HomeMy WebLinkAbout01 BCHC Minutes 01.14.2008 MINUTES BRAZOS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Bryan Public Library 201 East 28 Street January 14, 2008 7:OOPM 1. Call to order by the Chair Chairman, Charles Schultz, called the meeting to order at 7:OOPM. Members present: Charles R. Schultz, Anne Boykin, Barbara Althaus, Nancy Schwart, Bill Page, Colleen Batchelor, Shawn Carlson, Henry Mayo, Ray George, Tom Lynch, Regina Opersteny, John Blair and Julie Schultz. 2. Designate a Secretary for the January meeting Shawn Carlson volunteered to be the secretary for 2008. 3. Introduction of guests Maury Jacob from TXDOT and Susan Irza were introduced as guests. Nancy Schwart asked that members also introduce themselves as a benefit to new members. 4. Approval of minutes of the November 12, 2007 meeting Members did not receive the second page of the November meeting minutes and approval was tabled until the next meeting. 5. Unfinished business A. Providence Missionary Baptist Church memorial park ceremony Henry Mayo and Maury Jacob have been discussing the marker dedication ceremony plans and suggested April 21 as a possible date. They will put together an invitation list, develop the program and find a speaker. B. Historical marker for Isom Palmer (1811 -1874) in Bryan City Cemetery Barbara Althaus passed out a memo with questions from Nancy Tiner who is planning the Isom Palmer marker dedication ceremony. John Blair answered most of her questions about the details of the ceremony and Julie Schultz offered suggestions for PR. A date has not yet been set. C. BCHC information on Brazos County WEB site Colleen Batchelor reported that she has not received electronic copies of the Old Bethel, Steep Hollow, and Reliance cemetery marker narratives. Charles Schultz said there was an electronic copy only for Old Bethel. D. Old Bethel Cemetery Marker Henry Mayo reported that THC has approved the Old Bethel Cemetery marker. THC is awaiting a check for $100 from BCHC which is due by February 15. E. Reliance Cemetery Marker Henry Mayo noted that THC needs additional information from BCHC before they can approve the Reliance Cemetery marker. F. Steep Hollow Cemetery Historical Cemetery designation There was no new information reported for the Steep Hollow cemetery marker. 6. New Business A. Archaeology Committee report Tom Lynch had nothing to report for the Archaeology Committee. B. Education Committee report Julie Schultz reminded members that the Star of the Republic Museum will be sponsoring the Brazos Valley Regional History Fair on February 8. C. Historical Markers and Research Committee report Bill Page had nothing to report for this committee. D. Correspondence of the Chair Charles Schultz reported that there has been no correspondence. E. Reward of $100 for return of the Brazos River Marker Anne Boykin volunteered to write a press memo about the missing Interurban and Brazos River markers and Colleen Batchelor will report them missing to the THC. F. Other New Business There was no new business reported. G. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM. Shawn B. Carlson Secretary