HomeMy WebLinkAboutClass of '67 Senior Will The renior Will Class of 'F',7 the :enior Class of 19(7, cause it will be hail if any of us fail! 1. fired Davis leaves his food disposition to Wayne Edwards. 2s Kenneth i'urphy leaves r'etracal to Cary r'odfrey. 3. Larry Folt leaves Coach Jones to 'Nilson Corley. 4. Laura Vestal leaves Aunt l ir.iarim 5. Larkin ! cNie i leaves June 12. 6. The :'seniors leave a refrigerated r gallon fiber ;lass tank to Jun Dozier. 7. `:!ally leaves his local harem to all interested Juniors. 8. Ivory Taylor leaves his ceneral's boots to Lee " °artin. 9. John T'arsons leaves his cast party to the Juniors, 10. Jaceulyn Carroll leaves adhesive tare for Linda T inc erson's mouth. 21. Wave Lechel t leaves a mouthful of Iow:-e corn cobs to the Jrs, 12. Steve T?orinb leaves his hair to Coach Jones, 13. The :seniors hoe to lc "r. Strer,er. 14. Lz- rry Holt, ni11 Price, merry Jones, and Steve Boring leave Chance Farris to anyone who wants it. 15. Barbara leaves Susie Eisner a new pair of sandals. ]f , Formic Watson leaves his manic charm to Leon i`'el son, 17. Terry Jones leaves his bid;: mouth. 1's. : :.teve Henry leaves r'iike Herit.a<-e .a life-time membership to the Calvin Haz] ewood fan club. 1r). The ''x -Lax Company leaves 475 boxes of Christmas cookies to iA.ke iTeritaf ;e. 2 C. Janes Creswell leaves his drinkin €; ability to David Terral , 21. :'ally i ?il l Tams leaves his autograph to the Junior Class. 22. Larkin lcI eil leave::, his cool to Craig Anderson. '3. Larry Holt leaves hie 'uritan image to Wilson Corley, 24 . rail ')arroch leaves her abundant knowledge to the birds., 2 5. The ;3eniors leave rrs. Coo'- some extra chicken feathers, 26 ';ally leaves one of his discarded lover to Vr. Streeer.. 27. Jo Anne '3erner leaves her timidness to Heather Gaines, '4 ', 11 14 leaves i - tn jackie Perry e: re .t athletic ability to 125.7fr, nisrrns. 7 enny Pancock ry r hnir-cut to Pan ''orris, 52 paw to "ike - 11cken 0 55 Pr-;r(1 s 1 'I! hot date to Larar Whitely. 4, 'h enjflr isave n. ji Liter-ture to :1'lakesneare, 55. Jo:,n Ter leaves his 1 hnun to the JuniorE. The .; 3 A/e rrs. l'artcl'eel an Enflish lesson. 37. The '&niors leave ?i ( to the dors. The Senior Cis 2faves "rs. ',eland a years sunnly ef diet- rite cula. l731..uce Ca; nt last. 4fl The ",enjor.s leave a years sunn1y of air freshner to the snac b:r. 41. David Alexnnder leaves CIP better off. 42, r)elores leaves the Jr. Class n book *x full of soul. 3. ..;teve r lorinF; leaves his red and i e'rf- lirosine to ( ' 44. T. rhhar leaves his st'udina to rarry (;teve his lo-kr to Kit Klinr Xennfth Myers leaves his spep- ticksts to joe 47. Thomas T lens-arlin - , leaves his dirty jok to vp Tirnwn. 4 , J11 (711bnrt leaves his love 1 :'panish TI to rrs. Thrley, .'4c. Paul Tlecker leaves his hoer tut to Judson Totr -. Larry Polt (and lin Pflice leave their rorals lo the ( 5l. The enors leave their cool to the Juniors t who re.tk; it. :01cn Youn leavr h',r playboys tn the librar:„ Larry :Irlt lt hi n hopris to Jan Dozier. Alar :-icrs leaves his wittiness to The :eniors leave 7 ' stic alone. mill rrice 'leaves his nrericiency of the hoarney toads to 7erra7. leaves . ier citarettes to Sally Stark with rstandih- that she will leave them to 9eather next ysar . floniors leave rr5;. •lston, 0 - 0, rlav1(' Pieel 1 enves a lifetime c ( beer to nr., nhurchill 60. The Seniors leave the Paper Tiler in the red. 61. Terry Logan and Fred Davis leave each other a kiss. 62. The Senior boys leave rr. ^hurcr i' i sore suspenders. 63. Kati Prater leaves her sorinr, to Donna Connell. 64. The Seniors leave "r. nricht, rrs. '.Westbrook, "rs. Smith, T;r. forlan, T;r. ;' rrs. IIensley 65. The Seniors leavel