HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962 Kat Chat 10.09.1962 , ,ai A and M Consolidated Junior High School October 9, 1962 s i C \---1 IA \- CC, _ --- j , ().._ v at v ....„... G ---. plif,:,_ i \ 1 -1 0.. ,Il YL46,,,,— 9/07_ 1(-doLE ?-kLA-AJ ir mil , , \ _______,- ,.._..,..._. ..............."„, (MI\ r- il c —%,____,-- -- .......— iAli.P ....._—/- r---------"--- s '' ..- -----_______ /4" )) Hi Th8re, By now everyone hos probably gotten an idea of what the coming year will be like. ! This year will be full of activities that will be fun for everyone. It will also be full of homework which everyone has his iii own idea about. I hope everyone will (2. 7/1-k participate in the activities and keep up with his homework so that junior high will Barbee Hedges be a lot more fun for everybody. I want to welcome the sixth grade and hope you enjoy junior high. The Editor 7: f FFT ERE _ u ncil �tuc`i t u eeresdntetivds -- President -- David Alexander Kathy Korpanty and Bbb Denton ^�itnr -- Linda Anderson -- Ho pson E n.or Yell Leaders -- Shelley Cooper (Head 7C presidentJim Stephenson Yell Leader) and Kathy Litterst ,77enior Yell Leaders -- Ruth'Ellen Calhoun Vice-President -- Bill Loveless and Dede Wolters Secretary - Treasurer -- RBn Baker T*********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Student Council Representatives -- NEWSPAPER CLUB OFFICERS Don Hutchison and Jody Calaway * ** 7D -- Mrs. Fleming di_or -- Linda Anderson President -- Tommy Shelton Art editor -- Evalyn Worley Vice- President -- Lee Powell Sport Editor -- Neil Anderson Secretary -- Sallie Stark oke Editor -- Fred Maddox Treasurer -- Lynda Miller Homeroom Editor -- Jane Bashaw Student Council Representatives - n ittens' Korner Editor -- Barbee Hedges Mary Hooper and John Sperry Off the Record Editor -- Faye Inglis * ** Famous Sayings Editor -- Penny Hancock 7E -- Mrs. Browne ************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** HOMEROOM OFFICERS President -- Jimmy Alexander Vice-President -- Bonnie Young t' Mrs. Rush Student Council Representatives - President -- Tommy Johns Susan Cartwright and 8ickie Hervey * ** Secretary -- Robbie Schleider OA -- Mr. Anderson Treasurer -- Paul Dieckert president -- Terry Jones Student Council Representatives; -- Secretary- Treasurer -- Meg Huebner :o.^ ;thy McMur ** * and Wade Brannan Student Council Representatives -- -- Mrs, Berger Kerry Fisher and Bill Ramge * ** w e.3ide t -- Brad Jones 8E-- Mrs. Baugh Vice-President -- Bob Liverman President -- James Creswell Secretary -- Sally Owen Vice - President -- Jimmy Bradley Treasurer -- John Stephenson Treasurer -- David Ibert Student Council Representatives - _ IJdy Darling and Jim Butler Student Council Representatives -- * ** Janet Calliham and Steve Watkins * ** --- Mr, Holecek BC -- Mrs. Hierth 'resident -- Rebecca Kirby President -- Evalyn Worley Vice-President -- Ann Niles Vice- President -- Nolan Young Secretary Theaeuter._ -- -_Jim Isbell Secretary -- Karen Thompson Studen-t Representatives - -_ Student Council Representatives -- e^ry Palmer and Paul Madeley Charmille Bridges and Allan Riggs * ** 50 -- Mrs, Brown 80 -- Mrs. Meeks President -- Debbie Lind President -- Gordon McGill Vice- President -- Scott DeLucia Secretary -- Dairtd Riedel Secretary- Treasurer -- Mike Litterst Committee Chairman -- Phyllis Wplf Student Council Representatives -- Student Council Representatives - - Susan Ashworth and Mike Ibert * ** Elizabeth Clark and Wally Williams 7A -- Mr, Holland President -- Steve Murray MYSTERY PHONE NUMBERS Vice-President -- John Bogard Secretary -- Mike Thiltgen Look for the correct answers on another Student Council Representatives -- P Cathy Ashworth and Judson Loupot UI6 -6293 UI6 -5629 UI6 -5179 UI6 -7459 * ** UI6 -4370 UI6 -6832 71-- Mrs. Dobson *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** President -- Lois Becker FAMOUS SAYINGS Vice - President -- Tommy Walton Secretary- Treasurer -- Marion Peters Judson L. -- Hustle, Hustle 2 (rnnti niter nn the nett none) ': u 12.--T `'un't knnu. Infloticn is something you sudcnly Welly W.- -She's been hit. don't have as soon as your old tires blow Gordon M.- -Tell me, pretty please with sugar out. end honey on it. When a dude gets married, he becomes Dorothy M. - -I can prove it. subdued. Sallie 0. - -It drives me batty. This hot weather even makes onimals Mr. Holecek- -Son! lazy -- yesterday I saw a dog chasing a cat Daitid Riedel - -Do unto others before they do and they were both using scooters. unto you. Yul Brynner's head reminds me of Sonny Shelley Cooper - -I wish Mike Bevins would Tuft's - -it's sunny down the middle with move back. tufts on each side. Bill Price - -A friend in need is a pest indeed.********* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Allan - -Do you have pills for these attacks? DO YOU REMEMBER ?? Jane Bashaw -- I'll tell you if you promise not to tell another living soul! Whisper! When James C. played the violin at an Whisper! assembly in the third grade? Mike Litterst - -Eh? When Mike B. was here? Dede Wolters, Kathy Litterst, Shelley Cooper, When Jane M. did a tap dance? and Ruth Ellen Calhoun- -Yell louder, you When Mark H. was here? all!! When Charmille had long hair? Jane Mills-- B -O -Y -S When Mr. Coulter taught music? Jimbo Butler- -Holy Zoondy Dogs When Janet C. went with Larkin? 1r. Hopson - -Drop by and see me this after- When Mrs. Gibbs was here? noon. When Mr. Hopson was a practice Mr. Johnson -- Censored teocher? * ** When Shelley liked Rick C.? You are a blister on the toe of progress. When school was easy? I don't know what it is about you that When Kathy L. got braces? Fascinates me, but whatever it is, it's the When Kerry went balling with Archie? Trial size. When Phyllis was in love with Sydney? There's no one else like you in the whole When Larry H. liked Billie Oozier? world, which makes it a better place to live When Mrs. Rogers's class went to n. Mexico? _ e - n - p - erfe picture, but I can't When Alaska became a state? decide of WHAT. When Wally climbed the flag pole? You have a very cute little nose - -too bad ********** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** - it isn't in the center of your face. JOKES You have a very gracious smile - -with those snuggle teeth of yours, when you smile Jane M.: Girls are made of sugar and spice people say, "Gracious!" and ,everything nice. You've been wishy washy like that ever Wally W.: What o waste of materials! since you washed your wishies. * ** I'll say this about you- -the only time Daffynition: Tomorrow -- Today's greatest you lie is when you talk, labor- saving device. Is that your face or have you been to * ** the tattoo parlor again? James C.: What shall we do tonight, You've had so many face liftings there's Nolan? nothing left in your shoes. Nolan Y.: We'll flip o coin. If it's What are you -- Poster Boy for National heads, we'll get dates; if it's tails, Acne Week? we'll go to a movie; and if it stands As late summer approaches, boys begin to on edge, we'll study. reel gallant and girls begin to fell * ** truoyant. A young lady driver came to a police A married man is one who never knows if station with a parking ticket. "Did one he is well off because he never is. of your men lose this? I found it on my A school teacher is one who takes a lot windshield." of live wires and sees that they are wt11 * ** grounded. The teacher was instructing youngsters Fashion is something that goes out of about coins. She took out a half dollar style as soon as you buy one. and laid it on the desk. Be kind to your parents -- remember they "Can any of you tell me what this is ?" used to be people, too, 3 she asked. (Continued on the next page,) .r 4 'foils" shouted n boy in the beck of the As r; wi_fo unwrapped her ann;.."cr7n= rn_ gift from her husband, he told her affec• -• * ** tionately, "When the saleslady showed me On o quiz program the master of cere- that bathrobe, I could see you in it," monies asked a soldier: -How many jumps do With a sigh she explained why She had you have to make before graduating? been wearing one just like it for three Soldier: All of them. years.. * ** Father: Now, my son, tell me why I punished "Who was the first mon, Johnny ?" asked ou? the Sunday School teacher. Sony That's it! First you pound the life "George Washington, Sir," " out of me. Then you don't know why you No, no, Adam was the first mon the did it. teacher interrupted. * ** "Oh," commented Johnny, "I didn't know Insanity may be inherited, but some You were speaking of people catch it from their children. * ** Tailor(wrapping up suit): *ou know that Bride: I took.the recipe out of a cookbook. I'm letting you have this at less than Groom: Good. It never should have been in it costs me, there in the first place, Buyer: You're always - telling me that. * ** How do you make a living? After receiving a marriage proposal from Tailor: I make a small profit on the pope: a handsome Texan, a New York fashion model and string. * ** :Lianted to find out how wealthy he was. suppose you own a lot of oil wells," The linoleum salesman was desperate, "I su Rp Y ' "But, Madam," he said, "I have shown you ohe said. all the samples I have. Of course, I co. "Nape. Not a one." order more from the factory." "Cattle ?" she ventured but he shook his `read. "How much land do you have then ?" "That would be fine," she said. "You e persisted. see, I just have to have something brigs he "About 35 acres I reckon." to cover the floor of my bird cages" The model was plainly disappointed. ANSWERS FOR THE PHONE NUMBERS "-hat's not much of a ranch," she said, gut what do you call it ?" 1 Katie Boswell 4, Steve Murray "Well, Ma'am," the Texan replied, "last 2, Bill Braddy 5. Sally Owen rime I saw it they called it downtown Dallas." 3. Susan Cartwright 6. Harry Perkins ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * ** A salesman was stunned to see a dog MYSTERY PEOPLE playing checkers with o country store This mystery girl is in the eighth owner. "Must be a pretty smart dog, "the sales- grade. Monday she came to school wear_.r a white ruffled blouse and a brown print an said. skirt. She wore her hair in a bubble "He's not so hot," the storekeeper said, with a little white bow in it. for I beat two out of three." The mystery boy in the eighth grade "I bet he's good enough to sit in a poker to school with a hair cut. Before the game," the salesman insisted. bell rang, he flirted with Meg Huebner, "He can play all right, but every time �e gets a good hand, he wags his tail." He wore a white shirt and ton jeons. He * ** wears glasses most of the time In home- "Well, Madam," beamed the psychiatrist, room he sat on the floor while talking to Allan Riggs. 'I think we've got your kleptomania under The mystery person in the seventh groda onntrol now." The woman smiled gratefully and got up came to school Friday wearing a white to leave. pleated skirt and a striped blouse, She "However, if you feel you're having a-J ! blonde and usually wears her hair it relapse, pick me up one of those little a French roll. Thursday night at the transistor radios will Bu ?" game, she walked Larkin M. off the field - o * ** Y Who is she? "I don't want to scare you," the eight- The mystery person in the sixth grade ;'ear -old told his teacher, "but my daddy came to school Monday wearing an orange, a s if I don't get better grades, same- L_ brown, and white shirt and blue jeans. y •• t o - �.,�., �r,4- g c.�,nlemrl1 �� g ' 4 (Continued on the next page) t, it i" hlcck ark] ho wears it in a EVERY NIGHT- -P -nry HLrc_:ck crewcut. Guess who he is? TEN LONELY GUYS - -6th grade bays Look for the names of the people on RAIN, RAIN GO AWAY- -every Thursday another page. MIRACLE AFTER MIRACLE - -80 science tests ************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 00 YOU LOVE ME- -Tommy Shelton PERFECT GIRL WHAT KIND OF LODE IS THIS -- Johnny Bogard and Cathy Hufti PICK A BAIL OF COTTON -- Alexander Boys hair -- Evalyn W. eyes -- Barbee H. SILVER THREADS AND GOLDEN NEEDLES- -Sid A. nose -- Jennifer M. personality- -Noncy P. ONE MORE TOWN- -David Alexander waist - -Linda R. clothes - -Sandy C. BOYS NIGHT OUT- -8th graders Friday night legs -- Phyllis W. hands - -Karen T. VENUS IN BLUE JEANS- -Ellyn F. shoes -- Sharon 5. ears- -Ruth Ellen C. BEACHWOOD 45789- -Jim S. and Bill L. teeth -- Dorothy Mc. height -- Charmille B. PATCHES- -Sandy Norton 1 * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * CALLING DR. CASEY - -Jone Liverman BREAKING UP IS HARD TO 00:- -Peter A. PERFECT BOY V_A_C- A_T- I -O -N- -Bill Landiss BACK TO SCHOOL- -The Teochers(ha, ho) hair - -David R. lough- -Steve B. STRETCHING DUT - -Jone Boshaw eyes - -Wally W. nose - -Bill 8. LOVERS BY NIGHT, STRANGERS BY DAY - -Joe W. clothes -- Gordon personality - -Nolan Y. and someone height -- Larkin Mc. ears- -Larry Holt WHAT KIND OF FOOL AM I- -Bruce and Judy lips - -Jimbo 8. freckles- -Mike L. OLD MAN RIVER - -Mr. Anderson t, muscles- -Billy Henry JULIUS PLAYED THE TRUMPET - -Mr, Johnson ***:******* * * * *: * * * * * * * * * * * *3: * * * * * *** * ** *BUNKER HILL -- Mr. Hopson NICKNAMES THEME FROM BEN CASEY - -Gerry Godfrey CAN YOU CHA- CHA -CHA -- Charles Leinweber Nolan Y.- -Punky Bill Pr. - -The Bug SHE'S NOT YOU - -Sondy Cathcart Jody C. - -Pode Charmille-- Oo(rnkey I'LL REMEMBER YOU - -Koren Thompson Phyllis W.- -Sheep Shelley -- Monkey BABY FACE - -Linda W. Janet C.-- Freckles Celia- -Rossy NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW- -Bubba and someone Faye I. -- Granny Ruth Ellen- -Ruff JUST TELL HER JIM SAID HELLO- -Kathy K. Brad J. - -Pee Wee Kathy L.-- Ironsides I'M SCI CLOSE TO KATHY- -Jim Stephenson Dudley - -Pud Elizabeth- -Dizzy Lizzy JOHNNY ANGEL -- Johnny 8, Linda R.-- Blonde Sharon S.-- Screwball NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS - =Ellen P. Judson L.- -BUbba Gordon Mc. -- Knobby ON WOL.VERTINE MOUNTAIN - -M ke M. Knees THE GIRL FROM WOLUERTINE MOUNTAIN -- Barbee H. *************************************** HE WHERE THE BOYS ARE- -With the 7th grade girls \1'2 t flY DIANE - -Diane O. and Fred M. SALLY WAS A G000 OLD GIRL -- Dudley A. �, GINA - -Jean Ballinger RAIN, RAIN GO AWAY -- Charmille 8. & Nolan Y. cl '', SHERRY - -Kathy L. AHAB THE ARAB- -Terry J. LEA - -Jane Mills STOP THE WEDDING- -Nancy P. and Mike L. ,t SILLY BOY- -Gordy HULLY GULLY - -All the 8th grade girls SHEILA - -Diane D. TRANSYLVANIA TWIST - -David R. & Wally W. HEARTACHE- -John S. RAMBLING ROSE - -Celia G. �� ,- PUNISH HER -- Phyllis WOEAR ONE - -Bart I. and Carol Ann S. WATUSI- -Bill R. JAMES HOLD THE LADDER STEADY- -Kerry F. LEMON TREE - -Faye I. BOBBY'S GIRL -- Evalyn W. A TASTE OF HONEY - -Wayne Edwards LET'S DANCE - -Lynda Miller I HAO SOMETHING PRECIOUS- -Jimbo Butler YOUR NOSE IS GOING TO GROW- -Larry H. HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS- -Susan C. POPEYE- -Fred Maddox IF I DIDN'T HAVE A DIME- -Billy Henry TOO LATE TO WORRY, TOO BLUE TO CRY -- Larkin GREEN ONIONS- -Mike Litterst SENO ME THE PILLOW THAT YOU DREAM ON- -Jody KING OF THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD- -Steve 8. IS IT LOVE- -Ruth Ellen IF A BOY ONLY KNEW- -Mary Hooper(hint, hint )WORKING FOR THE MAN- -Tommy Walton YOU BELONG TO ME - -Meg H. to Allan R. ALLEY OOP WAS A TWO DAB MAN - -Kenny Myers ONLY LOVE CAN BREAK A HEART -- Sallie Stark SWINGING SAFARI - -Jan Dozier YIELD NOT TO TEMPTATION - -Yeh, Wally A MAN ON THE RUN -- Robby S. LITTLE BLACK BOOK - -Doyle Robertson WHAT'LL I DO-- Jackie Perryman WARMED OVER KISSES - -Bob and Dede GOODNIGHT, SWEETHEART - -Neil Anderson TORTURE - -Mr. Holland from 7E (Continued on the next page.) 5 Cake Sale signs are getting wilder, Bob, �n d o r L , r1 th y? J , we MTV didn't know you were e n f ,rnY���ry��� 11 1 ^ Hp i l and, rd lo�err � likes �3vld R.do -you er li whV Cake Sale signs are getting wilder, �'~- �?EE CDINS IN A FOUNTAIN—Larkin, Bob, and aren't they, Jane M,? DeLe Mr. Holland, we didn't know you were a I LEFT MY HEART IN THE BACLONY- -Bobby M. humming bird lover! TICK TOCK - -Anno Ruth L. Which yell leader likes David R.? THAT'S MY FAVORITE DREAM - -Linda Anderson Elizabeth C. and Gordan M., why do you Bill IT MIGHT WELL RAIN UNTIL SEPTEMBER -- keep staring at each other in science? Bll l Bra ddy Terry, Kenneth, and Larry, what's all MAKE LOVE TO ME- -Toby Horvell THEY TELL ME IT'S SUMMER--Marlin Brown this about Janet? Faye I. and Barbee H., are y' uu the new THE THINGS WE DID LAST SUMMER -- Madelyn W. janitors at Washington -on- the - Brazos THE GUITAR BAND- -Jane Grumbles STOP THE MUSIC - -Mara Beth Bailey What sixth grade girl walked an eighth grade boy off the field? Could it be THE PDINT OF NO RETURN- -Laura Denton Bill and Nancy? STOP THE WEDDING - -Jo Ellen D. - Elizabeth C., now you're staring at TO LOVE AND BE LOVED-- Barbie Jones n J Terry c Ter. in sciece class! AND THEN THERE WERE DRUMS-- The"Drummers Phyllis . W c o ne are you jealous about? YOU CAN'T JUDGE A BOOK BY LOOKING AT ITS Whet two cheerleaders are now referred WHAT'S COVER--Jeff Lawhun to as "Eyesfull "? I won't tell you their **** ** THE MATTER -- Richard Davis :`********* ***.E * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * ** but Wolters. ore Ruth Ellen ANSWERS FOR THE MYSTERY PEOPLE Mr. Johnson, do we really look like 1. Charmille Bridges 3. Dede Wolters cattle grazing on the field when we march? Donna N., what does D + 0 stand for on ?, Nolan Y un 4. Bobby Holt your art e wall? Is it for the bay who ** ******* � 9 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * �� * * *r * * * * * * * * ** lives door and mows your lawn every KITTENS' KORNER week? Rocky, I hear Van doesn't feel about Who is Sue Peach's secret love? Could you the way you do about him. t be Billy McGuire? Is it true that John B. is trying to Dudley Anderson, what were you reading break. up Cothy H. and MikeP.? in study hall monday? Dede, is there really anything to the David Huff, did you have fun with your rumor about you and Bob? Are you really y y nose against the wall in history class? breaking up? Spanish teacher? Mary E. Griffin, do you like your night, h, Diane D.? appened to the twirlers Thursdp�� t Who is Barbara Hill's boyfriend? Is it ht D., what did you forget that day i Allan Garrison? n P Tom D., why don't you ever tit down peter which is it Ann Trail or Sandi during study hall? Norton? Jimba, who is your secret love? Could Bubba, what did yo'll talk about at it be? Is it? Might it be? the compout Friday night? Mike L., who is your secret love? Dot Bab, what were you looking at through Mc., Nancy P., Sally 0., or Rebecca K. the filed glasses Thursday night? Shelley C. and Jane B., what's this ********** * * ** * * * * * * * **« * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' about tar? WELCOME TO THESE NEW STUDENTS James C., are you unpatriotic? Jane M., tell us about your new dance! Eighth Grade: Larry H. and Kenneth M., who's your Clifford Andersen Debbie Jank secret love? Jennifer Morrow Nolan Young ('inn T., that was quite a purse! Melissa McGuire Stella Jones David A., that will teach you not to David Borrow Van Odell blow on science equipment! Stephen Boring Melvin Lewis Better watch out for those tipy chairs, Bill Starkey Mary B.! Seventh Grade: Bib grade homemaking class, how did every- even Murphy Lynda Miller one like your peanut butter bars? Douglas Williams Marty Browne Nolan Y., did you know you had o secret David Mankins Cothy Klock admirer with the initials C.B.? Donna Kaye Norton Bonnie Younn Janet L., Jane B., and Kay S., slips Barbara Lewis Steve Wynn are getting longer, aren't they? Craig Bruckbauer Tom Kiersky Gordon M., why did you knock over the Van Culpepper Sandra Norton chair of the Queen of Sheba? Chuck Merrill Frank Herzog 6 (Continued an next page.) 44 iv`w JTUJEfJ ■∎ J LUNTIicU` , -- *fa v _∎ f.0. Marshall Jones `or�a � e ?{, " ../t Sixth Grade: ty' d--6 q Tura Gunter Billy McGuire _ ` \ * Cindy Nash Marta Rico -� ,J11 ge Freddie Hernandez Kathy Heisler r Phdil Barrow Mabel Hera Mary Ann Chambliss Susan Fields Joel Culpepper George Kleck Douglas Thunberg Donny Jones Sherry Fttzgerald Gregory Sittler The Kittens won their first game ********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** against the Lamar Bulldogs Thurdday, p- CLUB DE ESPANOL tember 27, 1962. The score was 8 - 0. Billy Henry made the only touchdown and El Club de Espanol se reune coda Mier- the extra points. He also ran a total of colas en el cuarto 14. Hay viente ye dos 168 yards. The team captains were Gurdon miembras. Tenemos ahora cinco maestros en McGill and David Alexander. The Kittens el club. Navy Marta Rico, Mable Hera, Lours had a total of 75 yards of penalties. des Sanfiorenzo, Norberto Sanfiorenzo, y On October 4 the Kittens played Madi Clifford Anderson. Elios son de Cuba, sonville and lost 12 to 6. The captains Puerto Rico, y el estado de Wahington. were Terry Jones and Jimmy Bradley. The Cada maestro tiene estudientes. Hay mucho loss was the first of the season. interes en aprender Espanol y codo maestro The next game is to be played in Nova- competira con los otros. seta. ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** The members if the Varsity Squad are: IIBRARY CLUB NUMBER NAME POSITION The Library Club elected the following 15 David Riedel QB officers at its first meeting: 16 Gordon McGill Q8--HB President -- Judy Nolan 17 Bill Braddy QS Vice - President -- Judy Darling 22 Bill Ramge HO Secretory -- Jennifer Morrow 23 Archie Bane HB Reporter -- Jon Kemler 24 Van Odell HB Bulletin board -- Beth Becker 33 Kenneth Meyer HB Many new books are in circulation. You 34 Douglas Lewis HO are invited to come see them and check 35 Doyle Robertson HB them out at your leisure. 44 James Bradley F8 ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 45 Bill Price FBI 8AN0 BOOSTERS' CARNIVAL 46 Bill Henry FB -HB 51 Larry Holt C This year the Band Boosters' Carnival 52 Fred Maddox C will be held on Saturday night, October 13, 53 Richard Davis C from 5:30 to 10 :00 p.m. on the A & M Can- 62 Paul Becker G solidated School Campus. 63 Terry Junes G Hamburgers, soft drinks, cake, pie, cup- 64 Allan Riggs G. cokes, and candy will be served in the cofot 65 David Alexander G cafeteria at 5 :30. On the slob there will 66 Robert Morcotte G be the game booths, Country Store, Fishing 71 James Creswell T Pond, Fortune Telling, Spook House, Corni- 72 Nolan Young T val Queen Beauty Shop, High School Bond 73 Jim Litz.ler T Variety Show, sketches, hayrides,and cake 74 Jimmy Gilbert T walk. 75 David Ibert T Your help will be needed to provide 76 David Contey T merchandise for the Country Store. Such 81 Kenneth Martin E items are white elephants, comic books, 82 Larkin McNiel E plants, Golden books, bulbs, records, pot 83 Wallace Williams E holders, aprons, etc. 84 Niel Anderson E Popcorn, hot dogs, eno- cones, coffee, 85 Kenneth Murphy E and soft drinks will be served on the slab 86 Stephen Boring E Managers: Stephen Henry, Jim Stephenson all evening. *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** aid James Alexander