HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964 Moon Maid Still Sought oon Mai S till One entry in the Miss Moon The young lady was recently Maid contest has been receiv- named runner -up in the "Miss ed at The Eagle Office in con- Workshopper" contest h e 1 d nection with the national during a journalism contest at search for an earth -bound girl Texas A &M University. that looks like the space char- THE 5' 3" BLONDE is a acter in the Dick Tracy comic member of the Lasso's, the Pan strip. A m e r i c a n Club, Quill and MISS NANCY Carol Hewitt, Scroll, National Honor Society 17, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. and the Press Club at S.F. Aus- C. B. Hewitt of 1509 Bennett, tin. was entered in the search. Remember, the contest will The girl is the first qualified be open until the Aug. 8 dead - entrant in the contest. Another line date . entry was received but the To enter, all that is needed is young lady was below the age an unretouched photo. Both limit of 16- years -old. single and married The national winner of the girls are eligible contest will receive a notion gible for the contest. picture and TV contract, a re- 1 11 !I I III cording contract and a 1,000 I I. wardrobe plus a trip to Holl I ' 11 I li wood for the televised finals. y Ii IIIIII l' ul ''' "II 1 11 °' To be eligible for the prize, li /I'" IIII i, 1,1 i the entrant must be between "i ! I(��r� �Illi l � l � IIIIIII i��I,y �P 16 and 25 years old and favor I ''; I 1 � IU , II 01,,, 1I I . 11,1111 11j � I 'ol11VU Ii Moon Maid. 1 I A PANEL of local judges will , 'I 1 1 14 select the one girl they think li I 1 I hilt I' II 1 " r ! !'' � ° j Il I III most resembles Moon Maid. ,, Il // r � II I I 1 I Or! 111 y �,I�I� 1d11 Her picture will be entered in IIIII11 , Ili; 1, I regional competiti where 10 1 ,I HVI' III l ' '' girls will be selected for the 1,I ll l Illl,la @�,' $r i! I'll I I ��' Il' I Ih� l Ili i t expenses paid trip to Holly 1 /11 /1lllli 111 1 111 l I wood. l�'jI An unretouched photo of the ��III 1 VIII, 1 /, I jI1 entrant must be mailed to the 11 �lI' I ' I l' ;,,, ' I Bryan Daily Eagle in care of i Il h the Moon Maid Contest before ' 1 X11, 1 1 ' Aug. 8, the deadline for the lo- 1 cal contest. l Miss Hewitt is a senior at , , . Stephen F. Austin High School. She was born June 18, 1947. NANCY HEWITT