HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Ceremony Opens $1 Million FM 60 InterchangeCeremony Opens $1 Million FM 60 Interchange 4 State Highway Engineer D. C. Greer, Right, Cut Ribbon Electronically Underpass Ribbon Burned "Ready? Here goes," s a i d started out thinking about a thanks to all those who have pass," said Mayor Anderson, State Highway Engineer D. C. $250,000 facility. This one cost helped and taken part in "but it is a symbol of our city Greer into a walkie- talkie a little over one million dol- making this (underpass) a re- and its growth. College Station which activated an automatic lars. ality." is a growing, dynamic c i t y ribbon cutting device to offi- "It's pretty good we delayed, Greer, Rudder, Hanover and with opportunity." cially open the $1 million you got a better job," he said. A &M board member L. F. Pe- The assistant to the v i c e Farm -to- Market Road 60 un- Greer quipped, "This proj- terson rode through the inter- president of Southern Pacific derpass interchange in College ect started out to connect the change in the first official car. Railroad B. M. Stevens and Station. , campus with the hog farm." 'It is impossible to measure Missouri Pacific division super - Approximately 300 officials, THE A &M GRADUATE con- the benefits this facility will intendent G. W. Stone each business leaders and specta- eluded, "There is nothing too provide the community a n d expressed pride in having been tors gathered for the 1:30 p.m. good for Bryan - College Sta- A &M," said Rudder. involved in the development of Tuesday ceremony. tion." DAVIS CALLED the project the interchange. Speakers included A &M Hanover, who introduced "a sign of progress — a sign WHEN GREER pressed the President Earl Rudder, Bra- Greer as the "Dean of State of greater things to be built button on his walkie- talkie, a zos County Judge W. C. (Bill) Highway Engineers," said he here in the future." receiving unit closed a circuit Davis, College Station Mayor wished to add his "personal "This is more than an under- which burned into a section of D. A. (Andy) Anderson a n d -- - -- magnetic milar recording tape representatives of the Missouri which in turn connected length Pactific and Southern Pacific of maroon and white ribbon. Railroads. The project included the construction of the FM 2154 GREER, THE principal overpass bridge over FM 60, speaker, was introduced by relocation and consolidation of Texas Highway Department railroad tracks, building of the District 17 District Enginee railroad overpass, widening Joe G. Hanover. and realignment of FM 2154 The Texas A &M University from the interchange south to i Aggie Band, directed by Col, Jersey Street and other road E. V. Adams, began the pro- improvements. grain with the National An- The half clover -leaf inter - them and the Aggie War change eliminated a steeply Hymn. graded hump where FM 60 "Ths project has taken a I used to cross two sets of rail- long tine," said Greer. "We road tracks. Full Service Banking plus 5% -, um paid on sav- on Savings Certificates. First Bank & Mist.