HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Kat Chat 04.23.1963 A & M Consolidated Junior High School April 23, 1963 K 4 Trie -C Dr p r ri 0 Qta 14 I 1 ( : C ( .: :: 1 1 ):-..--- H.1 6C e ( i / •,'"\-- r (___________I\ M • " , / j (c' C. ccil ..,.? ( 1 (4 [ MYSTERY LEL LE Dear Gabt ie, I teach history at A &M Consolidated The eighth -grade mystery boy wears Junior High. Every time I give a pop test !lasses. His hair is light brown and is I say, "Numbe.r one!" I feel my students cut in a crew -cut. He also has brown eyes. are getting bored with this. Can you He made a 96 on his algebra test. In think of anything new and different to science he couldn't quite catch on to what say? the science assignment was about. He D.D.H. Lsually is seen with Kenneth Murphy and Dear D.D.H., Larry Holt. How about "Snap, Crackle, Pop Test)" The eighth -grade mystery girl has short or "Pop Goes the Test!" blonde hair. Tuesday she wore an orange * ** dress. She is in 8D classes and is in the Dear Gabbie, band. She always likes to be the catcher I have an 87- year -old grandmother in P. E. She likes to go around with Kay who likes to broad jump. Every time the Storey and LaNell Wilson. broad jumping contest is held in our town *********** * * *.: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** she invites her broad - jumping team to stay FAMOUS SAYINGS in our house. We don't have enough room. How con we say no nicely? 8th grade Girl Scouts - -Dut Mrs. Leipper! Polite Jame M. - -Oh, Ivy! Mrs. Cochran—Ready..., and one, two...! Dear Polite - - , y•• Tell her to "Go jump!" She'll get Faye I.- -Well, I love you, too! the hint. James C. - -Did I do the right thing, Meg? * ** Penny H.- -Just look at this beautiful Dear Gabbie, hair, these eyes,...this nose! (Hah!) I have a problem. Oh, dear! What Terry J.-- Number one...! is my problem? Oh, yes! I can't remem- Dill P.- -Gee whiz, Mr. Holland ber anything. I don't even know my name. Gordon M. -- Chirp! Help me. Donnie Y.- -Ogie, ogie Dumbie Mike L. - -Eh? bobby D. - -You stupid Yankee! Dear DWmbie, Ann T. - -No offense, but... Try tying a string around your fin - Mr. Holland - -All right, get busy! ger. Allan R.-- Gronk! ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** OFF THE RECORD NICKNAMES ALL I HAVE TO DD IS DREAM -Vicki S. May S.-- Freckles Dill P. -- Chubby Cub CALL ON ME -Wally W. Faye I. - -Red Terry J.-- Speedy Gon- RHYTHM OF THE FALLING RAIN - Volleyball Shelley C. - -Punk zales Trips LaNell W.- -Flirt David A.- -Prexy MEMORY LANE-Gordon M. Deborah S.- -Drain IN DREAMS -Dill D. *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** YOU'RE THE REASON I'M LIVING -Paul 0. & DEAR GADDIE by Gabbigail Van Consolidated Kay S. (Barbee) THE END OF THE WORLD -Six Weeks' Tests CLOSE YOUR EYES -Nolan Y. Dear Gabbie, DON'T DE AFRAID - Dort I. Every time my little boy draws a pic- ALICE IN WONDERLAND -Jimmy A. ture he uses a green crayola or green IF MARY'S THERE -Mary 0. paint or green chalk. He wants his bed- WHAT WILL MARY SAY - Censored room painted green. Everytime I buy him a HEY, PAULA -Cathy A. & Robert M. new shirt he wants a green unu. I am FROM A 3GOKi TO KING -Joe W worried. What does this indicate? LITTLE TOWN FLIRT- LaNell W. Mother of a 'Green' Lover HALF HEAVEN HALF HEARTACHE -Meg H. & Allan MAMA DIDN'T LIE -Daddy Dear Mother, THE JEALOUS KIND -James C. It indicates that your little boy MECCA - Richard 0. likes green. CAN'T GET USED TO LOSING YOU -Larry H. * ** MY COLORING DDOK -The people in art 2 __ Y -�»F ' fIn:_ .�r:__n C..hnay? SO IT ALWAYS WILL DE -This old school Kay, whu tucked you in bed on the camp - DLD ENOUGH TO LOVE - Phyllis W. out at Huntsville? DAYS OF WINE AND ROSES- Summer Girl Scout Troop 32, did you see any TALK TO ME -Nancy P. escaped convicts at Huntsville? WALK LIKE A MAN -David A. What was so interesting on the shore HE'S SO FINE -Dill S. while you were paddle boating, Troop 32? FOLLOW THE DOYS -Every girl all the time Also how was the nature hike? TWENTY MILES- Anyone who is crazy enough Was the water cold? REVEREND MR. DLACK -Mr. Holland Mary O., Kay, Jane M., and Elizabeth, YOU CAN COUNT ON ME_Shelley C. was the night cold with the tent down? GONE WITH THE WIND -Kites How did the tent get down any how? GYPSY -Jane 0. Who were those "snake- hunters "? SANDY -Sandy C., don't look so innocent. Faye and Evelyn, are you sorry that TELEPHONE RING -Faye I. Linda A. couldn't wake you up on the CHARMS - Charmille 0. second night at Huntsville? Why? Whom LET'S KISS AND MAKE UP- Kenneth M. was she going to introduce to you in the YOU REALLY GOT A HOLD ON ME -Roy K. & Jo T. middle of the night ?! ?! I WANT TO LOVE -Debby M. Vicki and Uonniw, what kind of party SURFING U.S.A. -Whose got an ocean? was that? WILD WEEK END -Every week end Faye, Evelyn, and Linda, what kind of THAT'S ALL-Terry J. trio did you have? I'M SORRY -Janet C. Jane, Kathy, Shelley, and Chermille, DON'T MAKE ME OVER -Melba R. & Druce J. did you enjoy sleeping where you did the OUR LOVE'S DECOMING ra THING OF THE PAST- last part of the night at Huntsville? Bob D, & Dede W. *********** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** OUR DAY WILL COME -Dobby M. & Frances D. DAFFINITIDNS (by Darbee) CAST MY FATE TO THE WIND -Penny H. I'LL FOLLOW HIM - Connie Y. & Tommy S. Forum: Two -um and two -um. TAKE ALL THE KISSES -Donna Y. Coincide: What most people do when it THE TWO OF US -Mary H. rains. DAOY CLUE - Elizabeth C. Generally: A Confederate general. CRY ON MY SHOULDER -Linda A. Climate: What a cat does to a tree when a *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** dog is chasing it. ANSWERS TO MYSTERY PERSONS Grade- school teacher: A person who must learn how to make little things emir:— Terry Jones and Drenda Drennan Holy smoke: What arises when a cannibal *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** cooks a missionary. KITTENS' KORNER Hug: A roundabout way of expressing love. Information: The way soldiers line up. James C., Kenneth M., Dill 5., and Miser: A dough nut. Terry J., did you have fun playing poker Place mat: A lunching pad. for 'prunes'? Did any of you collect? Redskins: People found on reservations and Jane D., are you really bringing your bathing beaches. baby doll to school? Rocket: Something that's done to a baby tc Margaret I., were those Darbie doll help it to go to sleep. clothes interesting in study hall? TV set: Furniture that ttares back at you. Did those Rockdale girls flirt with ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** you, Terry? JOKES That wasn't a dunce cap, Lizzy! _ Shelley, really!!! What is that? Teacher: "What was the Russian leader Did everyone get a visit from the Eas- called ?" ter bunny? Dilly: "The Czar." Terry J., who's giving whom the cold- Teacher: "His wife ?" shoulder? Dilly "She was the Czarina." Paul 0., looks as if you're being four- When asked what their children were timed! called, Dilly answered, "Czardines." Terry J., do you really fly airplanes * ** in Sunday School ?? And take off Karen's Jim: 2 + 2 = cat shoes and hide them? Mrs. Meeks: No, try again. Does anyone remember Curtis, Rick, and 3 * ** r Thu o1:: norr_w r , tw;_ cots r C -:' 'LE: : 1. .Y D'',Y could barely pass without colliding are being replaced by splendid highways on The tennis . players brought home seven which six or eight cars can collide at e trophies from Rockdale Play Day on April time. 19. .The following were the winners: Girls' Singles -Nancy Falmer - First A psychiatrist was questioning a patient Girls' Doubles -Faye Inglis and Linda and asked, "What would you say would be the - Anderson -First difference between a little boy and a Cloys' Singles -Mike Mills -First dwarf ?" Wally Williams- Second 1 The patient thought for a while and Doys' Doubles -David Riedel and Dill said, "Well, there might be a lot of Ramge -First difference." *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** "What, for instance ?" asked the psy- THE PENCIL chiatrist encouragingly. 1 "Well," replied the patient, "the dwarf Typewriters, tape recorders and other might be a girl." machines may come and go, but the lowly *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** TOP TEN pencil still remains the students' chief tool for learning. This year there will be 1.5 billion 1- DARKEST STREET IN TOWN pend$as -more than ever before -- menu- s ELI'LL FOLLOW HIM featured in the United States, according 3 -ALICE IN WONDERLAND to the president of the Lead Pencil Menu- . END OF THE WORLD fact:ert Association. A large propor- 5 -WALK LIKE A MAN tion' {rf hese will be used in classrooms 6 LITTLE TOWN FLIRT throughout the country. 7 -WILD WEEKEND Per capita pencil consumption is now B- RHYTHM OF THE RAIN 9.5 a year. Some of these are literally 9- YOU'RE THE REASON I'M LIVING consumed - -by pencil eaters. There is 10 -WALK RIGHT IN tremendous loss in pencils as well, Rare - ****************************************** PERFECT ODY IN SEVENTH GRADE ly is a pencil'used all the way down; it is usually misplaced or taken before it is completely worn out. 1 Personality -Jan D. Eyes -Jim S. T The pencil industry has survived sev- i Clothes -Tammy S. Ears - Judson L. eral crises. At one time pencils seemed Hair -Joe W. Nose -Lee P. threatendd by fountain pens. Later ball Height; -0ob D. Grades - Ronnie D. point pens appeared destined to supersede Freckles -Steve D. the rod of graphite. Typewriters and *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** PERFECT GIRL IN SEVENTH GRADE automated recording devices have also had their turn. However, the lowly pencil still flourishes. Personality- Donnie Y. Hair -Celia G. ********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Clothes -Melba R. Eyes -Susan METHUSELAH Complexion -Sally S. Ears - Vickie S. s Height -Dede W. Feet - Joanna T. Methuselah ate what he found on his plate, Figure -Mary H. And never, as people do now, *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Did he note the amount of the calory count: INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE He ate it because it was chow. These are the results of the Inter- He wasn't disturbed as at dinner he sat, 1 scholastic League Meet, which was held in Devouring a roast or a pie, Orenham on April 5 and 9: To think it was lacking in granular fat Or a couple of vitamins shy. Girls' Declamation- Margaret Ivy -First He cheerfully chewed each species of food, Joys' Declamation -Dart Inglis- Second Unmindfl, of troubles or fears I Ready Writing - Darbee Hedges -First Lest his health might be hurt Spelling- Deborah Schatte and Mary Oeth Dy some fancy dessert; Dailey-Fourth And he lived over nine hundred years. Doys' V olleyball- Second Anonymous Chinning - Dickie Hervey -First *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Druce Jones -Third Dabby Reeves- Fourth 3 *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **