HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960 Powder Puff Bowl ..- It: _., 30 00 11 . 1.111111 ! 1 , 1111---- % 1 1 .., • 1 ----.--' se V ' to . t' I I ' , , 4 " - ' <, 7 • 0 1 e "4 1 V :. e ,.......„ , 0 rka 4, L. '. 4 4 6 t g) 1 ■7 4 ralig-se....446, `.!... 1 • ,..r.:400 1 * i 1 ■••;.■ i Li, 1 i g 10 C' 'y .4 6 t.TIV e , ,i- - 4:4' . "' • 1 .. i Co • rome...amitot t 1 4 N ; - 4 } , 4 4 r . 1 i , _ • ........- ) • 0 i ------- .........:,.._,T; . ,- --2--------------'=-41 , ...'iiiiik- r P 4 A 4' -11 - 1 ( ) , s ,,,..,...,, f . I e . , . , ■ k .. . 44 ' r CONGO MISS d FRLSHMM (White ,Jerseys) ja Position ' 10 Carol Liverwan G 321 11 Linda Feldman TB 219 20 kagaa Shutt'ler RS 221 22 Sharon Covey FB 372 25 Linda Harvel F8 191 30 Pam Adams BB 432 33 Margaret Brown BB 146 35 Kitty Stone BB 323 40 Suzanne Redien WA 4 44 Cynthis Kerlick WA 500 45 Peggy Breaxeale WB 502 50 Harriett Hierth 0 432 53 June Bearden 0 300 55 Ann Kirby C 417 60 Susan Timm G 325 61 Particle Rill C 213 65 Sherry Holland G 222 66 Julie Goode 0 329 69 Diane Stevenson 0 211 70 Ginger Gay T 197 71 Nancy Inglis T 3333 72 Judy 4uisenberry T 75 Pam Adkins T 297 77 Lonnie Thomas T ill d0 Sylvia Davie ' S 215 85 Lynda Rhoden K 86 Vicky Martinez B 339 88 Kay Gilbert E 461 Coaches a liartAret Ncl4urry Joy Cooper Yell Leaders; Beulah Wri Brinier Ri Josephine Pewthers Belinda White Jo Ann Krenitaky Colors: Red and White TIGFJt LILIES - SOPIK*0RES (Varoon Jerseys) No, Name Position weight 20 Peg,;; Ames 0 310 11 Cynhia Smith RH9 . 411 22 Emily Calhoun REM 25 Candy Garner LBB 330 33 %a eon Smith 140 35 Linda De Vaul H 265 40 Sherry Smith 44 E� G 2 i Ruth Bishop G B 299 45 Diane Parsons C 355 50 Carl? Kincar non 355 C 55 Janet Be arrie G 2 9 60 Sue Davis 0 40 0 0 65 Marilyn Parker 25 66 Susie Stenvenson G • 69 Car31yn Parker G 199 70 Judy Horgan T 216 71 Kay Freeman T 410 75 Suzanne Flowers T 298 77 Rosemary Thomson T 541 so Betsy Ramer 4 375 85 Ivy Courtesy E 221 86 E.1eanor Worley Z E gS Jean pzment - E 291 Coaches: Patsy Smith Connie Simmons, Judy Jackson, Art Bright Yell Leaders: Harriet Cooner Cindy Coufal Jenny McAfee Phyllis Shaunfield Michelle Callahan Colors: Black and Gold III i 00- • _ 4 1011) CZ .Rik°11.ael Om' P wi. . ,...,_ ., 4414 N, f -11011 CO 'r ro F .- I, iiii -_/ ...-....„ ,..,....., ...=, - trt.0 r ikto l i4 1------AiRA.11 , Lb - . - - k- -, IIILLt_03_ ige :o• 41•••• °., alpg 4 ..... .■-\ • ' C "V' . • ‘... .*%11A C3 - ,,._.,--- 01 1 • )1 ,:----■.-- Nest ` ,-* rill . ..- N - , -./ ,,...- -)- go 1 ,. riN . • , . ol* ide r! ft / IC - ...N ... 00 , 114 ( 4. ...gir cr.) ..' -- _ a... .... _ s tc LID N % - ,......,,- a ul V : it Te...5 cn & ,.......„„ ir .....k *I) 111 %Mr eel i 11, 3..i.t. 41111‘, - ../ - all 1 Powclerpuff Pow � er Lilies \V In Annual Powderpuff Game Slated for Friday - , By RUSSELL BROWN pass by tailback Sherry Thomp- • Eagle Sports Staff son bounced off two or three BY RUSSELL BROWN son, , Brenda Hearne, Linda Ryatt, The Freshmen Tiger Lilies helmets and finger -tips before CHS Correspondent Jeannie Sperry, Lillian Bond, Shir- struck quick and long for TD's fullback Sherry Smith of the The merriment of the second an- ley Lorenz, Sandra Sayers, Ruth in the first and third periods Fish found the ball in her grasp. nual Powderpuff Bowl begins McNeil, Susan Minor, Janet Durst, Friday night, then held back a The young football aspirant had promptly at 7:30 p.m. Friday on Kay Duke, Eileen Floeck, Miss determined Sophomore Grass- no idea what to do, finally run - Tiger Field as the Class of '62, the Mills, Vicky Kemmer, M a r c y hopper bunch as the Black and ning toward the wrong goal. sophomore Grasshoppers, meet the Goode and Susan Redmond. Gold of the Class of '63 downed She reversed her field on fran- best Of the Class of '63, the fresh- The Lilies are going with Rose- their superiors 14 -0 in the sec tic shouts from teammates and man Tiger Lilies, in a wild and mary Thompson and Connie Sim- and annual Powderpuff Bowl outlegged all defenders to pay on Tiger Field. i dirt with 3:49 left to play in the wooly female flag football tilt. mons at ends, Judy Morgan and initial period. Quarterback Peg - The speed and deception of Both clubs boast 28 members Ann Loupot at tackles, Carolyn the Tiger Lilies had the 'Hop- gy Ames ran through the middle with the coaches drilling both and Marilyn Parker at the gurds pers hopping all night as the for two more points. squads strenuously for over a and Carol Ann Kincannon at cen- Freshmen dames only ran 14 After uproarious h a 1 f t i m e week. Coaches Mike Denison and ter. In the backfield is P e g g y plays for yardage from the ceremonies featuring the world Bruce Thompson of the Green and Ames at quarterback, Linda De scrimmage line as compared to renowned Tiger Lily band, com- White 'Hoppers plan to run the Vaul and Emily Calhoun will be 32 for the losers. plete watt twirlers and drum single wing attack while Coach at the halves and Sherry Smith The Grasshoppers played in major, the 'Hopper Drum Corps, Art Bright of the Black and Gold will be at full. the Tiger Lily end of the field with the world unrenowned yell goes with the split T formation. Bench warmers are Diane Hoop- all night but just couldn't seem leaders, and the crowning of The probable starters, even er, Suzanne Flowers, Jean Ozmen to cope with the larger defen- Richard Rasmussen Powderpuff sive team thrown against them Sweetheart play resumed. though all 56 girls will see plenty Della Gregg, Frances Cunningham, THE TIGER Lilies were on of action, are for the Grasshop- Mary Bell, Susie Stevenson, Sue by the Fish. the receiving end of the kickoff ' THE GREEN and White took pers: Nancy Beamer and Carole Ann Davis, Donna Helmer, Janet moving progressively back - Murray at ends, Louise Robinson Bearrie, Candy Garner, Ivy Court- the opening kickoff and advanc- wards on three plays before and Donna Maddox at tackles, Joan enay, Sharon Smith, Judy Jackson ed steadily goalward before a halfback Sharon Smith took a Hager and Virginia McAfee at and tri- captains Diane Parsons, handoff from Cynthia Smith and guards, and Carla Denison at cen- Cynthia Smith and Eleanor Wor- outraced all Grasshoppers to the ter. Sherry Thompson runs from ley. goal line 74 yards away for the tailback, Margaret Castle at block- In their final comments to the final TD of the night. Points g failed. ing back, Jannell Yeager at wing- press, Coaches Denison and Bright back, and Linda Todd at fullback. both agreed on a close tilt. Bright Miss Todd and Judy Mills are co- quipped,, "If they don't score, we captains. can tie them." Denison countered Ready for play will be reserves with, "It will be a rough, even + arsha Chalk, Margaret Patter- game."