HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Kat Chat 03.12.1963 A and M Consolidated Junior High School March 12, 1963 \K f ,„,____„,,,, ,\ \I I N\ V- T FN C "1 S ummer - Almost here R art ies - Wild 1; T errible - Cpen House A nxious - Students for school to be out T SACK - time is here R otten - the 8th grade I NTERESTED - Toys about the girls C col - water in the swimming pool K ittens - GREAT 0 readful - Tests th Hearne trip - 8- grade Hea p S wimming 9 A ctive - Girlsl P.C. class Y ears - "67 "; "68 "; "69" . SCIENCE FAIR THREE- MINUTE INTELLIGENCE QUIZ The Science Fair was held on February 1. Read everything carefully before doing 23. There were nine exhibits. Six of them anything. were from the junior high. The students 2. Put your name in the upper right hand who placed will go to.the Houston Science corner of this paper. Fair on March 15, 16, and 17. 3. Circle the word name in sentence two. Those who won ribbons ere: 4. Draw five small squares in the upper Earth Science - -Steve 3urns- -First left hand corner of this paper. Jimmy Boone -- Second 5. Sign your name under the title of this Physical Science- -Meg Huebner -- Second paper. Mathematics- -Ellen Peach -- Second 6. Put an X in each square at the top of biological Science - -Van Odell - -First this paper. Fred Maddox -- 7. Draw a circle around each square. Second 8. After the title write yes, d s, yes. We are all happy that these students can 9. Put a circle around number seven. go to Houston, and we wish them luck. 10. Put an X in the lower left hand corner. ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 11. Draw a triangle around the X you just MYSTERY PERSONS drew. 12. On the bock of this poper,multiply The mystery buy in the sixth grade came 703 by 66. to school Tuesday with his two big brothers.13. Draw a rectangle around the word He wore a green coat, which he usually paper in sentence four. wears, and blue jeans. He is a 60 student. 14. On the bock of this page, add 8950 He was absent almost all of the third sixth and 9805. weeks. He makes good grades in geography. 15. Put a circle around your answer. by Wayne Kleck 16. Write the numbers one to ten back- *** wards. The mystery girl in the sixth grade has 17. Punch three small holes in the top of black hair and brown eyes and is very this paper. popular. On Tuesday she wore a black 18. Underline all even numbers on this blouse, a black and tan plaid stairt, and side of the page. black loafers with white socks. She is a 19. Put a square around every number 60 student and makes good grades in emery which is writthn nut.. (s 3 9, .. subject. a 16, and 17 only) by Paul ieckert 20. Now that you have finished reading * ** carefully, do only sentence 2. Last Monday the mystery eighth -grade . girl wore a white blouse, a blue and light SCORES: Shelley - 100 brown plaid skirt, and grey suede loafers. Janet C. - 0 She made an eighty on Mr Holland's pop Linda A. - 0 test. In science she cut up several per- Joe W. - 0 sons' book covers with a scalpel. Funky - 0 ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Lionnie - 0 PERFECT EIGHTH GRADE 3DY ********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** DC YOU REMEMBER ? ?? Eyes - -Dill L.' Height- -James C. Mouth - -Dill P: Body frame - -Allan R. When Ellen P. hod braids? Muscles - -Nolan Y. Grades - -Larry H. When Kenneth didn't like Faye? Hair -- Larkin M. Clothes - -Terry J. • When Meg went with David A.? *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *When James broke his arm? PERFECT EIGHTH GRADE GIRL When Mr. Coulter taught junior high music? When school was easy? Eyes - -Mary 0. Feet -- Evelyn W. When Mrs. Rogers's class went to Mexico? Nose - -Faye I. Height - -Kerry F: When Kenneth was short? Mouth -- Barbee H. Figure-- Charmille D. When Mike 3evins was here? Hair- -Meg H. Grades -- Deborah S. When Penny and Jo Lynn Cooper played Voice -- Elizabeth C. Clothes - -Sandy C. horses? *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *When Mrs. Fieming's homeroom had a Roar- ing Twenties Party? When Mark Hayes was Here? _ `• 2 when HJrry F. h 'cL : crush cn Mr. H ygood? Stn graders? When David R. and Charmille liked each Ann T. without her hair ratted? other? Joe W. being the quiet studious type? *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** The 8th graders nut looking forward to A YOUNG LADY OF NORWAY Friday night! ^■( -e-j by Marty Browne Sally Owen with red hair and freckles? Faye without red hair and freckles? One day a young lady of Norway Mr. Hopson with a moustache? Decided to sit in the doorway. What Girl Scouts do on campouts! Up drove a car Allan R. not wisecracking? And splattered her far! Neil and Linda acting alike? And now she is in every, doorway! Janet and Terry just holding hands? *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Larry Holt having a readable handwriting? A REPORT ON THE YEARLING Mr. Anderson with along, white beard? by Melissa Owens A party without chaperones? �`.^' Girls: A party without boys? (besides a The Yearling was written by Marjorie slumber party) Kinnan Rawlings. The classic, which won Goys: A party without girls? (besides a the Pulitzer Prize, was published in 1938. slumber party) The scene of the story is the Florida back- Going to sleep at a slumber party? woods. Bruce and Melba breaking up? The main characters include Penny Box». Sandi and Jimmy breaking up? ter, "Ma" Baxter, Jody Baxter, and Flag. Mary H. liking eighth graders? Penny was a frail, mild - mannered man, full *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** of the wisdom of the farmer and huntsman. KITTENS' KORNER He wanted to spare his only son, as long as possible, from the cruel world. His Joanna T., who was the boy who moved in wife, once goy, had become hard and unsym - 'next door? pathetic with the loss of seven children, Judson L., what did you mean when you buried on Baxter's Island. In her own said, "It's your turn," to Sandi Norton? way, she loved Jody, but Penny understood ' Cathy Kleck, are you mad at'Sandi be- the ways of a boy, and there was a deep cause she got you moved in math? understanding between the two. Judy Rogers surely would be popular if It is easy to see why The Yearling is she moved back, wouldn't she, Dob and considered a classic. The warmth of the Harvey? characters makes it almost impossible to Celia G., what does J.L. + C.G. stand think of the book as being fiction. It is for (as if we didn't know)? simply written in such a way that anyone Joanna T., whom will you be going with of any age would read it with pleasure and next year at this time? remember it always. The use of vivid words Same to you, Celia. to describe the Florida landscape and the Ruth Ellen Celia, Judy Rogers Sandi full use of native dialogue make the story & Oede, why were you all crying at the appear to be happening before one's very dance the other night? own eyes. Celia & Sandi, what did they put into The Yearling is the story of a young boyyour cokes? and his pet, a motherless fawn. Together Donnie Y., why did you get grounded for they faced the world seeing life and death.two weaks? One minute Jody was a boy, frolicking with Bruce J., whom do you keep trying to Flag; the next he was a man, facing the sit by in math? world alone. He learned that life was not Bonnie Y., how did you like your golf always easy to understand, but the only lesson? way to conquer it is to take it in his Twelve seventh grade girls: Too bad stride and start all over. Joe, Tommy, or Dickie couldn't have that I will never forget this touching story slumber party. of the boy Jody and the little fawn that Melba R., how do you like being Madam eased his loneliness and taught him to be Chairman of 7C? . a man. Dorothy, you know butter than to play *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** basketball when you're supposed to be CAN YOU IMAGINE ?? playing volleyball!! Susan's slumber party: kJig those pajamas! The 7th graders acting as grown -up as the 3 Lo. ,,:o Li._: thL. sov nth gra_ bLys get Ellen and Van! the golf bug, certain seventh grade girls? Jane D., why did you invite Terry to Goode, where did you get the pictures? the hayride when you like Dill? Vicky, what's the matter? (Susan's Why was everyone mod at the show Friday? slumber party) Terry, how dare your mother hurt our Joe, what does M.H. stand for? I won- newspaper with her iron hand? tier!! Meg & Terry, how was you debate in Judson, who is it now? science? Jane D., your mother lasted 20 whole Jane 3., do you really think you have minutes! What will power! perfect lips? Dill P., so you go for older women *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** with the initials J.3.)? Poems for the 1963 Poetry Contest spun- Barbee H., what have you been drinking sored by the Bryan - College Station Poetry in study.hall? You surely are tipsy in Society are due April 1. Please turn in that chair. your poems to your English teacher. I don't know about the rest of you all, *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** but if I ever see another Girl Scout �� ANSWERS TO THE MYSTERY PEOPLE cookie Any Girl Scouts for a bicycle hike? Sixth grade boy - Sid Alexander 6D, did you enjoy reading your classics? Sixth grade girl - Nancy Palmer Sandy C., why do you keep asking Eighth grade girl - Linda Anderson questions about Johnny? It couldn't be ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** that you like him, could it? OFF THE RECORD Q Shelley C., what did Ricky W. ask you? ' you rather go with Jobby? MY OWN TRUE LOVE - Kenneth M. & Faye I. David R. and Terry J., what did you GO AWAY, LITTLE GIRL - Dill R. mean by share and share alike? HE'S THE DDY I LOVE - Mary H. & Joe W. Penny H., what made you swallow your KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY BABY - Kerry F. to gum at Kathy's party? Ann T. Charmille 3., did you really smell HOTEL HAPPINESS - Janet L. & Jimmy D. gorses? C.C. RIDER - Gordon M. Jane D., did they just walk right in 50 MILES (almost) - Girl Scouts in Troop on you? 14 32 Mary 3., are you sure that Johnny does- THE END OF THE WORLD - Mr. Holland's pop n't know who you are? quizzes Kerry F., why were you so sad at the PAULA - Kay, don't you wish your name was show? Could it be that Von wasn't there? Paula? . Penny H., what do you have and will you WALK LIKE F , MAN - Thomas H. really travel? Yes, we've seen your trade LITTLE TOWN FLIRT - Celia G. mark! YOU REALLY GOT A HOLD ON ME - Janet C. & Kenneth M., so you didn't know hom much Terry J. you liked Faye until you thought she was MY COLORING ROOK - Elizabeth C. going to move? WILD WEEKEND - Eighth grade week ends Janet, you're not really mad at Terry YOU'RE THE REASON I'M LIVING - Dill P. to gain, are you? Jane D. Kay, why were you in the closet at DENVER - Donnie Y. & that cowpoke with Debbie's party? Out the window, too? T.S. as his initials Terry, do you always kick Janet in the CRYING IN THE WIND - Doyle R. face? EVERY DA-,Y I HAVE TO CRY SOME - Shelley C. -12? apartment is A MARY'S THERE - And Kerry & Kay, whose ap IF �� S y 0 Punky, why do you always sit behind ONE DROKEN HEART FOR SALE - Fenny H. Meg at the show? GREEN BACKED DOLLAR - We dedicate this Phyllis W., are you always so pink' song to anyone who has one. faced (in homemaking)? MR. MISTAKEN - Nolan Y. James, how much money did Mr. Holland CALL ON ME - Steve C. to Kathy L. collect from the bus? SEND ME SOME LOVING - Dob 0. & Dede W. Shelley, does your Ivanhoe book make a RETURN TO SENDER - Nancy P. to Paul D. good coloring book? WALK RIGHT IN - Saturday morning a couple Fred, do you feel unwanted in band? of weeks ago at Jane D.'s house Gordon, who's your trail ride friend? FOUR WINDS BLOW - Science with Mr. Ander- Congratulations, Meg and Fred! and son 4 , . r HALF HEAVEN HALF HEARTACHE - Katie 3. ROMANTIC EQUATION UP ON THE ROOF - Neil A. & Jerry M. IN DREAMS - Larry H. x = girl THE DARKEST STREET IN TOWN - Highway toward y = boy Austin z = chaperone MARY GO ROUND - Mary O., do you.have some- x + 2y = jealousy one you're not telling us about? 2x + y = quarrel SO CLOSE TO KATHY - David R. x + y + z = misery THE JEALOUS KIND - Wally W. x + y - z = happiness LOVE CAME TO ME - Mike L. & Sally 0. *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** MAMA DIDN'T LIE - Terry J. to Faye I. DREAM SCHOOL RHYTHM OF FALLING RAIN - Oill 3. FOLLOW THE GOYS - All the girls Principal - Cary Grant WARM THIS WINTER - Charmille O. Superintendent - Rock Hudson ALL ALONE AM I - Dorothy M. English - Zsa Zsa Gabor THE LOVE OF A DCY - David A. and Karen T. Science - Dr. Den Casey TRIANGLE - Phyllis W. Music - Ricky Nelson TWENTY MILES - Jimmy A. to Sandi N. Homemaking - Warren Beatty SHAKE ME, I RATTLE - Ruth Ellen (to DobD.) Art - Sandra Dee WHAT SHOULD A GIRL DO - We already know. Shop - Connie Stevens I NEED YOU - Jimbo 3. to Nancy P. Math - Kookie WHAT WILL MARY SAY - Johnny P. R. & S. - Tuesday Weld *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** History - Tommy Sands WHAT DO YOU THINK OF WHEN SOMEONE SAYS- Girls' P.E. - Troy Donohue Boys' P.E. - Jridgette Oardot Teacher - mean bar Dorothy M. Oand - Chubby Checker School - ick by Faye Janitor - Elvis Presley Report card - help by Jane M. *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Glasses - eyes by Barbee H. Dearest Darling, Red hair - mad by Kay S. You will probably be shocked, but I hove Graces - Kathy by Steve 3. tried time and time again to lead up to Victory - never by Dill R. this and some how never could. Freckles - Faye by Karen T. ' Since it has been on my mind for sever -I Losing - always by David R. weeks, I have decided to tell_y_pu_about Sixth grade - best by Wayne K. ot.., Seventh grade - boys by Donnie Y. -- As you probably know when I first met Eighth grade - (heroic) yea!! C.W said you, my feelings toward you were only this ?) friendship; but as days and weeks and even Chubby - checkers by Ann T. a few months have gone by, the felling has Flirt - Donnie Y. by Sandi N. developed into something more beautiful New boy - hope, a new chance, pray by Faye and sincere. New girl - oh no! by Janet C. I never thought I could be so deeply Hard - rock by Rocky P. concerned about any problem. However, I Flunking - Daddy by Linda A. do know that whatever your reply may be Coke - burp by Lois D. you will be kind enough never to mention Girl Scout cookies - cheap by Terry J. it to a soul. Soy Scout peanut brittle - Van 0. by Brenda You are the only one I could ask. Now *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** be positively sincere and truthful, and TOP TEN don't spare my feelings. Darling, considering every possibility, 1. THE DARKEST STREET IN TOWN judging from your feelings and wishes, 2. LITTLE TOWN FLIRT and being' perfectly honest with yourself . WLAK LIKE A MAN and me, do you think the Lone Ranger will + TELSTAR sell his horse when he is drafted? 5. RETURN TO SENDER Love and kisses 6. ONE HALF HEAVEN ONE HALF HEARTACHE ***************************************** 7. MY SON THE DOCTOR Just think! If it hadn't been for ,B. GREEN ONIONS Edison, we would a trhtng,__t evision ---- 9. LONE T RANGER by candlelight. """°- i l..O. RED DREAM *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *,********* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ■