor to the 1 -3stri Ctions 'v0I. ,ii in ?accorda with the provisions ^-s set forth in the -'xtandod and Amended Restrictions for the said addition. The meetinC rr.s called to order by t,rr. D. A. Anderson who h been eloct� c'Lairirnn for th meetin- in the previous i7oatin- hold for electing .ombers to the Rostrictions Co °..r:ittee. :'r. Anderson asked " °Y °s. C. A. Creer to servo as rocordinC secretary for the mo o t ink . Mr. John. Hill, Mr. Robart Rhodos, and : ;'r. "rad�T Parker had boon ap- pointed to a nominatinL co,ir:.ittea by Nr. Ai to soloct a sl?.to of three reCular candidates and one alternate ca.ndidat:e. I�lr. Fill, as cYrairm -.n of the comnittoe, presented tha followinv, slaty of nominees: Mr. T. J. ;a.ttern, Mr. Reid Wilopreoht, and N1r. C. K. LeiGhton as reuular members and MT A-. H. Alex as the alternate member. �%fter no nominations ware : =Node from tho floor, 1 °r. A- riderson :ioved that the slate of no be accented by acclamation. The .otion U,�.s seconded and all of the• nomineos aaore unanirlously G eC:,v • It w�.s moved and seconded that Pax. Anderson ba elects =d as chaair.an for the next meeting for ©lectinf members to the R©strictions Committeo. The r-.otion rras carried uf2nir_.ously. Those present passed a resolution thankinC the outZoinG Restrictions Comrn,ittae for %hat it 11ad done during, the past two yea."s. The r. eetin,: =-s then ad;; ournod. The sigma. tures of the lot owners prasant who took p`�_rt in the oloctiorL will be found on the att�a chid re- shoat. l 9 c,3 r C"" A - x p t. . . r � College Station, Texas May 25, 1963 "'Fe the undersiuned Committee offer the following slate for the Deed Restrictions Committee of College Hills Area. of the Cite- Of College Station, Texas: T. J. Vattern, 300 Kyle Read lVipprecht, 111 Moss St. E. C. K. Leighton, 1024 ?`Talton E. A. H. Alex, 1008 Puryear E. (alternate) It is our and erstanding that the three regular membbrs are to hold offices for a two year period end the alternate to automatically move up to a regular member at the end of a t,,o year period . The committee would like to sugmest that considerption be given to the term of service for the committee on Deed Restrictions and provisions set up whereby they be on a staTgard basis. Possibly one to be selec e °ch year to serve for a three year term. J IT would also recommend that Mr. D. A. Anderson be considered for a two year term as Chairman of the property owners as related to the deed restrictions for College Hills, College Station, Texas . Respectfully submitted, Nominating Committee for Deed restrictions Commit ee Jo�Vj- ll, Chairman Dr. G. P. Parker R. R. Rhodes 1202 Foster A venue College Station, Texas February 27, 1963 I3 ,ar For six. years 1 have served as councilman for Ward 2. Need= less to say, it has been my pleasure to serve you and l sincerely appreciate the help you have rendered me:. I have decided not to run for councilman this year, throwing my support behind R. R. Rhodes, a. resident of College Hills Estates, wzlo resides at 413 Walton Drive. Bob is well known in the community. He is an individual. for whom. I have the greatest respect and will, I know, ably serve Vard 2 at the council table. Bob has a mind of his own and will vote his convictions in favor of the people he will represent, and for the city as a whole. He is well versed in deed restrictions common to Ward 2 and will see that such are upheld. I urge your consideration and support of Mr. Rhodes in the f-.. rthcoming city elections in April Incidentally, I support the amendments to our present city charter that will be voted upon during the election. With kindest regards. Sincerely, D. A. Anderson