HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-64 The Safari / c A 'TAD 3 i \ 1 \ 0 loc _ _ _ ___ _ -- Vol. I No. 3 A &M Consolidated College Station, Texas Sept. 27, 1963 AWARDS BOND ISSUE Earlier this month Mr. Riedel, If the bond issue goes through school superintendent, presented on Oct. 8, it will mean long - sport and academic awards at a needed improvements for the high special assembly program. These school. awards were given: Within 2 to 3 years, $235,000 Track: Lettermen (Class of 1 63) of the $375,000 School Program Vance Kemler will be spent on the high school Scotty Manning physical plant. Gold track shoes -Jr. Div This will furnish a new build- Russ Harvell ing (not air - conditioned, though) Tennis: 'Lute n ` across from the homemaking bldg. Claire Elkins It will house the library, a Jim Mills language lab and 3 classrooms. Mark Reidel The old library will be converted Golf: Lettermen to classrooms. John Bauldauf Also in the plans are facili -- Duke Butler ties for health and physical Bill Elder education. A PE classroom, dress" John Skrivanek ing rooms, and concession stands Baseball: Lettermen will go up near the football field Les Palmer Walter Varvel The growing need for expansion Mike Calliham Jack Fugate is obvious from a look at enroll- Charles Gandy J. Pewthers ment figures. In 1948, the high Sonny Benavidez Tommy Hughes school numbered 94; by 1958, the Ozzie Burke Darrell Gossett figure had more than tripled; and !'ierit: Letters by 1968, estimates show that the Pam Adkins Nancy Inglis high school student body will ex- Margaret Brown Don McCrory teed 500. Over two decades, then, Jan Butler Di Stevenson the increase will be approximately Linda Feldman Glen Collier six -fold. Michael Leinhart John Badgett NEW MEXICO, IN WHAT? Julie Goode Sherry Holland Bobby Elkins, Bruce Riggs and ?Fussell Hanna Harriet Hierth . :and: Letters John Badgett took a trip through T�argaret Brown Gail Keown the untamed wilderness of west Sonny Brown Barbara Lorenz Texas and New Mexico this summer Sue Hierth Suzanne Medlen in Bobby's 1938 Desoto. The ad- venturous trio set out on August Sherry Holland Jimmy Reeves 5 and finally returned home August Jackie Kelly Ralph Smith * * * * * * * * * 12 weary, insect bitten, but stria this going strong. Be first to identify quotation Their destination was Lincoln and pick up a free copy of the National Forest at Clouderoft, safari next issue: New Mexico. Despite wild Indians, It is a beauteous evening, calm snakes, and flash floods, the and free, three courageous seniors camped The holy time is out every night but one. In * * y * * * quiet a a * nu *. . Lubbock they yielded to the The next issue of the Safari will grandeur of a motel. come out the 18th day of October Old Paint gave them no trouble aue to six -week examinations. except the installation of new brakes and the changing of a flat tire. r �'ol . 11/4N t I Po. 3 he Safari Sept. 27, 1963 ::'age 2 TIM: TALLZ CFiCIt =.tPCfi ' 0 le: Y1:At by i en Fisher 33 Ruth i:cGill : - Cy =.w _is u311..populatod with younger iir. Coulter, Director of Consol's sisters this year. .Seven soeriors have singing Groups, announces plans for the a freshrian sietor; Fray'.: and Cathy first part of the year. Litters'c, Fay and Laney Inglis, Joy .Pie abers will participate in tryouts and 'Shelly Cooper, icon_ and .K:orry Fisher; or the .; 11- region Choir : , ovetiber 1 Staniy and Elizabeth Clar rill and in .'ace. Judged by the Saylor voice Cath; :Du . :e, :sic and _'hyllis "golf. faculty, twelve members and two alter- . The younger brothers tale a bac'_ hates will be chosen from each voice Beat to thy:: girls. Only three seniors section. Tho top four in each section a.ve ; ;°ouncer brothers; Sail and James of the All-rogion Choir will go to the Cres ell, Eddie and Alice 2utz, Jruce All-L Late Contest in January. The and Allen :Piggy °s. Concert Choir will also attend the "free fa lilies have a senior, Dallas 1;usic Festival at the State sopho :lore and a freshman in C_13 right Fair. now. These include the Clam' -s, the n The choir nusicai will be given Coopers and 'the Fishers. l ovrcr.ber 22 -2 players 3. � .._ o.st of Inc ., .: will probably cone from the Concert Choir, with a few from the .:fixed 'r. 3urcham is loo :ing for a teacherChorus. to change classrooms with hits: third At Christmastime *111 be a series period. o says the speech room does of "co de- and -go" concerts. These will not have enough blacjoard space. be hold at noon, December 16 -20, for Any ta':ers ?? patrons of the College Station .State %; * ,• ., Nan 'loth choirs will participate in Seniors see f ITartin for the a holiday concert December 19. college board test boo'clet. First date Pee choirs are organized as clubs for C'EL is Dec. 7. with sets of officers. In the Concert Juniors, remember that you to can Choir these are 3ruce Rigss, :'resident; taco the college board test in your Sherry _lolle.nd and David Cay, ,lice- Jr. year. Presidents; Patricia dill, Secretary; '° ;: :; Suzanne a`.edien, Treasurer. aicco papist Piave you figured out the L JLS yet ?? is Charles Castle. As',: the President Diana i Te irus if you sir. Coulter reports that the fixed can join. Chorus is Aa'eint fine progress. They %; ;: '•, :: :; :; a >aay hold some programs for the school, low si--c wee :s test schedule is as especially for the Junior 'Nigh. Offi- F of lows : ceps are Ruth. McGill, President; Alan f; enday Oct. 7 1 and Riggs, Vice President; JimAyr :Pee 'es, Thursday 10 2 and ', Secretary; Peter Fagan, Treasure. FR'iday 11 ' and 6. Carol flaiting is accoripanist. Further plans for the choirs wilibe :alpport t c Jr. Class so they will havebe announced in later issures. lots of :coney to give a big Jr. Sr. ., .. ., ,. ., .. .,- ,: •• l ational. i Serriif inalists _ _ Sherry lolland says please place )avid ent and Don i1cCrory are your order for an annual early. Setiifinalists in the 1:ational Jorit Scholarship Tests which the seniors too': ., %, :; °• %; ., past spring. They rari'c in the 99 If you plan to go to Texas you need percentile, which qualifies therl to to get your rooi reservation in early, ta,:c additional tests in hopes of earn- ?no the first of September. ing; a scholarship. Those who score ., ,• ., .: highest will be awarded scholarships to the college of their choice on the basis of need. • Vol. I ' o. 3 The Safari Sept. 27, 1963 zacc 3 !'ew Faculty Student Government i Ps, >uc Coop:, teacher of commercial Ago Student Council began its active subjects, is the daughter of a high pursuit of student Government this sula- school principal in Denton, 'e;:as. l vier by electing the following officers: husband D1c`_, a wildlife riana erte nt 2 . . . . David City master's candidate, is a lirGinian. Vice 'resident. . Johc? ^adgett ,11th a degree in business education, Secretar�/ • . . . _argaret i c_'urr;, :,r's. Coo': too her li.A. in economics Corresponding Secretary . . from 'li.,''. She pre e taught at Sherry ].olland Cedar Hill near ]Dallas. Treasurer . . . . ;Bruce liggs ;esidos sowing, her hobbies include The Student directory of names and '-a.l1 water sports and snow s'aiing. addresses of the students in eighth Hr. Coo paints in oils. His career •. ' . - rade through high school will be sold will combine journalism, art and this year. This directory is published wildlife. every two :cars by the Student Council The Coo',:is "fawily" is a toy poodle and will be on sale by the ?iddlo of christened Petite Parfait Patches Cctober. Coo =,:, full Grown at li cionths and 3 lorietnber that the Student Council is pounds. Patches' famous grandad is a your sad in school governrlent. If you cha_apion i lr.e:d.co show dog. have any su6gostion Or ideas, tell Patches eats anything, especially theA to your homeroom representative. chili, spinach and spaghetti. And, ; •• ., * ••: at Christmas, he is willing to celebrate with "just a taste of oggnor-." Photo Club "`. by Jen ]Ardenian and Glen Collier -ars. Dorothy iierrill, now this year, is the wife of Dr, John of the rattle t s et the last meeting of the ?hoto Club, q ��r , i1.:!'s �= araudinUs." (lIe 17o ld s a ' " Carter Ca' es was elected president and . '=h.D. from Iowa in :lass Communications Devi ;:lardeinaz was appointed secretary. and is a professor of journalism at The Photo Club invites anyone inter- /Ve" University. ested in photography to join. The club native of Inverness in Central furn_ishos dart :room facilities, sole . ississippi, .::rs. 1 took her chemicals, and instruction to me,.ibers. first degree at 31ue ilountain, 'sisals- Club rnernbers ta' :e sports shots and sippi, in ].3n fish and Social Science; snapshots which are used in the annual. her second degree (the :taster of Arts each year. in speech) fro i -- _ , S U; and her third Anyone interested in joining should (another IA degree, this one in E 'contact Carter Oa'ies, Ben ;`arde&nan., or lish) from i-orthwestern State College i_r• '�oi.'gan• in '.atchitoches, Louisiana, where :; :; .� . she taught college for three years. The four ferr. ill_ children_ (Chug ?:, =en 2als Judy, Jet? and "Sind a) and their par- ents are at hone on Talton Drive. Sherry Smith, Sox 2176, Stephens __college, Columbia, Ho. 6,;203, writes Editor .�.e. }l• ;' s' .; , to firs. Cochran that Stephens is the 1" �ssist..Ldito Lorelei gown finest college yet (except perhaps. °or i iepor cers 'aro Adams its :uleeiontary ''Trench and Inorganic) Eelani e Biller Chemistry.) She is a 2,2,. tiajor. , atherine T dwards r.iso at S 7losemary ':ledmond, Muth T•.cGill Eileen J�1 oec%, Ann Loupot, Candy Garner, Iar HcUurry zee, fnor.I: a_; Tleeda�3raloy. wary Ruth ilat]cins .. .. ., :; .: ., Sponser t ars. Harriet Lartil : The SIJPA:'I is a student publication TTe GOOD HI' I' o2 =. Con_sllidatod Iigh School Pam Adams wrote the article about College Station, Texas the pep squad called "forward Run" r Vol. t ' 3 T c :safari :)opt. 27, 1963 Paco ! Lane, .wiz TIGERS `1.' i i Oil DUFFS $ Consolidated's 160- ?mmbcr band Coach Edsel Jones is not par - progr'a:a is in its fourth ;,rear under ticularly worried about tonight's the direction of Iir. i.'it lard Johnson, game (here) against Giddings. a Stillwator, 0' :1ahouan. " " 1`he ��..lr� fs are tough and big, he ne band pro show and marching says. "':heir strength is in their music at ever; gaAe in town or awa, . sizo, but their weal.ess is in speed ?:t half-time, it perforus its own show and with a little extra effort, tho arc.. accoupanies the 133engal 3elles with snarling livers can win again!" ... theirs. Our tear. is prepared to give The band tunes up for ever pep forth with that "extra effort ". rally and also ca' -es part in the local every player 'mows that tonight's Christ,ias parade and the Shrine our toughest carte since Coluabus. 3enef i_t at Ity to Field. ;: -• :: .. ;; ., :; ;; ;; .. In alternate tars, the CHS 3and subs for the University of Arkansas TICE RS 31,A111: IIUSTA GS 3and at tho .kcgie- Ar':ansas cane here. Thc 52 :i.' c : high school band, On tho 20th of Septet. or the Tigers because of its size, cannot play at brought 'hac - from iiadisonvillo a 30 -0 every bas':otbail gauic, but it does - victory. show up for select canes during the Th how° crowd at Lad isonvillc saw season. little to cheer about as tho TiFors T'oo band's spring concert is an added another to the Uustangs' stress: annual at which both hi nh school and of losses, their eleventh in a row. z high ti benior running bac'c Fran 1 i.tterst junior ni bands per for .,i. � Once a year ::r. Johnson's students saw tho open spaces of Iiiustang fiald bio for awards in solo and ensc ,tole and raced for tho goal for a total of contests in Univorsity Interscholastic 20 points. t.Talter iTarvel, junior Leaguo. quarterbac':, and junior half- bac_ ;: R ic'-y Carlton ' :ept the Dengal offense '3and Officers for 63 -64 rolling when it seceded dead. The Varvel-Carlton partnership l'ros iden.t: Sherry :Borland gained yardage quic'_Iy, and juniors Vice -pres : Sonny 3r. own Tii,iiny 'Jolters and David Parsons added Secretary- Reporter: Sue north the 'e:,iaining ton points to the total. Librarians, to 1)0 anpointod. Tho i3engal defense was just as sharp : ., a. .. ,. .. ., in holding bac the battle -worn ustangs as the Tiger offense was in HQRSEWOMAN,CANDY UPHAFr ovorcoiaing the hefty is :adisonvillc Candy Upham of C1IS is a horsewoman lino. Seniors .?ussell Hanna and :ill of state iiiportancc. The dquestrienne 'Jbit , with the support of juniors (16 years old today) was Junior doss liarvell and Carl Gough, led the Juuper Champ of Teas in 197. Only' defense. ten at the tiuo, Candy won out over The Men Eleven are ready ifor ovon those contestants in tho 17- battle with Giddings' Duffs tonight year oldbrac :..et. and will try for a third win out of i3oth Candy and her sixth glade four trios. - - "sister 13oc'.:y "work" their horsos daily 8 . . e; :copy in pouring rain or lightning. The i±ousetrap Candy's count, :?istol, is six, and ir. s. Alston announces the junior 3ec'_y t s thououghbred, i.r. ;drown, is play, Agatha Christie's "_:ousetrap ". seven. Both horsos are geldings, and It's a superb crystery and has been both arc 3rjan stoc :. running in 1+.iondon for 13 years. The Participation in Texas shows has cast is five raon, throe women. It talon the girls rcpoatedly to Iouston, ta'_es place in London in the 1930's. San Antonio, Fort - forth, Deauclont, And don't bother to turn to tho Frccleri_c :.sour and iiacogdoches. last nano to see how it ends. All last pages arc locked in . ors. Alston's ban': box. _ do- ., 0 gfi%'411111-• , (‘ IN , r ,, j , ) r1-17‘' i ...., ) 7-omen' ) rt a, a il''''' 1, 0 . : .... ..3 ..., k ,-•/ i. Irolto ••• ) Laaa'aa:Pa. Vol, I, No 7 10:14 Cmgmlidattd Niaa. Schoal, Collar Statioi. Texas Dactaaar 20 1963 Ca.CDA./C Q c {4o i t z , ON/Ly C)N1E - 14 t NG- \V R.0 NC- Tba Concert Choir bax bad a baay holiday Four Stato EdacRtioa Avatars visitad Con- aon filled latth performances all vaer solidaW.d Navon'aaa 21 22, 26, 27 Thaaa the area, four daya they apant Eaditing al aaece, Vednaaday moanina„ Dacca-1;3r 13, the choir choaki2g child accaunt fundi., end all appaared ea the TV •nhou TOWN TALl oponvor... matter partainiag to carLificat.an. Cola- Ina tho oale of Chrtatmaa naals, solideted paaaed ell the taste bra ox t We aeada;a morning, pacorber 15 they oavg failed to display a Tfaxas ilag, 1: EkeriB tba at the aorvicaa of the First Freliaytaaiaaa last 'ion of the Ztata Logia/ataa passaC March. a raeoLution requiriae 311 schools tk Clv the Monday brought an unusually rail Texas Clag in goad waathar (The Uaiter •3aateo laYadule„ Tha first of the comaaandago Flag i3 nom at tho affico of the supaalu- aanaarts at tha Uaiveraity Natianal Bank tendent). Sinco ths rap lal,d brokan, ro :lag was hald nday noca; those programs were was being displayed. All ia well now, thvigh; bald throughout t weak, At 8 p.m. the a aaw rope ins bum rigged up and the flag !a aho.:.r, at no regalst of urx nunagement, flying. agaLla appeared aa a 30lto talevision it is extremely important that Conaolidatea spacial. Thin program uas apioed with a paaa taio yaarly cloak hamuso tha numbaa of varlaty of sinslag aroupa, The fall choir taaohors which the schoo;. la alloaad depaada sang sovaral a3lec oaa of Chriateas =Slat upon tas accurate accountiag of tea average old and aeat, tit:a rliarry Holland as soloiat daily attandarce. If the auditoTa hsd found A kaacial Cbri Madrigal singing group the AD 1 padded, Coasolidatad would have lost gave an informal piasentatian of aarolso (tato aid Which amounto to 4452 annually, Aadaigal tinge KO.00 Goorga Huatuer, Giza 66% of all sohe innds. (One teacher par 013r, Dick AntLars, bass; Ann Kirby 6,ves'y 25 days QC ADA allm) Oonlylo Lee Jc; Cooper. sopranoi Pam Adaus La SAZ va,ks. th hieA coil had 13,3031- Janat Callibam, ant); John Badortt, Stanley day a of attczidance end 4321!i days of absence. Claak and Braa, Rigs %enor. Tha Trazata ado is an cttonelance of or 96.85%) niaety- tas a trio of Diaa.2a 'Woiruz„ Sherx7 olght par,!ent io the . .1dc,*1, Holland ad Peggye (Havo Twangy Gaiter Will Su) Braawalep added nor(' pleaaure to ?rhe prograTi Ti yz 2hov v,iss nnreated by Fool Li_ c5A 14 a a :1 Stuverud and JaPlt Ooffey. Following the soson6 TV Apyearanco the choir sang at the annual 3h'it mns reseption for foreign 'Wednesday night the almost1 football ban- studonto on t universiV campus. quot 1,as hold at t Trianglo. The Si' Me flozcart Choir wan japed br the was sailed to order :ly Fraok Littexvi; Atald Chovuo for a holiday pror,rea in the president of tha Bmrzal 3oostorN, Chsor- nuedtorium Thurnday n5,§3,t. FurLoAnf sts- leadols led the growii, la 1,1:%nging CES alle 3. leetians from ne 1.id Chovoa th, ecnwri, Pelithays za the' :alvocaivnt After tle, br,- Choir toQk tb etitop eter whicth botb quatp nautel= of ce:vmonios Fgodciv Volter6 groips sang the gr:ade finalep "I,Dt ;Ill Jatroduocd those roaTonsib";_e Eor the Latque Mortal Ebel Keep Eilnace,,," end footfall team and Olon the speaker a. E. \ TWA afternoon (Fray) he ay) t (loacert Choir uilizok Weiras, who deliviaad a challenging Ali give a sh Irogram at th3 :7,hriatmas uddrecs. Coach Janos thar iudfcviduany \\ aesambly latrodwed 'lle varoity NI:ad. Beniors lc itiEN- Christmao Holilays - D301, 20 3 tU Jan. 6 . ttvil team thr",s year ara Frank Litterst \ (Cont,Lluedp page 2) , . — 1% ,. A , a. . • VOlo 1, No. 7 The Saferi December 20, 1963 Pz 2 Buoal Flamm, Jo Pewthers; Lee Siailio, '',.q 0 0 CO 0 Ni `f Fii' sT BiLl"alito Jinay Parieh Bob Norris and Bill ";?:A.a. Coe Bright the introduced tU 7747,3..or var7it7 team. Afterwarda J 19 girls from Stephen F ustin Rigla, k&K C, A:i.:',..i.2, paaaentod Frank Litterst tha Consolidated, and the looal 4-R Club ant at outatanding back. 14. L. College Rills Elementary School on December - .4.r :,:?..a.111.1 naosented the outstanding 4 for county competition in the 1963 Utall 7,n .'i:T to Darrell Gossett, and Contest. !asaaaa Pugh prosented Frank Litterst ta. Consolidated fOrnished 14 of the 19 girle for beng =et wlitable pinyer. and 7 of the 8 winners. Those girls ate won Tral',7zatailasayailialianinlla Carl Gough are Pan Atkine Linda Liles, Ann Urba r J'Anutt LItterzt presented Coaches Barbara Staten, Ardis Eieler„ Rosemary Sharp Chwohill, snd Bright mith gifts. and genet Goad . r tk,. intaalnotiona and awards, thn On December 7 the same girls competed In fl.,r lti'ar5 caciazd or dancing with music the district oampetition held in the bailroon of the Nnmorial Student Center. The three divisions of competition were senior for 18 aed ovola, junior for the 14 - 17 age bracket, . . and sub-deb for. girls tinder 14. &!1iraA(, .- Of t17.1 Coneolidated girls opting ia the •_!''.„.....JAg„.;:l.'. 1/71 A\ jmier dlvinionp Fan Atkins placed 1st, Linda I;.;:lef E:I5-::cFi r :d: m ::I:: :::: :::v: 1Fir . 2an Itga:4o to enter tbe emte; competition 7earQ t,,..: 4.„ , l'i.a aaaaaaaaa mooting at 7s0OK ' Aturaday evening December 12, at the Livia ; 'bs11© 4. large attendance participated in the evening activities directed by Jana Schaffer. The group made Christmas a9oting earde dtb Latin slogans and aftermarda put their brains to work figuring out bar many Latin „lards Ina found in t Roman holidey greeting nests aa‘fmnalatia" (ask tie Junior ex-Latin atudente':„ Lan many they got). Following Claristmasy refrosbmonts th?3 raating vas adjourne& . aaaaa , ,..i.- .,...,-,,,,- -., Comt the "nartloz f,u t'', paper weigh 1x-ill's desk and. 'J;' 9.% zank of pa, laaa'a 1.',na. garaava aanaVftaaats. • l No. 7 The Safari Dootmber 20 1963 COME. is S t NT'/ CL fl t for the 2rst time since 1 '4, it 23 eaaaa "1. • ra IT et ie t i'eS ago) the 'exilding was quickly reduced to ashaa. It so nee to krou yculve got a lighter I was a broom saaa, een, and, yo'x might that'll ame throvea Ikea you easily need it aay I sold hroc es. waealit jut any broom While I was decidink wle!thar T should go to sa:aosman though, tuoa,3e, Pm the mountains and juap to the aeashoro awl scaething apeoial. NI i; only am :: brilliant, drown or to the poll a and votp I got a jab, bul 1 sharp to WI 7, Mra, Ishnishose The compare which ampleyed ea wanted to kzow h:a; a my HOMO Economics j ttaaohor thoughthighly if the *memo American eagrant believes :ir of me; but, of cotta that 'at lerore I Santa Claua, I was to conduct a public op raz; away from home, si lool and frierda to inion poll, When I asked my bass what 4: Jo1) the Daoorai c. p aty actly a puaic opinion poll waa he told il6 Well anyeay 1 0iauk) s v c -o].1 eay s it is a croe9 betueen a telephow pola aid a "Claude - pen haad it; eno of your fire fishing pole, Utterly oonfused 1 coatulted po.tats and Claede 10 WOUld Otatinkbp tha yellow pa smdsr Put That was my first "and Claude, if 'Jou s! meld evor fall off of miotakeo a garbage truck or tie o ovar your scrub Two weeks ',ter, I eyks up and prveca0o0 tn brash don't be disc caged; you can alwayo conduct man on 1,10 street intrviews. I was retafor the Senatep la 11 brickbat s or a7 about as diplomalm lo a bare foot Rusaian ia a kite." tha U.N. bet 1 qgared ael I had to loss Ah it's so :ice tot ba appreciated.. Even was my life( my boo)), Erastolthen Itahinova area- The first man 1 amounteaed was wearing a iales ma. Wiv just: 1st week he gave na an bright red suit, la,' a long whit a incofinito leavo of aleaece, lama pa in rollyepolly belly ate he was carrying a huge appreciatioe of tho p:ofcaoional job I did sack of potatoele or be like . in burraing dam the ny !2:1 office af Sonic "Oh Sir exam* me, Sir I queried. 3 Str i , Become Inc. He mwoar! ha told me to turn I was uendoring if 1 oa,ed ask you a few u2 the radio bua. I'm )oeitive he; said wra quoatioleil Imtead of turn. Oh )11, vith a fast flie "Roll Ho l Hog," be answcred rather rudely( of my lIghtea (which 1/2aldentlee eorkad "You don't have to get nasty about 1..t," I soothed. Regaining my compclure I contineed. ACRos& FRee/ ,s - Ic - Y WA - Y oh() ISir I said o "Sir do you bliove in Santa ) i L. L 4 H A I? (‚4 Claus?" "Why no he answered, chok:eg pack a Ho! HO Hol "Why no as a matter of fact I don't° ( >/r\<\, Like 1 wan saying to Rudolph the , ther dv ( / 1 v \ Rudolph he's my eeindeer„ well anea Q % -'' "Rudolph I sail "Rudolph if talea's aaye ,, ■.-- ,0/1\ /J thing I don't beeeva in it's Santa 7 "Ub exause me, Sir," I interruptw., / '''''-------40 ti nExcuse ma Sir, but What did Rudolph ,ave to C /''' I BAJ when ne heard that" i "Well as a matter af fact he didn't .ae '"'N, ' feleceee, anything the fat little man anaoared. t "Why not?", I Elyly queeiad. 2 " "Reindaor can't talk atepid." ....4- 6 - --...-. % "Hallow la aan and a 0/1", I soreamed, toss- ,, ing red, whit o mad blto confetti down an open e- (-.) r 1 70 E 7 t c 4 Y 13141? — I3 nanhole "Now wait juat a , ')oggone miunte I continte)d, while at the same time a naa 13 EE. r covered comeletaly witL me white, lafi bluo confett4 from his cauliflower ears to his SANOwicl 13 A,SKET3- PL ATE S ingrowa toanaile marched out of a nearby manhole mattering a few ears of; Xgle rp-41 Oare--)8-ao Poee SaieoUj.C.H '' 35 i na Wail t Rag kill Z2124. ARIP Oil CH "" q' 0 4 kCamtinuad Pase 4) o f ol Demobs?' 24, 1963 P ' .4 'robot the heck do you kids want:" 'l qi { i.ontarl. the hard as thr traaepled us° "We wants see Santry Claw eQ" tboy ciwr r:, (:)VT OF I P > c, °k Oiv dogiz piling on top of "Tubby" t, and dolt : woo f ltese f WA ' `: D wrADs left of me 1 (� {� (ma y slCK �/ � 7��/*He want that r -•aR+ ," I assured V152 ,paint - C AA S T V UP MAN, IA . o F.-S H {�ng AM) ' a broken arm toward open mani.olo,, MODE (F N O L,E S yy i..1.,, "Goodie goodie gnaadropa g" they aqa ,led racing toward the circular precipice° EON /E.:'o kJ0 iN stoe.m.s 7 HE. As the last toddler disappeared from light 9°,i0 1 V. t ) 'J friVA 1k, b (0 /VA *Tubby* s o "?hat was • doggone dirk trick, and just for that, you don't get nOb im for Chriatoss he hacked, taking a hugs po tato from his pack and heaving it toward as A huge potato struck no in tho forehead, "`' Picking myself up off the sidewalk,, I eon- 1 664 b tiazuad�, *Just whop, in the name of spiked egg- 4 t x og and plastic mistletoe, do you think you lo"o' , �: , rep anyway ?" I screamed, wiping mashed potat 014 t'ro a y battered forehead° , I' St i Claws, th& t !g Siho and on eaonnd o thought, I am gonna gives you something for Christ n " ate answered, jovially. lo , ,' "Oh you amp are you? `Mello, jest what are 70 going to give z7" , I asked eagerly,. "Chinn pox,,; that's what and I hop) you nhf ke on the next groan stamp you tic k . Zone you fin 10" ;" he concluded, reaching into his oaak onoas more, "Wall I :nevrer8 Just for that I hope you .y 3 7, o 4uok in a doggone chimney," I chirped, iodga g an amazingly accurate barrage of lao " o. :,.. , ;!..tx a: A, l 4 '' "i;'ing potatoes, "'Hey kids; I wait for mia'" �' La;;f veak this• ye1l6d, diving into a near* manhole., leaving I us a pact. Santy Claws to Hoy Ho". Ho his fool bead off, for all I oared, i at off -, i t a :her k;: Building eontractr for the Cc LMge? Hill.is� . L, , r ,I off of : Elementary Schwa and the High Sehoo1 Library k ,.. , " : yo'..) might opened D0000ber 17, Work will begin as a t Y 3 t 300n as the ulc= er permits u.ilding oc r) , ■:j kl ,eatuUQ gc tz o ,x his : aota fcr than n, 1.ealtlh and Physical golf' b �h k.c e� - 2slen-a ��: apecte.olcmw. . aaT ion building will be opened in nvol1," ..P, begar, : nishlI.L g3v .Lg , :l a»uary, , , >nto r i ', of 'fhe dolicg L agarcei you na:ra o s �,,�,�, , t :� • ' e �b�itiYi4 ,'41fi;I.' 'cui K l Volt .',�° c.� "'age °« -.Y r 1 �. ' . t i.nq AY 'a op of no hood , ��a'-xa R. a 4J1 low fAg have a help growing . 4;,m-11 i: e ustcd the soil with ro nd =z c'` f; � . c:. 'n6 wa Tet ed t Usa =.a.� � and swam air�e=a ..:.�; k � �. � k = daily an armload of mall boulders into s. dn: ing its aLf'•37,; Hats off to Jint42 - , 4 , cord us a . . - Vol, 1 No. 7 The Sari DIcomber 20, 196: Pqm 5 --r C.. P e. ...,..- ,,... . The boys bal!sattall 'Saam has won siz The Girls Basketball tl.n...w.. has Loon buoy gpmez and lost throe. They bat Anon sinco tho season attated. 66.35, Gldding 4.9-2V., St. ?ius of Rouston For the first gam on Pm,. 18, the team 51-42, Rudson 0 7.46, 0o70 58 and traveled to North Zillah and bat tham with a Renville 63-52'. Ley lo3t to Snook 44 scorn of 45-160 Lorado 6053 arc Hucson ',44 The Tigers The mxt 2 gs wore ilin Snook and Cource - on consolatice in ihe 7 ?..7yan Tournament on Nov. 21 and Dno 3. Cercolidatod it held Doc. 6 an 7. games. I past yeaut w ht always filled tho On Eaa. 5, 6, 7 Eorth Zulaa was tea f31,1Z1110 gjm at the gamgt. Wandanca and spirit of a rip roaring tournumant, The CeaLaolidaZed has 'aeon very :tw t1 year. Coach team placed 2nd out of 8 scheoiE after biatin& Chuxebill urge the 3tudont body to sup- Richnrds and North 2 ac 'i :Loring to ar...s.,mk . port both basket-1 teams. Conuolidatzd ]c; Snook a2ain on lbc. 9 ilara is the :'ytt;ning schoeule, Clip flu a gama played in Ti lar Gym. it oat and ga to lac hams gaoss. The 2ad tournarrent of the season vaG held at Roal§dale on Doc. 12, 13, 14. The Tie,ora Dec. 20 At Snook at Trylor and Rockdale "B” mad tort 'Go Dec. 26-28 Rockdalo Torvanmemit Pflugaxville and Round-Top Camino. Dc 30 30 6:30-800 Hudson Noy) solidated plaood 4th out of 8 schools. Jan. 2-4 Navaoota Tourramont Jan. 7 At Renville Jan. 10 At Navasota Jan„ 14 6:4-8:0C Conroe hero Jan. 17 630.8:0C Calduoll horo Jan. 21 At CaTeron ,,„...........„=...--, Jan. 28 At Naar= ' 4 1 1 l'EUR(i)- tin., 31 os3C.8:0C Navasota hers 2eb,,, 4 At Caldwell A "m'a ''' '' ''''- --,,-.• Fob, 7 6:3C=8:0C Cameron ..;.:Tra Tob, 11 6:3C .80C Roedal hors 0 i'eb. 14 6:3C-8:0C Rearm hero (• SULTUR Selk1WrSRt I'm *server in try oecaad ';:loor lobby of the MSCduring tha vind.u saosion of SCONA notfoola sign near the z.egistraion tablec The feil sign (the :hind with lot}ors that can ristuok on and punad off) :7(mek 0001 a 17 $ - 1 - HE, 00,01. tO hO■Ve, i UPC.A1- FICK UP CHICK REF2 r as Pilo r:Iporter watchod, a.1 flbashod Final tryouts for A11-6tLte noir will Ills (?)'h' :alangod it to 7eadt held January 11. W000mbera cf oPah w.11,-?.s SCORA will be oho from th 16 mgion fimliats. IX Consolidated 844163 ;at) Pegae Eocazetl% IICX tP CHECKS teases Dick Powtherb alc! Glen Collier, and ERE soprano Sherry Rolland.. 371ow thoss Acgies - but 3:pa.1)z1;,g , , . . .. Vol, 1 Kw, 7 The Safari December 20p 1963 &ISM 6 1--IC0rZ, P,OLL SAL A - 0 Su PP E R, 9.' Ciyada 10th Grade: The Future Bakers bold a mother and CarOin Adhavmaz Anne Ballinger daughter salad suyper at 6:00 polo" Deambor 2:,.7: Beth Bailtu Diane Ben 17 in the homemaking lab. 4r,!. Seshav Tommy Clark The girls who attended brought their mother cArolyr GastAp Nay Fisher and a meat, vegetable, or dessert type sale& ..4rAdy Catheavt Robert Holcomb Each person vas them able to eat a Sell bale Eorry Fisher Linda Isbell anced meal consisting entirely of salads. Barbara Hedgen Virginia Patterson After supper the group adjourned to tbs Stophon ; Charles Powell speech rose for a meeting. The senior Mnliaaa (Ammo Shari Simmons chapter presided© Iolanda Burkhalter intm. Bobsrah Schatte Susan Sorenson • duced the speaker, Mts. Mein from Bryan Bill Starkvy Paul Stuvorud who ddressed the assemblage. Candy Upham The girls who bad made suits and dresses limy Ruth Watkins for the wool contest modeled their creations, 11th Gre& The sponsors present were Mrs. Riggep Nis. Karen Bait Moore and Mrs. Phillips. Lorelei Brown It . wAs estimated that about 25 girlo and Niko Doran 12th Grade: their mothers attended. &etherize Edwards Margaret Brava Ciro Elkins Jan Butler Dm:ma:Plias Julie Goode Cc wn Howler Linda Folds:um L AuR:EL-5 CuttA LA tiDE. Ruth At0113( Ruall Hama Sylvia Prim Jennifer Hartley To Peel Gr umble or being the quietest Jana Shaffer . Sherry Holland eenior in tho wad. Eathy Sperry Nancy Inglio To George Deaner for being just the opposit arbcra Statau Susan Tian To Nanoy taglisp for her , s'-!s5f_ groduotiaa 1(4 P4"rrnT.re To Robin Rice. for hie nohle eating efforte Jim Dash 6 Ple;house. ' To Gerry Bassett and Data 7eauchemp for having 1: R r 'I - 3'. 1MS, Ot4 LI - birthdaya. To Fran a k Littorat, tor revele eeeeeee eeeout P : , Rur - BE.uTY ckloco' rel laining ly comp. To Judy Dean and Judy Quisenharry 1 ; t i& they're ialeasant. I EN t, 11. • To Randy Renedell for keeping t,:caek. o.'x' whose fela C:IN.)S) 1 1,,'''' \-73 krt 4 " ROI VI VS" turn it is to ha isolate& 1 i Te Jim Mills and Fussell Rama :o 7..aot > fight- Jag hack.. Del e .) w,l)ITT \ - c1•1 c: kV) c r 4 ' To rail Clark, te cyompensato Zor hl ftighten- lag expel-14;111w 0171 t Shakespearian stage. To Jan Butler for winning the Public Health cosntest. as...... ,....--g% T Wyu loinhert, for always looking lo ''- 1 t!'d Gym 75:. 4 2 caw or Saturday 5Ceed i •eic somiefonmat Vourh loot:ing tjour N64 Cw.--%strIo.t +he, USUC\ brj +r*ifre &-esiAtel, but we ‘Tive 164 4‘la >ta or Chr;stvY1,s., waive 8i/e.vt c C5S' CAT)FF= -oFrice r.>,(k3erkwe.6, ChecY, ere. otrv c,A.A* on doi--- 1:ne., 5: it - CALI; co k wikckdie,,, (woo\ ,tr&Ack ort-cr ',oy or .‘N-1 \AKAA-Ae (3\ kfc:r tpreantib,; C:r tdov erA uc, 0nel), due sec-, onclos ..rrs 7r,A. an-secr—.3ea, wess.sseca.... AEA 'qoAlta. i FeT3 NOU PICR:R. 1"Vili 17 -- ez:\T* 4 .4-7° , cat'IS J 1 ,, ., ...,,-„, 7; '''''': ,1:1_,__.,,,,,, 2,16,)„,,,...,,,._, ,, „"4"" ,,,..---- . ..--."-'-'1`31P ,, c , ,,,,, k k ) 1 hr: N e t lovr c\- Q. t\t :-..,1' t t 7—‘) „,,... , 1 „..„..---......,N t 1� 5 t otri ;�i \I # `•. 5� • T O _ ( �y [' _ (pp br �""�� }. r tt. "' \ t , r E 5N 6 I w° 4. J _ e i 6w3 ,131 .,i6 6 i ' , ' A C S LS R 1� XP'-C�E T o VI a1 :L • s °<-•• a E w c, c-. •~' y R 1 i `� . .:....i...0\ t , E.. R c' i111 � $f l .J ° g x � c�'1` i >' ICE. a: . ' i � 1 - , r -- , %----.-c ‘ AO tt ‘ c N'T ‘ 121\ *C UDIv N \ j ILI IL ' i Li ...) 4 \ . A T /D j�s9 +' 14r1j,' 1 , ( {1 r --) , ....--.\\ f. /1/44(3\i, 1 i „„ .,,,,k .:0 i .....stl„...r.z.,,:\ -.. li A ; ( r: a"" Hatt , ,; i \ - E: F e �y t , _� "N. .,., ,, , .1- X t.4 j , i \.,,,L,5,... a, n f N11 MEM S - NA t 99,AcE, f r 1 C mcv d \ ii:? ) Y C idP Vol, l ? oe, 8 A&M Consolidated High School College Station Texas January 17 1964 G ` + f j ct� T , A` f .S o .'1/' .,� i .o . f�./ t`+� The Student Council elected Nancy Inglis "The Little Foxes", the first full length Citizen of the Month. She is the first girl straight drama production et Consolidated, to receive this honor. Nancy will be a will be presented by the Senior Class in guest at the Rotary :Luncheon on January 22„ February. The play directed by Frank Coulter is set in the deal. South during the turn of the century. It concerns two f �? b brothers and a s ter„ the Hubbards who `"t tC. push them: ws to the top at the e cpenoe of those around them. The senior class nominated Linda Feldunn Caste l arga:iet McNurry and Pam Adams for the Oscar Hubbard - David Kent annual Daughters of the American Revolution Birdie (Oscars wife who is driven to Award. Later this year the DAR will select despair by thoughtlessness) - Nancy one of those girls to .receive the honor. Inglis Regina (the Hubbard sister) w Susan Timm O ,/� Horace (Regina's husband) - Jack Coffey 1-- G 1 Ben Hubbard m Don McCrory Leo Keith 21imms /Stanley Clark Mrs. elston has chosen "The Sandbox" by Marshall, - George Huebner Edward Aiboe for the contrast play. Albee Alexander - Sher^ry Holland/Suzanne Ded1en_ a modern playwright whose plays are usually Cal John Badgett /Glen Costlier abstract in idea wrote the current Broadway Addle - Sue Hierth ouccess "Whoas Afraid of Virginia Woolf" "The Sandbox" is set on a beach where a eee* 1 worian accompanied by her husband has brought her aged mother to die. The old For Your Inforrationg woman plays in the sand and rambles on 48 school days until the Easter Holidays about her life while the couple waits 95 chocl days ut eil school is out for sum e impatiently for her to di.o. 19 weeks until, school is out for simmer The five member cast is .rounded out by a 133 days until school is out for summer if life guard and a.flutest who plays a dirge. counting the weekends. he play will .. be cast in mid- February and 4 months and 2 Peeks until school is out for .he district contest will be held April 7. sutmnor i, S ell : chool ' Sherry Holland, Bill Duke cost Beautiful - Pam Adkins senior favorites - Frank Litterst Joy Most Handsome -" Bill Duke Cooper Friendliest - David Cay, Diana Woirus Junior favorites - Russ Harvell Georgia Most Persuasive -" David Gay Heritage School Flirts ... Frank Litterst Sharon Covey Sophomore favorites Jane Rudder Duke Hest Dressed - Virginia Patterson David Butler Parsons F'eeshman favorites Feed Davis .Kathy " Cutost Couple - J Pe rtners Joy Cooper Leetoist -z - Vol. l no, 8 The Safari. January 17, 1964. Page 2 OP F ' Co f : , s r AA E N f S �,� Mrs. Leland claims that playing the violin I ' d iV C, iL takes great coordination and accuracy since i each finger and both hand: must work inde- i4tad Tern exam schedule: pendently. Violin playing is fascinatingly Thursday, January 23 tecbnical but very demanding: the will to period 1 8:10 10 ;18 play must con from within,,. Orchestral period 3 10 :23 ..„ 12:26 playing is highly competitive, requiring period 5 1 :10 -- 3 :20 groat self- confidence and a few lucky breaks. .. "'iday January 24 Ers„ Leland loves to teach music to those period 2 8:10 F -. 10 :18 who are talented and have an u dwindling • pe :c•iod 4 10:23 12:26 interest,, Teaching the violin in public period 6 1 :10 — 3 :20 schools gives no satisfaction because most of the students are pressured into taking Thom wishing to take zoology second it„ She would like to see courses in music oo ter and who -are not pre nently enrolled appreciation in schools- though; she be- in Botany : should sign the list in the iieves that classical music can add a groat r ?'t' _ce as soon as possible so that a look deal of beauty and pleasure to ones life order may be prepared„ She is pleased with Leonard Bernstein for • bringing great music to the average Y arson. Requests for schedule changes must. be Why the switch from music to mat,hY She su witted to the office for consideration wanted a teaching job,; and as there is little prior to January 23 demand for the violin here in Bryan -College St4tion .. school superintendents suggested math, After taking math at A&M "till it ( }\ f C t ` °v✓ '' j Al p / \\ 1 , p Y ) ran out ny ears",, she became one of Con- ` so iclatedle favorite teachers. "Music is actually very involved with It may surprise many of our students to mathematics she says "and I love teach- learn that Consolidated has an accomplished ink; math „” violinist among its faculty Mrs,. Leland stated playing the violin and viola in the -- : d grade when Col. Richard Dunn then band '..hector at Ate?, started a student orchestra Consolidated„ 2ollo; i.ng high school she moved to New c1 ' Ciy with her parents and studied at. 0 \ 1 ,, 1a t �: cLooi of i i. is f of a year 0 she , s wont to Sophie e Newcomb College in New H.7.00no, whore she .,as the only strings : or in hr r• school, She toot her Masters • e at J3a.yr-? oo Un_iversity., practicing 6 to .'., 1:r 1:1).ro a day, Instruction at Baylor was ex- N. : 1 col:Loot, she reports; s; her own teacher, a 5ol_o cellist at Radio City, studied under C tsar ' • "' / ompsona, Following her college career, Mrs, Leland '�,. played w t.th the symphony orchestra i Austin, J *.h Waco, _C. South ix ,.td Yhdiano, She taught w t 5 nr s in Waco public schools for a y a r . - e< . w w *"' an6. enjoyed a summer r of study undo tho Gri ---,.. — . Ounotet of ; ha U'i!vCr ait J ofCalifornia, i /...n .,tern ng to College Station, she played in t the Konzer t Ge el lschaft 1� '(.. f* ... ...., ,. Vol„ 1 No 8 The Safari January 17 1904 .Page 3 F 0 - ri4E 0 'F 1C . OF TP 5r ubE:.,Vr' Gogh /t-ii_ ) A Corridor Pass is not sufficient to s r-42, admit . a student to tho Cuo Club during school hours. , Cars stuck longer. than 30 days in tho �� t new parking lot are sold at auction by 'o members of the school board° Thi;3 is e another public service. ee,-.) No sophomore girl will be permitted ,a t to carry on hor person any switchblade :� longer than eight (8) inches (with per - 4 mission in. tail r from the principal.) ) 4 In the future any cold panned from tho ' ` school creek must be turned in immediately to the office,, for the Safari ionofit Fund. , Any underclassman caught doing Advanced � ' \ ,�..s" i d cl}A crr i t i Math problems on the study hall coiling w�!! \� r " r . i alp be deniod admittance to Saturday L4csool.. , The baby bull frogs who live under tho .� i tl , +,,,,f! stage apron in the auditorium are s Ir.� ' hor nxi s biology project° die asks that . they be fed doad mosquitos rather than saltod peanuts and buckaroo bars. Supplies destroyed by the recent book room bombing will be replaced with funds from the Junior- Senior treasury, ' t I tudents who are active in noon Sour rumbles must furnish their own tourniquets /' and bandages action will. ho taken �. f any more toa t �c l .. , oleolo from the horaema cin ; ' .` ; + '4"WW department a. torn in strii�s for par , poses of first aid. The rumor is absolutely false that trbc propoacd additional haaJth and physical r € education building will house a snail air - ��� 4 , , tight cell. for solitary confinement with ..� / adjoining gas chamber for student use. N ° ivo � . ? Those or i.gi al plans had to be saorificed ��.„a,� P to provide sufficient funds for tho faculty j� Swimming pool and riding stables„ The naturalist who took George ziaebner s r y . �, mummified oe agu11 off the ceiling of the biology lab is warned to bring i,Y back before he incurs the wroth of t3k, . '°`°" (This 12 serious, really.) ' * * ** — Jack Coficy nd David rent went geese hunting L.. L ' \I I . . i to n loxico, 'Howe 1er the geese flew too high. Vol(, 1 No, 8 The Safari January 17 1964 Page 4 Ever lurd you_ A�.:M Consolidated high receive I1 t ne out C its r yato 1 tO jP of the goodies this Christmas Contrary to what was expected„ the sock was filled with ®/ y Marcia Runkles a senior transfer from Brookings, 5, D, For Marcia, this is a re- turn to her old stomping p g ground, where she left in P50. Same of her interests include sewing swimming, watching basketball, and sucking ice- ciclos, Upon graduating =he plans to major in psychology at the University of Texas, Marcia is blessed with a younger brother named hichard who is a sophomore, ,, " She claims not to know anything about him u although she has been living with hire for asome time„ Marcia tr inks that as a whole _. this school system is much harder than the a •-.. one she left, However she still managed to pull a 96 on her first major English theme, As a note of interest she is residing at what used to be Dianne Dewall house on Furyear Drive a Marcia is a pretty petite of about 5 and as bet, has had no dates while at C, S bhe is looking forward to finding out c`.,, L i.L B '.r E.L1_ P MO just what fi&1 Cons, boys are really like u1 Club Castellano de Colegio Con3olidado meet Sunday afternoon from 3h00«5 :00 in the high school library, r. The meeting was held e celebrate Ea. Diade 1, "''' Q E ra 54 m. ooccau4 1\‘`C eoo►rs? los Reyes Magos the day of the wise men,: It comas each year at the end of the Christmas season, 12 r) Spanish-American students from Aall Uni- ° ir+ t versity spoke about the celebration of El 5 DIVBER -n 5' Diade los Reyes Tk. j oN in their own coon Usrioso Among the wreakers rare siugo Elgaerro of Bolivia and Juan Carlos Mayoi of Mexico, The emphasis was on children. Several Ad h_ Spanish-American. families living in the or NEXT Bryan- College Station area were invited, to N� t `' N� , �„ attend and brine; their children, _ - r Two pin`^ ;o s wore broken by the youn; er participants, A third was reserved for the } :fw high school students attending the fiesta, T' El Club Castellano is sponsored by La Mesa Redonda del Club Parramo °icano, t, a Margaret Brown is president, A er1°" oN 1 ] A I re: (70:. A ' -- . .. 14,:t:,....y.„\.(27 Vole l No. 8 The Safari January 17 196, . Page 5 LL 5 r AT E a N 0 E Q., L A 1 1 Ni ,' Living up to its standards, Consolidated "Prospects are looking `irighl fo the was most successful. at All- State Choir try- organization of a Latin TIC claf s n et outs January i1 We sent basses Glen Collier yecr" says Mr's. Orr. and Dick Pothers to the AS Choir performance The third year of Latin is ec st1 spent in fouston February 3, with alto Peggye reading and studying the works c v C tero. l3roazeale and Soprano cherry Holland as first The grammar learned in Latin 1 ead is alternate. pet to practical use in mach the s, r e way as when Latin II students ::read earth , Coasar J - (, � �n order for another Lain class to be 3 ormed there must be at least ten ,udonts willieg to take Latin III. The JCL will sponsor the black -- and -white A1. Latin II or former "..at z II ;udents art contest et the state convention at San who are int re ted in a La;: In III c , :ss are Antonio in March. Marcy members have made urged to contact Mrs:, Orr. plans to enter the various contests and should bring in some honors, 5P E.EC ' "0 1 NP . A1 :IN) T Q U TTL P G - . The Baylcr Speech Tourn,.ment ,air be held Across irows " s , S 9 bocci February 1. .nd 15 in Waco , Thi t xnamen _; i6 ' ,7 will include Loth individual con :ow . and ?i!!?t e, t i ,r - debates Tryot;,ts will be (.n. Jae xar 28 and 29. 9004 4, a tits. On the 21st an:1 22nd of Febr; cry eill be the Nacogdoches De)ate Tou'n.amer 4 on- w solidated debate terms inc use iti =ror Berndt �°c3►11c tNiC �. �3t S1�R ,i, and Janet Whitehoad L Cleswe1 al Lawrence Stelly and Keith 1 i�;,r, old - deice Miller. %Ck} . , -^ The Trinity Speech Moat in Sa Ar onio 9Ov-V, c,�r, ,�,�, �,,�f x ' ) wi]1 be on March 6 and 7 This eont st le 3 r,F / , ' composed of individual everts on `y Tryouts i e will be held F e brua:ry 17 a; d 18 . is is &O 0 r — *mo t t \ -...... ,01 W 03 1.— C 0 19 .,%.,_ _5 2. i a P. 1 C The weekend of January ,1. -12 ,i.ac Liles ' '`«r and Pam Jidkins traveled to ,an A t e) : to com tc� an the State Woo. C. • . e ,� �'' l JYltf: S The two girls were chose, to eel • sent .4 -leee Consolidated at the etc be co - ,a when iel 4ge Pam won a first place and i inda 'OCE an honorable eention in the dist i t Mr, Bright and fee " spent �,.nt four days 3.ri competition. New Orleans and went deep sea fishing, Of At the state contest Paz won n i e: best the fish caught, they kept only 150,, Happy ensemble division. Coneratulatijns 10 both fish eating, 1•ir. Brighti these girls. . , \fel. 1 No. 8 rho Safari Januory 17 1.96e 'race 5 . I OME 6PLLE 0011Fr by WPISTNE 41Vb EP.50A) ;1though enroll' ; ie. ballot schools booking healthy are Joo bill and Gons, throuuhout the United Seatos has incroasod grad Job White and huth and Gordon lecGill by approximately fifty per cent during the who are back froe a vigorous skiing trip lest five yoors thore has boon an in- in Aspen Colorado, Joo hill, eob and congruous drop in the number of students Gordon took sovoral tumbles down the slopes planning to becomo professional danccro. and Ruth foil foe the instructor but all 2h1s decline, sore:tones attributed to do- returned unscathod. While in aspen our creasod status of lance earoors is accord- students rubbed shoulders with the reats in to ,.iiss lielarie lair an aspiring (they even saw some of them) including bollorina more orobobly ccusod by tho the Robert Konnedys Tod Konnodys the renarkable demrods made on today°s dencor, Robert McNamares the mayor of eow York Ballet daners defined by ides eortin as the Tiffanys the AUonts the Coore Tina those who "and on one toe cnd they donce Cassini (Ulog's daughter) Janos Arness eust follol a roctricted diet of "opplos and Janet Leigh Gene Tiorney Jams etewart applerauce and cherry melted ico cream and producer Gam eornard ond whole passel coea cpeohotti bocause "it rokes them of futuro Ulyapie skiors now in training dice eetter." Dancers loith work legs nust under Stain Ieriksen, liorwerian ski rwarow lon unbroken serands of spajhotti chaapion, at - east three tieos a day. This yractico c-eled "noodling" is doeigned to build up a dancer's log =solos and strongthan his archos Every ballorina mus t own several costumoz E John Chadwick comers to GUS from including "an apple dross and a pooch dross Port erthur. Athletically inclined he on with c cake on it." Theso unusual outfits joys basketball basebell track, and foot- are necessary, raise Marten fools e because ball and intends to participate in Con - "they look pretty with the rollor skates" solidatod's sport programs0 ef tho academic which each dancer wog for ono to two hours subjocts he profers math daily. The sophomore class of eort i.rthur high, Zducationel requiroments are Nally John reports, is twice the size of our en- stringent. A ballerina must attend sehool tire student bod but he [Aye ho likes Cie, and "learn how to make candy ." though sho better0 need not go to college, The dancer mist bocome iroficiont at dodge-bell and jonp- rope, too, zinoo says iiiss Martin "When 1 donco we have lots of bullote in the Loon." Dancing is, nowover aot so lorilous as oe1/17 oillhe , it may sc.em e sines the bulloto turn into t PA7-o.MC/1 ; puffM wheat Lnd rice which are lcw in '''46 calories and thoroforo have little stinE . lass liartin 1;e1leves that a young dancer would wish to start tor career in Onlefoonia since that is "where overebodo clops," Though sho has not yot bogun har foreol i tellet studies Mies Martin hrs airoady I received sone rocognition as The Play- "* 0 tt .4:L4'w . r Dough Girl„" for her work in that medium But she eill bo ready for traininr he boliove in about two yuara-erioht aitor L t her sixth birthday. Itkor■ AlvIERIcP er* TERM t 14wy (i...., /2 f ( 3 1 9 10.4.0 ere' j ST 0 p 6-\\21%(,-,- vs e(k US'e.5.., .. , i. . ).., t CIMV "TE U..- tIT. Wt y 0 U o f ' :,...4 $.. 1 iiti e t.....11 '4 t's) (7- i r \ gPICK Fc.)1\i'‘ 9,E.‘ _----) I. . , ,... 4 \ / --\ ,,,,,,...-..-- J i ll, I t r ",.....,..Wen roma •■••■••273.aelrer -9beftere,204.A., 7 . . ....... (:ro we' wn mci 4-4- Mt , . jamovsase. 1 i 1 ilP A i;; I iri 1 f' 1 IF:721. ..1}L,261 J....May,...) Fou t4 c) 1 I l 6 , I ;.. k - l' t i - --r= ---- ------ t t7 '''. ...1 • ff.' ' , 41,y4r7 t (■ Cr) Cr" (Y? -..... , \ ' '''''7,17414, / \( 1 % ' , t '` t k• ... 4„, 01 i ‘, I (4 'It ,,, \ 4 , , 5141 , P i ) ( 0 '4.‘ f , i ,......\ , vol. l Non 9 Mel Conselidated H!.g t School College E.' ? eeior , Tee '., 3 1 tel'URry 34 s 19 , E7 t3 A N Q U..:7 r 13 R *,/ i_ 0 f‘' o PE EC H PIN ELIT Ala annuel FHA Suestheart Banquet are' Fourteen etudente loft th moening at Dance was hEld on Satuedey, Febrnery a et 600 for t. Daylov speech net in Waco° 600 in the MeAoria1 3tudeat Cos Pallvoom. Carolyn Ackerman and Linda Ardersen and LInda Istell Prenident of tha Juseler Jack Coffey end Virginia Patterson will per- Chapter, gaee Ithe invecatien. Wter dinner, ticipate in &tee acting° B531 Beeddy and the program was bagem by eeggye Breseealc, David G37 aec entering catemloranceue speak.' Pidet ef tie Senior Chapter mho vel- ing. Prove contoetanee are Ietty Garrison acted toe proaant,„ She teen presented the Karen B:ende jack Ceffoe are Alobael Deth FHA. Senetheart, Jimmy Parieh. Specia muaic Barge. Keieh MiT and lawramoe Stelly are vett preeided "ay Suzanne tlan and Jeen entered In original oratory End with Duke Maemare. They ea:as lAnyehing You gun Do" Miller seed Sam Creowell in debate. and "I Could Have Danced Ala Hight," and Indivadlel events /Jill La bald today and UTrie eceompanied by Mrs. Ao 137, Medeee." an avard* banquet this amnia& Dating Yolanda Burkhalter first Vice Prazident will be on :;aturder rhe highest rated de. of the Senior Chapter thee introducee the bats team 144 thie neat and Karen Berndt and speakor Rev ° Luther hosafield ef Our a part:aw r.:12 ateend ths Nacogdoches Debate Saviors Lutheran in Beveu, Rev. Roasfield Toeenevent enet week. spoke about the juvenlie ealinquent. The FHA Prayer Sole; vas led by Ann Kirby Sandra Jr ee aocompanied ti singers on the K RA 5 T 1 Ni E._ S ELLc. piano, , Milbi i! for dancing was aupplied by The T L F IV ......_____ _ Avantis. Kristine Andervon ae2ior sold heefirst Ihe iebeme of t occasion was "Swing story, "11y,Litt2e Friend the. Armadillidium With Yoar S " eeetbeart. Couples wore photo- Vulgare ,;"::. e'rd'- '=1 - , TC:'15 - P Ut graphed while sitting in a porch swing. SEVENTEEN this eeek. Tb, contract with the The avieg hung in a bower of flower s. magazine for 41',13 vas Aped and relied the etage vas set as a yard seam eith Wedneeday. Her Etry is about an experiment a Email White picket fauce a fountail and trying to gvt pillbetee Ocientific name • - layn furniture. Armadillidivm vulgarcei t) walk a MUZ3o . The eenterpiecee were larg” red hearts with ehr center cue out. In the holes bung /) , illle NNW . a email swing on which sat a ,O.ps -cleaner boy v 11 , II ho de lding han with hie pip-cleaner girl. 4 The theme vas carried out in red and white eareaeions. "*THE LLTT LE RO X G.S Special guests ware Mr. and Mrs. E0 PQ Ozment Mr. and Mrs. .Tobn Riggs and Mr. and The Senier Play "The Little Foxes" will Mrs. Mitchrll Phillip; and Mr. and Hrs, be held Thursday and Friday t February 27 and Westbrook. A present keen Mr. and Mrs. 28. A play of thf,s tree has never been A. S. Avora and Nr, end N A. M. Snrenson0 presented en our Etage before. "The Little Mrs, ATOM ii Senior Chaptir Mother aid Mrs. Forme" predaea a evening of stimulating Seranuon in Junior Chapter Mntbar. entertainmert, - ' / / cverida. rALck enica.te. c)verop i Vol. I No. 9 The Safari February 14p 1964 Pao 2 A • e ` l_ EL CLu(3 CAST r L :LAWC, • ! 4Onnd t o ue r C Tipp On Wednesday afternoon at 3s20 El Club • • NOrt�� a }�, 'tY� Castellano de Colcgio Consolidado journeyed into Bryan to visit the Stephen F. Austin C©mege S Gt ' ion. Spanis a Club, Los Buenos Veoinos, The Consolidated students presented the program. Fred Maddox, Donn Files and Jana Shaffer enacted a dialogue called "El Dia de la Indspendencia0 Nancy Inglis recited " L - � w r a m by Gabr Mistral entitled "N contras P Baja La Move," A skit Pox Decirla Verded " was z 3 entcd by Jan Sutler, Lawrence Stelly, ( ' " Bob Whiting Sue Hie rt h, Jackie Hunt Julie V7 Goode and Jim Resevee Music vas provided by the Trassette0 (JOU 0Y) Cl'jlU Margaret Brown, president of the Consolidated J Chapter ., presided d c:� i � 1 .e5 to: N:. .: Mr: Q HUebner ,, who really ( believes in seniors,. :. Randy Rans ell , ; f, :e h1g; 1 ) ,. � work per" Zt'`iexli .et": nti I S anon legre�5r , �° ' Mary Martin who left s 3 y v. �, � her* S C L ( \J ^Craig Harston a newcomer The Junior t:lasaical League met Tuesday ' froml'Aoatana. evening, Februw;ry 4 at the hone off' Mize. MelanfA Miller,: S° s both Tomr > , and Stanley Clark. boon gone too long. Note the members net on the slr,'a that 2' iu •,; for devotion to duty. evenyng Sao that they could all C.o ive to the Harriett Hiertha She 9 s an aunt. Dear old Clarke together, making sure no one could Aunt Harriett. get lost in the wilds of Nato Springs. Candy Evans. She adjuted to the recent However, two of the care sir' .re by Mrs. row from Dash Tun. Orr and Joan Huff croosad t wrong cattle Rick Wolf., He's trying to decide if them guard took the wrong fork, and got lost, writing is nec arr ,After a few laps around a ;_ace track t: oy Anci to Stu; een Go :Toys She ciocanit, y1] . at stopped and asked d'r cti.a to Tee journey e t va Duty for- ;goofing off in d1,:_e.ac: o was climaxed by u rf:Ld t:A .ugh a aravayard Jim Revoas who upsta o anybody any- lo vas it after which they re+aello.1 the `:l o rXe in r.... o..o.00.0..+. " safety. Ain°t !i t amozing, The bulldozers aro no The meet&ng was h..Uliglatod by areport nearly as di.storbia.: as they were three by Lawrence See].iy ce Bomao ruins in Tunis ac weeks E,goc Lawrence's report r,..s maces cs✓pacL,eIL in- teresting by his .i ;count of hie Las icy, Has anybody heard from Cm i1Za Richards? visits to the mine cities,: If sop pass thy, Imrd alonG please. q 3 I 5 chbe,r- cju.e. A7u tamer terga , Vol. 1, Noo 9 az Safari Fobraary 14, 194 Page 3 NEW PIZ1AVF4Lco N GA5k!...._T BALL t3' /,, New arrivals from Bozeman /lantana are 1 The Girls Tiger Craig and Dannis Hart, senior and junior e1' Basketball Team played respectively. Both name math and aoience their last game Monday their preferred satleotso Craig io an out. night February 10 a- doorman. Be likes hunting and flahing, i / gainst Rockdale. The Both boys were on the finance commattae at game was played at Rook - their previous aclool and Denniri was in the dale., Daring the 1963-64 basketball aeasoo Key Club and Great Booka Club. the Girls Tiger Team has played about 16 They will atteAd Coat until the gamea. Although they didn't always win and of school whoa thee will Join hit can be sure they shays did their best° parents who will leave shortly for Argentina° PI RNIO CONGQ.1 CoNiqi-ST (4A10 c:I...f t t John Badgott performed in the Fiat The Photography Club holds eloetiowl oavb Azftual MillandaJdeesa Piano Concerto Conest sameatero Ben gardemai is act . 113w President haid February 1 and 2 lie played Tchaikoe- for the spring semestaro A new poaoy of skie's Coaeorto #3. in B minor and receive'l tho club ie that the cluh insOad, of indi- a rating af excellento There were twenty vidual membare will hay the re-uasible entrants from five statoa in the high soho:A ohomicala neea:d in phatograpMa uorkc piano division and repreeentatiees from all major Texas colleges in tha college piano RUY\ con t\tNe woo tring ad voi a‘y k)Y -6\17-, division, Contests for brasses percussion, sa mee weye also held° (A I-2) io a solo accompanied Ok WncArN Z; '%\----, ( or F UTO RE. NURSES cLue Tho future nur se/. not avery other Monduj night at the home of Mra, A. Co (Jack) Dzaxl, their spumeoro At present they are muter- ---. lag ;,:he rIquirements for working as VOirs.1. terf:i in the hospitala. They hope to start 7 velunteeng my day now 4/ , -+ (5 in Ap711 the State Future Nursos Con- di ot , v,;Ation will be hold in Abileae, If , pos. .§-qk #0 , e.biAlit do legatee win be sent to it:. F,Terlftet of the Future Nurses Club ia LITA. 1122.71011 vice-presiammt is Sherry leas CaziyEvLns is secretary-treasurero LesaoetesbleyA- ie Alma. - Vro.Cacva ca cr \two 0 amov- e" - c..&r,c14-4.6111, Vol. 1p No. 9 The Safari February li 196e Page 4 , Get Li our rod r epo.,%red cst. LAWRENCG. TO TUNIS i R A face familiar to many Consolidated 1 i O 1 K.S PMER\CPNN' students can be seen once more around school. The face is that of Laurence Stel:i Lawrence left College Station with his famill on June l 1963 and traveled to i V) Steak Tunisia. Dr. Stll ey hie father is in charge of establishing an Agricultural ENGNE "NNE oP 402J6 Univeraity in Tunisia. This effort d t is the result of a contract between the United GENERAL NA ER 1( States Government and Taxes A& University. ONAIVAEA3PNCE. Even in Tunisia, LAvreeze waant able to -mr44, i neglect his studies. B3 took corxespondence WRSH courses from Texas Te3h in English and Geo- graphy studied Spanish on his owr, and took - French Literature Arabic, and othee subjecte S Sk O s Tevo 0C AN\ft, se;:-v%ces i at a nearby school. VIsk See WIN.A. ‘060 re iou , During his stfly bi visited marg Raman 1 ruins and other elaees of interest. However,, 00a6ck,(41 V40 CpWxeltAea . Lawrence was not completely unfamiliar with this type of thing. ie hes reletevee living - ..... . .0 ..., in Italy and has traveled through the Nedi.i terranean area more taan once tefnra. L Lawrence, a senior returnod r' College AA Station at mid-semester in order '.o be able to graduate with hie elase. Tie/ east of his F F r i o R T w o tz rt family will return in February or March of • , 1965. Fixo:TA boys, Toby Barker, Bill 1 :11.1more t , David Torrea Harold Lusdacke and Livid Glober and the poultry teem, JimmieGelbert Paul Nolan, Bob Stump and Ridicy attended <::; () "1" -G; GE: R. c--- i the Ft. Iorth Stock: novo The boye who 0 vent f two to eight daps at the .how Basketball mason le draping tti a o1 fos:11, 1 aceempsnied,by Mr. Jamison. Toy Barker The last home Friday night gaele ulli be hold rlaTdvad a blue ribbon and was fourtl in his tonight at Tiger Gm e The bo will be in tiara alnior heifer calves. Haeold 'Amapa* (treat for% says Coada Ohurchill, onel need earead f red ribbon in tb jille.o. yea/Ling ly your suppor,; to mo:se them victerious0 clara ar0 DavSd Torres raocived 4.. while The band 9 Tlgurettis and Belles vill be ribboe, 5o of the boya "aeers' hel'ers there In for; - ;hoect group pluc ells in tbf; grand parades preceding tto rodk athletea mprile an amaeine 40% o our school body, C2 Ai V cQ S' C:' But t0 players leuet eo see the altar 60% iu the eeande this eveniltg„ by not pia a to luot your ff'iende for the gamn? tiv gonna Consaill-1.had will sonde taientod dr*kgation be a gat night for a great to aaJ. of atmiaats to the Univereity Intevechalfetic Liaasuc S)lo and :Enremhle judging of thu 11,ylor oamyan at Waco on Fobruery 220 Tb s? will sing in so2oz ? quartets trios aid madzegal groups with Ierhape some piano pleformaneei, 'JZI GN ‘CCX CXe ‘M■ arAO 0..*t ie. cvimro„ 1 • Volo 1, No'. 9 The safari February 14, 1964. A' Packet full of :err -p . By John AdelHofer Who ever heard. of taking a valentire three eggs, ten slices of bacon seriously? They're just like a postcard, one bowl of cereal, two doughnuts, two aren't they? When you say "Please be my apples one orange, and four glasses of. valentine Q " you don't mean it anymore than milk ?" But I was too tense to be hungry, when you say, "Wish you Irere here," A ay�� Sc,*nehrr�� 1 got to school, and was a bundle I don't. I send millions of them every of nerves all morning, waiting for my year—even to our milkman and the gas afternoon chemistry class. I tripped station that keeper ny heap glued together, and broke a pencil sharpener. I can't even remember who I send them to At last the t i• a cameo I rushed into So its not as if I were mailing out pro- the chemistry lab, She was there early, posals of marriage or something. too, and I didn't know ghat to dog, She But try explaining that to Panay McCleske looked so haepy. I steadied myself, and Right after last Valentine's Day I got this then I don't know what happened. One letter. It was written :n tissuey violet minute I was telling her that she meant paper and absolutely reeked of perfumes, s so nothing to me, and the next minute I had you can imagine how it affected my kid asked her to the Cherry Hop. Well, she had brothers. But that waniett all. "Dear told her mother and everything. Besides, John," it said (every latter I yet seems she loved, me to be a "Dear John" one, ha, ha), "Yes, I won't bore you with the details I'1? be your valentine. I didn't know you of the ordeals I went through after that, even liked me, and now t his.. , I didn't each worse than the last -ethe grueling reply sooner because m y mother didn't like the third - degree by her parents ( they did idea of our going steady, but she's everything but shine a Xieht in my eyes finally agreed. She wants to meet you, of and beat me with a rubber hose), or the c arse, but don't worry. She's sure to fifteen minute description of the time her love you as much as I dog, Forever..,,," father carried the ball for Watchamaca It was signed Pansy McCleske and, though llut Tech, It is enough to say that by I blush to say it, she had printed five the time I ;ot her home from the dance x'a beneath her name I was .so weakened that I kissed her. °Nell, 1 almost collapse%. Bet then 1 realized it was either that or shake her hand,, it was a joke. It h.adto be. Anyway, who Anyway , I vac .felling sentimental - was Panay NcCleske? I called up Bill Cain,, for probably sick :k'r -m hunger); ey so I best friend, and askec! him. He th ugzt asked her if she still had the valentine. I was being funny,, "Come on, Gertrude, - Then a funny thiii happened. She smiled she's your lab partner." Then he hunm up9 up at ice (she had the softest eyes) $ithout even giving me a chance to tell him and said "ghat valentine?" shout the violet letter. Some friend. But now I knew who Paan y McCleske was„ C hadn't noticed her much. because We kind ,f foggy in chemistry on lab days, and she lust blended in with the smoke and every- ling.: Usually she stood. around by the C ..i." ink at our table was n test tubes. I uess she was afraid of acid or Bunsen urners,, because she washed off stuff evan hen it wasn't dirty, just to look busy. Old ady Richmond almost has a woofie f you \ on't look busy, J�. � os k � i Anyway, knowing who slit was didn't help uch. I was practically engaged to a , \ mpu1 ive test -tube wasier, and 1 didn't law what to do, So 1 didn't do anything. just worredd all night.. By morning I was frantic. Ewen my mother )ticed. "How can you last till noon,," to asked, "on only three of toast„ Vol, i No 9 The Safari February 14, 1964 Page 6 F- cp Freshman Sophomort Caroline Ackerman Ann Ballinger Bill Braddy Tammy Clark Carolyn Castle Robert Hnlcomb Kerry Fisher Linda Tanen Barbara Hedges. Virginia Pattarson H.3118871 °worts Sherry Siumono Deborah Schatte Susan Sorenceat Bill Starkey Nary Ruth Watkina Stew_ Watkins Jnnioro Seniors Karen Berndt Pam Adkins Lorelei Brnem Kristine Anderson Yolanda Burkhalter John Badgett Katherine Edwardu June Baarden Claire Elkins Margaret, Bruen Donna Piles Jan Bntinr Chris Gooding Ban Dulny Carolyn Hooper Linda Yeldman Ruth McGill Julie Gm" Sherry Mims Russell Leann Sylvia Price Jennifer Hartley Christine Schroeder Harriett Hierth Jana Shaffer Sherry Reiland Barbara Staten Nancy Inglis Karen Stuverud Susan Timm - The purFose of the Texan Filmic Enncatore rehsarnas 3 times daily, while the achodula Association Clini) held Thnradqy through of the Band and Orchestra is similarly Saturday, Fataunr7 6-8 at Baylor nn Waco, rugged:, The clinic is slimmed by an evening is to extend muni) teaahn10 krowledza of performance nr Fridny and Grand Concert materials End tecnniquI, Dnn, Coulter attended oombininn all members of Choir Band, and the annual, clinic, and rsports than atata and Orchastra on Saturelsy. At least 1 national mueic exneeto nnrnan it study grvurs stathnts nartnoipate. Consolidated sent Diana to proaannt new Inasu, and adviee tnachers Walrus to i$ (rotra End Glom Collier and on choral probinann, - Dick Pentnorn to AS Choir with Pour The clinic in also *Aendod by 1311. Emazoa5A and Sherry Holland no alternates State Cholr Band, and Crcheatran The Choir ‘1, -- new s spenen sIn onn ei,Anern -S`%rn'in- 5ic,jr inanyen in2 CoAk VOV $none,g,-entert ■,,,,, , ) \ 1/4t i \ , , ....-ii .Z.21 I ; 1 \41 A1 1! 1 I 1 ii- High Sohool Collor Station Texas March 20, CH 0 t 4 d / thme fist placa Limbers of tha Ilixod Choi z and Conezv,:' fl b students of A8,14 Con- ChAr went to Waco for tho Uni5orsity 11.1',.. :':=.' during q'riniLy Uhl- ackolactic Leages solo and ens/JD:lac volc --- ,,,'.7. .;:i:..;. 1.11=aL Srsech Fostivalo jud&:!..eg. As in all nig music judging the 7 -! cold aA too 8k7linz stdont...1 , ..:vo: givun a rating of I (sInr:Aci':' :1.: :7! . ':, , ' :, II (lit) III (good), and no on for 7,: vexe won Iv Lorelei soloetions divided into class I„ U and girls' dramatic roadino Jae III, Class 7 Loing moot difficult, Th boys .attsr dionsP dontect was hold at Waco Hall oh the Baylo, Univarsity campus, ,--,. .ocus speaking,. Soloists receiving e rating of I wore uecond ran Am e Donor, Files„ Jaact Gould, in the 1:11,9: cir.10 P7r.icia Hil1 2 . Sh3:-.4.- 17,11r4A Suzame contest while ltttv Modlan, Dili filoan Disma Sutphen., Glea 1 5.ntermeAate ekr1E0 Collf..nr and Nan VirOer, Suzanne Median y also received a rating of I for piano Ivy in in- Throe trios, Kay Fithar Diana Sutphah • _ .. • ...'n d-n..tfe y.lading 5 David and Debbie Cooper; "cary Fieber Mary Beth Bailon and Shelly Cooper; end Peggye liill Braddy and Bale Shogry Hollandp and Diana Wsirns,, and Lit.da Anderson in were rated superior. .L boys' quartet of Miler 5 Jimry Bradley Tomag Clark Alm Riggs, Lnd and !.utar- Ticd!...ar Vaxlrol placed in grocp tc A CUP01::Ck ':,, ',::: int„pre;ations Cmdy mcdrig al group W20 composed. of Fe• AdrAms rle oftnn speak- Pol. Brcazcalo Joy Goopsz Shorry Horts_d,- Caol'A.. Hp er ,5 '.:taaley - Cle?1, - . 10 Gin Collic,r,„ Bill Doke Devid Par' s rLch P(.41 i„.17.1.1 on Ir!..: mude at thc Awards 3mcolUggso 1 J. Po Pain o regional Kedols for thew winuors 1. just ; 4 ,:', -, ( . , , , aa:o?-llocly.c Fouldation ,, no nany U3:0 won 0 tIle L..1 a rt for 2a11;ial zan oat at the presmtctioall Consolidated rAunts enterod V.:Ye ca.lo: -:;-..--- ,) -at$ from 45 TiD.Tas ,... those receivo.1 a 2ani , 7T IX thei '1 is ( exaollont ). 1 0 , Pat 7:: ctelzae .033 et Dates to RenorlIzr: Ho1id4s -, 1 2 -:-.) Honday tho 30thv, Zunior-Conior Bancipet - Senio' Trip --,, klay,22. Becoal&uroate - llay 24 Con=noemont -May 27 ... Ai g • ‘101, 1 NiDo 10 ae Satart March 20 1964 Pam 2 4*-) dc h 00r S 1 F39 (NA w 'r 'z.,-)e.,r, 1 cc u v - NA:. ( - k - A - \14- , :3 1 ov- - '::), Exm of; Nc5k vyw. v- — N 7 I r,-,, --,,,,,,, k Q CA. to bu -. \\SI.- Nei■Ck.ke,V) OAS . _ t , _ qvAr.A ‘ ,7,....., $ J, A '41 V 6c Q S % " Y-A • I'' iN3 0- . t.... ‘''' ' t 1 i 5 Fii3Rc S\-\02 ,. 5 0,..nv\ „6.,.. . C cy\-- 0.c,..t i 4 " 1 ru Y ' " ‘ • :,- - .f V ,. A) IA l \ AOZAtCAL b r: Asrell at CdCL vto/Crf \ f " \ 'W Gaut o? cheractars for thin parin inter- The TalantShaw co-sponr3ored by the scholastic Lezgus one-act plazv AA. Qundka Speech department and tho Dongal Belles alward Alb are: was held Thursday evenin March 12. msoly . Lama Stuverud Entered were twelve at from Bryan Snc Darly - Don toLucia and College Station c Sore of Consolidated's 0.7.11,ama - 'Taney inglia entries were Donne Filef4 Suzanne Vbdiw, Lifeguard • Da1.4 Miller and tha sophomore sextat of Debbie Cooper, Svc; Fie W.nda Isbellp Pat Calliham,, Diana Sutp4en 3tige -Irou is r&vid Kent Jach: C9ffey and Linda Williams and Kay Flaher, First Lc2a1G Bvotne place winner was Virginia Pattarson who L the pia'' ovaphsaring Mummy and sub- did a dramatic outing bawd on milhatever :::ervit I. take Grandma to t beach to Happened to Baby Jane' SAcond winners che, tilanims flirt with the lifeguard who were the Trezettes a folk trio of Sherry is reLlly the ingel of Death. Ftrayly, bo noiland Diana Weime, and Peggye F aazoalz tabs her while the flutist plays a funeral Third plate winner: were Tkli Sharon and ..T.-.4.R. Orp, Powell who sang two folk tunes* will be precented April 7 in The show whieh had a "Rennin' Twcaltie EcoAdao, theme was emceed by seniors Bruce Riggs atd George Huebner. The Bengal Belles danced flapper numbers in each half. However due to "Difficulties beyond their coatrolp" Smanno Pedion has bn9A honomd with t1 they danced their first number to a 60 cyctle - 7o) scholarsh4s in Telco and piano to Sam bum from t1 amp3ifier. ilz-,laton Sate. To?chers Coalego, These two "...........\ ik ) 1 arintF:. mill cowl. four 2.43ars o. achoolingo ,./-'1 Y1)/ To To41 0.1011U Suzawaa nt51 :I:Ain't:a:1n a r \ 4"1 _,...," i ........7.1 ,- ,. A --,,, ., . Vol. 1 No 10 71.r7 S?.fari Yr7,7..:•,h 20 3,96:f, - Page 3 ) -r , AKAMAL PICK)ic O kk Three hundred Liens, brows, ad tigers ,‘!# , 1 i cAkfn 0 C...C.cA0vN ri.k ,7,,'". ohamd up for the ensue' Pgran-Oellege lati on Belhetll be tesost sponsored Or A3, local Uses 02mA4 After an emeellent anak. dinnen awards sere sods Dar almost 6 ,,,, .1 k , 'ier i viluable and ' sporfaaszaikon play a - • .acti ball club. 4 f ii ‘‘, (:). \ 7yr Coneolidated, Tow l'isineoke re. -_, 1 '., i , !' .;..,. vd the valuable Amor oneardp and Russall .. , , Bann. ma rvelpient of the most sjortniewo 5 •, .--. '''' 1 (NO h f S'in rr r'lf, Me tlard* Th diners were then oratertained by the A,1113 , 4 ,F.ITA.1 1 Mons '')ail teletaxa who remembered th Gossett barged through th On Friday March . 6 0 32 rior;bars of ths Filft mons &v. and when Mar Carlton. all Lot travtled to Waco for the AMA 8 rim. osloting0 - cli the gym floor at the boos of Friday eves2ing Yolorda BarkW.ter qLnd }Vaal BothAE's fireerseker. Linda IF*411 17:7.th other eziEidates fcri% 5.Tiac Alai4 3nlakor was Mel* Netoalf OrfiCW.,, 7 hone:mil at a bezquet at tbs Ilegio has1ol;h1 oov sh. tia talk loos a i:lalsksb. Eotel. half hour at =elated jokes, (Pretty good Szstrodays ressims usre held at Waco jokes too. ilk 17.131 basketball Aver "gall. on the Baylor University Campas, The &Iron ths arts fore the better mesa) soplamoza =tot oappowd of tint Callihrria rtbbie ac.oDarp i.r. Fisher Linda Islet:AI Dizma amtplasn =A Linda 11111.1..a aecora- .-- () W I 1 (\ C-- „,... , panied by awe ilousc entertained at the rzomks acseembly. it tkn aftoraoon ENSed,0110 cat wzIng t1 acbievessetts of Consalidato41"0 Consolidated too. 't ---;,-, '7 to th dl F11 7olazda Thalzhalter was iastallod az tit bawling roet N -% • Nara 14 in woon61 V Presieont of Area C coli Linda . . , Waco. Both teklls plEciAlI.6„. en d w ill go Iobell waa insoliod ao President of Dintriot . to regional comotitioki NarOftA, 51 tzm 20 of Bryan girle 'ith whiN.1. qare4. ran gir' Le verz eoecapanied en the trip ty bati2ed also will compete at regioi,.. : kfr0c, 'IrfZi th. azt.tpapper kits0 41., F. libzIL 11143401 X arzi 24rD0 W. W. Mills. .• ?limbs= of the viaaing senior hig1:1, The errasoUantA jtallor mad SCellOT tom are E. A. Hollmei =lot Gllbort Cha;;;Aart3 !,::D249. v. joint ueot;:inis cr.; lec.,branary 25. 11.13,1le Edoxida Larry Sigirorr.son and Dow Hr. LVO iqz.zmay comma= to the Civilina libltto The other winners wore junior MO Ualversity Strthants spolce on preparation studanto. Mare ware three divisions for for nexrigitv. • , r , ,t12 g5xle F4a by the rza au= 413.1con id....ia pricla tint Seniors lIrr30 Tolond and lits. Wa7n2 thrita ef the Car4T 3valas and Carol Livemicza raw givim q raztorlza Studaul; Center bowling alley layrao =Wag :7:n the Petty Crookor Contest. Sponsored. tho twat in Waco. rooro bac teen Those 0,:az pissed maug the upper 1O% of a Consolidated Dowling lies for several thoea over tiri ration tiao took the Bott7 ytaro bnt tble is the first plarve have Croo*r toots !al D9cmmbor0 7im m atao to organise teanlf) r .11... 1. . ,,,,,1 1,......, Vol, • i No 10 Tl Safari March 20x, 1964 Pape 4 1 t\,)17‘'1_.. (Y\ E R J 1 Tiger bendstera performed well at the Students who were pushed by the glassy- Interscholastic League solo and ensemble eyed appearance or the :Ttnniora on the after- contest at Baylor University last Friday. noon of Tuesday, March .'•0,, will not be, war- ''he contestants played selections divided prised to learn that ear?,ier in tha lay int,_ Clads Ig II and III -._I being the most the unwary class of '65 hid been subjeoted difficult. Mr.. Janson is proud of the to the Nt;ttana1 Merit Soho ".arehip exams. students since the judgeo each specialists Sophomores beware «' the h S yam la a in their instrumenta were very strict. corker/ :infant, it may lugo been to match Carol Whiting remixed a rating of for some; have you noticed th. t certain superior (I) in Class I c tarirat s of c, Juniors arty still. wandering a = nd foggily4 Marjorie Theberge s playing a Glass l f:? utt numbling '' then solo also received a rating of I, does ` Soloists who received a rating of ex. Last year's finalists rated ae„ -ng the cnllent (II) were Sue Rierth playing a class top 35,000 atuderits in the nation .re e Don T clarinet so lo Steven 'henry, with a class McCrory and David 1Cen.t they may be . II trombone ealectims and Kay' Callihan, for NN, Scholarships of up to 'latch with a class III". obese piece. the §afar4 for results from this year Flaying claw 1 selections a trombone =Mao trio of Nike Littger Margaret Brown, and Rorn.ia Rollaway and ;x clarinet quartet of © � Li. ,Size Biar ... CCara Whitings, Sherry' Holland, r U01...- and David Maddcs; received excellent ratings. A class IT Pluto trio of .Anne Ballinger The Girls Volley ell Team started off U o Karlenc Knabel, and Jane Rudder also re- season with a gate in Snook on Tuesday, iar& calved rating II, 10. Then on Thursday, Maroh 12 the eon-= Cn April 25th the Tiger band Will again solidated team played host to Snac'lc at Tiger acaepeto in BIL events. The Junior iii Gym,, travelis to Bliun College April 1Cth where re Taw Linda Feldman 30 so\os and 11 enaemhloa will be judgedv Kayr Gilbert (%r - -• Sharon Covey ,1� �. KiJae Alearasnd i ''\ Ldllian Stir ik k. be Fifth Annual Greater Houston SotWzaxa Joan. darn VII Fair wad held March 13 14 and 2 rx Jis ' &o . cod third in earth octoroon s'Br. T$Riwm Ruth So4;ice r / tiYuE placed J i f 7isio n with his at}idy' of the car a ea:• th Sandy ii;l ( i elements David Barra a project. on L da 'Wel.a azatol.ogy (study of blood) and Free Rosemary Stara 1. Maddoen study of open heart surge y Sharon Yeager 1 , other high achon°� ex triaa�, Femoral '... Karen Smith $. hut~.:zied people :'rom '�wanty six c iuntiee� ( 1 . ; ; � .C ,„ 2 .,.. ��, /� wx p to in thin fair and its ..:, yea's ;f ,, .� atra .ght to t-bo national o ienc.n fair \ ) a � `. 1' c Morgan mad M *, S ;regor z 34dxmpan od l . , ) .;Iii Fred and David and ths i'our junior \,...2 ) - 1,,„- - 1 V cil ?UcL.I. -k€R, S ( (3 Pi L L. ',:anlw-s have published or had their The baseball season roars newspapers, tict; the Rengals tangled eith tne , . 0 Kristina Eco Crockett an March 13,, The Tigers ev.1 1-- %--- / 'I.land vietoriousp 1 —0,, ....., 1 Aathaugh our temz is young Coact J.,' I 1 ..il sure that the Tigers ell' give a fin ; ago a slowing their eir last season as a Claw , 1 , 1 i as, This Al Club,' Tha team is strong on FUnde , Onl- tentals, although sino* almost a: ::...e 1 and 2 have gotten to partielpatp last yearsv team gradmated there s gtrt-gng„ Students from Dash 3 v AMMO problem cto, act yet had a publication from thei..- The starting lineup ineluies at, iLirtstop Soma Bweavides, plus ti. leLtermen and thre* equadmen from yerirc's teas rrell Gossettund wait. F IVIC.• U Li:TY B E-rf344,L... va "no vin comprise the starting bette 1, Walter was thu mainstay of the 19 1ALL' llg staff() First baseman Carl Gough 3, 4a e of bilArity began with a iang baiaman David Parsons and pitaberrighl LA*3 Ffrl'a basketball team matehed flit ant'ielder Tammy Aelnacka have experience :1.ty members° On the teachers' Vole last year° :.aimplating the team are nt valuabla players were tirs... Jimbc Robison at iacon4 Terry Logan in 4,0x 0,1;'; NAO C>ohren, while Mrs llltal left lYs1d and R Carlton in oenter. tboll "Raver sward° Ceaeb -.Toles oasesente that Tarry Logan. _Aspite vaIialy 4ndealfors by "the gir30 freshman transfer from Dallas was the etudent team was victorious and erag— expected it pleasant surprise and will give val hel ualle p to the team° "all the --- 1-7 A • ., -4 ,-, .--- e• 1 -- Ni hi I C. ■-• --- ■Nit ■ '4Ukr V' riVi . 1' , 1 , 4 `... ' ,.. '',. ', , t . ' I ,,, !';', ' ' ' _ ' ," 3' ''. •-.. '` " i k ,, , -, kle -0 , t t-, , . . ) Vol. i No. 1C The Safari March 2D 196, Fagr. 6 - - N 3 . P L p \--/ . i Y i L L E.. E \.) L. H 0 t c? Mr. Coulter annomices that the Senior Following the Talent Show Thursday Ploy was a complete success as the firs night Nareh 12 the /Aileen Choir gm serious fU11-length drama played on the a most nnjoyable parformaneo in Conaoli- Consolidated stage. He wishes to pre dated Auditorium. Although they had given thanks to Mra. Alaten for her valuable two por1:'oraances earlier in the day, they assistance, and to Val] Odell for his hears waro in fine VOIC3 as they opened with of help. . °I-tain Ctne 13.IzOrod." This nraaber was given Despite the fact that ti a play competed with part of the choir standing at the back with other activities i. scleduled on of the auditoriump giving an echo-stereo both nights of its prGsactation the play effect. , may take a profit of 100%. The opening was XollowLd by sweal selections by the whole choir, with saes .in.1,orapti,l, A LL:vi varlzt 6aag several fen numbers and the evening was closed with "The Star-Spangled Banner, . .. On March 14,, the golf team weat to tho _ Brt ( ) . -, 1 4 . ' ,, i C . ■ I ' tournament where they placed 2nd out .......L.......i , .) ,.,,, t- , C . k.....1,--. ■ - ,-.. of 12 teams. Members of the t*am are John Baldauf, John Skribanek John Badgett Duke Dutler Larry Carter x sad Larry Godfrey. El Club Castellano Met on Wednesday Recently they won the Bryan golf tourna. night ?larch 18 at ZErape Restuaraat . ment where most of the teams were from throe The mg began at 7:00 and lasted un- and four A schools. tit 9 i The tables were covered with rd checked ! .,,.... 1 i cloths amd Spanish music filled tho air. 1(' Man7 of tae studeats wore Spanish costumes, *-. 101,, i :‘ 4 ' After dner tha group was entertained by r1 / soma poetry declamation. Singing led by \ ' the Spanish 1 students and the Latin 00 Iv Y-) iii American Insets waded the oveningo Six f0Poign countries were representee: 1 1 VW at tho fiesta. The guests wore Julio Vega, El Salvador; Tony Baduy Eau dor; Jorge Inchauste Bolivia; Julio Deporto l' ATgentina; Andy Doy Columbia; and \ ' Francisco Gutierrez Nicarcugua. / Diego (Jimriy) ROOV50 wall the mariachi A for the evening. 72 femme attended the ...„ ,... 4 , r-VM )0‘Ale s ;1 -.....- ( .......ci i i ..".",„. .....) i 1(Ac Vi \CALy , coo\J\ 4 4 ; q2 i il • • Vol. 1 No 10 The Safari March 2 0 1964 :T 71, 7 C:r ,) Pe R, k ES ttO Ni 0Q .. Tw adv,lat math class and aeieel*d ,. 11th: Juniors took the annual Mathematics Ceeateat Cairea3yn Ackerman _ Karen Berndt, sponsored by taa the National Math Association David Alsxan3er Lc+releei, Brown of America and the Society of Actuaries Linda Boitn«str Dann D Lucia. (insurance accountants) can Thursday March Attie Boykin Claire Elkins 5 The three highest snorers were Russell Bill grader Donna Files Hanna with 28.5, Bennett Hardman, 27 «75 Barbara hedges Donnie Haraton and junior Barbara Stataan vith 270506 The Stephen Seery Dania BolagL r-n winner in each sehoel receives a broom Terry Jones Carolyn Hooper lapel button© These highest sweets will MelissaOmmsns Ruth M GiL.i be • sent to test headquarters for further Deborah Sobptto Sylvi m Frio* oompstitione Willi • sa ; -.�. Daisy Sloan ,�. Mid, Jan Shaffer r Edward Wa-iker batty Sperry i L41' Karam Stuverud 1......) ` Barbary. Statue � ± Sall.ye Sorenson U `Ciro annivai dui, " Classioai League � " £ Convention will be bald this year an Agri. Pam P� Adkins 34 is San - Antonio. The convention vile 10th: Carolyn Alton be sPramered kr Highlands High Solo Anne Bailin John Batt Sahalastio ooatests offered are Latin Tama Clark Jima Bearn gr ', Latin derivatives. and Greek and lay Fisher' Margaret, Brown Raman mythology. Jane House Jan Ba.tler Other contests include oratory and dra- Linda ',shall Glen. Allier matiki reading;, The orations or readings Karloraa Knebal. Linda Feldman mast be translations from original. bET Richard Runklaes Julie Go ade siont Romans and Greeks. Shari Simmons Russell Hanna Musical oentests ars both vocal and Susan Srrenaon Jennifer Bartley fastrumeentt l.< The .yooal pieosa performed Gregg Tate Inane Inglis are to le in Latin. Poetry and themes on Mary Rath liet.J7InP S zee. Timm aspects of ancient life ars vritten before the oonvention and submitted early for judging. The artistic contests include sculpture, mosr,3o, poster asking, and painting (both Interscholastic League district aompeti colored and hlaekwrhits) 6 tiara will be held April 10 in Roukca1e. The AMI Consolidated chapter is sponsor- Entered in the speech events are; Keith .ng the bleak and white art sointest0 Mims and Sam Creswell. and Karen &3rnd; and Workshops will be held for those students Janet Whitehead in debate Jack Coffey and aot entered in contests. Latin students Susan Tina it prose reading,, Duke Miller and att aiding the ocniention will leave for San Roney Inglia in poetry inte tatian David Ante. in an Friday mnr4 s e„ . l 3rd, r extemporaneous and C . : ,� • epoaking, and Bill 3reddy and Ruth McGill � in persuasive speaking„ raN1L; . 1 S Vol. 1 No. 3.0 The Serne March 20, 1964 Page 8 WOOF:, The Diary team placed 9th out of 180 teams;-* `•••and vu° r more Saturday, March 14, tbs state Holstein the livestock tams p aced 70th out of sole vas held at the Rdi NUT. This sales 229 team ' is held rap lall7 as that PIA 1 � i a for their i jsots, , Jim, s Dsvid Glover, Hemostat *sr, a*d Consolidated e e vu ;o active FFA Chapter is Pee Nom each drat a heifer° guided tor sponsor Mr. Jamison and Pint The FFA has a busy oaring mod; Mr. Ru Harrell. Other otfiosr s are Tice. Jamison statue that the bars are now trork® Pros idan , ill Gilmore, Secretary Tim � bard for the A roaa B'FA mutest. Satur4a Wolters, Taasnrcer Carter tomes, Reporter Harsh 21st they dairy cattle livestock, Rick Carlton, and Sentinel Jim; Parrish, poultry and etstsry tmochtats judging teams Chapter members entered 3 Jersey heifirrs will psrtiaipato is. the Swat Texas in the Fort Worth Fat Stock Shoet, Taal State Collo. irviletional ant at Barker's heifer nada the blue rib bas di- San Marcos vision, Harold letadecate ®s took a red ribbon, She FFA mad Oil ,at Bryan and College and David Tomes" e placed in the white Station will hell a Bemis * live- ribbon division, stack show Nonda t and Tueedmr, Harsh 23 In the Houston Fat Stook Shat, the dues sled 240 haitsait ' again _ plated in the sena diyisluts, _ Three son ` heifers were catered in the ToYle ii G c Shw J out of a Glass of aa.sxt ` e., 23 `aaeisaala itioar Mme' is heifer plated 10th, (Thk t " David Glover's placed lith and Bill GLLn<ore l s 9 ate[ 0.� .� plated 33th4 r^�, Two judging t tree Consolidated ant`.; �. . sad the s in this contest the teams as- Q looted iMt they bellow, are the foaat best of --TE PJ N 1 S -- , - a group of s then were ratted 1.eoordit . to the wisdom of their selections. On the Tbo tennis season for the MN Ccensa. dairy wattle 'judging tease were Charlie dated ttam, began this par with a toms. Cam, No Amok, and Larry Linton. Bill mut in Wyatt m February uary 29aa A tending Gib, Atli= Zama and Kenneth Martin this tommmsat as two teats wen cubs eaeapriaad the "livestock judging teas; they V ldes; anti Joan Tarn, Mark Rae, r1 and Michael cleated sheep, amine, and cattle. While k Claire and Joan ease *Inv xitth results from this Goatest have not been re-. first piaai in awn rsneg an t aseivrel, Mai. !mime believes that the Jude- end of March 13.14 the teams trauelec to lug teams plated aced the top 40 out of Rosenberg. This t t teas paat.'a11T . 200 taus. 9;so at the Houston shoe, rained out va 1 had to be finished *lying Jingly Gilbert intered the dairy calf the week. Cllise Elkins roan 2nd pave in A practise j pretest or aA the Senior Mae" Sir. t held at . 7, ?eases f,. m aeries k e n next ten will be his oneaarnd in L,d.'idta. the irate, appromleately 3,000 k4$, parr' The mesberp of the tennis tees, eoe deed tidpated. Consolidated scent '4 bays la by ki r., Sehaffori are Jia Mille, Claire cis: teens for j Attie, limo- gds Maw i*inha rt lac Red d std s i , land, mot,, and d David Reide ; Z' tly Iiit3 and Joan ga. 1 :3„,-tk\ e\ - ,ire, ; A , c. 5c.� Ic', ,,,,,, ,,, A .." A .% ' V - 4 /, /1 .1 \ \ \ i \ . t \ 4.11if \ .''' •,-,,-- - ' 6:'...Z -- — ., ) i ' r•-... 1 s \ •,,,,,, \ , , i , i / i \ 1 k e \ i 1 i ?' 1 \ i . \ , 1 \ 1 V t 1 1:0 al AO Consolidated High SchooL, College Station, Texan Ar 1' : ...- i , / (7 t \ r\ ! I 1\ .„.„. 1 , r ."'•\ V V . ._. t t ‘........." 1 L&M Con YJ.Idatd WW1 the district Inter- Suturdry April 4 tie Dif.Arict wlf or.;o2e. tic .League meet held - :Jridayp April tournament was held in Reckdcle, Couia1 i- 10, in Pocl.dalei, Firat pia cg wInners in the detod*s toczo Ilen both f:Irst an cond 1:::.nray (rents w!.11 enter reaLcasl cop o- places. ConsaliJatod's boye lloo won all tion vet ror Avil 24, Second placs the places in individual soortng,‘ Jo:An le.'iner wi 1 be :.'..lternates* Buldauf, it with a 2 crrar I 76 Kolem.tic ; Larry ilodfrey, 2nd, with 78,. lad Duke lihr:Ers. T..VOWY.;1 1St BUtleX 1T-4 with 80,, lk.-,w tnc ' tn11 r -, ,?rd Othev mmbers of the 7,0vmfe, are Mason Stur.4. remton, J Pr s Joh 1 SkrIbare'4, Jchn Joh: Ba :gett - :4rd Bedgatt arld Larry earte:',. noes with t S.,::?-1:1i.:g a ,d writ Inv best, 604=3 made up the ::irot team 0.1',ek th of KF. G:.1,b<91.1,, and rems.1.7.1dar Irere al the es.:Iond te*--m,, 146k,kry Itu:1 Watkins - 3rd S".:711 individual; , Lrgarct Brown - bit ,r), , , , 1 :A Urgare hrind tnamm A""--, ,,....._, . Brotin and \-,0/! i lnren airudt - lot i \ 6 ; te ILm • -,_-,..4 , c ,_ J05 Coo 4.1:,'„ Si 1-rry liolland ,r14 6ho 1 Sinal.,0 - 3rd 1 1 -.:-:„ !,:(--- El;tem.1)!anlous,apaking bayst _ • aval Ll G 1 - Ist District tentis GODTAAitiOn WES held in E spaking girls: __,--, Rockdale on iTril 10 and 11 after bolag Mlf Hue'swr - 3rd T---- poetponed from tha 3r and 4th of the mona. 1)slclive spealew, Every Consolidatel player who entered - t, Bill, Biddy - 2nd competition nicked. FIC,81 czatfing - &iris: Alt: r -41.1-1 Claire ElUns wan let plaoe in Senior .,„..--..._.j. SuEin limm - lst f ,... L.i Girrle airElaa while Jose Vara and F,ue k“ess Boyas Inglis pinced 3rd fal Senlor C1Vi doubles, Zaci Ceffey - 2ad Linda Anderson placed 2nd in Junior Girl ,ery retling, Eiriaz aingleso Nanv IaLlin - 2nd in tho boys divisicu Jim M1216 was 1st e Frtcy boys: 1 in Zenior Boy's singles, iachael Lainhart Duks Yiller I i and Mark Fledel emored the Senior Boyle bate, by doubles av a tar and came out with a lfit saw of Sam ern6well and i , i place. ksvid Rdc0. , .,:sen 2ut place in Keith law .,. 211:1 I 1 &v 3 ingJoe,, Dabata girls: Jimp Davidp CleirN Mlohnol and haril Tam of Janet Whitehead and 1 A will caapete in regional competition on Karen Berndt - it It AprIl 24th and 25th in Brenham Vac 1, No 11 The Safari April 17, 1964 Page 2 TEpkck ER, OF THE YE Pi k. Nra„ Muriel Orr has been chosen by her Agc■elokIN6 "C\owev fellow teachers as Most Valuable Teacher of 11,, the 7,--r. She will be honored at the Lime Il4* ■ Club Banquet Monday night, Awn 20, at the * Rmada Inn. Ws. Orr has taught mth a and Iat'p at A&t4 Consolidated. Beside at the 0 ,_ Jour 5c Sr -La ach9olobe has taught at AM 'University Do.d in oqhools in Oklahoma and Arkansan. ar:o is il graduate of Ouachita College in -C 1 - 1 1 3WerS I krkadeIphia Arkansas, and A A graduate ,-- i tork at Southeastern State Tct eaere Gallop (l Durant Oklahoma and at A&M. LE T , 130 kAi L 1 NJ c-- ........O 0 e 0 m . C4neolidated Highs bowling t74 E. 111. Elliott Gilhar1 Larry Sishoa rann;i Hit 4-Willy Edmonds, won the regional :cast in llaw held Mrah 28. The S.F0A.6 Aer,c, * Lryam girls teaa of which Carol Livolanan 5s a pctrt also NOU at, ragional 3oth team 1111 aow go to 7i'cate the25th and 26th of Ppril in LoLsvi7u. On Taursday April 16 the Zoology class fre, shad von:m=3 the howling tAary and the Future Nurses Club took a field ich has just ordered now maroon and whits trip to Houston. That morning they toured chills WIth ACIM Fish acroos the back, Baylcce , Aodial School. In the afternoon the group was given a special tour through Hermann Park Zoo arranged by Nr0 RO SO C Pi IQ 1 5 H C L u 3 Earilin JuWa fatheTho formerly worked thsre, K. C. Morgan lod and chaproned the tour, The 5 F. Austin Spanilh C1ub ooa ir:4-?Tgo. Ifia41q3,0 ester tuned ;41a last night with a siumlatod radio %moo gr W -, v:vaaw, l o ls DAA02 f c a armonies Vall Senor 1. i ,...■ lorries, Terry E'rAith stxummad his guitar for liew:1 tl'es l a .C3 31.1g 0 &ads Grant playad laligonKia on the piano, A Brazilian poG-T KriWireAnderson has publir3bed a second "Ombuf VaM pravontcl by Trud7 Congdon. ory in Egmaghtm this time for $100. Her : Ili:If satg nCranadar eocompaniod bT 5t017 oimaide Ballot: Noodle:al is a develop- Ellen 'emu. Nary Idirgnrat Gihils was a ment of the story-interview which appeared :aaturcd speaker, InRL :41 Tu recently, T'My Little Friand iprocal to or Wait in Bryl-m swerai tht Arnadilth Vulgw Kristines D :ka ago was a fitting colebratioa of Pan arst story ls expectse tv/ annear in the :Taz.:1.cau Kook. Hay iseuey 7 o10 1e }I09 11 The Safari April 17, ,1966 Page 3 ..... - c L I- FA (-) On Jiriday, April 2nd l5 members of Five Consolidated FHA members mill hen s 'r ::e Consolidated Latin Club left College a sigh of relief Friday, April 17 when t ay ut:atic n to journey to San Antonio, where send off their State Degree notebooks to they a etonded the annual Texas State be judged. Kathy Sperry, Barbara Staten, junior Classical League Convention, on Ann Kirby, Yolanda Burkhalter, axi Sharer eerie erd and 4th. Yeager have been working teward eae Stets The would-be Romans arrived wifely in Degree all year. ea Antonio and, after eating lunch, met The girls have spent their flea time c m= out on a eight -seeing tour of historic piling sorapbooksa of their aehisl muerte plan s„ Among these mere the Aldo, the while in high school. The noteb ,ka cc-at lee old Spanish Governor ° a Pal$ao r and Joske 's. among other things, 3 themes wri ten bg f e Then everyone hurried back to the motel girls on their philosophy of life D tl e eo erase for the mixer to be held that community. which they live and t e ht. .ci.gLt at Ifighl^nda Hie: School, w iah life. a Boa ormcd the t anve.ition. At the mixer During the year each girl has act uI t .x 9i: u de3isd'rs from 4 sigh reohocls all over Texas goals to be attained. Them goo: 8 mcy c c is d nood L atenn;d to campaign speeches from the categories of per:aonal - ..mprtirctl a from students ; is: g for various TSJCL home life, school, comity, church, art offievi„ and w +re entertained by a • re• the FHA. An account of how each of there enacts r •t of the a:sr z ation of Julian goals uae attained met be inclue ec in i I: 1 ei` ceet D notebook. Also an account of ce: tais; t Th5 aemt morning the convention started standards attained in high achoo a leer iv oarasst. All students gathered in a life, the community, and the FBA Wit; I gualm0. assembly to bear an addretis by Mr. added. PI:e taa Saith, Lt. Governor of the State On Friday, Mrs. Riggs vill tee the r E ?ap- ef.' Texais Then they dispersed: and want books to Waco ubere they %ill be Jitdget € id tc their various contests and Workshops. graded by a special committee. °cnao11datad sponsored the black: and Aito art contest. After a lunch served in the Ei,;hlande o feteria all student agairn met :In the . \/\/ k\ p LA at LJr\ cV\ to aLd i torium for the final general < assembly, Awards w9. All pre ented and TSJCL o:efioers aleeted A er the following year. c onuoli® dated :fared vex well in the oampfatition. Q, EARGER :saran Stuoorud iron 1st place in. dramatic • ailing. Lorelei Eroan plated lst in • (1.u1pture fcx :iar bead of Jupiter and : ;ith M ;Gill gob a 2ad place in - meeaioa 51 `war "811eaun ", Mary Ruth Watkiue placed 3 .d in 2nd-yes:. Latin grram s :7r. Katherine lward was on i of the six finalists in ,� ►);,. o ra erg and An i Ballinger received a re- 1 .,,.�. 1, �: rerd ter the meet outstanding etulent of 0 1 L < e each 1 cal. ci 1tero 0 . r Nea:t=1y 20e0 etas me from over 140 'see.' eeho 13 most of tb i. AAAA attended the 'SIIL SvRIIc-S QD, KktosS A ve 1,Ma rJ xven is . Vol, 1p No 11 The Safari April, 17 1964 Page 4 C --..-t OS5e.0 ,DI E S S � P $ s �""� . Chess Club has been started. It rya ; IV\ \ E K is every Friday after school in Mra. Lelan U ro ° Ga= if you like, You're invite i IRNt) Mr, Bill Atkins,, a native of S:sat n In p, . south Text and our new band directar, :.n a 1 graduate student at Sam Houston State austpxn S .�a?e A y Ef 1 CAN Teaohera College Thia semester Ise is ::r :n a. fellowship Bch permits hal to i ,r. s t' tai: 3e. rSe,i i h►y (D ,w his cast degree (in Maio Edueatt ; ) at he t�eaohes p = tnax'r and at t to a n . h:i. Rill t. � .,n�-E 1 blOW I 1 Add hat up for the Ways and Agana Caamd ttee i f Sax and clari are Mr Atkin 4 spec:.:. t -r loves, and so is basebal tennis, s Ind :)cat ;e ggil I 1 B Bart, enchiladas, the Sa da Even 1` 0 Al and .Cp " +.��.. Evening fJ��I,,,L i. One of M Ac's mayor pre; jests r.t the moment is directing Lab Band at SETS ".MC,. ::1's �' ±, r:ou c+ iaa d ; R a training group for The lcustonianti, area 9f �A yam t. i for the top tan jazz instrumental grop,ps :n is o rtb 3l:a: ;r in thr3 Area 3 FFA dtadyi.ng country. r=9 Aost held Sato rday the 11fih. at A& M.,, And turthoxnore, h&a single. r i •k ?icon Jiwmy Gilbert rt, and Paul Nolan Ina hews in the poultry aonatemtp �,.. r" F �.zk eon be ,ng hi th pot Et . Ct�nsoli- dated -,so dc°n )ra in dairy' products IV! ill ll A $udging .bout 50 schvola from 21 eountios The library will a c;:.ntered in the Saturday events ta'? . W. A. Olympian atmosphere t t e e c a: tonight when s:� �;` C Cl Jamison sponsor3 the boys. stages a feast of the gods �` \ Members will attend the aenq�a,�f E of tt zb E zR as Rcben gods and goddesses, The La nc rt 3l r r ( 11311 dine an �1aai and wine, 3FZ'S+ed i �' b y freshmen s l a v e s ° A co m ? ttes d] ?, A s 5 de for entertainment. Thee will be n ttc 3t Z d n contest, and other harmless orgy-Cal aotivitiet; holier, Mrs. 0 'r =fume be The r.m-ao;, I ,.ic r c ,>z` ast Ia.s held Th c - allow any Christians to be '- �arown c ,- Ma c � `7. Cc • id ted ° e oxit'' - "The liome° .0 tat L bt took e.� eond a:." �' ` h w�.� t r ' �`\ r1 f ad1 ► uke Miller twe plat . plami in t AL1.. �-a 4 4 tag Cwt. e L� ) is 1 ;}J Vole 1 No. 11 The Safari April 17, 1944 Page 5 71-1 E. - Ni , ' \dV 0 T E b lb E. 5 The outcome of last week's at. dent If you made it through the Ides of March, epixaion polls Parent Cods, approx. 20% you're luck er than Julius Ceaaar was but... favor, Scholarship, approx. 80%; Don't get any big shot idea 0 Every mouth sponsoring an orphan, approx. 80% in has its idea. March J � May, July and October a or. ides happen to fall an the 15th. For all Student Council President stresses that other months, its the 13th. • he voting was held merely so that the If you venture abroad on the ides tudent Council could know the cpiniana of any idea -- for gracious goodness avoid the the student body. This was not a rsferenm Forum. But if you must go there e donut plan dwu , but Council Student Co c.;il wiz . probably to reset anyone on the eels of the Senate rear the awsulta in mind Vn n making douse. And auk all eta several safe feet -Zec4izi.a s on the issusso away from tbe BASE of Pompn►'s statue* f ^-� °"' °+�)AM FORTvWAM .�� 1 FIT Mrs; Pi rill, pa to all wouldete At the Cameron trams meet on March 2 3c nga1 Belles: Applications will be David Parsons represented Consolidated by aceepted through April 24. placing 2nd in the discus throw; The next Saturday, Easter weekend, the Bill Price a freshmen„ made Eagle track team traveled to Rockdale where 8111 headline's winning first with an masse,, Duke placed let in the 880 yd. dash, Russell 1 Lale Eae oroemant as a Caree a in a Rana wan lot in the high jump with a height xte at sped by the Caller 5tation of 6 ft., and David Parsons placed lot in Foci,(, , discus and 4th in the shotput competition. Without skipping a weekend the team tent Tho chorus is rehearsing nighta night far to Katy to attend the net field there on Ro zonal meet to be held tbo 25th April 4 At the Katy track .met Russell bl 140** Hanna juzped a height of 6 fto l* In. to ' 7� place 2nd and Bill Duke came la 3rd in the 880 yd0 daah0 David Parsons plaood 5th in shotput and then broke a meet record with a diaoue throw of 154 ft. 6 in. which gave him top honors© `kip' spasch depaTAment will pro neat tte On April. 10 and 11 thi track team returned full Tiength play 03., .Archibald 1 to Rockdale to take part in the district meet. Leiah Cutting by c,br o Akin) oa hey le,.. David Parsons placed 1st in discus and 3rd in It wiLl run at 'seat on night and shotput. Bob Whiting name in 3rd in the 880 possibly two° yd0 dash, Richard Runkles vas 4th in the mile The play, u lieh will be done in a E t a t run, and JLmoy Parrish coon 6th in the high style, is a modern version of Job (j,130 hurdles() Bill Duke placed fat in the 880 and his trials„ yd,, dash and 4th in the br'oadjump0 r ------n._______.na--- '1111111%b. . ? 11 Vi.'. .$ V 0 11 The Safari April 17 1964 a Page 6 S' E NkS Q T `b. r e .1 me `k appr ,1atiee and I urof s , 0 be shot Cater cal & yt le euyle propert -© tr., , a p S arre 'era wrong. Hera ° s chat Pia g? s. tai. 'or thti happy morns lg. ...he /e ft This wi.%'` , and kids ard ant k off :.. 1 have no lost ny pie geomatry to town (to work he gall... ye .hn so m tool: 11 ,ear. That is to say of ooura>,e, work He c,rote book, but 1 2' 3-, ma 3 4 do : l 1 1# Y , to t ya a geometry ay and a batch oof o ems ,! plays g a.a�t ov 'sm. lull of :.oat WiU.lam J. Esserleyos plane about 14 or 15 runes laxig, tastes all...) gale ry ock all dear. I gave it a fresh c ua n coy r and a few more numbers and it ,..ha likad it °ap tot€na -m-and he pr,hably IA ;t11 n my locker, and William J. stayed for raara and ya aro I iviv : up anC E H.itr: e - s eti?l one of my beat friends. bc:haryiu' Like a bLehelo:b. Bit I m s him la 4th period plane. Ho d :v ypE d. H9 losi his book and the offica Finally he gat tired and palled out (vhc l v la of : t O: mars books. I felt awful he VAS winning, of c our 3e) ..: vont layss an aJ it. bought old Dada fancy faoat -of -e Jao I"; , grata u1 it's April, and April h al aF.. $ nit so it's a safe month for From t ai on he loand. o: r t el.: so It has been a difficult month a1 lea eatR, cans, and a month of heavy ...and out of hie uad o. real sea and s 1..t .c ices f mAng toaobars, but it hem been If crowns and un& and t'>r t'e mouth for po guineas" hl lift a a ti oysters. poor p so tar of his 3 kid o Eaot� ling o I L: grateful for the new library, but apact far the new parking lot and for Mrs, Ithe seovnd bast bed." Weai who loves ms, and for William Ws9etsworth's inspirational sonnets. So uaa,,n 11 it's that kid o .' gy t who , 4,. I°n glad too, for termites,. They after " „ e7es rb,:.dyas still gl ; to gi re sa maathing to fi€;ht, to prove to shout about and momoriv, m7 lovely world that 1 call it worth f . ;f ti rtg :S:71 S , � as , 'N i R L S 0 + i 1 Elsa Cos solidatsd Girl's Softball Team GO O a wc °had bg Mrs. Leland, entered the oom p ti on a f the intereobolastio asst in V R< aa:k da le (n April 11. The team took 4th P30 0 li.E.Clc (p raliberi of the team area t/� 8..>a Aleacae -.der Charmille Bridges k mdia Hamill Carolyn Ackerman & men Smith Jan Harri a P , d; Sandy Miller Janet Callihara A i L `� Kathy Litteret Jan. Mills ) ! Linda Welch Linelie Wilson 1 Sharon Covey Cindy Kerlick Penny Hancock Harriet Whits l (ke_po .te e., i.e.,} , <'l `I m Vol 1, Nor. 11 The Safav i L ,tj3 t l L9 r ' , r: F I rk f" D I - ;; r 1 al Worker gs, message cams by ive { , it said the Kruaahev diedn k-*"1")\ but it was a r .is tray sletion \ � •\ instead o f I oiMoide, , L ttr 1 : • \ . Big Brother tours the Tundra o.-, . .. 1 Collides with Vodka jug ` ,._ And with the jolly peasants _ *„-, Joirw in collective c -a- lug. -�t - --�= =4 To Hong Kong Station Sag Song Sae i The sags rant out clear They heard as far as Sin I,;;,x ; With ra'.:co,:,: g. acl kioW One Jap say to anc ti; 0 Fro r Nikita ean. I a pass away. Prime Ni nirrtc b.0 tw bt,c b t Kremlin or;' bid; toLr v. day." How r e_!:) -" { Chou speak to Ching .kung, tab rlitsrd -- 5 ft Royal. Red turn gray° \- 0 0 • �j He go to join i;!. i a.1.4w i; 4i:1'G / t j it Fat Eat.Z i 3r i:L irk J.a3y :#4, / I f D I Say Ching Lee Chong to Iii usa Ate "Trot I;Il a 3 c,2 ::J : oas. :ac:'4 o ��, + 1 ! 1� tinderneat . 1:.',°f; iof:: i i ( h ii Casket closed on Moscow 'scary" i i i JAI �` VI //,/e......:::/illip i )\\\\ „ k , I / k ' r ' - T O ,„. C ) , - . \' ......„, . \- \ 1 b Li t ... V. 1 No. 12 MB Censolidated High School, College Station, Texas May 18, 1'''• . 0 T \ Cr E. R. E " 1 I G S Tht Student Council has set ash $60 Nev Tigexette officers .far 1964.65 are for the case ,.:f an orphan Who has now been Rosemary Shams President; Susan Culpepper adopted by tom., Student ho‘tit A total of Senior Captain; and Cind. Souosares„ juniat $120 is r equ'.:r ed for care of the orphan Captain. n. Immediate plane of the three in _a for one year,, the $60 will ware for the elude their attending Drill Team Scheel at child until Nt vember or December, 1964 S.M.U. iu August. Future plans may include Money for o rr orphan 4 s support will cores t ., igning of Tigprette uniforms. from voluntary oaontributians from the op 'for a bigger, betesr pep squad stn 'l students. sxt fall a collection bat ill next year, Roaomary� urges next yearda • be placed ;.n �, n the lib ' • r Freshmen and Sophomore girls to join. W and eo1,z» Two years of pep aquard are ragged ex- leoti.on..:i . 1 be taken at football gamest. perience before trying out for Bengal Stodent C 7 unail President £attd Gay s l- Belles. The Pep Squad and Drill Team do oulatee it at the abi.ld will be more than a valuable service for our school L eufficianLly oared for if half to students helping reds, that great old spirit. Be contribute only 5# a month. patriotic, girls, and join = WANTS TOUl t The Counoil has also set aside $s20 for the Student Belly scholarship. p. The scholar. Ship is to be finanoed by veltmtary eon- tributions from the clasees funds. Selection of the recipient of the uaholamrd Friday , , Mar 22 -, 10#23 -12:26 .,a Period 3 ship will to mais by the principal„ with 1 :15- 3:20 - Period 5 assistance from teachers or students he 25 -, 913012100 -Period 2 may choose to help with the selection. The 1.15- 3120 -Period 4 scholarship will be paid to a atuc nt for Tuasday May 26 900 .. Period 1 one year, during which he must prove him.- 1'4115- 3 :20 .. Period 6 soil interested in and deserving of a eel" NOTE: Buses will run at regular times lege education. The school %mid like for Frig the Tuesdayt the it to rrepaOr his scholarship after Roomo will be available far arm purposes. graduation„ but this is not nemossaryc. All books, fishes, due and egeipment belong- The Student Council emphasises that these ing to the school must be cleared prior , .t , j aetB are to bas supported by the Student to taking exam or being exempts& . with the council as merely an aim. Report Cards may be pied up Thursda strative gu ide c These ars ung, projects, 9130 mi 11830. C1*as roams , stints - let's make theme works ALL STUDENTS MUST ATTEND PERIODfi 1. and 2 FRIDAY MAX 22 . EIEMPTIONS GO INTO ACT AT 10,23 IR.I DrAX. '1,i) \ ti \i _ ,, A fr > ) \ \L / (,,,,,,,,, , its ,4\i'q .., 0 , ... , , ,:, . - / , . ___. i _ ,..,. . ,, e It ? ' , Vol,, ). No, 2 TM SAFARI Maly 18 1964 Page. 2 The Intersoholaetic League Stake Abet The Concert Choir and Mixed Chorus Ra- ves held Friday and Saturday lay 8 and 9 canted a successful summary of the year 'o at Tee Uriversity in Austin° work with their Night of Muafa May 9 at Claire Mins, a junior, participated the CBS auditorium£ in the Untie meet and can away with a A large crow! enjoyed the well-balanced first Plana. Now she is the Champion AA program, composed of seleotions from the tennis player in Texas. choirs, the Girls" Chorus acoompenied by On Friday morning Claire won her first Carol Whiting opened the ehaw and solos gee 6-3 6-10 The next dayehe played hy Shsrry Holland and Patricia Hill very Martha Wisdom of Crane, Texas, and warn intersper. ed0 The Kapadeilesa, a oextet of 6.3 6-0 netting the championships Dianna Sutphen Pat Calllhr ^m Linda Will.iatmm 9 Claire was awarded a plaque which will Debbie Cooper, Kay Fisber and Linda T be]. L, eventually go into the trophy* case in the accompanied by Jane House, and thtz Tra ze t- new gyms She also reoeived a gold medal. tee composed of guitarists Peggye Breazea:`.e, Claire is the first person f au Con Sherry. Holland and Diana Weiruo lent aolidated ever to win state In tennis. variety to the show. The first half of thtl The tennis coach is Horace Schtlfero evening was closed with a violin dt t of Diana Walrus and Mrs. Nary Leland° Th ! second portion began with number* by the I 1 O U r31 Q. 14 L Pt P:15 Girls $ Choir and a Madrigal group of ivelve singers. Selections from the Con- cert Choir followed W with solos by Susanne The Industrial Art Fair was held at Median and Glen Col.lior. Patricia 11i71 A&M University on May 2. Ctaaaoli aterd Suzanne lbd1en, Olen Colliar David Parsons students cane away with ten of the awards. and .Dias Pewthern delivered aolos from "The Jim Step aensca was first la gereral Most Happy Fella". The Concert Choir agair orate; Keuieth Schneider, first in wood- took the stage to sing a� " � �'Y.ra Peaceable w'or ; J14 Leroy Boone 9 third in general Kingdom" r a seven-part co position lasting 0: ?f Ws 3 and Paul S urerud, aeoond in about thirty minutes. The lid Chorus general e1ec - ,rioity° and eleotrcni a1 and Concert Choir combined for the finale, Dougl aa L.3i .hia v Diadlny Anderson and net All Mortal Flesh Keep Siiencen with Kama to S ti me i . r p CO rl .f ir at, se camd 9 instrumental accompaniment by Phil. Butler and third in general metals; Jim Stephan- Louis Nemeo To Claark, Phil Whitehead p son took first and Douglas Williams third Bill Braddy and Jane House. Aooaiipsnists in general r: rafts; and Kenneth Sohnei' r for the Concert Choir and Mimed Chorus are placed first in woodworking. Charles Castle and Carol Whitir 9 reapeati Z. i & array Inglis has accepted a sc h: ' ad°sh1x; to Bt the womans branch of Cambia in Yew Yvrk City. The scholarship, .fr her free as year mas granted under the r;, 54i5e. eA _ , a Seven College Coaferenoe Plea and is 2 f". ,•�; c% 1 i .-; (: ,„,14 ( 1 J 4 ... 0.2 , ? 3 t . - --«: . M4y. 1,.. II.2 fAtictbll,, Fo r k) ..,.. co p 7 - 1:c? ; i 14 to 1111 1.zA bri be tle;',',1* ,. ft'Atft b.-44 cf4).tit ,r14,111 ',illto a r • . '. ' , '' k i'"'J .' .7-...::, 4 :(,:.A.1 - ,:: - .ki,...t.1 thz ceAck ' tilt 10 A 11 11. r ' •.,7-....;,..,„ .-.'...,...-,, :A . S". ii on -. f`rorf,. 1„;;Iff4 ,,f t' : cif-4 f ,:f-,, ,,, „, ,, t'. ' . „ vial -; - : --..,,, , ,,..- -c-,,i '44444,Oy.?„- coril fl‘f s= •..;.,-, •'1: , "1: 1 ".:".'7='-' trie Y..i.r.: .44 ';f:'_ , d„),;' , ,.. - ..f,1„--=.; -,,,,,. , - ;•- - „ '...- :, ',,f;; ';''f.fo-„ ..-t,„ 1SL LirEtte,,, \Q. ) : . ' .".: ' , ,.: , " •,, , "ii : .', c..7." '..t. t.' r t' • , ' ,, y ' ' - 1, - - y : ' - ,..,;z%, !, 0 C . 0 ,-- 1:2 ','..." ' 1.,:rt I. 7 t't r,rt..ot ;=;,.. i,if:, :::::411* - R..t,i1 • .,'.,.',....!---.--,-....! L.. .-,- • - -.:,-...-..,,.- '..t- 'v- 4.;:.! • • ' ',, ,. ! ',..' i .2 '..."., i 1!...k ' 4Py . 6 . - .-,- : ,, i....,..:;,. , J.,,-- , _AI,- ,i. 6.,..:,. .,...: • ,, fir ,.1.4r, ,....„,. ''," ,.;.' ' r eZer4" ' ' 4 ' . Zfr ill a t) ' 't ' 147,40 , ( 3 zte...14.)tltvl 0.0:ililie f'.. IY,`"11"4 7....!::....!attA. `, 1 ly- ,t ::-.-.:, • .:.`..-: -,.:- -'..'•, :%:!:..-41 c.„Lu4-0 .aufzinty,,) .4r; :-. . .- -. w, - l• '.. •:- 4' .--,',•'',. r.s. Let l‘.)r SA0V3eXS SCA.kj i.o --., ,..: 0-:1,:i1; kr' 1 . I , •.i; :,..,.....!Li:4'ktte..114"....W.;;;;:::„ti..=61, k.,. Sor j OV. * rs‘ t_„ ,- -,,, ,.•.:i-,, r..' - : - :,,,;-..; ...,-,' f,"(.:T the ,,,, 1 ff ',,:,..'-, ffo • .,.:- r: ho'Nia: _ ,: :- ,, .,;„.. ,, : ,, :7, i',.- ','!..-o f.....4 1%, - •;:aii*i.,,z1" - _.,, , ,: -. :,t %, .:.:-z; • ,--, - - 4..,..- 14. :-:-,1"%:= .141 of . ,...4t i , '‘)Jev:-- 50/..• -, , • t suwur- s9r1v1 .:,:,.....,,,,....,,, -- ........z----....,,„.., . ,..:0- ....„........ „,, 0-4 / • Vol, l No. 12 THE SAFARI May 18 1964 Page 4 C FrL, m 13 NJ Government day sponsored by the Com- Rotarians greeted eitizen-»ofeth® month mmnity Servioe Organization, the Elka waa Michael Leinhart at a May 6 luncheon and held May 7. Selected seniors and city- Billy Mitchell, another citizen of the government office -holders attended a month will represent Consolidated at a luncheon and then traded places for the similar luncheon Nay 27. Both boys wane rest of the day. elected by the Student Councils Holding *the reins of government" Thursday were: Mayor - John Badgett Manager - George Huaboer Health Officer - Linda Feldman City Engineer -E, A, Holland Thursday, May 7 was election day at Councilmen Consolidated. Ater sitting through two Ward 3 -Bruce Riggs morning classes, the students assembled Bill Duke in the auditoriun where they spent the Ward II - Pate Adams . rest of the morning considering the Margaret Manrry candidates. Ward III - Billy Mitchell. Each candidate had one person apeak for Mike Isinh'rt 00 him and then he spoke for himself. Girls City Attorney - David Gay r- running for cheerleader demonstrated their Judge - Charles Dodson: a skills by leading the student body in yells i Ann Avera running for editor of the (rl . Annual and Ruth McGill running for senior business manager, were unopposed. ,,,: Candidates for junior business manager rTA were Jane Rudder and Virginia Patterson. Two Consolidated boys represented our Girls aspiring to teems senior cheerleadera school at the State Track Meet, Friday, were Sallye Sorenson, Daisy S1oan Julie May 8 in Austin. • Davis, Georgia Heritage, Rosemary Sharp David Parsons wry, tat place and set, a • and Sharon Yeager, Running for junior new state record with a discus throw of e cheerleader were Cynthia Castle, Debbie 172 ft. 9a in. He is now the state AA Cooper Peggy Oven, and Susan Culpepper. the pion in that sport. Walter Varvol and Jerry Holbert were Bill Dukes entered the 880 yard lash to oandidaten for student body president. win third pace zaith a time of 1 minute Elected weret 59.4 eeaonde. President - Jerry Holbert Arthur Bright is the coach. Senior Cheerleaders - Sallye Sorenson head cheerleader Daisy Sloan [Sharon Yeager Junior Cheerleaders - Cynthia Castle Debbie Cooper Editor - Ann Avera URC--EV Senior Business Manager - Ruth McGill Junior Business Manager - Jane Ruder SULF09, SPR 1NC:r S Q-A. CN V E t2ALKS) c ep eLP 1 , Vol. 1 No 12 THE SA/4.0 May 18 1%4 Fag* 5 . . At the father-eon bengnet of the FFA Nov arfiaers in the JuIller and ::onlor Imst .A%adel niett R Rarvell time tame1 ji.114 of the 'lotus* ilooemikers a A42. Chacter rirver and Al , al reosived :'f.10A.04 Alm twItalIld at the lainual Mt ti Star ',4tiontan4 AWrio Both b478 04rg Ot7 AhOM 1:tel inataILition hol.r1 Nay l' re;lentV at ', luniGaon giveb by tha 16 the wahool audItoriumc - ;airat11.1tili.g tiA Zolleze Aatie4n Ximanin Club() insLaLation Rii6rv:kwis tmre kogg7e I: Te.. rkti W4.0 coined midEetan4ing ax- a.na ;AVIA IsOell /gist prestients ot Uyi , die .- miclre vas LthaariAd for Jaa;or and Zanier ataptorso ------------- -°", m7 toad ii., : +: 7. riS111 7' '''31d orfiners of the , ;!',Ar,lor Chapter aro? f\i',56 , --,--- *�r octrAncting 4taill rtAorta:, ,0hAitott . "er-isident Oilo . _ , ,,4.ols..Ar fAtm ekill Larry "iNla IlargwNet Ecaboar - 1.st Sloe Premident fam r5L4ic llrof,drastiog and Uok 4Alrp, F&j Inglis ... 2nd Vico Presidemt *dry produote lue4lzg loot* RLISQ honored ".;belly Cooper - 3rd Vios President 4..a •4 ;F:; Yovng lAnd .11dging tian4y ,':tart ..4tb Vice President iLanwItil "'israr Iaultry judging Rick Moun Jane TA3LAU .., Searetar7 wisti3e. jurtgLig PQA0 tilmAll lgiry ,Ilutin& Mary ot,11 Bailey - Tr,s&l.aror , c.,1. Cale= 1mi .01.11 :111,aciv livoitt2ok Ann Trail -.Reporter itl'tigia6'0 PenAy Ennaor* - NIstoriaz isl Et went to Georgia 11 Janet e P Cl aukfretloart who reasivad a laek3t Phillla it411f0 - 5arg LePlder ein4 Mr° QvIewtip who received en honorary Officers for next pisar of t Senior cli.sIovv.fArmIr certificate. Chapter arst Karlene Knetel ... President Susan Sorensen = 1st iLe President Sharon Yeager r 2nd Vico Pr3aident AL s fi:emler - 3 Vi, m President An tidtxrry -4th Vico Presidsnt Thanks ,o the announcers who worked so Ann ?mere ,-, SOOrtliattli biOd thle pm-t Janet Holt - Treamurer f:avlid Madd= Judy Daar. David Gaw rim Jane Martin -Reporter Xiaw,.ier Pall Iv r* 7am Adams Dan Jane Rouse - Historimm & Karzhret MeHurry Margaretamm .Tulie Davis .., Parliamentarian ier4r,k Litteret Phil Btxtler Billie Jean Kay Fisher - Song Loader Greer:, Sandra Free - Pianist Next yeargu ennouncars have been Ths Junior Chapter and State I* solaotedo Thoy are: were then presented to those girls wb4 Do7id Maddox Donna Filesp Hioky had earned them during the yearn Follow Carltal Sell Seronscop Jerry Holbert 544 the presentation of the degrees Wee Carl Cong1 4 Billie Jean Greer, Scott Phillips e Homemaking II °biases gave a Hervey Richard Runkles Cynthia Caetle style shoves The students modeled es Jan Harrie Loretta Covington 0 clothing they had made during the course of stmt.,: Wi ha 00\ kio ..he. R . R 0 a , k.t. Lunc 1r, 1 , ( 114\1 ,_: 1 ,.......... s, ,,e's • ,.,-- " '' ) __, , Vol. 1, No. 12 TEE SAFARI May 18, 1964 Page A ETP►r NA E BAND ,:in The State Future Homemakers of America The Consolidated band members left Meeting was held an Mey 1 and 2 Friday school early Friday morning May 15, to and Saturda a in Austin. travel to Hilltop Lakes near Normangee. Girls fr3m Consolidated who were to Thera they ended. a year of band with a attend left at noon on Thursday because day of flat. Everyone could pursue his or many of tbeia had to be prevent Thursday her favorite sport whether it was awl m e night for a practice of the State Chortle ing horseback riding, bicycling or just and those who had achieved the State hiking around the hills Degree. Later, in Western Tones, a amorgaeboard The convention began in earneat on 4 ) dinner was served to the students. During Friday morning with a general assembly. the dinner it wan announced that Gail The speaker vas the Assistant Attorney is Feoiru was the Band Sweetheart. Previously General of Texas. That afternoon the , the band members had voted and selected State Degree girls were honored in a -S Giil Sherry Holland and Margaret Bra special oersmony after which they u as candidates for sweetheart. attended a tea given these by the Home- Dancing ended t2 a day, making Department of the University at Tee. Friday night entertainment for the convention participanta consisted of a talent show. One of the acts presented was the Brooke Sietera have performed Following try -outs at the Ramada Inn can Ed Sullivan and other variety shove, - May 12 eleven girls were chosen to be Saturday morning voting delegates from Bengal Belles in 1964«65o each ohaptae net and elected the State These girls are .Ann Avera Dianne Bell Officers foe the coming year. Karen Berndt, Pat Gaffs a Cathryn Those gi e1s attending were Barbara Cleland Margaret Durst Linda Isbell Staten, Kathy Sperry Ann Kirby Sharon Linda Liles, Ruth McGill Sylvia Price Yeager, Yolanda Burkhalter, Linda Isb ll and Susan Sorenson. The girls Caere judged Kariene Knebel, ?eggye Breaaeaia on poise attractiveness marching and Deborah Sahatte, and Me3g Huebner. dancing ability and ability to learn as they performed drill team routines taught them by Pam Maim assisted by Peggye Brea.seale and June Bearden Judges yere ID 04'5 Mrs a Bob J. Ragsdale, Mrs. Ea T. Smerdon, BARs3ER Mrs o Phi 13 ips a Pam Adams a and Jan Butler. Mary Beth Calhoun, who is returning next year after a rttay in Washington will try out in they summer along with Kay Fisher Janet Holt and Linda Rudder. �• Four girls are competing for the position of captain to be determined sometime in June. Ann Avera Cathryn Cleland, Margaret Drat and Ruth McGill, will each choreograph C:\ a dance and teach it to ' ee team., after \P s'' which the Belles will se sect one of t`he four an Captain. oftgoo) \\ M 40 2 MIDDLE.— vF —T 4N/ 1! RoAfl\St , vrairrown ) •<„„,/ Boys 880 medlt- Boyle Girl Pull Girl's 25 yd bet„, Bor"s 100 yd. 4,-1egr414 riet* Minki440 relay 20 f0 Bicycle Raee t 30 Caadfaiss 4WA; , ...._ e. 1 & A . it.:\ ,„....,, \, I k \ 1 A&M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL Cellege Station, Texas September 26, 1964 ee. r - e --e N 7---- , C (ADO) IDA I -0 TO. ( 1 r i\I 1 W . _ , GYM v , , ho cf , , „... . 4 Construction of/h-4-new 1965-66 school year. panded to accomodate 1,100. physical education building It will contain ieter- This is the first v.ym.- for the high school irill changeable basketball, vol- nasium to be built since be located south of the leyball, and badminton 1941. The high school en- auditorium on the east courts. Also included are rollment was then 90 stu- side of Hulick Street, dressing rooms and a snack dents Now 485 senior high The D,000 sq. ft. struc- bar which will be open at And 425 junior high stu ture should be completed noon. At first there Will dents use the present by the beginning of the be seating for 500 but structure, eventually it will be ex- . , . ,, ‘-.-- . RNAL ; r„, , ,c. .. ,4,...i 4,,p HOMEMAKERS N.4 1 A Vi 1--- n 4 Rit- - i ki--- , ,,,,,, ,....._/,..) H 0 L 0 c v l' pc rq M i— T 1 N ‘.., c .,.„. • -- , L r: Every spring the Juniors The A&M Consolideted F,11 Officers ace subjected to a grueling Chapter of the Future Home- Junior Chapter examination known as the makers of America held its National Merit Scholarship first meeting Friday, Sept- Peesident_Deborah Schatte Qualifying Test. Of all the ember 22. Karlene Knebel, 1 Vice Pres. ...Meg Huebner Juniors around the country the Senior Chapter President 2 Vine Pres. „.Faye Inglis who take the test approxi- presided. The meeting was 3 Vice Pres. Shel/yCooper mately 14,000 are chosen as called to order in the reg- 4 Vice Pres Sandy Catheart Saaifinalists., This figure ular ritualistic forw.Janet Secretary. ...Jane B a shaw represents less than 1% of Halt, the Treasurer as k ed Treasurer .... .Mary Bailey the graduating class, in- members to pay their $1.00 Historian....:Penny Hancock eluding those who did not dues as soon as possible. Parlimentarian.Janet Celli- take the examination. This Ardis Kemler, third vice ham year we have two Semifinal- president, announced that Reporter Ann Trail ists. Ruth McGill and Lore-. there would be a salad cook lei Brown. This is a great book sale. Mrs. Ruth Alter E ft\ .: honor to these girls and to a visiting teacher for the [ (-1‘ C_ ". CAnik,n !\, en our school. An Semifinal- Bryan Public Schools Sys- ist /- u s they will be listed in tom talked on "How Long e r o, . L: ,-,, ,‘ L.3 . Li , ...J a booklet distributed to Des the Honeymoon Last colleges, universities, and L. 1 6 Fi A RY other scholastic agencies, F.H,A. Officers , and their names and scores Senior Chapter will hasent to the colleges According to Mrs, of their choice. The S A T President....Katiene Knebel, Duncan 120 new books have scores later this 3ea r will 1 Vice Pres. Susan Sorenson been added to our library be used to determine the 2 Vire .Sharon Yeager this year. Lists of these Finalists, who usually con- 3 Vice Pres. . Ardis Kem:ler hooks will be posted on the sit , :q about 9% of the 4 Vice Pres. . .Ann McMurty bulletin board in the Semifinalists, The final Secretary... ..... Ann Avers hn11 A rtd in some cl awl:0ms selection of Merit Scholars Treesurer,.., . _Janet Holt Mrs, Duncan has said is made fr*ee these Finalists Historian Jane Houee that al/ requests for About the honor Ruth com- Parlimentarian..Julie Davis the purchase of books will mented, "I'm going to have Reporter.- _Jane Martin be eonsidered hut thmt ,hfi to z'itudy havder to live up Sollg Lie i' .. Kay risLer naturally caoilot guRrallt to 7:• "" mus1c1an..._.,..Sandr:1 Free fulfilliAg .4.1i of them, . - , EDITOR LEADS ST LID TS , There was more than Jerry Holbert,, pres- "then to cr_iopernte with all one tragedy enacted at the dent of the student body, your teachers and superiors movie theater Wednesday is making his mark at CHS and finally just play it by afternoon. The first was He hails from "up near ear. Hamlets. The second was Dallas," where he served He likes football and that of the students who two years on both Jr. and all ,kinds of music. His - paid to see a great perfor- Sr. High student councils. tory has been his best sub - mance only to be subjected The newcomer impressed CHS jest and Spanish is giving to a rain of hard candy or last year with his warm him the most trouble now. rocks, paper cups, and personality and wide reach- Y •e plans to attend ASM Uni- glass objects thrown from ing abilities and was, . elec- versity and study pre -law. the balcony. The superb ted to lead the students A friend of Jerry's acting,. which many would during the o4 -65 school remarks, R has a strong not have the chance to see year, sense of duty, but is lots again, was hissed at. boo - Jerry's main ;oaal for of fun. "° After being elect- _ ed at and made fun of, the year is supporting an ed, Jerry was quoted as Poor imitations of Richard orphan overseas. He has saying,"Gee, 1 get to kiss Burton were heard through- already organized a commit- the Homecoming Quecn" ' out the audience and were tee to study the issue and As for the purchasing followed by uproaroua hopes to have full support. of a Tiger suit, a point of laughter. - This laughter from the students, debate at CHS, he says he and continuous conversation Jerry offers advice to will aid in the buying but drowned out much of the the Freshmen. He says refuses to comment further. play. kids? above x1.1 to be honest, , Tt wasn't - - it just .max^ -� , fr couldn't have been - -t=on- , """, 1^" pAiVClia VILLA i.daated , Could it have Q i sol "1 4 1 P:4.d:SIDENTE - ,.m _ r .. _ ...T - ` Caraesba Q Editor.: ... _ . , . ... Katherine l P f?aso? Edwards �� l ,r# , ? Asst. Edit car Ruth - ��� ° ° # . McGill il �t f Business Mgr, Muth � ` r , r � °_'1 ' I-/ ,,r''"''� / Becker . s ''t f`` C f: Reporters...Cathryn Cleland �� 4 i �1 r1:;''''' �, C __Jerry Holbert {{ . . .., , ,Christi_nc 1 s 0 . ; ° a .� t s' Schroeder � . � . _+ a�" 4 ` . { f e`d {! __Kathy Sperry .Y',,., Mark Riedal \!'- 'j1 T � g f F , 4 \ ' r .1 , a3.l t �, Scott Hervey a� t _ : ���� .. i m j , s 1—esk----t, Vs... i s �R,a^ \ . ;e i —Barbara Staten '1 t r - is / 0 , . � . . .,Sherry Mims - - f _, . Karen Boykin t t ,rl 1 o ' •, ._ r Typists .. .... , K.aren Boykin = At i� ..I .:Mrs. B.: d: Kling ( �,, Asst . . . . Stes�art Kl i }i&. a , £ e pa it Servic ? Senora Spnnsor..... , .Mars Hrarrie de `alh We eeerl to tae Martin havi som m inor dif'1.c:ulti..ea? 1 6 i , C H 0 1 R A r1 D C il (..)--' 1-1 Li S L.) A Ni Zlae Concert Chand band will l_r at tt 4 i gl Mixed Chorus have elected to be held at the Y e by an `e.t ?^t1t?iI? l Feriae- a1�4°2'.^.3.I?1, who will receive new officers and organized ship Hall ,A&I' ?ti:; a - yen the Texas Music Educators' for the year. church. • an soei tion State Fr Hick Pewthers was elec. On Monday, October 12, Award plaque. During t o ted President of the Cons- the Choir will leave by evening performance, hono cert Choir. Vice President bus for the State Fair in bands will march on Co and Business Manager is Dallas. Tuesday will be field while the orc.hestre- Russ Harvell, Janet Gould Texas Music Educators Day and choirs will . u erfoi :,, is Secretary, and Walter at the Fair, Choirs, b.,�_ds seated in the stands of t Varvel is Treasurer. Robe and orchestras from all Bowl. Chairmen are Linda Rudder: , over the state will attend " " „° Donna Files, and Rosemary and perform. �, � , , � , Sharp. Carolyn Hooper .s After checking .into, + ) Librarian; she is assisted their hotel, the Choir will � 7. � ”' a. by Bonnie Sharp and Diana attend the State Fair Mus -• 4 _ '1" tlrl s r ; Sutphen. Linda Bloom °.s ical, Meredith Wilson i i !.....A � i Y jOLON Publicity Chairman. 'Here "s Love," Tuesday -- Mixed Chortles officers morning will be occupied u are Jim Amyx, President, by a rehearsal at the hotel t°'� --- � // f Georgia Jeritage,Secretary, followed by a performance � and Carolyn etsmer, Tres- at the Hall of State, where `� ` � : surer, the Choirs will sing sepa- � �� #< Choir £he Concert hoir• will r:ately, After. a rehearsal sponsor the Homecoming in the early afternoon, the i .� r Dance; members will arrange 2,500 singers will Immerge 0 -� local publicity and will for a mass performance in i Q contact the Ekes . A live the Cotton Bowl. They will. 6 . ,_' C S F 'C' r it ' ,' �- i `• C • E L E C 1 E D i F CLEAN I!'IG t 12'.: r. ALTER T I. 0 ,;1 Seniors T'WESS Pres. - - - G?alter Varvel j i Vice Pres.- -Tommy bleinecke ofa�lfi'F`;tibiC 'treasurer•- Yolanda Hurkhelt Secretary - Georgia Her itxage SOUTH SIDE VI - - t42 Junior's Co'iier Station, 1`+�;r�,, Pre a..• - - - - -Duke Butler Vice Pres -• -limbo Robinson .� —Sandi Miller ��''"" .,. .01,....1•••• , __., a. Treasurer Secretary - - - Linda Welch ( E ie I t- j i ai!. } t . Sophomores £ ) ' d ' ,. , 1 -1r,..1:. ,. ' r ; Pres.- - - -David Alexander F WV L... t .. . F 1 ._ --- �� 16 �, Vice Pres. - - - Bill Ramge .q ". .°w", • Treasurer- _ Cyr o3yn CCastle yH ifI 6 -58 ?_ _ / - - b . Secretary -. 4 andy Cathcart ��' '�„/'� e �. J / Ii � �wA 1 M \ J Nres r.eu j Pres. -- - - Jimmy Alexander �/ a Vice Pres - -Susan Cartwright f ` . 'Preasiaxei - - - GPIs Goode On any oe :as3.axt ,1 0 Secr - - - Mary Hooper �- tr Let "ov.r� f owera sa :a la :lhi you!" � i T ; G ER S BEAT CAL _ W L.L HORNETS The Tigers won their on the fumble in t ze TigeL got the ball they drove =0 game Friday at Caldweli,de- end zone. 'this gave Caldwell the Caldwell one before los- z (eating the Caldwell Hornets a safety. ing it on a fumble. A I:e.; 21--2, The Tigers played a Consolidated' s first plays later the Hornets fu i> rugged denfe. that allowed score came late in the open- led and Tiger tackle„ lames es the Hornets only 60 yards, ing quarter when Timmy Wol- Carter, recovered on the while the Tigers gained a ters recovered a fumble on three yard line. Timmy Wol- total. of 222 yards. the Hornets five yard line, ters went over for the score The Hornets scored their Varvel passed to Miller for and Parsons again added the two points on the fourth Malay the score. David Persons extra point. of the game. David Parsons kicked the ball over for ttn The final score c e4 hen was back and the snap extra point. Carter intercepted a paws went over his head. He fell The next time the Tigers and ran 55 yards to pay dirt. LAMER WINS VIA ELEY $ , i OVER . TIGERS 1 A RMA I CY . : , , The Tigers were de- feated at Tiger Field by �a Lanier of Austin., 27-14. ._ , "1 The big gu:': for Lanier was quarterback Randy Peschel. ____ 1 Peschel threw passes of 9 and 20 yards for two of 4 , Lanier °s touchdowns, and f � 4, ran for another with 27 1 . seconds left in the game. Feacel went over from the Nil AY TA one yardline for still P another score. First touch- T0"` down for the Tigers came HLGHLAPDER CENTER with Peter Fagan going over for the first six and David Laundry/Dry °loaning Parsons adding the extra one. The Tigers° second ) !!7::::\ a t y score, Fagan again plu«� ed REDMOND SHOPPING CENTER over with Parsons adding the extra point. It was Highway 6 South i Lanier °s third win against one win and two losses for the Tigers. , _j F t LL U P ---.... (::::) AT i M I K E'S Am n m 1 CA N co, to. ,-- i ll■ . , ON T H E CORNER 0 ,(9 ‘ --0 *...,, 7r ) i 1 j ` SE ( k? \\„_.....„ j . S 0 L., A , A A; 7 1 , 7 1 T I t 1 c. 0 , 4 L ---- .il/ y Z ' n c k. 1 J , im ic,, A li tl ,,,..) t... L On October 2 the e Tigers will travel toNavasota for . ... a -, -a- — , . ' A ' i . ,.. _ A battle with one nf ,: heir k ) , , :.,--, p,,; 7 traditional rivala. iN A A L . J' k,' , t J „ L : 1/4, rc o .i.--\ „f— L„.. 7: ,,,•,,,,,-, le ; With ten lettermen back i 0 aa 44 La 4 ,i L L Li thia year the nattlers aee A apace-since leatute The Spaninh Club, El Club brighter things ahead than in demanstrat ion hy a Z+11A. Castel lotto, he 1 a an organize.- p revious years , Qua r t e rback , tee resentat jr- lei scheduled t una 1 meeting Tneaday,Sepr- lotan Webb is probably plan.- fat a pan, toniaht in nli: efr,b 22amra Worley, club ning wgive the bal, to Kenny gym at SFA High Seaool, aponnar, chaae the officere McGinny,Bill Laca, ane John Bryan, according to their interest McDaniela with Reee Alood, Cur- lnterestea aradenta ana and ability in :aarnish. tla - icaewhorat,flichard Hen raealty,as weil as al1 mem- Cathy Cleland, the only . ford, and Rayburn Gerke try- bees of the (!omammity arv. ath year Spaniab atudent,is tag to (real holes for them, invited to attena by a. a. Prestdent,Kathy Sperry is Sammers, directar of in- Vice Preatdent in charge af a'a"01 f p i'-- 7 :3 ‘ '- 'i (41 A 1'4 Ge4,i.i, struction, Bryan nablic prugrams Secretaryia Sherry Schools, Mims, Treasurer is Loretta The Spacemobile Program, Covington. and Pan-American ( r ; V .P.. L Z.' an educational service of Student Forum Chairman is Coach , Art Bright's the National Aeronaatica Fred Maddox freshman team is beginning and Space Administration. It was decided that new to see the light. In their will include demonatraaions membersuall pay dues of $1.00 first game they were beaten and diacussion of space and old molxva will pay $ ,513. in the last 17 second by science prineiplea and Plans for the year in- Hearne. The second game, their application to apace elude attending the Ballet with Anon Jonea, ended in exploration and nation's Folkloric° and a Fiesta a scoreless tie, space program for peaceful Night at the Queen A purpost s. dinner, held at Zaraeea,will The 50-minute demonatra- constitute one ot tne meet- The frost' game ache- tion will include a die- inga. The students also duied for last Thursday cuasion of the history of wish to visit churches night against Rockdale was racketey, propulsion, and where the services are held completely erased from the special problems relative in Spanish. Focal point list, to space research and ex- for this year is Peru. The "11" Team, however, ploration, as well as NASA will play Rockdale this plans for the future. week in place of the (laid- ' 1 • A li r •„ iii ' ' P HA' T ic R A. 1 - T E N D S well game. V re trN t 4 „.„, ,- k. , _ ,.... . ,.. „-- , _ - ,, t-- 1-sns S! c.:/44 1_ c''61 NATIONAL CON , - _ (.., u N ': F N ' 0 N ti ,L ! T R •i 1 N i The Future Homemakers of exchange of ideas, This A * America held their yearly year the theme was "Educa- LI t" i s t I ia ,„) national conventton in Chi- tion; an endless challenge„" ago from July 13 to July 17. Delegates to the conven- -,- Yulonda Burkhalter, a saaior tiun heard lectures by Mrs. The school board has at Consolidated, helped re- Arthur Goldberg, wife of not acted on the plans for present Area Eight. She is the Supreme Court Justice. building a faculty swimming ilea Aecand Vice-President cf who spoke on the importance pool on the science wing this area. of being creative, and Dr. roof. The purpose of the conven- John Furbmy of Trans-World The suggestion was tabltd tion taaa to promote a ben'- Airlines, whose topic was until the spring meeting. understanding of FHA and an racial problems.