HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 The So Far Uhh b a p - — v 5 r ,, IJ 'i � o ' U k y \ ,! i X14" a 1,' cot, iivc, iiiost ryhaqtyt 1-+ wi 1 t q beter v.f.k,e,. 0 coitetT ' .., ez ,;,,,, irix, _.� VV NT Colle Station, Tues. February 13(material gathered since ; May: 1952) c �� Q' ES DE ��0�� Ut`E, or- 0 NTH 1:NSC t. LI BR A '` The citizen of the month is Elmo Sloholwskye Your friend and mine, Eddy Neil Sperry took No one seems to know why he is Citizen of the all the clothes out of the lost and found and Month. gave them to the poor, not underpriveleged, but Elmo can always be identified by his unmis poor families. Caught you didn't I--you thought takable walk. He only has one leg. it would be nest ou filth leechcrs. He got Citizen of the Month because he'esbe __.. _. en in high school 15 years and the student coune A ( `r ��; cil figured it was about time he got it because be r � DY o'e ' v , ' t *. `'" might graduate this year and he sure isn't going For the past few years we have been able to to get it in college because he won't ever go to see the advantages of a youth corp. college because he's too dumb. Before, anyone could come to the games Just His hobby is going to school because he fig anyoneg And sit anywhere they wanted to And the ured it might as well be his hobby because he nastiest o1 people cameA And wore just any of isrft ever going to get out because heh too dumb. thing. His favorite saying is "Quitters never win's But now all the stands are filled with ma Elmo is a great wonderful well tiger and roon and white with big puff sleeves. Isnt that the SO-FAR-EH wants to congratulate him on being just golly -gee whiz-wonderful? And no one wears a great wonderful swell tiger. We love Elmo heb bright fingernail polish, or smokes or drinks or rrreatd even cusses(not in uniform, that is). And now, ' everyone site in neat rar4 and waves their hands ee M.......r at the same time, and yells at the same time It - r 1 �_� G sure looks Hot Dog, Peachy Keen. °Cause if they The other day Mr. Johanson found the jani- don't a comrade vicroy of the Grand and perfect tor stuffed in the has horn. The janitor had be order of the maroon and white, or a- comrade gene en missing for 2 weeks. ral or maybe even a lowly comrade colonel might This caused excitement among some of the admonish them. band members. Johanson described the incident as Har;y ennates of this society are on their "highly irregular ". The janitor said " I'm way to bigger and better services, such as the hungry ". sex corp or one of the five keepers of the spir Mr,. Johanson said "They don't do this in Ck it. lahoma." We would like to express our great esteem The janitor said "I'm hun?rr ". and admiration to those who are responsible for Mr. Johanson said "I think some knuclehead creating this suave service has been stuffing janitors in bass horns. Certainly, these fine, loyal, sincere Tiger fans should be commended for their solid, staunc¢ WANTED: faithful, tried, true, untainted and constant de., Mrs. Roar would like to invite anyone who votion„ has been in Latin II to join the Lat. Club. For g that matter anybody in Latin I, anybody that li F SALE. kes Latin, anybody that hates Latin, Catholic 13 white female cowboy hats. priests, Catholics, Jews, protestants, anybody, hooks from lockers in boys' locker roorn the need mergers. Please oin •IeaseL o ---� �� he President requests the paying of dues All of the senior band iris say thanks to of the Latin Club, h ell we :On Coach Jones for his speech about girls looking She says "If thy* don't •. how the hell we :onna have our or ? bad in their boyfriends' letterjackets. The No Larry you cannot he sports queen too, girls' are sending him an autographed pictures no matter how much brown you get. of themselves in their new band letteraackets 1 1 (Z u- Dear Vera, The ALM Consolidated football team played a Alice heard that Timmy is dating Josephine football game last fall during football season. and she really likes John and she told him so It was real keen. The band was there, the good and since Alice really doesn't love Timmy be- old Per Squad was there, the Yell Leaders were cause she has to say "hi" to him first in the there, the Bengal Belles were there, and our good hall before he will say "hi" she is going to old football boys were there. It sure was keen. really tell off Jenny Lu for telling a certain The band played, the pep squad sang, the yell 1 someone to troll off Jim far telling a certain leaders yelled, and the Bengal Belles kicked, someone to tell a certain someone that a dumb and the coaches cussed. Everyone was peppy, some of so and so is gonna not tell another certain people were even arrested for being a little tole certain someone which she saw parked with the peppy for a minor. It was real keen. The foot— cute little boy that drives a striped model "To' ball bofs got out and ran at each other between Nell, if that wasn't enough, Georgie got a date yells. Everybody had a good time and we lost. with you know who in 2nd period typing class and she broke it to go out with tooty of Harry, and here I am. OH, what can I do? Coach Chaplehill's roundballors found loss Sincerely, F. B. more prevelant than the win. Dear R. B., Height was the main problem in the Tiger Kill yourself. Camp- -the lack of it. Leading the Tiger five was 5 -9 Peede Candy, who hit the bucket at a Dear Vera, 11.9 clip for 320 points over the 60.61 season. My boyfriend is a big strong swell all dis= We are now looking forward with great axe, trict football player and he has a Mg of keen pectation next year to seeing the Tiger team maroon and white letterjacket that I want for Chuck Candy. mj very very own until I flush him and start In the course of their existence each bask- Going with Charlie. Some big mean man won't etball team finds it necessary to deliberate let m° have the big al' keen maroon and white upon the minumum standards to which they will jacket so what ^hound I do? aspire. This timely moment has been approached Yours truly, Elsie by the ALM Consolidated Senior High girls basket Dear Elsie, ball team. Diligently and perserveringly they Go out for football and et your awn evaluated the record of the previous year. Find DA?ir,LiTER former most va1»able Angie basketball ing:(1)they averaged 14.6 ppg(points per game); player's daughter, former Aggie basketball coach (2)their opponents had tripled them in ppg. Cow daughter and 1 homemaking progress award recieve paring the preceeding year's record with the So despite their scholastic responsibilities ad present one, they d4 uced a decisive improvement p p they had about a 20 ppg and their opponents had and ' extra ciricular activities, they about a 35 ppg. This is really rerLarlcable con- must be commended for although out - weighed, they sidering the heavy academic load they carrye were never out- fouaht� Many members of the team have 7 solids and Mushy Crayola, captain of the Bengal Belles although there is only one senior on the team the would like to announce that there will be a meet team includes 2 yell leaders, 2 homecoming prin- ing of the Belles Friday afternoon directly af- cesses, 3 class officers, a student council ter school. officer, Latin club president, Latin club vice Tle sex squad will congregate on the stage president, 3rd vice president of the ALM Conso- in the auditorium where the junior play will be lidated junior chapter of future Homemakers of rehearsing. This is to mess up play practice America, musician of the senior chapter of FHA, and make the cast real mad. accompianist to the concert choir, band council member, most beautiful girl, queen of the Explo The Tiger Band is advised to be .here just in case the Belles decide to dance. Actually rer's ball, rainbow officer, 1 pep squad lieu- to pose for sexy calendar pictur they are going tenant, 2 pep squad sergeants, 1 pep squad off- but Jeer, 12 powderpuff gridders, the principal's but since the band likes to play for them, they can come, tool,