HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960 Kitten Tales r i 1 d , "" .,,,.. \ .; '.,..:,.,,„ \ ..,,, c ., ,,,..,.., i t, -_t h T t x ro x4 y Ali; 4 , t r� .""psi. a' t; e'� y � f A is t 4 _ .,--‹ ., y , F X I y -4', .:,,,' . , , ,;,,,,. , ...t', ( 3 �Fb. 5 , *f a y1 4 ' F rim$ �� I ,,,TTTCCc a..3 ��. it y_ • ' i POI- au Ilco fl: eveeywhoee, The Queen was in the palace asleep when t go to the streams it was being de-miced and she swallowed some Where I eean dreato spray. And that was the end of the Queen. By Ruth Courtemy 5B I go in the epring, And think about things(, SPORTSNAWHI2 I love then to go see, Aat there might be, You will fight until the end Down at the •treme and maybe never win, By Rebecca Plantt, 5B Now bo a good sport, and, don t Walk around and enert. You ray never win, TO JOPT THE SCOVIS but try, tey again. By StepYen Harey, 5B Most boys of eleven, ----" When they find what itus about. Worry mother and father OrJ DP:f To lot them join the Scouts. One day I wont a-walking, a-taj.king But in most cases, at this age. I went ona 7 think yere'll agree, One day I started talkieg, a-talking, Ws not Sonny Boy who really joins, I started ene day. But Soule' Boyue busy daddy 1 ecouldn etop my walking, end I ceuldnie By 3idney Atwater, 5B stop Tpy talking, So I wont tc Dr Balking and there ie I stepped zy lking and my walkin6„ TR1:, 5h LITT1 GIRL Never to wa1 or talk again. By Janet Iaipper, 5P Once there was a little girl who leas very shy, Everyone elect thought the just did not AFent to have anything to co with them. KITTS One day a kind old lady saw the little girl sitting away frem all the oteer children 'cites, kites flying everywhere and looking very sad. So she asked her why Sailing hero and sailing ther,, she wasnut running and playing with the other children. The little girl said thet since the All shepee and all sizes first day she had moved here nobody had asked Sorm may oven win prizeo, her to play with them, and she wae too shy to ask Then the kind, little old lady told the Red, yailow and a gmen one, other chiidren why she hadnIt been pla*A.ng MY. Hew natty they look aga the sir:, with them. After that happened ell the children gave Kitee flying all around a party in the little girl honor and the Some mey even fall to the ground- little girl lived happily ever after. By Doyle Robertson, 5S Oh and soon the little girl lot ever her shynees. Gail Jackeen, !:5B POEM Here I an sitting, waiing, PA IACE I de not no what for, Trying to think of a poem,. from afar= Once thexT, was a beautji:ul palace, but Thinking of hat I mieht do, overy day the Ql.leen complained about the Inice if I woro there with you. Thie palace had at least 600 mece So one day the king said hn would get it de-raced ( if By Richard aweiv, 5B there is such a thing4), so the moo de-miced LINCOLN IVIEIVIC..RIAL THL NEW KITTEN This rmerAurnent standing iniNashington, The phone rang arx. Jane answered„ D C was erected to the memory of Abrahain 'Hello, Jane Weldon speaking." L1nc;',1n. The Menot is on the bank:.; Then Martha said "Oh„ hello, Jne, the Potomac. I just called to see- if could come Its dedication to Lincoln was on May 30, over to see my new kit en." i922. Kt Iva. plann.ed by the ace. architect, Just a minute Vale.: ask my 1:-Tenry, in the form of a Greel'.. temple, -and Faother, " replied L5 n e. of Colo :..ado marble, .t.t.s Whitenesz err seldom ustd. Jane came .ba.0c. to the p'ione and said, "Mother said 1 cn ome over., his huge monument is two hundred asad I'll be right over." Tare :n.t.r.t,g up and one feet, ten inches long, one hundre6 eind an over to tilartha's thirty-two feet wide, seventy nine feet, ten inches h:gh Mrty-six doric columls IN./lamina opene=a the dcor Oh, surround the Monument representing the • rane, corric in thirty-six states in the union El t _ he Uric Jane excla&rned, "•)h„. what a cute of Lincoln's r.:eath. Lich column is fortr- kitten!" four feE.. hi gn and seven feet, five inches in diameter. 1 laughed, " :'ust lo 'i - jump in the leav This monument took ten years to build. TA took $2, 5.)/:-.,000 . There is a kluge stEtue "What are you goi:ig to name o Lincoln in the monument. '.;.itten.," asked Jane. Faye Iriglis, 5-D "I don't know. LE s think of one," „uggested. Martha. SPRING "Yen, let' Ci do, ans-vcred Jane. Af.iarna said, ").e. 's at Sprinci, Spring iumPY." Is almost here,. "ves, that's a g„or When Spring is here :dared Jane. Everything is dear, Cyri Fitch, 5-0 The trees hav blossoms „And the bees are busy.. BEUTIETIL SCENES It is cool but not hot 3ne monling sitting :An a :ILL And the birds are. flying. saw the sun come up. i love the spring And then I saw a lovel7 bicI Pec.ause the in blows Whici sang a beautiful-. scmg. The flowers and gras,s and And one night I sat upcn h.11. Makes them so pretty. 7 saw the sun go down T just love the Spring, FA looked so pratty age inzt. the Spring,, ,rith a sih. Sharon Sk Nancy Macomber, 5-D SCIENGE CHID SCIENCE CLUB NEWS tn school there are two Science Clubs. Mrs. Because of the change of semesters, Rogers has one of them. Last week there was no Mrs. Tenser's Science Club has grown . program sO Charles Walrno red the list of people Everyone wants to be in the Science for the programs for the rest of the year. The Club! We had the election of officers. pr.ogram for Friday well be about snakes. The Gordon McGill is the President. David officers of the club are: ;Timmy Brsdley, ?real- Alexander is the Vice-President. The dent, Charles WiA1.1110 Vice-Pr esicient, Charmell Secretary is Melissa Owens. The last Bridges, Secretary. prosrarn we had was on electricity by By fvalyn Worley, 5-D Billy Braddy. ***** * * * * * * * * * * jimmy Boone, 5-D ** * * * * * * * * * * THE WEATHER STATION When we first got to the weatite station, - Then Mr. Barnes showed us an Mr. Barnes showed us upstairs and etowed us instrument called a radiosonde. This an instrument called a mercury barometer. A instrument is sent up on a balloon which mercury barometer works like this: In the 'sot- will go 20 miles high into the atmosphere tom of the barometer is some mercury which Lq and measure the temperature, air- nearly all the way to the top.. If the pressure pressure and humidity. eressing hard the mercurY will go toward the Mr. Barnes then showed us into bottom of the barometer. You have probably room in wch the teletype was kept. by now guessed that a barometer measures The teletype sends messages to Louis- a:I pressure. vine, Kentucky and Denver, Colorado. Then Mr. Barnes showed us the hygrometer. Then these two receiving points tell the The hygrometer measures the moisture in the weather ';:o the 'United States. atmosphere. The strange thing about the Then Dr. Moyer showed us the hydrometer is that it is worked by a traman radar room. Inc radar equipment wasn't hair, working and Dr. Moyer said that the Then Mr. Barnes showed us the anemometer trouble was with the radar on the roof, which tells the wind speed but unfortunately Then Dr. Moyer talked to us about hurri- it was broken. canes, Debra and Audry. Then Mr. Barnes showed us an instrument Thomas Hensarling, 5-D called a phychrcmeter. The phychrometer ********************* was not like a regular thermometer because it had two thermorr eters . First Mr. Barnes dipped SPRING the wick as he called it into the water and Spring is the time of year swung it around a couple of times and read When blossoms bloom so sweet . the temperature which was 57.05 degrees. Then The air is sweet, the sky is clear, Mr. Barnes read the dry bulb temperature which lcwe spring so dearly was 74.95 degrees. And know sou do too. pett Lock, 5-D PosseSs) ,•. MIDNIGHT THE SONG Once upon a time there was a dog who Once there was a composer who ran away from his cruel master. This dog's lived in a red brick house on the corner name was Midnight. As he was walking of Green St. One bright, sunny, day along, he saw a haunted house. He de- early in the morning he decided to take cided to spend the night here. Since he a walk., He called to his dog, King. was coal black he had no trouble hiding. The big German shepherd walked by He heard a strange sound coming from the his side, or ran after butterflies. As he room, so he crept closer so he could hear came to a small river, he stretched out better. When he was close enough to hear, on the lush grass. Everyth was quiet he heard some slow scary music. As he except for the hum of a bee, the song of peeped around the corner, he .heard a loud a bird, and the bubbling of the clear crash. Midnight found out that two things little river. happened at once . First, the dam of a flooded river burst, second, the music Suddenly he had it - an idea for stopped. song! He took out an envelope and started scribbling notes. The sun was lvlidnight ran to :he door and ran outside. hiah when he finished. The raging river was heading straight for - the old house. Midnight could swim, so The next day he took the music to he escaped the river a friend who conducted an orchestra The man agreed to play it for him. When he got to the shore he looked back just in time to see the old house crash He sat waiting in an uncomfortable down. straight 'chair, for the music to begin. Midnight hadn't had much rest, so he Suddenly it began. The first notes still wanted a resting place. He walked till were the soft mellow hum of a bee, then he saw a comfortable looking chair, He the clear tune of a bird, the gay bubbling walked up to the chair and jumped it of a river, all combined in one beautiful He found it very comfortable indeshi, so he song. decided to spend the remainder of the night Penny Hancock, 5-D there. ..-!..a**seaa****it*aaelsieisk* In the morning the day seemed to be sunny and warm. Midnight got up and jumped down STARS from the chair. As he was walking away hs.! Walking in a starry night, heard a boy call to him. the boy did not Watching stars twinkling bright, call him by his own name, but celled him I wished I might be a star S6 "Doggy." He did not like this, but he felt I wished I might light the dark black nicht. that his bay would be kind to him, so he My mother carne and shook me up and went back and lived happily there the rest said, "Get up, my dear." of his lively life. I thought I rataht be a star so near! Kenneth Murphy, 5-1) Linda Anderson, 5-D 9 4I 'dews Tne Lest, Rabbit •Pte■ra^VAIC 0 e11, i , OM V/44 , We hive finished te Southern There was on lietle rabbit "tates. ',1To hid tc flied pictures nnd ae liv-id with his mother and of these states, We will hand five sistees, He was tees only boy in our nocebooks Monday i2/28/60). rabbit in he family, His father We started tne Central States had been killed when he was a baby. last Wednesday We had to nnd One day his mother told him end his the states and capitale 1 like sisters to go pick some berries for the Central Statee. We reed a- supper, so the ran off to pick some bout the Corn Belt in theCantral berries. Soon they found some ber- States. ries by the creek and thee pie I am going to write to the the berries tili their baskets were Chember of Cenmerce at St. Paul, full, Then they started lOrfle again, Minnesofee. I em sure 1. will like Peter, the boy rabbit wes still the pictures of Se, Peel, picking berries. His basket weseelt full beceuee lmost everyeime he B Linda Ressell got a beary he would sat 1".:. It; started getting dark sc Peter My Broeler decided re would go hon,e, He looked MIA.0 around but he couldnt find the wcy My brother was born or 7ebrue home. Thea ';26 :-;r44 a fox corn so ery 26, 1960, The time he wes he ran up 4 tree. The fae saw him born was 1100 oclock during the go up and so the fox ren '.:o the tree night, but when tee fox go; tner he could his heir le red and he 13 lit- not see the rabbit oeceese the reb tle, bit we hiding in the lees, 1 was surprised about him„ My Finally the fox went away and he mother though e It we gong to be rabbit climbed down and searted A girl, but ie was a boy, running and ne didnt stop until he got home. By Douglee Lewis By any Reid 0 7.1 1 .1 1 .aUZ 91) 9.2.tr. The Ice. The Community Supper W.11 te held Isn't it nice to have some Thursday, March 3 1960 Etich stl- • ice? dent in 5C is bringing 25 ,-! te pa When you slide down the for something for tie supper. With hill. the money the Mothers oLd Dads Club Youlre likely to have e spill,. will ouy somethi.no, for the sehool. MGst of the students in 50 have Oh What s thrill brougeit their 25ft. Bring youxs! By Sarah Erskine By I Feemk ,,------ / --......• , \, s., -\_.... Jo' `'.. 4-,, 40 ' 4 a 3 'r/ I ".-i:: 4' ' .... k r., `) 4 f i, .,, \ \ ..', ....«, N'tt.d•aw ...-..^., , f 4 l*sz1,5mr Z+. i'4 rlt4 N \ \ N i ‘ ,..,.„..., to.„,„0„.„...,,,,,,, -....._ 4. 13"e ' *-',,,---,,, -, --....... ep. ' -- , ____ ....... 7 . ‘ . . 5C NEWS FEB. Birt'isdave The 1/7t Club We htd two greet birthdays this The people in Art Clhb went to the month. DIF to great birthdays Memorial Student Center two weeks ago, were Georg* Washigtonls and First they went to look at the Abrahem Lincolnlri. George Washing- Modern Art Exhibit. The paintings ton wts - orn lh 1732 and Abraham were very good. After the Art Club Lincoln was born in 1809. George got through looking at the art pie- Washin cut down his father's tures they went to ee the bowling cherr, tree, Abraham used to cut alleys. They did not stay at the rail* for ht, living, George bowling alley as long as they looked Wash'ington *RE the first president at the art. After they went to the and S'eransm Lincoln was the six - bowling elley they went to look at teeihth preeildent. the guns in the gun room. The Art Club went to.*J,00k a; the room the By Oliver Prieve people paint art in which iv called the Are Room, When the Art Club was ln the Art Room, Mr, Dye showed us Arts and Hobbies uomepicturus. We enjoyen the trip very much. Thursday, the 25th the Arts and Eer Julius Junek Hebbies Club painted picthres. First we draw the picnures we wanted to draw and then, we would pint them Leap Year or color them with chalk, We had lots of fun with the paint and chalk, Because eaeh year otherwise would have only 365i days, our calendeh By Naney Reid divides the months, weeke and days so that every fourth year February receives the extra day, February 29. Winter DiEhAce Th12 fourth even year is called "Leap Yeer," end in America it is The eighth Winter Olympics are also k natf;_onel election year, when being held at Squaw Valley, Calif. we choose a president.. Thirty-three countries are competing. A tale of an old Scottish eustore About eight • hundred top skiers anu tells that in "Leap Year" any un skaters have competed against other married girl may propose to they boy countries. As this article 1 sub of her ehoosing and if he is of milted, the U.S.S.R. Is at the top legsi age and uncommitted he Tus: and the U. S. is head of Germany. marry her or pay a fine. Would any of you girls like to pe }3 Steve Wright to Scotland this year? By Ellyn Farquhee The Two Few Punils We have had two new pupils the last riTsif" c ET month. They are Oma Dell Nash and Milton Mallard. Oma Dell lived in This month a mystery is circling Bryan and has now home to Cellege St el ear th. The Russians were asked tion. She is a very good V-Til• in 'C. if it was their rocket, but the Milton is also a very good pupil answer was ne, Now 1O2 cans thin Milton lived in Odes before he came it might be an Amerior pocket op to College Station, Milton. Is a very sule sent up by a rocket last August. good artist. We have enjoled Miltons th&t. le still circling the earkh, art work He is in the 5th. Grade Art Clb, ard Feenoy hving . 1 i .,• a) Robt Ry Glen . 17,7rnisey • . ._ • ••....._ . __ __,,,L,---k--••••-••••••... ...,i4,..,, a4,,,t, •,,. • ,, a..m*6i,AJ4ii4 , ii • - • • • • -Ai • • ROB23.31g girl.,, lived, with her uncle, Ile old ear„ out e\rerybody liked him and they ca Once there was a little robbin him Uncle Lio. Maria was frients with ever, And hie back 1%,,s gay and ovoryono was friends with her They had fltn This little rcbbiy loved to go bobbin all the time until one day a., Iman woman came anc, For h qa,c4 l'ex y gay, said th.at, s lias Maria vs mother, And he never dld any sebbinl The lady teek Maria away to a little cabin For he also iced to play and :aor up.. Fria new that ciao was net in the garden way:, her moi and was thinking Ci‘ a way to get T-- - • By ,B woman. in for the knew, too-. that thn had $tele e3„nd L rc 'Hark. was a littly, LIFE - KT frightend, but still brve:, A small boy ran quial, t so me elder mria thcawht of a way to gat the. weran. boys. "A man has fallen rom a ladder,: ia Maria s';;.ted - to laugh and laugh and laugh,, hurt aid the itoy woman wondered why 'f was Ia-16 when A. Little boy said„ will go and got as "03,3 tfj Th. Tw,.reey,rt asked viz doctor." TAva kw:thig The big bop.:3 ran to the hurt MaDo i "I„et ls=c.F.:e and I - will shAew 'were Scouts. Me .Tar, said, "I know you. Scou.t..- you," Se the lady lot her go and forgot te 4,-,,w what 3rou arc dci:cg,,'' Th e man had a broken hold ez, her, So ItIria got loese and got leg, The Scouts covered h1r a. Ittnia. him CTAt- 1,10.n to tt;aiiil and get the wompn, The men took fertablo and wara before the doctor - got there, her and - rnt her in jail. Forever they lived The man was sent tno the hospnal and was 3'on happily, well. The little boy did the right th1ng,3 By Janet CallTham, He did not move the ?van but got hol) QuicklY, By Sidney Atwater, 5B AN ARTIST qxf 110.8 p9.1ating the scenery , :zwf ? :ky and greenery. , A yict,..lre of teauty and charm„ Once a boy tee a walk fed the wocds o.nd. For th.: sight tho sig and across the got lost, When he called h mothe r:' the only :?a.r2n, answer ho got was a howl from an animal that Was th work of n Pk„ster at home. came closer and 1or ij David Cantoy 5B He said "Please dongt come anu closer." Then the eri1 aid, "I wont if you haare other people in your family I an eat E ROC h`i I do 1 del I have Enther, a fa- ther, and a sister," 33 we are hving a scienae panl Cr bring them tazorraw and I will eat Monday wrote et :last ?ive qt and them, But bring them at noon becauis 1 want turned t'lim in., Tuesday all 'oho people whin them for lunch," So the boy agreed CHe teas Ale got ea the panel„ N11 rn clictEen 7e,ry greedy boy as you car sec.) The anima to call oft th2 questions a Donna was the scene-- hoped him the 1 home smacking keeper, 1 1i the peeple that had 13 9 s But the bey had hard 1vkj It - .1NAineclY, wero e he panel. Keil was the caller and His other sale., "Canit you see it raining?" Janet 7e,oper was the scorekeeper, The cloak struck 12 -Ind Bobby that was hi:; By DiKie Olden and Andy Andridje,513 nome) difppeared and was never seen. agailac Tht3 weak weive been oaking chalk paintings,: 133r Diane Whistlr„ 53 We mad some stories in our re:Adcrtihon w modc, pictures about them. In it section we rea.d but ti ,, kntgbits were beL„e3 ±i daysof old"A NARfa We 'am, beer, dning nthor thinpo, tee_ We lave boon making abotract drawings. Some of Once in a f.:74r . l't:47,J3 9, litti wer ery prett zirl named Maria, haria veA? htmy itL Neon, 5 . . /,.. - -•CP,;20S.YO'i- 8PRIEG BEAUTIS , ..., 4 ., .:Joufldn!t• it-be-funny - One day as I was walzing on ,a. If •nights 'welle• - sunnY, - -'-- in the woods 1 noticed seme spring be.:- And chairs could. talk : ties growing beside to book I went • :,., Andanimais couldn't 1.7alk? over to taach and look at them,. One: ofE Jane Mills -- . , n*Ini, ::...: these spring beauties said Lc 1..0 r_.„..- .• help me get rid Of these_ roan Shephecl's ,.. THE STARS - • J... ,2 1,-. .7 e...” .. - ianrse flowers. they try to f.,a0.0 IX -.X. .. Up in the sky the stars all strem, After all we are beattiful but they 1 _ With a quiet looking little 0.,eau. are ugly and mean' Some are high and sor ,=. are low, • But I said"If you were a Shepherd Shooting across the Sky they Durse would notlikt t.o be moved ke Some look li a chair would•yoy?'The Spring beautuss woulZ no Stuck there in mid. air; - reply. As soon asi left I saw the z • One looks like a lion„. - beauties -talking to the sheloherd purs.... . The other is huge Orion. Kt had boon a good day for mo I Up they go and dawr anain Jo :6mn Cooper until they go dawn again,, THE ROBBERS Ono . day as T was walking don a path ThE FOOD TIHAT CALE ALIVE in the weeds i.• saw a hole in the.• groAnd, One night as I was hiking in the There was a trap .doorSo I. 1Lfted woods I saw an old hause. It loo'zed like. It was-like a little °atm only it had it was haunted. It was about bedtime so . boon dug bymar. There wee two men in 1 decided to_sieep in thc old hose..›• • itj beard one Man say' to the other. When my bedroll was half undone I' thought that itwouldbe_ tob riSk.y. I coke I heard a faint voice say me and die j 0 the far_ond of it ard saw a lot of but I decided it was just a novae or rat . money Over :ten taasand was. there. squeaking, so I la y down and went to sieepcA cx I saw the money I knew they 'W0 In about half an. hour I was avakoened the robbers that had.•robte our bank . by the sound•of footsteps, I was toe They-always tilem in the woods. This sleepy to •think anything about„ia In larUst'be tAar got out of - .:7,her about two hours 1 as awn by some- - fast. I decide d. to go to tle_ . plice thing that sounded liks a tivad I thOught station. AS they uSuaUy'do they asked • that it was probably a rotten. board me all. the facts.. May told me to take that fell. Again '.: two Ir. the morn them to the•blde-outo The roblors we2 ing I heard another "Thud" • not there but their traos were easv li This house sure must to olW I • • to folloW. They led to where a car had thought once been. A little while- latoz we or The next morning I looked all around to the policeman's car. Be turned on tlle, the house and. when I came . to thekitdhen radie. It said that two. people robbe I saw three balonty• s!Adwiches with leg s. bank ard were headed this vav 0 We te1.1.4 sitting on tho finally to- e would wait for theth at ti elr hide us tne first .one, "e: have•teen calltwt, sure ellaug a all soo s t.Ap r i os ing you all night*fl end we_ caught tham Ve• policeman s::Aid . • '"Are vou the-things I Aeard that said that tDevrie.,,.. - i"--- t . e -, ,,. . ,,,, »a .0. 1 4L t„,..,% s-a. Rat me and de'T "les we•were ard if yqu don't ,la.t us the whole world will (51e after about an hour- SOUDTS thev convinced me to eat - them... I ate them - 1,c . u ineru are SVUU 3 1:,..na, ..„ ....1•ei zo uear and died It is tho third sandwioh that Thse ars the sound thzt ara is writing this always so LaIkir ,:loWfLf31 A roaring campfire, A sizzling steak. The sound•of Reve..ille ar I wake Tho hamering of a woofe3e upoi':,. a trot, These aro the souns that; make von free _ Dill *ad.c5,71 :1 , . . .., ,,.....,.....,,,,,,„„„.......„....:„„.....................................„,.•••••,,-„,„„„.„.•••:.•••:....,.....,:,..„....„,.•„.,,,,,,,,,.,„„,.,-. ,,,....,...,....,..----•'• -,.• — // / -0 41 , -r,n, (1: . e . .. 0i • 1,1 t ", 1-1L•., .,..•-•-, JYP:,tau ;.:',u, LO 33 to play 5 has just flashed the dentral a TZ Su ie ra" , E., , :.;es her b..„..4., ,,, . - ,, =5, • VIC) t. 0 - - - — - . Sta 1 3 11 2 '-'17" -"''''--(''' ' 'il"',"' 1- '1 - 1 1 do the lertio,' There . L..s a ,---- -I- -P --/, A l!r.s.l.c'c-:;.1:olt4-::o7bi.1,-;,;,;:11-i-ile'";oiS aFid After th 2-7, ehe PlaYa with Net'...* 11 1CO , The El„,:eLa arc leading oy - , , - .,=- "...,,,t4., 4 , , ,,, 4.1,—.1.4 .....,,,,, • .)00 no.,-4,3 r , „11,, , , , 3 . .., :„.,,,..i. ., ..,,,i,„• t.,1„,..,... noints as of new, Otherwise tnings a-' , 71-- - - - „. 3,- hover saz 1 , .„Ton ,,, -,.k 1,r1120, \ moving 1 o T., . Huebner She never says to he ol "May I borrow your prett, hat?" 1 3f,I": :...,',,IT:. :Barbaa 14del1 LESt Thl.„xsdz t Science Club, ..,, MY ° T 3RENHAld nooper ca,v, Lad f.Lowed u.S some 1,31:4, abollt bird and talLced to us about _ The 20'tn of Febraary„ Saturday 1 went to B: to sae t',,..te Salt G:: ylAml,Both !-,cionoe 1,,,;lubs went, T thfnt 41 much, Trail par“doc My Uncle S'Ld has e wagon, . ''' 14inda redman Ha said T could ride with him in gen, I'ghen 'VD were going c,..tat to join the. LITTLE C, FIDINGHOOD ,,, , parade a.. ol t.,.. sudden PT unele lost r.,,Ittlie Green Bidir.S. from Venus control of the wagon, Then the came. front right one, rammed a truck fender ql.' ",' own to earth to claim . .t„ e na-L, and we noc,rly of tir,owa out )f Lttle , 2.'reel, - : . , R:.;„dinghood, David Ale. E3ut What t,0 her surprise The toys called 'aer Gccie Eyes, TEE, ',J'AIRTEE She ,-, - ra's.A- One day as I was kin down a e beau - decidoif to tal:ie a walk to he: a wal „. 4 - 2 ,„ .__ ., , , , .„.., „,, . _lother house;h tlial paun boriaered with ,owers the forest. I came upon a verT small , :5u;' Koarby livd f., folf 1.',oy what lauce .., clearing with a s':',Jring There Tere strawbrres and blaceberries lichesrd of her oc..; and ran to her home; all around and thc gpound was covered with nice loft (noss,,It was hot that daT Mck was of ccut ornd by Say and Loan, 'ao.t here it was very cool and pleasant ; :.. ct ei ,,, k $tasaed (..., c, A v-r,ay taor0 and 1 berfiite Ore - 2-: If!". :1,,, I y a 4 s leop„,s , - •• doer„- ly up w f...'; f; t al Lt I saw bevore j 0 on 'uTlred int0 bed 7.-.31 ,....',. Gmn t..;, :,, „....,.- ........ .,,, me n_n- 1,..,,,,,le aw.mtacs Aad then, hQ start to more, nine luna motha and in - z,--ach ofeach was q:4en Little Green - .' , ..eighood yells little green clothed fairl.,Bef-- "' kn , c, t + it the fountain tu 0 brillian ''Gray:dmawe are -pu ree- A,. ,- 1 7es, Dearie 7,'m la the den, n and oranEorNearby Wel'e niae orange 1 ttle G Ridin Hood walked into coaches pulled by nine ort sulphur ta le den , ill butterflies ana in each was ar oranae 1- 4,, ''Grar.dmastif# what a b:g noso - Jou f, ,, 11 clothed tai.x They all -; act a ddb the 0 , 1 11.11 the better to :7,moll you wit.,n(-1-,fga.) orang,e fai got in a ?G what L, ears you have .. sreen ones did too „, all ,. • - tattoci to .1 the bettor to h th :Litt-13 15 and _ noti (3.4d thai.;*i.they be a- to (oble ugh 1 0) . ' .,_ •• - - ,,, - "' ., 11, got fainter and fainterz, Pretty soo tho 3 - .vaat DIE Gueun, ,o -,v.0 ,I diaappearel, I was 4tanding in the same the better to get up and eat,yaW, clsaring, Then 1 atarted home thinking , :7: grabs and I anatch then I chevip what a timo 1 bad bad. ehew,,,, ehew4 , Elie , 013 no you don '011 enate% you- and olacw ollov Ltttle G15 RidllY - OhenTit, f maw - 1 , Tecw7:-:? - ,9,t l a my headt' - '': Y',