HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 One City Predicted One City Predicted • One City A single urbanized area class in urban and regional accomplishment by 1985. (Continued From Page 1) and a single political unit planning at Texas A &M Uni- Among other things, the for Bryan and College Sta- versity. study calls for dramatic a terminus of origin of ac- tion are long -range recom- The two -year study proj- changes in policy for a fu- tivity. mendations of a graduate ects changes proposed for ture relatively free of prob- Pointed out as traffic gen- lems. erators for a western 1 ex- """"" "' "'""'" ' " " "" "" ". " " ",,, " " ", "��,„„,„„�„. III °`This will necessitate pro- pressway ar6 expansion of "" " 1 Easterwood Air ort facilities I II I IU� I �' 11111111 �Ip� I I ductive thinking of public .� P Iull lily I' I IIII1� ' '; 11 officials and the general s for jet service, expansion of �, �I, u , , 1 ; 11 IIIIII the A &M Research Annex, 1 1 Il public," commented Profes- a, Il i uuiilq I�$I i Ii I it iI ��II and ex • I , n l i„ I, i "Ill sor Joseph McGraw, , director 1 expansion of industrial pal '� �Mm li � 11l'IH 11911111 of urban and regional plan - g areas. P �'il��lu �IpI' �, �I �qi ning far A &M's School of All these will need a high �1 a '.441 level, limited access facility � �In p � I �! � �I Ill � Architecture. "Growth can Y H.... . I I, " " ` " 1 I�lI1i� to provide for growth," Mc- 1, 11111 Ma1liN be an opport if you ac- g i i , l "I' ,, G 1 cept it in that light. We are rr' Graw noted. '' 1 , 11 Il 111 1 ' V1 i 111 �I Documentation of the stu- I 11 III I� not interested in solving ''I. i1111'll I.'In II #11111i1Ij 11; I " 1 1 ' IIII I growth problems on a day- dents' projections were made . �II IIII ,�I {I11 �u 411�I Vi 1 Or' 14 1il'� from existing engineering I ,1 I I I I ,1 0[1' * 111 111 to -d ay basis. s , g g g u n � I 1 1 1 1111 , II I ��I 1 I studies, primarily those by 1 I I ' 1 1' 4 ;h V V h lill l 'i � �, �a "The study gives our stu- d Ild ill I ;, Homer Hunter and Associ- h` 1, al�l' ;III I ."1"1"; �'I „Ih li I I dents a rare opportunity of d ates which indicate residen- i` 1 i1 1 1�I, , I' 1 1� 111 I 'I i political jurisdiction of Bry- I �.II 01 ,I�I II I I I I li . l I II an- College Station, Brazos V tial growth in the east and ;„ " � � I I I 11 l II Ia , ,> south sections of the twin County and the university I. I 1 1 'I � , I ,II ° 'i ill�� �' t ', , y . cities in the next two dec- l 1 tii I l he continued. "Our students ades. • �� 10111�l11 III I >f io i" are able to p robe live prob- i� � ; 1 ' 1, McGraw emphasized that , I I I 0 ; � I l 1 lems . . . to become more �� '� 1f� i I” I r ill ' ru aware of the reality” the urban and regional plan - ri I I 1 I; ilk 4�" p " w Y 1 , 1 l 1, II , ' .144, world around them" of the ning students are available , l'' �;, III ,I m, � I= Projections call for a sin- to speak to civic groups and 1 I II 1 J other community organiza- gle community of 100,000 • tions. Interested groups may I n " , ;I I'l it population, 16 additional ele- ' arrange for speakers by call - ' I ul 14, mentary schools two junior in the secretary k il l �I� � 1p I I I r.1 I g Y at the �i 1 h schools and a new high „ � � I sl hi g g , ,II I, Ilii Iml,b,;" I,II�1,1,I,LI,,, 1 oil .,,,„ A &M School of Architecture. I , u I p, 1 school. ��il 1�' ' ', ;li "Jq �' "These students have var- ,I I �� , ' i� " „ II I , 1 11111111 , IIIIII I I I �) I1 McGraw says the study is being supported entirely b ied undergraduate back- Millican Lake the nine students in the grounds, including econom- David Bowers (left) of College Station and James class. o s, political science, psychol Newett of Carrollton discuss the influence of the The student stud favors gy, architecture and design, a western expressway for and civil engineering,” Mc- proposed Millican Lake on the Brazos area. Bowers' Bryan - College Station. Mc- Graw stressed. "Several are pointer is on Texas A &M Uni - • • - - Graw said expressway is a nearing completion of mas- ' "- better description than by- ter's programs." pass or loop since it is to be (See ONE CITY, Page 4) s lir Single Town for Bryan,' College l'tafion Asked By POST TEXAS NEWS SERVICE tion than bypass or loop since COLLEGE STATION — A it is to be a terminus of origin single urbanized area and a of activity. single political unit for Bryan POINTED OUT as traffic and College Station are long- generators for a western ex- range recommendations of a pressway are expansion of graduate class in urban a n d Easterwood Airport facilities regional planning at Texas for jet service, expansion of A &M University. the A &M Research Annex, and The two -year study projects expansion of industrial areas. changes proposed for accomp- "All these will need a high lishment by 1985. level, limited access facility AMONG OTHER things, the to provide for growth," Mc- study calls for dramatic Graw noted. changes in policy for a future Documentation of the stu- relatively free of problems. dents' projections were made "This will necessitate pro- from existing engineering stu- ductive thinking of public offi- dies, primarily those by Hom- cials and the general public," er Hunter and Associations commended Prof Joseph Mc- which indicate residential Graw, director of urban and growth in the east and south regional planning for A &M's sections of the twin cities in School of Architecture. the next two decades. "Growth can be an opportunity McGRAW emphasized that if you accept it in that light. the urban and regional plan- We are not interested in solv- ning students are available to ing growth problems on a day- speak to civic groups and oth- to -day basis." er community organizations. "The study gives our stu- Interested groups may ar- dents a rare opportunity of range for speakers by calling political jurisdiction of Bryan- the secretary at the A &M College Station, Brazos Coun- School of Architecture. ty and the university," he "These students have varied continued. "Our students are undergraduate backgrounds, able to probe live problems including economics, political .. to become more aware of science, psychology, architec- ! ' I the reality of the world ture and design, and civil engi- around them_" neering," McGraw stressed. PROJECTIONS call for a "Several are nearing comple- single community of 100,000 tion of master's programs." population, 16 additional ele- mentary schools, two junior high school', and a new high school. McGraw lays the study is being supprted entirely by the nine stulents in the class. The studeet study favors a 1 western exp ssway for Bryan- College Stattn. McGraw said i expfessway i a better descrip-