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Brazos County Recreational Facilities Advisory Committee
CZ -k 0 L or--4 to L so Qp r"i C- 0 YrL S 9 \J-V k -r \4 N- to Cl, 1 -' L 15-S \P VA-S _0 Q � C.10 MM k - T - T C- QA4 k t--L N S Q, coa tA TO k S \J N C C-152- 1 P -1 �1 i Mr. D. A. "Andy" 1202 Foster College Station, Dear Andy, Anderson Texas W V,P� opt,. At 3:30 p.m. on July 11, the initial meeting of the newly formed Brazos C Recreational F Committee will be held at _ e Brazos ter. Of course committee membership will be by appointment of the Brazos County Commissioner's Court. The purpose of the committee will b T onto stud both the A raz county Pavillion -R Arena. a nd TAVBrazos Center an_ to _sub- sequently make recommendations to the Brazos County Commissioner's Court concerning the many f ets of administering the facilities. The Committee's first iten of business wi concern the 19 rei"Is IM pro MMOMMI I "s. Committee meetings, planned for late weekday afternoons, most likely will be held at The Brazos Center. Because the committee needs to be very familiar with both facilities, meetings will probably be more frequent at first than they will be in the future. Committee members hopefully will represent varying viewpoints which when combined can give balance to committee recommendations. I believe that you would play an important role in carrying out the committee's work. I hope you would accept committee appointment and, if you do so, 3232 Briarcrest Drive I Bryan, Texas 77801 1 (713 779 -8338 June 25, 1979 \ your time will be both well -spent and appreciated. However, if you have reason to decline appointment I will understand but regret such a decision. I would appreciate a call from you about this. However, if I have not heard from you by July 2 I will get in touch with YOU. sincer ly, Phyllis Dozier, Direct The Brazos Center PD:vw or 1 Brazos County Advisory to The Brazos Center & Pavilion Regulations Committee July 26, 1979 3:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 1'111VU 1L' S Present: John Richards, Andy Anderson, Tina Watkins, Arne Belle, Clara Mounce, Robert Place, Tom Sistrumk, Minnie Davila, Susan Whitehouse John Richards, chairman of the Regulations Committee, began the meeting by asking if anyone present knew of existing regulations to run a facility such as the Brazos County Pavilion and Rodeo Arena. Tom Sis- trunk said that Victoria, Texas has a pavilion and arena; Bob Place had heard of Waco's Heart_ of Texas Coliseum. It was suggested that obtaining a copy of these facilities' regulations might be helpful in compiling those for the Brazos County Pavilion. Clara Mounce stated that in all rodeos in which she had been involved, participants had signed disclaimers. All agreed that it would be important for users of the Pavilion facilities to sign a statement saying that the Pavilion was not responsible for accidents or property. Several questions were raised by committee members. Andy Anderson asked how groups which had invested money in the Pavilion would be repaid. John Richards suggested that they be given priority in scheduling events at the facility. Clara Nbunce suggested that a debit system be worked out where they charged usage fees against the amount they had invested in the building. It was agreed by all that this was an area which deserved further consideration by the committee as a whole. Another question raised was whether the committee would make 3 sets of regulations for the three structures on the site. The committee members agreed that general rules that applied to all three would be preferable. The committee agreed to use the rules and regulations of The Brazos Center as a basic. guideline for structuring the Pavilion -Arena regulations. Phyllis Dozier and Susan Whitehouse.had revised the guidelines to fit the needs of the Pavilion -Arena and the committee decided to review the proposed regulations section by section. Revisions discussed were as follows: In Section 1.2, "Pavilion" was amended to read "Pavilion Facilities." As prescribed in Section 2. 1, the concept of "public time" was discussed. It was suggested that users during public time sign in so that the county would be aware of who actually used the facility and when. The committee recognized that more structured time might be required if conflict of interest occurred among users. After a discussion on the meaning of commercial and non - commercial rates, Sec. 3.1 was amended to read "Events shall be classified as either carmercial, non - commercial., or public, regardless of the classification of the user." Thus, non - profit groups can hold "comrcial" events (i.e., money making events) and be charged rates accordingly. Section 4.1 was deleted. John Richards suggested that an annual calendar be compiled which gave priority to the regular users of the Pavilion- Arena. Section 5.3 was amended to read "At the discretion of the Director, where admission is by admission fee, the user may be required to pay up to ten percent Wl-) of the admission price, may be required to pay the regular established fees, or a combination thereof." Section 5.4 was amended in a similar fashion. The committee revised thru Section 7 and then met with the finance committee of the Brazos County Advisory to the Brazos Center and Pavilion to share the outcome of both meetings. It was agreed that the regulations committee would meet again at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 1 in the Brazos Center.to continue revision of the guidelines. The finance committee needed further material so would not meet again until that material was available. Susan Whitehouse Brazos County Recreational Facilities Advisory Committee July 11, 1979 Initial meeting September 5, 1979 Eighth (weekly) meeting. Regulations fees and priorities improvement ready for Commissioners' Court approval. Recommended Improvements (listed by priority) 1) Restrooms, office, concessions and storage space in Pavilion; striping and numbering of seats in Arena. 2) Parking and access 3) Additional bleachers 4) Study improvements for metal building 5) Security, lighting 6) Signs September 14, 1979 Commissioners' Court accepted and approved recommended fees and regulations. / r �� I , ►,�� 111 , �,,, � � I / I / r . Brazos County Advisory to The Brazos Center & Pavilion July 11, 1979 FOlk 3:30 -4:30 p.m. iu Present: Phyllis Dozier, Andy Anderson, Anne Bell, George Blevins, Nancy Crouch, Ed Holley, Don Ladewig, Clara and Claude Mounce, Mervin Peters, Robert Place, Linda Pringle, John Richards, Judy Rychlik, Tom Sistrunk, John Chevrette, Tina Watkins and Susan Whitehouse. Phyllis Dozier began the first meeting of the Advisory group by stating the purpose of the newly appointed committee: to make recommendations to the CczYmissioners regarding Brazos County Recreational facilities. Dozier explained that of the two facilities under the Board's jurisdiction, (The Brazos Center and the Brazos County Pavilion and Rodeo Arena) the latter was needing the most attention at this time. She presented the committee with a brief history of the Pavilion as well as copies of current regulations and fees. She suggested that two subcommittees be formed: (1) to study finances and prepare a suggested budget, and (2) to establish regulations and guidelines for use. Dozier suggested that the group should make a deadline of Sept. 1 to make recommendations to the Brazos County Commissioners concerning the future of the Pavilion. spokesman for one group, users not abiding by schedule and inadequate parking. Sane suggestions presented to the committee were: (1) to replace locks and closely control issuance of keys, (2) all groups pay for use, (3) all use by reservation, (4) have a County representa- tive on the premises when in use, and (5) establish free time open to public on a regular basis. Dozier presented concerns for discussion as follows: no budget, no regulations, insufficient revenue no control on keys lack of central The grounds of the Pavilion and Arena were described and dis- cussed. Judy Rychlik suggested that multiple uses of the Pavilion should be determined and possible improvements suggested. Tcm Sistnmk stated that the Youth Livestock Association was currently funding several projects at the Pavilion including restrooms and concession areas. It was pointed out that in the past, several groups have contributed to the Pavilion and Arena including the Saddle Club, Bryan Independent School District, 4 -H and the Kennel Club. It was decided that the carmi.ttee should meet with representatives from these groups as well as others who had used the facility for feedback concerning improvements, uses, and potential problems. Don Ladewig pointed out that many groups had used the arena freely in the past and expected to continue to do so in the future. Andy Anderson was concerned about income generated by the facility and about personnel necessary to staff it. It was suggested that the next meting of the comittee be held at the Pavilion and Arena. Ccnu&ttee mambers requested information to be presented at that time including a list of committee members, a list of organizations which have used the facility, dates the facility has been used, a history of expenditures by the County and others. The committee also wanted to discuss problems which have arisen in the past. They suggested that representatives of groups involved with the Pavilion be asked to attend the next meeting: Walter Wilcox, County Co missioner; Ray Robertson, Livestock Associa- tion; and a representative of the Kernel Club. After it was agreed that the ccninittee would meet the following Wednesday, July 18 at the Pavilion, the meeti.eng was adjourned. Susan Whitehouse BRAZOS COUNTY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE NAME BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE D. A. "Andy" Anderson 696 -4241 Anne Bell (Mrs. Bob) 693 -6552 693 -7519 George Blevins 779 -1111 823 -0363 Nancy Crouch (Mrs. Ben) 693 -7844 Minnie Davila (Mrs. Arthur) 823 -0921 779 -2757 Ed Holley 823 -8091 822 -0032 Polly Howard 779 -2636 846 -9552 Don Ladewig 823 -7789 822 -5270 Clara & Claude Mounce 823 -8021 693 -5135 Richard C. Perkins 779- -9350 779 -8922 Mervin Peters 779 -54 822 -5718 Robert H. Place 823 -5346 846 -9284 Linda & Stephen Pringle 823 -8021 779 -0900 John Richards 845 -1311 696 -6095 Judy Rychlik 84.6 -3794 846 -2792 Randy Sims 846 -8016 846 -6702 Tom Sistrunk 822 -7373 696 -0023 John Chevrette 693 - 8377 845 -6841 Tina Watkins 779 - 8338 696 -0023 Phyllis Dozier 779 -8338 696 -6445 846 -7777 BRAZOS COUNTY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Budge & Fees Sub Committee Judy Rychlik, Chairman George Blevins Nancy Crouch Ed Holley Polly Howard Claude Mounce Mervin Peters Linda Pringle Randy Sims Regulations & Personnel Sub Committee John Richards, Chairman D. A. "Andy" Anderson Anne Bell John Chevrette Minnie Davila Clara Mounce Robert H. Place Stephen Pringle Tom Sistrunk Richard Perkins Tina Watkins BRA ZOS COUNTY PAVILION & RODEO ARENA 1965 County assumed note on arena and surrounding land from Bryan Saddle Club for approximately $4,000? _ r Site turned over to 4 -H to use as Youth Center. 4 -H attempted to maintain by volunteer labor for clean -ups, funds from Adult Leaders Association, rental of building 1975 4 -H Adult Leaders reported following improvements: 1) replaced ends of arena fence, 2) repaired announcer's stand, 3) rebuilt one section of bleachers, 4) removed rotten pens, reworked bath- rooms and replaced broken windows. Cost of Materials: $662.66 Cost of Utilities: 295.90 TOTAL COST: RENTAL INCOME: $180.00 4 -H Adult Leaders submitted recommendations to the Commissioners (SEE ATTACHED REPORT) Oct. 1975 Commissioners appropriated $46,000 for rodeo arena repairs. FFA through Bryan Independent School District took over maintenance 1976 $87,000 budgeted by Commissioners ($81,947 for Pavilion; $5,053 for arena). 1976 Metal Pavilion constructed $81,947 1978 Closed end of Pavilion $6,785 (1/2 County; 1/2 Livestock Assoc.) 1979 Brazos County Youth Livestock Association complained that several youth organizations could not schedule facility due to private parties. Suggested that private parties be restricted to making reservations thirty days in advance so that public organizations would have priority. Livestock Association recommended increasing usage fees to provide maintenance fund and higher deposits to cover clean up and repair damages. 4 -H, FFA, youth organizations which operate on donations should have lower fees. ' S J Inane: $2,080 Maintenance estimated at $8,000 - $10,000 (excluding utilities) Facility used 88 days ProInasal for Renovation (lilternate '2 Th+s prorc:.:.2. io that the Br 3203 County goverment expend the funds neceshary to renovate the existing building and restore the arena and grounds, thus creating a first—class multi— purpoee facility. The estimated cost of such a renovation would be appri=1 me.tely 430,000.00. Despite tine fact that the county already owns the property and building and that such building represents a potentially fine facility, we cannot enthusiastically endorse this action for the following reasons: 1) We do not want to create a climate of opinion adverse to the construction of the proposed Brazos County Park. 2) Without some provision for security, wo foresee a continued problem of destructive vandalism of the building. go recoFnize the pre33nt MOUstarf value of the property, as well as its pro6ected increase in value, enhanced by its accessibility to the highway and its potential for eonnercial =a. Aa alternatives to renovation of the existing building we suggest the followings sale of the building and acme of the front footage of the ;property; erection of a fence or other type of screw of the portion of the property on vbich the building is loo -ited; lease of the building for commercial purpose; maintenance of exterior of the building and immediately surrotmding property. FraGs :., leis proposal is tit the Brazou County governzaaut w pend the funds necessary to restore the arena =d grounds to safe, useabl.s condition, including the follovingt 1) Fepair of bleacaere, building upon the existing superstructure; 2) Provision of adequate u including revision of lighting system; 3) Construction of adequate rest room facilities; 4) Construction of a concession stand (perhaps by modifying the cinder block building already on the premises); 5) Creation of a eq=tz, accesaible parking area; 6) Cansts- .zcticr. of safe Fencing aro tca arena proper, as wall as perimeter fencing; 7) Repair of the existing structurs cr co =truction of a Mw announcer' a stand; 8) Addition of new dirt to the arena area and aeration of that soil; 9) Removal of the remnants of old cattle chutes (NCTEO We recozmxnd that money not be spent on constructicz o.' new chutes. Most prmriders of rodeo llvestack ovu portable chutea and panaia. ); 10) General cleanup of the satire rhea; 11) Construction of area suitable for picnic usage, including tables; 12) Construction of an open._ j=ping course sad polo grounds. In addition to the above renovatica, ire request the annual bbd ,"tying of funds necessary to za atsia the arena and grouads. We do not foresee the expenditure of large muds for maintenance, but view the awLilability of necessary funds as vital. Again, we propose that the court be relieved of the burden of day - today management by placing that responsibility with a Citizens' «dvisory Board, to receive and disburse funds according to standard t%r"m +w — rontnting Yracedure. A & M Saddle & Sirlion Club Animal Science Dept. Texas A & M College Station, Texas 845 -7781 A & M Rodeo Club 3031 South Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas 693 -5559 A & M Motorcycle Club P. 0. B 812 College Station, Texas 822 -0453 Boy Scouts of America 601 Ethel Blvd, Bryan, Texas 822 -071 Brazos County Courthouse 4 -H 301 North Main St. Bryan, Texas 823 -8011 Brazos County Livestock Ass'n. Brazos Valley Kennel Club Nancy Strickland Rt.3 Box 253 Bryan, Texas 693 -8849 Brazos Valley Pork Producers Ass'n. Mrs. David Butler Rt.l Box 50 Bryan, Texas 589 -2239 Bryan J. C. S Jack Adams Adams Transfer & Storage 902 Foster College Station, Texas 846 -6333 Bryan Saddle Club Judy Behrens Rt. 3 Bryan, Texas Century Singers Drawer KL College Station, Texas Susan K. Tyra 845 -6942 College of Veterinary Medicine Kent Daniels Rt. 5, Box 903 Bryan, Texas 846 -0038 District 4 -H Brazos Co. Ext. Office Bryan, Texas 822 -7373 Ext. 242 -243 Equestrain Club 4 -H Brazos Co. Ext. Office Bryan, Texas 822 -7373 Ext. 242 -243 Gulf Coast Apploosa Horse Club P.O. Box 964 Navasato, Texas Jerry Love First Year Vet Students P.O. Box 4062 Bryan, Texas Bryan Breakfast Lions Club Sammy Catalina P. O. Box 1649 Bryan, Texas 825 -2601 Bryan FFA High School Bryan, Texas Att'n Delbert Reed 822 -3711 Ext. 42 Joe Lapglia 1101 Southwest Parkway - Apt. 811 College Station, Texas 779 -5338, 693 -5470 Sam Houston Horse Breeders Ass'n Rt. 3, Box240P. Bryan, Texas Jerry McLennan 779 -2222 Sigma Phi Epsilon Gary Childress 3600 Old College Rd. Bryan, Texas 846 -3256 TAMU Horseman Assoc. Ext. Horse Specialist Kleberg Center - TAMU College Station, Texas 845 -1927 TAMU Horseman Assoc. (Animal Science) Texas Jr. Brahma Assoc. Veterinary Continuing Education Maine Anjou Sale Can Soloman - Rt. Box 93 -A- Bedias Phi Kappa Alpha Phi Gamma Delta Central Texas Team Ropers Association Brazos Valley Roping Club R. J. (DICK) HOLMGREEN COUNTY JUDGE BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Brazos County Courthouse Bryan, Texas 77801 (713) 822 -7373 - Ex. 211 July 16, 1979 D. A. "Andy" Anderson 1202 Foster College Station, Texas 77840 Dear Mr. Anderson, Thank you for agreeing to serve on the Brazos County Recrea- tional Facilities Advisory Committee. I know your recommendations and ideas will be of great help in properly utilizing all Brazos County facilities. Sincerely, R. J. Holmgreen County Judge 4N41wq& �■J i� ■ ■ BRAZOS COUNTY PAVILION & RODEO ARENA niman L- i rine 8 acres in all Arena - 120' X 300' Seats 5,000 Pavilion - 125' X 300' Seats 1,500 - 2,000 Metal building 75' - 120' (plus 20' X 20' concession area) Restroans 1 set 800 - 900 vehicles only under ideal conditions (very dry, well coordinated and directed)** 350 - 400 vehicles on graveled area if well coordinated. 400 - 500 vehicles on grassy knoll by pavilion only when very dry ** Only 150 - 200 vehicles if not well directed and organized Storage Limited to enclosed space at arena; adequate for County purposes for lawn mower, water hose, etc. which uses one -half of the enclosed area. Other half used for contestant registration (rodeos, livestock show, etc.) and office space when needed. FE SCHEDULE - LIVESTOCK ARENA Effective - March 27, 1978 I. NON PROFIT AND EDUCATIONAL GROUPS - NO ADMISSION FEE: 1. $25.00 deposit required for clean up expenses 2. $5.00 per hour light usage fee (a) Youth groups excepting County Youth Livestock Show (b) Livestock grooming clinic (c) Horse riding practice (club activity) (d) Brazos County 4 -H Horse Show (e) Adult educational programs II. NON PROFIT & YOUTH GROUPS - PROFIT MAKING ACTIVITIES: (Groups charging a gate fee and /or entry fee for profit) 1. $50.00 flat fee per day per facility + $5.00 per hour for lights (a) F.'F. A. Rodeo (b) 4 -H Cake sale (c) 4 -H Open horse show (d) Boy Scout scoutarama (Circus) III. COMMERCIAL SALES GROUP: 1. 1/2% over the current going rate (a) Private livestock sales of all kinds IV. ALL OTHER GROUPS - NOT CHARGING ENTRY FEE: 1. $50.00 flat rate per day per facility + $5.00 per hour for lights (a) Boat shows (b) Implement shows (c) Commercial shows V. ADULT NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS - CHARGING ENTRY FEE: (No admission fee) 1. $50.00 flat rate per day per facility + $5.00 per hour for lights (a) American Kennel Club VI. OTHER ACTIVITIES FOR PROFIT_: 1. $50.00 flat rate per day per facility + 10% of gate 2. $5.00 per hour for lights 3. $300.00 deposit for damage - to be returned upon inspection of facility, provided facility to be found in satisfactory order. VII. CONS ESSION STAND: 1. $25.00 deposit to be charged for each rental span, to be returned upon inspection of said facility, provided said facility to be found in satisfactory order. Fee paying users shall be given priority bookings. No bookings ac- cepted over thirty days in advance for non- paying groups. Fee paying users will have the option of scheduling events on days that have been scheduled by non - paying groups provided that the fee paying group reserves the facility at least 30 (thirty) days prior to an event. All fees and /or deposits must be paid at least 10 (ten) days prior to the event. AUGUST 1979 FEE SCALE i COrMERCLAL NON- CC"IERCIAL I — - 500 b. ov 6 or less hours $200 6 or more hourst $250 $100 $150 i .ATS UP TO or less hours $100 6 or more hours 5125 Assembly (All) 1,500 Assembly I 1,000 115 1 50 75 Assembly I 500 150 200 75 100 'Lecture /rehearsal 125 30 50 15 25 Large classroom 75 30 50 10 15 * Classroom A 30 20 35 7.50 10 * Classroom B 30 20 35 7.50 10 "Small Classrom C 25 20 35 7.50 10 *Studios (2) 70 30 50 10 20 Concourse 1 One half, $25; entire concourse, $50 K i t chen Over 200 people, $50; unde 200, $25 Price includes chairs and 2 tables 1) Chairs 10� each; tables $1 each 2) Piano $15 3) Screen $2 A charge of $10 per hour will be added for occupancy extending beyond contracted period DAMAGE DEPOSIT SCALE NO. OF PARTICIPANTS LESS THAN 300 300 - 500 — - 500 b. ov Basic deposit $50 $100 $150 food served, add $50 $100 $150 alcohol also served, add $50 $100 $150 even is a d add $50 $150 8100 $300 $150 $450 Maximum deposit REGULATIONS FOR THE USE OF THE BRAZOS CENTER The following regulations, adopted by the Commissioners' Court of Brazos County, Texas, govern the scheduling, rental, and fees for the use of the Brazos Center, a multi - purpose building and adjacent grounds owned by Brazos County, Texas. Section 1. Definitions 1.1 "Commissioners' Court" means the Commissioners' Court of Brazos County, Texas. 1.2 "Center' means the Brazos Center, a multi - purpose facility and the adjacent grounds, owned by Brazos County, Texas. 1.3 "Director" means the Director of the Brazos Center, employed by the Commissioners' Court of Brazos County, Texas. 1.4 "ABC" means the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. 1.5 "Caterer' means any person, firm, or organization who sells and serves any food or beverage to a User in the Center. 1.6 "User' means any person, firm or organization who makes use of the facilities of the Center. Section 2. Written Agreements Required 2.1 No person, firm, orcorporation shall use any space or the facilities of the Brazos Centerwithout executing a written agreement. 2.2 The type of agreement required shall be at the discretion of the Director. Section 3. Classifications of Use 3.1 Users shall be classified as either commercial or non - commercial Users. A different rental rate shall be charged depending upon such classification. 3.2 The duration of the proposed use shall determine the amount of fee required, as hereinafter provided. Section 4. Advance Booking Required 4.1 The Center shall be available to all groups on a first come, first serve basis 4.2 User groups which expect to attract more than fifty individuals or require the payment of more than $100 in fees must execute the necessary contract no later than two weeks prior to the beginning of the event. 4.3 User groups which contemplate using the facility for more than six hours or on multiple days, are encouraged to execute the required agreement as much in advance as possible, to assure use of the Center. Section 5. Payment of Fees 5.1 Fees of less than $100 must be paid at the time of execution of the required agreement. 5.2 Unless otherwise approved by the Director, fees in excess of $100 shall be paid as follows: a) Required damage deposit or one -half ('/2) of the total fees shall be paid at the time of execution of the necessary agreement. b) The balance shall be paid in full prior to the beginning of the User's event. Section 6. Fees 6.1 All fees for use of the Center in its facilities are set by the Commissioners' Court and are subject to change from time to time 6.2 In the event of an increase in fees by the Commissioner's Court, all contracts executed priorto the adoption of such increase will be honored. 6.3 Atthe discretion ofthe Director, whereadmission is by admission fee, the Center may choose to receive up to ten (10%) percent of the admission price, may require payment of the regular established fees, or a combination thereof. 6.4 At the discretion of the Director, the Center may choose to require payment of, in addition to all other fees, a percentage of gross receipts from the sale of food and beverage, not to exceed ten (10 %) of such gross receipts. Section 7. Required Security 7.1 At any event at which more than 100 people are anticipated, the User shall employ uniformed certified peace officers to be present during the entire event. This requirement may only be waived by the Center Director in writing in advance of the beginning of the event. 7.2 The number of peace officers to be employed by User shall be governed by the following table: EVENTS INCLUDING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES No. of People No. of Officers Required 100-300 2 300-400 3 400-600 4 600-800 5 800-1,000 6 Over 1,000 By prior agreement between Center and lessee EVENTS NOT INCLUDING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES No. of People No. of Officers Required 200-400 2 400-700 3 700-1,000 4 Over 1,000 By prior agreement between Center and lessee 7.3 Instructions for obtaining peace officers are available in the Center office. 7.4 Any Userwho expects participants who are under the age of 18 years shall furnish the Directorwith the names of all chaperones prior to the beginning of the event. The number of chaperones required will be determined by the Director. Section 8. Personal Property 8.1 Tables, chairs and certain other personal property is owned by the Center and available to Users upon payment of the necessary fee. 8.2 Table and chair placement patterns are available and should be agreed upon between the User and the Director prior to the event. 8.3 In the event that the Center does not have an adequate number of tables, chairs, or other personal property suitable to the proposed use, such personal property shall be rented at the User's expense. Brazos County shall not be in any manner responsible for such personal property as may be rented by User. 8.4 Tables and chairs will be set up and taken down by Center personnel and should not be handled by User. 8.5 Users shall be responsible for all damage to the Center's personal property. Section 9. Damage Deposits 9.1 A damage deposit may be required of any User which sponsors any one of the following type of events: a) any event expected to attract more than 100 people b) any event at which food or any beverage is served c) any event which includes dancing d) any event featuring programs which includes or produces physical activity e) any event deemed necessary by the Director 9.2 The amount of damage deposit shall be determined by the Center Director at the time of execution of the required agreement. 9.3 The damage depositshall be used by the Center to repair, replace orin payment for any property of the Center which isdamaged or destroyed by User or any participant at the event sponsored by User. The unused portion of such deposit will be refunded to User after the expiration of five days after the event; provided, however, that the deposit may be held fora longer period of time, at the Director's discretion, if the extent of damages has not been fully determined. 9.4 In the event that the total damages caused by User or any participant at User's event exceed the amount of the damage deposit, User agrees to pay the deficiency, Center will render a statement of damages to User and User agrees to pay the deficiency within 5 days of the date of such statement. Section 10. Clean-up 10.1 All Users shall return the facilities in the same condition as when received, except that the Centerwill provide normal clean -up services. Users shall be responsible for disposing of eating utensils, beverage containers, and all other disposable materials used in conjunction with any event. Section 11. Nonconforming Events 11.1 Events not conforming to accepted community standards or any event that has been scheduled due to untrue or misleading information provided bythe Usershall be rejected orcancelled. Anysuch rejection orcancellation shall be at the sole discretion of the Director. Section 12. Concessions 12.1 The Center reserves the sole and exclusive right to regulate the sale of any beverage, food, souvenir, or other merchandise on the Center premises. 12.2 Concession rights may be granted in the written agreement with the User. Section 13. Catering 13.1 An approved list of caterers shall be maintained by the Director and will be available upon request. 13.2 Approved caterers shall be entitled to use the kitchen. 13.3 No User shall make use of kitchen facilities without prior consent from the Director. Section 14. Alcoholic Beverages 14.1 Events which include the serving of alcoholic beverages shall be conducted under the laws of the State of Texas and rules and regulations of the ABC. Users are encouraged to contact the ABC for information regarding such requirements. 14.2 At any event at which a license is required for the serving of alcoholic beverages, such license shall be filed with the Directorat least 48 hours prior to the beginning of the event. Section 15. Regular Users 15.1 An individual or organization may book a regularly scheduled event for a period of time not to exceed 6 months. Any such booking may be extended at the discretion of the Director. 15.2 Fees payable by regular Users shall be payable prior to each use in accordance with the regulation hereinabove set forth. 15.3 In the event of scheduling conflicts or upon occasions when amore extensive use of the facilities can be scheduled, the Center reserves the right to give any regular User 30 days notification of cancellation and fully refund any fees paid by such User forthe cancelled event. Section 18. Cancellations 16.1 Any User cancelling an event more than 30 days priorto the beginning of such event shall be entitled to a full refund of any fees paid. 16.2 Any User cancelling an event more than 7 days prior to the beginning of such event but less than 30 days prior thereto, shall be entitled to a refund of one -half of the amount of fees paid. 16.3 Any User cancelling an event less than 7 days prior to the beginning of sucheventshall be entitled to a refund of feespaidonlyin the event that such space as was reserved by the User is utilized by another User and the full fee paid therefor. CONCERNS FOR DISCUSSION No budget No guidelines or regulations Insufficient revenue Keys (too many out) lack of central spokesman for one group Not abiding by schedule SUGGF.STIOUS 1. All new locks and keys (if keys given, key deposit required) 2. All groups pay for use 3. All use by reservation 4. County rep. on premises at all times when used 5. Free time open to all on regular basis (i.e. noon to sundown Tues and Wednesday) Brazos County Advisory to the Brazos Center and Pavillion l .July 18, 1979 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Present: Andy Anderson, Joan Richards, Arm Bell, Bob Place, Polly Howard, Judy Rychlik, Clara & Claude Nbunce, George Blevins, Nancy Crouch, Richard Perkins, Linda Pringle, Tom Sistrunck, Phyllis Dozier, Susan Whitehouse Me meeting of the Advisory Ccrrgdttee was held at the Brazos County Pavillion. Also asked to attend the meeting were representatives of the Brazos County Youth Livestock Association: Ray Robertson, President and Jacquetta Ayers, Secretar /Treasurer. Phyllis Dozier began the meeting by announcing coadttee assigrmients and asking the approval of members. Dozier then went over a brief history of the Pavillion and Rodeo Arena. She pointed out that records were minimal since the facility had not been part of the county budget in the past. Ray Robertson and Jacquetta Ayers then added details to what Dozier had presented. In 1976, the Livestock Association decided to raise money for a covered pavillion. After much effort and little success, the Association ap- proached the County Ccunissioners and offered to furnish the interior of a pavillion if the County would build it. Since that time, the Youth Livestock Association has provided the following in the Brazos County Pavillion: grandstands $ 3775.83 pens, panels, and cages 8160.23 k east wall 3392.23 fence 1900.00 concrete slab 6530.16 $2, / In addition, equipment worth $2500 is currently an order and future plans include restrooms, a concession stand, an office, and locking storage space. Robertson and Ayers estimated that these improvements would require an additional $50,000. Robertson said the Association is currently building a wash, rack, and grooming area. Other suggested improvements are additional bleachers and an awning on the east side of the structure for added protection during inclement weather. Ayers and Robertson were asked what they felt to be the most significant Problems of the Pavillion. Both agreed that restrocros were the first need of the Pavillion, and park second. Robertson reporte that last year some materials were stolen out f the Pavillion, and that subsequently, the Lion's Club donated a security fence to surround the property. Administratively, both felt that s dul' was a problem as there has not been a central person to contact regardiri; reservations. Robertson objected to the difficulties agricultural groups sometimes had scheduling days when private parties were planned. He felt strongly that agricultural groups :.hauld hav�nr nr; r� > > The cannittee then toured the grounds and agreed to meet at The Brazos Center the following Thursday, July 26, 1979 at 3:30 p.m. Regulations Pavilion -Rodeo Arena 1st draft July 1979 The following regulations, adopted by the Commissioners' Court of Brazos County, Texas, govern the scheduling, rental, and fees for the use of the Brazos Livestock Pavilion, Rodeo Arena adjacent grounds and buildings owned by Brazos County, Texas. Section 1. Definitions 1.1 "Commissioners' Court" means the Conmissioners' Court of Brazos, County Texas. 1.2 "Pavilioneans Brazos County Pavilion, Rodeo Arena, adjacent grounds and buildings owned by Brazos County, Texas. 1.3 "Director" means the Director of Brazos County Recreational facilities, employed by the Conmissioners' Court of Brazos County, Texas. 1.4 "ABC' means the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. 1.5 "User" meads any person, firm or organization who makes use of the Pavilion facilities. Section 2. Written Agreements Required ? 1 :14 1- 2.1 With exception of " desimated public ti me" no person, firm or corporation shall use any space or the without executing a written agreement. 2.2 The type of agreement required shall be at the discretion of the Director. 2.3 All contract arrangements will be made at The Brazos Center. Section 3. Classifi of Use 3.1 shall be classified as either commercial, non - rte :: /Qa or public Users. A different rental rate shall be charged I� depending upon such classification. 3.2 The duration of the proposed use shall determine the amount of fee required, as hereinafter provided. Section 4. Advance Booking Required 4.1 The Pavilionshall be available to all groups on a first cane, 1/ first serve basis. 4.2 User groups which expect to attract more than fifty individuals or require the payment of more than $50 in fees must execute the necessary contract no later than 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the event. 4.3 User groups which contemplate using the facility on multiple days, are encouraged to execute the required agreement as much in advance as possible, to assure use of the facilities. 4.4 All scheduling will be done at The Brazos Center. Section 5. Payment of Fee 5.1 Fees of less than $50 must be paid at the time of execution of the required agreement. r 5.2 Unless otherwise approved by the Director, fees in excess of $50 shall be paid as follows: a) Required damage deposit shall be paid at the time of execution of the necessary agreement. b) Usage fees shall be paid in full prior to the beginning of the User's event. Q� J�hdh 5.3 All fees are to be paid at The Brazos Center. U ection 6. Fees 6.1 All fees for use of the Pavilion facilities are set by the Commissioners' Court and are subject to change from time to time. 6.2 In the event of an increase in fees by the Commissioners' Court, all contracts executed prior to the adoption of such increase will be honored. brL v - 6.3 At the discretion of the Di ector, where admission is by Wi t. t admission fee, may choose to receive up to ten (107.) percent of the admission price, may require payment of the regular established fees, or a combination thereof. 6.4 At the discretion of e Director, -i fj + per- er- centage of gross receipts from the sale of food and beverage, not to exceed ten (107.) of such gross receipts. 6.5 At the discretion of the Director, fees for extensive or consecutive usage may be adjusted. Section 7. Required Security 7.1 At any event at which more than 100 people are anticipated, the User shall employ uniformed certified peace officers to be present during the entire event, Eis requirement may only be waived by the Director in writing in advance of the beginning of the event. 7.2 The number of peace officers to be employed by User shall be governed by the following table: EVENTS INCLUDING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES No. of People No. of Officers Require6 100 - 400 400 - 700 700 - 1,000 Over 1,000 2 3 4 By prior agreement between Pavilion and lessee No. of People No. of Officers Required too- 300 / 300 - 500 2 500 - 700 3 700 -1,000 4 Over 1,000 By prior agreement between Pavilion and lessee 7.3 Instructions for obtaining peace officers are available in the Brazos Center office. 7.4 Any User who expects participants who are under the age of 18 years shall furnish the Director with the names of all chaperones prior to the beginning of the event. The number of chaperones required will be determined by the Director. Section 8. Personal Property 8.1 In the event that the Pavilion does not have adequate equipment suitable to the proposed use, such personal property shall be rented at the User's expense. Brazos County shall not be in any manner responsible for such personal property as may be rented by User. _ �� -"OVA 8.2 Setting up and taking down of Pavilion equipment will be done only by Pavilion personnel and should no e handled by User. 8.3 Users shall be responsible for all damage to the Pavilion's personal property. Section 9. Damage -Clean up Deposits 9.1 A damage deposit may be required of any User which sponsors any one of the following type of events: a) Any event expected to attract more than 100 people b) Any event at which food or any beverage is served c) Any event which includes dancing d) Any event featuring programs which includes or produces physical activity e) Any event including animals f) Any event deemed necessary by the Director 9.2 The amount of damage - deposit shall be determined by the Center Director at the time of execution of the required agreement. 9.3 The damage -clean up deposit shall ed by the Pavilion to restore, repair," replace o in payment or any property of the Pavilion which is damaged, es_ oyed or improperly used by User or any participant at the event sponsored by User. The unused portion of such deposit will be refunded to User after the expiration of five days after the event; provided, however, that the deposit may be held for a longer period of time, at the Director's discretion, if the extent of damages has not been fully determined. 9.4 In the event that the total damages caused by User or any par- ticipant at User's event exceed the amount of the damage deposit, User agrees to pay the deficiency, Pavilion will render a statement of damages to User and User agrees to pay the deficiency within 5 days of the date of such statement. Section 10. Clean-up 10.1 All Users shall return the facilities in the same condition as when received, except that the Pavilion will-pxjmLide normal dirt maintenan e and clean-up services. Users shall e response le for sposing o eating u ensils, beverage containers, animal waste and all other disposable materials used in conjunction with any event. Section 11. Nonconfo Events 11.1 Events not conforming to accepted comTu ity standards or any event that has been scheduled due to untrue or misleading information provided by the User shall be rejected or can- celled. Any such rejection or cancellation shall be at the sole discretion of the Director. Section 12. C on CP_i4Sirmc 12.1 The Pavilion reserves the sole and exclusive right to regulate the sale of any beverage, food, souvenir, or other merchandise on the premises. 12.2 Concession rights may be granted in the written agreement with the User. Section 13. Catering 13.1 Catered events must have approval of the director. Section 14. Alcoholic Beverages 14.1 Events which include the serving of alcoholic beverages shall be conducted under the laws of the State of Texas and rules and regulations of the ABC. Users are encouraged to contact the ABC for information regarding such requirements. 14.2 At any event at which a license is required for the serving of alcoholic beverages, such license shall be filed with the Director at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of the event. Section 15. Regular Users 15.1 An individual or or kanization may bo event fora erio t' e �o to cee m Any such booking may be extende at the discretion e �}irector. 15.2 Fees payable by regular Users shall be payable prior to each use in accordance with the regulation hereinabove set forth. 15.3 In the event of scheduling conflicts or upon occasions when a more extensive use of the facilities can be scheduled, the Director reserves the right to give any regular User 30 days notification of cancellation event. Section 16. Public Use 16,1 - _ ._ iblic use period till be zegularly - hedu led-and subject to -- cancellation due to more extensive use or inclimate weather. Section 17. Can 17.1 Any User cancelling an event more than 30 days prior to the beginning of such event shall be entitled to a full refund of any fees paid. 1 7.2 Any User cancelling an event more than 7 days prior to the beginning of such event but less than 30 days prior thereto, shall be entitled to a refund of one -half of the amount of fees paid. 17.3 Any User cancelling an event less than 7 days prior to the beginning of such event shall be entitled to a refund of fees paid only in the event that such space as was reserved by the User is utilized by another User and the full fee paid therefor. NO. ^ OF PARTICIPAN'T'S Basic dep osit food served, add alcoh also served add event is a dance, add Ma imiun deposit DAMAGE DEPOSIT SCALE LESS THAN 300 300 - 500 500 & Over $50 $100 $150 $50 $100 $150 50 100 150 $50 $100 $150 $150 $300 $450 February 1979 Brazos County Advisory to The Brazos Center & Pavilion Facilities RECULATiONS COMMITTEE August 1, 1979 3:30 - 5 p.m. Present: John Richards, Donald Ladewig, Tina Watkins, Clara Mounce, Tom Sistrunk. The meeting began with Donald Ladewig, Advisory Committee Chairman reviewing proposed changes in rules and regulations as discussed by the Regulations Committee the previous week. The committee picked up discussion where they had left off, with Section 7, and decided that the security provided for in the existing regulations would be adequate. There was sane discussion regarding the require- ments for appropriate security for youth groups and it was decided that adult supervision would be adequate. Section 8.2 concerning personal property was deleted. Damage deposits were discussed at length. It was decided that all groups should put up damage /clean-up deposits before using the Pavilion facilities. The cccudttee discussed appropriate amounts and decided on a basic deposit of $50 for groups if less than 500 and $100 for groups if more than 500. Maximum deposits would be $150 and $300, respectively. The committee discussed concessions sales and the fact that 4 -H groups often sell food or drink prepared in their own homes. John Richards said that he would consult with legal authorities about this occupancy in a county facility. It was agreed by all committee members that an annual calendar should t,e established which would allow groups to prepare for annual events well in advance. The question arose of how the county would repay those groups who had put money into the Pavilion in the past. One suggestion was that they receive priority booking. Another was that the Youth Livestock Association be allowed to hold their annual rodeo free of charge. The committee recog- nized that maney citizens had donated much time and money toward the improve - ment of the Pavilion and had provided a great public service for the youth of the com nunity. The committee asked that a second draft of the regulations be p-n.ared which would be discussed at the next meeting, Thursday, August 9, 1979• Susan Whitehouse 2nd Draft August 1979 REGULATIONS PAVILION -RODEO ARENA The following regulations, adopted by the Commissioner's Court of Brazos County, Texas, govern the scheduling, rental, and fees for the use of the Brazos Livestock Pavilion, Rodeo Arena adjacent grounds and buildings owned by Brazos County, Texas. Section 1. Definitions 1.1 "Commissioners' Court" means the Commissioners' Court of Brazos, County Texas 1.2 "Pavilion Facilities" means Brazos County Pavilion, Rodeo Arena, adjacent grounds and buildings owned by Brazos County, Texas. 1.3 "Director" means the Director of Brazos County Recre- ational facilities, employed by the Commissioners' Court of Brazos County, Texas. 1.4 "ABC" means the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. 1.5 "User" means any person, firm or organization who makes use of the Pavilion facilities. Section 2. Written Agreements Required 2.1 With exception of "designated public time" no person, firm or corporation shall use any space or the facilities without executing a written agreement. 2.2 The type of agreement required shall be at the discretion of the Director. 2.3 All contract arrangements will be made at The Brazos Center. Section 3. Classifications of Use 3.1 Events shall be classified as either commercial, non- commercial, or public, regardless of the classification of the User. A different rental rate shall be charged depending upon such classification. 3.2 The duration of the proposed use shall determine the amount of fee required, as hereinafter provided. Section 4. Booking Required "'M "*itk A4"L be Id at least once a yea at hick 4.1 m tim e regular u e schedule annual events on the Pavilion Facil t' s Calendar 4.2 User groups which expect to attract more than fifty individuals or require the payment of more than $50 in fees must execute the necessary contract no later than 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the event. 4.3 User groups which contemplate using any facility on multiple days, are encouraged to execute the required agreement as much in advance as possible, to assure use of the facilities. owr AOP4 4.4 Public use periods will be regularly y scheduled at which time any approved group or--individu may use the Pavilion facilities at no charge. These periods will be subject to cancellation due to more extensive use or inclimate weather. 4.5 All scheduling will be done at The Brazos Center. Section 5. Fees 5.1 Ail fees for use of the Pavilion facilities are set by subject to change from the Commissioners' Court and are time to time. 5.2 In the event of an increase in fees by the Commissioners' to the adoption of Court, all contracts executed prior such increase will be honored. 5.3 At the discretion of the Director, where admission is by admission fee, User may be required to pay up to ten be required to (10 %) percent of the admission price, may the regular established fees, or a combination thereof. pay 5.4 At the discretion of the Director, the User may be fees, a per- required to pay, in addition to all other receipts from the salf d and centage of gross gross beverage, not to exceed ten (10 %) percent receipts. .5 At the discretion of the Director, fees for extensive or consecutive usage may be adjusted. Section 6. Payment of Fees 6.1 Fees of less than $50 must be paid at the time of execution of the required agreement. 6.2 Unless otherwise approved by the Director, fees in excess of $50 shall be paid as follows: a) Required damage /clean - up deposit shall be paid at the time of execution of the necessary agree- ment. b) Usage fees shall be paid in full prior to the beginning of the User's event. 6.3 All fees are to be paid at The Brazos Center. Section 7. Required Security � � }i' � 'y 7.1 At any eventA - pe -ted, the User shall employ uniformed certified eace officers to be present during the entire event. T is requirement may only be waived by the Director in writing in advance of the beginning of the event. 7.2 The number of peace officers to be employed by User shall be governed by the following table: EVENTS INCLUDING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES No. of People 0 - 400 400 - 700 700 - 11,000 Over 1,000 No. of Officers Required 2 3 4 By prior agreement between Pavilion and lessee EVENTS NOT INCLUDING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES No. of People No. of Officers Required 300 - 500 2 500 - 700 3 700 - 1, 000 4 Over ,000 By prior agreement between Pavilion and lessee 7.3 Instructions for obtaining peace officers are available in the Brazos Center office. 7.4 Any User who expects participants who are under the age of 18 years shall furnish the Director with the names of all chaperones prior to the beginning of the event. The number of chaperones required will be determined by the Director. Section 8. Personal Property 8.1 Tn the event that the Pavilion does not have adequate equipment suitable to the proposed use, such personal property shall be rented at the User's expense. Brazos County shall not be in any manner responsible for such personal property as may be rented by User. 8.2 Users shall be responsible for all damage to the Pavilion's personal property. Section 9. Damage /Clean -up Deposits 9.1 A damage /clean -up deposit may be required of any User which sponsors any event. 9.2 The amount of damage /clean -up deposit shall be deter- mined by the Center Director at the time of execution of the required agreement according to the following (scale: Number of Participants Less than More than _a4& � ©p Basic $50 $100 Food or Concessions 50 100 Alcoholic Beverages 50 100 If Physical Activities 50 100 Maximum Deposit $150 $300 q_q 9.3 The damage /clean -up leposit shall be used by the Pavilion to restore, repair, replace or in payment for any property of the Pavilion which is damaged, destroyed, or improperly used by User or any participant at the event sponsored by User. The unused portion of such deposit will be refunded to User after the expiration of five days after the event; provided, however, that the deposit may be held for a longer period of time, at the Director's discretion, if the extent of damages has not been fully determined. 9.4 In the event that the total damages caused by User or any participant at User's event exceeds the amount of the damage deposit, User agrees to pay the deficiency, P�._lion will render a statement of damages to User and User agrees to pay the deficiency within 5 days of the date of such statement. Sec tion 10. Clean -up 10.1 All Users shall return the facilities in the same con- dition as when received, except that the Pavilion will provide normal dirt maintenance and clean -up services. Users shall be responsible for disposing of eating utensils, beverage containers, animal waste and all other disposable materials used in conjunction with any event. Section 11. Nonconforming Events 11.1 Events not conforming to accepted community standards or any event that has been scheduled due to untrue or misleading information provided by the User shall be rejected or cancelled. Any such rejection or cancella- tion shall be at the discretion of the Brazos County Advisory to The Brazos Center and Pavilion Facilities Committee. Sc ction 12. Concessio 12.1 12.2 Section 13 13.1 Section 14. The Director reserves the right to regulate the sale of any beverage, food, souvenir, or other merchandise on the premises. Concession rights may be granted in the written agreement with the User. Catering Catered events must have approval of the Director. Alcoholic Beverages 14.1 Events which include the serving of alcoholic beverages shall be conducted under the laws of the State of Texas and rules and regulations of the ABC. Users are en- couraged to contact the ABC for information regarding such requirements. 14.2 At any event at which a license is required for the serving of alcoholic beverages, such license shall be filed with the Director at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of the event. Section 15. Regular Users 15.1 /?i'mZ! t ng 11 hel east once a year at which time regular users y schedule ev nts on the Pavilion Facilities nnual Calen r. 15.2 An individual or organ zation ay book a regularly scheduled e ent or a p io of time not to exceed ,5 months,"` uch bookin ay be extended at the dis- cretion of the Director. 15.3 Fees payable by regula Users 3kall be payable prior to each use in accordan with the egulation hereinabove C[� set forth. / 15.4 In the event of scheduling conflicts or upon occasions when a more extensive use of the facilities can be scheduled, the Director reserves the right to give any regular User 30 days notification of cancellation event. Section 16. Cancellation 16.1 Any User cancelling an event more than 30 days prior to the beginning of such event shall be entitled to a full refund of any fees paid. 16.2 Any User cancelling an event more than 7 days prior to to the beginning of such event but less than 30 days prior thereto, shall be entitled to a refund of one - half of the amount of fees paid. 1.6.3 Any User cancelling an event less than 7 days prior to the beginning of such event shall be entitled to a refund of fees paid only in the event that such space as was reserved by the User is utilized by another User and the full fee paid therefor. O PEN FOR DISCUSSION: 1) 4.1 (15.1) Change to ( ?) �I Annual events m y be s heduled one vear i advance. ro�QA d� , 2) 15.2 & 15.3 Omit 3) 4.4 Addition of "by prior notification" 4) Sec. 9 - change to: Less than 300 - 300 - 500 500 & over 50 100 150 50 100 150 50 100 150 50 100 150 �300 5) Statement of uses (who and who not) Brazos County Advisory to The Brazos Center & Pavilion Facilities August 9, 1979 3:30 - 5:15 p.m. Present: Donald Ladewig, Bob Place, Andy Anderson, Ann Bell, Tina Watkins, Phyllis Dozier, Susan Whitehouse. Phyllis Dozier announced that two conmittee members, Minnie Davila and John Chevrette, had resigned due to scheduling conflicts between conmi_ttee meetings and prior obligations. The committee members went over the revised regulations and made tents on the changes. Dozier had several areas she wanted to discuss. She suggested that sections concerning an annual meeting for scheduling a calendar (4.1 & 15.1) be changed to read "Annual events may be scheduled one year in advance." After discussion of the merits of each, Dozier's suggestion was accepted. Section 15.2 was amended to read 'Other regular users may schedule events 6 months in advance." Section 4.4 was amended so that the users would notify The Brazos Center office when they wished to use the Pavilion Facilities. This would avoid overuse or conflict of interests and would allow the county to know who was using the facility. The damage /clean-up deposit was discussed. Dozier felt that people would take much better care of the facilities if they had a higher deposit at stake. Basic deposit was set at $50 for less than 300 people; $100 for 300 -500 and $150 for over 500. Maximum deposits were therefore $150, $300 and $450 respectively. Bob Place suggested that the deposit scale be worded so that it was clear that the deposit increased with the addition of food, alcohol, or special activities. The committee discussed possible uses for the Pavilion Facilities and decided that certain activities were not desirabl e.Parties and "beer busts" could not be prohibited, but precautions could be taken to avoid problems. Damage deposits and peace officers on the premises would do much to deter problems which might arise. The subject of past contributors to the Pavilion was brought up. Many groups and individuals had made contributions to the Livestock Association so that improvements would be made at the Pavilion. Donald Ladewig suggested that perhaps a plaque be put up somewhere in the Pavilion recognizing the contributions of those who had helped. The suggestion to allow the Youth Livestock Association to use the facilities free of charge for their annual event was discussed. Ladewig thought this would work out well with the provision that any profits from the rodeo be used to improve the facility. Dozier felt that this might put the county in an awkward position as other groups would expect the same privilege and suggested that the Association pay normal fees and keep profits for themselves to do with as they wish. Dozier suggested that the Livestock Association be permitted to lease a structure on the Pavilion grounds from the County to store their equipment. She also suggested that the Association lease the equipment it accumulated (pens, panels, etc.) in conjunction with the Pavilion. It was agreed that the entire Advisory Conmittee would discuss this next week at the meeting Aug. 15, 1979 at 3:30 p.m. in The Brazos Center. Z" e��4�6� Susan Whitehouse 3rd Draft August 1979 REGULATIONS PAVILION -RODEO ARENA The following regulations, adopted by the Commissioner's Court of Brazos County, Texas, govern the scheduling, rental, and fees for the use of the Brazos Livestock Pavilion, Rodeo Arena, adjacent grounds and buildings owned by Brazos County, Texas. .,, —(—Hon 1. Def initions 1.1 "Cammissioners' Court" means the Commissioners' Court of Brazos County, Texas. 1.2 "Pavilion Facilities" means Brazos County Pavilirn, Rodeo Arena, adjacent grounds and buildings owned by Brazos County, Texas. 1.3 "Director" means the Director of Brazos County Recreational Facilities, employed by the Cannissioners' Court of Brazos County, Texas. 1.4 "ABC" means the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Cammission. 1.5 "User" means any person, firm or organization who makes use Qf the Pavilion facilities. 1.6 'Annual" means once yearly. 1.7 "Regular" means at repeated similar intervals. Section 2. Written Agreements Required 2.1 With exception of "designated public time" no person, firm or corporation shall use any space or the facilities without executing a written agreement. 2.2 The type of agreemment, required shall be at the discretion of the Director. 2.3 All contract arrangements will be made at The Brazos Center. Section 3. Classifications of Use 3.1 Events shall be classified as either commercial, non - commercial, or public, regardless of the classification of the User. A different rental rate shall be charged depending upon such classification. 3.2 The duration of the proposed use shall determine the amount of fee required, as hereinafter provided. Section 4. Booking Required 4.1 Annual events may be scheduled 1 year in advance. 4.2 User groups which expect to attract more than fifty individuals or re the payment of metre than $50 in fees must execute the necessary contract no later than 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the event. 4.3 User groups which contemplate using any facility on multiple days, are encouarged to execute the required agreement as much in advance as possible, to assure use of the facilities. 4.4 Public use periods will be regularly scheduled at which time any approved group or individual by prior notification may use the Pavilion facilities at no charge. These periods will be subject to cancellation due to more extensive use or inclimate weather. 4.5 All scheduling will be done at The Brazos Center. Section 5. Fees 5.1 All fees for use of the Pavilion facilities are set by the Coamissioners' Court and are subject to change from time to time. 5.2 In the event of an increase in fees by the Commissioners' Court, all contracts executed prior to the adoption of such increase will be honored. 5.3 At the discretion of the Director, where admission is by admission fee, User may be required to pay up to ten (10%) percent of the admission price, may be required to pay the regular established fees, or a combination thereof. 5.4 At the discretion of the Director, the User may be required to pay, in addition to all other fees, a percentage of gross receipts from the sale of food and beverage, not to exceed ten (lT /,) percent of such gross receipts. 5.5 At the discretion of the Director, fees for extensive or consecutive usage may be adjusted. Section 6. Payment of Fees 6.1 Fees of less than $50 must be paid at the time of execution of the required agreement. 6.2 Unless otherwise approved by the Director, fees in excess of $50 shall be paid as follows: a) Required damage /clean -up deposit shall be paid at the time of execution of the necessary agreement. b) Usage fees shall be paid in full prior to the beginning of the User's event. 6.3 All fees are to be paid at The Brazos Center. Section 7. Required Security 7.1 At any event where alcohol is served or any event attracting more than 300 people, the User shall employ uniformed certi fied zeace officers to be present during - tFe entire event. This requirement may only be waived by the Director in writing in advance of the beginning of the event. 7.2 The number of peace officers to be employed by User shall be governed by the following table: EVMS INMDING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES No. of People 0 - 400 400 - 700 700 - 1,000 Over 1,000 No. of Officers Required 2 3 4 By prior agreement between Pavilion and lessee EVENTS NOT INCLUDING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES No. of People No. of Officers Required ,000 - 500 2 500 - 700 3 700 - 1,000 4 Over 1,000 By prior agreement between Pavilion and lessee 7.3 Instructions for obtaining peace officers are available in the Brazos Center office. 7.4 Any User who expects participants who are under the age of 18 years shall furnish the Director with the names of all chaperones prior to the beginning of the event. The number of chaperones required will be determined by the Director. Section 8. Personal Property 8.1 In the event that the Pavilion does not have adequate equip- ment suitable to the proposed use, such personal property shall be rented at the User's expense. Brazos County shall not be in any manner responsible for such personal property as may be rented by User. 8.2 Users shall be responsible for all damage to the Pavilion's personal property. Section 9. Damage /Clean-up Deposits 9.1 A damage /clean -up deposit may be required of any User which sponsors any event. 9.2 The amount of damage /clean -up deposit shall be determined by the Center Director at the time of execution of the required agreement to the following scale: NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS 0 - 300 300 - 500 I 500 and Over I BASIC DEPOSIT 50 100 150 I If food is served add 50 100 150 If alco lic beverage is serve add 50 50 100 100 150 150 For special activities, add MMITM DEPOSIT 150 300 450 9.3 The damage /clean -up deposit shall be us Pavilion to restore, repair replace r in a ent for any property of the Pavilion which is damaged, estroyed, or improperly used by User or any participant at the event sponsored by User. The unused portion of such deposit will be refunded to User after the expiration of five days after the event; provided, however, that the deposit may be held for a longer period of time, at the Director's discretion, if the extent of damages has not been fully determined. 9.4 In the event that the total damages caused by User or any participant at User's event exceeds the amount of the damage deposit, User agrees to pay the deficiency, Pavilion will render a statement of damages to User and User agrees to pay the deficiency within 5 days of the date of such statement. Section 10. Clean -up 10.1 All Users shall return the facilities in the same con- dition as when received, except that the Pavilion will provide normal dirt maintenance and clean -up serviees. Users shall be responsible for disposing of eating utensils, beverage containers, animal waste and all other disposable materials used in conjunction with any event. Section 11. Nonconforming Events 11.1 Events not conforming to accepted community standards or any event that has been scheduled due to untrue or misleading information provided by the User shall be rejected or cancelled. Any such rejection or cancella- tion shall be at the discretion of the Brazos County Advisory to The Brazos Center and Pavilion Facilities Committee. Section 12. Concessions 12.1 12.2 Section 13 13.1 Section 14. The Director reserves the right to regulate the sale of any beverage, food, souvenir, or other merchandise on the premises. Concession rights may be granted in the written agreement with the User. Catering Catered events must have approval of the Director. Alcoholic Beverages 14.1 Events which include the serving of alcoholic beverages shall be conducted under the laws of the State of Texas and rules and regulations of the ABC. Users are en= M -porecl to contact the ABC for information regarding such requirements. 14.2 At any event at which a license is required for the serving of alcoholic beverages, such license shall be filed with the Director at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of the event. Section 15. Regular Users 15.1 Annual events may be scheduled one year in advance. 15.2 Other regularly scheduled events may be scheduled 6 months in advance. 15.3 Fees payable by regular Users shall be payable prior to each use in accordance with the regulation hereinabove set forth. 15.4 In the event of scheduling conflicts or upon occasions when a more extensive use of the facilities can be scheduled, the Director reserves the right to give any regular User 30 days notification of cancellation event. Section 16. Cancellations 16.1 Any User cancelling an event more than 30 days prior to the beginning of such event shall be entitled to a full refund of any fees paid. 16.2 Any User cancelling an event more than 7 days prior to the beginning of such event but less than 30 days prior thereto, shall be entitled to a refund of one -half of the amount of fees paid. 16.3 Any User cancelling an event less than 7 days prior to the beginning of such event shall be entitled to a refund of fees - paid only in the event that such space as was reserved by the User is utilized by another User and the full fee paid therefor. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS BRAZOS CENTER AGREEMENT This agreement, made and entered into this the --- - -_ day of _ 19 by and between Brazos County, Texas, apolitical subdivision of this state of Texas, hereinaftercalled Lessor, acting byand through its duly authorized Center Director, and , hereinafter called Lessee, is as follows: 1. That, upon the terms and conditions herein expressed and in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein expressed, Lessor does hereby grant unto Lessee the right to use and occupy the following described space and premises located in the Brazos Center, East Briarcrest Drive, city of Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, to -wit: To be used for the purpose of - and for no other purpose without the written consent of Lessor for a term commencing at._ o'clock - M. on the -__ - -_ _- day of - -- - _— 19 __ hereinafter called "Leasing Date ", and terminating at _ o'clock -_ _ M. on the __ __ _ day of _- ,together with the further right of access to, and a limited use thereof for hours prior to the hour first stated above and for_ hours after the hour last stated above, for the purpose of putting equipment for use, rehearsal and packing up and removing equipment afterward. Lessee agrees that in the event it has not fully vacated the premises by the expiration of the final time set forth above, it will pay the regular hourly charge for such holdover time. Lessee hereby covenants and agrees to pay to Lessor, at its office at the Brazos Center, for the use of said premises as aforesaid, the sum of - -__- DOLLARS ($ -_ --- -- _ -__ _), payable as follows: Plus all required charges set forth in Lessor's schedule of fees and charges for additional services, accommodations or materials furnished to or loaned to Lessee. Lessee acknowledges a receipt of a copy of the schedule of fees and charges and covenants that it is bound thereby. 3. Lessee agrees to deposit with Lessor as a secuirty deposit for the above premises the sum of - - DOLLARS ($ ), the disposition of which shall be governed by the rules and regulations governing the Brazos Center. Lessee acknowledges receipt of a copy of the rules and regulations governing the Brazos Center and agrees and covenants to be bound by the terms thereof. 4. Lessee shall have peaceful and quiet possession of the premises for the purpose and term aforesaid, including corridors necessary to accommodate patrons, along with restrooms customarily open to the general public. 5. Lessor will furnish, at its expense, all utilities necessary for operation of the Brazos Center and all janitorial service deemed necessary by Lessor. Lessor shall not be responsible for any loss resulting from any lack of heat, water or lights due to an act of God or the failure of equipment to operate properly through no fault of Lessor. 6. Lessor reserves the right at all times to control the ushers, gate men, ticket takers and all otheremployees of Lessee, and the right to remove from the premises any and all such employees of Lessee and the right, through its officers and agents, including police officers, to eject any objectionable person or persons from the building and premises. In the event of the exercise of this authority, Lessee hereby waives any and all claims for damages against Lessor, its officers and amnlnvaac nn ,,,„f rti,,. -f 1 1. Lessee agrees to release and hold Lessor free and harmless from all claims and liability for damages to any person or persons for injuries to any person or property occasioned by or in connection with the use of the premises caused by any source whatsoever. Lessee hereby assumes full responsibility for the character, acts or conduct of all persons admitted to the premises or to any portion of the premises by Lessee, its agents, employees or other representatives. 12. At least ten days prior to the commencement of the term of this agreement, Lessees hal I provide Lessor with evidence that it has comprehensive public liability insurance for bodily injury or death in the minimum amount of DOLLARS ($— - -- ) per occurrence along with property damage insurance in the minimum amount of _- -. - - -- DOLLARS ($ ), which insurance shall cover the event for which this agreement is made. The insurance must be issued by a company licensed to do business in the state of Texas. The policies shall be in the name of Lessor and Lessee along with the officers and employees of both. In the event a policy or certificate is not provided, Lessee hereby authorized Lessor to arrange for such insurance in accordance with a prevailing premium charge for such insurance in the state of Texas and Lessee shall be responsible for the cost of such insurance. 13. Neither the corridors, passageways, nor exits shall be obstructed by Lessee, nor shall they be used for any purpose other than ingress or egress, except as approved by the Center Director. 14. Lessee agrees to comply with all laws of the United States, the state of Texas, all ordinances of the city of Bryan, Texas, and all rules and regulations adopted by the Commissioners' Court of Brazos County, Texas, governing the use of the Brazos Center. Lessee agrees to obtain and pay for any and all necessary permits and licenses. 15. Lessee will not post, exhibit or allow to be posted or exhibited, any signs, advertisements, show bills, lithographs, posters or cards of any description, inside or outside or any part of the building, except as authorized by the Center Director. Lessee agrees to immediately remove ail signs, advertisements, show bills, or other material which are objected to by the Center Director. 16. Lessee shall not admit to the premises a larger number of persons than the seating capacity thereof. The ruling of the Center Director on this question shall be final. 17. This agreement may not be assigned by Lessee in whole or in part. Lessee further agrees and understands that it may not sublet any portion of the premises, without the written consent of Lessor. 18. Lessee accepts the building, its fixtures and equipment, in their present condition and state of repair. All repairs and replacements required to return the building and its furnishings, fixtures and equipment to their present condition will be at the expense of Lessee upon demand by Lessor. 19. Lessee does not hereby acquire a right to any of the concessions located upon the leased premises, and the right to operate concessions is hereby reserved to Lessor and its assigns unless such right has been specifically granted to Lessee in writing. 20. Lessor reserves all rights and privileges for outgoing television and radio broadcasts originating from the Brazos Center during the term of this agreement. Should Lessor grant to Lessee such privilege, Lessor has the right to require advance payment of any estimated related cost to Lessor and may also require payment for said privilege in addition to rental fee. The grant of such privilege must be in writing, and obtained from the Center Director in advance of the broadcast date. 21. Lessee shall not install any wire, electrical appliances, plumbing fixtures or pipes without first securing the written consent of the Center Director. 22. Lessee agrees to pay reasonable attorney's fee on any amount payable by it under any part of this agreement which must be collected by judicial proceedings. 23. The following special conditions shall apply, to -wit: USE AGREEMENT Between the Brazos Center and Leasing purpose: Date: Facilities Time: Assemblv (All Fees: Assembly I Assembly II Concourse Kitchen Studio I Studio II 106 Lecture /rehearsal (102) Classroom AB (109) Room A Room B Classroom C Services Chairs Tables P. A. System Piano Other TOTAL: Director, The Brazos Center Organization (or individual) The Organization acknowledges receipt of the "Regulations for use of The Brazos Center," governing the rights and responsibilities of Brazos County, Texas, and the undersigned user of such facilities agrees to be bound by the terms thereof. Sign both copies of use agreement, keep one copy and return the other with your payment to The Brazos Center, 3232 Briarcrest, Bryan, Texas 77801. Brazos County Advisory to The Brazos Center & Pavilion Facilities August 15, 1979 Present: George Blevins, Linda Pringle, Lon Ladewi.g, Polly Howard, Claude M`�otmce, Randy Sims, Judy Rychlik, Dick HoLigreen, Mervin Peters and Nancy Crouch. The minutes were approved as read. We discussed such categories as utilities, maintenance, and printing which seemed likely to require less than the budget. Since Judge Hoingreen requested that we not deal with employees, wee discussed the following recomnendations for 1.980 budget operational cate- gories: Office supplies $1,000 Printing 1,500 Telephone 1,500 Utilities 33,000 Travel /!t Special promotion 300 For the next meeting members were charged to think about Pavilion improvements and make suggestions to Phyllis to get cost estimates. Also at the next meeting members would deter . - Pavilion fee schedule. The next meeting will e Aug. 29, 1979 t 2:30 p.m. at The Brazos Center. - - - -- Nancy Crouch Final Draft August 1979 REM ATIONS PAVILION -RODEO ARENA The following regulations, adopted by the Commissioner's Court of Brazos County, Texas, govern the scheduling, rental, and fees for the use of the Brazos Livestock Pavilion, Rodeo Arena, adjacent grounds and buildings owned by Brazos County, Texas. Section 1. Definitions 1.1 " Conmissioners' Court" means the ccumissioners` Court of Brazos County, Texas. 1.2 "Pavilion Facilities" means Brazos County Pavili az, Rodeo Arena, adjacent grounds and buildings owned by Brazos County, Texas. 1.3 "Director' means the Director of Brazos County Recreational Facilities, employed by the Commissioners' Court of Brazos County, Texas. 1.4 "ABC" means the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. 1.5 "User" means any person, firmn or organization who makes use 1.6 QfAnnualP8meansnonce facilities. yearly., 1.7 "Regular" means at repeated similar intervals. Section 2. Written Agreements Required F 2.1 With exception of "designated public time" no person, firm or corporation shall use any space or the facilities without executing a written agreement. 2.2 The type of agreement required shall be at the discretion of the Director. 2.3 Section 3. All contract arrangements will be made at The Brazos Center. Classifications of Use 3.1 Events shall be classified as either commercial, non - commercial, or public, regardless of the classification of the User. A different rental rate shall be charged depending upon such classification. 3.2 The duration of the proposed use shall determine the amount of fee required, as hereinafter provided. Section 4. Booking Required 4.1 Annual events may be scheduled 1 year in advance. 4.2 User groups which expect to attract more than fifty individuals or require the payment of more than $50 in fees must execute the necessary contract no later than 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the event. 4.3 User groups which contemplate using any facility on multiple days, are encouarged to execute the required agreement as much in advance as possible, to assure use of the facilities. Final Draft August 1979 REGULATIONS PAVILION -RODEO ARENA The following regulations, adopted by the Commissioner's Court of Brazos County, Texas, govern the scheduling, rental, and fees for the use of the Brazos Livestock Pavilion, Rodeo Arena, adjacent grounds and buildings owned by Brazos County, Texas. Section 1. Definitions 1.1 " Ccmmissioners' Court" means the Commissioners' Court of Brazos County, Texas. 1.2 "Pavilion Facilities" means Brazos County Pavili m, Rodeo Arena, adjacent grounds and buildings owned by Brazos County, Texas. 1.3 "Director" means the Director of Brazos County Recreational Facilities, employed by the Commissioners' Court of Brazos County, Texas. 1.4 "ABC" means the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission. 1.5 "User" means any person, .firm or organization who makes use 1.6 9,f Annual" means 1.7 "Regular" means at repeated similar intervals. Section 2. Written Agreements Required P 2.1 With exception of "designated public time" no person, firm or corporation shall use any space or the facilities without executing a written agreement. 2.2 The type of agreement required shall be at the discretion of the Director. 2.3 Section 3. All contract arrangements will be made at The Brazos Center. Classifications of Use 3.1 Events shall be classified as either commercial, non - commercial, or public, regardless of the classification of the User. A different rental rate shall be charged depending upon such classification. 3.2 The duration of the proposed use shall determine the amount of fee required, as hereinafter provided. Section 4. Booking Required 4.1 Annual events may be scheduled 1 year in advance. 4.2 User groups which expect to attract more than fifty individuals or require the payment of more than $50 in fees must execute the necessary contract no later than 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the event. 4.3 User groups which contemplate using any facility on multiple days, are encouarged to execute the required agreement as much in advance as possible, to assure use of the facilities. 4.4 Public use periods will be regularly scheduled at which time any approved group or individual by prior notification may use the Pavilion facilities at no charge. These periods will be subject to cancellation due to more extensive use or incltmate weather. 4.5 All scheduling will be done at The Brazos Center. Section 5. Fees 5.1 All fees for use of the Pavilion facilities are set by the Commissioners' Court and are subject to change from tine to time. 5.2 In the event of an increase in fees by the Commissioners' Court, all contracts executed prior to the adoption of such increase will be honored. 5.3 At the discretion of the Director, where admission is by admission fee, User may be required to pay up to ten (10%) percent of the admission price, may be required to pay the regular established fees, or a combination thereof. 5.4 At the discretion of the Director, the User may be required to pay, in addition to all other fees, a percentage of gross receipts from the sale of food and beverage, not to exceed ten (1(f /,) percent of such gross receipts. 5.5 At the discretion of the-Director, fees for extensive or consecutive usage may be 4djusted., r Section 6. Payment of Fees 6.1 Fees of less than $50 miist be paid at the time of execution of the required agreement. 6.2 Unless otherwise approved by the Director, fees in excess of $50 shall be paid as follows: a) Required damage /clean -up deposit shall be paid at the time of execution of the necessary agreement. b) Usage fees shall be paid in full prior to the beginning of the User's event. 6.3 All fees are to be paid at The Brazos Center. Section 7. Required Security 7.1 At any event where alcohol is served or any event attracting more than 300 people, the User shall employ uniformed certifie eac officers to be present during tHe entire event. This requ s toner may only be waived by the Director in writing in advance of the beginning of the event. 7.2 The number of peace officers to be employed by User shall be governed by the following table: No. of People No. of Officers Required 0 - 400 2 400 - 700 3 700 - 1,000 4 Over 1,000 By prior agreement between 50 50 Pavilion and lessee EVENTS NOT INCLUDING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES No. of People No. of Officers Required 300- 500 2 500 - 700 3 700 - 1,000 4 Over 1,000 By prior agreement between Pavilion and lessee 7.3 Instructions for obtaining peace officers are available in the Brazos Center office. 7.4 Any User who expects participants who are under the age of 18 years shall furnish the Director with the names of all chaperones prior to the beginning of the event. The number of chaperones re will be determined by the Director. Section 8. Personal Property 8.1 In the event that the Pavilion does not have adequate equip- ment suitable to the proposed use, such personal propery shall be rented at the User's expense. Brazos County shall not be in any manner responsible for such personal property as may be rented by User. 8.2 Users shall be responsible for all damage to the Pavilion's personal property. Section 9. Damage /Clean -up Deposits 9.1 A damage /clean -up deposit may be re of any User which sponsors any event. 9.2 The amount of damage /clean -up deposit shall be determined by the Center Director at the time of execution of the required agreement to the following scale: NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS 0 - 300 300 - 500 500 and Over I BASIC DEPOSIT , If food is served add 50 50 100 100 150 150 If alco lic beverage is served add 50 50 100 100 150 150 For special activities, add MAX MLI! DEPOSIT 1 150 300 450 9.3 The damage /clean -up deposit shall be used by the Pavilion to restore, repair, replace or in payment for any property of the Pavilion which is damaged, destroyed, or improperly used by User or any participant at the event sponsored by User. The unused portion of such deposit will be refunded to User after the expiration of five days after the event; provided, however, that the deposit may be held for a longer period of time, at the Director's discretion, if the extent of damages has not been fully determined. 9.4 Section 10. In the event that the total damages caused by User or any participant at User's eventexceeds the amount of the damage deposit, User agrees to pay the deficiency, Pavilion will render a statement of damages to User and User agrees to pay the deficiency within 5 days of the date of such statement. Clean -up 10.1 All Users shall return the facilities in the same con- dition as when received, except that the Pavilion will provide normal dirt maintenance and clean -up serviees. Users shall be responsible for disposing of eating utensils, beverage containers, animal waste and all other disposable materials used in conjunction with any event. Section 11. Nonconforming Events 11.1 Events not conforming to accepted community standards or any event that has been scheduled due to untrue or misleading information provided by the User shall be rejected or cancelled. Any such rejection or cancella- tion shall be at the discretion of the Brazos County Advisory to The Brazos Center and Pavilion Facilities Committee. P* Section 12. 12.1 12.2 Section 13 13.1 Section 14. Concessions The Director reserves the right to regulate the sale of any beverage, food, souvenir, or other merchandise on the premises. Concession rights may be granted in the written agreement with the User. Catering Catered events must have approval of the Director. Alcoholic Beverages 14.1 Events which include the serving of alcoholic beverages shall be conducted under the laws of the State of Texas and rules and regulations of the ABC. Users are required to contact the ABC for information regarding such rules and regulations. 14.2 At any event at which a license is required for the serving of alcoholic beverages, such license shall be filed with the Director at least 48 hours prior to the beginning of the event. Brazos County Advisory to The Brazos Center & Pavilion Facilities r 2 August 15, 1979 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Present: John Richards, Tina Watkins, Andy Anderson, Clara Mounce Ann Bell, Susan Whitehouse, Phyllis Dozier, Donald Ladewig and Judge Ho een. The third draft of the proposed rules and regulations for use of the Pavilion Facilities was presented to the committee for discussion. Andy Andersen said that Sec. 9.3 sounded gramatically incorrect. After some discussion, it was decided that the phrasing was legal terminology and should be left as written. The changes made in the regulations the previous week were discussed and approved by ccamittee members was a discrepancy in Sec. 7 con - cenuing the number of people attending an event which required security officers. Sec. 7.2 was amended so that 300 -500 people required 2 officers, thereby agreeing with Sec. 7.1. Sec. 10 was discussed to clarify who would be responsible for animal waste clean -up. Ladewig said that the Pavilion would have to be kept clean by Participants and that the regulation was adequate. John Richards asked Judge Holagr if he felt that concessions might be a problem at the Pavilion Facilities. The Judge said that it appeared to him that the county would not be responsible if a concessions at the Pavilion Facilities. H psi' d ec od ed to sell 14.1 be amended to read " Users are re �� did r ec om mend that Sec. regarding rules and regulations." quired to contact ABC for information , � + 4 Richards felt that Sec: 15.4 may make users uneasy. It was explained that this was for unusual circumstances and would only be used if all parties were in agreement. The coamittee discussed the groups which had made investments in the Pavilion Facilities in the past. It was agreed by all that the county needed to take over complete control including maintenance and improvements. Judge Ho e lagreen stated that the people had put their money into a facility which Y � oving for their children and were en'o felt that either the county run it totall J Y its benefits. Holtrgree or leave it as it had been and let those b scheduling, etc.) to run it continue to do so with no help Eden the county. He said that everyone will have to pay to use it or it cannot be maintained. Ladewig agreed with the Judge. He felt that people had worked on the Pavilion to help the community and had provided a great service. Discussion turned to last week's proposal of a free annual youth livestock rodeo. Judge Holmgreen felt that it could be free only if there were no restrictions on who could enter. It had to be free to anyone in the county. Judge Holagreen said that if this event was free, other groups would request the same privilege. Ladewig said that the Livestock Association had gone out and found people to donate money to the Pavilion Facilities, some of whom may have given the money to the county for the same purpose. The money invested in the Pavilion did not entirely come out the pockets of the Livestock Association, but their efforts did much to unite and mobilize people in the community with a camcon interest. Arm Bell suggested that the committee consider the facility long range. Ladewig agreed that they needed a 5 year plan including finances and proposed improvements. The committee decided that contracts for using the Pavilion Facilities should be kept simple but all users should have written contracts. The lease agreement form used by The Brazos Center could be used as a basis for the Pavilion's contract. The situation of people using the facility without reservation was discussed. Tina Watkins suggested that signs be osted at the Pavilion and Arena notifying users who they can contract for scheduling information or emergencies. The regulations were completed and approved. The committee decided it did not need to meet again until the financial committee was ready to report their findings. The next meeting would be..set when -the entire Advisory Committee could meet. Susan Whitehouse Wednesday, Sept. 5, 1979 3:30 p.m. The Brazos Center Final Meeting Before Making Recommendations to County Commissioners AGENDA 1 ) Regulations Committee report 2 Budget Committee report 3) Additions or corrections to either report 4) Setting date for presentation (by entire committee) of reccmmendations to County Cceumissioners at specially called public meeting • 1 I owl 11 •1 1 mo Brazos County Advisory to the Brazos Center & Pavilion Facilities FINANCIAL Ca+aTm .August 29, 1979 2:30 -5 D.M. Present: George Blevins, Polly Howard, Judy Rychlik, Mervin Peters, Linda Pringle, Richard Perkins, Donald Ladewig, Phyllis Dozier, Judge Ho]rgreen, Susan Whitehouse. Judy Rychlik began the meeting by stating that the committee had two goals for the day: to list improvements to be made at the Pavilion Facilities and to suggest fees for use. She stated that the committee could present a one, three, or five year plan suggesting improvement priorities to the Commissioners Court. Phyllis Dozier reported her findings concerning the cost of various improve- ments. Ray Robertson of the Youth Livestock Association estimated that the restrooms and office for the Pavilion would cost $14,000 and the concession and storage areas would run $16,000. He said that these figures would probably increase by 10 -157. by next year. Ray also said that bleachers for 750 people cost $4,000 in 1975. The committee members felt that today the same bleachers would probably rum $8,000. It was suggested that these bleachers be portable so that they could be used at either the Pavilion or the Arena. Dozier reported that Ed Holley and Young Brothers Construction Co. had recommended a parking lot with a cement base topped with a one inch layer of asphalt at a cost of $5 per square yard. There is a 3 -4 acre area now being used for parking and another 3 -4 acres north of the Pavilion which could be used for a told area of 130,000 square feet. Don Ladewig said that he did not feel that asphalt was a practical parking surface since heavy trailors and trucks would ruin it quickly. e suggested that crushed rock be used instead. Mervin Peters and George Blevins ported this idea and feel that it would be both more practical and less expensive. Richard Perkins said that when discussing improvements, the committee should think of long -term goals. He discussed the idea of eventually having facilities suitable for a county fair. Rychlik said that the upcoming Brazos de Dios Festival would use multiple facilities and would show the commmity's response to a broad based county -wide activity. It was suggested that facilities already in existence be utilized such as the school system's bus barns adjacent to the Pavilion grounds. 4 q v Rychlik aske t the committee establish priorities concerning improvements at the Pavi facilities p ri . After much discussion, the following list was compiled: (1) Restrooms and office (2) Concessions and storage fo ( parking and access (4) additional bleachers (5) study improvements for tin building (6) security lighting (7) signs. �t RYchlik sugge ed that another top priority be lining the bleachers and numbering the seats so that ticketing could be controlled. Mervin Peters said that TAM was disposing of plastic seats from the stadium which might be USeful- in the arena bleachers. Richard Perkins stressed the importance of additional seating capacity in the arena. He said that he had talked with professional rodeo promoters who said they were interested in performing in the Bryan- College Station area if there was a facility with a seating capacity of 5,000. As this would be revenue for the county and would help pay for improvements, it was agreed that additional bleachers should be a high priority. Judge Holmgreen said that he thought that signs were a high priority. He said that he had been working on getting a sign for The Brazos Center. The costs of a sign was discussed and the type of sign needed. It was decided that the ideal sign would be lighted with a marquee and would tie in with the building. The committee asked Judge Ho}rgreen how much money would be available for improvements at the Pavilion Facilities. He said that everyone talked about expenditures, but not income. Rychlik said that the committee would give additional thought to income producing activities. The committee decided to suggest improvements to be made and let the commissioners determine which ones.the county could afford each year. The fee schedule for activities at the Pavilion Facilities was set at the following scale: PRICE PER ]SAY NON- OOM,ERCIAL CCIAL Pavilion $75 $150 Arena 75 150 Tin building 25 0 For all facilities 150 3 55 0 (Revisions can be made at a later date if these do not prove to be practical) The various groups which use the facility were discussed and it was decided that everyone had to pay to use the facility in order to cover the cost of utilities and offset the cost of maintenance. The. next meeting of the entire adviso Board will be 3:30 p.m. on Wed. Sept. 5, 1979. Ladewig aske t t copies o t e proposed regulations and fees be sent to all committee members as well as copies of the minutes of the last meetings of each committee. It was agreed that the entire caunittee will meet with the County Commissioners to present their recominendations as soon as possible. - - -- Susan Whitehouse IN i rl j AGENDA rig f *O + ADVISORY CQHTa TEE BRAZOS COUNTY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Phyllis Dozier PP P ER 7 1979 3:30 P.M., TYE L G ; ) jl� Consideration of: (1) (2) (3) IN 0 1 0 11. Please call Verna or Linder (779 -8338) during normal working hours to: (1) Confirm your attendance, and (2) Request any background information you would like to have available at the meeting. Way to increase use at Livestock Arena /Pavilion; -m e, T Q Additional fees for food and/or alcohol consumption at Brazos Center; Policy statement on usage fees charged at either facility to political groups. i Brazos County Advisory to The Brazos Center & Pavilion September 5, 1979 3:30 - 5 p.m. Present: Donald Ladewig, Polly Howard, Claude and Clara Mounce, Tina Watkins, Andy Anderson, Judy Rychlik, Steve and Linda Pringle, John Richards, Gorge Blevins, Nancy Crouch, Tan Sistrunk, Bob Place, Anne Bell, Ruth McLeod, Phyllis Dozier and Susan Whitehouse. Chairman Don Ladewig began the meeting by asking committee chair- men Judy Rychlik and John Richards to report on the findings of their respective groups. Richards submitted the Regulations Ccamittee's final draft of the "Rules and Regulations for Use of the Pavilion Facilities." lie said that they were based on the regulations of The Brazcs Center and asked if there were any questions or remarks. Rychlik asked about the meaning of Section 7.1 and felt that it should be changed slightly to make its intent clearer. corrections were made in Sections 4.3 ( encourage) and 4.4 ("inclement") . Phyllis Dozier asked if Section 4.1 was acceptable. She was concerned that one year advanced booking was not enough time to allow for annual events. The Committee felt that the rules do not prohibit the director from taking reservations farther in advance. Anne Bell suggested that Section 2.1 be re- written as a positive statement. The Regulations Committee minutes of Aug. 15, 1979 were approved as written. Rychlik reported the findings and conclusions of the Finance Committee. She asked that copies of the operational budget be distributed and also requested that the minutes of the August 28, 1979 meeting be amended. Priorities concerning improvements at the Pavilion Facilities were to read as follows: 1) Restrocim, office, concessions and storage space in the Pavilion; striping and numbering of seats in arena to control seating and ticketing. 2) Parking and access 3) Additional bleachers 4) Study improvements for metal building 5) Security, lighting 6) Signs She suggested that the county connissioners be presented with this priority list and that they do the improvements as money was available, hopefully canpleting all improvements within the next 5 years. Rychlik explained that fees were charged by the day because the nature of events at the Pavilion or arena would ordinarily require much preparation and clean -up time. She said that a problem to be discussed further would be how to finance the capitol improvements. The budget committee would reconvene to discuss this end Rychlik in- vited any interested members of the entire committee to attend and par- ticipate. It was explained that "Public Time" was to be free of charge and available to any individuals who give prior notice of their.intent to use the facility. Times would be regularly scheduled after ascer- taining peak use periods and times. Andy Anderson asked what the $2,000 travel in the operational budget represented. Rychlik said that this would cover the Director of the Center and Pavilion attending conferences on developing corn: °ention business. The marking of the arena seats was discussed as well as the possibility of obtaining plastic seat covering fram TAMU. Stephen Pringle said that the plastic was removed from the A&M stadium 2 years ago. John Richards said that A6M still has the seats, but they are rough on clothing. The group discussed where money would come from for capitol im- provements. The finance committee felt that additional seating would be important in attracting professional rodeos which are potential income producers. Ton Sistrumk asked where people would park for such large gatherings and it was suggested that perhaps adjacent ground could be rented for the occasional large events. Rychlik said that the Pavilion and .Arena could eventually produce significant income, but that certain impravements would have to be made first. Phyllis Dozier suggested that the committee come up with ideas for' producing income such as donations or a percentage of fees to be desig- nated for improvements. Nancy Crouch felt strongly that a percentage of fees or budgeted amount mmej be designated for improvements each year. Rychlik felt that the commissioners needed leeway to make improvements as money was available. Ruth McLeod said that the commissioners would not want to utilize the income from fees exclusively for improvements. She said that much of it would be needed to offset the cost of maintenance. Andy Anderson felt that the commissioners needed to make a cart - mittment to make capital improvements. Nancy Crouch agreed and said that she was concerned that the committee would make recommendations which would be shelved by the commissioners. Don Ladewig suggested that the committee estimate the cost of the improvements and recommend that the commissioners spend that amount over a 5 year period. Rychlik objected to this on the basis that costs change and the inane producing pager of the Pavilion Facilities is still unknown. Anne Bell pointed out that in the beginning the income will undoubtedly be small canpared to the amount needed for improvements. Stephen Pringle suggested that the cc mittee present the commissioners with a list of priority improve- ments and encourage them to put money into these capitol improvements v in order to make money in the future. George Blevins made a motion to present the report and minutes as corrected to the commissioners. Polly Howard seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. A special meeting of the commissioners' court was set up for 10 a.m., Friday, September 14, 1979 at the Brazos County Courthouse. Ladewig, Richards and Rychlik, will present the carmittee's recom- mendations, but encouraged every member of the committee to be present. - - - - -- Susan Whitehouse Brazos County Advisory to The Brazos Center & Pavilion November 7, 1979 3:30 p.m. - 5 p.m. Present: John Richards, Clara Mounce, Tom Sistrunk, Andy Anderson, Don Ladewig, Ann Bell, Dick Perkins, Linda Pringle, Ruth McCloud, Phyllis Dozier, and Susan Whitehouse. Phyllis Dozier called this meeting to discuss several problems that had arisen since the ccmznittee had passed the rule and regulations for use of the Brazos County Livestock Pavilion & Rodeo Arena. Some individuals had requested to use the Pavilion for a short period of time and felt that the $75 was excas- sive. The committee agreed after considerable discussion to allow short term users to pay $10 per hour or any fraction of an hour, $20 for commercial users. Other users had comrmented that the $75 per day rate was not excessive if certain services were provided such as grading and watering the grounds. Director Dozier reported that the County will probably purchase a tractor for the Pavilion & Arena, and that Ed Dobbins had discussed obtaining a tank for holding and sprin- kling water for preparing the grounds. The committee asked how this had been hand- led in the past and Dozier reported that for the last rodeo a precinct volunteer fire truck was used to wet the Arena. The question of how the Youth Livestock Show would be charged was raised. Director Dozier reported that no one had contacted her about arrangements and she encozaged the organizers to do so. Director Dozier raised some questions about the fee schedule for The Brazos Center. She said that all events were charged alike, but that when food or alcohol was served, much more clean-up time was required of the staff. Also, caterers occasionally failed to clean completely the areas they had used, there- by creating more work for the Center staff. At the same time, the caterers make a profit on the event, but The Brazos Center does not. It TA-as suggested that the caterer be charged a fee for using the Center, but the committee members agreed that this would be passed on to the consumer anyway. The committee felt that it would be more appropriate to charge the individual more if the event was catered. Flat rates and per head rates were discussed and it seamed that the latter would be more efficient. Also, the committee decider? that there should be an additional fee for events serving food and/or alcohol, scaled according to the number of participants Dick Perkins suggested that caterers make a deposit with The Brazos Center which could be retained if they failed to clean their space. Caterers who use the Center regularly could make an annual deposit which would have to be replenishment any time it was diminished. Another issue Director Dozier wanted the committee to discuss was how to charge political groups. The committee agreed unanimously that all political groups should pay commercial rates for use of the Center. There was some dis- cussion as to what groups would fall under this stipulation and Phyllis Dozier said that she would compose a definition for this category to be approved by the committee at the next meeting. A university group had recently approached Director Dozier and asked for advisors in lieu of peace officers at their event. The coamittee agreed with the director that this was not acceptable. The cc mittee will meet again next month to make decisions on policies regarding caterers, political groups, and a revised fee schedule. Susan Whitehouse The Brazos County Rodeo Arena and Livestock Pavilion will be open on Sunday afternoons beginning January 6. The facility, to be open fror-i 1 p.rr.. to sundown, will be available at no cost to individuals engaging in activities such as practicing rodeo events or preparing for equestrian shows. Notice of intention to use the facilities is requested and should be made by calling The Brazos Center, 779 -8338, during normal weekday working hours prior to use. Individuals not giving prior notice will be admitted only at the convenience of scheduled users and with permission of the groundskeeper. Arrangements for other uses may be made at the regular rental rate by calling The Brazos Center. - - - -- Phyllis Dozier, Director The Brazos Center 779 -8338 7), � � C, 1 7 Novenber 26, 1979 TO: Advisory C amittee Brazos County Recreational Facilities FRCK Phyllis Dozier and Donald Ladewig ABOUT: Meeting, Friday , December 7, 1979 Noon, The Brazos Center (lunch will be available at a cost of $2) AGEND Discussion of the following proposals as detailed in the enclosed statement: (1) Caterer's clean -up deposit (2) Food and alcohol fees (3) Political groups Your attendance at this meeting is important, as the carmittee will be considering major revisions in The Brazos Center policies. Please call Verna or Linder (779 -8338) between 8 a.m, and 5 p.m. to confirm your attendance. iLa'A Mininnm clean -up fee on deposit with The Brazos Center for each event catered: Serving up to 500 people, $50 Serving over 500 people, $100 (1) Designated clean -up deposit may remain on deposit or may be made prior to each occasion; (2) Necessary clean-up from caterer's use of The Center ? by Center personnel will be assessed at $5 per man hour for each and every part of an hour required; (3) Tables may be rented to caterer's at the regular rental rate. (No tables will be furnished.) FOOD AND ALCOHOL FEES (per person over 50 people) Refreshments not requiring eating utensils and/or non - alcoholic beverage - 0 Catered food Refreshments and alcohol Alcohol Food and alcohol POLITICAL $.10 $ .15 Any individual or organization whose use of the facility is intended to be in support or in non - support of a candidate, a political philosophy or political action. ADVISORY CO MI= to BRAZOS COUNTY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Friday, December 7, 1979 12 p.m. -1:30 p.m. Present: Andy Anderson, Claude and Clara rbunce, Linda and Stephen Pringle, George Blevins, John Richards, Richard Perkins, Mervin Peters, Nancy Crouch, Don Ladewig, Tom Sistrunk, Tina Watkins, Arne Bell, Ruth McLeod, Phyllis Dozier and Susan Whitehouse. Director Phyllis Dozier distributed the press release she had prepared regarding Sunday afternoon free use of the Brazos County Pavilion and Rodeo Arena. After reading the release, the committee discussed the wording but decided that Mss. Dozier's idea to keep the announcement as simple as possible was the best approach. If problems a - �'1 °n i n t}�e f�4ti the `rrmn ` Ann T.1i t -In t11 Onn'M The minutes of the last meeting were approved as read. Don Ladewig announced that representatives of the Youth Livestock Association had met with him and Mrs. Dozier to discuss arrangements for the Youth Livestock Show in Spring 1980. He reported that all parties involved were pleased with the agreement made concerning fees and regulations. The agenda for the meeting included discussion of caterer's clean- up deposit, higher rate for groups serving food and /or alcohol, and rates for political groups. Mrs. Dozier suggested that for any groups over 50 people, and the following amounts be added to the rental fees: With catered food ---------- - - - - -- 100person With alcohol ---------- - - - - -- 10(_�/person With alcohol & catered food - - - - - -- 15C /person in addition, any caterers who use the facilities will be required to pay the following clean -um deposit %,Aiich will cover any cleaning that they fail to do which causes the Brazos Center staff additional work. . Up to 500 people --------- - - - - -- $50 Over 500 people --------- - - - - -- $100 This deposit is not meant to burden the caterers, but to assure that they will be responsible for their aan clean -up services. The committee discussed the propositions and asked if there had been feedback concerning the Center's rates. Feedback to the Center staff had been that rates were reasonable or even very low. Andy Anderson moved to adopt the propositions concerning caterer's deposits and additional fees for food and /or alcohol. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Mrs. Dozier presented a definition defining political users and asked for committee members' feedback. Individual cam ittee members felt that the rules needed to be consistent and were reminded that charges vary according to event, not group. It was decided that "Any individual or organization whose use of the facility is intended to be in support or non - support of a candidate, a political philosophy, or political action," will pay fees on the same level as ccumercial rates. "Political" will be a separate category. rlrs. Dozier said that another problem in the Center was that large student groups drinking alcohol were sometimes causing a great deal of wear on the building. - She stressed that not all groups were at fault, but that sane regulations had to be introduced which would curtail "beer busts" in The Brazos Center. She asked that committee ri think about possible solutions to this problem. The committee adjourned and agreed to meet again in January. Susan Whitehouse (JjC,/ February 26, 1980 TO: Brazos County Recreational Facilities Advisory Committee FROM: Donald Ladewig, Chairman SUBJECT: Committee meeting WHEN: Wednesday, March 5, 1980 TIME: 4:30 p.m. (for 1 hour or less) PLACE: Brazos Center (room 105) A G E N D A Rest rooms at Pavilion Alcohol control or limit Rodeo Promotion Tight scheduling Advisory Committee to Brazos County Recreational Facilities 4:30 - 5:45 p.m. Wednesday, March 5, 1980 Present: Committee chairman Don Ladewig and members Judy Rychlik, Polly Howard, Tina Watkins, Dick Perkins, John Richards, Anne Bell and Andy Anderson. Also present were Judge Holmgreen, Ruth McLeod, Billie Ingram and Phyllis Dozier. Minutes from the previous meeting were read. Ladewig introduced Billie Ingram representing the Kennel Club, a prime user and financial support of the Brazos County Pavilion. Problem areas, she said could include keys (who has them and how many), lighting, vandalism and cleaning. She pointed out advantages for and against the construction of permanent restroom facilities being planned in the Pavilion. As advantages to users she listed: construction and maintenance costs borne by the County rather than the user; lack of need to secure and pay for renting portable restrooms. Disadvantages to the County she said included: the cost to the County of the construction; cleaning and maintaining; and social aspects (primarily sex offenses). To help alleviate the latter she suggested a restroom attendant be on hand when facilities were used to help prevent child molesting, rape, etc. Ingram pointed out that portables could be rented for many years (with rental fees being paid by users) for the County's cost of building permanent ones. ,,fudge Holmgreen said only one bid had been received and it was for approxomately $45,000. However he speculated that construction probably could be done for less. Ingram listed the Kennel Club's priorities for improvements at the Pavilion -Rodeo Arena grounds. In order of preference they were: better electrical service (more amperage); expanded and better weather - tolerant parking and telephone service at least on a temporary basis. In related business there was a brief discussion by Rychlik about sanitation requirements for a proposed concession area in the Pavilion. The proximity of proposed restrooms and concession area locations may not conform to local Health Unit requirements. Other business discussed included alcohol consumption - -- control. After much discussion, and as a result of comments from Judge Holmgreen, it was generally agreed that no additional regulations were needed and that present procedures could control the problems as much as possible. Also the committee recommended that the County Volunteer Firemen work out exchange of services between themselves and Rodeo productions for fire equipment (water trucks) to use for arena maintenance. Several members requested information for the next meeting schedu for 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 19th at the Brazos Cen e -- equesteTwas information on varie ies of res rooms designs ), health code guidelines and the users (and numbers of users) of the facility. DON LADEWIG SAYS The March 19th meeting is very important. Please make every effort to attend. Advisory to Brazos County Recreational Facilities AGENDA Wednesday, May 21, 1980 4 p.m. - The Brazos Center •40 Brazos de Dios Sign camdttee Restroom camuttee Personnel (events manager) 1981 Budget Estimate of improve ants for 1981 Evaluation of improvements done in 1980 Advisory Committee to Brazos County Recreational Facilities March 19, 1980 Present: Tom Sistrunk, Richard Perkins, Clara Mounce, George Blevins, Anne Bell, Polly Howard, Donald Ladewig, Ruth McLeod, Judge R. J. Holmgreen and Phyllis Dozier. Chairman Don Ladewig opened the meeting with a discussion about priorities established in the summer of 1979 for improvements to the Pavilion facilities. Location and type of restrooms was a principle subject. Comments were requested by Dozier on the remarks and suggestions made by Billie Ingram at the March 5 meeting. Members omrienting included Judy Rychlik, Ladewig, Richard Perkins and Polly Howard. Rychlik stressed looking at the total facility (Pavilion and Arena) rather than just the Pavilion which earlier had been thought to be the only site for restrocans. It was pointed out that no sewer tie-in had been made and no pipes (or lines) had been installed in the Pavilion. Ladewig described the grounds of both the Arena and the Pavilion and suggested a restrocm location convenient to both the Arena and Pavilion. Perkins stated his concern that a pavilion location would not be accessible to those groups using the Arena. Ladewig noted security problems (especially for females), the cost of having the pavilion open at all times and security when not in use. Dozier suggested that the restrocros be well lit, well fenced and not kept open for public use. Howard requested cost estimates for the pavilion site as well as for other proposed sites. Ladewig speculated that even with fencing and lighting, a out -ot- pavilion location cost would be ocimparable to the estimate for an in- pavilion location. He added that the pavilion would still require much work cone to construct the storage /office area (walls and ceiling). Ladewig continued by stating that in all likelihood a site nearer the all - weather shelter would be cheaper to tap into off Tabor Road. Several possible locations were discussed. Dozier suggested a three person oommittee to select a restrom site and make definite reccnriendations. Ladewig, Holley and Blevins were chosen. The need and importance of a sign for the Brazos Center was introduced for discussion. Blevins noted the short life expectancy of signs. Judge Holmgreen suggested considering setting a sign on the property back farther than would be expected and that the Brazos Center entrance be barricaded when the Center was not in use. Rychlik mentioned the need to determine Texas Highways restrictions on right -of -sway, distances, etc. After suggesting that a Brazos Center sign be moved up on the priority list, Ladewig appointed Perkins, Howard and Rychlik as the sign sub- aarrmittee to get information about design, cost and restrictions. Parking problems at the Pavilion were briefly discussed with no action or recommendations made. Perkins advocated restricted parking for participants while also ruling out Bonham school parking (only 20 cars can use it) and nearby bus barns because of exposed gasoline pumps. In other business, Blevins, Bell and Mounce were asked to be a sub --cc miittee to screen Brazos Center events manager applications. Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. d Lo f aine Gilmore Pavilion improvements - fran Sept. 5, 1979 Minutes 1) Restrocros, office, concessions and storage space in Pavilion; striping and numbering of seats in Arena. 2) Parking and access 3) Additional bleachers 4) Study improvements for metal building 5) Security, lighting 6) Signs k , Advisory Committee to Brazos County Recreational Facilities 4 p.m. Wednesday, May 21, 1980 The Brazos Center Present: Chairman Donald Ladewig; members Richard Perkins, Ed Holley, Clara Mounce, Tom Sistrunk, Judy Rychlik, Polly Howard, John Richards and Anne Bell; guest Ray Robertson; Lorraine Gilmore and Phyllis Dozier. Chairman Don Ladewig opened the meeting by introducing Robertson to discuss plans and estimates for establishing permanent restroom facilities at the Brazos County pavilion. Robertson described the pro- posed facilities as self- contained units to be located near the north end of the east bleachers. The concrete and metal buildings would be durable and require low maintenance, with concrete floors needing only hosing. Each restroom would be 30 X 22 at a cost of $40 per square foot ($36,000). Robertson suggested that perhaps a plumber could donate his time and install fixtures at cost. He stressed the necessity of an individual to coordinate the various groups willing to donate their time and services. In answer to Ladewig's request for a labor /materials breakdown, Robertson estimated materials cost for the slab at $3,200- $3,500, for the roof at $3,000 and for the actual structure $8,000. Labor for the structure was estimated at $2,700. Rychlik questioned such a piece meal approach and suggested con- trasting turn -key bids. Bell suggested use of jail inmates as laborers. Dozier responded that the Sheriff's department is understaffed and generally lacks in supervisory personnel. Ladewig asked for the groups' comments on crowd flow around the pavilion and arena. Rychlik sited traffic problems during Brazos De Dios and suggested moving the restrooms a little further north, into a little used part of the parking lot and out of traffic flow. Perkins discussed locating the facilities inside or outside of the fence. He and Dozier suggested moving the brown storage building and locating the restrooms there. Since it is portable, relatively easy to move and the location was considered ideal. Members commenting included Rychlik, Perkins, Dozier and Ladewig. Rychlik discussed keeping the temporary crowd control fence. Erected during Brazos De Dios, in addition to a new fence because it would control traffic congestion in the area as well as help with restrooms access. Ladewig added that more security lights would be necessary in the parking area. Discussion continued about having more fences and in what locations with Robertson, Perkins, Rychlik, Mounce and Bell commenting. It was finally agreed that the brown storage building would be best suited for the restrooms facilities site. Rychlik added that this should be done only if the appropriate fencing is done at the same time. Holley said only an extra 50 -75 feet would be required for the waterline at this site. Robertson added that the buildings would be well insulated and ventilated but that an overhead heater would cost about $100. Perkins objected to the heater for two reasons: (1) probable vandalism and (2) problems in turning it on and off when area not in use. Discussion then centered on sewer line costs. Ladewig mentioned that by using county digging equipment the overall cost could be reasonable. To tap in from Wilkes road (boring and tap under street) was estimated at $355. Robertson commented that a 4" line is $1 /ft. but would be more for the recommended 6" line. Ladewig asked Rychlik for a report on Brazos De Dios. It was reported that unlike most of the 100 other festivals that began this year, Brazos De Dios made a small amount of money. Discussion moved to the Brazos Center sign committee comments and recommendations Rychlik stated they had considered two types of signs: (1) directional signs on both approaches to the entrance and (2) informational signs on the building or grounds adjacent to the road. It was suggested that possibly the directional signs could be placed by the highway department. Right -of -way laws require that only highway department signs be placed within 60' of the mid -road line. Current plans for eventually widening Briarcrest would then not affect directional signs. Perkins said the committee considered two types of signs both free standing. Considered were a marquee and a plain sign with only the Brazos Center. A combining of both was discussed. Perkins then showed a model drawing from McCo -Ad on a 15 foot long porcelain, 5 -6 feet in heighth. Cost: $3,652 with external lighting, $5,125 with internal lighting. This sign could be obtained by leasing for five years for $127 a month for external lighting and $175 for internal. Ladewig pointed out that this type would attract vandalism. Other types reported by Perkins were a plywood painted sign for $540. Another was a 12 foot by 5 foot sign for $2,100 with no lighting. Dozier suggested letters on the building with lighting from above with an estimate of $100 per 28" letter. Rychlik agreed this could reduce replacement and maintenance cost. The three member sub - committee recommended looking at long -range aspects before making a recommendation. Holley suggested contacting the highway department about the directional signs, The members present unanimously agreed that the most efficient method of contact was between Judge Holmgreen and Carol Ziegler, In other business Ladewig reported Center /Pavilion revenue for January through April was over $23,000. A brief discussion on having paid deputies as security employees was deferred to a subsequent meeting. Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. JACK CUMPTON SUGGESTED THIS TYPE PYLON SIGN FOR THE COMMITTEE'S CONSIDERATION (1) Lettered on two sides if desired (2) Choice of shapes (rectangular, square, etc.) e- nWn e -1 (3) Baked efte-bet anodized aluminum. (4) Cut out letters backed with acrylic. (5) Internally lighted. �- (6) Could rest on two footed pedastel which in turn would be centered in a three foot high planter. to 5• J 15 r'F'H rt^ 4*1'3 r Before next meeting I will have construction estimates. - - - -- Phyllis 764 W DN�SDAY, July 30 1980 i JP.M. �_ (1) Sign for The Brazos Center Description Electrification 6 Burm Cost (2) Restrooms at Pavilion /Arena a.) Construction check list Metal roof Metal doors Adequate .i Block tiles with epoxy paint Blower driers Measured flow faucets (hot & cold) Self closing exterior doors Trash receptacles (covered in women's side) Additional security lighting Mimimum fencing but enough for control b.) Site check list Convenient to pavilion and arena sewer tie -in availability Maximum use of present fencing Relocation of brown building (if needed) Bennie's recommendations c.) Future projects Tractor shed Fire hydrant " U4 Q� r I I ' p 1, C ■ T0: Brazos County Recreational Facilities Advisory Committee MEETING: Wednesday, July 30 4 p.m. Brazos Center AGENDA Framing recommendation to Commissioners' Court on: (1) Brazos Center sign (2) Restrooms at Arena /Pavilion a. site b. construction MINUTES Advisory Committee of Brazos County Recreational Facilities July 30, 1980 A meeting of the Advisory Committee was held on 4 p.m. at The Brazos Center. Present were: Donald Rychlik, Linda and Stephen Pringle, Anne Bell, Polly Andy Anderson, John Richards, Claude Mounce, Phyllis Gilmore; guests Bennie Bilbo, Walter Wilcox, Charles John Morris. July 30, 1980, Ladewig, Judith Howard, Tom Sistrunk, Dozier and Lorraine McCullough and Chairman Ladewig opened the meeting requesting a report on signs for The Brazos Center. Dozier presented estimates from two companies. The estimate developed by Stabler called for an 8' X 10' steel structure faced with aluminum. The cost would be in the range of $4,000 including internal illumination and landscaping. McCoAd's estimates included a steel /aluminum 10' X 14' sign installed on top of a berm at a projected cost near $13,500. A similar sign in porcelain would run approximately $8,500. Both signs would utilize the Brazos Center logo. Discussion continued with comments from Rychlik, Anderson and Bell on the size of the lettering. Bell suggested consulting highway charts to determine the distance at which various size letters can be clearly seen. The addition of highway directional signs was noted and possible locations for the Brazos Center sign discussed. Stabler had recommended a location next to the entrance but beyond the guy wires. This general area was agreed upon. Rychlik motioned and the motion carried that the aluminum over steel sign with internal lighting_ to berm be recommended to the Commissioners Court. Motion carried. Discussion turned to the proposed restroom facilities at the rodeo arena /pavilion. Ladewig handed out drawings of the facility layout and described the brown storage building as the site previously agreed upon for the restrooms. Groundskeeper Bilbo requested consideration of adding a dressing and shower area, citing the yearly livestock show and wrestling groups as examples when such facilities had been needed. The committee rescinded the motion made at the May 21 meeting to locate the restrooms at the existing site of the brown storage building. Bilbo's suggestion to move them further towards the northeast corner (SEE ATTACHED) was discussed with Ladewig, Sistrunk, Howard and Rychlik commenting. The question was raised about construction of a washrack for rodeos and the regulations involved as to use of existing water and sewer lines. Wilcox noted that the drain situation was similar to service stations. Dozier suggested that the idea for dressing and shower areas be included for consideration in the committee's final proposal. Construction estimates could be done with and without showers. Rychlik raised two questions. (1) feasibility in terms of additional costs (2) extra cleaning of areas as well as malfunctioning equipment. Dozier, with McCullough, Bilbo and Rychlik in agreement, stated that for security purposes the facility and shower /dressing areas would have to be locked except when needed. The group then considered the proposed construction check list and Ladewig asked for comments. Rychlik questioned the breakdown rate of blower driers. Dozier stated they were generally more sanitary than paper towels and less clean -up requirements. Richards asked about use of hot water with Ladewig commenting that with a well insulated building it would not be necessary for fans or hot water (unless shower facilities constructed). Wilcox and others felt "vandal proof" plumbing was an unnecessary and too expensive item. It was deleted from the check list. Rychlik suggested that plumbing fixtures be kept as simple as possible with a future look to repair costs. Richards made the motion to located the facilities at the site recom- mended by Bilbo and the committee. It was also moved that the washrack could be done at the same time. Rychlik suggested investigating the shower possibilities in regard to the number of stalls. She recommended wording the proposal for whatever constitutes "an adequate number." She felt that it was not appropriate for the committee to determine the number more exactly. Ladewig and Richards added that the facility should at least equal that of the sketch or greater to handle the usual crowds, with emphasis on future uses and requirements. Rychlik then motioned that the committee recommend minimum restrictions as to size with the construction check list attached ( "vandal proof" to be deleted) and that bids be taken with and without showers. Motion was seconded and carried. Ladewig asked for suggestions on washrack construction to coincide with the sewer line work on the restrooms. Anderson motioned that bids be taken. Motion was seconded and carried. The group then briefly discussed future projects. Dozier requested the committee consider use of a fire hydrant located at the arena to handle watering requirements. Bilbo and Wilcox indicated the need to build a simple shed to house the tractor and other equipment. At Bell's suggestion, the restroom construction checklist was amended to include exterior water faucets for drinking water. Ladewig asked for comments about the last commissioners' court meeting. McCullough, president of the Youth Livestock Association stated that the group who had spoken with the commissioners' about free usage of the arena /pavilion were not speaking for the association as a whole. Dozier's invitation to meet with her for discussion of his organization's use of the arena was cordially accepted by McCullough. Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. is n w F-- C/) O O C/> w rlv- w w cn z O U J C/7 O w rlt x Q w Q Z w O U w 8 F, W III 'l1' L. •l►. I m BRAZOS COUNTY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE IMPORTANT MEETING Thursday, September 11, 1980 4 p.m. The Brazos Center A G E N D A A few words from J udge Holmgreen Prior Business Final report, Arena /Pavilion restrooms E Final report, Brazos Center sign New Business dJ t $4�� More "free time" at Arena /Pavilion Brazos Valley Museum live animals Dances /concerts at Pavilion ri / Our, IKOXCL t. I (� e Aro� . 4L3 BbLi �crnQ t�q 3 .51 36' si 3b' A REMINDER CALL WILL BE MADE PRIOR TO THE MEETING RODEO ARENA /PAVILION Expenditures Telephone Utilities 'Salaries *Repair /maintenance January 1, 1980 to August 15, 1980 $ 133.26 1864.94 2461.32 7485.23 $11944.75 *Does not include worktime of county -paid workers such as Commissioner Wilcox, Ed Dobbins, Henry Wedel and several Brazos Center employees **Does not include some janitorial supplies ordered through the Brazos Center Income January $ 0 February 345 March 575 April 1323.75 May 325 June 788.50 July 639 August 370.50 $4421.75 Income percentage of expenditures: 37% i'f iV if n iC i V J. � n' n' 7; i't �♦ i'' :': S V ��� .�� BRAZOS CENT Expenditures Income $74,441.10 37,216.82 Income percentage of - .-Denditures: 50% RODEO ARENA /PAVILION and BRAZOS CENTER Expenditures Income January 1, 1980 to August 15, 1980 $86,335.85 41,638.57 Income percentage of expenditures: 48% Advisory Committee to Brazos County Recreational Facilities 4 p.m, Thursday, September 11, 1980 The Brazos Center Presents Committee Chairman Donald Ladewig; members D.A, Anderson Anne Bell, George Blevins, Clara Mounce, Linda Pringle, John Richards, and Tom Sistrunk; guests Shirley P1app, Dale Bode and Andy Wood; Phyllis Dozier and Lorraine Gilmore. The meeting opened with Dozier introducing guests from the Brazos Valley Museum; Plapp, president Board of Trustees; Bode, director; Wood, curator for animals. Ladewig commented on the August 11, 1980 meeting of the Commissioners' Court, The proposal to build restroom facilities at the County Arena/ Pavilion was passed unanimously, as was building a sign for the Brazos Center. Advertising for sealed bids for both were announced to be received by Sept- ember 19, 1980, Judge Holmgreen addressed the committee, He commended them on the valuable work done in the last year and announced his intentions to re- appoint the members for the coming year, He stressed the importance of the committee's deliberations of problems at both the Brazos Center and County Arena /Pavilion facilities and described it as a functional operation, Ladewig continued with a final report on the restroom facilities, They are to be built on a sub- contract basis with Ed Dobbins, head of County maintenance, as the in -house contractor, All items recommended with ex- ception of shower stalls, were retained and will be included in the bids, Sistrunk asked about the proposed washrack and was assured that it had been included in the bids, B1evins suggested a letter be sent to the Commissioners' Court ex- pressing gratitude for the confidence they have shown in the committee and for'the Court's response in making improvements in areas of public interest, Ladewig opened a discussion of free time at the Arena /Pavilion. Stressing the need for control, he suggested a proposal for the committee's consideration; -- Free time (not to exceed 4 hours) for daytime only; -- Only spokesmen with authority for the group could request "free times "; Events would not be eligible for free -time if admission or entry fees were charged or if concessions were sold; Group must abide by strict 24 -hour notice if a paying group wanted the facility, Space would be to given paying group or "free time" group could then pay; -- Those utilizing free -time would pay for any damages and clean up, 2 Richards questioned the usage of current Sunday free -time. Dozier responded fit is seldom used and added that it is a rare occurence for the facilities to be requested with less than 24 -hour notice, Anderson and Sistrunk questioned the loss of revenue for free events. Ladewig suggested that paid events would always supersede free time usage. Mounce suggested a signed agreement between the County and the group opting for free time usage. Dozier stressed that good organization would be of utmost importance. Bell suggested looking at current usage to determine availability of free time, Richards suggested a set time limit to scheduling free -time, Perhaps two weeks in advance. Sistrunk emphasized the importance of a required contract as well as giving the group an opportunity to pay the usage fees in the event another group should request the same day. Ladewig asked the committee to consider the proposal for discussion at the next meeting. Dozier introduced the question of live animals used in the Brazos Valley Museum housed at the Brazos Center, She expressed concern with safety, animal treatment, odors, security of cages etc, Plapp was requested to present the museum side of the question. Plapp thanked the committee for a hearing and introduced Bode, Bode stated that live animals were an integral part of the educational programs given by the museum, He described the animals currently housed in the building, primarily snakes, turtles and mice. He continued that live animals are supplemental to most museum pro- grams across the nation, He further explained his view that the housing of live animals did not constitute a zoo of exotic animals but was a means of exposing the public to the types of animals native to the Brazos Valley, The museum is involved in a number of community programs, the heart of which Bode feels are live animals exhibits, He suggested the museum's animals are the only one within a 100 mile radius. Several surveys were recounted indicating live animals as the most requested program, Wood was introduced as curator of the animals. He described their care and security, After hearing the museum statements, Ladewig appointed Mounce and Anderson to meet with the museum personnel as well as the Center director and make recommendations to the committee at the next meeting, I) The meeting was adjourned at 5;30 p,m, Ladewig also postponed dis- cussion of the third item on the agenda (,dances and concerts at the Arena/ Pavilion) until the next meeting, He told the committee notification of the next meeting (tentatively in mid -to late October) would be made later. orraine Gilmor BRAZOS COUNTY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY COMITTEE Thursday, October 16, 1980 3:30 p.m. The Brazos Center AGENDA * Museum live animals -- Sub committee report -- Discussion -- Recommendation Pavilion /Arena -- Use review -- Discussion A reminder call will be made to you prior to the meeting. * The attached has been formulated as a result of two subcommittee meetings. Any questions or recommendations will be welcomed at the October 16, 1980 meeting. Proposed Live Animals A Brazos Valley Museum and The Brazos Center The following guidelines are agreeable to both the Museum and the Center for a period beginning January 1 1981 and endinq December 31, 1981. I. ANIMALS -- GENERAL RULES 1,1 No venomous animals. 1,2 All snakes should be housed in locked cages. 1,3 Birds must not be maintained on a permanent basis; no birds will be free - flying; any cages being used will he cleaned daily. 1.4 No large animals will be allowed.- :'Large" is defined as those requiring more than 10 cubic feet of space in order to be properly maintained, 1.5 All live animals will be used for educational purposes only. No exotic animals will be permitted, II, CONTAINMENT AND MAINTENANCE 2.1 All animals will be kept in maximum sanitary conditions. 2,2 A rigid cleaning schedule will be maintained, 2,3 Feeding schedules will be followed, 2.4 All food must be stored in tightly covered containers. 2,5 Numbers of animals kept shall be permitted as space allows, 2.5 Animals will be checked regularly (at least once per month) and on schedule for parasites and diseases, 2,7 Any diseased animal will be treated, released, or sacrificed. III. INVENTORY An inventory of animals including a description of each will be kept up to date and on file at the Brazos Center office, No more than 30 vertebrate animals (.excluding fish and mice) may be kept on premises at one time, Animals allowed include: Fish (in aquariums) Snakes under 5 feet in length (see I,2 above) Lizards Frogs Mice (no more than 15 adults) Flying squirrels Small turtles under 6" in shell length Animals prohibited include: Rabbits Rats Squirrels Racoons Armadillos Opossum All other animals may be kept only by agreement between the Museum director and the Center director. AS OF NO LIVE ANIMALS WILL BE HOUSED IN THE Brazos Center. a e Advisory Committee to Brazos County Recreational Facilities 3:30 p.m. Thursday, October 16, 1980 The Brazos Center Present: Committee Chairman Donald Ladewig; members John Richards, Linda Pringle, Anne Bell, Tom Sistrunk, George Blevins, Randy Sims, Clara Mounce, Polly Howard and Ed Holley; Guest Wayne Sadberry; Phyllis Dozier and Lorraine Gilmore. The meeting opened with Ladewig suggesting a tour of the Brazos Valley Museum. Following the tour conducted by Museum Director Dale Bode, Ladewig requested a report from the live animal committee. Mounce reported on the guidelines for housing live animals drawn by Dozier and Bode. She - commented, with Ladewig in agreement, on the much improved environs within the museum (i.e. less odor, no sawdust on floor, general clean -up), Mounce asked that a date be set for the animals to be properly rehoused elsewhere after the guidelines formulated. Dozier agreed that a definite date should be set for permanent rehousing of live animals. Richards, Sistrunk and Howard made comments. Blevins motioned with Richards seconding that, in compliance with guidelines established by Dozier and Bode. other housing be found for the live animals by January 2, 1982. Ladewig opened a discussion of usage and rental rates at the Brazos County arena /pavilion. Dozier told of contacting every county within 75 miles in order to compare rodeo arena and covered area operations. She stated that a preliminary view of other comparable facilities suggested that Brazos County is in "top- notch" shape. She added that generally the smaller rodeo arenas allowed more free time usage yet no two facilities were exactly alike. (Note: most allowed certain groups to use free.) A detailed report will be given at a later meeting. Ladewig again brought up the free time proposal discussed at the September 11, 1980 meeting. Dozier then distributed a monthly income statement for the arena /pavilion since January 1980, (approximately $5,500.00). She commented on the current infrequent usage by agricultural groups and frequent usage request by non- agricultural groups. Ladewig commented that more income should be generated from the facility. A discussion followed on possible methods of increasing usage with Bell, Howard, Mounce, Sistrunk, Sims, Richards and Dozier speaking. Dozier said that, in her opinion, promotion was necessary but it was not proper to compete with private enterprise. Sims added that the county should be care- ful not to discriminate against groups. w z Richards advocated allowing access to any group who paid the required fees and abided by all regulations. This would include groups using the facilities for fund - raising events. Dozier proposed including clauses in contracts sternly warning against excessive noise and further suggested use of a graduated concession fee. Bell ask about areas of potential damage. Dozier answered that any damage probably would occur in new restrooms. Holley motioned to authorize use of the arena /pavilion by all groups (agricultural and otherwise) who pay the fees and follow all regulations. Sims seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Discussion will continue on free -time usage at later meetings. Dozier then introduced Wayne Sadberry assistant to the director of Brazos Valley Development Council. He explained a proposal for 1981 State Youth Conservation Corps funding to develop and preserve the 40 acres of park land adjacent the Brazos Center including three primary objectives: -- Accomplish needed conservation work on public lands; -- Provide gainful employment for 15 through 18 year old males and females from all social, economic, and racial backgrounds; -- Develop an understanding and appreciation of the Nation's environment and heritage in participating youth. Sadberry indicated that an application for funding must be submitted by November 14, 1980 to qualify for the grant for the summer of 1981. Sadberry made reference to the Brazos County Development Plan from 1974 as well as recommendations from a development plan made in February 1980 by former Brazos Valley Museum director, Bill Grimes. Necessary labor carrying out the recommendations could also serve as an educational project for the young people involved in Youth Conservation Corps Association. Questions from the committee followed concerning salaries, work hours, necessary work age requirements, as well as obtaining needed tools and materials, Holley motioned to proceed immediately with the paperwork and suggested meeting with Don Austin, head of landscape architecture at Texas A &M University for project planning. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. with notification of the next meeting to be made later. � Lorraine Gilmore y ' r -. _ , BRAZOS VALLEY MUSEUM Goals & Objectives 1981 Program & Activitie (1) Improve the quality of existing programs (2) Implement at least two new programs (3) Sponsor at least one environmental education workshop for local school teachers (4) Complete a community needs survey related to programs (5) Sponsor at least one program for minority children (6) Actively publicize all programs Building (1) Utilize the existing exhibit space to its fullest extent (2) Determine the most efficient usage of the space remaining at the Country Club facility (3) Construct a counter with a built -in sink in the designated work area (4) Construct or purchase shelving necessary to house the museum library (5) Begin preliminary plans for a new, permanent museum facility Membership (1) Conduct a Spring membership drive (2) Maintain a minimum of 200 members (3) Actively seek business memberships (4) Publish four newsletters annually (Feb., May, Aug., Nov.) (5) Allow members to receive greater benefits through discounts and special programs Exh ib it ffl Complete existing, unfinished exhibits by March 1 Adopt a standardized case design and extablish a constuc- tion schedule for the completion of cases (3) Seek funding for specific exhibits (4) Establish the most efficient use of the existing exhibit space (5) Complete a community needs survey related to exhibits Financial (1) Seek funding from the Bryan and College Station school districts to support educational programs in the schools (2) Seek funding from school support organizations (PTA, PTO, etc.) (3) Submit a grant application to the Institute of Museum Services (4) Seek funding through applications to private foundations at the rate of 5 -10 per quarter (5) Organize at least one fund - raising event (6) Increase income from programs Administrative (1) Draft contracts and personnel policies (2) Increase paid staff to three (3) Establish an effective volunteer program (4) Draft a series of general accounting policies and pro- cedures (5 ) Seek funding for, or donations of needed office equip- ment (6) Critically review the constitution and bylaws (7) Produce the proposed five -year master plan Collections (1) Adopt a uniform set of cataloging and accessioning pro- cedures (2) Implement the above procedures (3) Inventory the collection (4) Organize the collection (5) Improve storage and maintenance of the collection BRAZOS VALLEY MUSEUM Proposed Budget 1981 Income Grants Astin Foundations $10,000.00 United Way 6,000.00 Memorials 50.00 General Membership 4,000.00 Business Membership 500.00 Contributions 300.00 Fundraising 600.00 Bird Seed Savings Day -8,000.00 Audubon Films 1,200.00 Day Camp 6,000.00 Classes 500.00 Lecture /Demonstration 200.00 Master Plan Contributions 2,200.00 '.Museum Store 2,000.00 $ 40,950.00 Expenses Staff Director $12,000.00 Programs Assistant 2,500.00 Secretary /Office Assistant 3,200.00 Contract Labor 4,000.00 Social Security 1,170.00 Facility Rent 600.00 Insurance 200.00 Maintenance 200.00 Material & Supplies Office 300.00 Summer Camp /Classes 400.00 Exhibit 1,500.00 Travel 1 200.00 Printing 1,500.00 Telephone 1,200.00 Postage 180.00 Store 11000.00 Audubon Films 1,200.00 Bird Seed Savings Day 6,000.00 Master Plan 2,200.00 Contingencv Fund 600.00 $ 40,950.00 THE YEAR IN REVIEW 1980 was the first full year the Brazos Valley Museum operated in its new facility, the Brazos Center, and was dubbed to be a "year of challenges ". It was. The museum faced some difficult problems in 1980, several of which remain unsolved, but all in all it was a very successful year for the museum. Some of the highlights of 1980 were: (1) The approval of a grant in the amount of $1,500 from the Arts Council of Brazos Valley to be used for exhibit construction (2) The Astin Foundation granting $2,000 more than the amount requested (3) The hiring of a new director (4) The most successful summer day camp in the history of the museum (5) The most successful single shipment /sale of birdseed in the history of the museum (approximately 11,000 pounds) (6) The contacting of over 2000 children through museum programs (7) Substantial expansion of the museum gift shop (8) Groundwork for the production of a five- year master plan 1980 was not without its share of disappointments, however. Membership at the end of the year numbered only 110. Audubon Wildlife Film attendance was extremely poor despite a concerted effort to publicize the program, and despite a definite in- crease in the quality of the films. The ecology exhibit which was to have been completed in September is no where near com- pletion. As the museum closes the pages on 1980 we look forward with great anticipation to 1981 and the 20th anniversary of the organization. The Brazos Valley Museum has served this community well in the past 19 years, but now is the time to look to the future. It is a time to dream, and then strive to turn those dreams into reality. ANNUAL REPORT 1980 Programs and Activities Lectures /Demonstrations /Tours Location Number Museum 58 Away 15 73 Teacher Workshops Location Number Richardson 1 & Plano Summer Nature Camp Session Participants 1 22 2 36 3 15 4 33 5 25 131 Number of Participants 1474 896 2370 Number of Participants 62 Staff - 2 Assistants - 5 Elementary Education Majors (TAMU) - 45 Classes Number of Classes Instructors Spring 6 12 Fall 11 9 17 21 Bird Seed Savings Day Number of Participants Spring 39 Fall L?-Q 159 Participants 25 44 69 Pounds 3,705 10.690 14,395 Audubon Wildlife Films Number of Films Attendance Spring 2 Unknown Fall 2 180 Volunteers Approximately 40 volunteers took part in the following activities: (1) Teaching of museum classes (2) Keeping the museum open during the interim period and on Sundays (3) Completion of two exhibits (4) Cataloging and organizing the museum library (5) Assisting with clerical duties (6) Publicity planning for Audubon Films (7 ) Organizing and inventorying gift shop (8) Assisting with the unloading of bird seed (9) Planning of several special museum programs (10) Assisting with the moving of several items from the old facility to the new Exhib it s (1) Woolly Mammoth (2) Bird Adaptations for an Aquatic Environment (3) Ecology Exhibit - unfinished (4) Touch Table - unfinished (5) Entrance Wall - unfinished Visitors Estimated at approximately 5000 Accessions Accessions were too numerous to list all of them. Donations of items were received from the following persons: Wayne Helton Robert Dowler Keith Arnold Irene Spahr Heidi Wittenborn John. Carr Chet Churchill Vf i a, u; L �O r - V) v S- W U V) C N i m v V c m C CL) i-> Q r O L CA C a W iI 4J >� N •r r a-3 •r cc d N C N N S_ R} 7 i OJ Q O V� Q C O •r {.1 b N •r C fC1 O� it 0 0 O v, a N. r- V N O C) 00 r' a-- 4- O O M r V O u N i- i a W U) V) C +) •r . r � •r r L V X X Q1 Cl) Brazos County Recreational Facilities INCOME 1930 / 4 7erno 16771�-, 2�1190 oaf Month Income January $ 5626.52 February 4706.36 March 5010.33 April 8392.51 i May 4737.87 June 4830.82 wil n (/ July 3912.41 August 4406.75 September 4567.50 October 5391.01 November 3628.00 December 3337.25 Total 1980 $58547.33 7erno 16771�-, 2�1190 oaf BRAZ ©s W, "Rec - F�4c� W11 ►*! . BRAZOS COUNTY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE January 14, 1981 3:30 p.m.. The Brazos Center AGENDA Park development progress 8ar�-6f , RiQ44 Arena/Pavilion free use policy Brazos Center scheduling policy addition 6n Brazos Center -- housed group rental fees Wrestling -- at the Brazos Center? A REMINDER CALL WILL BE MADE PRIOR TO THE M 11,NG Advisory Committee to Brazos County I Recreational Facilities 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, january 14, 1981 The Brazos Center Present: Committee Chairman Donald Ladewig; members John Richards, Linda Pringle, Anne Bell, Tom Sistrunk, George Blevins, Clara & Claude hlounce, Polly Howard, Andy Anderson and Judith Rychlik, Ruth McCleod; Phyllis Dozier and Lorraine Gilmore. Chairman Ladewig opened the meeting by requesting an update on park development plans for the Brazos Center. Dozier outlined suggestions made by Don Austin, head of Landscape Architecture at Texas A &M University, as well as those made by Wayne Sadbury, assistant to the director of Brazos Valley Development Council and Duane Garner of the Soil Conservation Service. The first plan to be developed is a proposal for funding a Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) project in the summer of 1981. The project,if funded, will include 20 young people between fifteen and nineteen years of age working forty hours per week for eight weeks, Recruited through TDCA, (Texas Department of Community Affairs), they will work in groups of five with one YCC youth designated as leader. Field supervisors, probably two graduate students from Texas A &M University, will be project leaders with Scotty Abbott of the Brazos Center as project supervisor. Work planned includes brush and shrub clearing, land smoothing, grass and tree planting as well as bench - building, A discussion ensued about current landscaping work around the building and surrounding park land. Ladewig asked for comments on "free- time" at the Arena /Pavilion and Richards, Sistrunk and Clara Mounce commented on current policy. Dozier stated that very few requests have been received in recent months, She reread the policy suggested at the September 1980 meeting. Ladewig sug- gested a deposit be made for free -time use. Howard commented that the proposal should favor groups over individuals. No action was recommended at the present. Free -time use requests in the future may merit reopening the discussion, the chairman noted. Ladewig and Dozier opened a discussion of scheduling policy at the Brazos Center which included limiting social or non - commercial groups to a one year advance booking. The committee then considered non - commercial groups scheduling multiple events in 12 months. Howard suggested an increase in the dollars retained in refunding security deposits for cancellation of weekend bookings. Suggested also was an increase of required security de- posits for weekend events and a graduated scale for each event scheduled at one time. These proposals will be formulated and discussed for the next P committee meeting. Dozier distributed Information on revenue at the Brazos Center and County Arena /Pavilion for 1980. This totaled $58,547,33. Projected income had been $50,000, Dozier added that 1979 income (10 months) had totaled approximately $25,000. April and October appear to be the most income - producing months, Operating costs for 1980 were $129,000 with an operating budget of $144,000 for 1981. A discussion followed concerning rental fees for the Brazos Center namely the Brazos Valley Art League, Museum and the Arts Council. The committee considered occupied by each group, the rentals paid and number of the Center by each group. Members commenting included Mounce, Bell, Richards, Anderson and Rychlik. the regular renters of the Brazos Valley utilization of space visitors brought to Pringle, Ladewig, Rychlik pointed out the approximate space used /income ratio for each group. Later, space used and number of visitors were also compared. (SEE ATTACHED STATISTICS). The group agreed that the Arts Council has brought the greatest number of visitors to the Center and the Council was commended on their contribution at the Center. Rychlik speculated that the Brazos Center could better utilize the space currently occupied by the Brazos Valley Art League. She moved that the Art League in the 1981 contract would have use limited to two days a week, giving the Brazos Center control of all other days. This policy would adjust the cost per square foot ratio while maintaining the same rent. Belvins seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Discussion then turned to the space occupied by the Brazos Valley Museum. Anderson commented on its 20 -year history. Other members speaking included Ladewig, Blevins, Richards, Rychlik, Clara Mounce, Bell and Dozier. Rychlik motioned that the Museum representatives make a formal presentation to the committee covering their present financial status, projected budget and future goals before a final recommendation is made, The motion, seconded by Richards, passed unanimously, The group briefly discussed a request to hold wrestling matches at the Brazos Center, with Rychlik, Ladewig, Claude Mounce, Richards, Howard and Sistrunk speaking. Rychlik motioned, with Sistrunk seconding, that while sporting events are not compatible with the design of the Brazos Center the County Pavilion is suitable for that purpose and that those requesting be encouraged to use the Pavilion. The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 p.m. cQJ" orraine Gi more �,�s► n eia 4�A Cr 4.^ c... 3 v, cnC w0) C tssv4 D ° Un rt _a 1° L" C (D °° CJl r+ y ° p (D (D ° W —' (D 'S B Z7 - O C7 ' (D - S CL (D O ° ° E3 — (D (D O 1980 Rent Paid E3 cC 0 (D () 0 I (.,- a 0 J. Al r+ w a r+ C Cr cv (D (D S 'S V* N w J ° o Space occupied per sq. ft. CD u, ° ° ° Cost per sq. ft. per month ° CO ° Ln I CO W C) w J Total fees paid 1980 4 Ul ° �-5- N ° a Ln CO L" ° I Total Attendance 1980 N o Cost per visitor Ln a, Visitors per sq. ft. �O Visitors per dollar J ° C �' O W J ? Center income per sq. ft. J 0 BRAZOS COUNTY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE ruary 1�81 3:30 The Brazos Center AGENDA 1. Report on Art League 1981 contract status 2. Presentation by Brazos Valley Museum (See inclosed material) 3. Consideration of request to use the Pavilion on a particular weekend monthly for one year Purpose: Development of a flea market with emphasis on attracting a variety of vendors especially created - from -home crafts. A REMINDER CALL WILL BE MADE PRIOR TO THE MEETING Advisory Committee to Brazos Center Recreational Facilities 3:30 p.m. Thursday, February 12, 1981 The Brazos Center Present: Committee Chairman Donald Ladewig; members John Richards, Randy Sims, Judith Rychlik, Andy Anderson, Anne Bell, George Blevins, Tom Sistrunk, Polly Howard, Richard Perkins, Ruth McCloud, Phyllis Dozier and Lorraine Gilmore. Guests: Dale Bode, John Hanna, Keith Arnold and Doug Slack. Chairman Ladewig began the meeting requesting a report on the current contract status of the Brazos Valley Art League. Dozier responded that after a discussion with Art League representatives following the last advisory meeting, it was mutually agreed that the Art League relinguish permanently rented space. New arrangements were made with a monthly rental rate of $50.00 which will include the following: 1. One workshop per month 2. One juried art show per year 3. A monthly board meeting 4. Use of a storage closet Ladewig and Anderson made comments on using the vacated area for art classes in the future and inquired if the space could or would be used by other groups. Dozier explained the past sublease policy with Bryan Community Education ($1 per student enrolled to the Center and $1 per student to the Art League). Dozier said that now all fees for those and other art classes would come directly to the Center instead of being shared with the Art League. She added that in a meeting with the BCE director new fees were negotiated starting at $3 per student enrolled during the session beginning March 16, 1981 and perhaps $5 per student by fall 1981 which would be the standard for classes sponsored by a non - profit agency. Ladewig then directed attention to new contract items for the Museum. Dozier noted new requirements would include: #6, a required answering 2 service and /or secretary; ( #7) increase in charges for classes; and ( #15) a required monthly accounting and percentage of sales paid to the Center. Museum Director Bode, then elaborated on the annual report with respect to exhibits, attendance and sales. Comments were made by Anderson and Sims. Museum board member, Dr. John Hanna was introduced and outlined the master plan currently being compiled. Community interest in a Museum will be in- vestigated via telephone interviews and personal discussions with community leaders. Results of the interviews completed by March 1, 1981, may indicate new directions for this Museum, Hanna said. Expected completion of the plan is targeted for June 1, 1981. Dr. Keith Arnold, Museum President, commented on conditional requirements in the new lease. He stated that the Museum phone will be removed from the Brazos Center key system by February 20, 1981. He expressed concern with paying a percentage of sales from the Museum gift shop and further questioned the re- moval of live animals from the Museum as well as the deadline for doing so. Comments were made by Sistrunk, Anderson, Rychlik, Blevins and Dozier. In reference to live animals, Ladewig read the minutes of the October 16, 1981 Advisory meeting in which it was agreed by motion that other housing be found for the live animals by January 2, 1982 according to guidelines developed and agreed upon by Bode and Dozier. Dozier suggested that the group move on to an overall consideration of the directions the Museum plans to take with future projects. Ladewig and Richards voiced their concern with the lack of exhibits during the nearly two year period the Museum has been in the Brazos Center. Hanna, Arnold and Sistrunk commented on the need to improve community awareness of the Museum existence. In order to better understand the Museum position, a discussion followed on the selection and duration of membership for Museum board members, with 3 Rychlik, Bell and Anderson commenting. Bode said new Museum directors are selected each year for total Board membership of 24. Dozier and Slack indicated their willingness to continue discussion of the Museum contract with respect to rental rates, percentage of sales and the rehousing of the live animals. After the conclusion of the presentation and a tour of the Museum facilities, the committee returned to discourse on the Museum contract. Comments were heard from Richards, Howard, Ladewig, Anderson, Bell, Rychlik, Sistrunk, Sims, Perkins and Dozier. Sims motioned that the contract be presented as outlined with the option to renew or renegotiate on or before July 15, 1981 after review of the Master plan by this committee. The motion was seconded by Bell and passed unanimously. It was agreed that a monthly accounting of sales requirement could help the Museum better understand the need to keep accurate financial records. Next the committee considered a request to develop a flea market at the pavilion on a long term, regular basis. Comments included Richards, Perkins, Sims, Howard, Sistrunk and Rychlik. Rychlik stated that the commercial aspects of this enterprise along with similar requests should be seriously weighed and a well considered policy developed. At Perkins suggestion a formal presentation by the applicant before the committee to outline plans and establish guidelines was unanimously accepted. Dozier asked the committee for comments on: 1) the midnight closing limit for events at the Brazos Center (the response was to extend the limit to 1 a.m. on Saturdays only) and, 2) scheduling a Christmas evening event which was turned down. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. and March 12, 1981 was set as the next meeting date. Lorraine Gil ore Brazos Valley Museum 1. Space described - contract time from March 1, 1981 to December 31, 1981. 2. Rent to be determined. 3. Utilities furnished. 4. Regular fees paid outside of (1). 5. Custodial care, maintenance and furniture not furnished. 6� Individual and answering device for answering during stated business and visiting hours as well as days when Museum is closed as of March 1, 1981. 7� .50c single session $1.00 multi- session $2.00 day camp 8. In charge on Saturday and Sunday if requested. 9. Promises to take good care of space. 10. No improvements except by Center consent. 11. No insurance by Center on Museum property. 12. Not responsible to /for their employees. 13. Lessee agrees to hold Lessor harmless from claims and damages. 14. No sign without Center consent. �5 Monthly accounting and percentage of sales. 16. Will follow rules on housing and keeping animals. TO: Advisory Committee FROM: Phyllis Dozier ABOUT: March 12, 1981 Advisory Meeting Cancellation Ronnie Elmore whose request for regularly scheduling the Pavilion for a flea market, has made other arrangements. And, since everyone on the Advisory Committee, has sufficient meetings to attend, T felt you wouldn't object to cancellation of this one. However, a luncheon meeting is planned in April or May to consider a few current items and any others needing consideration between now and then. You'll hear about the next meeting soon. ADVISORY COMMITTEE BRAZOS COUNTY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES When: Wednesday, April 29, 1981 Time: *NOON - Lunch from Randy Sims establishment will be served. Where: The Brazos Center Purpose: Rodeo Arena /Pavilion discussion *Please confirm your attendance by calling Patti by April 27, 1981 at the Brazos Center #779 -8338. e a Advisory Committee to Brazos County Recreational Facilities noon Wednesday, April 29, 1981 The Brazos Center Present: Committee Chairman Donald Ladewig; members Claude and Clara Mounce, Steve Pringle, Polly Howard, Anne Bell, Tom Sistrunk, John Richards, Judy Rychlik, Richard Perkins, George Blevins, Ruth McLeod, Phyllis Dozier and Lorraine Gilmore. Chairman Ladewig opened the meeting requesting the committee review policies regulating the Brazos County Rodeo Arena /Pavilion, with the expressed intent of later holding an open public meeting to hear suggestions and comments from the community. Ladewig led the group in a discussion of the past history of the facility in regards to scheduling, maintenance fees etc. He stressed the necessity of "clearing the air" concerning the current regulations, devised by the Committee and adopted by the Commissioners' Court, noting that many groups appear to refer back to former policies and usage prior to county control. He added that the hearing would include the entire Advisory Committee, plus members of the Commissioners' Court. Blevins suggested that such a hearing would be unlikely to end the complaints issue but advocated the committee's position as a buffer be- tween users and the County Commissioners' Court. Mounce, Rychlik, Perkins and Richards were in agreement. Pringle added that the Advisory Committee would be prepared to listen to complaints, serve as a sounding board and accept responsibility for the regulations governing usage of the Arena /Pavilion. Dozier reminded the group that the public meeting would not constitute a quorum of the Commissioners' Court and no action would be taken. Rather it would serve as a public voice in providing feedback on use of the fac- ilities. Dozier called attention to information compiled on other counties with similar facilities. She drew special attention to Brazoria County, which is leased by the County Fair Association. It, in turn, has established special rates for free usage but as Dozier noted, they maintain an office on the premises which allows for stricter control of access to the facility. Ladewig also noted that the majority of arenas surveyed are owned and /or managed by Fair Associations. Dozier suggested that fee adjustments could be made regarding usage by "youth- oriented agricultural group" but contended that none of these groups had indicated a desire to pay anything. They did indicate a feeling of "deserving" free usage because of past involvement or because of being "youth ". 2 Blevins motioned that a public hearing be held as outlined by Steven Pringle. Rychlik seconded and it passed unanimously. Pringle repeated his suggestion that an open public hearing of the Advisory Committee be held with a minimum of two weeks notice. He suggested that all interests be invited to attend and all individuals present their ideas. He added that the committee may wish at some point to revise the regulations to encourage greater usage of the facility or may recommend no changes. Pringle motioned that the meeting be held at the Brazos Center. The motion was seconded by Blevins. Pringle amended his earlier motion to read one week notice and the meeting was set for Thursday, May 14, 1981 at 7:30 p.m. Ladewig cautioned that the hearing be held strictly for informa- tional purposes with input provided to the committee. Blevins agreed that the committee should remain attentive. The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m. Loraine Gilmore V Excerpts from minutes of Brazos County Recreational Facilities Advisory Committee meetings I I. Livestock Association and Free use References July 18, 1979 Ray Robertson and Jaquetta Ayers told Committee of financial contri- butions to Pavilion from Brazos County Youth Livestock Association over the years of $24,000 with their intention to build restrooms, an office, concession stand and storage area. Robertson said the Brazos County Youth Livestock Association was in the process of building a wash rack and grooming area. "Robertson felt strongly that agricultural groups should have priority" (of use). August 1, 1979 "The question arose of how the county would repay those groups who had put money into the Pavilion in the past. One suggestion was that they receive priority booking. Another was that the Youth Livestock Association be allowed to hold their annual rodeo free of charge. The committee recognized that many citizens had donated much time and money toward the improvement of the Pavilion and had provided a great public service for the youth of the community." Augu 9, 1979 "The suggestion to allow the Youth Livestock Association to use the facilities free of charge of their annual event was discussed. Ladewig thought this would work out well with the provision that any profits from the rodeo be used to improve the facility. Dozier felt that this might put the county in an awkward position as other groups would expect.the same privilege and suggested that the Assoc- iation pay normal fees and keep profits for themselves to do with as they wish." August 15, 1979 "The committee discussed the groups which had made investments in the Pavilion Facilities in the past. It was agreed by all that the county needed to take over complete control including maintenance and im- provements. Judge Holmgreen stated that the people had put their money into a facility which they were improving for their children and were enjoying its benefits. Holmgreen felt that either the county run it totally (maintenance, scheduling, etc.) or leave it as it had been and let those who had been trying to run it continue to do so with no help from the county. He said that everyone will have to pay to use it or it cannot be maintained. " Ladewig agreed with the Judge. He felt that people had worked on the Pavilion to help the community and had provided a great service. "Discussion turned to last week's proposal of a free annual youth livestock rodeo. Judge Holmgreen felt that it could be free only if there were no restrictions on who could enter. It had to be free to anyone in the county. Judge Holmgreen said that if this event was free, other groups would request the same privilege. 2 "Ladewig said that the Livestock Association had gone out and found people to donate money to the Pavilion Facilities, some of who may have given the money to the county for the same purpose. The money invested in the Pavilion did not entirely come out the pockets of the Livestock Association, but their efforts did much to unite and mobilize people in the community with a common interest." October 16, 1980 "Proposed policy 1. Free time(not to exceed 4 hours) for daytime only; 2. Only spokesmen with authority for the group could request "free - time"; 3. Events would not be eligible for free -time if admission or entry fees were charged or if concessions were sold; 4. Group must abide by strict 24 -hour notice if a paying group wanted the facility. Space would be given paying group or "free time" group could then pay; 5. Those utilizing free -time would pay for any damages and clean -up. "Holley motioned to authorize use of the arena /pavilion by all groups (agricultural and otherwise) who pay the fees and follow all regulations. Sims seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Discussion will continue on free -time usage at later meetings." 3 II. Fees August 29, 1979 "The fee schedule for activities at the Pavilion Facilities was set at the following scale: PRICE PER DAY Pavilion Arena Tin building For all facilities NON - COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL $75 $150 75 150 25 50 150 300 (Revisions can be made at a later date if these do not prove to be practical). "The various groups which use the facility were discussed and it was decided that everyone had to pay to use the facility in order to cover the cost of utilities and offset the cost of maintenance." November 7, 1979 "Phyllis Dozier called this meeting to discuss several problems that had arisen since the committee had passed the rule and regulations for use of the Brazos County Livestock Pavilion & Rodeo Arena. Some individuals had requested to use the Pavilion for a short period of time and felt that the $75 was excessive. The committee agreed after considerable discussion to allow short term users to pay $10 per hour or any fraction of an hour, $20 for commercial users. Other users had commented that the $75 per day rate was not excessive if certain services were provided such as grading and watering the grounds." May 15, 1981 Dear Andy, Both Judge Holmqreen and I thank you for your attendance at the meeting Thursday and for your efforts these past months as a committee member as well. It took real control and dedication to be silent but it seemed to me that a small amount of progress was made. At least there were no outright confrontations. I suppose that's a victory. Thanks, Andy. sincer ly, Phyllis Dozier PD:pk 3232 Briarcrest Drive 1 Bryan, Texas 77801 1 (713) 779 -8338 A REGIONAL, MULTI- PURPOSE FACILITY TO; BRAzOS COUNTY RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: DON IADEWIG, CHAIRMAN NEXT MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1981 3;30 P,M, THE BRAZOS CENTER Report of May 14, public meeting. Review Brazos Center YCC Project Budget 1982 Arena /Pavilion Metal Building improvements Additional Regulations Flea Market Lease Arrangements Entire Facility lease ( ?) Free use Brazos Valley Museum review This could be the only meeting this summer. It is a heavy agenda and your presence is important. Please call Patti (779 -8338) to confirm your attendance. Financial Report Brazos County Rodeo Arena /Pavilion •: R Income Expenditures Maintenance Groundskeeper Labor Utilities Telephone $ 5,298.75 8650.34 3621.66 2000.00 (estimate) 3218.64 238,37 $17,729.01 Not included: Administrative costs; capitol improvements; labor of Ed Dobbins and Henry Wedel. January 1 - May 31, 1981 Income $ 3,847.80 Expenditures Groundskeeper Other Labor Maintenance blade, supplies, Utilities Telephone 1778.95 2000.00 4000.00 (estimate) 1200.00 (estimate) 132.28 $ 9,111.33 Not included: Capital improvements; administrative costs; labor of Ed Dobbins and Henry Wedel. Advisory Committee to Brazos Center Recreational Facilities 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 24, 1981 The Brazos Center Present: Chairman Donald Ladewig; members Linda Pringle, Claude and C1ara.Mounce, Judith Rychlik, George Blevins, Anne Bell, Richard Perkins, Judge R.J. Holmgreen, Ruth McLeod; Phyllis Dozier, Lorraine Gilmore, Ronnie Elmore, Dr. John Hanna and Dale Bode. YCC Ladewig opened the meeting by noting the progress made in the Youth Conservation Corps project underway at the Brazos Center. Dozier commented on earlier problems but said that the program was currently going well and will effect considerable improvements to the Center grounds and park area. BUDGET Dozier continued by saying the 1982 budget was to be presented to the County Judge in July. She requested two or three committee members to assist in formulating the first draft. No volunteers responded. ARENA /PAVILION Improvements planned for the metal building on the Arena /Pavilion grounds were mentioned by Dozier. Made possible by manpower from two precincts along with Henry Wedel and Ed Dobbins, the improvements, Ladewig said, could increase use of the building. Ladewig called attention to the proposed additions to the Regulations for Use of the Arena /Pavilion which were as follows: 1. Free time users must sign a disclaimer. 2. No glass containers allowed in the Pavilion. 3. Stock remaining past contracted time: Up to 5 animals - 24 hours $25 Over 5 animals - 24 hours - $5 per animal After 24 hours $5 per animal for each 12 hours. Boarding lees will be paid before animals are released. Or fees will be retained from security deposit. Rychlik questioned item 2 pertaining to glassware. Judge Holmgreen added that the County could control only what was sold- -not brought - -on the premises. The item was amended to read "No glass beverage containers sold on the premises." Discussion continued concerning rodeo stock or other animals left at the facility past the contracted time. Added to the provision as stated was; "Should stock remain after three days, all security deposits would be forfeited." FLEA MARKET ozier introduced Ronnie Elmore, organizer of the People's Flea Market who was requesting use of the Pavilion on July 19 and possible regular dates Z thereafter for the purpose of staging a Flea Market. Elmore described the good quality of vendors and materials at her two previous markets held at the VFW hall. Dozier noted that Elmore had made a proposal to the Brazos County Firefighters Association to sell beer and soft drinks at the market. Elmore expressed willingness to work around possible scheduling con- flicts with the annually held Brazos de Dios Festival in April. Perkins expressed approval of the market if scheduling conflicts were settled but also told of his concern that scheduling difficulties might also arise with the Youth Livestock Show in the future should the Flea Market be held year around on a designated day of the week. Elmore said that she would agree to a contractual arrangement whereby County revenue from the event (Flea Market) would increase proportionately to income from the market itself. After Elmore left the meeting, Rychlik voiced her concern that the County was essentially underwriting individual private enterprise. She suggested that the committee consider a third category of rates for such an event. At present, she said, the commercial and non - commercial fees do not distinguish money raised for civic groups from that made by an individual or group for their own financial gain. ARENA /PAVILION FREE USAGE In other business Ladewig reviewed the financial report for the Arena/ Pavilion for all of 1980 and the first five months of 1982. In light of the small income currently being received, Ladewig made some recommendations for free use should it be given: 1. The rodeo arena would be open only during daylight hours with all chutes and pens being lock up; 2. All other areas and equipment should be rented on a contract basis, includir� fees for soil preparation; 3. Free usage would be contingent upon each individual signing a dis- claimer releasing the County from any legal responsibility for any events during the time period designated on the disclaimer. Perkins, McLeod and Dozier commented on the problems inherent in leaving the premises open unattended and also in getting the disclaimer signed. McCloud recalled that a member of the Sheriff's Department (who maintains a weighing station on the premises) had offered the services of station employees in opening the facility, giving and taking up disclaimers. Rychlik felt that the County could still be sued and held liable even with a signed disclaimer, Judge Holmgreen said that,to him, control was still the main problem After control and the legal ramifications involved were discussed, Clara Mounce commented that, since the currently allowed Sunday free -time was sc seldom requested, perhaps more free usage could be granted only wh - the demand appears to be greater, 3 Perkins motioned acceptance of Ladewig's suggestion on free - use (stated above) providing that the legal aspects of County liability had been established and seemed favorable to the County, Clara Mounce seconded the motion and motion passed. A provision of the motion was that if ground preparation has been done for a rentor, the facility would be locked and unavailable until after the contracted event. MUSEUM As stated in the minutes of the March meeting, a review of the Brazos Valley Museum was requested on or before July 15, 1981. Ladewig introduced Dr. John Hanna, Museum Board Vice President and Dale Bode, Museum Director, The pair gave a update on museum activities. Bode reported on increase programs and participants as well as a member- ship drive. Dr. Hanna spoke on the long -range planning and goals resulting from a community survey. Dozier said that a Museum monthly report and statement of sales as well as payment of percentage of sales, had been received regularly since March. Rychlik moved that the Museum contract stand as is until December 31, 1981. Perkins seconded the motion and it passed. Prior to adjournment at 5;25 p.m, Perkins requested that the committee continue discussing rental rates and free usage of the Arena /Pavilion since there was doubt about subsidizing private enterprise and concern over liability. Respectfully submitted, *Loraine Gilmore R. J. (DICK) HOLMGREEN COUNTYJUDGE BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Brazos County Courthouse Bryan, Texas 77801-3901 (713) 775 -7400 — Ext. 303 September 23, 1981 Mr. D. A. Anderson 1202 Foster College Station, TX 77840 Dear Mr. Anderson: Effective January 1, 1982, the Commissioners' Court will appoint or reappoint ten citizens to the Brazos County Recreational Facilities Advisory Committee. The appointments will be for a two -year term. Enclosed you will find a schedule of meetings for 1982. I would like to say that you have been a valuable member of the original committee. Your recommendations have proven to be sound, sensible and tempered with the proper flexibility. The opinions, guidance and many hours you have volunteered are appreciated and have obviously been effective. I realize that some of you serving on the committee may wish to continue and others may find it to their best advantage not to do so. I do want you to know, however, that all of you are welcome to serve another two -year term. The existence of this committee has been more than justified, but its influence can only remain strong if its members feel its challenge and importance. Therefore, as a present committee member, would you please indicate to me your preference of continuing or not continuing to serve. Please feel free to do as you see best. But either way, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for your past services. Sincerely, R. Holmgreen County Judge RJH /sd Enclosure SCHEDULE O F MEETINGS IN 1982 BRAZOS COUNTY RE CREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Tuesday, January 5, 1982 Tuesday, March 2, 1982 Tuesday, May 4, 1982 Tuesday, September 7, 1982 Tuesday, November 2, 1982 Special meetings ma, be called, if necessary. X02 Fo5fer Akli - TR , 77,F4o 4 bra- PIP w� '6 ' o IA telal WV V f ;f Al -" 4A r - . - I. I - '•t — 1-4 al wi -- rz RNA lu — 4 L or . , Nj jt� 6 —4 0' w irv 4h NOV4 614VInOld r4 VW 'j . � I al wi -- rz RNA lu —