HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/14/2008 - Regular Agenda Packet - Design Review Board40~ AGENDA :r t}i cs 711 : , ,is.. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ..rr !krr,5i+.rrr 5p, Friday, November 14, 2008, 11:00 a.m. Administrative Conference Room College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Call to Order 2. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on alternatives to the transparency requirements for the City of College Station's Northgate Public Restrooms, located between Church Street and Patricia Street on the Northgate Promenade. Case #08- 00500283 (LH) 3. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on the use of alternate building materials and colors for the Corner Bar, located at 401 University Drive. Case #08-00500192 (LH) 4. Possible action and discussion on future agenda items - A Design Review Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 5. Adjourn. Consultation with Attorney (Gov't Code Section 551.071; possible action. The Design Review Board may seek advice from its attorney regarding a pending and contemplated litigation subject or attorney-client privileged information. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. If litigation or attorney-client privileged information issues arise as to the posted subject matter of this Design Review Board meeting, an executive session will be held. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Design Review Board of the City of College Station, Texas will be held on the Friday, November 14, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. at the City Hall Administrative Conference Room, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda Posted this the day of , 2008 at p.m. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Connie Hooks, City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Design Review Board of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas, and the City's website, www.cstx.gov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on , 2008 and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of 12008. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS By Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the _ day of 12008. Notary Public- Brazos County, Texas My commission expi This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive service must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Lauren A. Hovde Report Date: November 5, 2008 Email: Ihovde(a)cstx.gov Meeting Date: November 14, 2008 For City of College Station Northgate Public Restrooms (DRB) (08-00500283) Zoning District: NG-1 Core Northgate Location: Northgate Promenade, between Church Street and Patricia Street Applicant: Andrew Hawkins, Hawkins, Holster & Associates, Inc. Item Summary: The applicant is requesting to use decorative metal Northgate emblems on the facility as an alternative to the NG-1 zoning district transparency requirements. Item Background: The transparency requirements being discussed can be found in Section 5.6 of the Unified Development Ordinance, which states, "For maximum pedestrian visibility of the non-residential use(s), non-residential structures and the commercial portions of mixed-use structures shall be at least fifty percent (50%) transparent between zero and eight feet above ground level of the primary entrance fagade and at least thirty percent (30%) transparent between zero and eight feet on the fagade fronting other rights-of-ways." The applicant believes that the addition of transparent material to a public restroom is not an appropriate choice of material. There is a concern that the transparent material may encourage vandalism and increased maintenance for the City. In addition to the large Northgate emblems to the facades facing Boyett Street and Patricia Street, masonry work will be patterned and projected in such a way as to add visual interest for pedestrians. Issues/Items for Review: At this time, DRB is asked to consider the use of decorative metal Northgate emblems as an alternative to meeting the transparency requirements. The DRB does have the authority, according to the Unified Development Ordinance, to approve alternatives to the requirements related to building transparency for new construction if the alternatives substantially provide the same visual interest for the pedestrian. Supporting Materials: 1. Application 2. Copy of elevations 1`l'Y 01a CL)LL - GE IAI'10N .f'i iwni~ag J. Vnviopfimw sm;ic?'r FOR OFFICE USE ONLY s r, cq,5E NO.. ' f ti s - DAVE sUBMITTEA: I: ° }b # DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ~_u APPEALS WAIVERS APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREME14TS: $150 Application Fee ApplicatiGn completed in full. Additional materials may be required of the applicant such as site plans, elevatior} drawings, sign details and floor plans. The Zoning Official shill inform the applicant of any extra materials required. Date of Preapplication Conference: AP P L I CAN TIP ROJ ECT MANAGER' IN P0RMATION (Primary entact liar the Prejed)' Name Andrew Hawk[ns Streot Address 76OZ Eastmark Dr Suite ft 2X City ll ge trtion State TIC Zip Code 7784 E-Mail Address a haurkir7s;~s~k~~lsi~r-ar~h,c~rn_ Phone Number 979.693.0179 t=ax Number 979.593.8370 PRO PE RTY OWN E R' I N FO KMATI ON: Nams Ed cOoncild - .ty of College 5 a_Ijor?, Cap`tal Projects Department Street Address 2613 Texas Ave, PC) B.q.x ` 9.6.D_.._ City ol.ege Station State TX Zip Cede 778742 E-flail Address EMQ-DQ0a1d @cst ,9QV Phone Number 979,764,3528 Fax Number. 979,764, 48 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Address Northqafe Parking Lot erg 4iurah Street 7.No._Physical address Assigned Lot .1.4-18_ 24-28 Block I Subdivision f3 Sul civislon Description if (here is no Lot, Black and Subdivision CURRENT ZONING OF SU13JE T PROPERTY: N G-1 A P PEALfVVA I VE R REQUE TED: (Circle One) NRA Requirements Northgate Requirements Dfiveways UVP Parking Krenek Tap Corridor Overlay District Other: Buffer Requirements Site Plan Review Criteria, Explanation of appeall giver request:. Request for Variance of Transparency Requ~rorr~~r~ts_.~rri:hl~ gppravd._alfernafive mater!als - Applicable Ordinance Section: UDQ SE:~ctlor). :j,6_115A_b Building F ransparency AD R 1 H'? GENERAL A4PPEALSMAIVER REQUEST The following specific varla#lon from the crdinance is requested: This is a public restrooxn fac;it . Th _.requiremen-s-_f r._4ransaarency .d.Q._nQt__.seem alp propriate for this use. We have suamitted alterncte materials for review by the DRB. The unnecessary hardship {s} involved by meeting the provisions of the ordinance other Men finenuiai hardship islare: The rg~quirerr7°Ms for the trans ar°na f 'or a public restraorr7 do nOf Opp ? r.t . r ye- the use of W rg ilily_ Also 1h e issue of Vandc lisrl'7.q,)d rrI.airilenance for the c-ty 'oold h_~. possibly quitc a prohlerr-i. The rollovMg alternatives to the a,eque-,MM variance are possible: J`,~q prgposec U;e of -he Northnate EiTlolem in a metal rnateriol as a large part of the facade fajng..the_parking or-ea that i5 considered tc e right-cif yr v. Also -h u use of smaller yet similar errrk lerrrs on the "front" -a; add facing, th°._r.ig"~ vra cons-rdered Additiongly+ mosonry %,+ork is pofterneo and projected to prpyic ::i di-Janal visual interes-. Thv applrcani has Propared this a, PHC.atlor7 and certifies that the facts slated herein and exhibits aftenher f?,err n are true, con-ec,t, rid complete- Signature and Title Date Page .2 of 2 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT Project Manager: Lauren A. Hovde, Staff Planner Report Date: November 5, 2008 Email: Ihovde(a)cstx.gov Meeting Date: November 14, 2008 For CORNER BAR (DRB) (08-00500192) Zoning District: NG-1 Core Northgate Location: 401 University Drive Applicant: Barry Ivins, Business Manager Item Summary: The applicant has requested approval of an alternative brick color for the rooftop structure addition on the Sparks Building and the addition of a 42-inch high wainscot to the structure, made up of a brick veneer that matches the stair tower brick. Item Background: This item was first presented to the Design Review Board on March 24th and again on April 25th of this year. At that time, the Design Review Board approved the proposed plan to utilize the roof of the Sparks Building, located at the intersection of College Main and University Drive, for a rooftop bar. The approval included a `brick veneer structure" on the roof. The DRB stated during the discussion that the brick used for the roof addition should match the brick previously used for the stairwell structure addition on College Main. The approved elevations reflected that discussion. Upon completion, it was apparent to staff that the brick used on the rooftop structure did not match the stairwell structure, as required by the Design Review Board. The applicant indicated that an alternative color was chosen to allow for the use of a brick veneer due to structural issues with the matching brick's weight and that a matching brick veneer was not available. The applicant then came back to DRB on September 12th to request that the materials used during the actual construction of the fagade be approved. The DRB tabled the item, asking the Applicant to return to the Board with plans showing additional architectural elements to tie the two brick veneers together. Issues/Items for Review: The Design Review Board is being asked to consider an alternate brick color for the rooftop structure than was previously approved and the addition of a 42-inch high wainscot to the rooftop structure of a brick veneer that matches the stair tower brick. Supporting Materials: 1. Application 2. DRB minutes from September 12, 2008 3. Elevations 4. Brick samples (available at the meeting) 5. Photographs of the structure, as built (available at the meeting) (.,IT'Y OF (..+C )1 1.1.C ;1 1'10N FOR OF ICE ONLY Ct►*F No QATF UEmITTE4 NO TH ATE BUILDING REVIEW APPLICATION M11gFMUn_ 5L BM T-rAE REQUIREMENTS Application completed in full. $200 Special District Application fee Ten (10) folded copies of facade details with dFmensicns ~Cvlor and material samples Date of Preapplication Conference: June 14-2006 NAME OF BUSINESS The Comer liar & rill ADDRESS 401 Un versity Drive LEGAL DESCRIPTION Boyett Subdivision Black 7 Lot 1. 2. 3. Part of 4 PRESENT USE OF PROPERTY Bar & Grill f Nightclub PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY r & Grill f Nightclub APPLICANT' INFORMATION: Narne Berrw Ivin Street Address 401 University Drive City Oollene Station State TX Zip Code 77840 E-Mail Addr&&s biyins56( yahco.com Phone Number 979.220.6999 Fax Number 989*1809- 171 -26 • o PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION: Name __ShpIton Family Partnership J9 Feed SheltanL _Lc Street Address 3501 illon Avenue City Dallas State T _ Zip Code 75205 E-Mail Address Prone Number Fax Number 214.525.2356 Page 1 of 2 pE5CRIPTION OF PROPOSED EXTERIOR CHANGES The apptresrrt has prepared this appticatbn and cerfffias that the facts stated herein and exhrbrts att ached hereto are true and correct- Signature of Owner. Agent or Applicant Date Page 2 of 2 (*tl"" Cl"f'v ( F C ()[.[.f F Tr1VION ~'?rrJrr;r!r:, c`~`~Jctresrof4rr;a-xr±.~:rr~:r-es Minutes Design Review Board Friday, September 12, 2008 Administrative Conference Room 1101 Texas Avenue 11:00 AM Board Members Present: Acting Chairman Ward Wells, Hunter Goodwin, Jason Kinnard, Alan King, and Katy Jackson Board Members Absent: John Nichols Staff Present: Senior Planner Jennifer Prochazka, Planning Administrator Molly Hitchcock, and Staff Assistant Nicole Padilla Others Present: Barry Ivins AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Presentation, discussion, and possible action on an alternate facade material for the Corner Bar rooftop structure located at 401 University Drive. Case #08-00500192(JP) Jennifer Prochazka, Senior Planner, presented the item stating that the Applicant originally presented a plan to the Design Review Board to use the roof of the Sparks Building as a rooftop bar. Such approval by the Design Review Board included a brick veneer structure on the roof that matched the brick previously used for the stairwell structure addition. She further explained that the brick that was installed on the rooftop structure does not match the brick used on the stairwell structure as required. There was general discussion by the Board Members of the item and possible solutions to remedy the unapproved brick veneer structure that was installed. The Board Members asked staff and the Applicant questions in general. Ward Wells suggested adding architectural elements to tie the two brick veneers together. Jason Kinnard concurred. 10 Hunter Goodwin suggested that the item be tabled and requested that the Applicant submit to the Design Review Board alternatives using additional architectural elements for review. Alan King motioned to table the item and have the Applicant return to the Design Review Board with plans showing additional architectural elements to tie the two brick veneers together and to approve the extension of Corner Bar's Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for 30 days. Hunter Goodwin seconded the motion; motion passed (5-0). 11