HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 8th Grade Prophecy and Will EIGHTH GRADE PROPHECY KARLENE KNEBEL © Fortune Teller MIKE COOPER Airplane pilot NANCY ASHWORTH - Stewardess on Pan-American Airlines SCOTT HERVEY - Doctor ALICE BERRY - Housemother at Hart Hall CHARLES HOLLANO Orthod l.st DEBBIE COOPER - Substitute for loud speaker HOWARD NELSON - Mrs, Universe KAY FISHER - Singer on Lawrence Welk °s program ROGER MARTIN Shop forerz,T SARAH GIESENSCHLAG - Professor at Rice FRANK SHEPPARD - Game waelan JANET HOLT - Producer of "Weird" PAUL FAGAN - Cupid ANN MCMURRY w Veterinarian OAIVO BRUSSE - TV comedir51 VIRGINIA PATTERSON - Swimmer on Olympic Swimming Team DAVID MORLEY Weight lia'ts BECKY SICILIO - Lifeguard at Henderson Hall BILL GILLIAM - Globe Trotter KAREN SMITH - Catcher for the Colt .,45 PAUL NOLAN - Candy aa1esr ~.a SUSAN SORENSON a Four -page theme writer GLEN WALLACE - Rodeo rf.dc,r CYNOIE SOUSARES - Stilt tester 'TOMMY IRWIN a Ventrilogu cl MARY RUTH WATKINS - National Spelling Champ DAVID MOORE - Pet show ji.dge LINDA WILLIAMS Hair stylist RUTH BECKER - PQE instrLctor LARRY BEASLEY - Bus driver JOHN BALDAUF - History tr~'!char DUKE BUTLER - Professional girl chaser DIANA SUTPHEN - Vogue m =Lai WILLIE EDMDNOS . Contact lens model JANE RUDDER - Cupid °s assistant CVO JUNEK - Professional comb tester RICK CROW - White rat raiser ROBERT KORPANTY - History professor DON LINGER - Dance instructor EDDIE PUTZ - Muffler manufacturer MELTON MOORE - Weathermar JIMBO ROBISON - Brylcreem advertiser TOMMY CLARK - Court ,jester MURRAY SEBESTA - Condenser of short novels ROLAND WILSON - Book revizwer DUKE MILLER - Head debater on A,SM debating team CAROLE EDWARDS - Tom Ooasey„ MARK RIEDEL - Superintendent of Huntsville prison Jr., JOHN SKRABANEK - Editor of Bryan Daily Ewe CAROL WHITING . Pro tennis PHILL WHITEHEAD - Model for Mad player ANNE BALLINGER - Flutist in professional symphony EARL LOGAN - Ice r :ream 8213S- orchestra mat LINOA BRANNAN . Model for Sea and Ski JAN HARRIS © Model for My as GLADYS MATEJKA - Sleeping pill manufacturer �:lairol TOMMY CARTWRIGHT . Star on "77 Sunset Strips NANCY JONES Profession; :3, SALLY ROBINSON - Substitute for Dick Clark on lipstick tester "American Bandstand" SHARON TI-'JMAS - Doughnut hole DENNIS CHANEY s- Substitute for Rod Sterling on tester "Twilight Zone" BILL EIDER - Red convert°tle LARRY LINTON - Quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys manufacturer JOHN FICK - Manufacturer of hair cream ROBIN RICE - Editor of The H. O. EVANS - Bicycle manufacturer Texan GEORGE CREAGOR - Science teacher HAROLD BARK R m Tennis sic CANDY UPHAM - J at the Kentucky Derby manufacturer BECKY SEFC K - Tight skirt tester LINDA WELCH - Physical educe. MARGARET OWEN - Producer of "Surf Side Six" tial teacher CHARLOTTE RHODES - Model for Playboy DIANA LORENZ . Manuaf acturer JANE HOUZE - Publisher for Better Homes and Garden of reducing machines DOROTHY GREGORY - Principal a Allen Academy SUSIE BROWN - Yell leading. HELEN CHARANZA © Professional volleyball player instructor DIANNE BELL . Manager of Sears LINDA BOSWELL - Toni adw-ir= HAROLD HILL President an the Republican ballot tiser HAYDEN MECHAM - Designer of cowboy clothes LOUIS NEMEC - Bubble gum BRUCE SMITH - Tester of chocolate covered ctrerrsa tester MIKE STEVENSON -. Spy for the United Nations ARDIS KEMLER - Dentist LINDA ISBELL - Model for Catalina bathing suits SANDY MILLER - Laugh inventor KAY EIMANN - Assistant science teacher PAUL SITI"LER - Maker of eir- LORETTA COVINGTON - Vitamin tester conditioners PATRICIA CALLIHAM . Ben Casey °s assistant BETTY GARRISON Hat menu - JOE WHITE Leader of Communist Party facture ° eese eee7seei%0RA MUTH - Operator at a kissing booth SHERRY SIMMONS - Math teacher at Vele ' OONNIE SHARP - Peincipal at AO High Schnol SHIRLEY SLUOER - High heel teeter LILLIAN SUROVIK - Umpire for the Vaekees STEVE CAPPELLUCCI z Astronaut JERRY OAVIS - Judge in the Supreme Court MIKE HENSARLINS - Janitor on the RONNIE HOLLOWAV - Curler manufacturer Etffel Tower MASON NEWTON - Fig Newton manufacturer LAWRENCE NEMEC - Restart owner STEVE PRESCOTT - Prnfessional false teeth JOHNNY SECHELSKI - Science prefesebe manufactLrer at AAM, PAUL SFUVERUO - Bicycle basket marofeeturer EIGHTH GRADE WILL ANNE BALLINGER leaves her A+ to Bill P rice; RUTH BECKER, her height to Jody Pad- den; LINDA BRANNAN, her hair to Pennv Hancock; CAROLE EOWARDS, her locker to Kaeee Thompon; JAN HARRIS, her hair to Paul Becker; GLAO'S MATEJKA„ her poem readtng On Phyllis eolf; JANE RUDDER, her baton to Patsy Yungul; DIANA SUTPHEN, her clothes to Zelda Riehardsore SHARON THOMAS, her height to Shelley Cooper; DENNIS CHANEY, eit mischief to Barbee Hedgev, OUKE MILLER, his "twist" tn Terry Jones; CAROL WHITING, Par twirling medals to Mane Ouewall; NANCY JONES her mouto t Melissa Owens„ SALLY ROBINSON leaves her rharm bracelet to Jane Bashaw; JOHN BALOAUF, his golf clubs to Chris Balsnaw; TOMMY CARTWRIGHT„ Me eyes to Bill Ramge; RICK CROW, his walk to Jimmy Boone; BILL ELDER, his height to Archie Bane; DON LINGER, his hair to Richard Davis; LARRY LINTON, his muscles to Oavid Hill; EARL LOGAN, his lee oream man positioe to Billy Powell; MELTON MOORE, his freckles to Michael Saner, ROBIN RICE, his turned op nose to Carolyn Eimann; MARK RIEDEL, his neatesee to Mike Matter JOHN SKRABANEK, his golf teas to Janet Leipper; PHILL WHITEHEAD, eis loee shirtn to Kenneth Meyer; ROLAND WILSON, his facial expressions to Douglaa eewis; TOMMY CLARK, hie wit to Neil Anderson, DIANNE SELL leaves her Bee Casey blouse to Elizabeth Clark; LINDA BOSWEeL, ear eierleet to Setae Erskine; SUSIE BROWN, her coevereations in the hall to EA.yr Parquahar; HELEN CHARANZA„ her shortness to Jack Uphare DOROTHY GREGOR*, her height to David Riedel; JANE HOUZE, her books to Bobby Marcotte; OIANA LORENZ, her shore- . nees to Ellen Peach; MARGARET OWEN, her office to Lieda Anderson; CHARLOTTE RHODES, ter beauty mark tG Patty Lock; BECK* SEFCIK her library books to Janet Celltham; CANDY UPHAM, her horses to Meg Huebner; LY„NDA WELCH, her tumbling abilitt to Allae Riggs; HAROLD BARKER, his locker to Roy Kelly, GEORGE CREAGOR leaves hie girl frierd to patoiC Cantey; HO, EVANS, te,s glaeses to Steve Watkins; JOHN FICK, his sense of humor to Aillus Junek; HAROLD HILL„ foie • debetiee ability to Bobby Mixon; THOMAS IRWIN, his hair to Fred Maddoe; HAYOEN MECHAM his cowboy tat to Jim Litzler; DAVID MOORE, hts sense of humcr to °weld lbert and Stehhen Henry; LOUIS NEMEC, his height to Deborah Sceatte; TRUCE eMIre, his hair to Rebecca Platt,, MIKE STEVENSON, his office to Oavid Alseelder; JOE WHIVE„ hts pond to Sidney Atwater PAUL SITTLER, his notebook to Bruce Larsen. SHIRLEY SLUDER Iso4wes her glasses to Virginia Ursa; LILLIAN SUROlLK, her base- e ball gloys to Virginia Huff; LURETTA COVINGTON, her height to Margaret Ivy; BETTe GARRISON, her bows to Bryn Irving; ARDIS KEMLER, her shyress to Narwy Reid; BONNIE SHARP, her hair to Srehda Brannan; SANORA MUTH, her walk to Anna Ruth Lenox ; PAT CeLtIHAM, her eolleyball to Sandy Cathcart; SAND* MILLER, her hair eo 8111 Brad OAVTO BRUSSE his size to Ricky Moor% JERRY DAVIS, his shoulder pals to Larkin MeNiel MIKE HENSARLING, his humor to Boyd VlOweerie; BILL GILLIAM,, eis height to Linda Rodman; RONNIE HOLLOWAY and PAUL STUVERUO, their curly hair to Kenneth MarAie, \ STEPHEN PRESCOTT leaves his piano to Gordon McGill; PAUL FAGAN, eis eves to Lally Williams; LAWRENCE NEMEC, his motorcycle to Opyle Robertson; C.NOA ISBELL,, r horn to James Creswell; SHERRY SIMMONS, her smile to Kerry Ftsher; KAY EIMeeN her boy friend to Vickl Reswes; GLEN WALLACE, his moturseooter to Jaee Mills \ ; e'e NOLAN, hie locker to Ann Trail; MASON NEWTON and JOHNNY SECHELSKI tear eight to , \lewelee Worley; STEVE CAPPELLUCCT and DAVID MORLEY, their personality to .,30 Elleh \Dawson, k I ' ' NANCY ftJORTH leaves her quietness to Thomas He- sarling; ALICE BERRY, her blue i telephone to Robert Carlton„ DEBBIE COOPER, her me aphone to Kathy Litterest ;; KAY -FISHER, her f'rec► les to Faye Inglis; SARAH 6IESENSCHLAG her grades in history to G ar Hon* sty,, JANET HCL her hair to Sharon 5kr'ivar►ek; KARLENE KNEBEL,, her little blue locker slip to Mary Beth Bailey; ANN MCMURRY, her laugh to Kay Storey; VIRGINIA PA TE =SON,, her handwriting to Gail. Jackson; BECKY SICILIO , her tan to Dixie Olden„ KAREN SMITH her athlete ability to Mary E. Griffin; SUSAN SORENSEN, her four - p8o . reports to Katie Boswell.; CYNOIE SOUSARE i Iher height to Kenneth Murphy; MARY' WFoKiNS, her trip to Washington to Christi Hildret:h; LINDA WILLIAMS, her good looks to Charmille Bridges; LARRY BEASLEY his dark hair to Charles Wal1mc; Mkt BUTLER, hl,s golf clubs to Jimmy Bradley, MIKE COOPER l eayes his scouter to Larry Hale; WILLIE EDMON[DS, his blue eyes to Regina Lyons SCOTT HERVE , his wild bets to Oliver Prieye; CHARLES HOLLAND, his quietness to Dma Dell Nash„ IVO JUNEK, his height to Larry Holt; ADB t T KORF ANTY is q1 sst to Donna Young; HOWARD NELSON, his yoyo to Linda Russell; EDDIE r'U Z0 his history book to jimmy Gilbert; JIMBO ROBISUN his orewcut to Jerry Morgan; MURRAY SEBESTA, his study hall position to Celia Start ; FRANK SHEPP :;RO and ROGER MA9 1N their memories of the eighth grade to Mariam Mecham, 1 law, I ) limmemaiiimmik_______