HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Business Center at College Station Blk3 Lt1A, 1B RP O' LakewayDMe - LOkelwoy Dnrpv • / - BO' R. D. w Canc. Pant. / • • ♦ - i B R.O. W. Caoe. Pern7. - ` / ♦ - 10. 1887, Pg. 81 - f , % - Yp! 2887 Pg. 81 _ - - / - Qb ♦ f T % ♦ ~ a Scale: 1" 60' ♦ Vol, do top W. qb V, do I Lot Z, Block 3 ob 7ApWWolmot* 11.477 Acres • Vol. ?763. Pg. 55 at. I Lot 2, 81ock3 / 11.477 Apes ~ OP • ~ dp I W 276.E Pg. 35 210 r ' E 244 3' Location 268 C iir6,il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • APP/DX/i'AOre LOCOt/GYi S 44'1304 SPeaa/ Flood Hazard Arso lane A£ »o S 44013'04' E - 24413 ♦ Soecio/ Flood Hazard Area Zone Af (F£MA-FIRM /4 IC0205 C o 1 YrQH L I y+ ~ (FEMA-FIRM oWO41CO205 C s~ ' store _ - sflectiro kr/y 2, 1992) do, ♦ \ t "Aw eftctiw kdy 2, 1992) 02 dVOWO R = 840.010' ♦ d 02'0058" 1 Q7• 0 40 R s 840.00' % M' L = 29.56 V., .200 • F L = 29.56' ♦ ' c •W ' 00 . G • 40 Tp0 I 7- 14.78' ♦ ♦ / Is r~'40 oit, _ _ _ _ a~00 T - 14.78' 'e•5 53040 ad - IV 46*47'210 CWd s N 46047'210 E 2956' t. ° b 29.56' E ; Vicinity Map D q i I' w $ / LAJ y. Q. / NTH. .:I j I p / -j n / 'AT10N n 3 , ^ A / 3 I N CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION II a / STATE OF TEXAS W a, I COUNTY OF BRAZOS 1 cv a I Lo It 1A / W c J 0 a The City of College Station, owner and developer of the land 9 shown on this plat, and designated herein as LOTS to f 18. BLOCK 3 doper of the land o Block 3 rS 1 A t 1 B. BLOCK 3 m 4.575 Acres t I 3 °r OF THE BUSINESS CENTER AT COLLEGE STATION. PHASE ONE Subdivision PHASE ONE Subdivision M a I g r~ C m to the City of College Station, Texas, and whose name Is subscribed name Is subscribed forever, all streets, 0 r'~ c 4 I g hereto, hereby dedicate to the use of the public forever, all streets, Z v I I J alleys. parks, easements, and public places thereon shown for the 3n IJ ry shown for the Z ai purpose and consideration therein expressed. g / / Lynn Mcllhaney °I / tot 2 81tack 3 Mayor 1 Lot 2, Bock 3 I I 11.477 Acres / ✓oi. 1763, Pg. 55 / 11.477 Apes / ✓o/ 1763 Pg. 55 N 42°12'10' W - 622.57' Lot 1, / I I Block II ~r °i ao / APPROVAL of PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION )MNISSION I Q a 05038'19 9.575 Acres ' I I' I, Chairman of the Planning and we Planning and / I Zoning Commis Ion of the City of College Station, hereby certify R a 76QA0 / hereby certify CoInyssion on Q .05538'19" / . / = . • that the attached p was dui approved the Cojnilssion on II I L = 7,f 79' / i / the ~W day of 19 . T = 3743' ~ ~ ~ • . / ♦ r L ' 74. 78' ~ ' 760. -4 M' ad = N 44W'41 E ♦ _ _ / L • II 'I ♦ ~ ~ ' ~ / Cho i 74K74 / i h T - 3743' 111 h / ~ t Qhd - N "W41" £ .0 at, lop 74 M' cat;of Zone 20 etot6g0A(C 60 3 I to l.oploo 05 G / 5 G 0;V I I 1 \ .SI w ~R { ~y 29g2) ~-2 ERIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER LI(J IB e I I Appt d~°rd 040992) -2 k ; zo' uty or coeege station A. ~s„f. .01 ` - UIW(y Eoewnent 70' LonJ>a~pe, Auesx ^)y ~~,c~ yg aCIE, ~e`(Moti~y 1. Collage Station, Block 3 w O.~-• I 1 06 ga, Pq Ig 422) t PuDLc uuky Eoee w yp- ~fEMAfw1, . •6ily Engineer of the City of College Station, FS - - _ _ _ _ rQ s Texas, hereby certify that this Subdivision Plat conforms to the forms to to the v. _ offec )n forms j o l1 1 I 1 Ovemeoe uecli.,~ try requirements of the Subdivision Regulations of the City of College City of College tpq ~ 5.000 Acres l r 4 _ _ _ _ ~E~ c,fy or cdleg. scolb~ / Station. SV A IT GTE Ec" n t - 1 vet. 650. Poo n / Q - wild K I 1 n / I 9In l 1 sr -&,a w, I Cit WI t• ¢nr or e.,a, City of College Station / 1 / 1 / 1-E.m't (Vol )SS, Pq 131) 1}61/ / / 40 W I I le \ 10' City Of College Per.. of • • I 1 State Hlghwoy Na 5 / • Vo, of / 1 40' I 41110 STATE OF TEXAS I 1 \ / ' - T90' Building Setback Line - ~F I I rgp• 13ulld~in9 Sotback Lin. ° COUNTY OF BRAZOS its day personally Z - - - - - - - . i i Z L I Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally itatit' n- Texas _ II I ~ - P-'- appeared [virn McIlhoney. Mayer. City of College Station- Texas known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the ubscribed to the - II - _ foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed iot he executed li eon stated. college Station - / the some for the purpose and consideration them stated. V. AWOXa LaoatW or Aaandwrod 6' PK W;L e VA - - - e w!L - a w/L - 6 I 20'City of 19,221 30' Landscopa, Access and Public Utility Easement t--(904 w (Esm t reeaded in Yd. 316, Pg. 416) w!t - -e w r - Given ~under my hand and seal on this day of !L L day of ` Power Esn (9 -arAl -sw - SOD III --lT-qr---- r - _ - e rit -elyq- - - 15' GTE Eem't__(50/7) Gfr- r -_r~ -`r d`~ _ .Public. Brazos County. Texas WWWWWWW aunty. Texas _ 1811-9 - -IV .953536" W - 26a75' - - - - - - CAEAR.. a 4,914'06- • I _ 18119 ~ W- 26Q 75' C_'- r 7-- t -r y`/~Oty YVONNE S. _ - R0W - Notary POW. SWe d Tens i _ W Line, -e_ - - q c N 49024'06 W poMt of 800n111179 State Highway ft 6 P weft E ,CoI(sp4 Station State H191yWay No. 6 R O W. 1ildth Varies CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK RK R. O W width ✓ar/es /138 I, Mary Ann Word- County Clerk, in and for sold County, do sold County, do hereby certify that this plat together with its certificates of rtificates of he 1o of t - .u tlt#Q{ in the Official Records of Brazos Brazos day RE'PLZ A T AMENDING PLA T authentication wa8 ff~~~~fa record al a office the /os day County, Texas in Volume , Page '1-&~ THE AMENDING PLAT (VOLUME 2763, PAGE 55) Wetness my hand and official Seal, at my office In iHice in FIELD NOTES (LOT CONF/GURAT/ON /S SAME AS ORIGINAL Bryan. Texas. R-fal Being oil that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the S.W. ROBERTSON SURVEY, Abstract PLA T RECORDED IN VOLUME 2354, PAGE 259) Coun4 ~ty Clerk t,' Gl Nr outererk No. 202 In College Station, Brazos County. Texas and being all of the 9.575 ocre tract called Lot 1, Block 3 of Brazos, o6unt*'- xtlyl sxa the Amending Plat of The Business Center at College Station Phase One as recorded in Volume 2763, Page 55 of the Official Records of Brazos County, (O.R.B.C.) and being more particularly described by metes and bounds w as follows: J a BEGINNING: at a found 1/2-Inch iron rod marking the west comer of said Lot 1, the southeast comer of Venture REPLA T D+ Drive right-of-way (based on a 80' width) as dedicated In the said Amending Plat recorded in Volume 2763, P1 Page 55 (O.R.B.C.), being in the northeast right-of-way line of State Highway No. 6 and being more particularly GENERAL NOTES: dl described by metes and bounds as follows: r]~] THENCE: along the said southeast line of said Venture Drive right-of-way and the northwest line of said Lot 1, Block 3 F~I~to) T / A .4~1 / V / / i R Rl nrv q Legend n 1. ORIGIN OF BEARING SYSTEM: The found iron rod Bi Block 3 for r th the following four (4 calls: IOU rear Flood Plain monuments along the S.H. No. 6 Boundary and record CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR 1) N 42. 09 31 E for a distance of 318.72 feet to o found 1/2-Inch iron marking a Point of curvature OT iw i iii iii V.ai i .aid aiaiv via v - atr ow cw - Existing GTE Line bearings for the 200 Acre City of College Station - WA Existing Water Line w/ size tract described in Volume 1385, Pg. 14 of the STATE OF TEXAS a curve to the right; 2) 74.79 feet along said arc of a curve having a central angle of 5. 38' 19", a radius of 760.00 toot, a THE BUS/NESS CENTER A T - - - Property and Right-of-Way Lines Official Records of Brazos County were used as the COUNTY OF BRAZOS tangent of 37.43 feet and a long chord bearing N 44' 58' 41" E of a distance of 74.76 feet to a found c - r Overhead Electrical Line Basis of Bearings. 1/2-inch iron rod for Point of Tangency. COLLEGE STA T/ON, PHASE ONE o Concrete R.O.W. Monument 2. Information regarding the Special Flood Hazard Area hoe I, Michael R. McClure, Registered Professional Land O 1/2" Iron Rod Found been scaled from the Original Plat recorded in Volume Surveyor No. 2859, in the State of Texas, hereby certify that 3) N 47. 47' 50" E for a distance of 331.78 feet to a found 1/2-Inch Iron rod marking a Point of Curvature of a curve to the left, and O 1/2" Iron Rod Set 2354, Page 259 and the Flood Insurance Rate this plot is true and correct and was prepared from on actual 4) 29.56 feet along the arc of sold curve having a central angle of 020 00' 58', a radius of 840.00 feet, a 575 A CRES' Fire Hydrant Mops for Brazos County, Texas and Incorporated survey of the property and that property morkers and a Light Pole 3. Except where indicated, all Building Setback Lines L /e + Power Pole shall comply with the City of College Station tom. x (.~lkCi G /1/00 n~ TI tangent of 14.78 feet and a long chord bearing N 46. 47' 21" E at a distance of 29.56 feet to a found 9. Guy Anchor Areas, Map No. 48041C0205 C. Effective July 2, 1992. monuments were placed under my supervi ion on the ground. 1/2-Inch iron rod marking the common most northerly comer of Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 of said Amending plat: S. W. ROBER TSON SUR VEY A -202 THENCE: along the common line of said Lots 1 and 2 for a following five (5) calls: i Telephone Pedestal Zoning Ordinance No. 1638. M 4c* R. ure, R.P.L.S. No. 2859 s Water Meter 4. Sanitary Sewer Service was not extended to Lot 1B, 1) S 440 13' 04" E for a distance of 244.13 to a found 1/2-inch Iron rod for comer, COLLEGE STATION BRAZOS COUNTY TEXAS Water Valve Block 3 with this Replat. Prior to development of 2) S 18. 40' 00" E for a distance of 200.00 to a found 1/2-Inch iron rod for comer, 3) S 53' 40' 00" E for a distance of 200.00 to a found 1/2-inch Iron rod for comer, this lot, a public Sanitary Sewer Line Extension will be required along Venture Drive ~~1i; ) 4) S 320 20' 00' W for a distance of 175.00 feet to a found 1/2-inch iron rod for comer, and NOVEMBER, 1999 5) S 67. 20' 00" W for a distance of 575.00 feet to a found 1/2-Inch iron rod in the beforamentlond SCALE f" = 60' n T1 northeast right-of-way line of State Highway No. 6 for comer; Owner: Surveyor: THENCE: N 39. 35' 36" W along said Highway No. 6 for a distance of 260.75 feel to a found concrete right- City of College Station McClure Engineering. inc. 0 of-way monument for corner; 13.0. Box 9950 1008 Woodcreek Dr., Suite 103 Tl THENCE: N 49. 24' 06" W for a distance of 183.19 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 9.575 acres College Station, Texos 77842-0960 College Station, Texas 77845 0 ' of land, more or less. (409) 764-3570 (409) 693-3838 9927-rc dg V ABC nil