HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 Speech "This I Believe" THIS 1 BELIEVE
D. A. Anderson, Candidate for Mayor
City of College Station
January, 1966
a. Our city is a growing, dynamic, University community, whose
growth is primarily dependent upon the economi c growth of Texas A&M University
The City Council has a responsibility to be progressive and give strong leader-
sh.,p to the proper development of our community, in step with the growth of the
University, to serve the neads of our growing population. The Council should
be interested in what the city is to become, not what it has been. Such develop-
ment should be in keeping within our financial means, however.
b. I subscribe to the thesis that government, at all levels, and including
our city government is established to serve all people.
c. Ours is a city manager form of government in which the City
Manager is the chief executive officer and head of the administrative branch of
the city. I subscribe to the principle -:hat the City Manager must be free to act ,
and act, within the framework of policies established by t he City Council (which
serves primarily as a board of directors), independent of the views of any indi-
vidual council member.
d. I dislike;, in principle, the concept that it is essential for the Federal
Government to provide funds for all aspects of our economic life, I sincerely
believe that people, and cities, should "stand on their own feet". Admittedly
there are some areas where Federal funds are needed and beneficial. Should
our city get in a "bind" in its planned and needed development (and this is
understandable when one recognizes that our city is all around the periphery
of the University), it has two courses of action: either, up the tax rate to pay
for such or accept Federal funds, represent4,g tax money the individual has
already paid or obligated himself for in the futures If necessity dictates, it
may be necessary for our city to pursue the latter course.
a. I endorse and favor the i s suance by the city of an annual report ,
newspaper styl e, wi t h pi ctures, t o t he cit i zens of t he communit y on i t s
stewardship. It would include references to all activities in which the city
i s engaged. Such would make f or a more informed publ i c. I know of one
Texas city whi ch f oll ows this practice. There are no doubt others. This
act ion, however, would not preclude keeping t he publ is i nfo:t med of event s
as they occur.
b. I favor leadership, on the part of the City Ccun-.A , in cooperating
wit h business, civi c cl ubs, women's groups. yout h organi't,ations, etc. , in
a program for city bf;aut ification. Some segments of our c._;t-y "i ea.ve much t c:
be de sired", I feel confident that through leadership oi, t she ;art of the
council, and a program of action, our city can become more attractive through
inducing civic pride amongs its citizens.
c. I favor an ordinance whereby the city would assume responsibility
for enforcement of deed restrictions in all areas of the city where such exist.
Other cities have such. They are of higher standards.
d. I favor an updating of Ward boundaries so that representation in
each is more reflective of the population.
e. I favor a study of the Economic segments of our population with
respect to needs and the future growth of our city.
f. I support the thesis that when appointments to committees are made
by the City Council that they adequately reflect a cross section of all the people
in all Wards, including business people . We need total involvement of all
g. I favor a minimum city tax conductive to the growt'..n of our
community. I stand for economy in government.
h. I favor the selection of industrial sh','es, properly zoned, for the
future economic growth of our city. We must encourage desirable businesses
t o 1 c cate in our city, gi vng us a better tax base.
i . I endorse the proposed East by-pass loop around the city.
a. I strongly favor a f;Tl1 time City Engineer on the payroll of the
city who is adequa..ply tra-ined aad experienced to perform the work required
by our city. We have now grown to the point where engineering work to be per-
formed, and anticipated, will r;aqulre the full time of such a man of this nature.
He should be fully responsible to the City Manager for fulfilling his responsi-
bilities. Also, he should be one that could fill the shoes of the City Manager
should, in the future, such occasi:Dn arise.
b. So that the Council can become more fully informed on activities
of the city I subscribe to the principle that once each yeas, or mere oft,,,:n if
needed, the heads of all departments of the city, city judge,, boa-rds, etc. be
invited to the City Council to relate what has been accomplished or planned.
This would present the opportunity for council members to learn in detail the
facets of all city activities, exchange ideas, and be in a better position to act
on city matters, The citizens would be invited to such meetings.
c. Looking ahead, our city should establish priority goals insofar
a3 it relates to the many things it hopes to accomplish. The inference here is
on long range planning. Among the recognized needs are a new city hall, fire
s;.ation, personnel and equipment for a fire station, water tank, water Ii stributi on
system, parks and road construction to name major items. All segments of
the city needs to be satisfactorily served with water and fire protection. We
could not hope, with our financial limitations, to achieve these goals within a
year or two-year period, but we need to do some planning for such and take
action on the more priority items. We must be progressive.
d. We need to strengthen and support the law enforcement program of
our city and engender a respect for it which it deserves. I do not concur with
the view that they be dog catchers.
e. I endorse, as a Council practice, the establishment of formalized
policy statements for the guidance of the city manager in his operation of the
city government. I don't mean by this that we become prisoners of procedures,
as often happens. Rather it would be policy statements on procedural matters
affecting the city.
f. The Planning and Zoning Commission is doing an excellent job to
prevent the hodge-podge development of our community. It is one of the most
important committees of our government. In addition to favoring representa-
tives from business on said committee I also favor making the industrial and
development committee as now constituted and charged, a sub-committee of
the Planning and Zoning Committee. In my opinion ail aspects of city planning
and zoning should be the responsibility of one committee. Also, specific
times should be set for a mutual discussion of ideas between the Council and
g. With the anticipated development of the Millican Dam the city
must take steps, at the appropriate time, + �) brLig the area toward the lake into
the city for planning and zoning purposes. This would preclude the development
of unsightly areas in what would be eventually a part of the city. Also, the
council needs to seriously consider the acquisition of property on the lake front
as a park for the future benefit of all citizens.
a. We cannot escape t ,a fact that our economic life as a community
is dependent, for the most part, on the University. The University is growing,
and as a University community, we must grow with it. We cannot remain
stagnant. We must be progressive and cooperate in every way possible with
the University, in matters of mutual interest, to the extent of our financial
means. To this end I favor good cooperative relationships with the University.
a. As a sister community we must cooperate with Bryan in the
development of projects to our mutual interest. Relationships, as now es-
tablished, should be continued with full confidence. one with the other.
b. I stand in favor of the maintenance of the City of College Station
as a separate entity of governrnent but with the greatest degree of cooperation
between the cities of Bryan and College Station in planning and development
for our mutual benefit.
a. Sometimes overlooked, the businessmen of our community con-
tribute to the economic welfare of our city. Business is growing and it is
essential that the ;;ouncil recognize their importance in our community life.
The Council can, when certain committees are formed, see that they are
represented thereon.