HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Candid Conversation with Mrs. O. D. Sittler a s Cancl "Converiauoni a ces this seem to i ndicate a • lack of interest to you? I It isn't as noticeable now, as 1 it was when we first came S: Quite frankly, we were 1 here. But I know even in the By LEE CHMELIK here for several years before! Junior Museum I keep hearing Eagle Woman's Editor we even knew that th was' people say; we can't go out Editors Note: Mrs. O. D. an "Aggie Players." there (College Station) "because C: Does this lack of a "cul its too fiord Tor f people peoprom Sittler, wife of Dr. O. Dayle tural climate" affect not only C: You feel then the publici- 1 :r an to reach. Fortunately el Sittler, Physics Department, your family personally, but in ty angle is somewhat to y Texas A &M University, has your opinion, the community lame? they came up with a club been a resident of College ? Y which is in between the two as a whole? S: I think they could use a communities. I think the time Station since September, 1961. S: I am quite sure that it lot more publicity an ey has come when we cannot con - Mrs. Sittler, Jo to friends, does. I have known a number ave a a s u en on sider this as two communities. was intrumental in the es- of excellent people who were the campus one does see no- I notice that the two cham- tablishment of the Junior interviewed for positions at tices but I haven't seen them, bers of commerce have com - Museum of Natural History the university who just flatly anywhere else. bined. We have to be one, or- in the B -CS area, served as refused to come, even though ganized community with C: You feel then, that peo- segments, economic (...etc...) its initial resources person- the s a 1 a r i e s were, they I ple who aren't associated in working together. If growth nel and has worked contin- t h o u g h t , adequate, simp- any way with the university, continues, and it must, in a ually with the organization ly because these community have difficulty in learning1 few more years this is going 1 through the steering com- - ; tures were not available. about this type of activity at to be such a large community yp y mittee and various projects � a little too far to drive to all? such as the Astronomy Club, stun if you want to see that it is absolutely riculous an outgrowth of the mu- decent performance of this S: I am quite sure they do. to consider it as two onparate seum program. nature;. As far as I'm concern- I think a major cause of the entities. Mrs. Sittler was founder ed a cimmunity is what peo- lack of development of any , It is going to have to be and past president of the ple want it to be, and it has Type of cultural program in more combined. People have I Womens Group of the Uni- been my contention that if this community is - the territi t to sto thinking in terms tarian Fellowship. enough of who ant + amount of personal antago- of ryan is my own and Col, She will receive a Bache- cultural. advantages will come ni"sm between the two com- lege n o belongs out there for of Science Degree in a e-xn There and are with: munities. and is something else. m to in some effort to It is all our communit and Nursing in August from the t them � can . ain m. 1 1 11 ,i 1 �I 11 until Y University of Nebraska, w a ' 11III !1II II I I II ll 1111 I I II iIl we reall y get down to y It may a e s time but we 1 " I ' 101.1' � is „I,Ip,1111:��1 I 11,11; thinking of it as bein OUR Mrs. Sittler was instru- are never going to develop a I 1 )1�I1II11 I1I II I community and consider all of mental in the esta cultural environment if every- h' ” ' ; .I III "I' the problems as being ours, we of a one year accelerated one keeps saying, well, I'm di going to have a cam- ,Ii III' 1 are never ;' 11 program for gifted children sorry, I just can't stay. munity of the type we want. from fourth, fifth and sixth ;II Mrs. Sittler: Yes, we intend tablish a high school group C D o C: Thank grade levels in State College, you feel like there are 1 you, Mrs. Sittler, 5 oth er nrograrns in addition to III II Pa., prior to her arrival in II �� I��II I' 'ilj I ��I�11 11IQ for some interesting comments. College Station. I the Junior Museum with wh ir" II Ililll !I � I , 1 She organized and served 1 You have been actively asso- HI!!! ��� ll III 1111 � � di iii as secretary of the Associa- ciated, and, the newly formed II , ' II, i I III!', y StageCenter Inc. t h a t are III ! !!0 u'I, ,1 I�N II!! l [1111 tion of Friends of the Gifted e 1 II III11I" 11111 ,il u combatting the cultural de- , and might signify I II I 1 1 1 I 111,111,1111; Ilin State College, ficiencies The Sittlers have four ','� 1 11111I�II I interest currently in this vein? 1 ! i� � children. 11 14�I1111111111Wo,� i IIIIII The following conversation - I third that there is a �I °I I I�' 1 1 �41111,1 ' points out Mrs. Sittler's be- considnra:dit amount of inter- " ,. 1 11II 1 � � p ,111 a '� lief that for cultural and ' est. I'll tell „ " " 11'I'1 II Id1 yo u more about uun�,,,,n�uun„ ? 1 ' I ", , 1 11 I I 1, 1 1 � 1 I ' community growth, coopera- how interested people are after J'u; ; "' 4;ww r ult1 j l I IIII ll���l �I0�l�, lion between Bryan and I see how many are enrolled I! °'11111111��iio� � 1, 1 o� 0 4 �) I College Station is essential. during the StageCenter Inc. I !1,1 I . '!' 'hjoi„ it , 1 membership drive. I have not- II ,1 l ' 1 Mrs, Chemlik: Do you con - ed in the paper the Aggie Play - I II I�I I� ' Zia 4 � 1 N �L ! I� 1 I r , sider B -CS to be your home? ers were �I I p1 going to try and es- II II 1 7 I i l I � 4r�" i ) 1� II �` I I II�h 1 1 to live here as m husband ano In addition a younger cre- N ' Y :dye dramatics class for the I I ' I I �I 1 I I I � I ' � II I I� says, permanently, "alergies summer_ ' � I 1 I � X 1 and be durned." 1! I 1 ! 1II i t 1 l� � , II V 11' I th,a,. 1..... ..ill help tre- : h 11 1 i C: Do you feel that there is mendously the amount of in- I !�� ll n a 4L, I l I, ih 1,111,!1\111!, , a social or cultural communi- 1 terest that will be stimulated I ' G il , „ l ' 1 p ty deficiency of any signifi- in this type of program. ,111�� � ,, a 1Il4I canoe here? C: The Aggie Players have Mrs. Sittler I - S: Well, we t),hink there is. ! always done fine work, how - r Of course we spent a number ever, numerically the audi.- of years in Los 'sngeles and ences have been disappointing had all of the foci hies ct ur ally that were avail 310 -- there. I e miss the Greek Theater that we could attend in the summer time, classical ballet and contemporary dancing 1 too. Such things as these that r "were available in the L. A. _, area. 1