HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963 Kat Chat 02.12.1963 / ,A, and. w aran.Rn 1 i risted_aunior High School February 12, 1963 \ / / \ . . ) \\..... __,./ \\ ( ,A......,......) ) \ i t ;.____ . ,........ 1 ,.... Y 1 \ / / ,. i • I a ii i, K•7-.‹ I .i i ,....‘ i 1 "'""...."."%••■■•,... irw voil A ) ,:_.,... _,._,._ --\\ _ ____......,....( ie .. , ...„-., , - - 7 -.{.--:::--- -- / / / — / ..-4"7----‘ - 1 _ c,-- l ittl i _d? ............,...... • I., \.....,..\ , . ,.• . i• -. ,.: ., __..,...- ; \ i t _____i__. -,,.. , ,...,,,,-.3,:: .,.,..,;-•- .4.4 • ...... / 1 , ,..,,,...-•. ,,,,. , \ ...„; i 1 , ...,,,, -,-* ,,i4 ..,t- . !,:-:, „ •- . A , 1 ) \ ____ ,,, ( (..„...,,ai.i„,,r,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,..,„..,,„..,...,,,,....,,,t,„, , . .... , \.- , \ . - A\ 1 az, V v ..., • . ...9.._and-kLaansoltdated _Junior High School February 12, 1963 --------- /: , / ( i / .. . ;- ----- 1 -----...,....., , 1 c3 r 1 . . ... F 1 . . 1 : / 1 ilip 11 t .I k , ..s. .., -,....)\........ . \ , ■ , f - ---__. .:7 ----__ - _ ■'''''-- i / ..-CY 1 . r----, li k / ,, I ---/ ( , • \\!/, -----v , _L__—. d 1 I . t L..-- 1 . . ) ---------C. _____, -•_)3 .\ \ 7 ---,------) TIN t; c ' \--c A V vit vLt • -----' . (---, 03, 4 t ii �r�'.�i Y�:iJ ll'Ir1�:llUt? �� ` �� JuHi =:J Shelley Co - being quiet or still for Mr. Anderson: Can you tell me anything two minutes? about the great chemists of the Phyllis W. - wearing a bikini! ?! 17th century? Jimbo B. - being fat? Deborah: They are all dead: Brad J. - being 6 feet 6 inches? * ** Nolan Y. - being shy!? Mr. Loveless: what'll my boy learn in Celia G., - hating boys ?! this school? Ann T. - not writing notes in science? Mr. Schaffer: Histor, spelling, trig - Larkin M. - being a 70 -pound weakling? onometry. , o Girls - not ratting their hair ?! Mr. Loveless: That's fine! Give him Allan R. - not writing 4 -page reports!?,_ lots of that trigonometry. Bill's 8t grade P.E. girls - not complaining the worst shot in the family, * ** Bonnie Y. - not blushing ?! Kathy and Mike L. - being sweet to each Paul was finishing his report to the 11 other ?! class on jet aviation. Our modern Peter A. -- being the strong silent type? flyers can do anything that a bird can Mrs. Brown - being nice to her BC study do, and more," he announced proudly,: hall! ?! From a corner of the room, Pete said Wally - not being able to twist ?! "I'd like to see one sleeping on a tele- Boys - wearing suits and ties to school? Phone wire with his head tucked under (being neat) his wing!" * ** Janet Co - wearing glasses Bob D. - with a long white beard ?! Most of us hate to see a poor loser - _ Mr. Holland - being sloppy? or a rich winner, Larry H. - being a Republican?! Charmille - wearing a tow sack? Detergents may soon come in four box Sleeping at slumber parties ?!!? sizes: regular, giant, colossal, and ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** fullo * ** FAMOUS SAYINGS Our forefathers made one mistake. They 7th grade girls - Let's talk about boys! should have fought for representation i1r, Johnson - Fred!! without taxation. * ** Ann T. - I like Terry, but ! T Penny H. - Me the Great Stone Face? here's one thing I can promise you a- Janet C. - It bugs me! bout the outer -space program: Your tax at grade girls - Let me entertain you! dollar will go farther, -- Wernher Von Jane B. - Now I met the cutest boy. He's Braun, just adorable. . . . . t Mr, Anderson - Want some gum, Phyllis? Actually I m not absent - minded. It's Kathy L. - Really? my presence of mind that makes me una- Nolan Y. - Merry Christmas ware of what's happening. Mro Holland - Teenage monsters! ************ * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** A boy was having a twist party at his What would you do if we handed you a home when his father returned home late vair var ?? from his office. The father exclaimed, " If this doesn't bring rain, nothing Kenneth - Eat it. Van - Ride it. will!" * ** Neil A. - Paint it. Fred - Shoot it. Two Russian guards were talking, One -n Pickle it. g Larry - Tackle it. Allan - n Kathy - Kiss it. Phyllis - Kill it. asked the other, "What is the difference Sally 0., - Give it to my mother. between Communism and Capitalism ? The other guard said, "Under Capitalism T 9 Jim l - Tie it in knots, man exploits man,and under Communism it's Shelley - Put it on the ground and laugh at it. the other way around, " * ** Definition of vair -- The skin of a kind Today we use 300 horsepowers to move a of squirrel used in the 14th century as a 150 -pound man one block to buy a one - costly fur ounce pack of cigarettes -- complete with ************ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** filter tips so he won't know what he is 2 smoki.ngo 1H. T' S THE WAY LODE IS - Barbee H. * ** LIPS LIKE WINE - Faye I, If you can answer this question in 33 WITH ALL MY HEART - Mary 0„ seconds, you are the lucky -ducky winner of I SAW LINDA YESTERDAY - Mike M, these wonderful prizes: A CHANGE OF HEART - Roy K. to Dede First -A split -level doghouse with 4000 MAMA DIDN'T LIE - Mary G, square feet of living space LITTLE TOWN FLIRT - Kathy K, Second - 11,000,000 slightly used Nixon- WHAT KIND OF LOVE IS THIS - Van & Kerry for - President buttons LODE CAME TO ME - Neil A., Third -A 40' by 60' swimming pool full TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN - Meg H. of peanut butter (for hungry swimmers) ALL ALONE AM I - Elizabeth C. Fourth -A one -way trip to Cuba ROAD HOG -- Mr, Hopson The Easy Question: If your mother is a JUST A LITTLE DIT NOW -* Stephen H. sewing machine and your father'is a dog I CAN'T HELP IT - Larry H. WIGGLE WOBBLE - Jane B house, how many ping pang balls does it THE NIGHT HAS A THOUSAND EYES - Kare take to fill your garage? l ********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MY OWN TRUE LOVE _. Marion P, �../� ANIMAL COOKIE OOX NOTHING CAN CHANGE MY LODE - Diane MY HOME TOWN - (Nobody claims this. P. " e - Kenneth M. Monkey - Shelley WELCOME HOME - David Riedel TELL HIM -- Evelyn W. K.ngaroo - Penny H. Peacock - Sandy C, ALWAYS - Bob and Dede Grasshopper - Jane B. Otter - Evelyn W. YOU THREW A LUCKY PUNCH - Jim G. Duck - Nolan Y. Baboon - Steve B. WILLIE CAN William , R Penguin - Mrs. Meeks Bear - Larry Holt PROUD - Dick Susan R, Stork - Dorothy M. Canary - Sally O. & Joe Alligator - Mr. Hopson Seal - Allan I NEED YOU - Mary H. LIKE A MAN - H, . & J. Goldfish - Sharon S. Snake - Clyde THAT'S LIFE - Sharor. So Porcupine - Oavid A. Flea - Brod J. SO CLOSE IS CATHY * Roy Ko Panther - Mr. Holland Wren - Zaida CHICKEN FEET - HYnneRh M. Panda Cub - Bill F. Hippo - Terry J. UP ON THE ROOF - Santa Claus Zebra - Gordon M. golf - Wally Leopard - Bonnie Y. iger Kathy AVE ALL YOUR LODE FOR. ME - Steve W„ - th Ka L. JELLY DREAD - Dill P. Ape - Larkin Parrot - L A. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO D,DY JANE - Jane M. Loony Bird - Phyllis Laughing Hyena -Faye COME ON AND LOVE ME - Ellen Po Lion: King of Beasts - Mr. Schaffer A CHANGE OF HEART - Debbie J. Eantam Rooster - David R. �J *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * YOU'RE THE REASON I.M LIVING - David H, OFF THE RECORD LONELY FOR MY LOVE - Katie D. EVERYBODY LOVES A LOVER - 7th grade girls LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND - The world TELSTAR - Mr. Anderson LOVE CAME TO ME -. Barbara P. RUMORS - Margaret I. DARKEST STREET IN TOWN _ Jimbo & Nancy DEAR LONELY HEARTS - Bobby M. THAT STRANGER USED TO DE MY GIRL - Jimmy THE ENO OF THE WORLD - David I. DON'T HANG-UP - Melissa 0o ONLY LOVE CAN BREAK A HEART - Karen T. COLORING BOOK - Melissa M, THE NIGHT HAS A THOUSAND EYES - Jack U. MY LIFE AS A DODDY -PIN RAINBOW - Marty D. by Mary Hooper OD YOU LOVE ME - James to Charmille MY OWN TRUE LOVE - Donnie Y. & T. S, I am a bobby -pin,. Like all bobby -pins NOTHING CAN CHANGE MY LOVE - Shelley I lon g to be in some little girl's clean, ZIP -A- BEE- DO -DAH - the 6th grade MY DAD - Linda, Neil, & Dudle y glossy hair, Some of us are fortunate, THAT'S LIFE - Ronny g, but some aren't. I happen to be one of DON'T HANG UP - Kay S. those poor saps who was bought by (pardon ANNA - Ann T. the expression) teen -ager. DOGGY IN THE WINDOW - Sallie Stark From the time I was bought, nothing went CHICKEN FEED - Paul M. right. First she chewed off my rubber HALF HEAVEN HALF HEARTACHE - Larry O. tips. Oh, how that hurt! Next she made me hold her brush rollers in place and HE KISSED ME -bandi N. & Jimmy A, me bristles mre sharp. If that wasn't CALL ON ME - Bob L. YOQ- -ARE MY SUNSHINE - Sandy C. enough, her hair stank! Boy, did it ever ter 3 ,, stink! It was dirty, grimy, caked with , r «.:ir spray, and infested with dandruff, anyway, the human stuffs me into a sack All night long I was sick. and puts me into his car. Man, is it dark! In the morning she pulled me out care- The next thing I knew I am pulled from the lessly and bent me (sob, sob!). She got sack. The human pulls a sharp thing from quite frustrated and threw me to the floor. his pocket. I want to run but can't. He She heard her mother coming, so she kicked grabs me and then -- slish! I'm in great me under her bed. pain. The cool Upper 10 passing over the You may think that that made me unhappy, wound feels good, Out I'm still not but it didn't., Do you know that there are through. He throws me into the garbage about fifty or sixty other crippled bobby- can. Then some men pick me up and put me pins under here? I guess I don't really into a truck, Next I see a stone wall have it so bad now. Every cloud has its coming at me. Smash'i OH! OH! silver lining if you can stick around long *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** enough to find it. MYSTERY PEOPLE *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** KLEENES, MY STORY The mystery boy in the sixth grade came by Marion Peters to school Wednesday on his red bicycle He wore a hat that has Texas Aggies Being Kleenex is rather boring. I'm printed on the front. He had on brown shut in a dark box with all my brothers moccasins with white socks, blue jeans and sisters neatly packed and folded. and a blue jacket. Suddenly I'm quickly pulled out. I see so The mystery girl inrthe six h grade came much light that I'm practically blinded. to school Wednes d 9Hrk green and red Then I'm stuffed into a dark purse and I skirt, a green sweater, white socks, and start traveling. black loafers. She has blonde hair and Out as for my traveling companions, they wears blue gl sses. She is liked by Mike aren't much - a soiled powder puff and a Litterst. _dirty comb. As I'm jolted along, crammed The mystery boy the eighth grade came oetwRen those dirty companions, I don't to school Monday wearing blue jeans and a stay clean very long. Oh! No! Pencil green print shirt, The week before he tips are being poked into me. Torture! was substitute bell ringer. He has a tem- The purse is being opened and I'm token per when he is provoked. He asks stupid_ „Q out. Here it comes! My owner blows {� ws her questions in class, and he hears a lot - " nose. Now I'm all wet. I'm crumpled up about.a bouncing cannon ball„ Who is he? and quickly thrown into a wastepaper bas- *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ket. ' MYSTERY PHONE NUMDERS I wait a long time until I'm finally • T taken away to the dump heap. There I lie; 1. UI 6 -5502 4, UI 6 -8252 my usefulness is over. The rain and the 2. UI 6 -6221 5, UI 6 -7145 sun come and go. New garbage is piled on 3. UI 6 -8686 6, VI 6 -5990 top of me. I'm starting to decay. I'm * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * *- ** *- * * * * * * * * ** disintegrating. I'm slowly turning_to. , - -- -- KITTENS KCRNER .,dust. *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ally W., was that your tie with the UPPER 10 CAN lipstick all over it? We wouldn't Le :u .. _ by Jimmy Alexander prised if it was, would we, Karen? " Darin M., do you really hate Jane M,? I am an Upper 10 can. I start by being Charmille 0,, if Lylon doesn't remind fastened together in a can factory. I am you of James, James had better watch out! then sent to the Upper 10 Oyttling Company. Charmille, did you enjoy being married? They fill me full of pop. hen they put Punky Y. and Penny H., how did you al- the lid on me. I am sent (by way of my ways manage to end a dance in a dark cor - own personal truck) to a store. And that'sner at the Football Dance? s1-10.0 'ba r �'^ l' where I wish I had a coat. These human Nolan, do you really like blue eyes? o.�k , beings believe in free you. I stay Penny has brown eyes. here for about three days. Then I feel a Dede, what's your opinion of "spin the swoosh of air as the icebox is opened. The bottle "? storekeeper pulls me out and hands me to Jimmy A. and Sandi N., what were you my thirsty owner. Hnd then I realize how doing behind the screen? cheap humans are. They charge only ten Jane M., who was that good - looking boy cents for me. outside the window at the Scout slumber 4 T _ 3 • y • a ANSWERS TO MYSTERY PHONE NUMBERS Sandy C., are you aiways so forgetful? r `nrii , what was in your freezer at the 1. Faye and Bart Inglis ._.12mber party? 2. Ellen and Susan Peach Nolan, you had better watch out for Wally.3. Zaida and Rene Richardson He wants someone's picture on his wall. 4. Brenda and Wade Drennan Wally, what were you trying to do when 5. Steve Brown you sneaked out of the house at 2:30 a.m.? 6. June Sanders Wally, first Phyllis, then Faye, and *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** now Penny? BASKETBALL Larry, what can't you tell us about j Kenneth that isn't a new romance? The Kittens have played ten nontourna- Bruce Jones, why do you sit by Mrs. ment games and have won three of them. Browne's desk in English and History? Are They have won two games with Navasota and you her pet? one with Rockdale. The Kittens have been ;* Gary Fagg, did you really mean what you .beaten twice by Hearne and Caldwell and said to Priscilla Uurke in that literatureonce by Cameron, Lamar, and Madisonville. play? The Kittens have played in three tourna- Rocky P., you didn't go steady with ments but haven't placed in any. Wally Steve W, long enough for it even to get a- Williams gat all- tournament in one of the round school. tournaments, Peter A., what does P.A. + S.O. stand The seventh grade has won all of their for? Is it for a girl in the sixth grade ?games except two, which were with Navasota Now, this is just a guess, but is her nameand Lamar. Daily Owens? Some of the latest scores are: Rocky P. are you mad or glad that Tom K.Jan. 21 -- A & M 27 -- Cameron 32 is leaving? Jan. 24 -- A & M 40 -- Rockdale 10 Jan 0., your secret admirer's initials Jan, 25 -•- A & M 33 -- Iola 7 L_ Lois Becker. A & M 2b -- Madisonville 30 crank E., your secret admirer is Michele Jan. 28 -- A & M 27 -- Caldwell 32 :_'monds. Jan. 31 -- A & M 10 -- Madisonville 40 Mary H., were you embarrassed when you Feb. 4 -- A & M 17 -- Hearne 22 rt to get your band report card? The games remaining on the schedule are: Ruth Ellen & Celia, who were those Rock- Feb. 7 -- Cameron (home) tale boys you were talking to at the Rock- Feb. 11 - Rockdale (away) dale game? Anybody we know? Feb. 15 - Madisonville (home) . Charlotte Hopson, you just couldn't per-*********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** shade your mommy and daddy to dance at the POEM FOR ST. VALENTINE'S DAY football dance, could you? MY LUVE'S LIKE A RED, RED ROSE Donna N., I hear you like your sister's by Robert Burns boyfriend. Jimmy A. we never dreamed your father 0 my Luve's like a red, red rose, was a yell leader while Sandi's father was That's newly sprung in June: coaching„ 0 my Luve's like the melodie Bonnie Y. &.Sandi N., what were those That's sweetly played in tune! , • notes about that Mr. Hopson took from your As fair art thou, my bonnie lass posses? I guess that put an end to your So deep in luve am I; note writing career in his math class. And I will luve thee still, my dear, Bonnie Y., Cathy A,, & Beth 0., why did- Till a' the seas gang dry. n't you have your homework? Do you enjoy staying in for Mr. Hopson at lunch and Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, after school? And the rocks melt wi' the sun; Danny H,, which one is it, Rocky P. or I will luve thee still, my dear, Sandi N.? You shouldn't want either, for While the sands o' life shall run. they already have hoyfriends. And fare thee weel,.my only Luve, And fare thee weal a while! ANSWERS TO MYSTERY PERSONS And I will come again, my Luve, Though it were ten thousand mile. Syxth grade boy -- Dudley Anderson *********** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *- : xth grade girl -- Sally Owen S.`.ghth grade boy -- Bill Price * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 5