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Community Organization Survey 1976
*V.. i } '''-a,� it 1 . 1 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION • W POST OFFICE SOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE ` COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 May 20, 1976 The College Station Civic Center Committee is conducting a survey to determine the needs of community user groups with respect to the proposed civic center building. We would very much appreciate input from your organization as to the types of facilities that would support your particular activities. Attached is a questionnaire that will assist the committee by providing information with respect to facilities that may be applicable to your group needs. Please check the appropriate areas and provide the information requested. Please feel free to add to the list as you feel necessary to adequately describe your needs. Sincerely,, r: .-/ i n �7 e � , f L it f L Albert Pedulla, Chairman Civic Center Committee Attachment cc: Councilman Lane Stephenson B C S BRYAN - COLLEGE STATION ° CHAMBER OF COMMERCE P O S T O F F I C E B O X 7 2 6 BRYAN, T E X A S 7 7 8 0 1 A R E A C O D E 7 1 3 8 2 2 - 3 7 2 1 A &M CLUB, Brazos County AMERICAN HEART SOCIETY To Adair Frank Steelman, Pres. 1008 Dominik, C.S. 116 N. Washington, 13. 846 -4263 (H) 645-4333 (B) 623 -6659 (R) E23- -7455 (B) HEART FUND: A&M MOTHERS CLUB, Brazos County Mrs . Manley Jones Mrs. Kendrick Menefee Callaway -Jones 306 Kyle, C.S. 622 - 3717 646-6449 ADERIC lid LEGION, Earl Graham ACLD, Brazos County (Children with Post ;159 Derek M. Shultz, Learning Disabilities) Commander Joe Callaway 3501 Tanglewood Dr., B. 1003 Puryoar, C.S. 6 46 - 33 8 5 846- -3240 Earl udder Post ;613 Guy- D. Andrews, Commander ALTRUSA CLUB, B -CS X -1 -I Hensel Apts.,0.S. Edi t':� t�ht 693-24/41 P.O. i ox 3 98, T3. Ameri c an Legion's 6th District 46-3::93 (11) 846 - 4462 (B) Rc:': E. Long, Co anander 1612 Rose St., B. ALCOHOLISM, Brazos Committee on 8 2 2 - 4439 Mrs. Arthur Stewart 1007 West 26th St., B. AMERICAN LEGION LADIES AUX. 822 - 0933 Mrs. J. C. Nevill 1629 Oakview, B. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY 822 -0505 W O i'1Elb Mrs. Frank Dietz AMERICAN RED CROSS 802 Matous Dr., B. Brazos County Chapter House 82.2 -4811 207 West 29th, B. John E, Hawtrey,, Chairman American Cancer Society 822 - 2157 822 -;034 Thala Hooks, Chairman BLOOD LINE': 822 -9107 3909 Glenn Oaks, B. 846 -8761 (R) 646 - 6366 (B) APARTMENT ASSOCIATION ME ORIALS: George Boyett, Pres. Coll°en Harwell, 1600 SIiJ Pkwy. 2014 Church Ave. North, C.S. Parkway Apts. 11105 846• -5L197 (R) 846 -5773 (B) 846 -2093 (R) 6 46 - 4 2 44 03) AQUARIUM SOCIETY, Brazos Valley AMERICAN FIND SERVICE INTERNATIONAL Larry J. Schmidt E uon Calloway 506 :dest 28th St , , B. 606 Oakwood, B. 8 23 - 2544 846 -0702 • P R O G R E S S T H R O U G H A C T I O N I N D U S T R Y A G R I C U L T U R E • T E X A S A&M U N I V E R S I T Y Page 3 LATHER & LACE DANCE CLUB EL CLUB SOCIAL Richard L. Elliott Mrs. Julian Arredondo 4.112 NJoody Lane, B. 408 Madeline Dr., B. 823 -5174 (B) 8 22 -33 D.A.R., LA VILLITA CHAPTER ELKS LODGE x;2096 firs. John J. Sperry C. H. Treybig 703 Thomas, C.S. 304 Mobile Ave. B. 6 4 6 - 4 1 44. 822 - 9123 (B) 822 -2096 (Lodge) D.A.R., WILLIAM SCOTT CHAPTER ENGINEERS, Texas Society of lrs. hazel Richardson Professional 600 S. Lnnis, B. Dr. David J. Nortor. 822 -4887 (R) 823 -8021 (B) 1201 l!estover St., J.S. 846 -9444 (R) 6 45 - 754 1 (B) DATA PROCESSING MANAGEMENT ASS' N. Joe Davis EiJGIRT; ERS, Texas Society of L03 Timber, C.S. Professional, Ladies Auxiliary 646 -3315 (R) 545 -6112 (B) Mi .. Carol Ziegler 8G7 Avondale, B. D.U.C., L.S. ROSS C:iAPTE2 822 -2875 Mrs. Hazel Richardson 80G S. inn _ B. ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION COUNNNCIL OF 622-4887 (R) 823 -8021 (B) BRAZC2 COU3N TY Mr Su: an Mellor D.R.T ,, Reb:cr.t Henry Chapter 1114 EdPewocd, B. Mrs. Joss:2'.l C. 13 usse 846 -225 120; T•awyE: St., C.S. 046-5-)T4 EXTETr,ION SERVICE CLL' ? M:i s . Ted T r. ew DrZOCRATIC PARTY, Brazos County 2 :13 Bristol, B. Glynn A. y °Jillioms, Sr. 82.2 -5729 (R) 500 Brookside 1 .2r., B. 3 4 6- 5 1 35 (R) 823 -b163 (L') FINE I_RTS CROUP Mrs. Marjorie Blank DENTAL ASSOCIATION, Brazos Valley 719 Meadow Lane, B. District Dr. Robert C. 'White 8 122 bds.lton Dr. C.S. 822 - 5592 (R) 846 (B) A&M GARDEN CLUB i'rs. R. R. Bell DUCKS UNLINTED Ht. 5, Box 943,B. Bl ^s.an ' Cain 646 -5603 1110 Merry Oaks, C.S. 846 -2786 (R) 645 -0751 (B) BRYAN GARDEN CLUB Mrs. Carol D. Ziegler EASTERS STAR, Order of the, Bryan 807 Avondale, B. Chapter 4, 222 822 -2875 Delcros Clack, Worthy Matron 1307 East 25ti. St., B. EVENING GARDEN CLUB 823-5137 Mrs. W. A. Norman 2106 wayside Dr., B. EL CHAPARRAL 822 -3643 Mrs. Leo Berner, Jr., Sec, 1106 Neal Pickett, C.S. MEN'S GARDEN CLTJB, Brazos 846 -5185 Valley Dr. Rurel R. Bell Rt. 5, Box 943, B. 646 -5603 Page L. OAKS GARDEN CLUB CEDAR GROVE HOME DEMONSTRATION Mrs. David Roland CLUE Marie Henderson 1002 Holik Dr., J.S. Rt. 2, Box 423, B. 846 -369L 589 -2533 PROC"'iESSIVE .GARDEN CLUB COLLEGE STATION HOME ercice Sea.strunk DEMONSTRATION CLUB 122C S. Ridgefield, C.S. Matilda Jones 693 -4304 P. O. Box 3135, B. 646 -6885 GEM & MINERAL SOCIETY, INC., Brazos ti aileti Edward H. Miller SrT'EEP HOLLOW HOME DENONSTRATIO14 504 Guerrsay, C.S. CLUB Mrs. :'1. H. 1iarts2ie]d 822 -1013 ;B) 846 -4454 (R) Step Hollow, B. 822 -6574 GET ACCLUIINl` F0 CLUB Mrs . Joserh A. Veech CHRI".t0?HER VILLAGE EXTENSION, 2515 Twis ,ed Oaks Dr., B. HOME F STUDY GROUP 822 -5805 Mr , Joe1 Tubbs 120O Ric:edale, Art. 41, B. C-IDE0N SOCIETY 822 -4302 George T. 3irifcrd 35C S . 0 )liege Ave., D. HOME ECONOMICS ASSOCIATION, = y 622-524 P ^azo:� Va:;..�.- Mr-, Du z oy Smith C Y2,LS Ci,TJB C:' BRY. "-_N 4 , 3 N< ie, B. Mrs. Cool, Nab0rs, Pres. "., ;C-274i r Mrs. -1anc Harxis, .Lirector T _NYC 306 1e-'t 24th S,.. , B. 3 822 -6312 i y ���� C. - x 3535, B. P. 13 J Behling, Pres. GIRL SCOUTS CF Al`'LTRICA, Bluebonnet 1 ) As.Lburn E., C.S. Council Mss. John Rah:. 11, 6r 3_36(T (R) 846-3751 (B) District 1 Fl ld S.xperviso ° H0' LlrB: 846 -4111 Girl Scout Little House 2512 E ?ountree :M., P. JAYCE;r - ETTES, B -CS 846 -8100 (R) 6 22 - 34 6 7 (B) Sur. ny Albert Drawer AY, C.S. GUN CLUB, Brazos Valley 693 (R) 845 -6811 (B) Jerry R. Mosley P. O. Box 902, B. JOGGERS CLUB, Brazos Valley 822 -4819 (R) 822 -0151 (B) Mel Chastain Towerinc Oaks, B. I-HISTOR?.-CAL PRESERVATION, Citizens 8 22- - for Mrs. Travis Lryan, Jr., Pres. 612 'Muth Hutchins, B. JUNIOn MUSEUM OF NATURAL 823-C734 HISTORY Boyd Hall 50. Dexter, 3.3. HISTORICAL SURVEY COMMITTEE 846 -8209 (R) 846 -4721 (B) dalter C. Jont-s, Chairman 822 -5511 (Pdus.) 37»7 is c. Texas Ave., B. 622 -0517 (R) 822 -0151 (B) KENNEL CLUB, Brazos Valley Nancy Stricklin, Sec. HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, B -CS Rt. 3, Box 253, E. Preston Smith 846 -5214 38u' East 29th St.. B. 846 -2744 (B) Page 5 KIWANIS OF BRAZOS COUNTY LIONS CLUB, Bryan Dr. N. A. McNiel Claud (Peck) Vass 100 E. Dexter, C.S. 1009 S. Winters, B. 846 -6455 (R) 845-3131 (B) 823 -0688 (R) 822 -4532 (B) KIWANIS OF BRYAN LIONS CLUE, Bryan Breakfast Dr. Donald G. Farris Steve Arden 906 Stanfield Circle, B. 1304 Skrivanek, B. 846 -4520 (R) 8 45 - 397 1 (B) 823 -5373 (t) 823 -7516 (B) KIWANIS OF COLLEGE STATION LIONS O -',UB, College Station iiaymo id C. Jones Joie Nic'�.ols X10 Crescent, B. 16CD Soy..rawest Pkwy., C.S. 846 -8913 (R) 822 -3717 (B) 846-2675 KNIFE & FORK CLUB, B -CS LIONS CLUB, College Station Geor;o Stuart Morni , Chalon Jones Stuart's Music P. ). Drwer JL, C.S. u22 -0370 (R) 822 -2733 (B) 84c, -8618 (R) 84.6 -8776 (B) KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL ;1834 LIONS CLUB, B -CS Evening Bryan E. G. Kocurek Thomas H. Taylor 404 S. Emmett, . 1207 Law,Ter St., C.S. 822-4091 9 693-3638 R) 845 -6718 (B) TOASTMASTERS CLUB LIONETTES, '? -•CS Evening College Station Hrs . Dcr, Mahnke, Pres . Major Alton B. Meyer 903 Deli.wood, B. 1811 Loona Dr., C.S. 623 - 7 1 53 (R) 6! 6 -7687 t LIONESS CLUB, Bryan LALECHE LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL Mrs. Charlie P. Briggs Mrs. Janet Daniels 3711 Stillmeadow, B. 1005 "ind ing F(., C.S. 646 -0b71 693 -4667 LITTLE LEAGCJ LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS, BRAZOS CO. welter C. Jones Joan Zingaro Hwy. Dept., B. 1813 Medina, C.S. 822 -0151 84 -7906 LULAC COUNCIL /229 LETTER CARRIERS, Nat'l Ass'n of Ramiro Quintero 0_757 0. J. Moon 708 Commerce St., B. 3608 Kelli Lane, B. C23 - 59 80 846-9245 MASONIC LODGE, Brazos Union LETTER CARRIERS AUXILIARY, Nat'l. //129 Jack Taylor Ass'n. of, v2316 Box 195, C.S. Mrs. Ruby Rosier 569 -2.269 (R) 8146 -6217 (B) 025 hay St., B. LULAC COUNCIL, Bryan Ladies u2 � -467 Vera Martinez FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY _ 506 S. Sims, B. Mrs. John McIntyre 822 -4681 2103 Bristol, B. 022 -4398 Page 6 IMIEDICAL SOCIETY, Brazos - Robertson PAN Ai4ERICAN ROUND TABLE, B -CS Counties Dr. James I. Lindsay Mrs. Robert M. Richardson Box 3206, B. 1003 Winding Rd., C.S. 823 -5431 (B) 646 -8686 WOMEN'S MEDICAL SOCIETY AUXILIARY, PAN HELLENIC CLUB, B -CS Brazos - Robertson Counties Mrs. Oren Beal Mrs. Jay Martin 3009 Rustling Oaks, B. 2111 Vinewood, B. 822-3178 822-2730 PASTOR'S ASSOCIATION, B -CS CENTRAL BRAZOS VALLEY MENTAL HEALTH Father Eimer Holtma.nn CENOER Mrs. Felice Klein St. Mary's Catholic Church 1105 West 28th St., B. 103 Nagle, C. S. 822 -7326 846 -5717 MUSIC T TACHERS ASSOCIATION, B -CS PHARMAC 7UTICAL ASSOCIATION, istrict Ms. E3len Fea:°neyho'16h Brazos, Valley 2339 S. Texas Ave., J.S. Robert Sciiller 846 -0006 (R) Cameron, Texas NARFE, National Ass'n. of Retired. POETRY SOCIETY, B -CS Federal Employees Mrs. Richard H. Roberts Tim Moore 2508 Memorial Dr., B. 520 Avondale, B. 822 - 4090 822 -2638 POLICEMEN'S WIVES AUXILIARY, NEWCOMERS CLUB, A &M Bryan Mrs. Rita German Mrs. Jqdy Seed 1904 Orman St., B. 1400 Sunny Court, C.S. 822 -9 (R) 779 - 7513 (3) 646 - 9666 PRECEPTOR BETA PHI XP1117 NEWCOMERS CLUB, B -CS Mrs. James C. Smith Mrs. Terry Fisher 807 Mary Lake, B. 2303 Briar Oaks Dr., B. 846- 6034 846 -9511 OFFICERS WIVES CLUB PTA, Bryan City Council Roxie Yarr Dr. Robert E. Long 703 Avondale, B. 1812 Rose St., B. 622 622 -4439 OPERA & PERFORMING ARTS SOCIETY RACING PIGEON CLUB OF BRYAN Dr. J. P. Abbott Robert Dowling, Sec. 701 Hereford, C.S. Rt, 5, Box 949, B. 846 -6538 (R) 645 -345 (E) 846 -51�4 (R) OPTIMISTS CLUB, B -CS RACING PIGEON CLUB, Brazos D. D. Williamson Valley Area Norman Beal Box 3249, B. 2511 Texas Ave., B. 322 -4606 (R) 822 -0151 (Ir) 646 -1564 (R) 822 -2121 (B) ORNITHLOGICAL SOCIETY, Brazos RAINBOW GIRLS, Order of the, Thelma Van Overbeek College Station Assembly #297 3615 Sunnybrook Lane, B. Mrs. Nina Jones g'L6 -2129 (R) 822 - 7575 (B) 822 05 �7T( as 822 -4696 (B) Page 7 READING CLUB, Bryan SALVATION ARMY Mrs. Charles Presnal Travis Bryan, Jr. 1300 East 30th, B. P. O. Box 8 33, B. 822 -3106 823 -0734 (R) 823 - 547 1 (B) BOARD OF REALTORS, B -CS SCIENCE & ENGIN.ERING FAIR, ii rge Freund Brazos Valley Regional 1055 Texas Ave., C.S. Robert H. Fletcher, Dir. 323 -8088 749 Rosemary, B. 846 -4267 REHABILITATION CENTER, Brazos Valley Jim Thompson, Director SECRETARIES ASSOCIATION, Nat'l. 3300 East 29th St., B. Dorothy Faver 822 -0193 01 -A Day St., B. 8 4 6 - 4559 (R) 822 -0151 (B) REPUBLICAN PARTY, Brazos County John N. Raney SENIOR CITIZENS, B -CS P. 0. Box 2728, C.S. .1 J. i. Quisenberry 846 -9479 (R) 8 46 -45i (B) 1005 P 45 e ar, C. S (B) REPUBLICAN WOMEN'S CLUB, Brazos County Mrs. R. S. Cochran SENIOR CITIZENS, Good Rt. 4 B. Fellowship Group 846 -2444 Mrs. Faye Holder 1503 Boc St., B. FL3TAURANT ASSOCIATION, B -CS 823 -13 Clinton Borchardt Captain's Table SHRINE CLUB, Brazos Valley 822 -2223 2901 Rustling Oaks, Meadows, B. . RETARDED CHILDREN ASSOCIATION, B -CS 823-0337 (R) 823 -4151 (B) Burns B. DuBose P. O. Box 646, B. SIERRA CLUB 646 -6347 (R) 623-5216 (B) or Winifred Kessler 846 -6170 Dept. of Range Science TAMU, C.S. RETIRED PERSONS, American Assn. 845 -4 Henry Ross, Pres. 906 East 32nd St., B. SINGLES CLUB, Brazos Valley 822 -4890 Marye Bozardt, Pres. 1400 Laura Lane, B. RETIRED SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM 693 - 2557 Mrs. Shirley Plapp 310 Varisco Bldg., B. SISTERS OF THE PYTHIAS, Brazos 822 -2712 (B) Temple #78 Mrs. Lillian McOilliams ROTARY CLUB, Bryan 1410 Carter Creek Pkwy.,B. Dr. H. T. Blackhurst 822 -1059 300 Hensel Dr., B. CLUB, B -CS 846 -5041 (R) 8 45 - 534 1 (B) Lowell Jones SADDLE CLUB OF COLLEGE STATION L2112 Carter r)Creek - Pkwy.,D. Buren Noey 307 Ash St., C.S. 846 -5552 Page 8 ST. JOSEPH HOSPITAL AUXILIARY WOMEN'S CIVIC LEAGUE Mrs. J. V. Handin Mrs. Anne Filcher, Pres. 2416 Melba Circle, B. 107 Gordon St., B. 823 -0827 822 -4667 (R) 622 -0104 (B) STAGE CENTER, INC. WOMANS CLUB OF BRYAN Will Worley Mrs. Lou Cashion 1001 Village Dr., O.S. 1501 Glade St., C.S. 646 -6570 (R) 8 45 -7441 (B) 8 4 6 - 44 06 STUDY CLUB, Campus WOMEN'S SOCIAL CLUB, TAMU Mrs. Sam M. Cleland Mrs. Leon S. Pope 708 Pershing, C.S. Dowling Road, C.S. 846 -4155 846 -8651 STUDY CLUB, Evening Mrs. Ira Alta Taylor 418 Coulter Dr., B. 822 -4276 (R) STUTTERERS, Bryan Council of Mrs. Ward, Rehabilitation Center 3300 East 29th St., B. 622 -0193 TEEN ACTION PROGRAM Eddie Morgan 1415 East 28th St., B. 822 -1190 T.O.P.S. CLUB Jan Kemper 00 Oak Bend Dr. , B. 646 -1119 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #3205 Gil Di lla 104 Highland, B. 622 -7733 (R) VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS, Post #4377 Kenneth Speaks, Commander Orrs Mobil Park #33, B. 823 -6365 (2) 622 -6874 (B) VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS, Post x4 Virgil Litchford, Commander P. 0. Box 3065, B. 822 -4069 (R) 6 22-3574 (B) 693 -2347 VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS AUXILIARY Betty Martin, Pres. 2315 Sandy Lane, B. e23-8864 COMPILATION OF DATA FORM CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs `75 1. Meeting room to accommodate 15 -200 people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: - hours ❑ Weekly:] 25-2 hours ❑ Monthly:2_6 hours • ❑Other: (describe) 1 -4 times per year_, hi- monthly b. Storage needs: 9 -18 square feet (describe) file cabinets, visual aides materials, projection equipment - tables 2. Game or Recreation Room: 50 X 70 square feet (or size)15 -200 people a. Types of games or recreational activities: volley ball, basketball, gymnastics, games party, square dance, songs, cards, nursing, foosball, air hockey, shuffle board, pool, ping pong, t.v., board games b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: 8 hours ❑Weekly: 1 1/2 -2 hours ❑ tionthly: 5 hours ❑Other: (describe) 1 -2 times /year c. Storage needs: 8 -225 square feet (describe)athiPtic Pgtlinment, records, specimens, projection equipment, coffee pot 3. Party Room: 384 -5000 square feet (or size) 35 -200 people a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) party. dance, covered dish meals, banquet, officer installation, reception - luncheon meeting. dinner meeting b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: 8 hours Drdeekly: - hours D Nonthly:1 1/2 -5 hours ❑Other: (describe) 1 -5 times per year _ c. Storage needs: 75 -80 cubicfeet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate 100-1000 people. a. Specific use(s): shows, party convention, arts program, presentations, statewide convention. ceremonies b. Frequency of use: []Daily: hours ❑Weekly: - hours D Monthly: 2 -4 hours ❑Other: (describe) 1 -2 times /year c. Storage needs: - square feet (describe) built -in multi media communications system 5. Exhibition space: 250 -4000 square feet (or size) - a. Type of exhibit(s):envir. education dental exhibit, girl scout troop projects, science fair projects, flower shows, arts /crafts b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: R hours ❑Weekly: - hours ❑Monthly: 6 hours ❑Other: (describe) 1 -2 timpc /yaar c. Storage needs: ROO square feet (describe) sPVpral Panels, posters, duplicating machinery, shelving, cabinets and kitchenette 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate 50 -300 people. a. Type(s) of performance: „sir, dance, drama. special performances • b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily:_ - hours ❑t•:eekly: - hours ❑Plonthly : 1 _ hours ❑ Other: (describe) -- c. Size of stage required: - square feet (or size) 20 X 30 d. Storage needs: - square feet (describe) - 7. Arts and Crafts Room: 400 -8000 (25)* square feet (or size) 15 -50 people a. Specific use(s): arts, crafts, sewing, grooming classes, daily classes /demonstrations /workshops for arts and crafts b. Frequency of user ❑Daily: 8 hours a ❑weekly: 3 hours ❑Monthly: - hours ❑ Other: (describe) 3 -5 afternoons for 2 hours c. Storage needs: 15- 2000(25)* square feet (describe) supplies, cupboard drawer 8. Kitchen Facility ; a. Type: 10-Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): 80 -144 square feet (or size) 10-Serving kitchen: 48 -200 square feet (or size) serve 50 -200 people b. Storage needs: 8 -24 square feet (describe) pantry, party supplies, small storage, supplies 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: 16 square feet (or size) 3 acres Play area: 20,000 square feet (or size) 1 acre •Types of activities (list):sWing_set, outdoor play equipment,vnl7 ball, basketball, baseball, demonstration gardening, art appreciation outdoor free play area, to show specimens *Refer to list of groups responding for source of request. Garden plots: 600 square feet (or size) 1 acre Sitting area: square feet (or size) 400 people Other (list): picnic area, outdoor sculpture, fountains, parking for 5000 people (25)* loading vamps, bicycle racks b. Storage needs: 90 -400 square feet (or size) Enclosed B Fenced in Other (explain): working class tools (12) *, workshop area for outdoor pottery sculpture 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) projection equipment and screens; office (1) *; several smaller rooms to hold committee meetings; staff offices, work room, dressing area accessible to gym, lounge area for t.v., library /classroom (4)*; nice size room with podium, exhibit table, screen for projection; chairs, tables and storage for these, good lighting /sound equipment, serving area for catered luncheons (11) *; chairs, tables, screens and projector, audio system (15) *; chairs, tables, dividers, and electrical power for 150 science fair projects (19) *; skylights and track lighting in exhibit and workshop areas, heavy duty electrical outlets (Lo) *Refer to list of groups responding for source of request. • • I - ►' ter kjr , • nTvirtuw Achb, Couic;( of Bract 7 i3rtc. &DS . U e "6C4114C P Q L a / Ott, Clw*,f g Q IYCS Glib 4 t3 ra. Cove f j s Cr,(,4,rtfs ;I� y elf to f/C 5 %(IRI L& ' P na4 WahA f, y an4 6c-$s (J tk doh. -if 0127" /5 afb ery-am Ort..tzr (/aI�QQ, y 19,941,1 &roc mditi r'1 i r , ecJ 1` -14 I u "ll i g A/c . 1' • i ' .. La ti CI e- 1/v1 50(.1 e F , -I (' 620,1 0 (( � r cut, `4 3 it, ( g., f T :cu s'oci Lft7 i4oksjmos,\A �a ( I 7, 1 i.,107 c 1 fiLt e) w ' 5 �e )(1 ei1 f I G. to Va./Cu-Li S r 4 tj -1,J 6 . V cx t �tX 3 f ' V--4 // lt "jai 11 ) 1, r • Q WavI ,,n ;i 1(4 )1S f fit. f✓ 1�Z1.L I L► j , a ear tlrt.Lt,L fi+yv EU- 0.1.A l its (IS o CreC100 f f // +.� I3 `F V ��Ct.'yL�iil L ekt, U! Y 4 4 20j UittA L. t t.LtiVfrii l &b l C r y toj Vet ILL Pt LAAvit e, G• vr ate_ !f 7 - IcO 1 3s -5b f too up 6.0 qeo ( (Zo) 1 "%0 - ta 30 1 __ D 5-11 LS t S0 '7 I -too 1 100 15 •Thtiyoq, • u viA_AA-M1 cw,ta.l 171 - �3 - NW - vit•rr`es — - -- [ - �5 -z - fill f - 2 (yr, 2 - Z� r' ( t - 3 herd i 7 - 41 vtouki/ b - wo4 t, LS 3 M r, , 44e7 i 4.60 33 S 4 "� u c 4' — Pesc. Catbulih Vim/ reaetjl tb • rofmtfOn Alchjo. 60 7 5n0o Cgyn1 s- — gip( P ( !.f ( 20 '-' 1 fI AL 'i b 1u4l AILLaco r • („ oq• sfce ( tf q,w4g.raxi t) a AR vAil - f q ,,,,�, r 1 f 1,044) , fib ,�i ,�►v• _ f tgt6aill -I S4v dcud.c"...f — 6‘ Firuo*I4ey ey-P use, t14_440 Ogre '10417 • ._Zivrr 5 ITYJ' i-Z-11144vr• y 3i cqpnl-git rusuPS tt 41.1 Pelt,044: f 5" • • # - • eseVaS Sperisp444s peal. vioo. i6 tetQ j ,of . M its0 — 1 • Sitildfrt ^fe-ti ar S 6,e, tof 070 35" pop (0/ IP 1 ( e • 0'C51 (0o) Cag3'-- 650 /62-UP (A, 4.0 -,po /9 4 600o - too isitoP(Q, 12 °or) ez.00 fisol0(1, OX ! - cy4-te4- t • atlAi - NI. 4 1 A2-__ WTZI • CO r'e frel (titk Weds - 11 "Oi 11 - I : S to -t b(PtAlt4 ftso er% .-t!. Oil (c) GILO S b. Artivemoy of usi, • Oaf jid tatemy .,,Vortaly z brs-1 ll z kifs - 2 4 17-r I I z4oKulvv- . _ 4 fv-r. , z- 3 -1114,,ts /yr. e ri) spLcad occatifbat I G Arculk - g 3.r c o , 4. 4val40 Lob 1,00c, voo ,t (000 i 209 it • ( UcFe-S -- f — Prolf - a-N7* -- I 'sfito WS -_lit ' Atitit1e4f/A cis c?106.4to Cattvei1410100fi441 • 3-ivituficti, co' Of VI) I b htp of u&t:. . - At44, Cp. • Ir 7 1 • • /4itZt4lyr bray% • , • pvto cifitud (i-4) $ .61 — iL 4o00 (0b0 • 2MV ;VLF -air a • A4 t, F c rc4)J'- ! Arno r pol e . — e (Sae*tes SoNv firvo 1 ems 00wcr- W tin-'h / kg/1A Of OA- •. / u A , o ULtdrileitj KT. / 41. '/I A . L O1 f'tllwe- 1—z — ►��� [ Or- en s. owe/ i t i r G c e.4.f b I hitt.. c. Mbal& "Lk 1105 , acigouiootk9.4- 0/ tuAskiti Skt-tiliki ectiornik 'GC, Q yQ 01/14,6C/ -_ __ o'r`LO -t /l0ta4.v0 v - __ s S.rr,J _ ✓ w� a.r,� cat r �� art fu.041. b �_ ueeitia - to T30 amply, Alai:, _ _ _ _ • 541/ttAt 494 ,no ________ 4jL t _ di 5 ot)( toV'-zo so 10Q1061- • rrfJ' ca, ►fr croawsl c krpS — �► - i +i J.ctA ____Ad.cs devot tsfet44i wa- rko der _ ` .r_ZW w - 4441 C(ndf7 (i 5� 4 • y ket v foLci t _ uk, j4ief K ` 4 ks . 014;1; d0 �� f ` r 2h7 G • SCEyrk9e d_s 4 - - • _ • atiJ r 1 r 4 s X ._. (f0 wwyo d.r r ke . zoo 0 Zr) . a a,f town tj G.r posrl j 4, \.1)- -P .°1O 4XI z. ION (L10., C am' 1 ^—h• op(() too 1is) . . it- To Qt.t.uv.,„„A...,4e kotd Marl ' • Zo 0 • ro fat . 0, ° At kArAnrigiz___ 44 c p0 ro •4- 4 Vit S' farciy. tOpplia..1 • Ft -0 Othial -4 61 _LidiVi+fee.S Prt tAI121+S 3 cLA,ref (E49 • a toot' zoo (ctc.44 CZ-.0 TA416 ilc4tVidfa___ Sufwv g-tf 0 14-6A36Y PLI I ..«44 a can 6,4 - votba 1004 5_1 tosiFotoor ptai coAR-Car) • - bra kakti - lac attactii- I z) r4,4) vo,i1, 4 — • ("G;4-seed YOci tin - Clow idd- E zo szS'i #. • 00 . _ 041ktur • lo ithfc atty., • • K, v ka-otv , r "i fb• 1 - 000 , A A • 1 k ra-tt4 cr) 1 1 , 1 4 Pre-e, 4-0o c I of 1 Z pu ell) -di woric-ai clag 4 e m315 ad' 44A-, 4i him so cir-4) (it) jb , , ,„ oft90 _ _ 9 " faaft ifirD � c.eoQJ' f � (A — C i s..,- ,rQwi f tt 4 <o��, 4 t - t f � � Gum at . e_ sia. - ettr rc444 cfYe_ v) o h i. c rtrri, Q. /t2 rcr zap b(e _ 7 y fri,, 10,A/iv 6+/212, i ✓ v, 1 (i brci r (c & ✓U() w+ a, Ot a b of r9 r&-eoi • M pod,iivt, / -kb►1 - C x ,L rt2 pnj cfro1, ‘11441i e9 U 4 9 • ✓( Lit'• - i) s' 11 i ..� • .� • t . / e .►IT•. (4.4. tikett ja0u/4v• Fr rso .SC. -J 91 'b ccb. C'w) slci ft9hff - -ek. P, 0 ( 194- midi workshop ) CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs C r.)T \L a.zOS ‘J LLe. i-k L CE e1Z Date: 7-s- 7( Name of Organization or Group H ,O$1 Ac u rri n�E:c Name of esponding individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) A e.E A t ta o - V ' D`r - d J. - 'ram 2. Game or Recreation Room: Nova1 „`c: -( ,, c1uare feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: PoOS BALL 4 I_ �OC.�cEj 5I4&> LE t R. POol. { i d:16 - PoA6 WP1b CAB b. Frequency V Pi (e..%pOS ' Bc,IN RA) G ea (jScrabbte Q Daily: hours te_ Mo Weekly : (� { 2 hours rt C1, t(.1 , CA f2 h S � 'DdM ; n1 OS ❑Monthly: hours (]Other: (describe) yrj� ; ; ice CA L :4te a br K -kYf on 0 7v. oatvteA, M Ric“ 1U\ Lu{ S npc'o — 2 i4 c ) a t VC o rki .E C ,G . v✓► i-6,1 ► vv4eve h c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) Room: r` ` y ;y , 3. Party square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) Carden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced l_n 0 Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) VJCvL1> 1\V.VVrect2le %■'k.k V - 0 = 0 Y rM.1. o Y1 -e 0 N, 5 � Li .. A \.O 0 PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 t, 3 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs r _ .. L4_40,47(-- lDate ; Name of Organization or Group '4./a ) / / 7/ e- -/L Z-lt--I - ri_eAc_,' ame of R ponding Individual ,_ ..,/, _i_e,,, 2 ,= 7 AelD /6ed - ro.",,, ,,,r 1. Meeting room to accommodate -41; people. a. Frequency of meetings O Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours 0 /" l Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c lL 2-C-e ° `2'y '2.7 ee-e/ - y - ..-r-- , / (J b. Storage needs: /l44 square feet (describe) 3 l 1 � Aff `/ / 2' 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: O Dai ly : hours O ' eekiy: hours O Monthly: hours O Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours [weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) ` -A 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: � square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): j t/ 14 b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: _ hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours 45 ❑Other: (describe) (4 1. a . c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 72--P-ts I / Le 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) e 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s) : ,- b. Frequency of use §' ❑Daily:_ ❑Weekly : ❑Monthly: ❑Other: (descr c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) r 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: ga.:,g -- \ �5` $ Cooking kitchen (fully equipped) :�. square feet (or size) , "" J' \4.f / / - �` \ Serving kitchen: A square feet (or size) a 1 11-14 1 torage needs: square feet (describe) O � ',rtc „:44 P - g i 9. Outdobr Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Type of activities (list): IT �i. -W; 2' ; Ali )./L'X'7'.7 * t Garden plots: x ,...,<G square feet (or size) Sitting area: ? square feet (or size) Other (list): L7 b. Storage needs: f � ,c, square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): U / 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) 4s o PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: USA13C "'o C"'“\-14' BRAZO ~::.`, Mrs. Paul R Kramer G ' ) PM -f ; i��.�- i &s l�I a S C0 'r . . Alber P�� a ; ( m 16 04Domiaik l�rbbb 1r ;ft:�'l { } 1i 1 : College Sta., Texas 77840 1209 N Rte eld Cir o College on, Tex-1ss 77840 LZ CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs � cx- C b Co. � -cY> Date: l - � N e of Organization or oup < t r • 411 I Name • i Re - • o 41 Individ O 1. Meeting room to accommodate 45 people. a. Frequency of meetings ['Daily: hours Weekly: /.2S hours Monthly:_) % hours (6c 1 /5 peopet ❑Other: (describe) n b. Storage needs: r�^ !! square feet (describe) ‘-o„ �.�� -�- 2. Game or Recre ion Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ['Daily: hours D weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) '1 C� Q- 80 V-o 3. Party Room: squre feet (or size) r a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours Q Reekly : hours ❑Monthly: hours 0Other: (describe) t.' ANA r, cam ) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a. Specific use(s): -- y b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours DMonthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours O Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours D Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours ❑ weekly : hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: 041 "u2i2- S Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Garden plots: _ square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs ,t �t �;;� �v, Date: r � t Name of Organizatloorn or Group COY ..�, 5la Name o sponding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate \ c'jL people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours l ❑ Other: (describe) "1 -r PAN F p " • 0 b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑ TTaekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours DOther: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) TGIdF cL 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) Cv, + e,+s b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours D tieekly : hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) ' 'y tvuFS (OCCW c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours Cl Weekly: hours Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours UWeekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: _ hours ❑t Teekly : hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑ Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: _ square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: -„' x 1 square feet (describe) c :)UAA QnfeC . nv ,rACe5 / C.a..U- 5, t&+es 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): • Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or. size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) if Enclosed ❑ {eared in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) • /01 PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: � y _ Albert Pe Iulla • T-f- • �' g 1209 N. Ridgefield? rc e College Station,T4Kos 77840 1 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs League of Women Voters of Brazos County July 21, 1976 Date: Name of Organization or Group Joan Zingero _ Name of Responding Individual A large meeting room which could be sub- divided via folding doors was suggested to serve our needs. Meeting room to accommodate up to 200 people. (to provide for growth) a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ,meetings for the general public ❑ Monthly: hours t candidates meet ngs, for ex, , DOther: (describe) At present our group needs a meeting room for small group meetings held sometimes once and sometimes twice monthly. In ad • •• •- - , • • •- membership (35 or 40 in attendance).We might also need space to sponsor, I. Storage needs: square feet (describe 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours �1 r.Tee'.l hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) A room to serve as a nursery might be considered b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours Q T'Jeekly : hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: __ hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): 12' X 12 1 taimmilrfeet (or size) room Serving kitchen: sameas abovik fsttctirAe large room b. Storage needs: sma 11 square feet (describe) for temporary storage 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: PROCLAIM LIBERTY? > yqQ O�yAN, f r� 1j R Albe t Pi COUNT _ 1209 . Wage 'eld Ci f1IC,c 1Ct�11:1i. Co11eg 8t763 'on, Texa.L,A7 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs Brazos Valley Science and FnginePring Fair Date: July 12, 1976 _ Name of Organization or Group flr. James 1. Rand Name of Responding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate 100 people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours ['Weekly: hours ['Monthly: hours ['Other: (describe) Annual meeting 5 hours /day for one day b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ['Monthly: hours ['Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours [weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate ?Q0 people. a. Specific use(s): Orientation meeting and Awards ceremony b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) Annual meeting 2 hours /day for two days c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: 1000 square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): High School science fair projects b. Frequency of use: n Da;.ly: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) Annual need for two days c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours DGJeekly : hours D1lonthly: hours D Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: , square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours . DWeekly: ,. hours Dtilonthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) Sufficient tables, chairs, curtains or other dividers and electrica Lpower to accomodate 150 science fair projects " "'P RUCI AIA� TIBER PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: \� � usn13 7v,4. Alber[lla • /c5 1209 N. Ridgefield CirtIe/ � - �Z College Station, Texas "77840 r CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs \I g \ ? a� A lto o d/641) Date: CYtg Group ef-4f1 - /� � � j re e* kS ame of Respon zng Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily; hours ❑ Weekly: hours ❑Monthly : hours ❑ Other: (describe) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: -- �" -ti 5Q • p�quare feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: d5 &...S//21) 41 /hya b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly hours jirkonthly:AL-6 hours Q Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: 40 acrnoc1 square feet (oi site) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) ,15414,r dtz e / b. Frequency of use: [Many: hours Qweekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours � /��� _.. ��-• QOther: (describe) ,,� .� l [ one > �1. c ac J. Gtse_ // c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) - ' t ' 7.5 -ar �Cl y, • 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: Q Daily: _ hours Q Weekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours • Q Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: Q Daily: hours ElWeekly: hours Q Monthly: hours Q Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate -y- people. a. Type(s) of performance: CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs BLUEBONNET GIRL SCOUT COUNCIL Date: July 6, 1976 Name of Organization or Group Please note that we presently have 29 College Marilyn Randall, District Adviser Station Girl Scout troops Name of Responding Individual Troops average 15 1. Meeting room to accommodate people. Adult groups a. Frequency of meetings average 40 + ❑ Daily: hours 29 - ® Weekly: 2 hours - girls (afternoons 3-5) ®Monthly: 3 hours - adults (mornings or evenings) ❑Other: (describe) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) Troops could use a 3x5 foot cupboard /drawer group size for girls - same as above 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: square dancing, song, games (relay, quiet) - no equipment necessary b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours 29 - O Weekly: 2 hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) Same as #1 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) Needed for parent /daughter banquets for troops and neighborhoods - as few as 50 and as many as 500. b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours Q Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) special occasions c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate 1 000 people. a. Specific use(s): Bridging ceremonies, special Girl Scout week programs b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) see above c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s) : Girl Snout Week, troop projects of community interest b. Frequency of use: rl Daily: hours ['Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) see above - either monthly or on special reservation c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate 300 people. a. Type(s) of performance: Special performances by troops - Girl Scout week programs b. Frequency of use: Daily: hours ❑weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) See above c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s) : Troops do many arts and crafts - troops average 15+ girls b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours EWeekly: '1- hours j - ti ❑ Monthly: hours DOther: (describe) c. Storage needs: . ?'r J ' square feet (describe) G 7 / ; 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Troops need an area to mix kool -aid for meetings A full kitchen needed for banquets /and teaching cooking Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size)Ski 11E Serving kitchen: square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: - square feet (or size) for 15 girls *Types of activities (list) : races, games, pinnies Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed El Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) Since we are such a large varied group it may be difficult to meet all our needs. At present we meet in homes and in school cafeterias. The majority of our girls are very young and cannot travel far from school. Transportation is a very big problem. Our older girls meet in the early evening in homes or churches. What we need most at this time is as follows: evening meeting places, afternoon meeting places near schools, kitchens to teach in, large assembly areas to invite parents to view programs by girls, auditoriums for programs for girls. PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 ( CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs ThU ,, SOC '/ pr RR0c'ES J DJ?AC. 6U414,)CER te: 1- g b Name of Organization or Group ON 1 t3Lk%Itvt �R���iJE c Name of Responding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate 34 -o 10t, people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours ❑weekly: hours ,Monthly: '3 hours ❑Other: (describe) b. Storage needs: © square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: IJ 1A square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: Daily: hours ❑weekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: S MC47 . "f square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) l e) aunco.4 b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours [Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) Ahhu.. �+1 E'tn ►vNrei., week. nc w,ek Ar,,N LA-a\ OtrkskwAat Pert,.. c. Storage needs: _ square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accoumiodate k ith. people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ['Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ['Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: N square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate Jf A people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: D Daily: hours Dweekly : hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: KVA square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: O square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: C> square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) hi/A4. a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area:_ square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 • r'- CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs j i1jv l. Date: Name of Organization or Group 1 I. ,ice '40 t $ • Name of Responding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate people. a. Frequency of meetings Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) / ; .< b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: ,;20Cn.4re i QS•_ square feet (or size) 7, a. Types of games or recreational activities: '2et,tiei2 ' b. Frequency of use: Dail hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours n ❑Other: (describe) ti' �C 3), c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: ., ea „y, { square feet (or size) I a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) .yn.rJ Qyt b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours D weekly: hours ['Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) — c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours El Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: (_]Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours DMonthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: . 5/2004 square feet (or size) '?. a. Specific use(s): ��. ~i ��.. /- 1 /s.'4.-o i / b. Frequency of use: P D5-1. 1y : hours 11 eekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: !' square feet (describe) . _'_r di. 1 i .AL i ice. q 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): zd square feet (or size) ? Serving kitchen: square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square,feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Garden plots: , square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE_ Facility Needs �Ju2. Yl Date: 7-371 Name of Organizatipn or Group t Name of Responding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodated people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours [Monthly:_ ,A hours ❑Other: (describe) /, �. � Aa. 0„.4.4„ �✓�✓ b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ['Weekly: hours ['Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours Q weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) — c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a. Specific use(s) : b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: Da i' y hours D Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs ■ i' /fLe�O Date: , -- C ,( G �to Name of Organization or G up J Name of 'esponding Individu.l J 1. Meeting room to accommodate , { 6 people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Other (describe) j ous ,r /f ❑Other: b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑ ?Monthly: hours []Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: 30 xv square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) l v. / C O — !�' f t--- b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours C weekly : hours ❑ Monthly: hours % ❑Other: (describe) ( Li fivl 7 c. Storage needsc)L/ - square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate it people. a. Specific use(s): - 41111 b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours ❑weekly: hours D Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) j// -mil � l /7!L.. G C //yl,G c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: u Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑ Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours D Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size) / 774A2‘.21"L-?--- Serving kitchen: j € uare feet (or size) b. Storage'needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in0 Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 VL T CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIR_4/AA dk'(�." Facility Needs A AA I ews fif 1C y 6744 £ 44(41 I ace f�� Date: ' fi `f Name of Organization or Group ED1,O4PD (4. i l / �/� Pao - rp@iG''T' Name of Responding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate 3 people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours [!Monthly -3 hours ❑ Other: (describe) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) y Q £yt.n( .Act,„ceeic _ t, .4 _ �vv L4J -!?'L L — � 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Dail.v: ours ❑Weekly: hours ❑ rlonth : hours k / Dot : (describe) e , _ f c. Storage needs:X square feet (describe) t �. //_ IL! L./ t AV /Y ' ■r.� ". -414 ,._. � . mow. _. " 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours D weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ['Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: ❑ Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: �IUaily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours d Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: _ hours ❑ Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours ''''' Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): .__- square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: ie / ,, square feet (or size) 1 b. Storage needs: �,,_ _ square feet (describe) X 4 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities f z 1 2 • Exhibits: ) square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) *Types of activities (list) : d , / � ./f�T(,/!� W/14CC.t„ 9 elk...4) pl.& 9 &o CCALC(} Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): r s b. Storage needs • , ... %..L /O X/ Y square feet (or size) Enclosed Fenced in Other (explain) : 0 (IL44 10. Q�l�acility needs (please list and describe) J/t,Q,(41 , , £L( - 1_ ' . / A , t 1144. - Al 4 4- 44 , Lam/ /1 .� I ! � _ .� . � � - (4.e.. Mil / tr ,�. - I ( ad) 'dui cue. .4‘ 'AIL& e 444, 6()E"t"4 / G '''' ) /� ) iI r � Q OA� n/3 66 - 30 / (do 8Q4' - v4.rtiC , 6 RAO PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 eva p 2 p 3 a ( -aka 'aouvp `aanbusq) flznzaos adAl oTgTDadg •s Q, (azzs 10) laaj atunbs :wool' Alava •£ (agzaosap) laag aaunbs :spaau a2vaoag •o (agzaosap) :aagi0(i sanoq :LTgpuol t sanoq : APPap10 sanoq : =CTTUU 0 : asn go Aouanbaa3 • q :saT1TATaou TuuoTavaaoaa ao samu2 To sadAi •E (azzs ao) laaj azunbs :moog uoTavaaoag zo amu0 •Z (agzaosap) - lea; aaunbs a � Q :spaau a2vaols •q -2/0 t S 4/ y (agzaosap) :.mga0 sanoq : /CTgauoN sanoq :APP sanoq : STzua o sauzaaam go iCouanbaa3 •u •aTdoad 90/ aqupomm000s oa mooa auzgaayl °T TunpTATpuI 2uzpuodsag go amuN 7e7g .L dd dnoa0 JO uoTluzzuu2a0 go amuN S / :agva 20 i f i c2 Arrtup s (non spaa AgTTT0E,3 IVNNOIZSafb DIAID :aouumaogaad To (s)addj •u • aTdoad aaupounn000u oq uioog aouuuuo3aad a2vas /azsnyl • 9 (gzaosap) gaaj aaunbs :spaau a2uaois •o (agzaosap) :aag10 0 sanoq : icTgquoN ❑ sanoq :i(TAaamID sanoq :4zuQ ❑ :asn go 6auanbaaj •q :(s)1Tgzgxa go ad/CI •u (azTs ao) gaag aaunbs :aouds uoT1Tgzgxg •S (agzaosap) laa; aaunbs :spaau a2uaoas •o (agTaosap) :aa41-o D sanoq : .tcTgauoY10 sanoq : TTxaacg D sanoq : 4TaG D :asn go Xouanbaad •q :(s)asn oz ;toads •s •aTdoad alupoww000u wnzaoazpnv •+� (agiaosap) laaT aaunbs :spaau a2uaois •o - 2/0RA I/ s w.f. t• (agzaosap) :aagg0 E3 sanoq : XTgluoyy (] sanoq :lT aaMO sanoq :.�T zu0 ❑ :asn To icouanbaad •q :(1siT) saT1TATlos 3o sadly. (azzs ao) laaj aaunbs :sans 'eTd (azzs ao) laag aasnbs :sazgzgxg saTaTATloy •s �,ar (s)aosds aoopan0 •6 (agzaosap) laag aasnbs :spaau a2saoas •q (azzs ao) laa3 aasnbs 4 :uagoaTN SuTnaas (azzs ao) laa= aasnbs :# :(paddTnba kTTn3) uagolzp Suzxoo0 :ad�y •s XTFITos3 uagojT •g (agzaosap) laaj aasnbs :spaau a2uaoas •o (agzaosap) :aaqu00 sanoq :kTgpuoyu sanoq :f sanoq :ktT cjD :asn go fouanbaa3 •q :(s)asn oTgToads •s (azzs ao) aaaj aasnbs slgua3 pus slay •L (agzaosap) laaj aasnbs :spaau a2uaols •p (azTs ao) aaaj aasnbs :paaznbaa aasgs go azzs •o (egiaosap) :101410E] sanoq :JTg2uow sanoq : ATxaamo sanoq :SITuao :asn go louanbaa3 •q 0478LL sExay 'uoTau4s a aTaaTO PlaTJa ?2I 'N 60ZT uTTnPad 3'agiv :0y aaIvNNoLLsanb SITU =mu asva'ia 1 'Z - 747 6' Y NCO al3S .1 N u/d / QN »or --9w it or-9/7 la-v-7 yQj 3'Pi V$V1 t 5379' S7 rdlf'+i (agTaosap puu 4sTT assaTd) spaau SlTIT3s3 aa 'OT :(uTuTdxa) aaupo uT paouaa 0 pasoIoua (azTs ao) aaag aasnbs :spaau a2uaols •q :Os aaui0 (azTs ao) aaal aasnbs :EaaE $uza4zs (azTs 10) lea; aaunbs :saoTd uapaup .�C- �W! fi t' ✓ f''�c"7 r ^ ✓ C D /''o/ /C " 7 - 7C/SYy"/ (-aka 'aouap 'aanbuuq) XaTAT ou adAl oT3Toads °s - be X '/ X- y (azzs ao) laa3 aaunbs :moog /Claud '£ (agzaosap) laaj aaunbs :spaau auaols •o (agzaosap) :aaup0 ❑ smog :kigluow❑ sanog : iTxaa.l fl • sanog : kT-iuc 0 :asn go Xouanbaa3 •q :saTI.iATI.ou Tuuozauaaoaa ao samu2 To sadcZ •u (azTs ao) laaT aaunbs :moog uozasaaoag ao auu0 •Z (agzaosap) aaaj aaunbs :spaau aSu.tois •q room c —'GY / r " ' cl #4 ee 9 S•lvrbte" l (agzzosap) :aaga ('7 cP / s '.'7' °7J c'g' sanog '° : XTUaso11d sanog :4)taaAID sanog :ICTzuQ ❑ s$uzaaam To 2ouanbaad •u •aTdoad QQ/ _� alupomm000u M001 guTlaa1,1 'T TunpTATpuI 2uzpuodsag go amuN 1' �� e , , 5' ,-1 °( 4, v , c :s s, , s - 15 - _.sv(' " / ", 7 l e_, ocy, A r '��s . /_/. (7) 1 dnoa0 ao uoTJuzTuu2a0 30 am :aqua 51C2eficl spaaN �C�TTzou3 aIIVNNOIZSaf1b usmsO OIAID h Y : aouuuiao3aad 3o (s) adij • u •aTdoad alupowm000u o1 wool' aouuivao3aad a2u1S /zTsflN •q (agzaosap) aaa3 eaunbs :spaau aauaols •o = 3 - IP - (aq .zasap) :1agao [] (52 — c's ' < sanoq Z° :lTgauoN sanoq : STxa 1 [] sanoq KiTua ❑ :asn 3o Souanbaa3 •q : (s) azq 3o adij • u r-, 10) laa3 aaunbs :aouds uozlzgtgxg •S (aq aaa3 aaunbs :spaau a°ouaols •o (agiaosap) :aagpoD sanoq :sT sanoq :k.TAaaM sanoq : ATzuQ EI :asn 3o Couanbaaa •q :(s)asn oz3zoads •u • aTdoad alupounn000u ol. mnTaovzpnv •+ (agzaosap) laa3 aaunbs :spaau aSuaols •o (�'`c� - ✓�/� ,Lr'' -�7 /rte/ — .Slc'�f� ' (agzaosap) :aagpopl sanoq :KTUauo�;t`" sanoq :lixaam d sanoq :ATTrG O :asn 3o Xouanbaaj •q :(asTT) saT1TATlop 3o sadly. (azTs ao) gaag azpnbs :vale XuTd (azTs ao) gaaj azunbs :sazgTgxg saTITATloy •u (s) aopds 1oopJn0 •6 (agTaosap) laag aaunbs :spaau apzols •q (azTs 10) laa3 aapnbs :uaquqpi 2uTAaas (azTs ao) iaa3 aapnbs :(paddznba ICTTng) uagoapi 2up oo0 :ad�y •u icgTTz uagZIT) •g (agzaosap) Jaa3 azunbs :spaau a2vaols •o (agzzasap) :zagi0 ❑ sanoq :A.TgauoN❑ smog :kTxaap.1 smog : 4?uQ E] :asn 3o Jouanbaz3 •q :(s)asn oTJTOads •p (azTs zo) aaa3 a.3Dnbs :u.00u sa3pa0 pup slay •L (agzaosap) :aa3 aaunbs :spaau a2uzo3s •p (azTs ao) iaa3 azpnbs :pazznbaz a2pls 30 azTs •o (agzzosap) :.zagpoo sanoq :STgluow(] sanoq : x- Raat1E] sanoq :XITuGO :asn 3o fouanbazd •g O478LL suxay 'uOTqugs a2aTT03 aToaTD PTa?.J PPI 'N 6OZT uTTnPad iaagTv :0I auIvtNOIysanb SIHI N2IIlIaa dSV Id :55 A n��Wi`�' S?�� c v_ a ^tr� c " ' O r '�i'6 cvoi r�.r �� i f/ i "7 /v �tY7 L, -]f ��- / /i ff-?5 il�vs�Xa lien / e• c 1 fe- f' 2 93/ e t t ' 5) ? ==..1 pup lsgq asuaTd) spaau 1C4zTTou3 10410 'OT :(uTuTdxa) a0410 ❑ pasoToua (azzs ao) gaaj aaunbs :spaau aAuaols •q :(1siT) J (azzs ao) gaaj aaunbs :uaxe OuT11TS (azzs ao) iaaJ azunbs :slo1d uapap0 c, CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs C �I r /0 / s cr & q ,afrL. Date: J td Name /of Organization or Group /- ,9 y "C i S te,1(eC J 1►iJ. SJ i Q e ..O(?_ Name of Responding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours ❑ Weekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours r ) ❑ Other: (describe) p 65 5 • O 1 6 kx. e e ./ee,4 CO)xC ►I d RCc j r Or �✓J�. /77Pe �' S . b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) �Art_ C A t'J, v ! /q/ cL ilt /7 .0 r 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours U Weekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) a 4 b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑ Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: _ hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours Meekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑ Weekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) / 7 .e 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs ' � 4 ,, /�,a� """ ! I a Date: 3 /9x Name of Organization o Grou C 9 Name of Res on Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate XP9 people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours DMonthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) 4/ ,C% .l l ,e C4�/ b. Storage needs: ./1 feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: — hours ❑ T_lonthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours D?deekly : hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to acconnodate people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑weekly: hours :Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: hours { ❑ Daily: o �Yeekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours DOther: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: //'' square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): .. .....................__........ . Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in t_; Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs S e7�,, /. L. / <r Date: e e' Name of Organization or Group f�iLtiJQ�a- i Name of Responding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours ❑ Weekly: hours 'F onthly: 3 hours ❑ Other: (describe) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: � �E . square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑ Weekly: hours ❑ ?Monthly: hours ['Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: ,44 square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours D Weekly _ hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate a. Specific use(s) : b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours [Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: , square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours D weekly : hours [Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodatef; ( people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours Meekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑ Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑ Meekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours ❑ Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: _ square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space (s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe). PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs .Gzs &V- 1��KW ) Date: )7.?-44.e . � // 7,4 Name f 0 ganizatio or Group Pte' / �� Name of Respondi Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate o24. --, 4 people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours VJMonthly:,l' dz hours . ❑Other: (describe) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours DMeekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3 . Party Room: 7 7 6 _ 4 _ , 5 - 0 7 1 re r feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) /// ° 1 . b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours D [ Weekly : hours (Monthly: /b -,Z hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate 1400 people. a. Specific use(s) : , /, t, 0-1 ck- b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: __ , ,ours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: 4�4..x-- ( • b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours EMonthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: . square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: a „D . /?l r L ca�' Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): uare feet (or size) 1 r Serving kitchen: 9 ) 1 Z square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) f 1 _ - - .f �1 !....t _ ...n►....../_' - X ! '∎[ : i ■ 9. Outdoor Space(s) C a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 ................. . .... t, ) CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs �A1C mot/ l Date: g Name of 'rganization or .roup i / ' Lit, ‘ , ' ritt 7111 4.) f . / ' - I. Naa e o / f Respo Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate *11 7S people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑Daily: hours ❑ Weekly: hours QMonthly:. k,A,p 9 hours A —�� mar ❑0 -r: .e c .e IMPA ���LA KSOZ..�, .4. .. , iii r 1 *If_ / [f.-.... 0. L At - i a 4E' 1,, 1 b. Storage needs: , ± AL,t 4 i ' square feet (describe) / 0 ,e l dier 2. Game or Recreation Room: AP-- I square feet size) q (or size a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑ T_lonthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Roe ' square feet (or size) ' l g . a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours • Q 1eekly: hours ❑Monthly: _ hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a. Specific use(s):_ _ b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours []Weekly: hours ❑Monthly :_ hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours Meekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): r 4.(J quare feet (or size) Serving kitchen: square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs Girls Club of Brazos County Date: 6 -25 -76 Name of Organization or Group Linda Godwin Name of Responding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate 35 people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours Weekly: hours Monthly: 2 hours ❑Other: (describe) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: 70X50 (Gym sizel re feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: Volley ball, Basket ball, Gymnastics, etc. b. Frequency of use: ®Daily: 8 hours ['Weekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours ['Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: 1 5X 1 5 square feet (describe) Need space to store all athletic equipment,(arts craft supplies, war urt..f kr n,a v✓1 sewing machines, etc. 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) Refer to #1 above. (Gym could also serve as banquet room, dance room) b. Frequency of use: 53 Daily: 8 hours Q Weekly: hours ❑ttonthly hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a.. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: L7 Daily: hours ❑ Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate 50 people. a. Type(s) of performance: Music, special dance program, drama, entertainment such as that needed at annual banquet. b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: 30X20 square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: ? square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: 20X20 square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): All gypes of arts & crafts plus sewing classes, grooming classes b. Frequency of use: iDaily: 8 hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: GX square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: We need facilities large enough to have cooking & nutrition classes. Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): 12X15 square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: 12`X5 --- feet (or size) b. Storage needs: pantry size square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Swing set, outdoor playground equipment, slab for volley ball, basket ball -area for baseball Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: 200X100 square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): see above # 9a Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list) : Picnic area b. Storage needs: 8X10 square feet (or size) for lawn care equipment Enclosed ❑ Fenced ini0 Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) Offices for staff (Executive & Program Director), work room, dressing area with easy access to gym, lounge area for T.V., library which would also serve as class room for tutoring and bible story. Comment: If facilities were adequate, m Girls Club of Brazos County could possibly start a branch in College Station. It is our understanding that the Girls Club at Lincoln Center does not meet National requirements for affiliation which is almost necessary for an active, successful program. With the proper support we could possibly combine our efforts with that group and provide adequate PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: programming. Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs t� egA7_o -s Cw�i ' t •o e �4 e- y'e. • 4• Date: G /L3 )71 Name of Organization or Group eetey Name of Responding Individual 1. Meetin room to accommodate 3.e - people a. Frequency of me ings ❑ Daily: hours ❑ Weekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hour DOther: (describe) ' '' r, es lrt41r 14 rein-, b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours 0 Weekly: hours El Monthly: hours ❑ Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours Q weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate -So 6 people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: t� Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s) : b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) *Types of activities (list): Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) /d , L��t -0m ice✓ 7 4L - I yy✓ �!rl�C�sfivll`Lt� • PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE T0: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs �Z Y; i'. f a► Cilia- Jer VAR Date: -,2q- 71, Name of Organization o Group ame of Responding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate ,",% people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours . ❑Other: (describe) ! : /L , : • G ..� e.r . .'. to /._ b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Baily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) ONO: I Ail � /.�. � : a.a:.� Aht. .. iL41 #. / .. t( C/ I b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours Ueekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) 3 - 3 ..... c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. S1. S cifl use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours D Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b• Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: _ hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d,. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Kitchen F 1 71 4.01, C ti a F2 ptc. `het "�. ,-4 41 41-4-a t ' Cooking kitchen (fully equipped) : _ square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Y . k, i Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) t t, (...r .41:t 44- . 4 . A 6 -1. - C „ t 1 - a -44 4 „4._ it tiL 4 it. .� /1 ',UL LA j , t t 111E GC f 1 ' -` �'CJ -s1f 43.4_, I . 2. ,t• i PLEASE RETURN THIS QTESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 Cgt: A■ Oti it 4164Xk i i1 C244 V eCi ' j 4:(A- " % '''' - , oce-444- I ' s'is 'dr CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs `7 ? lo Name of Organizat on o Oo Date: �c2/ /76, Name of Responding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate 470 people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours 01 Monthly: 2 hours ❑Other: (describe) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: /Y4. square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: n Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑?Monthly: hours []Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) `%C1--rte: b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours Q Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours QOther: (describe) / aZ C1 ' c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate /01) people. a, Specific use(s): OLD 7 b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours QOther: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): r b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours [] Weekly: hours ['Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) /4Z ,.•-�� c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑weekly : hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) /` L a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) • Play area:_ square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in L1 Other (explain): 10. Ocher facility needs (please list and describe)`Z�(��. PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE T0: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 r CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs BRAZOS VALLEY MUSEUM OF • NATURAL SCIENCE 1204 W. VILLA MARIE 11 77 BRYAN, TEXAS ;ZZ801 Date : .5e/6 T. /Z 24 - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- Name of Organization ur Group Name of Responding Individual r ?t, et'V 9'/e r taQ.s v re / 1. Meeting room to accommodate people. a. Frequency of meetings ,�. /jcr ❑ Daily: hours C h ec/ ❑ Weekly: hours Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game of Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: hours [, tIeekly: hours DNonthly: hours DOther: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) BRAZOS VALLEY MU;,ELi OF NATURAL SCIEAE X04 W. VILLA MARRIE WAN = zzoot ( I V4-i) A. I/// /kc N.l ea'yc 1.lar6)-cle Co (ler . , yoyt Teezry- 7/4'C) e Iv' S 77 /5? fos 1/0// ttiluseoof o/ /'YQ7va/ e,e crc(74r rn >t rlc ( fGr eje) i plust /Tama / l wov/e.111 ec e Qc�r f ' P /g ,-/J he i of srrr p d cQ f h f'/ e /r fa rr_3 7Co r e C //. /die „; ez ?E - The leers e G1a,s /, eey , erv' r g crs 9 C4 ldre/1s' 749oseovki r a h fr rc pr met y 04 r- h ec( (-6y` i/s e1 ' f) /a as q desfret 4 le com mone aC /fr t I 13" o r b 74h, /5) r ¢ n 6 3 os a U h r Way, WI e t / 8 ff 1-12- f-t o-�-t e , . r ' c e C % €-n5 8 so r o h e r cArr i�-Gr ` 1`' a 1-r-r jo ay; c4 2s c3/ fi e cA r cr tit 4e & ro 7/t' Otte c /o- s s 0-3 a F t l ' rit- C v L 1/1 7'`1 511 r-rn r � « G/ J , i l , ? fl VJUa 1(e 4' /.ke — OT("er? /c oc-C ®a v, C `rr 8 7711/ ©T . st .as or .SC (E � °(� / r �Te � a Tic G�c � 0( 1i Y 5 e e k (, ?Y e` C FF(e re. 11/6; 4 li 6 ,1 4 f e r '�h ru s cf o F ��r� e ci r-„ is c'a of erA4 lit e. a r P /� ro ©o.( o' 0 O v (a o/ 7 ra vv e;^c '7'7 tr . cich 1 4;1. e are c+ f n Bee A r rrs e Q-' err ce-.1 a -, f11- r F d v cafe Q- - a( p 7- S ,-o- m -S ei e 5 a o et-b 7'7 o rm 4 71/05(014f eickt 6143 Ft )- M_9 /a y$6 hcrn,hor ® e k7J/ Orr -1 (e 6 ie1/7 c.)‘44. � c Gt oo/ clis �rscc� Lv L-0 10 Q.3 -� �hrvv 7 ee c4; y ear, P"- g 0---8 houJecO ts 6 3 .3o i Z' Yo 3( s7ci erre Fee er) P 1 0/ ic'ere4 �- f o f /0 o le 24. �' ' g- (ft r3 e - ' J e Ce /1 / n a de? U ¢ a rc �tcQ I) I / s‘ � Y / J7" Q"4'a - er - �rr4o v O '7 � tau r� >? eacez n a f �i q row r`c a l Q� a Lr --h es 6 u rrrei- o d` z G Y'ry ren ded` J / 1= r 7N3 o C/a- e s Ca ll ss -4 0 tr- o l � e o n - t a - e l J o U rz 710-y do 2 a z,' " e- 71 v.�r h e r a f' '✓ d / h d 7 act J �� �� t� r�sc n 6 r ed c o 0- 7-1,1 e ►cv/ pro v! O�e e l n S Y u C 6 (r ( 3 ` 1 l l i t e " 71 um h ers /J rt Q r 1 ears ti►,o vc 6ee v/ 1 Yn ft t We Ji a rm v la qe a /sa r-o r 146 J / /2i 47a d&5>rah pae- r' o ir( 7- 6 r (f2r rri eed. „ /`.ors 4 `f 6a 6 t r► r c tt '4f Lt/ a t 12 e - 211 057 Zve /e 07.,y �. ENcht tit S'(Qe-@ /3 — oo v ia' ire Vet izt 4 � QyI7; ek� biz( 1 ° G N �hoh a�°P h b � re /' ar r—ZAreeC'(as.$ co o vKs_ , 36ff�f f .e0c4 9 ©0 S icrem , 7 e ,(_ Soxe.c cLo U /S , ti rCv l a ,'�z6 r So We wail,/ h aeh-y m e°Q2` e4 u U f c./ e v d� J s 3� �r o f-h � S r ire S fi «yiae 6 - r , a ✓ ) t (Jew ✓ t z, 77 u vn e r-I d Ea g r.! 6( i nevi a( de? a kr re lr .3 A - JE ems. 0 /ate 2. I3 et r 7o 4c o yr U" r-e /'rn name rc- S / ah e 415 Q vv� p es fzo 1 cp `Y� -e� - 6 tiri 1 hy• e t r- r7 e vserw d 7 P 5,/q'Q&e, u/r /ij fh v2/ c e t ow' O f t�� ob,J CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs 011 Sir ( (.e LJI L.,k Date: 7 / Name of Organization or Group Name of Responding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate 7 people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours U'Monthly: )-- hours ' l . ❑Other: (describe) ,�Z 2.-M b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: U Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours U Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: c'O r X ye9 square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) ' b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours [)weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: -- ) �_ - square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours d Weekly: hours ❑:Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) L .A. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: 0 O square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Carden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 f CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs BRAZOS VALLEY ART LEAGUE Date: 7/21/76 Name of Organization or Group Rhoda Krammer Name of Responding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate 100 people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours 1 Monthly: 3 hours ❑Other: (describe) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: 2000 square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) b. Frequency of use: ❑ Dai.ly: hours D l7eekly : hours ❑Monthly: hours 00ther: (describe) twice yearly c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate 300 people. a. Specific use(s): lectures, slide exhibits and demonstrations, art programs and special speakers b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑weekly: hours Ni Monthly: Z hours DOther: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) built-in multi -media communications systems ��. Exhibition space: 4000 square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): ART, paintings, sculpture, pottery, weaving, macrame, jewelry, etc. b. Frequency of use: C9 Daily: 8 hours ❑ i'eekiy: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: 800 — square feet (describe) to aceomorbate duplicating machinery, shelving. cabinets and kitchenette. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑ Wekly: _ hours ❑Monthly: hours r ❑Other: (describe) <t • c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room.: 8000 square feet (or size) daily n1 es, demonstrations. workshops the arts and crafts b. Frequency of use: ®Daily: 8 hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: 2000 square feet (describe) water facilities (sinks), shelving, cabinets, storage slots. 0 Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): 200 square feet (or size) 'Serving kitchen: 200 square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) O f) Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: 3 acres square feet (or size) Play area: 1 acre square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list) : art appreciation activities for children, self - entertainment Garden plots: 1 acre square feet (or size) Sitting area:_400 people_ square feet (or size) Other (list) : outdoor sculpture, fountains, parking for 5000 people, loading ramps, bicycle racks. b. Storage needs: 400 square feet (or size) Enclosed ® covered Fenced inD Other (explain) : workshop area for outdoor pottery & sculpture 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) skylights and track lighting in exhibit andworkshop areas. heavy duty electrical outlets. PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulia 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE_ Facility Needs o �in� 6 �:11i�L.►! � rl:. / / r / Date: Name of Organiza *on or Group Name of Re onding Indiv ual 1. Meeting room to accommodate 7j10 fj - people &P I ' // �� �j�r VVV • / a. Frequency of meetings Pb t2 /00 ❑ Daily: hours ❑ We kly: Jurs 4onthly: tfburs ❑Other: (( e�e) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game or Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours D Weekly: hours ❑ :Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 3. Party Room: d U[J feVelquare feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.)_CAAVIllie ?.� LiZKAZALZLK • :&; ) i II I - Ar b. Frequency of use: 14,1. / i ❑ Daily: hours ` 0 f G � ' / � ' C! ?•7eekly : hours ° 4 i ❑ Monthly: hours — . l } � i _ ❑ Other.: (describe) /6 ' i ' • - i 1 0 , ' ... rt 0 1,24o c. Storage needs: squa e -t describe i 4. Auditorium to accoumiodate people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours ['Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 41 , ! f 'lam �. 5. E ibition space: square fee , (or size) 42- el-V- 4itf,-e-LaL rr a. Type of exhibit(s): "ill 1 b. Frequency of use: . D Daily: __ _ hours ❑WeeklyT hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily : hours ❑Weekly:_ hours ❑Monthly: Ih'aurs ❑ Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and. Crafts Room: _ square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 1 3. Kitchen Facility ritenyet. �� �' i / it j ÷? A • rAl• /O P:0 IWO • ) Cooking kitchen fully equipped): / s# are feet (or siz _ size) Serving kitchen: square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4 -7-&16-1 1 . 2 ' I 9. Outdoor Space(s) c :qv a. Activities yy Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) *Types of activities (list): Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced - far.] Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and c z5 ribe) • PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE_ Facility Needs , ( �^7 4.'. ,. ...4_ , r�JIL'i l Z Ai Dater. �.fJ/t1 (.,Ui- / Name of Organizat'on or,Group J! I / ' • a pt'u- Name of Ripon:l ng Individual f 51 " `4 9 4 1. Meeting room to accommodate ci A people. f / a. Frequency of meetings 0' / ,i l Ai t l `d , I �iti/ ❑Daily: hours " / 1 ' a s. / / / 1 El Weekly : hours -- i ' ' : ' 0 ❑ Monthly : hou ) bii ❑Other: (describe)! �,�! ,� Lek �� `,;�„, ..! i x ��7J"tY6 I, , i .61. ,I; 1 /I, %// JAM ./ 1 / il �. 0 � `� ` b. t.rage needs square feet (.escribe *(/yVJ t i ir- ' . .a'// 7j, j ill/ ;WO ,ar171' //I Ir �.- 2. Game or Re 1, eaten Room: square feet (or size) Li A 4 t s a. Types of games or r-c -ation 1 ct' ies: / t ; 1 ~' ' , I / b. — e of use: Daily: '� Daily: hours 1 % ❑ Meekly: hours 0/0,./t1/7 � ❑ Monthly: hours, / 7 ,67L.,6 Q✓ ❑Other: (describe) 0 '• / J4) 11' , .._.i . _. 1 I 4r i 41 c. Stor ge ee s: sgsare feet descri e / F / e of ►vo"s - - * /j� i' i.ler ii% �p'I/ / /I / /In:0 l 3. Par/ Room: sq Ole feet (or size) IU_ .i iiJ Al, • a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) 4 ,,(/ 1 , %„) 09 t414Y-L4-'h � / 1..__ 0.4,e,L, Ale ill 11 I li ,t _ _ r, / Da 0:- 'rt , q-- t(-4& L44 ,-, b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours D Weekly : hours ❑ Honthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours []Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ['Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: _ hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑ Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •Types of activities (list): Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle • College Station, Texas 77840 ARTS AND CRAFTS HEALTH CLINIC Embroidery Secure Nurse to take Blood - Knitting Pressure - Crochet Needlework SOCIALS Quilting Parties Sewing Join in Art Shows Weaving Join in Scheduled Trips Rugmaking Home Decoration GAMES Ceramics Dancing (Square, Ballroom, Folk, etc.) Macrame Dominoes - Etching "42" Clubs Sketching Bridge - Cookery Checkers Finger Painting Chess Jewelry Making MUSIC Leathercraft Live, recorded, Hymns, old Painting (Water Color) time songs like country and Papercraft Pottery western Caring for House Plants List others: Caining Chairs 1. Growing Violets 2. List others: 3. 1 . 2. N'Nf irZk CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs r e ame of Organisation r Group — — -- `- Pte-- Na of Responding Indi '.dual 24 .« nom, C ..e t�. Ct.. a k „• 5-91 1. Meeting room to accommodate MO— I4TD people. L, 4 4 O • a. Frequency of meetings ?On �Of 2o0 - �1'Ocl9�h Q�I?aily:� Il; 7j hours ir3o_ 30C ❑ Weekly: hours ❑ Monthly: hours /� �} Other: (describe) $ ,, � AA4 W I 01 b. Storage needs: t b square feet (describe) {�rQn,ec �,• 2. Game of Recreation Room: a square feet (or size) 41...a- a. Types of games or recreational activities: Q .. 0,441A~ 1J r b. Frequency of use: �Jaily:� __ —�_ hours � Q �_�� t4)1Pr TJeekly: hours Ty 'vim ���G' ❑ T onthly: hours t' • � 0 (describe) l�t�� -CSC c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) r 3. Party Room: P � lac square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) t b. Frequency of use: ❑ Dail; =: hours 0 1 D I:7eetci;- : hours z .... ❑ilonth2y:___�_ hours 4k, DOther: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to accommodate .1.0e) people. y,/,..a4 Cu 2 4.414-1 ao eme boo 4.•wi..+• , Ti '_ a i I a. Specific use(s) : A"'r'�^`" b. Frequency of use: Daily: hours j- , a �., p .,.w►- 024- :Weekly: hours - Q E'Monthly: hours LDOther: (describe) c. Storage needs: ___ _ square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: 1 1049 square feet (or size) Q ` %l am ,/ i a. Typ o f ex hibit( s ) . 1 t / b. r eq uency of use LS2'aily: hours O Weekly: hours Dfonthly: hours • ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 4 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: I .,. Frequency of use J DDaily: hours Teek1y ho ;,rs Qonthly:' hours ri Other: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) I - d d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) -- - -- 7 . Arts and Crafts Room: j ', square feet (or size) 1 ,, ,1 _1j a. u s e ( s ) : : { 'VV.-a t „1,,_,_ a1/4 ek_ 7 _____ AC�wu.� a.QP w�.L. �� n..,, f � ' vim, A b. requency of use; � � � ���� c l �Daily:_C�_ a hours 4 kA 4,^4p Gt — Q Weekly: � ( hours : Q?Ronthly: hours Q QOther: (describe) .1 c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) ' Cii l 1 ._, i . Kitchen Facility -P cievd7AA-"4 rAA i ' _ 1,4)&0--A. a.A- ().4.4., .. Cooking kitchen (fully n 1 ° - : / 44 feet (or square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) G. 9. Outdoor Space(s) c a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) • .Types of activities (list): • Garden plots: square feet (or size) Sitting area: square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet (or size) Enclosed LI Fenced in Other (explain): 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) 61 ) .- 1240 .0 - 1A.4.7 )2 )144.14L- ____ Pi,t4J etianti-o-Orint-4÷ at.4 - k -4 - 41 --e. cc-1444 , 40_Itmbfk. &? 414.4-44 cormifk4 p\ L-A- 4-.4w;d4 , .1A)-44„tne-e.4/2 =.0■Vivm4tot ti-stor- 04.04%.4 lo.,,41,4.4‘141-10‘.te A.Q.4.40K, PLEASE RETURN THIS QUEYHONNAIRE TO: c ) /44.4 4 - /4 440,00-1:14 Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle "Jtka'' 9* 4441414 College Staion, Texas 77840 944Prii-vuu , ),4•493, • . , . ' ( I 4. XI 0,40.0 ) thtpt44.4) e1/4., . „ . . • . , ' 40(1,4A1.4Lik.. P C444 . . • i 1.10.A.e._ a.k.... Cd‘seejlvItt4crafrv-1, 11%4 k4.4tat. . • . ---...--; ---,,,,_ 1 „.4, 1 , , , .....-- 4:1" 4:, T (.14 /-.:1 Fc.f,l'et lir."0 1-1-e-- 1 i Gr<AF ' 3a37 t-Le--- • .. . (27-1,....t...-. 5 2 r•-4-'.. e2Hpt /-64 t \2 Hz3 • r rill 1 1 . - 0l, - -)• 4r. . . 1 ,76'',7 , :•7 - ;E_,/ F,F.:(-;-5r 17. ,-r2 1",:;1/•=i, - .0- 9 ,7 t-V . . -4 -- ,_i ______•, 7 _________ •• H 102 p v,1,14.,7 1 s . icz:,..4m 4271 , ; 1 1 . 1,621 PIY:-, ', 1 10 • itt i 1 , - ,- -- ,t1 - ,110 - , -- - 1 ,3H(f; 1,t;ric.L69,4 CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs - Syr,ICLAttlaAJ:-.0 s tA,01". Date :_14W , of Organizati n or Groqp ,„S Nr" LOp 7T o itak. CtiV`V"..a.NN. • ponding individual 1.. Meeting room to accommodate 10 24: f people a. Frequency of meetings 0 Daily: hours Li Weekly: hours (onthly: hours 61...52L - 11 pOther: (describe) Storage need,..,.;/T • square feet (describe) _ _ _ 2. Came of Recreation Room: 0 ahlyksiipre feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: 4,k b. Frequency of use: - hours hours -- aDtner: (describe) c. Storage needs: quare feet (describe) 3. Party Room:2 04v&a_feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) --- . ,^ . . 6. Frequency of use: Chatty: hours - F7 hours ' r�T.th_ . --- hours '-- � ['Other: (describe) -- ____ ___________ _ _- __ ___ __ ___ c. Storage needs: ' feet (describe) _______ . 4. Auditorium to accommodate people. a. Specific uoe(o):___ ' b. Frequency of use: [1Daily: hours l7eekIy: hours LJMoutbly: hours [l ��0�bez� (describe) __ _ 1 c, Storage neede: egoare feet (describe) . 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or oioe)_______ _____ , a. Type of exhibit(s): h. Frequency of us F7 ^~Dail7: hours LJWeekly: hours LJMoothly: hours 00tber: (describe) . c. Storage needs: re feet (describe) -___ _________ � �\ - ' � 4 � -AQ- 6' Nuaio/Stage Performance Room to accommodu��� - peolIe' 40 __ , �~- a. Type(s) of pecfurmau . �� I __ --___-_ _-_ __ �� . ^ - -__-_ ^ � � ■ �� -�� Ni� U ' L. requency of use: wily: / hours Wit+ ours Aontr hours t er: (descr .- Size of stage required: . ...square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: _ square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s) :,` b. Frequency of u ■Daily: hours . .hours 111.1 ham . hours ■ " ther: (describe c. Storage needs: zquare feet (describe) 3. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped) square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: square feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe)_ e 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits:_ �- feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) •l'ypes of activities (list): • - . . a Carden plots:__\ square feet (or size) Sitting area: ' v...Q square feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs:_. square feet (or size) Enclosed 0 Fenced in 0 Other (explain): • 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) ` C \AL AiLdZio/t 612- f __ Z ci 1 . _e; 4.)2 / ■ P i , 4 Crt--"CiAlift40 ,//? le // = � -= i► A ' al. v _ : .._ - . --■ ..✓ ' _._ _ 4! 'c 4fiat /57, .....- .--- ' ___ 11 " ' _-/____-.... ,_ e 5r--0 ' 4 057-14:3 - .6,12-0: el" , /- 6 , 4 - : , . j ' ,,, 4 4 , 4 -- , Z 1 •' - ? . z _ - , Z e ',. -, Ge Ir d -i i., .-t-, f PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1299 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840 . / 774 1 g i."1„ (7 4.ei,z . : A/ ..4 ,.; . ez -, „1 ,:ge(...- -- Xee,,:e.--/etee/ t 7 -__. A.€ - i e2Ae40//e66 --e(--.:( I /--;67% '‘, . - - 0 .j 't . . 11 e} 4 C% , O.;" - ,4, „47 __ ... . . :>•„,,,No.„*.:4,‘ .1,1% , ',....44" '''.• -:: ,°.Z4N. , -,,,..... .._ ---,-_______,--,-..7- -7-:' ' '1%•!„.., 4.,,''-,:,,17-44,....., '''' - - 7:-W,---- -) . . • . ,r, •--s'-- - ------- I $ i • ‘ - i ' .:.1•,, Ii.,..;,,, • o .,....70-(,...°.,.- .z..,„:;..,:: ■ ..... - I 4 , 4*. " : '. ' ',t- t. "1:17; 1 t : . , , 1 ' 1■ 11 1 . ■ 1, 111,14 fit , IP' (44.V 11 '14 Ztrit IINAAW Li 1 111.:. 1 :I ii ' i i I t IAA i 1 ' . 1 ' i I ■ ” ; l'—'' In r 1 I'll' op; i I I:1' I lit"1- 1 I i i 1 ii 7 ■ 1. , J I I i■ li di l' k ,..'., — —3 k 1 i Ill I F - I 1 1 I 1 / 7 i 11 IRIIP"4„:7-7' 1 4 11' .-, i .; .t, i I it LI ___.-1-1- e --- , , 1 I 10 ri V : „4: I :II ilill'ti 1 'll -.(? irii i -„, ...., :,- ' 1.7 5 .....1 i r.piit4li I wt, ,,.,, ,1 1 f_i___ I> Oil 1 44't 4n„ ' 4 oil I! V ; I \ I 144'1 • 1 Z! / • ' • A. 10 Id .... ` la U fl i \ A_ t . s"‘ ' v N . I EsAv , ■ c‘kf.4 t- ' "..! \ ) 1 ep. c ,.0 1 t \I t , 7 J it i . ., - _ IN ANSWER TO A NEED ... THE WAY ... WITH YOUR HELP! The Brazos County Senior Citizens Associa- tion, Inc. was organized in 1976 by a group of In 1977, Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Lester, Sr., interested and dedicated people who recognized a realizing the needs of the senior citizens and of the great need and did something about it. outstanding program being attempted by the The 1976 census showed there were 7600 Association, donated a tract of land on the corner citizens in Brazos County who were 65 years of of East 29th and Bristol Street for a building site age or older. (Those 55 years or older are also con- for a Senior Citizens Activity Center. Lack of sidered senior citizens). There was no program in funds prohibited building at that time in 1979, the county designed to fill the needs of this par- Mr. and Mrs. Lester, once again came to the aid of titular group. the building project by donating $50,000 toward A petition and resolution was circulated the cost of building the activity center, provided among citizens of the county. 1500 signed the peti- the citizens of Brazos County matched that tion requesting a facility designed to fit the needs amount by November 1, 1979. It is estimated that of Senior Citizens. the total building cost will amount to approxima- A remodelled office building was leased. Fur- tely $200,000 when completed. Every effort is be- niture was bought or borrowed; partitions knocked ing made to raise sufficient funds for this building out everything painted and an activity center for program. Your help and support is needed if the the Senior Citizens of Brazos County was opened. program is to be completed in 1980, as planned. 'TIDE MEMBERSHIP ... THE CENTER The Association now has a membership of ap- proximately 400 and an average of 700 people per yrcg month participate in the activities at the Center. POTTERY c STGR.+GC G R A 9^ L_ PANTRY S$TCH C �TTJ The new Center will provide a pleasing atmos- 3 10.PwORKING phere for all who use it and will include features 1 I — — for the comfort and safety of the handicapped. The new 5500 square foot Center will be waMEN MtN K LNS] conveniently located between Bryan and College A s s er Y RH Station in a very desirable residential and business area. It will provide a place not only for the activ- CRAFT-5 ities of the Association, but will also provide a c OFFICE 7 large meeting room with modern kitchen facilities _ for all senior citizen groups and civic organizations oFF■cr in the county. In addition to the large meeting room and kitchen, the center will also include craft rooms ceAFTS I a GIFTS ENTRY and space for a gift shop where items made in the Center can be displayed and sold to the public. The sale of crafts will contribute to the support of the Center. The floor plan is shown at the right. 1 l' U 0 z z Q z o c N s 0 4 F 'A L) +-+ O A �:b z p " 0. u ( A ti d> F" z O N °.j° 0 1...ag CV U 00 CII U as &) a 3 'I; P4 a.:aa 3Z ^ w g � Q w w �T I.. L. N F. F. 4. F. Q) PA E-* en 0 )-1 C: et b y ' D,'G ti-, c.) 00 N a .b 3 N N rE 4 g4 g • 0 ,n • "4 0 C) ° ct �", 'C3 g F. te y .' �" ca 4 h. a O .' '.. 0 a., ••r . 0 V, y+ v, .� 6 i x ow a. ,•°� • W 0, '' _ b ° 0 U R Q o N aa � 0 o b ° E-U ww 0 p rte.' W `" +-, Q . ° b 0 • CI a> 0 Z ti w al i W r. aaC4 CA h , ° c,,(..,C Z x 0 ,� > � . . .. cv 0 cal W .s] 0 N E- a as O ,, a� 0 . ro E. 0 Q a> : v, a 4 Q O v'b �O c a °a� gb E f i l ,r CIVIC CENTER QUESTIONNAIRE Facility Needs 1 ,4 S Date: -- _ __ -- ---- -- Name of Organization or Group i- flnaerson __ Name of Responding Individual 1. Meeting room to accommodate 2e)e) people. a. Frequency of meetings ❑ Pai ly: _ hours n Weekly: _ hours ❑Monthly: hours I (Other: (describe) 151— f L) - -- b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 2. Game of Recreation Room: square feet (or size) a. Types of games or recreational activities: b. Frequency of use: D Daily: hours D Jeekly: hours ❑'ion hly: _ _ hours [Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe)_ __- 3. Party Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific type activity (banquet, dance, etc.) b. Frequency of use: ❑ Da i hours Di eeki : hours hours ❑other: (describe) c. Storage needs:_ square feet (describe) 4. Auditorium to acco,uulodate people. a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours ❑Weekly : hours ❑Monthly: hours ❑Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 5. Exhibition space: square feet (or size) a. Type of exhibit(s): b. Frequency of use: ( Daily: hours D Weekly : hours D Monthly: hours ❑Other : (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 6. Music /Stage Performance Room to accommodate people. a. Type(s) of performance: • b. Frequency of use: Daily: hours Fir e ek�y; hours ❑Monthly: hours DOther: (describe) c. Size of stage required: square feet (or size) d. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 7. Arts and Crafts Room: square feet (or size) a. Specific use(s): b. Frequency of use: ❑Daily: hours ❑Weekly: hours Q ionthly: hours 0 Other: (describe) c. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 8. Kitchen Facility a. Type: Cooking kitchen (fully equipped): square feet (or size) Serving kitchen: For 200 WiOpl feet (or size) b. Storage needs: square feet (describe) 9. Outdoor Space(s) a. Activities Exhibits: square feet (or size) Play area: square feet (or size) 'Types of activities (list) : Carden plots:__ square feet (or size) .Sitting area sonare feet (or size) Other (list): b. Storage needs: square feet -(or size) Enclosed ❑ Fenced in ❑ Other (explain): • 10. Other facility needs (please list and describe) --p jys-f-e,rn -- roJecfor d Screens - ._fezfu rrk PLEASE RETURN THIS QUESTIONNAIRE TO: Albert Pedulla 1209 N. Ridgefield Circle College Station, Texas 77840