HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 Kat Chat 10.30.1962 f Hand M Conso dated Junior High School `-.October 30, 1562 ."4----- ��� ` \ ! t i t) Ilikl \. , AJ .irx i ; \ ! i I - ' '''",..,' , 0 . 'V I' ' , i \ , § . f sue' / / ,./ 7 ! ‹--------*T-I' , • � � _ f � . :---------.., f .\ p , . v /,'/ ` CAN YOU IMAGINE '..---�'"' ; 'J 1 Boys: A world without girls? •,/ Girls: A world without boys 1 Tests being easy? i 1 / Larry H. liking girls? Jane B. not whispering? Ann Trail without hair? ,/ - I ' Arad Jones being six feet tall? Faye I. with black hair? ,,7 , % / ` /Penny H. with a pug nose? ', ,i;,."' Nancy Palmer with her mouth Closed? \ ..,, �/ Ann Trail Nolan Y. not flirting? , 1',� ;Celia G. without a boy hanging around? ' Shelley C. weighing 150 pounds? -Mr. Holland giving an A +? The 7th grade girls not talking about boys? Janet C. with a long blonde ponytail? N k. .y OFF THE RECORD if'ij' ' '� i f tr , „,..„---.) 40,...04., / ) 1) \ I,* ___,-.., _„�,r. ONLY LOVE CAN BREAK A HEART t 1 ' \ - .},..', V HIDE ANO SEEK- -Sally Owen t3 ,--_,L.,.....-0r,,, > -rr- -- 1 t .--- „.. ANNA - -Anna L. ALL ALONE AM I -- Deborah S. RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY f , " -, BIRD MAN OF ALCATRAZ- -Mike L. \ L, SOMETHING PRECIOUS - -Kathy g Steve TWISTING WITH LINDA- -Linda 8. ' 7' 1 MONSTER MASH - -8th grade homemaking class's meatballs .� ,,1 KING OF THE WHOLE i • Te ��` WIDE WORLD ;V'' GREEN ONIONS - -Steve B. ( \ IF A BOY ONLY KNEW- -Linda A. `1� j \r �� i -"�_ A GIRL NEEDS TO BE LOVED -- Gordon M. & F ..,��,,. , I Celia G. � � ' ' 'Z: `rte � TORTURE I CAME TO GET MY BABY OUT OF JAIL -- Larkin ` a t IF A MAN ANSWERS- -Jan D. RETURN TO SENDER - -Fred M. & Diane D. i I'VE: GOT MY EYES ON YOU- -Ruth Ellen BIG GIRLS DON'T CRY - -Kerry F. PUNISH HER PUNISH HER - -David A. & Charmille LOVER BY NIGHT STRANGER BY DAY- -Meg & Q 0 Punky WARMED OVER KISSES AND LEFT OVER LOVE -- # :r TORTURE -- Barbee H. Karen T. CHASE EVERY RAINBOW -- Melissa 0. SOME DAY- -Andy D. ir V PARTY GIRL - -Diane D. PATCHES WARMED OVER KISSES SHAME ON ME- -Nancy Palmer A TASTE OF HONEY- -Terry & Janet * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS MYSTERY PHONE NUMBERS Sixth Grade: VI 6 -4986 and VI 6 -4656 Qresident- -David Alexander Seventh Grade: VI 6 -7184 and VI 6 -8044 Vice- President - -Bill Ramge Eighth Grade: VI 6 -4032 and VI 6 -7908 Secretary - Treasurer -- Charmille Bridges ******* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** Reporter - -Nancy Palmer MYSTERY PEOPLE Lost and Found Chairman -- Elizabeth Clark Fire Chairman -- Judson Loupot The mystery girl in the seventh grade si& A& AA&**** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *Wears a four - and -a -half size shoe, looks Band Drum Major - -Diane Oueall good in orange, has real cute clothes, Head Twirler - -Meg Huebner has brown eyes and hair, and goes steady Twirlers- -Penny Hancock with a band member, Wanda Marquart The eighth grade mystery girl wore a Kay Calahan blue plaid skirt and a blue blouse on Barbie Jones Monday. She is a tall, brown - haired girl. Michele Edmonds She and some other girls went to the home - *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *making lab at noon to eat the meatballs they made. She went to Newspaper Club in 2 the afternoon. ;ck u+ Mr. J. Jimb: 3, : , l i nterest -- girls about boys Mary Jane C., what did you make in Eng- T gists -- Mr. Holland lish? Was it really so bad? T riumphant -- Kittens Sid A., do you really like Anne Irving? nergy -- Yell leaders Robby S. & Jim B., Cathy did not think N oisy -- hall you would sign her purse. Really now! S tudent.s - -- sorry that school has started Debbie L., Yell! Yell! Yell! ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Cathy B., Y didn't really want to play KITTENS' KORNER baby dolls, did you? Jimbo B., do you prefer that we call you Dede, prepare to get jealous! That girl Jamesy? in Navasota thought Bob was a doll. Wade D., was Dorothy's purse interesting? Celia, why did you want to know Gordon Diane S., do you have a bump on your head? M.'s grade in science? Ross Hording, hello, seventh chair! Bill B., so now it's Barbee H. Brad Jones, we saw you flirting with Peter A., are you really going steady Korn Thompson. with Ann T.? Harry P., you love Mary Jone C.? Rocky, are you going to walk off Peter A.*********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** or Van C.? (Walk off Van. Leave Peter to ANSWERS TO THE MYSTERY NUMBERS Ann.) ANC) NAMES Bonnie Y., big brothers are pests, aren't they? Sixth Grade: Ross Harding and Dorothy Bob,why were you scraping, those knives McMurry together at Dade during the Navasota game? Seventh Grade: Peter Alexander and Sandi Was it because Dede held that boy yell Norton 1_eader's hand? Eighth Grade: James Creswell and Linda Beth B., why are you always standing on Anderson he hill watching the seventh grade boys Seventh Grade Girl: Melba Royder slay football? Is it because Mike T., yourEighth Grade Girl: Jane 8ashaw 'Joyfriend, is down there? *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Sandy N. & Ruth Ellen C., who was walking P.E. TEACHERS .:someone's little sister in the rain last Sunday? Don't you know when to get out of Mr. Caruthers is from Eastland, Texas. the rain? His hobbies are tennis and golf. He is Wally W., your secret initials a senior at A. & M. are P.H. ` �.. • Mr. Williams is from Jena, Louisiana. Evelyn W., who threw those shoes on the His hobbies are water spurts. He is also roof? a senior at A. & M. Don't flashlights bother you, Meg H. and Both teach eighth grade physical edu- iolan Y.? cation. What's this about the "little white duck , " * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *' * * *** * *' *'` *** * * * ** Terry J.? ENGLISH TEACHERS Elizabeth C. and Barbee H., who is this Wayne Bethel you were going to page at the Mr. Jordon, who is English 8 -C's prac- A,&M,- T.C.U. game? tice teacher, is a native of Paris, Texas, Penny H. and Phyllis W., phoning Janet He attended Paris High School, where he can be dangerous, especiolly if you dial was on the basketball and baseball teams, Terry's phone number! After high school he went to Paris Junior Terry and Janet, how did you like the College. Mr. Jordon was pitcher on the rain at the a +7. college baseball team. He is attending Shelley an* k how did you like the A.& M. where he is majoring in education.. lain? After he finishes teaching a semester he_. Charmille, what's this about you and he is going back to Paris to teach high James? school English. Elizabeth C., why are you jealous about Mr. Kennedy is a student teacher for Jharmille and James? Mrs. Rush. He was born in Taylor, Texas, Dudley A., do you like the way Mrs. end lived in Corpus Christi until he came Brown twists your ears in social studies? to A. & M., where he is now a senior. Douglas T., do you like where you are ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** sitting in study hall? On October 23 home room 14 met and Cathy B,, why do you keep staring at elected Jean Dellinger as vice - president. 3 ,- nC RT ! 7 Jane B.,° My only Fin is vanity: Wh.novcr • R, s I look into a mirror, I think how On October 11 the Kittens played at Na= . :,.v beautiful I am, vasota. The score was 12 - 6 in favor of Terry: That's no sin; that's a mistake! the Kittens. The captains were Larkin M. * ** and Larry H. Scores were mode by Larkin M.You can always tell the English, and David R, You can always tell the Dutch, On October 18 the Kittens played Bren- You can always tell the Yankees- - ham here. The captains were Niel A., Jim But you can't tell them much! L and David R. The score was 18 - 8, * ** Brenham winning. Our score was mode by She took my hand with loving care; Larkin M. She took my costly flowers so rare. On October 25 the Kittens played Cald- She took my candy and my books! well with a defeat of 20 - 6. The captains She took my eye with meaning looks. were James Bradley and Bill Braddy. James She took all that I could buy, B. made our six points. And then she took the other guy. The next game is with Hearne. * ** *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Willie on the railroad track- - JOKES The engine a squeal. The engineer just took a spade A man who liked his driving ability was And scraped him off the wheel. taking a= -trip with his wife. After travel- * ** ing a distance, the wife said they were What some people put on one of Mr. Holland' lost. tests- - "What's the difference ?" he said. "We're Bill P.: Peter Minuit invented a very making great time * ** popular dance in the Colonial times. The warden of a midwest prison sent a James C.: Armadillo is the Spanish navy note to the inmates that asked what kind that defeated the Duke of Wellington. of party they should have. The answer Terry J,: Pasteur found a cure for stated x- Open House. rabbits, * ** "What is your name sir ?" asked the Barbee H,: Marseillaise is a French y ► salad dressing, - .ellero Mike M.: Captain Jinx of the Horse "Don't you see my signature!" snapped Marines conquered San Joen Hill in the the patron. Spanish- American War. "Yes, sir. That's what aroused my * ** curiosity" * ** Willy pushed his sister Nell Into our drinking welly A Hollywood starlet said, "I like him Mother couldn't find our daughter; because he has a will of his own - made Now we sterilize our water! our in my favor." * ** * ** woman attended her first baseball A. One day Mr_ Schaffer hurriedly called the doctor and told him that Tommy had game, "Isn't that pitcher great! He hits just swallowed a golf tee, the bat anyway they put it." The doctor told Mr, Schaffer that he * ** would be there as soon as he could. Then Two Hollywood stars bumped into each he asked, "What are you doing in the mean - other at the doctor's office. One said, time ?" "Are you going or coming ?" Mr. Schaffer answered, "I thought I'd The other replied, "If I knew, I practice my putting. wouldn be here." * ** * ** Casting Your Favortie TV Show -- Out of Penny: What position does Dill R. play on the Past- - the team? Kathy L.,: A sort of crouched bent position. Queen for a Day- -Marie Antoinette * ** Play Your Hunch -- Christopher Columbus Allan: Why didn't you laugh at Mrs. Hierth's I've Got a Secret -- Benedict Arnold joke yesterdoy? To Tell the Truth -- George Washington Lorry H, I don't have to. I'm flunking What's My Line ? - -Jesse James anyway. Make Room for Daddy - -Noah and the ark * ** Secret Storm -- Benjamin Franklin