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A group of Consolidated students Bulbous Belch, Communist ring
were seen picketing the Bohemian leader at Consolidated, was inter -
embassy in downtown Bryan, last viowed by the staff (it was prot-
• April fools day. When asked why ty sticky) of the ***Bad News *::*
he was participating in the riot, last Friday the 13th; this date,
'` Ogden Rambler, a well known lead- was by the way, the 200th arivor-
er of student uprisings screamed: sary of the Boston Too Pary.
"Ban takes the worry out of being miramxWhen asked what ho thought of
close. tho toa, Belch answorc: "I hate
"' ;ca, ospocially 1€ T- Birds." When
When asked why he hated T- Birds,
Two Consolidatod students were Belch ropliod: "Bocauso there al-
caught burning a copy of the Brad ways Stalin." But, whom consulted
Bad News*** last week. Funeral about T- shirts, Belch replied
services will be held at ten to- (Redly): "Oh, I love Lenin." By
night. this time Belch was pretty teed
;;***" off and hotly doclarod ho would
denounce the- **Bad News * *a; in his
For your noon hour entertain- paper, The Rod Rover.
ment tho ***Bad Nows,* * is spon-
soring a number of group activi- ;,
(1) Hopscotch and Jax games on Ogolthorpo Swayback, talented
the slab. Consolidated broad jumper, was
(2) Dice shooting in tho rest soon jumping a broad in broad day-
rooms. light. When asked why ho dist
(o) Zebogram drawing, which or- sod a damsel during tho day, he
iginatod from the "Happy Hour," in ropliod: "It beats tho knight."
Mrs. Nartinotto t s room.
(4) Popoyo and I ickcy Mouse ;; ;;;
cartoons in tho speech laboratory.
(5) Supplimontary social rela- A group of Consolidated seniors
tions classes behind the auditor- worn soon at school Friday. What
ium arc you kids doing anyway? Buck-
', * ing for brown c points?
Sid Sewer, Consolidatod water -
boy, was proclaimed drip cf the
year by the reigning principal. Sunny Diabetes, well known Con -
solidatcd XX XXI TXX basobal.lor,
"* was caught off second base last
wook. When the umpire askod him
Nebuchadnezzar Warmonger, new for a cigarette, ho ropliod: "Itm
froshman at Consolidated, was out,"
drawn and quartered by the F,F.A.
for amporsonating a farncr. ;,;,,,;;,,,
�" Alphonse Nasal, brilliant Con,-
� ,c,r., ,
? ' solidatcd student, won tho K ooncx
t`, Tad Polo, talented Consolidated scholarship by a nose. I&'hcn asked
vaulter, was soon crossing the bar about his win, Alphonse rcplicd:
last night. Whon askod about his "Oh, itts snot much."
drinking whilo in training, Polo
ropliod: "Oh, I never got too high." .,- „.,
"** The ***Bad News-,::: is proud to
announce that Friday tho 13th will
Van Ishing was soon„ bo tho doadlinc for submitting ap-
plications for tho Student Counsel].
• kite- flying contest. For those
students either out to lnnhh or
Elly Punt, Captain of the girls continually up in tho air, appli-
woight- lifting tom, was soon cations nay be turned in February
carrying a huge trunk around tho 31.
campus. Whon consulted on the "This contect will take place
subject, Elly bellowed: "Who instod of building a now dam on
Noso ?” tho crook ," said David Gay, tam
%;%;%;* The dam plan was nixed.
"This is tho first of what we
hope will bo an annual contect
each springy stimulating more high
t schoolora Co. -go fly a kite," Gay
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