HomeMy WebLinkAboutUpdated Application 112103City of College Station I. Applicant Information Date of Submittal Name of Applicant Address II. Owner Information Name of Owner Address Telephone E-mail Address III. Name of Date of Construction [5] [] original location) City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 1 of 4 Indicate the original and adapted uses of the building. Original Uses [~] Agriculture [-] Commerce [] Education [] Gove~ent [-] Healthcare [~] Industrial [~] Recreation [--] Religious Residential Social Trmnsportation Adapted Uses IV. Archite A. Physical Characteristics Number of stories Orientation Floor Plan Open plan Center T-plan Other Mansard Shed Other (specify) Original Current City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 2 of 4 B. Materials (Please check all that apply) Construction Frame Solid Brick Solid Stone Concrete Other (specify) Foundation Pier and Beam Stone Brick Exterior' Siding StUcco Stone Windows Fixed Awning Hopper R( Original Slate Metal (specify type) Other Current Secondary ~ City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 3 of 4 Ve Supporting Documentation Please attach the following information. A. Alterations List any known changes or modifications made to the property throughout its history. B. Prominent Historical Figures List any prominent historical figures associated with the property. C. Property Ownership List all known owners of the property. Include original owner and subsequent owners. D. Tenant History List all known tenants of the property throughout its history. Narrative History Attach a narrative explanation of the chronological and historical development of the property. Fe Drawings · Provide a sketch of the current site plan. Include the proposed location of the historic plaque. · Provide a sketch map indicating the nominated property and any related sites. G. Photographs Historic · Provide at least one historic p of the property. Current ' Provide context. · Provide at least one building. surrounding is included. H. Additional Information Provide any additional information that supports the application. This may include architectural drawings, letters, oral histories, newspaper/magazine articles, etc. I. References Attach a list of the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form. The College Station the front fa¢ade are mounted on pt. Permission of owner for plaque placement [] Applicant Signature Owner Signature City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 4 of 4 A. Alterations Lawn: - Sundial added to property ~ after the move from campus Porch: - Northeast end Of~rch Oust offofkitchen) was screened offand ~nverted to a laundry room; complete with washer, dryer, s~ storage Closet, and water heater; possibly done in the 40's Entry: Front Door: - From door is o~inal knob and hinges) except for bell (bicycle bell added by Van Riper), ~ gms (tr~ ~ation design added t,.~ mclntyre's) - However, the doOr always had a be~ jm not the Currem one - Transom over from door is original Hallway: - Partition added m ~ between front two moms and kitchen ~back parlor by Van Riper's. Partition consists of two colunms resting on two shelves. - Wainscotin~g added in hallway by Mclntyre's Doorways ~Hall: - French doors m the various rooms offthe ~ were removed ~ Mclntyre's - Originally there was one door to each room offthe hall. Later it was expanded to become two doors. Finally, today there reno doors (Mclntyre's) - Transoms closed offwith sheetrock byV~ Riper's, but was removed by the Mclntyre's From Parlor: - Room painted a crimson red Fireplace: - Mantel was replaced by the Mclntyre's - Tile at base of added ~ I948 - Fireplace converted to gas Dining Room: - Originally o~e vAndow on the noah w~now there is two. Van Riper's added, a top molding and Plate rack arOund room - Wallpape~ by Mchntyre's Back Parlor: - Converted imo a chil&~en' s room ~ the McIntyre' s, ~n later (as is currentlY) a study - Knobs on doors have been replaced Kitchen: - Walls recovered in beaded board by MClntyre's. Board is s'tmilar to orig~ but in much slimmer sheets. - No origin~ kitchen cabinets remain - During the 40's the floor was gay, black, and white linoleum; and the walls were papered in a red, bhae, and yellow windOW with window box design. Back Porch: (East) - Closed off with ten more feet added om( bythe Van Riper's Row of columns addedt° t~ center O£~e room by Qan Riper,s to mark were the edge of the o~inal porch had ~er~ (A reference) - Original wall sidings were replaced Southeast Bedroom: - OriginalJy part of back porch. - Ladder added by the Mclntyre's to the west ~ below the cubby door that leads to back parlor - Sun porch added offthe east side of bedroom wSth a headed board ceil~g Southeast Bat~troom: - Originally ~ ~d offcreat~ snmll hall betWeen the back parlor and somheast bedroom (against the so~ wall), Wall was removed by the Van ~er's. Northeast Bedroom: - Not sure when this bedroom addition was added on but it was originally part of the house - Was a chimney here but was into a closet - Pine floor runs the length of the room - not actual lamp there today (Van R~er) Northeast Bathroom: - Not sure when this bathroom addition was added On but it was not originally part of the house - High ceiling - Original light fixtures but not actual ~ there today (Van Piper) Attic: - Attic is com~letely renovated. It now includes om bahh~oorrg three bedrooms (one of these doubles tbr storage), and Closets, - All windows were originally ~ slmt but were changed t° be able to open. The southeast v, Sndow is an emergency windoW. Backyard: - Not sure when outside shed was added to property. B. Prominent Historical Figures Mark Franc~- Fir~ dean of veterinary medicine Texas A&M Rugby team C. Property Ownership Texas A&M ~University 1890-1948 Paul P. ~ D. Van Riper t981-I986 Peter and Beclcy McIntyTe 1986- present D. Tenant History 1890-1935 Dr. Mark Francis- Ban of Veterinm~y medicine Faculty of Texms A&M *Moved to 611 Montclair 1948 1950 Bardin Nelson Various rental tenants 1981-1986 Paul P. and Dorothy Van Riper 1986- Present Peter and Becky McIntyre E. Narrative History lived in campus housing. This building was Dr. Mark Fmcis. I~. He occupied the building from 1890-1935, 1935 and 1948 vmSous other faculty members lived there. In the 1940's the campus houses Were ~ing sold ~ auctio~ to ~ moved off campus. Texas A&M was growing very rapidly ~ space was needed, In 1948 the 222 Larr~r house was sold and ~ved m 611 . The ho'use was cut in half to be moved. The house Ms remained at 611 Montclair to ~ day. Over the years additions have been made to the house. F. Drawings See attached site p~ plans G. Phot I. References Walker, J.K. Van Riper, Paul. Texas The Old Texas Brazos Search, G G. Photographs Close-up of the front side of the house (from) side of the house East side of the house ~ of the east side of the house North side of the Streetscape face~ muth north Front parlor Cubby m-~d ladder in roOm, formally ~ back porch ihe south side Texas A&M Unnamed Slteet 77 78 Street FIELD 58 Post I935 Ireland Street 70 7t 72 73 74 Ross Street NORTH Highway 6 (Wcllbom) 36 41 1 Lubbock (J~ Routt) 20 33 25 34 26 27 Houston Street 1 A&M Consolidated Grade School 9 10 4 ~3 -F'~rockmo~ton Strcct College Park) Texas 611 MONTCLAIR